How to remove a yellow stain from an iron. ways for light things. Natural silk fabrics

31.01.2018 1 5 397 views

Ironing is a necessary and regular process for every housewife. But sometimes oversights happen - an incorrect temperature setting or a hot device accidentally left on things. Consider how to remove burn marks from the iron from clothes at home? It is not necessary to take it to the trash can. There are smarter methods.

If there is a stain yellow shade So, all is not yet lost. You can simply seek the help of specialists in dry cleaning. Employees will assess the likelihood of saving the thing. In the case when the trace is large and there are small holes, it is no longer possible to remove it. Then you should focus on disguise.

Why do iron marks appear on clothes?

Now popular manufacturers claim that their devices have a special coating that will protect things from scorching. But in practice, clothes deteriorate even from the most expensive iron.

Main reasons:

  1. Wrong mode. natural dense fabric(cotton, linen) ironed at high temperature, silk and wool - at low.
  2. Owner's negligence. It is forbidden to leave the device switched on, as this can lead not only to damage to things, but also to a fire.
  3. Broken device.

Burn marks look different, depending on the material and color of the damaged clothing:

  • jersey light shades- the spots are bright and yellow;
  • black things - shiny, hard-to-remove lasses;
  • viscose - the fabric burns, so the formations are dark.

How can you get rid of at home?

If a person burned clothes with an iron, you should try to remove the stains with plain water. This method is especially helpful for damage to knitted product. Lay the clothes on a flat surface, gently wipe with a damp cloth. In the case when it turns yellow, we can talk about the success of the process. If the liquid with the powder did not solve the problem, you need to start trying other methods.

On black fabric

In this case, you should use ingredients such as:

  1. Vinegar. Dip cotton into the product, wipe. After weathering, iron.
  2. Bura. A teaspoon should be diluted in 250 ml of water. Apply to burn marks, wait for drying, wash. The method is suitable not only for removing formations on dark clothes, but also for color options.
  3. Ethanol. Treat the stain liberally on black synthetics, wait 60 minutes. Rinse after drying.
  4. Pill remover or knife. The method is used for woolen things. You should press lightly with your hand, in which case it will turn out very carefully and imperceptibly. Otherwise, a hole may form.

On synthetics

A store-bought stain remover will help fix the problem. You can buy it in the economic department and act according to the instructions.

If you wish, you should use the following methods:

  1. Lemon juice. Pour over tans, add powdered sugar. Hold for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  2. Salt. Apply the product after wetting the stain. Leave under sunbeams, wash.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Treat the damaged area, dry, rinse. You can also mix it with ammonia in a 1:1 ratio. Hold in the sun and wash.
  4. Onion. The method is only suitable for colored items. Grind the vegetable to a mushy state, apply to the stain, rinse to eliminate the pungent odor from the shirt. Do not forget that this product has the property of changing color. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply it to an inconspicuous area for testing.
  5. Milk. Dip the item in the drink, wash the standard method.

On trousers

If there are burn marks on the pants from the iron, one of the following methods should be used:

  1. Cool soap solution. It is advisable to make it from an economic variety. Lower the gauze bandage into the product, squeeze it out, run the iron over the thing through it without intense pressure, then dry it.
  2. Wine alcohol. The method is suitable for removing marks from viscose silk trousers. Apply to stain, wait 60 minutes, rinse thoroughly.
  3. Bleaching powder. The method is applicable to the removal of white cotton fabrics. A teaspoon of the product must be dissolved in a liter of water, washed so that there are no streaks left.
  4. Air conditioner. If the fabric is delicate, this treatment will be much better than using powder. Alkali will not spoil the surface, and burntness is carefully removed.
  5. Office eraser. The method is suitable if the damage is very small. It must be hard and tight soft version not suitable for this purpose. It is best to purchase a new eraser or use it in absolutely pure form. Do not press the eraser hard against the fabric. Carefully treat the stain by stretching the material a little. Then spray with water and carefully run the iron through the gauze bandage.
  6. Mechanical restoration. The method is very risky, as it involves the use of a blade, knife or razor. With these items, you need to try to carefully scrape off the stain. It should be remembered that an extra movement can completely ruin your favorite thing.

If none of the proposed methods helps or the stain has a bright Brown color, you can make an application or apply a thermal sticker.

How to use an iron so that scorching does not appear?

There are a number of rules to keep in mind:

  1. Check the appliance for suitability before ironing - do not use it in a broken form.
  2. The procedure should always start from the inside out. If it is necessary to treat the facial area, it is worth using a gauze bandage to protect the surface of the skirt.
  3. You need to choose the right mode for synthetics. It is listed on the label. Polyamide, polyurethane and elastane can be ironed at 75 degrees, polyester - no more than 150; kapron - 90-100, lavsan - 120. Chlorine and acrylic cannot be subjected to standard ironing, only steam.
  4. After lowering the temperature for ironing delicate fabrics, you need to wait for it to cool down. Then gently touch the inside of the device - if it does not stick, you can start the process.
  5. Do not be distracted by extraneous factors. It is better to iron in silence in order to focus more. Conversations and TV shows often end with the need to remove burn marks from clothes.
  6. The procedure should be carried out with uniform movements, without intense pressure and prolonged processing of one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing.
  7. Do not neglect the steam mode. The risk of spoiling the blouse is greatly reduced. It is important that the properties of the fabric allow these actions to be performed.
  8. When processing a large number things need to be sorted. This will make it easier to iron clothes that require a low temperature first, and then a higher one.
  9. Even if you have to go to short term– Do not leave the device on the product. It is better to pull it out of the socket at the same moment, so as not to forget later.

Video: how to remove iron marks from clothes at home?

Shiny stains from the iron: how to remove?

Why do shiny marks appear

Usually, iron stains can remain on fabrics that contain synthetics, such as polyester. Let's say you started ironing a thing without first setting the appropriate temperature on the iron, as a result, the fibers of the fabric turned yellow, or, if the thing is viscose, they completely burned out. On white clothes, the strip from the iron looks like a yellow tan, and on black it looks like shiny trail, which is not so easy to extract. But with the help of improvised means, you can easily remove shiny spots from things.

Removing stains without dry cleaning

If the iron left a shiny stain on clothes, you can remove it at home with the help of folk remedies and grandmother's advice.

You will need:

The easiest way to remove shiny spots is with onions. To do this, grate the onion to the state of gruel and put on the stain for several hours, then soak the dress in cold water and then wash with room temperature water.

If the shiny spot is not strong, for example, the size of a grain, then it will help regular milk. Just soak the laundry in two or three glasses of milk, and then wash it in the usual way.

If the stain from the iron on a synthetic item, for example, on a polyester top, is fresh, then you can get rid of it with lemon juice or, if there is no lemon at home, with a solution of boric acid.

It is easy to make a solution, for this, dilute boric acid in a 1: 1 ratio in warm water and apply on the item for 10–15 minutes, and then send the laundry to the wash

To remove shiny iron stains from white natural fabrics, apply a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of peroxide and 3-4 drops of 10% ammonia, dilute everything in 1/2 cup of water and apply the resulting solution with gauze on a shiny spot. Leave for a few minutes, rinse the item in cold water and iron again. Remember, this solution is only for white things made from natural fabrics, such as cotton, it can discolor colored things.

If shiny spots appear on black things, then vinegar will come to the rescue. To do this, take a clean gauze, soak it in a 10% vinegar solution, put it on the stain, set the temperature of the iron to hot and iron it thoroughly.

It is better to iron black clothes only from the wrong side to avoid scorching. If, nevertheless, the stain could not be removed, you can mask this place beautiful embroidery or application

It seems that in the process of ironing there is nothing complicated. But it's worth a little distraction, or incorrectly set temperature regime- and here it is, ugly yellow spot spoiling the mood and appearance favorite dress or blouse. Do not rush to get upset and even more so throw out clothes. There are many effective ways, how to remove yellow stain from iron even on white clothes.

If the iron leaves yellow spots on the white:

1. Start with cold water

Dampen a sponge, cloth, or not too hard brush in water and gently rub the stain. Perhaps the top layer of burned fibers will begin to peel off. In this case, continue the procedure, but do not be too zealous so as not to inadvertently damage the material. Then the clothes need to be washed. Water works especially well on stains on fabrics with large fibers (for example, wool). If you see that this method does not work, then move on to more intensive methods.

2. Cleaning products

Table salt or soda. Take some salt and lightly moisten it with water so that a slurry forms. Apply the mixture to the stain by rubbing it into the fabric. After drying, carefully remove the grains of salt with a brush and wash the clothes immediately. In the same way, you can use soda (the method is suitable for whimsical silk fabrics if the iron left a yellow spot).

Lemon juice. Moisten the stain with lemon juice and sprinkle sugar on top (powdered sugar is best for this purpose). After 15-20 minutes, the item must be washed. Lemon juice can also be used in combination with salt. In this case, first dilute the juice in half with water, moisten the stain, and then generously sprinkle with salt. If possible, dry your clothes in the sun and then launder as usual.

Milk. Burn marks from the iron on linen and white cotton fabrics disappear if the fabric is soaked overnight in a solution of water with sour milk (for 1 part of water 1 part sour milk). If there is no milk, kefir or yogurt will do.

3. Use chemistry

Burn marks from wool, linen, chintz and cotton are removed with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide (about 2 teaspoons of a 5% solution per glass). You can add a few drops of ammonia.

For linen and cotton, a solution of boric lime is also suitable (5 grams of the substance per glass of water).

If tanning has formed on viscose, denatured alcohol or wine alcohol will help remove the yellow stain from the iron.

White things can be brought back to life with boric acid. Soak in it cotton pad or a swab and treat the problem area. Leave to dry and then wash.

As you can see, there are many answers to the question: “How to remove a yellow stain from an iron on white?” But remember that they all work only if the tan is not too strong. With redheads or dark brown spots it is useless to fight from the iron. You will have to say goodbye to a hopelessly damaged thing or try to mask the defect with a bright appliqué or decorative patch .

Unsightly iron stains often appear at the most inopportune moment. It only takes a few seconds to leave this heater on clothes unattended, as various yellow and red spots immediately appear on it. Or an unnatural shine, especially on dark clothes, especially on trousers or a suit skirt, which greatly spoils the look of your favorite clothes. When it seems that a thing is no longer subject to proper use, but holes from burns have not formed on it, you should not immediately dispose of it, but simply show a little patience and ingenuity and find suitable way Rescue From Iron Mark.

Unfortunately, even the most experienced and careful hostesses are often faced with the formation of unsightly spots of yellow or burnt color on various things. In most cases, this trouble occurs against the background misuse household appliance. There are many reasons: it overheats and starts to stick to clothes, either due to improper use of the household appliance, when the dirty soleplate begins to stain everything that it comes into contact with, or the heated iron has been left for a long period of time on the laundry. Undoubtedly, if a through hole from a burn did not appear on your favorite trousers, shirt or dress, but only small burns or shine formed, you can restore your favorite wardrobe item with the help of improvised means. In the materials of the presented review, we will take a closer look at how to remove the iron mark on clothes, hide small burn marks and burn marks on various types of clothes.

Rules and secrets for removing iron marks

It should be noted right away that shiny spots are called gloss, which remain from an overheated iron on natural and mixed fabrics, mainly dark shades. And tan marks are the formation of yellow and brownish marks from the sole of a household appliance on white or colored things.

Before you start removing stains on a jacket or other items made of synthetic materials, they must first be cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner or a simple exhaust.

Methods for eliminating iron stains should be selected taking into account the structure of the damaged fabric, its composition and variety. It is important to remember that the fresher the stain, the easier it is to remove. In other words: removing burn marks and glosses should be dealt with immediately after they appear. But if the fabric is burned very badly, and a dark stain remains after the iron, then all efforts to restore clothes may be in vain.

Eliminate small shiny glosses it is possible by steaming with an iron, which is recommended to use gauze, paper or cotton fabric. The course of the procedure:

  1. Gauze is recommended to be folded in 3-4 layers.
  2. Put the damaged thing on a towel, and smooth out the affected area.
  3. Moisten the iron and lay on the gloss that appears.
  4. Barely touching the sole of the iron, carry out the steaming procedure until the glossy spots disappear completely.

In a similar way, it is best to get rid of unpleasant stains from cotton clothes.

If you managed to burn them slightly in the process of ironing denim pants, then you should think about studying the operating instructions for a household heater and how to remove burn marks from an iron from clothes from such a dense material. It is recommended to remove light yellow tan marks on jeans with plain water and a piece of rag. To do this, gently wipe the stain with a damp cloth, and if reddish marks appear on the cloth, then you are on the right way continue until the stain is completely gone. Then wash the finished product well in the machine using washing powder.

If the steaming method did not help, and the thing is not washed ordinary powder, then you can try a specialized stain remover. There are a lot of varieties of these tools, most importantly, when using them, follow the attached instructions exactly.

If it allows financial position, then you can use the services of a dry-cleaning salon, where, with the help of professional stain removers, damaged clothes can acquire their original appearance.

But it is also worth noting that in addition to the above methods of deriving difficult spots from the iron, there are many folk remedies that cope with the task no worse than professional dry cleaning and they cannot be ignored.

Elimination of glossy marks from clothes depending on the type of fabric and color

Glossy marks on clothes are formed when the integrity of the upper structure of the fabric product is violated, which an acetic-water solution will help to restore on light-colored clothes. To prepare it, you need to mix 25 ml of 9% vinegar with 75 ml of water. Dip all the affected areas with the resulting mixture and sprinkle with fine salt. Wait until the cloth is completely dry and remove any remaining salt with a soft-bristled clothes brush or a regular dishwashing sponge. After processing, the product is recommended to be ironed.

If the whole thing begins to shine, then it can be completely soaked for 30 minutes in an acetic solution, to obtain which it should be dissolved in three liters warm water one st. a spoonful of vinegar. After that, the treated fabric should be removed from the solution, squeezed out and dried thoroughly without resorting to the rinsing procedure.

It is important not to use this method in order to remove gloss from dark clothes, as the risk of formation of light stains is high.

WITH natural light fabric the trace of the iron can be removed with bleach or a bleach solution. To do this, stir a teaspoon of bleach in one liter of water and treat all places with the resulting shine. It should be noted that this method may negative impact on the fabric structure.

  1. Removing a shiny spot on black fabrics is quite simple. It is recommended to wet a piece of gauze cloth well with ammonia, vinegar or soapy water, apply it to the affected area and iron it with the steam mode turned on.
  2. Such an effect to eliminate shine on black things is the use of a pumice bar or fine-grained sandpaper, but they are recommended only for cleaning coarse or heavy fabrics.
  3. Lemon juice can also help eliminate blemishes on black and colored fabrics. To do this, squeeze a small amount of juice onto the stain and rub it with a nail file.
  4. Strongly brewed black tea drink is another way to get rid of gloss. It is recommended to wet a piece of gauze fabric in it, lay it on the affected area on clothing and steam it with an iron.

To eliminate glossy stains with silk, chiffon and synthetics baking soda will help, which should be diluted with a little water to a mushy consistency. The resulting slurry is recommended to be applied to the affected areas and allowed to dry completely. Then it is recommended to rinse the treated clothes, dry them and iron them thoroughly, but only the delicate mode should be used when ironing. This is necessary to prevent re-damage to the silk or synthetic fabric structure.

blouse velvet it is recommended to simply spray it with a powerful steam jet from an iron, without touching the surface of the fabric with the soleplate of the household appliance. While the fabric is still hot, it is recommended to treat problem areas with a stiff brush, lifting the villi.

The combination of ammonia with hydrogen peroxide is considered an excellent way to remove shine from synthetic fabrics. To do this, mix hydrogen peroxide with ammonia in a ratio of 5: 1. In the resulting solution, moisten a cotton pad, sponge, or sponge, and carefully treat all stains. Leave the product until complete drying and then rinse in water at room temperature.

Elimination of tan marks with folk remedies from various types of fabrics of various clothes

Consider the most effective and popular ways to remove iron stains on clothes of different types.

Boric acid

This is a unique antiseptic that is in the first aid kit of almost everyone, which is often used instead of hydrogen peroxide to treat fresh wounds, abrasions and scratches. But, how to remove iron stains with this tool?

In fact, everything is very simple. Boric acid suitable for cleaning light-colored items sewn from natural fabrics in the form of cotton, wool, or linen.

  • To do this, it is recommended to add 3 tablespoons of an antiseptic to water heated to warm temperature in the amount of 3-4 liters.
  • Immerse the damaged product in this water and leave for 3 hours.
  • After that, wash, dry and, using a gauze cloth, gently iron again with an iron.


The “troubles” remaining from the sole of the iron are effectively removed with the help of fine-grained salt, which is poured onto stains moistened with water, dried well and rinsed under running water.

If such a product was not at hand, then it may well be replaced by ordinary salt, which everyone has in the house.

  1. To remove a stain from an iron with ordinary salt, it should be initially mixed with a small amount of water to a mushy state.
  2. The resulting slurry must be rubbed into the resulting stain, and leave things to dry completely.
  3. After that, gently remove the unabsorbed salt residues with a soft clothes brush and rinse the treated item in water.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

A combination of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 ratio will help remove yellow stains that appear after ironing from linen clothes. To do this, the resulting product is applied to problem areas and left for 15 minutes, after which the product should be washed by applying laundry soap.

Lemon juice

You can effectively remove just received iron stains on white, colored and black things with freshly squeezed lemon juice. To do this, it is recommended to squeeze the juice of a lemon into a bowl and dilute it with the same amount of water, mix thoroughly and process all the marks. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse well with water.

Remember that lemon juice is the most safe remedy to remove fresh problem stains on various types fabric structures, even on synthetic ones, which include polyester threads.

Spoiled milk

Clean cotton and linen fabrics from scorching is also recommended with the help of sour milk.

  • To do this, the cauterized tissue should be soaked in acidic dairy product, half diluted with water for 2-3 hours.
  • After that, wash problem spots in the machine with the usual washing powder will not be difficult.


To clean things from noticeable stains that appeared after ironing, you can use low-fat milk, in which the scorched clothes are soaked for 2-3 hours, and then rinsed well and washed in the usual mode in the washing machine.


If a light yellow spot remains on light-colored trousers during ironing, or if unpleasant trace your favorite skirt has undergone, then you should not panic and get upset. How to remove burn marks from an iron on white and light-colored things will be prompted by a time-tested grandmother's method using onions.

There are 2 ways to use this product:

  1. To effectively clean knitwear or wool jacket, it is recommended to cut the onion in half and rub the imprint of the iron on the clothes a little with the cut point until it completely disappears. After careful processing, the product is recommended to be washed using powder and conditioner.
  2. The next method of cleaning your favorite things with onions is to prepare onion porridge from it, which should then be carefully laid on all burns and left for 2-3 hours to get best effect. After that, the clothes should also be washed and dried.

Baking soda

It is better to remove glossy slight traces of the iron from satin and silk delicate fabrics using the usual baking soda. To do this, you need to prepare a mushy soda solution with a small amount of water and rub it with problem areas. After that, the clothes should be rinsed well and dried. During subsequent ironing, in order not to burn the saved fabric again, use the delicate mode on the household appliance and iron through gauze.

And you can also simply soak the spoiled item before direct washing in soda solution, but this method is only suitable for light fabrics. Iron stain removal can leave white streaks on black clothes.

tea leaves

During ironing after washing, if you set the mode on the iron incorrectly, then even black things can quickly become shiny. The answer to the appearance of such a problem should be followed by further decisive actions by the hostess.

  • The tea leaves should be brewed as strong as possible and all shiny traces should be treated with it using a sponge.
  • Then, using cotton or gauze fabric in the form of a covering material, dry all treated areas with an iron.


If such a situation has turned out that you, while preparing a nursery school clothes, accidentally burned trousers with an iron, how to remove tan marks quickly and effectively will tell the following folk recipe.

  1. It is necessary to pour 1000 ml of water into any bowl and dilute a few tablespoons of ammonia in it.
  2. In the resulting solution, it is good to moisten a piece of a clean rag, or a sponge for washing dishes, wring out and process the burnt or glossy sheen that has appeared on the trousers (regardless of whether these are black or light pants).
  3. After processing, they need to be covered with a gauze cloth and carefully ironed with an iron heated to medium temperature, but only so that it is not too hot.

Regular detergent

To remove stains from the sole of the iron from fabric products with a simple detergent very simple.

  • To do this, you need to rinse the previously damaged item well in clean water and then rub detergent in all affected areas and leave for 15 minutes to thoroughly absorb the applied product.
  • After that, the product must be rinsed, washed, dried and gently ironed.

This method can be used to remove iron stains on any clothing.


Vinegar is indispensable for removing shiny traces from suit fabrics, whether it be trousers, a skirt or a vest. For salvation school uniform or a full-dress costume, you need to mix 100 ml of vinegar with 1000 ml of water, moisten a piece of cotton fabric in the resulting solution and wring it out thoroughly. Put the fabric on the shiny area and, putting the iron on the steam mode, gently get rid of the trouble.

Laundry soap 72%

Natural laundry soap will help get rid of fresh spots. It must be crushed with a grater, dissolved in water and shaken until a thick layer of foam appears. Moisten a cotton cloth in the resulting product, wring it out and cover problem area on clothes. After that, gently iron with an iron and remove the remaining foam.

After heat treatment, put a piece of gauze cloth on the affected area, previously moistened in an acetic solution with water, and iron the affected area for the second time with an iron. And in the end, the saved thing should be washed, rinsed and dried.

How to hide strong burn marks and burn marks?

To hide dark marks and traces of a strong burn, unfortunately, it will only work in the studio. Therefore, in order not to load yourself with how to remove an iron stain on clothes, you should simply follow these recommendations:

  • to iron things through gauze;
  • add a little vinegar to the spray bottle compartment, as thanks to acidic environment the formation of glosses can be prevented;
  • take into account all recommendations for ironing and temperature selection indicated by the clothing manufacturer on the labels;
  • if the properties of the fabric allow, then be sure to iron with the steaming mode;
  • regularly monitor the cleanliness of the soleplate of the iron, since it is soot that often contributes to the formation of shine and white spots on black things.

You will never need the methods of removing iron stains described in this material if you use the household appliance correctly and do not be distracted by another reason while ironing. Then the things will be, as in the photo or picture - always in excellent condition.

Dear visitor! If you know other methods for removing stains, please leave your experience in the comments.

Ironing linen and clothes requires accuracy and care. After all, it’s only worth being distracted or not adjusting the temperature regime, as your favorite thing is spoiled. But do not be upset: if the iron did not burn through the fabric, but left a scorch mark, a chance to return things original view There is.

If you are faced with the problem of tanning - a “burnt” stain from the iron, it is easier to take the damaged item to dry cleaning. But sometimes there is no time for this or dry cleaning is far away. And there is such a case that this thing is needed today. There are also special chemicals to remove stains from clothes - instant stain remover-pencil "FASTGO", "Vanish" or "Amway". But such funds are not always available in the house. What to do in this case? Take advantage folk ways, with which you can remove stains from any fabric. To remove burn marks from the iron, the following tools are used:

  1. Sugar and lemon. It is necessary to cut the lemon into two halves, rub the yellow spot with the inside, so that it is well saturated. After treatment with lemon, sprinkle the stain on top with sugar or powdered sugar, completely covering the yellowness. Wait until the thing dries, then wash it.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. This product is used to clean fabrics. light colors as the peroxide will damage the paint. Hydrogen peroxide is applied to the problem spot. Wait until the stain clears up. This usually happens within 10 minutes. If the yellowness still remains, repeat the procedure, after which the item must be washed.
  3. Onion juice. Cut the onion into two parts and rub inside tan. Wash item in warm water.
  4. Spoiled milk. A thing with a tan from an iron is soaked in yogurt for an hour, after which it is washed.
  5. Salt and water. A slurry of these products is applied to the tan. After the mixture dries, you need to clean the stain with a brush.

Important! If the stain is brown, it cannot be removed. In this case, you can stick or sew applications on this place, which are sold in the textile departments.

Removing stains from various fabrics

There are ways to remove stains from a particular type of fabric. The composition of the fabric from which the clothes are sewn is on the paper label.

For white cotton fabric a solution of 5 grams of bleach powder and a liter of warm water is suitable. The resulting solution is applied to the stain for several minutes. This procedure can be repeated again if the stain does not disappear.

Product wool can be cleaned with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. These funds are mixed in equal parts. Also, a stain on a woolen item can be removed with a razor or a nail file, carefully cutting off the villi from the surface.

stain on clothes viscose removed with denatured alcohol. It is necessary to wet a piece of sponge with industrial alcohol and carefully soak the problem area with it. Denatured alcohol should be well absorbed into the fabric.

Silk things get rid of tan marks with soda and water. A thick mixture of these products is applied to the stain, after complete drying, the item must be washed in warm water.

After you have applied one of the methods for removing burn marks from the iron, you need to thoroughly steam the fabric. You can use a steamer or iron the fabric through damp gauze.

How to remove tan marks on synthetics?

Synthetic fabric is very sensitive, so it is very easy to leave a tan on such clothes. Stains can be removed using the following universal ways: lemon juice, onion, vinegar, salt and soda. White and light-colored things are cleaned with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

With the help of a solution of borax, a stain from an iron on clothes made of colored synthetics is removed. Dilute one teaspoon of borax in a glass of water. Wipe the damaged area on the clothes with the resulting solution. After the fabric is dry, wash and iron.

You can not iron things until the tan is removed. After repeated ironing, the stain cannot be removed.

How to remove iron marks on black?

Black clothes are present in the wardrobe of both men and women. Pants, skirts, jackets are an integral part of the wardrobe of a person who works in the office. Therefore, it creates a very unpleasant situation when a shiny iron stain remains on a black fabric. And on black fabric, tan marks are especially noticeable! There are several ways to remove stains left from a hot iron:

  1. Laundry soap solution. In this solution, gauze is wetted and the damaged area is ironed through it. It is important to iron without strong pressure.
  2. Acetic acid. Need to do vinegar solution by adding one teaspoon of acid to a glass of water. A cotton swab or sponge is wetted in the solution and the tan is carefully wiped. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  3. Newspaper sheet. If you iron the problem area on the clothes through newspaper sheet, the stain will disappear.
  4. A piece of pumice. This item is used in the fight against rough skin on the heels, but it can also be used when removing the lasa. If you rub a pumice stone on the area affected by the sole of the iron, the shine will fade.
  5. Office eraser. Surely, this item is in your child's briefcase. If the stain is not too big, the eraser can rub it off.
  6. Black tea. It is necessary to brew strong tea, moisten gauze or cotton cloth in it and iron the damaged area through it.

A lot of practical advice can be gleaned from the video blogs of ordinary people - in a short video, the author explains why lasses appear on black fabric, and gives one simple way to get rid of them.

Causes and prevention of tanning on clothes

The reasons for the appearance of tan marks on the fabric are always the same:

Of course, it is easier to prevent a problem than to look for a solution later. Therefore, when ironing, observe simple measures precautions that will help in the future to avoid scorching on your favorite things.

  • Before ironing, carefully read the information on the clothes label: it indicates the composition of the fabric and the allowable temperature.
  • Iron the inside out, the marks will stay inside.
  • Iron the clothes through the damp gauze.
  • If you iron a lot of clothes at once, then start ironing with delicate fabrics. A heated iron will not harm heavier fabrics.
  • If you have ironed your laundry, but you still have an unironed silk item, turn off the iron, let it cool down, and then turn it on again.
  • Keep the soleplate clean.

You can visually get acquainted with the rules of ironing things in the video. The author, by his own example, shows that proper ironing using some tricks will preserve the quality of things for a long time.

Thus, we can conclude that, despite the fact that housewives have on the farm modern irons with a ton of features, it doesn't always protect clothes from scorching. But following the rules of ironing, and using home remedies will help to avoid unpleasant stains on your favorite things.