Northern and southern face types. nordic appearance

But not fully disclosed, I want to bring to your attention more full version racial types of Caucasians on the examples of famous people.

Mediterranean type (Atlanto-Mediterranid)

One of the main racial types of Caucasians, which, in turn, consists of several subraces. There is no way to consider each of them in detail, so let's focus on the main one.

Mediterraneans are dark-pigmented, short in stature, thin (ecto / mesomorphic) body type, dark chestnut to black hair color, dark eye color (black, brown, light brown, yellow), their faces are high or medium in height, the jaw is narrow, graceful, dolicho / mesocephaly (protruding nape), full lips, thin nose, superciliary arches are, but weakly expressed its bridge of the nose is high than in the Nordids, it can be either straight or slightly convex with a hump.

This population of most of the Iberian Peninsula, southwestern France, southern and central Italy, southern and eastern Greece, Mediterranean islands, often found in countries Latin America, in the United States, and among Sephardi Jews.

Representatives of this type

Antonio Banderas

Murilo Benicio

Penelope Cruz

Salma Hayek

Gloria Pires

Olivia Palermo

Paleo - Atlantis

This type of Caucasians is the oldest indigenous population of the Atlantic coast. People of this type are dolichocephalic, tall and medium height, mesomorphic physique, the length of the body is often longer than the legs. Have wide face with a protruding chin, low forehead and developed superciliary arches. In men, eyebrows are thick and thick, often fused, strong growth of body hair. The nose is usually round and wide. The hair is black or dark brown, the eyes are brown or black, the skin is swarthy.

They are part of the indigenous population of all countries of the Atlantic coast. The highest concentration is in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Norway (Tudal type).

This type in pure form already a rarity, it is most often found in a mixed form or in the form of an influence on a particular racial type. Examples of types with the influence of Paleo-Atlanteans:

Aidan Turner

Colin Farrell

Danny O'Donoghue

Chris de Burgh

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Victoria Beckham

Nancho Novo


Borreby (Danish Borreby - Borreby) is one of the most common anthropological type of the Caucasian race, phenotypically close to representatives of the Baltic racial type. Distributed in Central, Western and Northern Europe. In principle, these are almost the Baltids from my previous post, but differ from them in some massiveness.

The type was identified by anthropologist Carlton Kuhn. Kuhn o Borreby "Today this type seems to be a significant racial element in central and northern Germany, with branches in other territories. However, its German form is never as pronounced as in the north. In this sense, this type is transitional to the Alpine type on the one hand and to the Baltic type on the other." Borrebi among the Danes is up to 40%, among the Belgians - 35%, among the Germans -25%, especially in the Rhine and Ruhr region, among the Dutch - 20%. There is information about the spread of borrebi among the Lithuanians and among the Poles of Pomerania.

Borrebi is characterized by light pigmentation of hair and eyes, a large and round head with a sloping forehead, a low and wide face, and a small, medium width nose. Medium and below average height, endomorphic and mesomorphic physique.

Examples in photos:

Emma Bunton

Kirsten Dunst and her husband Jesse Plemons, both borrebies

Dakota Fanning

Lily Cole

Isabella Miko - Polish actress

swedish girl

Eamon Owens

Zach Galifianakis

Jon Arne Riise - Norwegian footballer

Brendan Gleeson

Jeremy Renner

Eckhart Tolle - German writer

Charles Hendry - British politician

Winston Churchill


Part of the population of Northwestern Europe, especially common among the Irish and the British. Brunn is similar to Borrebi, but more graceful in general, and also reminiscent of our Baltids/Western Baltids. The skin is usually light, sometimes freckled, does not tan well, hair color can vary from dark brown to light, red hair is common, eyes are light. Face with soft features, but well profiled with a prominent chin, the shape of the nose can be either straight or concave. Mesocephals. Growth is medium and high. Build: mesomorphic.

Daniel Craig

Jimmi Simpson

Dominic Monaghan

Rupert Grint

Amy Adams

Lindsay Lohan (Irish)

Miley Cyrus (has Scottish, Irish, English roots)

Eastern Baltids

It is a mistake to assume that this type is more common among Russians, Finno-Ugric peoples, and among part of the population mixed with Lapoids of the Scandinavian countries. In the last post, there were more examples of Russians and Finno-Ugric peoples, now I will give examples of Germans and British. Here is what the anthropologist K. Kuhn writes about the Eastern Baltic racial type: "The term "Eastern Baltic" is correctly applied to a composite racial type, distributed mainly in northeastern Germany, Poland, the Baltic states, Finland, although in the form of special cases it is found in Sweden and other regions. This is a partially reduced descendant of the Borreby type (Baltids) with an admixture of Lapoid and Nordic types."

"Field Marshal von Hindenburg, originally from East Prussia, classic pattern East Baltic racial type, to which the majority of Prussian landowning junkers belong." K. Kuhn.

So, as we see, this is complete nonsense about the Germans, who are "true Aryans" and all as one without exception are Nords. Let's look further.

Konrad Laimer - Austrian football player

Holger Badstuber is a German football player. In my opinion, they both are very similar to the Russian football player Andrey Arshavin.

Evan Stewart

Frederic Lau - German actor

Kate Nesbitt - British woman sailor

Kate Moss - there is something East Baltic about her

Hayley Bennett - British American actress

Anna Maxwell Martin - British actress

Sandra Hüller - German actress

Ylva Johansson - Swedish Minister for Integration

Jennifer Lawrence - her "Russianness" is the influence of the Eastern Baltic type on the features of her appearance.

Alpine racial type

The Alpine race is a minor race within the Caucasoid race. Separated at the end of the 19th century. French anthropologist Georges Lapouge. It is found throughout Eastern Europe and Western Europe in the north of the Balkan Peninsula, in Switzerland, France, in southern Germany and in northern Italy. The Alpine race is distinguished by its wide distribution and great diversity.

The Alpine race is characterized by medium and below average growth, mesomorphic and endomorphic physique. A low and broad face, a steep forehead with weakly pronounced superciliary arches, a sharp brachycephaly, round face, a small thickened nose, dark pigmentation of hair and eyes, swarthy skin.
In my previous post, the Alpine racial type was considered using the examples of the Slavs. Here I will give examples of this type among the inhabitants of Western Europe, mainly.

"The Alpine race in Germany The Alpine race in Germany Alpinids are reduced representatives of the Upper Paleolithic type; they are generally of medium height, with rounded shapes; their heads are medium in size, rounded, faces are characteristically round, and facial features are slightly infantile. Alpinid pigmentation varies from very light to dark, but usually medium. distributed in the highlands and forests of Europe and Asia, from the Pyrenees to the Pamirs.Alpinids are at the origins of all or almost all brachycephalic racial types inhabiting these territories.The territorial distribution of alpinids is not the result of invasions or expansion, but the result of parallel evolution.The territory with the largest concentration of alpinids in Europe is southern Germany.The most the best place in the world to search for alpinides - a Bavarian bar." K. Kuhn.

Munich. Vintage postcard.

Geli Raubal - Hitler's niece

Léon Degrelle - Belgian military figure and far-right politician during the 2nd World War

Hugo Boss

Rainer Werner Fassbinder - German film director

Anders Ekborg - Swedish actor

Thomas Anders

Pavel Travnichek

Daniel Brühl

Demi Lovato

Susan Hoecke - German actress

Malin Buska - Swedish actress

Victoria Justice

Christina Ricci

Ciara Tucker (Canadian model)

Jacqueline Kennedy


The Dinaric racial type is one of the main types of southern Caucasians, which got its name in honor of the Dinaric Alps. territory from France to Ukraine, capturing the South of Europe. "Epicenter" - in the Balkans. The term was introduced in the early twentieth century by the French anthropologist I. Deniker. Deniker singled out the following signs Dinaric race: tall, brachycephaly, dark blond or black hair, straight, thin or aquiline nose, oblong face. Later, other researchers pointed to such typical characteristics as a slender physique, strong hair growth on the body and face, and a flat nape.
In the works of modern domestic anthropologists, the Dinaric complex is understood as a combination of features that is characteristic primarily for the mountainous population of Yugoslavia, mainly Montenegrins - an increased massiveness of the skull and physique, large facial features, a very wide face and head.

The Dinaric type is widespread in Europe from France to Ukraine, capturing the South of Europe. "Epicenter" - in the Balkans.

Yannis Voglis, Greek actor of old cinema

Greek football players, in this photo all Dinaric

Gianluca Zambrotta, Italian footballer

Marko Jaric

Eric Cantona

Alexis Georgoulis, Greek actor

Elena Paparizou - Greek singer

Emina Chunmulaz (top model of Albanian origin)

dalofalide or cromanid

Dalofalids cannot be counted among the main races of modern Europe, although they are often found in a number of places in northwestern Europe, most of all in Germany. Some consider it a relic of the Paleolithic population of Europe, others - a kind of Nordic race. Dalofalids are tall, but people of this race are not so slender as they are heavy and broad-boned. The physique is mesomorphic and endomorphic.
A wide face is combined with dolicho- and mesocephaly. The face is relatively low, square, massive and broad-cheeked; the nose is short, straight or slightly curved. The mouth is wide. The eyes are deep-set and seem small, the bridge of the nose is deepened.
The hair is blond, with a tendency to reddish tones. The eyes are light, but more gray than blue.

Brad Pitt

Gisele Bundchen

Nikolai Coster-Waldau

Dolph Lundgren

Casper Van Dien

Dieter Bohlen

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Til Schweiger

Donald Trump

Angela Merkel

Oliver Kahn


In people nordic type appearance is slender and beautiful, not only the face, but also the skull. The man looks quite stern and concentrated. If a person wears long hair, then this is not noticeable much, but in the absence of hair or with very short haircut such a feature of appearance as an elongated narrow skull is very striking. In the region of the temples, the head is even narrower, one gets the impression that it is in this place squeezed. If we talk about facial features, it is worth noting that the eyes are quite deep set, the nose does not protrude very much, which cannot be said about the chin. The forehead is tilted back, the back of the nose is narrow, the eyebrows are almost even. Lips are thin. Characteristic is the convex nape, which is perfectly visible in profile. It seems that with such facial features, the cheekbones should be quite pronounced, but this is not so. In representatives of the Nordic race, they are almost vertical, therefore invisible.

Hair and eyes are exceptionally light, most often blue color. Hair color can be either golden wheat or have various shades light brown with cool undertones. The texture of the hair is soft and slightly curly.

Type is rare in pure form, but often found in mixtures with various types. Height: high. Body type: ectomorphic. The highest concentration: in Sweden and in the North of Europe.

Alexander Skarsgård (predominantly Nordic type)

Gabriel Aubry

Johannes Huebl

Armie Hammer

Paul Bettany

Paul Newman

Prince Philip

Nene von Schlebrugge

Grace Kelly (predominantly Nordic type, but there is some softness of facial features characteristic of the Baltids)

Tippi Hedren

Charlize Theron

Nords, with signs of other racial types

Nordid + borrebi

Margot Robbie


Subnordid is a Central European type that combines the features of a Nordid and an Alpinid. Formed on the border of the ranges of the Nordic and Alpine races. It differs from the classic Nordid by an average head height, a straight or sloping forehead, more soft tissues on the face, more wide nose, darker hair, medium height. Eye color can be either light or dark. Distributed in countries where nordic race adjoins the Alpine - in Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, in the North of Italy and in a number of countries of Eastern Europe.

I didn’t find typing celebrities for this type, so my examples, as I see them:

Karel Gott

Isabella Rossellini

Clark Gable

Alain Delon

3. Norid (nordid + dinarid) and Celtic nordid

These two types are so similar to each other that even experts find it difficult to clearly define them.

norid combines the features of both Nordid and Dinarid. Distributed in places of contact between the two races that form the type - throughout Central Europe: the east of France, Switzerland, Austria, the north of Italy, the south of Germany (Bavaria), the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the south of Poland, the north of the Balkan Peninsula, western Ukraine. Norids differ from ordinary Dinarids in light pigmentation of skin, hair, and eyes, and from Nordids in brachycephaly, a Dinaric facial angle, aquiline nose, a heavier upper eyelid, and a more sloping forehead.

Massimo Carrera

Francesco Totti

And here Celtic Nordid:

Celtic Nordid - Western European Nordic type. Resembles a Norid, but has meso/dolichocephaly and generally more Nordic features. It differs from the Nordid by a strongly protruding nose with a hump, a more sloping forehead, more dark color hair (dark blond, chestnut), often darker eyes.

Examples of Celtic Nordid, taken from anthropological forums:

Ralph Fiennes

Mel Gibson

Matthew McConaughey

Dolores O'Riordan

Princess Diana

4. Atlantis and North Atlantis

Nordo-Atlantid (North Atlantid) is a more Nordicized version of the usual Mediterranean type, which can even be called an exotic variety of the Nordic race. Combines like Nordic features- tall, light skin pigmentation, light eyes, and Mediterranean - dark hair, longer and wider nose, more elongated face, fuller lips, more round shape protruding occiput. The type is very close to our northern pontids.

Distributed throughout Western Europe - in the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, found in northern Spain, sometimes in southwestern Germany and Switzerland, less often in Italy.

Liv Tyler

Jennifer Connelly

Model from Sweden

Angelina Jolie

Matt Bomer

Kostas Martakis

As for the usual Atlantis, then this is the same type, only with brown or black eyes, brown-eyed and dark-haired Nordid.

Iranian (Middle Eastern) Nordid

A subtype of the Nordic racial type in places not characteristic of the Nords - in the Middle East and Central Asia. Irano-Nordids usually appear either in closed mountain populations, untouched by admixture since the ancient Indo-Europeans (Pashtuns, Kalash), or as an accidental burst of genes (in most cases). It arose as a result of the migrations of the Nordic Indo-European tribes to the South and South-East. Subsequently, it was strongly mixed with local racial types and was almost never preserved at the population level (with rare exceptions), often manifesting itself not in its pure form, but as an influence. It can carry the gene pool of the Middle Eastern races, even if outwardly (phenotypically) the Near East features did not appear. It is found in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Armenia, Syria, Lebanon. In Central Asia, it is found in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and also in northern India. Often observed among Ashkenazi Jews.

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ

It is worth talking about a few more basic types of Caucasians common in Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Middle East.


Indigenous type in the North Caucasus and neighboring regions, sometimes found mixed with Alpids, Pontids and Baltids. The type is typical for the Georgian and Abkhazian population, and is also common among Chechens, Ingush and Ossetians. Height: Tall, endomorphic to mesomorphic build. Brachycephaly, hair color from blond to black. Eyes brown, grey. The nose is large, straight or convex, the lips are full. The forehead is low, the face is broad and angular.

Type examples:

Armenides or Western Asian type

A set of features common to this type was identified in many areas among the modern population of Western Asia and the Caucasus. People of the Western Asian race are of medium and short stature, stocky, short-headed, with a steep nape; the face is of medium width, with a strongly protruding massive nose, curved downwards or hooked in the cartilaginous part, with a fleshy tip. The lips are quite fleshy. The eyes are brown, with bulging eyelids. Hair brown or black, usually wavy, often curly. The hairline of the body is very strongly developed, the eyebrows are dense, often fused at the bridge of the nose.

Western Asians, except for Armenia, are found among the population of the entire Middle East, Turkey, and Greece. Also, this racial type is common among Jews, it is found among them both in its pure form and in combination with other signs of Caucasoid types.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan, a prominent representative of the Middle Asian type

Aristotle Onassis

Boris Berezovsky

Robert Kardashian

Armen Yeritsyan

P.S. I tried to tell about the main types, other types of Caucasians from the Caucasus, the Middle East, India and North Africa no longer fit into the post. Part of the post was cut off

For the first time the concept of "Nordic character" was introduced by the Swedish scientist - Professor Anders Recius, who in the 40s of the 19th century tried to identify the characteristics of the "Germanic type" race. According to his findings, the Nordic character is often possessed by tall, slender people with straight light ash hair, gray or blue eyes, narrow and long nose, angular chin.

To imagine a person with a Nordic character, you need to know that "nord" is translated as "north". Those. in a narrow sense, this is a cold and stern person. In a broader sense, a person of the Nordic type has stamina, composure, prudence, restraint, inflexibility and firmness in principles and judgments.

A person with a Nordic character knows how to remain calm and balanced in any situation, is a far-sighted strategist, resistant to any troubles in life, because hardened by the harsh conditions of the harsh north. A person of the Nordic type rarely gives out his thoughts and emotions, he is always focused and attentive, due to which he is often able to predict many events.

Nordic character - is it good or bad?

Any type of character has both positive and negative traits. Among positive qualities Nordic type - stress resistance, prudence, perseverance in achieving goals. His negative traits include coldness and insensitivity, but these qualities may well turn out to be sham. In its pure form, the Nordic, like all other types of characters, is practically never found.

One should not be afraid of the characteristic "Nordic character" due to the fact that she was loved by the ideologists of Nazi Germany. None of their leaders matched the characteristics of the Nordic type, they were all evil, cruel, cold and often mentally unstable people.

Leader or astronaut?

A person of the Nordic type is considered an ideal leader. His self-confidence, firmness of character and adherence to principles inspire respect in his subordinates. The Nordic personality will never be hysterical and break down on subordinates, shifting his guilt to others. People follow such a leader out of their hearts, not out of compulsion.

By the way, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev named the Nordic character among the qualities necessary for astronaut candidates, along with diligence, impeccable health and endurance of the body.

"Heavy character" in medicine - psychopathy. It is inherited. It is not corrected by education, it depends little on social environment. It manifests itself in an abnormally strong expression of some character traits.

It's all about nature

Severe character is not the result bad upbringing or childhood, as many believe, is heredity. If your offspring was given the "bad blood" of a great-grandfather-buyan, humble yourself. It is useless to break and remake his character. It is better to teach the child some restraint in behavior and develop talent in every possible way. Surely, nature did not deprive him.

There are many highly gifted people among people with character: academician I.P. Pavlov, composer L. Beethoven, writers F. M. Dostoevsky, N. V. Gogol ... Descendants are only interested in the creations of geniuses. And the burden of their personal shortcomings is borne by relatives and friends.

Together is not fun

Having a child prodigy is much more pleasant than having a bully who, with age, will turn into a difficult teenager, and then an unpleasant type will grow out of him. For example, a notorious brawler, gossip or complainer. Such colleagues will easily discourage the desire to go to work.

The first is ready to inflate a scandal for any reason, even on trifles. He has one desire - to scream. In the face of the second you will find " best friend". He will gladly listen to the stories of your family quarrels, impartial statements about colleagues and superiors, understand, console. And will make you the eternal subject of gossip. The third will endlessly complain and whine, causing sympathy. And you meekly work for two, linger in the evenings while the complainant goes about his business.

Defect or diagnosis

In medicine, a congenital severe character is usually called psychopathy. It has certain signs: it changes little during life, it manifests itself equally everywhere and in any circumstances. And finally, his environment is constantly overcome life problems.

It is not easy to communicate with such a person: some of his character traits are expressed so strongly that they differ significantly from the norm. For example, extremely timid and shy among colleagues, he can tyrannize his family with constant outbursts of anger and irritation from petty insults. Or obsessed with his work, ready to sweep away everyone in his path, aggressive, vindictive, prone to crime. The environment suffers from such purposefulness.

Sometimes changes in character are caused by chronic diseases that interfere with normal functioning. hormonal system. In this case, adequate treatment, care and understanding of loved ones will help.


  • Difficult adults (part 1)
  • What to do if you are being harassed at work by an "unpleasant guy"

The word "Nordic" is known to almost every one of us since early years. True, this acquaintance did not take place due to interest in scientific ethnic problems. To all of us with young years the sacramental phrase “Nordic, seasoned character” cut in, which sounded in the television movie “Seventeen Moments of Spring” when acquainting viewers with the dossier of each character who served in the secret services of the Third Reich. The Nordic type of appearance began to be discussed much later in connection with the spread of the ideology of the racist and nationalist persuasion, referring to the same sources from which German National Socialism arose. Although the very idea of ​​​​the Nordic race has a course in scientific theories.

Nordic race: obvious and indefinable

The term "Nordic race" in science arose at the beginning of the 20th century to refer to the anthropological species of the Caucasoid race, common in the northwestern part of Eurasia. In Soviet and Russian science, this term is rarely used: firstly, because of its subsequent significant discrimination in the course of use by the Nazis; secondly, due to the lack of clear geographical and other criteria. The Nordic anthropological type (or "Northern type" in Russian anthropology) includes a set of external features that differ from other anthropological types of the Caucasoid race.

The main features on the basis of which the Nordic type of appearance is determined are high rate medium height (for men, at least over 175 centimeters), light skin pigmentation, eye and hair color, and an elongated skull (dolichocephaly, that is, the ratio of the width of the skull to its length, which is 75.9% or less). According to studies, these parameters correspond to the inhabitants of Europe in its northern regions: Scandinavians, northern Germans, the native inhabitants of the Netherlands, the British, the population of the Baltic and the Russian North (including groups of both Slavic and non-Slavic ethnic origin).

In turn, several classifications have been developed that divide the Nordic type itself into several subtypes. For example, trenders are a type characteristic of Norway (about half of the population) and Iceland populated by Norwegians (at least 60% of the population). These are people with the "most Nordic" type of appearance - tall, slender, well-muscled with a high forehead, blue eyes and blond hair.

A haven for racists

From the very beginning of the existence of the concept of "Nordic race", numerous attempts have been made to link, within the framework of scientific theories, carriers of a similar appearance with the first Indo-Europeans who inhabited Europe. Moreover, they were allegedly the first Indo-Europeans, who subsequently moved to the southeast and turned into an Aryan ethnic group that created powerful civilizations in Central Asia and Hindustan. However, to this day there is no reliable information or findings confirming this hypothesis.

Moreover, the dominant in modern historical science the point of view is considered according to which the Indo-Europeans came to Europe already from the East. The northern anthropological type of Europeans was subsequently formed due to climatic influences, primarily the lack of sunlight and heat.

However, hypothetical constructions about the Nordic race, corresponding to the type of appearance presented, were most famous not in science, but in racist ideology. It was called Nordicism and appeared in parallel with the beginning of a broad discussion about the Nordic anthropological type, at the very beginning of the last century. The meaning of Nordicism lies in the idea that the carriers of the Nordic appearance are the descendants of a special race that founded European civilization and is rightfully considered the ancestor of all its benefits and achievements. On this basis, it is presented as a superior race compared not only with other races, with the Mongoloid and Negroid, but also with other types of the Caucasoid race. The latter, according to this opinion, are backward due to centuries of mixing with other races. Whereas the Nordic race retained its purity to the maximum extent.

Therefore, it is necessary to preserve the purity of the race in every possible way in order to maintain its leading position, including by means of regulating imprisonment. marriage unions and the birth of children. One does not need to be too insightful to guess that it was the theory of the chosen Nordic race that was adopted by National Socialism and became one of the cornerstones and guidelines for the action of Hitler's ideology.

True, in the Third Reich this idea had to be somewhat modernized - it was enough to look at the leadership of the Nazi party and the state to understand that Hitler, Himmler, Hess, Goebbels and other NSDAP elite had nothing to do with the Nordic race according to objective external indicators. Then the theory of the Aryan race was voiced, the highest value of which was the spiritual values ​​of Nordism and the desire to establish a superior race in Europe and the world.

What are modern neo-Nazis looking at?

To understand the essence of the newly gaining popularity, and among the youth, the ideology of neo-Nazism, one should know external signs the Nordic race she praises. They were formulated back in 1925 by the German theorist of racism, radical anthropologist Hans Günther, who compiled a detailed list of external characteristics allegedly characteristic of the Nordic type of appearance. Here are the main ones:

  • The Nordic figure is characterized by harmony, proportionality and high growth. Average height men should not be lower than 175-176 centimeters, the height of the pelvis at the level of 53% of the body height. The proportions of the length of the legs and arms are in the middle between Mongoloids with short limbs and dark-skinned with long limbs. Broad shoulders in men are combined with a narrow pelvis. Women also tend to be slender;
  • an elongated skull, the cranial index (the ratio of the width and height of the cranium) ranges from 74% to 76%. In rare cases, it can increase up to 79% if accompanied by a convex occiput. The forehead is narrow, high, the profile of a person has a pronounced predatory character with a chin pushed forward, a forehead tilted back and deep eyes. The cheekbones are weakly expressed;
  • the skin of the Nordic race is the lightest of all representatives of the Caucasian race - its representatives, according to the theory of Nordicism, are the whitest of all white people. The skin is delicate and sensitive to the southern sun, so it is harmful for people of the Nordic type to live in the tropics. At the same time, they seem to be not subject to sun tanning: under strong sun, the skin turns red, but after a few days it returns to its natural shade;
  • blond hair is one of the main signs of the Nordic type of appearance. Shades can range from light blond to golden, wheat and even red. There are almost no "sultry brunettes" among this type. Also great attention paid to the structure of the hair: in the Nordic race they are thin and, as Gunther sentimentally wrote, "flutter easily in the wind." Curly, coarse and oily hair are signs of mixing with other races. Also, men are characterized by an abundance of facial hair and a small amount of vegetation in other parts of the body;
  • also for the apologists of the superior Nordic race great importance had eye color. According to Günther, the Nordic type suggests blue or gray eyes. Blue eyes are preferred, they are more Nordic, as gray may be the result of crossing with other races. Other "intermediate" options are green and light brown eyes. Eyes of dark blue or dull blue colors are categorically rejected - they are regarded as a sign of the blood of eastern races, including, which especially jars racists, the Jewish ethnic group. Also, the romantically inclined racist Gunther argued that only the eyes of a carrier of Aryan blood can inspire sacred horror to those around him. People of other races can give their eyes any expression (sinister, caustic, menacing), but not courageous.

Alexander Babitsky

Beginning in the 17th century, anthropologists began to put forward their own classifications of the population according to racial type. Scientists relied on the similarity of external features, that is, morphology served as the basis for research. The debate about the number of major races among anthropologists continues to this day. However, in most typological divisions there are classifications of Russian appearance.


The small Nordic race in anthropological classifications is part of the Caucasoid type. In Soviet times, they tried not to voice this term because of the ambiguity of geographical boundaries. The first to accept the Nordic theory were representatives of the ideology of racism.

The Nordic race spreads over the entire territory of Northern Europe, northwestern Russia, and Western Latvians and Estonians also belong to this type.

For the first time, they started talking about the Nordic race thanks to the Russian-French anthropologist Joseph Deniker, who at the beginning of the twentieth century brought thin people tall with blond hair into a separate category. The Nordic race is characterized by blue and green color eye, dolichocephalic, that is, an oblong skull and skin of a pink tint.

Another anatomist of Norwegian origin, Christian Schreiner, wrote that the Nordic type directly echoes the culture of battle axes, since the Nordic race is most common in central Scandinavia. But the American scientist K. Kuhn in the 30s of the twentieth century put forward a version that the Nordic race belongs to the circle of Mediterranean forms after he completed the process of depigmentation. In the appearance of people of this type, the anthropologist finds common features with the ancient representatives of the Danube culture.


This race occupies a worthy place between the Mongoloid and Caucasoid types. It is most widespread among the inhabitants of Western Siberia and the Volga region. Representatives of this type are characterized by dark hair, which can be either completely straight or curly. The skin is usually moderately pigmented, the eyes are brown. The main distinguishing features are a noticeable fold upper eyelid(epicanthus) and flattened face shape.

Anthropologists of different times agree that the Uralids appeared during the mixing of Caucasoids and Mongoloids. In contrast to this statement, there is a theory about the mestizo origin of this type. TO today scientists put forward a compromise version, arguing that this race reflects the gene flow of Mongoloids and Caucasoids and at the same time undifferentiated types.

In the north Samara region human remains were found, whose age is 11.55 thousand years according to the calibrated date. When examining the skull, anthropologist V.V. Bunak suggested that all the features of the ancient Ural race are inherent in it.


It is possible to distinguish Baltids from other racial types due to the features of brachycephaly and mesocephaly. Representatives are characterized by a medium-width face, a straight nose with a thickened tip. Most representatives are distinguished by light pigmentation of the skin and hair.

Anthropologists believe that the appearance of the race is rooted in the Eastern Baltic type. Many Baltids have common features with Cro-Magnons and Alpinids. The western Baltids differ from the eastern ones in the width of their nose. For the former, it may be narrow, for others it is always wide. Representatives of the eastern Baltids are of medium height, while the western ones are much taller.

Pontids and Gorides

The Pontido type is characterized by straight eyebrows and narrow cheekbones. If you put a person in profile, then the cheekbones are noticeable, but not very pronounced. High forehead and narrow lower jaw, thin lips, straight hair - too distinctive features of this type. The skin is light, but perceives a tan, and swarthy pontids can also be found. The hair color is light or dark chestnut, the eyes are brown, but not almond-shaped, the palpebral fissure is straight. Thin-boned and tall, legs longer than the body. IN general face looks thin and angular, has an elongated shape.

Among the Russians, there are also Gorids, who, according to the Swedish anthropologist Bertil Ludman, belong to the Alpids (Alpinids), who settled to the east and mixed with the Baltids. That's why given type considered intermediate between the inhabitants of the Alps and the Baltic. Their features are sharper than those of the Baltids, but the pigmentation is lighter than that of the Alpids.

Russian types of appearance

If the concept of race is quite broad and sometimes covers entire countries, then the definition of "anthropological type" is much narrower. In 1959, a large-scale research project was completed - an expedition of anthropologists to all corners of Russia, which lasted 6 years. Based on the data obtained, scientists have identified 15 types characteristic of certain areas.

  • Ilmensko-Belozersky type has sharp features, pronounced profile, height above average, men have a full beard. Every second out of a hundred has light eyes, and 29-40% have light-colored hair.
  • The Valdai type is characterized by the same ratio of light eyes and hair to dark ones as the previous one, but the beard in men is rarer, the face is wider.
  • The Western Upper Volga is similar to the Ilmenian, but the nose is straight, the hair is darker, and the beard is thicker. The fold of the upper eyelid is less common.
  • The Arkhangelsk type is the owners with a slightly wider nose than the Ilmen one, among them light-eyed people are more common. The beard is even thicker and the face has a more defined profile. Epicanthus is very rare.
    The Eastern Upper Volga type of people is different short stature, a concave nasal bridge is less common, and the hair is darker on average than in the first two types.

  • Vyatka-Kama is similar to the eastern Upper Volga, the eyes and hair are dark.
  • The Vologda-Vyatka type has predominantly light skin, light eyes and hair.
  • Klyazma type is tall people with a straight nose brown eyes and blond hair.
  • The central type is, one might say, the arithmetic mean for all Russian types. It has the greatest similarity with the western Upper Volga. Dark hair found in the majority of the population.
  • The Don-Sur type, despite its southern distribution, does not have Mongoloid features, and light eyes are found in every second person. Compared to residents of other southern regions, this type of skin is paler.
  • The Middle Volga type is characterized by small face sizes, and men by a thick beard. 80% have dark hair, but 42% have a light iris.
  • The steppe type is intermediate between the Don Sur and the Middle Volga.
  • The Pskov-Poozersky type is very similar in appearance to the Prussians. Many people of this type have light eyes - almost 71%.
  • Desno-Semey type - Transbaikal Old Believers, who were taken out at the end of the 19th century. from Belarus and Ukraine. They assimilated in Russia, but rarely intermarried with the Buryats and other peoples who surrounded them. Therefore, for the area where they lived, their appearance was contrasting - 47% of light eyes, every fourth out of a hundred had blond hair.

With the expansion of globalization, the development of transport and the growth of the economic well-being of the people, the boundaries between individual races and types are increasingly blurred. Already now it is difficult to find "purely Russians" in whose family there would not be a representative of another race.

Most often, representatives of the Nordic appearance can be found in the countries of Northern Europe, Canada, Siberia and in central Russia. What signs allow us to assert that a woman has a Nordic appearance? There are no strict criteria in this classification, since races and subgroups in the modern world are constantly mixed. However, scientists still distinguish some signs that characterize the Nordic type of women's appearance.

Main features

A typical "northerner" (so called girls with certain type appearance) is usually taller than average and not inclined to be overweight. And this is easily explained by scientific point vision. The point is that severe climatic conditions are a deterrent to puberty. It, of course, comes, but much later than, for example, girls who live in Spain or Africa. In addition to being tall, northern girls differ quite a lot. broad shoulders And narrow hips. Exactly these characteristics and create the effect of false thinness. A tall woman with a narrow pelvis looks thin, but in reality her forms are developed.

Another feature is the structure of the skull. The occiput usually stands out on a flat skull, while the temporal bones appear to be convex. It is for this reason that the appearance of women of the Nordic type is expressive - the profile is clear, the cheekbones are outlined, the chin slightly protrudes forward. Their nose is neat, small, narrow, and their lips are indistinctly outlined, often thin. As for the color of the skin, it is pale pink, pale. If she stays for a long time under the influence of sunlight, then she becomes not swarthy, but reddish with burgundy shade. But there are practically no freckles on the skin. The hair of Northern women is usually blond. Natural blond can cast a yellowish, golden or reddish tone.

The most, perhaps bright accent appearances are the eyes. In representatives of the Nordic type, they are light, but very expressive. The relatively small size is offset by the depth of cyan, blue or gray color irises.

In the fashion industry, models with a Nordic appearance are in high demand. These girls, thanks to their specific appearance, attract attention. Not so long ago, a new beauty Elsa Hosk appeared in the team. The owner of a typical Nordic appearance is a native of Sweden.

At first glance, it may seem that fair-skinned tall blondes with blue eyes are cold and strict, but appearances are deceiving!