Cat makeup. Nuances of oriental makeup depending on eye color. Mistakes when creating Cat Shooters

Cat eye makeup adds attractiveness and sexuality female image. It is characterized by the emphasis of the eyes, which with the help of eyeliner become emphasized and slanted like a cat.

If you like this type of makeup on others, but don’t dare try it on yourself, then our selection of materials will help with this. This article describes in detail how to make a “Cat Eye” make-up, depending on the color and shape of the eyes, and describes step by step all the stages of applying makeup. “Cat's eye” has many variations - everyone can choose their own.

How to do cat eye makeup correctly at home - instructions with step-by-step photos

Makeup "Cat eye" without using shadows

It implies the use dark tones with an emphasis on the eyes, and that's all dark colors emphasize and highlight imperfections on the skin. To avoid this,
We perform the first and important step:

  • start from inner corner eyes;
  • start from the middle of the eye;
  • start from the outer corner of the eye and draw the tail of the arrow towards the temple, and then draw a line from the beginning of the eye to this arrow.

To draw arrows, you can use the following diagrams:

When the arrow is on upper eyelid ready, highlight the entire lower eyelid with a pencil or eyeliner, moving along the row of eyelashes. The bottom arrow can also start from anywhere and must connect to the top one. To prevent the makeup from being “overloaded,” the bottom arrow should be thinner than the top.

To complete the makeup, we paint over the mucous membranes of the eyes at the top and bottom, as well as the space between the eyelashes.
3.We paint the eyelashes thickly with mascara of the same color as the arrows. If you are going to a photo shoot, you can glue in bunches of false eyelashes, this will add brightness.
4. Covering the lips with a light gloss finishes the “Cat Eye” makeup. Since our eyes are the main thing in this case, we don’t focus on the lips, but cover them with a moisturizing balm or transparent gloss.

Makeup "Cat eye" using shadows

  1. Apply shadows with a wide brush light tone to the entire area under the eyebrow.
  2. Apply dark shadows from the middle to the outer edge of the eyelid smooth transition from light to darker.
  3. Apply a dark shade of shadow into the crease of the upper eyelid. This line should connect to dark spot on the outer edge of the eyelid.
  4. Above this dark spot, fill the entire area to the end of the eyebrow with light shadows.
  5. Draw an arrow along the upper eyelid with a pencil or liquid eyeliner. It lies clearly along the border of the eye and shadows should not appear below it.
  6. Draw the bottom arrow. It should be thinner than the top one. Lower and top arrow should connect into one line in the outer corner of the eye and continue slightly.
  7. We finish the eye makeup with mascara. It can be with shadows of the same color, but it can also be just black.

Selecting the contours of the “Cat Eye” according to the shape of the eyes

Each eye shape has its own, most successful, contours. Let's watch:

  • Far-set eyes– we achieve the effect as if the eyes are located closer to the nose. To do this, extend the eyeliner line further than the end of the inner corner of the eye. We emphasize both the upper and lower contours.

  • Narrow eyes- draw wide arrows. They will help to “open” your eyes, but you shouldn’t go too far beyond the eyes. It is better not to draw the bottom line of the eyeliner.

Selecting the contour shade for the “Cat Eye” based on the eye color

Makeup “Cat Eye” can be done in any color scheme. If we use rich dark shades, we will get evening makeup, and if we do classic version with black eyeliner without shadows, it will turn out great. Here are the recommended eyeshadow shades for “Cat Makeup” based on your eye color:

  • brown-eyed– can use all shades of brown, gold and purple tones;
  • green-eyed– from blue to emerald, olive tones, as well as a violet-lilac range plus pink shades;
  • blue-eyed and gray-eyed– all tones of gray-blue range plus purple shades are suitable.

Video with makeup tutorials “Cat Eye”

This video shows the performance of “Cat Eye” makeup in a pencil, without using shadows. They tell you in great detail which tools are best to apply cosmetics and what color numbers to use.

The video shows step-by-step the makeup technique. Recommendations for color schemes are given.

We explained in detail and step by step the technique of performing Cat Eye makeup. Now all that remains is to try and, most likely, more than once. Try, experiment and share your successes and failures.


The basis of cat eye makeup is bright eyes with big arrows and lips pastel colors. This popular trend in makeup became widely known after the 60s of the 20th century, when big eyes, highlighted with black eyeliner.

They started decorating their eyes with arrows long before our era. Egyptian queens and kings. On the tombs of the pharaohs there are many images with emphasized black and gold eyes. The Egyptians valued and respected cats for their durability, flexibility, agility and, of course, beauty. It was during this time that “cat eye” makeup appeared.

Cat eye makeup suits all women. For those who have small eyes, the arrows will enlarge them, highlight large eyes favorably, and the raised tips of the arrows will make the look mysterious and sexy.

Choice of eyeliner


Cat-eye makeup requires carefully defined eyes. Arrows are a must. They can be drawn in any shape, length and shape, the main thing is that it is done brightly and neatly. Now there are many types of eyeliners, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Eyeliner in the form of a felt-tip pen is perfect for beginner makeup artists and women who have little time for makeup. A felt-tip pen allows you to make the arrow on your eyelid bright and draw it as quickly and clearly as on paper. Cons: the felt-tip pen dries out quite quickly and becomes unusable. After just a few uses, the line becomes lighter. Feline arrows after a felt-tip pen are erased quite quickly, so your makeup will have to be touched up often.

Pencil. One of the most popular products - eyeliner - helps quickly. The big advantage of a pencil is that it can be used long time. Some pencils require constant sharpening, but you can find a model with a twist-out lead. Minus: the arrows on the eyes do not look very clear and bright. Any soft pencil leaves a slight haze after application.

Liquid eyeliner is the best remedy to create cat eye makeup. The eyeliner lays down in a thin but dense layer, creating shiny, well-shaped arrows with clear boundaries. It’s not easy to draw right away. Usually you need to practice several times to get a straight line with the tip playfully curled up. When choosing liquid eyeliner Special attention must be given to the brush. It should be hard with a pointed end; with another type of brush it will be difficult to get a thin line.

Dry eyeliner. It comes in two types. The first type is eyeliner that does not need to be diluted with water. It is very compact and visually resembles shadows. Its disadvantages are that the eyeliner can quickly wear off and smear. Eyeliner, which can be diluted with water, is similar in properties to liquid eyeliner, the only disadvantage is that it requires a separate brush.

How to use eyeliner


For cat eye makeup, the main and most difficult element to perform is the eyeliner. Makeup can be gray, brown, blue, gold, but most often black.

Drawing arrows is a special art. It’s rare that someone succeeds accurately and clearly the first time. Beautiful make-up“cat eyes” can be created in a few minutes only after long training.

Depending on the type, size and shape of the eye, the form of drawing arrows is selected. Small eyes can be further enlarged and “opened” using a thick liner on the upper eyelid and a small one on the lower eyelid. In this case, the line emphasizing the lower eyelid should be at a short distance from the eyelash growth line.

Almond-shaped eyes can only be slightly emphasized with a thin pencil line; they are ideal for cat eye makeup. Round and close-set eyes are sure to stand out with the help of an upward-curved arrow.

To draw arrows you will need eyeliner, an object with a thin, even edge (a thick sheet of cardboard, a business card, a credit card), hard surface.

  1. You need to open your eyes and, using a mirror, imagine a line that connects the inner and outer corners of the eye.
  2. Departing from this line at an angle of 45º, draw a line with eyeliner from the inner corner of the eye to the temples using a business card or credit card. After some time, your hand will be full and “helpers” will not be needed.
  3. Next, a line is drawn from the end of the arrow to the eyelid and outlined with eyeliner. The main thing is not to protrude beyond the edges.
  4. It is recommended to start drawing the arrow from the middle of the eye. Having found the highest point along the eyelash line on the upper eyelid, draw a line with eyeliner from this point to the outer corner of the eye, and then to the inner corner.
  5. It is necessary to ensure that the arrow thickens from the inner corner to the outer.
  6. The arrow of the lower eyelid is drawn in one line, starting from the inner corner to the outer, and connected to the arrow of the upper eyelid.
  7. After applying the eyeliner, you need to sit with it for a few minutes. eyes closed so that the arrows dry out, do not spread and are not imprinted on the fixed surface of the upper eyelid.

Makeup "cat eyes" involves beautiful, bright and even arrows. It’s quite difficult to draw them like this; your hand can shake at any moment and ruin your makeup. Any hard surface (table, stool, sink) will help you make straight arrows. It is necessary to rest your elbows firmly on it when drawing arrows.

Most often, eyeliner is used to draw “cat-like” arrows, but in the case of everyday or subtle makeup, you can line your eyes with shadows.

For cat eye makeup, you will need any shadow palette, the main thing is that it contains several shades. Pastel, brown and golden tones are suitable for work, study and walking. Brighter and more provocative ones - blue, green, purple - can be used for makeup for a party with friends or a disco.

For many, applying eye shadow when creating cat eye makeup seems easier, although it takes a long time.

Step one. Apply the most to the moving eyelid light shade selected palette. It should be light, but not white. White shade Apply to the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrow. For the base it is better to use light beige shadows.

Step two. More dark shade applied to the second half of the moving eyelid, which is located closer to the outer corner of the eye.

Step three. A dark shade forms a peculiar corner near the outer part of the moving eyelid. The triangle drawn with shadows should connect the outer corner, the end of the fold of the upper eyelid and the lash line. Its area is obscured by shadows.

Step four. Using the darkest shade of eye shadow or black eye shadow, draw a thin line along the eyelash line from the middle of the eyelid. It should imitate an arrow and end at the upper corner of the triangle.

Step five. The same line is drawn under the lower eyelid and connected to the upper arrow.

Step six. For additional highlighting, you can draw a thin line along the lash line with an eyeliner pencil or felt-tip pen.

Creating an image


Cat eye makeup focuses on the eyes, but it is also important to complement it with lipstick, foundation and foundation.

Makeup base. Cat eye makeup is often chosen as an evening look, so it is better to use dense base, which evens out the face.

Foundation and facial contouring. Not only the eyes should resemble those of a cat, but also the face. Cover your entire face with foundation, including your eyelids and lips. Using highlighters and bronzer you need to do correct contouring face and highlight “cat” cheekbones.

Mascara. This is the second most important makeup product after eyeliner and eye shadow. Mascara is used depending on the condition of the eyelashes, but lengthening and curling are recommended. When doing cat eye makeup, you can use tools for. If evening makeup is chosen, false eyelashes are welcome.

Pomade. Since the main focus of makeup, lips should not attract much attention. It is best to use pastel, beige, light pink lipstick or clear gloss. Bright lipstick will effectively complement evening makeup only if the eyes are painted with black eyeliner without using bright shadows.

Cat eye makeup has long been loved by the stars and ordinary girls. This is very good way express your sensuality, sexuality and attract the gaze of many. Eyes have always attracted the attention of not only men, but also women.

To dare to do such makeup you need to be self-confident a woman who loves to feel men's interested and women's envious glances. This type of makeup is more appropriate as evening option, makeup for going out.

Better during the day don't overload your face heavy makeup, and choose pastel shades and light textures.

To draw arrows you can use different makeup products- pencil, shadows, liquid eyeliner, eyeliner in the form of a cream, a special felt-tip pen.

Pencils It is better to use it for those who are just honing their skills in drawing arrows; girls who are more experienced in this matter can use liquid eyeliner.

Cosmetic marker and gel eyeliner- This is cosmetics that require professionalism, so it must be applied by professional makeup artists.

The essence of makeup is to make the eyes oblong and raise the corners of the eyes. Basic colors of eyeliner and shadows these are black, brown, gray tones. Adult woman should use these exact tones. If the girl is young and playful, you can use colors for the arrows, matching color eye.

Makeup depending on eye color

Girls with brown eyes Lilac, blue, violet, yellow, green and peach tones for eyeliner will be very suitable. To those whom nature has awarded rare green eyes It is worth using plum-colored shadows, lilac, gold, peach shadows - this is the color scheme for them.

Blue eyes Brown, orange and bronze colors of eye shadow or eyeliner are perfectly emphasized.

Makeup that corrects the shape of the eyes

Narrow eyes can be visually made wider with the help of silver and shiny shadows. Coal-black wings will make narrow eyes appear smaller. If the contour extends beyond the outer corners of the eyes, they will become more elongated. This option suitable for girls with round eyes.

Basic nuances of makeup

First of all, apply to the eyelids neutral eyeshadows- beige, ivory. Shadows can be matte or pearlescent.

The main focus of makeup- these are arrows. It is important that they are smooth, neat, and not smeared. It’s quite difficult to do this for the first time without experience.

Need to accept comfortable position so that your hand does not slip. You need to raise your head a little and pull your eyelids slightly towards your temples so that the skin does not wrinkle. You need to apply eyeliner from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones, widening the arrow.

Cat eye makeup step by step

Step-by-step instruction makeup using the “cat eye” technique:

  1. All upper eyelid painted over with light shadows.
  2. Using peach shades, we form an arrow from the outer corners to the eyebrows.
  3. Above the upper folds, draw a line with dark shadows.
  4. It is necessary to highlight the area under the eyebrow.
  5. Feathering the edges of shadows.
  6. Using black eyeliner or a pencil, draw an arrow along the upper eyelid, and draw the lower eyelid with a black pencil.
  7. We carefully paint the eyelashes or glue artificial ones.

This type of makeup can also be done with a pencil. For this you need quite soft pencil. If the pencil is hard, you can make it a little softer by drawing a few lines along the skin. The color of the pencil should be bright and rich. It is better if the cosmetics are resistant to water so that they do not smudge.

How to make arrows with a pencil?

Draw an arrow with small strokes. Bring it beyond the outer corner of the eye and slightly lift its edge up. Line the lower eyelid and connect the lines of the lower and upper eyelids. This makeup is very attractive and beautiful. Every woman should try it at least once in her life.

For a master class on “cat eye” makeup using pencil technique with shadows from make-up atelier, watch the video:

Cat eye makeup is considered one of the most popular today.

The languid and sensual look of a cat - isn’t it attractive?

There are cosmetics that help visually widen the eyes and make them oblong.

Any girl can do this on her own.

Cat eye makeup technique

You can experiment with the shades and thickness of the arrow.

Characteristic features of “Cat Eye” makeup

When applying eyeliner, you can use the cosmetics that you have on hand and that you are already accustomed to. The arrows rarely turn out perfect, but you just need to “get” your hand.

For this makeup, mascara is a must. The main thing is that it paints and lengthens the eyelashes well.

When choosing shadows, you must remember that for evening makeup dark tones are needed, so it is advisable to choose juicy blue or chocolate, as well as all shades of green and gold. You can also choose purple - it will highlight green eyes well. We must remember that when using dark tones, they must be shaded - this will help achieve a more mysterious and open-minded, will emphasize the elongated shape of the eyes.

What is necessary

Black eyeliner or pencil is required. Shadows must be chosen in several shades - from the lightest to the darkest. You need to stock up on a variety of brushes, brushes, and applicators.

Four Steps to Creating a Cat Eye

  1. Apply to eyelids with a brush or sponge. foundation. Its color and type depend on your skin tone. The base can be replaced with matte white shadows. This step should not be skipped, because the base allows the makeup to last longer. At the same time special pencil tint your eyebrows, comb them.
  2. Apply dark shadows to the eyelid only up to the crease along the growth of the eyelashes, then blend them with a brush until a line is formed, which should be slightly extended and its end directed upwards. To create such a line, all shades of gray, blue, brownish, chocolate, and grass are suitable. Choose the darkest shade. Then take a mid-tone of that color and apply it to the corner of your eye - but don't let it go beyond the eye. Apply the center line over the light tone. It is carried out in the same tone as the contour above the eyelashes and the lower eyelid is drawn in the same tone.
  3. This stage is the most important - drawing the arrows. It requires precision movements - the effect of obtaining “cat eyes” depends on them. Mark the corners of the eyes. Gently stretch the skin of the eyelid so that it is comfortable to draw. The line starts from the inner corner and continues continuously to the outer corner and extends beyond the eye. First you draw a thin strip - then you can adjust it if desired - make it thicker.
    First, draw arrows on the upper eyelids, then on the lower ones - the arrows should connect. Don't forget to draw the distance between the eyelashes. Errors in the arrows can be easily removed using cotton swabs.
  4. Finally, apply mascara. The emphasis should be on the tips of the eyelashes. You can glue false eyelashes to the outer edge of your eye for added effect.

Video on how to do cat eye makeup

Cat eye makeup is a sensual, expressive and eye-catching make-up, timeless.

The makeup is coming absolutely everyone - thanks to the ability to choose the type of arrows and color palette, it universal.

Learning how to do “Cat Eye” makeup is not at all difficult if study the technique carefully and get some exercise.

You can learn how to do eye makeup using black shadows from our guide.

What is it?

Can be used to apply makeup different shades pencils, eyeliner or shadows - the main thing is that the eyes acquire oblong, slightly elongated shape with slightly raised corners.

This make-up technique has been known for a long time - from the time of Ancient Egypt , and the special peak of its popularity came in the middle of the 20th century, when the most popular ladies - Sophia Loren and Brigitte Bardot - were transformed in this way.

This makeup technique is no less popular now - it’s not uncommon to see “cat eyes” on Eva Longoria, Angelina Jolie and other beauties from Hollywood.

The process of applying makeup itself is no different - it is not at all difficult to master it yourself at home.

Basic principles

There are quite a few options for applying such makeup, but main principle, consisting in narrowing and lengthening of the eyes, remains one. You can achieve this effect using:

  • drawing arrows with a pencil or eyeliner, and you can draw them only on the upper eyelid or on both;
  • shading of shadows- this option resembles “smoky” makeup, but is more clear and expressive.

“Cat eyes” can be applied both as daytime and as formal or evening makeup - in any case it will be appropriate, beautiful and attractive.

Important tip from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting official internet store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

What will you need?

To draw “cat eyes” you need a certain set of cosmetics. You can't do without:

Having a set of such products in your cosmetic bag, you can easily create new image and make your own face attractive and attractive.

Step-by-step technique

As with any makeup, apply “Cat Eyes” should start with preparing the skin- it needs to be cleaned and lubricated suitable cream and wait until it is absorbed.

If your skin looks sallow or sloppy, all your efforts to create a cat-like look will be in vain.

Next stages are:

  1. Base overlay. Matte ones are suitable as a base. foundation creams and powder.
  2. Shadows are applied and thoroughly shaded.
  3. Arrows are drawn.
  4. Artificial eyelashes are glued on or natural eyelashes are colored.

“Cat look” makeup option – photo:

Algorithm for applying shadows has its own characteristics:

  • Initially, shadows of the darkest shade are applied along the eyelashes on the upper eyelid; their color can vary from deep black to brown or blue;
  • shades of a lighter tone, but identical color range applied over the entire eyelid so that the eyes retain their natural shape and shape;
  • from the middle of the upper eyelid, darker shadows are applied to its edge; they must be carefully shaded so that sharp transitions of shades are not noticeable;
  • To make the look more expressive and open, before shading the shadows, you can apply a small light spot to the middle of the eyelid.

Feature of drawing arrows

Rich and expressive arrows can be created using.

So, The arrows should be drawn like this:

  1. Apply along the intended application line thin layer dark shadows (you can use powder).
  2. The outer corner of the eye is slightly pulled up, and eyeliner is applied towards the temple.
  3. If you intend to draw a thick arrow, it is recommended to first draw thin arrow, and then build it up by painting in several layers.

To draw arrows using the pencil technique, it is recommended to use waterproof cosmetics. The arrows are applied simply - small dots are drawn on the upper eyelid at a short distance from each other, and they are connected with neat and even strokes.

The arrow extends beyond the outer corner of the eye and rises towards the temple. When creating “cat eyes” on the eyes round shape pencil applied on the inner line of the lower eyelid and connect to the arrow.

Should you focus on your lips?

Makeup " cat look"in itself is quite bright and daring. His the main task - focus on the eyes, give them expressiveness and attractiveness.

For this reason, you should not paint your lips bright colors- this will make the makeup look tacky, shift the emphasis from the eyes and you will not be able to create the image of a beautiful and alluring lady.

But, nevertheless, sponges must be well-groomed, before applying makeup, they can be lightly rubbed to make them brighter and more delicate.

If you consider makeup without colored lips to be incomplete, then use gloss or lipstick Not bright colors , applying them in a thin layer.

What mistakes should you not make?

It would seem that everything is simple when creating cat eye makeup. However, there are several mistakes that, if made, will ruin all your efforts. These include:

  1. Wrong choice of length and width of arrows- for and without that narrow eyes Thin lines are absolutely not suitable, and with round eyes, the tail of the arrow should protrude noticeably beyond the outer corner.
  2. When drawing arrows close their eyes- because of this, instead of the open, sly look of the cat, you get a tired look, the arrows turn out to be asymmetrical and not at the right angle.
  3. Shadows are applied after eyeliner- this mistake can lead to having to redo the entire makeup, since even a small amount of crumbled shadows will change the color of the eyeliner, which will be very noticeable.
  4. The mucous membrane of the lower eyelid is drawn with a regular pencil- this should not be done, since the texture cosmetic product excessively hard and can injure the most delicate tissue; if you need to line the lower eyelid, use kajal (a special pencil).

Properly applied cat eye makeup suitable for absolutely all women. It helps to give the face sophistication, and make the gaze charmingly languid, attractive and exciting.

Use for makeup only high-quality cosmetics, apply the products with gentle movements and then your image will be excellent.

About how to do cat makeup eyes step by step, you can learn from the video: