How to wash grease stains. Ways to remove grease stains from clothes

You will need

  • - gasoline;
  • - kerosene;
  • - White Spirit;
  • - acetone;
  • - solvent 646;
  • - nail polish remover;
  • - dishwashing liquid;
  • - ammonia;
  • - glycerin;
  • - "Antipyatin";
  • - medical alcohol;
  • - cotton pad;
  • - sponge;
  • - synthetic detergent.


To remove old grease stains, use aggressive solvents that will easily cope with the most difficult stains on resistant fabrics. Moisten a cotton pad or sponge with Thinner 646, kerosene, gasoline, mineral spirits, acetone, or nail polish remover. After 30 minutes, when the fat has dissolved, re-treat. Wash the product in a basin with synthetic detergent, then carry out the usual machine wash using a program designed for this type of fabric.

If the product, on which old greasy stains remain, is made of delicate fabrics: natural silk, velor, velvet, guipure, acetate, treatment with aggressive solvents cannot be carried out. Therefore, prepare a mixture of equal parts of ammonia, glycerin and water. Moisten the stain liberally, leave for 3 hours, wash the fabric. If the first time you did not manage to get rid of the old greasy stain completely, repeat the treatment.

Dishwashing detergent helps to cope not only with dirt from grease, but also remove old fatty spots. The method of application is relatively simple, lubricate generously greasy spot, leave for 24-30 hours, wash the fabric. This method will help you cope with pollution for any type of fabric.

Instead of these funds, you can use a stain remover under the trade name "Antipyatin". It is produced in the form of soap, easily removes complex stains, including old greasy ones. Moisten a cloth and a piece of "Anti-Stain" before use. Treat contaminated areas liberally, leave for 30 minutes, wash.

Soiled items that cannot be washed can be treated with medical alcohol. First, rub the stain thoroughly with a generous amount of dampened cotton pad, after 1 hour, repeat the treatment. Clean off the grease until the stain is gone.

You can entrust the removal of old greasy stains from any fabric to dry cleaning specialists, where they will give you a guarantee that the stain will disappear and the product will not deteriorate.


  • how to get rid of old grease stains
  • How to remove grease stains from clothes

Do not rush to tear on rags or throw away your favorite thing, which has a greasy stain. After all, it can be removed with the help of improvised means, which you probably have at home. And the sooner you start getting rid of the greasy stain, the more likely you are to put on your favorite thing again.

You will need

  • - paper napkins;
  • - white fabric;
  • - board;
  • - purified gasoline;
  • - cotton swabs;
  • - powder;
  • - ammonia;
  • - turpentine;
  • - chalk;
  • - blotting paper.


Before proceeding with the removal of a greasy stain, you should thoroughly clean the product from dust, first dry, and then wet brush. Place paper napkins or a board pre-covered with a white cloth under the fabric. Start treating the stain with wrong side. Any grease remover should first be tried on a less visible area of ​​the fabric. Be especially careful with synthetic and colored fabrics.

Gasoline is considered to be an excellent tool for removing greasy stains. Soak a cotton swab in gasoline (which is made for lighters) and rub around the stain to prevent streaks from forming. Next, start working on the stain from the center to the edges. If the swab is heavily soiled, change it. After this procedure, wash the product in warm water with added powder. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure again.

An old greasy stain can be removed with a mixture of turpentine and ammonia, mixed in equal proportions. Wipe the oily stain with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared composition. Leave the product for several hours and then wash thoroughly in warm soapy water. Ammonia is a fairly economical and simple remedy, thanks to which you can cope not only with greasy stains, but also with old traces of coffee, blood and rust.

Fresh greasy stains can be removed by immediately covering the fabric area with chalk powder. Leave the chalk for four hours so that it can absorb all the dirt. Then remove it by shaking the product. If necessary, repeat the procedure again. You can also remove fresh grease stains by ironing the fabric with a heated iron through five layers of blotting paper applied from the front and inside products.

Neatly done manicure and bright nail polish will decorate any well-groomed female hands. However, care must be taken with this insidious material. Do not touch clothing until your nails are completely dry. Otherwise, you can spoil good thing. If you still stained it with a dye, then try to immediately remove spot from varnish.

You will need

  • Nail polish remover (acetone)
  • Towel
  • Washing machine
  • Synthetic detergent
  • Special stain pre-cleaning spray
  • Bleach


Carry out a color fastness test on stained clothing to avoid damaging the product when cleaning. clear spot varnish have to active means, first of all, liquid for removal varnish or pure acetone. Check out how woven fabric on this tool - apply it from the inside to an inconspicuous seam. If the thing is made of acetate or (for example, acetate silk), then it should never be cleaned with acetone! Take flimsy and delicate fabrics to a reputable professional dry cleaner.

Wipe spot on resistant tissue with remover varnish(or pure acetone), dipping a cotton swab in it. At the same time, an old towel folded in half or three times should be placed under the clothes. If the varnish from the thing has not been cleaned, try washing dirty stains with soapy water.

Take a number of sequential steps if you are not helped to completely clean the varnish.
First, blot the dirt again with cotton soaked in acetone.
Then treat the stained clothing with a special pre-cleaning stain spray with. Buy it in the store household chemicals and follow the instructions. Being careful not to damage the fabric, carefully scrape off the remaining dirt with the blunt side of the knife.
Wash clothes in very hot water with a synthetic detergent. For white linens, use bleach.
If spot not washed completely, spray it again and wash it again. Usually these procedures help to remove spot varnish for , if it's not too outdated.

Helpful advice

It is dangerous to simultaneously mix different improvised chemical substances when cleaning clothes from varnish. From the reactions in which they can enter, toxic fumes are possible.


  • How to remove a stain

Grease stains can appear on your favorite clothes, on a tablecloth, on a towel, etc. After a normal wash, it turns out that the stains have remained in place, despite the fact that an expensive powder was used. well-known manufacturers. It's completely useless to overthink things. First you need to process spot to be sure that the next wash will not be in vain. To remove grease stains from fabrics several means can be used.

You will need

  • - medical alcohol;
  • - washing powder;
  • - detergent for dishes;
  • - dentifrice;
  • - iron;
  • - salt;
  • - talc;
  • - glycerin;
  • - ammonia;
  • - potato flour;
  • - gasoline;
  • - brush;
  • - cotton napkins;
  • - blotting paper;
  • - cotton pads.


Do not over tighten with stain removal. The fresher the grease stain, the easier it is to get rid of. To remove the stain, pour a glass of water into a basin, add 3 teaspoons of rubbing alcohol and one teaspoon washing powder. Mix the solution well, wet the cloth, wipe the stain on both sides, front and back. Then put blotting paper on both sides of the fabric and iron it with an iron. This method is most suitable if the product cannot be washed.

The second way. Sprinkle tooth powder or crushed chalk on the greasy stain. Change the poured product as the chalk or powder becomes wet due to absorbed grease.

The third way. Pour some dish detergent onto the grease stain. Spread it evenly over the stain. Leave the product overnight. Wash in the morning as usual. The method works very well and from products that can be washed, all greasy stains are remarkably removed.

Gasoline also helps. Moisten a cotton pad with gasoline, wipe the stain on the fabric on both sides. Wash the product in the usual way. Sometimes the smell of gasoline remains on the fabric after washing and the product has to be washed one more time.

For items that cannot be washed, you can use talcum powder or potato flour. Place a cloth or blotting paper under the stain, sprinkle with flour or talc in a thick layer. Leave the product for 5-6 hours, clean everything with a brush. If the stain remains, repeat the procedure.

Wipe old grease stains with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 1 tablespoon of water. Leave for 2-3 hours. Rinse the stain with water.

Very well helps to cope with greasy stains ordinary table salt. Sprinkle salt thickly on the stain, leave for 1-2 hours, brush off everything and repeat if necessary.

A newly planted stain, try to remove it with an iron. On both sides of the fabric, place blotting paper or a layer of cotton napkins, iron the stain. Fat will be absorbed into napkins or paper.

If the product with a stain cannot be washed, and after using the above products there are traces, moisten the cloth with rubbing alcohol and wipe the fabric on both sides.

One awkward move and your favorite shirt or skirt is ruined by a large oily stain. This situation is familiar to many. You can save grease-stained outfits by remembering grandmother's reliable methods.

You must first approach a greasy stain on clothes with the most simple means, and only then launch powerful stain removers into battle. As a precautionary measure, a small plank covered with several layers of fabric is used, which is placed from the inside of the product (if necessary, supporting the lining).

Just placed grease stains help to remove paper towels, 2-3 layers of which are placed on both sides of the fabric and ironed with a warm iron. The procedure is repeated, changing towels. Residual traces are then carefully wiped with gasoline or stain remover, moving from the edges to the middle so that an ugly halo does not turn out. If oil stain formed on velvet, it is not ironed, but gently wiped with a warm crumb of white bread.

Old stains of fat are immediately cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline, and then with soapy water. If dirty light fabric, That potato starch diluted with water to a state of slurry and apply the mixture on the stain for several hours. After that, the remaining fat is removed with gasoline and rubbed with stale bread crumbs.

For fabrics that cannot be washed in water, dry cleaning is suitable. The product is placed on a white cloth, and heated potato starch is poured onto the stain. After half an hour, shake it off and pour a new portion. Repeat the procedure until the complete disappearance of contamination, and then brush the clothes.

Tip 6: How to get stains out of fabric natural remedies

Getting rid of tough stains and dirt with detergent and soap is not always successful. And modern stain removers can change the color of the fabric, shorten the life of the product, and in the worst case, cause allergies in its owner. In this case, you can turn to folk remedies, with which you can get rid of the most difficult spots.

The most accurate way to remove stains from woolen and silk fabrics. Grease stains can be removed with a mixture of glycerin, ammonia and water, mixed in equal proportions. Soak a cotton pad with the resulting liquid, apply to the stain and leave for ten minutes. Then wash things.

You can remove tea or coffee stains from silk items with glycerin. Warm up the glycerin, pour it over the stain and let it sit for complete drying. Then simply wipe the dry residue off the fabric. Traces of sweat on woolen or silk fabrics are well removed. saline solution or medical alcohol.

Grease stains from cotton can be tried to remove with gasoline. Moisten a small piece of cloth with gasoline and place under the product. And from above, wipe the stain with a cotton pad dipped in gasoline. Sprinkle this place with talcum powder, and then wash.

Difficult-to-remove tea or coffee stains can be tried in a simple way. To do this, pull the thing on the pan and pour boiling water over the stain. Or try a borax solution, which needs to be rubbed on the stain and then rinsed with water. Sweat stains from cotton clothes are also well removed with a saline solution. If we are talking about old pollution, use vinegar essence.

Synthetic fabrics, despite their artificial origin, it can also be quite difficult to remove dirt from ordinary powder. To remove greasy stains from synthetics, heat potato flour and sprinkle on the stain. Shake off after 10-15 minutes. Repeat if necessary. But stains from tea and coffee are perfectly removed with a cotton pad dipped in medical alcohol.

Every housewife at least once faced with the question of how to delicately remove grease stains from clothes. In fact, there are many folk ways and options to do so without damaging the fabric.
First you need to find out old stain or fresh, and after that, start cleaning things from greasy stains.

breeding fresh spots:

  • Laundry soap.

Unlike some other stain removal methods, using soap is a safe bet. It does not harm the structure of the fabric, but this method should be used only if the oil stain has not penetrated and absorbed into the clothing. Simply put, as soon as you spill something greasy on your clothes, immediately lather the place with a piece of 72% laundry soap and leave it for a while (the longer the better). After that, just wash the item in the usual way for you.

  • Add sugar to laundry soap.

sugar in this case plays the role of a catalyst. And waiting for hours until the fat moves away will not be necessary. So, we wash the greasy stain with soap, as in the first case, after that we sprinkle it with sugar and three brushes or a piece of cloth, depending on the structure of your thing. We wait 15 minutes, and we can wash in the usual way.

  • Season with salt.

This method is very common, but not always used correctly. As soon as you have dripped fat or oil on your clothes, sprinkle this place with salt and start rubbing. As soon as you remove the salt, the grease stain should be gone from the fabric. If it doesn't, repeat the salt rubbing process until the stain is dry. Salt can be sprinkled even on knitwear, it will not affect the structure of the fabric and will not destroy it.

  • Chalk will help remove grease stains from fabrics such as linen, cotton, silk or chiffon. Pour crushed chalk on the greasy stain and wait a couple of hours. After this time, shake off the chalk with a damp cloth and wash the clothes.
  • Everything in the house is useful and baby powder, and tooth powder, soda with talc.

Many people are afraid to remove greasy stains from woolen things. After all, the material can be easily damaged. But it is possible to clean it with tooth powder or baby powder. Lay the item flat on ironing board(any other smooth surface will do), sprinkle powder or powder on top of the stain. Next, put paper, you can use tracing paper.

Take an iron and iron over the paper, then press down on the paper with some weight. It could be a stack of magazines or books. In this form, the thing is left for 12 hours, you can leave it like that until you wake up to sleep. In the morning you can already send it to the laundry.

  • Bread, around the head.

Bread crumb is great for removing grease stains from velvet things. Just blot the stain with bread until it disappears, after which the thing also needs to be washed.

  • Irreplaceable ammonia solution.

Ammonia solution in general is an indispensable thing in the household. With its help, it is possible to remove not only stains of fats or oils, but also any other dirt. Preparation of the solution: 1 teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water. The right place on things is blotted with this solution, a piece of material or a blotter is placed on top and ironed with a warm iron. All fat will go to the flap of material that will lie on top.

  • Mustard.

It is possible to safely remove fat from linen tablecloths with mustard powder. We dilute the mustard with an input to a mushy state, apply it to a dirty place and wait about half an hour. At the end of this time, we wash the tablecloth in the usual way.

  • Starch can be used on those things that for some reason are not recommended to be washed. Rub the starch into the grease stain. And wait until it evaporates.
  • A solution of salt and alcohol.

Again, when it comes to fatty stains on furniture, you will not be able to wash it. It is necessary to sprinkle the place of contamination with salt and, after the stain disappears, dry it with an alcohol swab.

  • Shaving foam.

Foam can remove grease stains from any thing. Apply it on the dirt and rub it in a little. Let it soak in for 5 minutes and you can send the item to the wash.

Many believe that it is not possible to remove an old stain from furniture or clothes. Actually it is not. Let's find out how to display it:

  • Gasoline cleaning.

Not all fabrics can withstand cleaning with gasoline. Only linen, cotton or knitwear can be cleaned in this way. Blot the material from the edges of the stain to the center, so it will simply evaporate.

  • Prepare saline solution.

The the way is fine any fabric. Place solution: 1 liter hot water and 150 grams of salt. A thing is lowered into this water and washed, as in a normal wash.

  • Leave the soda.

Surprisingly, old grease stains can be removed with Coca-Cola or Sprite. It does not require any complicated manipulations. We dip a greasy stain into soda and wait a couple of hours. Then we erase as usual.

  • The ubiquitous vinegar.

In equal proportions, bring vinegar and water, dip the thing into the solution and wait 15 minutes.

  • Glycerin is great for removing stains from delicate fabrics. Treat the stain with just a few drops of glycerin, leave for 30 minutes and wipe with a cotton swab.
  • Turpentine and ammonia are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the greasy spot. This solution should be left for a couple of hours, after which the thing should be washed.

As you can see, the appearance of a greasy stain on things or furniture is far from a reason for frustration. One has only to apply a little ingenuity and diligence in order to get rid of it.
Most importantly, remember to take precautions when removing stains.

Means such as gasoline, ammonia, alcohol, turpentine and many others require increased safety measures for use. Be sure to wear gloves while handling stains, open windows to ventilate the room, and after use keep these products away from children's eyes with tightly closed lids.

Even the most careful people at least once in their lives put greasy stains on their clothes. Such an unpleasant surprise you can get at the table while eating, in the kitchen during cooking, during the repair of vehicles, and simply by touching the greased loops in a minibus or car with the edge of your clothes. Therefore, the question of how to remove a greasy stain from clothes does not lose its relevance.

Pre-preparation of things

So, on your clothes there is an untidy greasy stain. If you immediately begin to treat the fabric with active caustic substances that break down fats, there is a high risk of hopelessly spoiling the product itself. Therefore, clothes for cleaning must first be prepared.

Before removing a greasy stain from jeans, the product is cleaned from dust and dirt.. If necessary, it can be washed. Thus, the top layer of dirt will be removed from the surface of the fabric, after which the active substance will be better in contact with the stubborn fat. It is not always necessary to wash the item completely - in some cases it is enough to rub the soiled area with a brush with water and detergent.

For further processing, it is necessary to prepare all the improvised means that will be needed in the process - rags, sponges, napkins, detergents, etc.

Removing fresh stains

The most common source of contamination is cream and vegetable oil. Most often they get on the fabric of clothing or furniture upholstery during cooking or while eating. The sooner these contaminants are removed, the better. In the future, fat will penetrate deep into the fibers and it will be more and more difficult to remove it every day.

Let's look at several ways to remove an oil stain from clothes:

With the help of laundry soap, oil traces can be removed in several ways. If the contamination needs to be removed very quickly, you can simply lather the dirty place thoroughly, sprinkle sugar on top and rub it well with a toothbrush. There is also a longer and more laborious way. For this, a concentrated solution of laundry soap is prepared, in which the product is soaked for 12 hours. After this time, the product is rinsed from the soap solution and washed in the usual way.

Removal of old contaminants

Grease stains that have been ingrained for a long time and thoroughly dried up are somewhat more difficult to remove. However, in these cases, there are several proven methods:

After treatment with any of these substances, the product is rinsed clean water and erased in the usual way.

How to remove traces of engine oil

Oil stains are a common and very unpleasant contamination. To remove such a stain, special methods will be required:

Precautionary measures

When attempting to remove oil stains from clothing or upholstery, care must be taken not to permanently ruin the fabric.

When starting cleaning, you should be prepared for the fact that yellow oily traces are not immediately amenable to processing. Sometimes you have to combine different methods cleaning, trying several methods one after the other. Folk recipes can be combined with industrial stain removers and household chemicals. The pollution treatment procedure can be repeated several times.

As a result of such intensive manipulations, it is possible to inflict irreparable harm thin delicate fabric and hopelessly ruin clothes or a piece of furniture. To avoid similar troubles, some rules should be followed:

Despite the abundance of various methods, it is far from always possible to remove greasy stains at home. In some cases, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists and give the item to dry cleaning. This recommendation is especially relevant in cases where contaminated outerwear. After all, it is important not only to remove the stain, but also to solve the issue of subsequent washing. Give an item to professional cleaning it also stands when an exclusive designer model is dirty, the cost of which can be very impressive. IN similar cases experiments at home can end in failure.

Attention, only TODAY!

There are times when even the most attentive housewife has problems with hard-to-remove stains on clothes. How to deal with them is a frequently asked question. We will tell you how to remove grease stains from clothes and other types of stains.

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Photo gallery: How to remove an old grease stain from clothes

Main rule light wash– Do not wear clothes too much, which complicates their washing. Dirty things should be stored in a dry place, but not for long.

How to remove fruit stains

Fresh fruit stains can be easily washed off with water. Old stain can be removed with a solution citric acid in the proportion of 2 g of acid per glass of water. Do not use laundry soap, it will only fix the stain. Another "grandmother's" method - soak the contaminated place in whey for several hours, and then rinse with water.

How to remove grease stains from clothes

How to remove berry stains

Stains from berries are removed with great difficulty. Good folk advice: soak the berry juice stain in raw milk, dry it. After that, wash the fabric in the following solution: 1 tbsp. l. borax, 2 tbsp. l. ammonia, half a glass of water. The washed fabric can be washed after this procedure in the usual way.

How to remove grease stains from clothes

How to remove old grease stains from clothes

Grease stains on woolen fabrics, especially light ones, can be removed with gasoline mixed with magnesia powder. This mixture is generously lubricated on the greasy stain, allowed to dry, and then cleaned with a brush.

If a greasy spot has just been planted, then a cut raw potato or tooth powder should be applied to it. Potatoes and tooth powder rub the stain until it disappears.

How to remove a grease stain

An old greasy stain can be smeared with a mixture of colorless toilet soap and gasoline, leave for a while and then wash off with fresh gasoline. If you want to remove an old greasy stain from thin or silk fabrics, then you should wipe it with a mixture of ammonia and salt. To quickly remove a greasy or oily stain from a silk fabric, you can immerse the stain for five minutes in the following solution: ammonia, glycerin, water (in equal proportions). Then the product must be rinsed in clean water.

Also, a greasy stain can be wiped with a mixture of ammonia and washing powder. After that, the product should be ironed with a hot iron through a cloth or gauze.

How to remove rust stains

Rust on linen made from natural fabrics is well removed by a solution of hydrochloric acid. This place is immersed in an acid solution (2%), and then, when the stain comes off, rinse the item in water with the addition of ammonia.

White linen is soaked in a solution of citric acid, sprinkled on top thin layer coarse salt, leave for a day. Then the linen should be washed in the usual way.

How to remove paint stains

Gouache stains are removed with cold water and washing powder. It is better to soak the stain for some time in cold water with detergent dissolved in it.

As a rule, the severity of the problem is detected after washing. Since the first thing that is usually done in such cases is to wash clothes in hot water using ordinary powder. If this does not have an effect, then it is worth resorting to more radical ways to remove grease from clothes.

  1. Visual control. Carefully inspect the clothes, there may be more than one stain. Especially if you managed to fold the soiled dress, then the greasy “blot” may well be imprinted on the other side.
  2. Isolation. If you decide to start by washing dirty jeans or a sweater, and only then decide on additional funds cleaning, do not put them with other things, but scroll separately.
  3. Test. Before applying the cleanser to the fabric, it is necessary to test on an inconspicuous area or on the patch that comes with the tag. To do this, apply the selected product and leave for 30 minutes to act. Then rinse and evaluate the result. If the color of the fabric has not faded, then you can use the selected stain-removing composition directly on the contaminated area.
  4. Protection. Before treating the stain with a stain remover, a clean white cloth must be placed under it from the wrong side. tissue paper. This will save other areas from unnecessary exposure to chemicals.
  5. Treatment . The agent is applied to the stain, starting from the edges to the center. This is necessary so that the "blot" does not blur. Remember what happens when you drop dish soap into the center of a greasy pan? Fat "scatters" around. The same can happen with spots.
  6. Rinsing and washing. Before deciding how to wash the grease stain (by hand or in washing machine), rinse thoroughly and completely remove the cleaning agent from the fibers. For greater efficiency, you can first stretch it with your hands, and then send it to the drum of the washing machine.

First order means

As with any other spots, time is not on our side. Therefore, the sooner action is taken, the higher the chance to save your favorite dress or even white pants. Before removing a greasy stain from clothes at home, carefully study the composition of the fabric, since the “behavior” during washing, and especially with the use of aggressive detergents, can vary significantly depending on what the clothing is made of. However, the operational measures taken to clean clothes from a greasy stain without washing are very similar in many respects.

The more fat is absorbed into the fabric fibers, the more difficult it will be to remove. That is why experienced housewives, before washing the stain, try to minimize the amount of oil that has got on the fabric. To do this, in no case should you use a napkin or substitute a thing under a stream of hot water. It is necessary to use substances that absorb fat due to their structure. For example, salt, starch, soda or a slice of bread.

Laundry soap

Banal laundry soap - excellent tool to get rid of all kinds of stains and is suitable for all fabrics. They can wash silk, chiffon and even oily clothes without fear. bologna jacket. The texture of the fibers will not be damaged and the color will not come off.

The area of ​​the stain is moistened and rubbed abundantly laundry soap, in this form, the thing should be left for five to six hours, after which it should be washed in warm water. To speed up the process, the item is placed in a plastic bag. Then the exposure time is reduced to three hours.

In most cases, this is enough to make the question of how to get rid of a greasy stain on clothes disappear by itself. Even if this did not happen, then the greasy “blot” will definitely become more harmless and easily amenable to further cleaning.

Salt and soda

Often, grease drips onto clothes that are not recommended to be washed. In order not to bring the matter to dry cleaning, you can try to sprinkle a fresh stain, for example, on leather jacket or down jacket, salt or soda. These substances, like a sponge, absorb excess fat and, if acted quickly, they can prevent the appearance of a greasy stain in principle. For the method to work, three steps must be taken.

  1. Sprinkle the stain with salt or baking soda.
  2. Carefully rub it into the fibers of the fabric with a brush (you can take an old toothbrush).
  3. Wait ten minutes and use a brush to brush off the salt that has already absorbed the fat.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. If we are talking about clothes that cannot be washed in the usual way, then after salt-soda it is worth wiping the treated area with a cotton swab dipped in ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.


If you believe people's councils, then against fat it is worth using absorbent substances. Starch, talc or ground chalk can be used on delicate and colored fabrics.

Starch, baby powder, or crumbled chalk are abundantly poured onto the stain. Leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, the fat-absorbing substance is brushed off with a brush and, after a thorough rinse, the item is sent to the wash.


Ordinary ammonia from the first-aid kit can save any fabric from stains of this kind. It can even remove old grease stains from colored clothes, not to mention fresh stains. You need to do the procedure in four steps.

  1. Ammonia is mixed with ordinary water 1: 2.
  2. The mixture is applied to the contaminated area and left for 20 minutes.
  3. A cotton napkin is placed on the stain and ironed with a hot iron.
  4. After these manipulations, the thing is washed, as stated on the manufacturer's tag.

Dish detergent

The principles of influencing fat on clothes and dishes are quite similar. After all, he is afraid in both cases of the same thing - hot water and strong detergents. The latter are found in abundance in Fairy or a cheaper remedy that can be found in the kitchen.

Apply detergent to the contaminated area, rub it lightly and leave for 15-20 minutes. After that, we erase, as usual. The method is well suited as a preventive measure. If in doubt that the powder will remove suspicious stains, then feel free to treat them with Fairy before washing.

Unusual ways

If there is nothing at hand the above funds, then you can resort to original versions problem solving.

  • Mustard. But, of course, not a sauce, but a powder. It also has the ability to wash away fat. Previously, they even washed dishes with mustard. Simply mix the dry powder with water to the consistency of sour cream and apply on Right place for 15 minutes. Brush off afterwards.
  • Bread crumb. Acts like a sponge, absorbs any liquid, so you can try to wet fresh dirt with it.
  • Shaving foam . If you lubricate the stain with it, it will stop the process of penetration of oil into the fibers of the fabric.
  • Shampoo for oily hair . As well as a cleansing gel problematic skin. Apply and hold for 20 minutes.

How to get dried grease stains out of clothes

When fighting fresh spots it is necessary to follow the principle of "do not let it soak in." But if time is lost and stains are found after washing and ironing, then how, in this case, to remove the old greasy stain from clothes?

Before wiping a greasy stain from clothes, decide again on the type of fabric - this will solve the problem not only quickly and efficiently, but also safely. After all, you will have to use aggressive substances that not every thing can tolerate. It is important not only the means, but also the method of exposure. For example, cotton T-shirts or sports trousers, can be soaked with cleaner. But trousers made of velvet or suede are best treated with brushes.

Gasoline and turpentine

The traditional and time-tested remedy helps with any kind of pollution, but before use it requires a test on a small patch, because it can leave stains or reduce color.

Several layers of a white cotton napkin are placed under the contaminated area and a cotton swab dipped in gasoline is used to process the “blot” from the edges to the center. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and wash in the usual way. May require several washes.

Turpentine is applied on the same principle, and gives very noticeable results on fabrics with a strong color. Be sure to wear gloves.

Coca Cola

If Coca-Cola, when taken orally, is more likely to help grow fat, then when used externally, it fights well with it. However, any highly carbonated sweet drink will cope with this. Just pour it on the stain and leave for three hours, then rinse and launder.


Not everyone keeps gasoline at home, and it’s a rather desperate way to process clothes with it, besides, the smell does not allow doing it at home. Whether business glycerin. It not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, but also helps to defeat greasy spots, because it belongs to alcohols. In addition, it is well tolerated by capricious and delicate fabrics, even knitwear. There are several ways to use it to clean clothes. You can simply apply to the fabric and leave for half an hour, or you can enhance its effect. ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. In both cases, the ingredients are mixed at the rate of 1:1 and applied to the fabric for the same amount of time.

Specific greasy streaks

The most annoying thing is to spoil elegant dress on the long awaited evening. After all, often you have to choose what specifically to save: clothes or a date. Keep calm and enjoy the conversation: remember that the stain can be "beaten" after. Here are options for removing typical after-dinner restaurant stains.

  • From machine oil. Imagine that the gentleman called for you, you are in smart long dress prepared all evening. He also got ready and oiled the doors of his car. engine oil, which immediately migrated to your hem. These stains are well removed by "Fairy" or special agent for cleaning hands from the car shop. Also, turpentine mixed with ammonia is applied to the stain and left for 20 minutes.
  • From ketchup. Meat with tomato sauce looks good during a romantic dinner, but it still tries to drip either on a tie or on a hem. The first thing to do is remove the ketchup. For example, collect it with the blunt side of a knife. It's best not to use a tissue because it will only smear the stain and make it bigger. The area is covered with salt, left for ten minutes, and then washed off under running water. If the stain remains, then it is removed with hydrogen peroxide (moisten the area and leave for ten minutes).
  • From wax. romantic dinner by candlelight can cause paraffin or wax stains to appear on things. These are rather specific pollutions that require a different approach. If the candle was without dyes, then the clothes can be placed in a plastic bag and sent to the freezer for 12 hours. After that, carefully wipe the drops with your hands. If the wax was colored, then after this procedure, industrial bleaches can be used, including for colored fabrics.

There is simply no unambiguous advice on how to get rid of a greasy stain on clothes. The reviews of the hostesses indicate that greasy stains are not always washed off the first time. But after a few washes, they become less and less noticeable. Therefore, before vigorously rubbing the contaminated area with the cleaner, try washing the clothes several times in the usual way. Then, if the stain has not gone away, you can experiment, choosing different stain removers each time.