Remove greasy stains. How to get grease stains out of clothes

Fat dripped onto the clothes, spread and soaked into the fabric, leaving an unsightly mark. Not every housewife knows how to remove a greasy stain so that there is not even a slight reminder of it. But you really want the thing to keep a fresh, neat look! You shouldn't get upset. We will tell you how to remove a greasy stain without any extra effort, without fear of spoiling even the most delicate material.

How to remove grease and oil if they just got on clothes

Let's talk about fresh pollution. Removing them, of course, is easier than those that are already firmly ingrained in the fabric and outdated.

First of all, you need to understand one thing: fat to fat is different. If you have dripped oil or animal fat on the item, the removal methods will vary. Second point: stop panicking! It so happened that such pollution is considered almost a disaster, and the clothes on which they fell are hopelessly, forever damaged. This is a stereotype and it's wrong. In fact, getting rid of the problem is not so difficult, the main thing is to know some secrets and tricks.

Let's figure out how to remove a greasy stain from different things, if it has just appeared on them. And then we'll talk about oil marks.

Get rid of the fat problem

Usual dishwashing detergent will help us a lot. Remember: the advertisement says that such substances completely remove fat even from those saucepans that no one hoped to ever wash. The same thing happens with tissues. Dilute a little dishwashing detergent in a bowl of warm water and soak the soiled item, leave for 20-30 minutes. If you want to best result, pre-apply magic composition directly on the spot.

After soaking, rinse the material well and hang to dry.

Second home method- use of salt and soda. Mix a teaspoon of each ingredient, mix thoroughly, apply to the problem area, after moistening the cloth. You can carefully and very carefully rub the mixture into the material, but so as not to damage it. Leave for about half an hour and then wash with regular soap, rinse and dry.

Each of us may face unpleasant situation when there is a greasy stain on the clothes. As a rule, it is quite difficult to get rid of such ingrained pollution. To extract, you can use modern means or folk methods.

Features and rules for removing greasy stains

First of all, before breeding, it is necessary to make preliminary preparation. This will remove the stain more effectively.

To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Clean clothes from dirt and dust with a dry brush;
  • Prepare the necessary "inventory", for example, a brush, cotton swab or a small white cloth;
  • Prepare a solution. It is recommended to try a weak consistency and, if necessary, gradually increase;
  • Test the prepared solution. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to any unnecessary tissue and analyze the result. If there is no damage, then you can use the solution.

Grease stain removal methods

Folk remedies

Fresh dirt can be easily removed natural remedies. Consider the most common ways:

Laundry soap can remove contamination from almost any type of fabric, this method is especially suitable for a fresh stain that has not had time to be absorbed

Household chemicals

IN modern times There is a wide variety in stores chemicals helping to get rid of greasy contaminants.

Everyone can find for themselves suitable product with the necessary qualities, as well as satisfying the cost.

Austrian remedy Frau Schmidt. Perfectly removes pollution of various formations. An important point is that it is suitable for any type of product. It contains bile soap. To remove grease stains, apply the product on the item, leave for 2 hours and you can safely wash it in the usual way. The cost of a stain remover is about 230 rubles.

Vanish for colored laundry will easily help to remove any stain. To do this, you just need to apply the product on the stained area. The cost is about 160 rubles.

Belgian remedy Ecover copes well with any pollution. Contains vegetable and mineral components, due to which it decomposes without leaving harmful substances. To clean the stained area, apply the product for a few minutes before washing. The cost is about 230 rubles.

Spray stain remover Amway. Removes any contamination without prolonged exposure. It is enough to spray on pollution before washing. The cost is about 250 rubles.

Removing stains from different materials

Removing a greasy stain from each fabric has its own specific nuances:

  • Oily dirt from cotton can be easily removed with table salt. From light things, the prepared solution helps to remove fat (a teaspoon ammonia per glass of water). Apply the contents to the stained area and rinse with water. In addition, a variety of household chemicals will clean the product. Regardless of the method you choose, after the item must be washed in the usual way.
  • Delicate fabric requires careful attitude to itself, so the problem of removing a greasy stain is quite relevant. These include types such as wool, silk, satin and even some types of chintz. Folk methods (tooth powder, vinegar with water) and various means household chemicals.
  • To remove grease stains from synthetics, you can use in any of the above ways folk methods or apply stain remover.
  • If a greasy stain has formed on the carpet or upholstery of furniture, then it can be removed using home remedies. First of all, it is necessary to collect the remaining fat so that the stain does not spread further. This can be done with a napkin. Then apply salt, soda or starch to the contaminated area and leave for 15 minutes. Vacuum after the time is up. If there was a lot of fat, then this procedure must be repeated several times.

Delicate fabric requires careful handling, so the problem of removing a greasy stain is quite relevant.

Features of removing stains from white and colored things

Everyone has at least one in their wardrobe. white thing, so it is important to know how to remove dirt, including greasy stains. Such a spot on white is considered one of the most difficult.

Perfectly cope with the problem of chalk. It contains an absorbent substance that prevents the further spread of fat into the tissue. In addition, chalk perfectly masks pollution. When removing fat on white things, in no case should you use bleach and household chemicals for colored things.

Removing greasy stains from colored fabrics is different from cleaning white clothes. Choosing a stain remover, you greatly facilitate the task.

When washing colored items, do not use the following:

  • bleach,
  • Acetone,
  • Petrol,
  • Kerosene.

When removing fat on white things, in no case should you use bleach and household chemicals for colored things

Getting rid of old stubborn stains

Of course, you can get rid of old pollution using a variety of chemicals or use folk methods. They are no less effective and efficient than store-bought household chemicals.

At the same time, many housewives will find simple components:

  • When withdrawing greasy spots flammable agents are often used, such as gasoline, acetone, ammonia and others. In addition, these substances are also found in purchased household chemicals. Therefore, when using these components, you must be careful and careful, as well as carefully observe safety measures.
  • Wear rubber gloves and safety goggles throughout the removal procedure. This will help to avoid possible negative consequences.
  • When carrying out the cleaning procedure using the above means, be sure to open the doors and windows. This will create a passing draft and keep dangerous fumes from building up.
  • All cleaning products must be stored in tightly sealed containers. and in hard-to-reach places, so that the possibility of containers falling into children's hands is excluded.

Thus, you can get rid of a greasy stain on clothes using folk methods or a variety of chemical household products. The most important thing is to start cleansing as quickly as possible, using improvised components.

Unfortunately, each of us can have a stain on a dress, sweater or jeans. But do not rush to throw away your favorite thing or run to the store for expensive powder! Learn how to remove grease stains from clothes with effective folk recipes.

How to remove fresh stains?

To get rid of fresh stains put on clothes, such products that can be found in almost every home will help. Let's consider in more detail.


With the help of dry mustard, you can remove fresh grease stains from dark and colored things:

  1. Dilute the mustard with water to make a thick porridge;
  2. Lubricate a dirty place with it and detect half an hour;
  3. Wash clothes in warm water.

bread crumb

Crumb white bread- An excellent remedy for oil stains. Using it is very simple:

  1. Lightly remember the bread in your hands;
  2. Apply this lozenge to greasy stains on clothing;
  3. After about half an hour, when the fat can be absorbed, wash the item in the machine.

Talc, baking soda, tooth powder

For woolen light products suitable efficient method based on baby powder, soda and tooth powder:

  1. Lay your clothes out on a hard surface;
  2. Dust all stains with tooth powder;
  3. Put a tracing paper on top;
  4. Walk with a warm iron;
  5. Press down with something heavy and leave overnight;
  6. Wash your item in the morning.

Laundry soap

How to remove a greasy stain easily laundry soap?

  1. Lather the area of ​​fabric and leave it overnight. To enhance the effect, sprinkle the foam with sugar and rub well with a brush;
  2. Wash your item in the morning.

See also: 3 effective means for removing stains


A handful of table salt will get rid of greasy spots in just a couple of minutes, and at the same time will remove traces of berries, wine, sweat and blood. This method has been known for decades! After putting a greasy stain, just sprinkle it with salt, rub it a little into the fabric and let the fat soak in. Continue until the stain is gone. Then wipe the area with an alcohol-based damp cloth and let it dry. Wash the item in your usual way.

crushed chalk

How to remove greasy stains from light silk, linen, and cotton clothes?

  1. Sprinkle the stain with chalk powder;
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours;
  3. Shake off the chalk with a damp cloth;
  4. Wash the item with powder.

ammonium chloride

Ammonia will help remove stains on jeans or other clothes made from natural light fabrics. With this tool, you can also easily remove traces of mold and glue, tea and coffee, ink and rust.

  1. Mix 0.5 cups of warm water and 1 tsp. ammonia;
  2. Moisten a cotton swab;
  3. Stretch the grease stain;
  4. Put a cotton napkin on top and iron it with an iron.

Blotting paper

This cheap remedy will allow you to save clothes of light and dark colors from stains.

  1. Make such a "sandwich" - a blotting sheet, clothes, another sheet of blotting paper;
  2. Iron it with an iron;
  3. For stains large sizes the procedure is repeated, changing the dirty paper until the stain disappears.

Shampoo for oily hair

This perfect way for silk, wool and chiffon.

  1. Lather the shampoo in your palms;
  2. Apply the foam to the stains and repeat it into the fabric;
  3. Wait about an hour;
  4. Wash in warm water.


Combine vinegar with water (1:1) and soak clothes in this solution. After a quarter of an hour, wash in a typewriter.

Dishwashing gel

If you need to remove grease stains from a down jacket, use either Fairy or another good liquid for dish washing.

Apply a little gel to the contaminated area (the amount depends on the size of the stain). Wait 20 minutes and pour boiling water over the jacket and wash well.

Potato starch

If a thing stained with grease is not subject to any washing, feel free to use starch.

  1. Rub a little of the product into the contaminated areas;
  2. Leave for 10 minutes;
  3. Shake the starch off your clothes;
  4. Sprinkle fresh powder and repeat the process again.
  5. If the stain is old, mix starch with hot water.

Shaving foam

Some argue that it is enough to rub the foam into the spots of fat and wait 10 minutes for them to disappear immediately. At the end of the process, wash clothes with powder.

Remedies for old fat stains

An old stain is not so easy to wipe off, but it can be removed. Choose any of the cleaning products!


This great option, destroying fat! Lubricate the stains with glycerin, leave for 30 minutes and walk over the area with a clean cloth or sponge.


You can remove fat from a bologna jacket with salt.

  • Fill a basin with hot water;
  • Pour 0.5 cups of salt;
  • Wash clothes in this water, leave for 30 minutes.

ammonia + turpentine

  1. Combine ammonia with turpentine in equal amounts;
  2. Soak a swab in the mixture;
  3. Wipe every stain;
  4. Spot 2-3 hours;
  5. Wash.


If you have spilled grease on a carpet or upholstery, try removing the stains with sawdust.

Moisten them with clean gasoline, sprinkle on the grease and let it soak in. If necessary, repeat all over again.

Useful video: do you know what stains and how to remove them?

How to get rid of stains?

Now you know how to remove a greasy stain from clothes using improvised means. It remains to find out a few more important nuances:

  • Before starting work, clean the fabric from dust with a dry, and then with a damp sponge;
  • Apply detergent composition from the wrong side;
  • Experts recommend placing a plank under the thing, wrapped in several layers of cotton fabric or a paper napkin;
  • To treat the stains themselves, take a clean rag or a cotton swab;
  • First you need to moisten the place near the stain, then walk along the edges and go to the middle;
  • Try any of the cleaning products on an inconspicuous area or hem at the seam;
  • Do not make a concentrated solution, do not exceed the proportions indicated in the recipes. It's better to do it again than ruin the fabric forever.

It is not difficult to get a greasy stain on any part of the clothes in the form of a blot. It can appear when cooking or eating food. More difficult with kitchen textiles, clothes or curtains. For these purposes, water and powders are not suitable, even machine wash will not bring the desired result. More efficient and effective methods. Grease stains are not a sentence for your favorite things. Based on the specifics of the fabric and the degree of contamination, it is necessary to find the most suitable remedy.

How to prepare a soiled item

There is no need to put the soiled thing in the machine, as this will not help. How to remove a greasy stain to return lost clothes appearance. It is necessary to start with the removal of pollution, namely, from the preparatory stage.

  1. First things with special stains are selected and laid out separately.
  2. Before removing greasy stains, it is necessary to clean the dry dirt with a brush and shake out the dust.
  3. Pre-prepared tools to combat greasy contaminants: cotton pads, clean cloth, napkins, utensils for mixing the solution and the required components.

There are several rules that will make the stain removal process more effective. If you comply with them, then you can save the soiled thing.

How to make it easier to remove grease stains

Grease stains are easier to remove when they have not yet had time to soak into the fibers. Old contaminants eat into the structure of the fabric and it becomes more difficult to remove them. There are several general rules to remove tough dirt.

  1. You must first read the information on the product label. The choice depends on the structure of the fabric detergent and stain remover properties.
  2. To effectively eliminate from clothing, it is necessary to gradually increase the aggressiveness of the excretory agent.
  3. Testing in an inconspicuous area should be carried out before starting the breeding process.
  4. Grease stains should be removed with reverse side, and put napkins under it.
  5. Cleaning is carried out from the edges to the center.
  6. The thing must be rinsed after using cleaning products.
  7. Washing after removing stains is carried out according to the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer. Rinse by hand and then send the item to the machine.
  8. If it was possible to wash off the pollution, then the product must be dried well on the street or in a ventilated room.

Expert opinion

Valeria Prikhodko

Experienced housewife.

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The effectiveness of the tool depends on the correct use of it. For colored and delicate things, you need to choose gentle products so as not to damage the fabric structure and shade.

How to remove fresh stains

How to remove a greasy stain from a product if it has just been planted. It is necessary to choose a tool that quickly dissolves lipids and removes them from the tissue.

Laundry soap. How to remove stains from fat-containing products from clothes with laundry soap. There are three effective ways.

  1. Need to take warm water and soak a thing in it. Soap is good to rub the place of contamination, leave for eight hours, and then wash as usual.
  2. Spots of fat should be moistened with warm water, lathered, put the thing in polyethylene and left for twelve hours. After this time, the clothes must be washed.
  3. The grease stain should be wetted and smeared with laundry soap, and sugar should be poured on top. After fifteen minutes, the contamination must be cleaned with a brush. After all the manipulations, the clothes are washed in the usual way.

Depending on the degree of contamination, one of the proposed methods can be used.

Salt. How to remove a grease stain with salt. This method is perfect for thin fabrics and delicate products. Everything will work out if you follow a certain algorithm.

  1. Sprinkle the grease stain with salt and rub it into the fibers of the fabric.
  2. When fresh dirt is absorbed, it is necessary to shake off the remnants of the product with a brush.
  3. If the first time did not work, then you need to repeat the procedure.

Expert opinion

Valeria Prikhodko

Experienced housewife.

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There are some things that cannot be washed. After the salt procedure, they must be treated with a cotton swab dipped in ethyl alcohol.

Chalk, talc and starch. An oily stain on textiles will help remove absorbent powders. Chalk is great for getting rid of dirt. bright things. The algorithm of actions is extremely simple:

  • one of the powders is applied to the contamination;
  • for chalk and powder, two hours are needed, and for starch, fifteen minutes is enough;
  • powder residues can be removed with a brush, chalk lends itself better wet wipe;
  • if the stain has not disappeared, then the procedure must be repeated.

If the pollution is fresh, then there is no need to think about how to remove it from clothes. It is enough to take one of the powders and proceed to action.

Tooth powder and baking soda. Grease stains from the fabric will help eliminate tooth powder and soda, as well as an iron. The product must be placed on a horizontal surface. Treat the stain with one of the powders. Cover it with paper and iron it with a warm iron. A load is placed on the paper and left for twelve hours. After the time has elapsed, the remaining powder must be cleaned with a brush.

Effective ways to remove old stains

Grease stains from things that have already lain in the basket must be removed with more aggressive means than simple soda.

Petrol. How to remove a greasy stain with gasoline. It is necessary to put a moistened cloth under the area of ​​​​contamination, and treat it on top with the same composition. After thirty minutes, the thing needs to be washed with a fragrant detergent. It needs to be dried fresh air to evaporate the lingering odor.

Glycerol. If greasy spots appear on the fabric, then it is necessary to make a mixture of water, ammonia and glycerin, taken in equal proportions. The resulting solution wets the site of contamination. After thirty minutes, the thing should be washed well with a detergent.

Knowing how to clean greasy pollution, you can revive not a single damaged thing. Such stains are not a sentence, they can be eliminated and you can continue to enjoy the crystal cleanliness of your favorite clothes, curtains or kitchen textiles.

Quality powders, functional washing machines able to cope with almost any pollution, but they are powerless. How to remove an old greasy stain from clothes with your own hands, using the means available in everyday life? The information will be useful to many housewives and will extend the life of your favorite clothes. You can get rid of stains with the usual substances that are at hand.

General rules and preparation for removing grease stains

Stains from berries, fruits, food just won’t come off your clothes, no matter how expensive the powder is. If there is any doubt that washing machine can not cope with the removal of greasy divorce, then you should not try to increase the dose of the cleanser and the time of the procedure. Old greasy stains on clothes do not react to the active substances of the washing powder.

The effectiveness of stain removal directly depends on the start time of the operation. Most vegetable fats belong to the drying class. Over time, they form a dense structure that reacts poorly to household chemicals.

Ideally, in the very first minutes of getting fat on clothes, you need to neutralize its effect and reduce its amount to a minimum. This will make washing much easier later on.

What and how can you remove an old greasy stain?

Experience has shown which means and methods really help, which do not. The capabilities of the modern chemical industry make it possible to obtain new substances with unique qualities, however, in some cases, old, proven methods turn out to be effective, and most importantly, less expensive and more delicate to tissues. The information will help you decide how to remove the fat divorce.

Stain removers

The range of products is huge. Separate universal cleaners and target. Acquire better remedy to remove fat. Carefully read the composition. The active ingredient may be:

  • Sorbents. Work well only in the first minutes. Particles of the substance absorb fresh fat, old pollution is poorly removed.
  • Solvents. Actively affect fabric dyes. Many products in this category can be replaced with gasoline, acetone and other organic solvents, which are often used for stain removal in the household.
  • Chlorine. Good for whitening. Fat, especially old fat, is not removed very well. Not safe for colored items.
  • Enzymes. They perfectly remove fruit, berry juices, traces of grass, but are not so effective in combating greasy stains.
  • Oxygen. Works softer and more carefully than chlorine with about the same effect. Recommended for fresh grease stains.

Many factory cleaners can be replaced with products found in every home. If expensive means well-known manufacturers who care about their reputation - indeed good choice, then products of dubious production are no better than self-prepared formulations.

Laundry soap

Actively acts on fabric fibers, softening organic substances and not affecting dyes. It is important with this method to actively influence physically. The moistened thing in the place of the greasy stain is rubbed with soap. It is aged for several hours, then with vigorous movements they wash the place and rinse. If the removal is not complete, the procedure is repeated.

Steam treatment

The method is effective in the first minutes and hours after contamination. Under the influence of high temperature, fat becomes more mobile. It is necessary to put an absorbent base under the contamination, for example, a napkin, tracing paper, paper. If the iron is not equipped with a steaming function, then you can proceed as follows - hold the greasy stain over the spout of a boiling kettle for several minutes, then quickly spread it out on an absorbent base and iron it with a regular iron. The operation can be done several times until it disappears visible signs pollution.

hot starch

The substance perfectly absorbs fat. If the starch is preheated, the process is greatly accelerated. To increase efficiency, you need to firmly press the fabric to the starch. One option for using this method is to iron with a dry, hot iron over a fabric laid out on a layer of starch. The procedure is recommended to be done several times, removing the old and laying a new portion of the substance.


A small molecule of a substance is able to penetrate into many substances, including fat. Glycerin is destructive to oil stain. A few drops of the substance are applied to Right place until completely absorbed. Wash thoroughly after a few hours. You can prepare a composition of equal parts of ammonia, glycerin and water. The mixture is applied to the surface to be cleaned and rubbed vigorously for effectiveness. The substance gently acts on the structure of the fabric and often this method is used to process delicate fabrics.


Excellent fat dissolver. Unlike products based on oil refining, it evaporates completely, leaving no smell or streaks. Carefully acts on dyes and is considered one of the the best means to break down fresh grease stains. Removes old dirt worse, but can significantly soften the fat for processing with other drugs. Often used before applying alkaline cleaners to increase their effectiveness.

Gasoline and acetone

The appearance of dry cleaning is due to kerosene accidentally spilled on an old tablecloth, which is close in composition to gasoline and other products of oil distillation. This group of substances has long been used in the professional processing of things. When working with gasoline, acetone, you need to be careful. Firstly, the substance is flammable, and, secondly, it has a powerful degreasing effect on the skin of the hands, drying it out. Treat an old greasy stain with rubber gloves.

Hot brine

A method that allows you to effectively eliminate a greasy stain with minimal cost. It is very good to use boiling saline solution. Pour salt into the kettle at the rate of 150 g per liter of water. fresh spot watered from the spout. It is better to soak old stains in a hot solution until it cools completely. The procedure, if necessary, is repeated several times. Salt is an active bleach, so natural fabrics may lose the brightness of colors and shed.

Turpentine and ammonia

Ammonia is considered one of the best means for removing fat, often included in the composition of industrial products. You can cook on your own next mixture: turpentine is mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 with pharmacy ammonia. We wipe the greasy stain with the composition. We leave for an hour and a half. After that, we wash old greasy stains with our hands or in a typewriter. Delicate action on the fibers allows the method to be used when cleaning fabrics subject to molting, shrinkage.


Housewives often use this tool. Every kitchen has vinegar. How to remove old grease stains from clothes with this substance? If in the first minutes after the fat gets in, treat this place with vinegar, then this will avoid a time-consuming procedure in the future. For degreasing, only table or diluted vinegar is used. After application, it is left for 15-20 minutes, after which the thing is rinsed. If contamination remains, the procedure is repeated.

Baking soda and dishwashing liquid

The method has long been successfully used to derive old spots. They use both a dry powder, sprinkling pollution on them, and a solution, wetting the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing with it. Dishwashing liquids contain soda or substances similar in action. Moistened cloth with contamination is soaked in the product, leaving for a while, mixed with water, they work even better than the concentrate, fighting stubborn greasy stains.

Features of removing stains from knitwear

The fabric requires the ability to handle it. When processing high temperatures possible strong warpage of the fabric and change geometric dimensions. All substances used must be used at the temperatures indicated on the label. Otherwise, there are no differences with conventional tissues.

How to remove grease stains from jeans?

A feature of the fabric is the dye - denim. Denim sheds with every wash. How to remove a greasy divorce without ruining the thing? The dye is not resistant to wet rub. This makes it difficult to remove grease stains from jeans. You can use active substances only on old, washed things, new ones are processed exclusively delicate means. At home, you can use a composition based on ammonia, glycerin, hot starch.

Jacket cleaning

Raincoat-type fabrics are unpretentious and resistant to active influence. natural materials more delicate. Particular care should be taken when removing stains from jackets with padding polyester. Use only gentle stain removal methods. If it was not possible to remove the stain on your own, then the thing will have to be dry-cleaned.

Removing grease stains from a down jacket

If fat has got on the down jacket, then it is necessary to act in the first minutes. As a rule, the fabric on the jacket is waterproof. Solvents neutralize it, so you need to use dry cleaning or alkaline solutions. We remove them with a sponge, swab, piece of cloth. After processing, traces of the agent are completely removed. An old stain from a down jacket is very difficult to remove at home, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals and take the item to dry cleaning.

Gentle removal of grease stains from delicate fabrics

For things made of thin materials, it is required special approach. How to wash the fabric without damaging it? When choosing a contaminant remover delicate fabrics definitely tested. A small amount of the substance is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric that is not visible when worn. For example, turn-ups of the bottom, sleeves, places under patch pockets, collars and applications. As a gentle action, compositions based on ammonia and glycerin have proven themselves well, so they first try them. If there is a reaction to them, then you should not try more active mixtures and it is better to give the thing to dry cleaning.

In conclusion, we can say that in most cases, greasy stains are easily removed at home. It's important to do it quickly. If in the very first minutes this area is treated with improvised means, then most likely there will be no traces left. It is much harder to remove fat after a few hours. A thing that has lain with a greasy stain for several days or even weeks will require the use of active substances and physical labor. If the thing is washed and has lain for some time, then even professional dry cleaning can not always effectively cope with the task.