Where to apply for divorce. The rite of debunking - how to live on? Is it possible to get married in a church after a divorce and is it necessary, possible reasons

People blinded by love, getting married and getting married in a church, never think about how to get married after a divorce. However, in modern world after a few years, many couples break up and get divorced. This is where the question arises, what to do with the wedding.

The church is very sensitive to the wedding procedure. The priest, talking with the newlyweds, explains that it is almost impossible to get married, since this is God's blessing. It is better not to do this if you are not sure about your future spouse. The procedure for dethronement after a divorce is quite complicated, but in all churches it is approximately the same.

Procedure for applying for a church divorce

The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has determined the procedure for termination church marriage.

If the decision is made, the first thing to do is to come to the church in which they got married and talk to the rector who performed the wedding ceremony. If this is not possible, you must contact any nearest church.

When applying, the rector must conduct a conversation with the applicant about decision and about its consequences.

In the future, the visitor writes a petition to the Administrator of the Diocese.

It indicates the date and place of the wedding, the history of marriage, and is also set out with evidence attached (documents confirming the circumstances and reasons for the divorce). The petition is submitted by the applicant to the rector, who attaches his report to the said petition. In the report, the priest, on the basis of the conversation, expresses his attitude to this divorce.

The main documents to be attached to the application are:

  • a copy of the divorce certificate issued by the registry office;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate (if any);
  • a copy of the wedding document (if any);
  • consent to divorce signed by the second spouse (if any);
  • other documents confirming the circumstances set out in the application;
  • the report, petition and documents are sent to the Administrator of the Diocese, who decides on the possibility of dissolving the church marriage. The corresponding document is issued to the applicant in the temple at the place of application.

List of reasons for dissolution of a church marriage

To get permission to get married, blessing on new marriage, the church, taking into account modern realities a list of reasons for which it is possible to get divorced after a divorce has been established. A legal divorce alone is usually not enough. The list of good reasons includes the following:

  1. Cheating husband or wife (adultery).
  2. Venereal disease, including AIDS (with a medical certificate).
  3. Alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling (with a medical certificate).
  4. Recognition of a citizen as incapacitated or the presence mental illness(a court decision or a medical certificate is submitted).
  5. Change of faith (adoption of another faith or renunciation of Orthodoxy in favor of atheism).
  6. Entering into a new marriage.
  7. Committing a crime with prosecution and punishment of one of the spouses (confirmed by a court verdict).
  8. Committing a crime against a spouse or children (encroachment on health and life).
  9. Unknown absence for more than 5 years (a document from the police or a court decision is submitted).
  10. Abortion by a wife without the knowledge or consent of her husband. Unless an abortion was necessary for medical indications and the recommendations of doctors or pregnancy was a threat to the woman's life.
  11. Attempted suicide and self-harm resulting in serious injury and inability to live a full life together.
  12. Forced marriage against the will of one of the spouses.
  13. Inability to have children.
  14. Bigamy.
  15. Incest (marriage between relatives).

In these cases, the priest, without any problems and without the consent of the second spouse, allows you to get married after a divorce. In all other cases, the church approaches this issue individually. If the priests considered that the grounds for

How does a church marriage break down? Under what conditions Orthodox person can get married with an ex-spouse, is there such a church rite? Let's talk!

Is it possible to get married in a church after a divorce and is it necessary, possible reasons

If irreconcilable differences nevertheless arose between the spouses and it was decided to divorce, then it is necessary to contact the registry office, where the formal procedure for dissolution of the marriage will be completed.

Church marriage is not concluded on paper, but before God, it is before him that the spouses are responsible for their family life.

For the church, as an institution, the concept of "debunking" does not exist, since it denies the very concept of divorce, putting the family in the first place.

To get married means to enter into a new marriage in heaven, to get married again.

Here good video O civil marriage and debunking.

True, if you come to church and say that you want to get married or remarry out of boredom, you may be refused. The Church considers some specific reasons for the dissolution of a marriage to be quite weighty:

  • Cheating on one of the spouses
  • Abortion by a wife without the consent of her husband, without the need for medical reasons,
  • Change of faith by one of the spouses,
  • Inability to married life, and as a consequence to procreation, loss of legal capacity of a husband or wife,
  • Diseases that threaten the health of future children (AIDS, syphilis and others),
  • The entry of a husband or wife into another marriage,
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction of one of the spouses,
  • The risk of damage to the health of one of the spouses of the second,
  • pandering,
  • Prolonged absence of one of the partners,
  • Inconsistency with Christian canons: marriage between relatives, marriage before reaching the age of majority.

Thus, you yourself can answer the question of whether the debunking of the first marriage is necessary. It is possible only through the conclusion of a second church marriage. Whether this can be done depends on the reasons given above.

The procedure for dissolving a church marriage

As mentioned above, there is no specific procedure for dissolution of marriage in the church, the church can only bless a person for remarriage, hereinafter, this is what we will call debunking.

Orthodox Church allows the re-marriage of people who have already been married, and for this it will be necessary to apply to the Diocesan Office. So, how to get divorced?

  • It is necessary to submit a petition to the name of the bishop, attach the necessary documents and wait for a response.
  • You have to go through an interview with a priest who wants to know the reasons that pushed you to divorce. Remember that if the reason is not valid for the church, then you may be denied a re-wedding.
  • If you receive a blessing, you can re-marry in any temple of your choice.

Rite of Dethronement in the Orthodox Church

The divorce process is a remarriage in a second marriage with another person with whom you previously entered into a marital relationship.

The wedding will take place the second time in the same way as the first, with the only difference that there will be no crowning on the heads of the spouses.

A crown can be laid only on the one who is getting married for the first time. Otherwise, all the subtleties of the rite are preserved in their original form.

How to get divorced after divorce

After a divorce in the registry office or in court, it is impossible to go through the divorce process in the church, no one will give you a document confirming that you are no longer connected before God with your ex-spouse.

For a divorce by worldly standards, only a certificate from the registry office is sufficient, while the dissolution of a church union is possible only through a second wedding.

Worldly reasons are not always considered enough good reason for divorce, that is, if you do not agree in the interests of your spouse, the problems are related to finances, then be prepared for the church to condemn your divorce. A second marriage is permitted to that spouse who is innocent of the dissolution of the first. marriage union. Remarriage for those who are guilty of adultery is allowed only after the execution of the penance imposed on him by the church.

Is it possible to get married without the consent of the husband or wife

Since in fact there is no such procedure as debunking, but there is only a blessing for a second wedding, then come with ex-husband or ex-wife not required.

For a second church marriage, only the presence of you and your new chosen one is mandatory, the former spouse is not required to be present at the second wedding.

What you need: what documents, where to apply, how much to pay and wait

If you decide to terminate the previous union and remarry and go through the wedding procedure for the second time, then you will need the following list of documents in order to correctly submit the application:

  1. Passport,
  2. Certificate of dissolution of the first marriage,
  3. Church marriage certificate
  4. If the divorce occurs due to the fact that the spouse has lost legal capacity, is ill with an incurable disease, then medical documents confirming this should be provided, as well as a death certificate if the first spouse died.

Together with these documents, you must apply to the Diocese for permission to conduct a second wedding ceremony. Sometimes a petition for dethronement is filed instead. Oddly enough, despite the absence of such a concept and procedure, rite, there is a statement about dethronement (about removing crowns, about removing blessings).

A sample of this statement is available.

However, it is better to clarify which form of application to use in the church in which you are going to undergo the wedding ceremony again. In the church they will tell you how and what petition to write, or they will show you a sample, they will tell you which diocese and in whose name to write.

The letter is addressed to the ruling bishop. The waiting time varies depending on the Diocese's busy schedule, once your application has been considered, you will be called to an interview with a clergyman where it will be decided if your marriage can be dissolved. Only the husband or only the wife can come to apply, the presence of both is optional. This is the process of dethronement in the church.

There is no fee for the wedding, only a voluntary donation, the amount of which will be named by the priest in the temple where you decided to marry your spouse.

How many times can you get married

On the question of how many times you can get married, the church answers quite unambiguously. If you can get permission for a wedding for the second time without any problems, then when you go for permission for a wedding for the third time, they will look at you frankly condemningly. It is possible that they will try to set the right path, reminding that rushing from wife to wife (from husband to husband) is not worthy of a truly believing person.

In fact, the maximum number of times a person can get married is three. Especially if you are under 50 years old. But the third time they may not bless.

Here is an explanatory video on this issue, in particular about the third marriage:

However, some priests may have a different opinion.

Going through the wedding procedure more than three times is considered a grave sin! And in principle, in the view of the church, one should not marry more than once, without objective reasons. According to church canons, only a widower (widow) can get permission to re-marry without censure.

Approach the wedding procedure quite responsibly and seriously, go to the temple only if you are confident in the strength of your marriage bonds and are ready to conclude an alliance not only before people, but also before God. Remember that two people are responsible for the safety of a marriage, and you must be confident in your partner, with whom you decide to connect your life, that both of you are ready to do everything so that your marriage does not fall apart.

IN real life things don't always work out the way you want them to. Families and spouses are breaking up, more recently loving friend friend, become strangers. IN modern society break marriage bonds you can, it's not that hard. But after all, many went through the wedding procedure, and this is a completely different matter. This is a special sacrament and from time immemorial such a marriage has been considered forever, until death. How to enter difficult situation Is it possible to get married in a church? The issue is so relevant that it requires detailed consideration.

Reasons that will affect the dissolution of a church marriage

The church has always had a negative attitude towards divorce, so getting divorced is much more difficult than just getting a divorce certificate. There must be very good reasons for this step. They were documented at the beginning of the last century. In order to conduct a rite of debunking, it is necessary to prove the following facts:

  • infidelity of one of the spouses;
  • the adoption of another faith by a husband or wife;
  • remarriage in the presence of an existing one;
  • sexually transmitted diseases that one of the spouses may suffer from;
  • disappearance of a husband or wife for a long time(missing);
  • attempts to harm the lives of family members;
  • the imprisonment of one of the spouses;
  • inability to reproduce offspring at the physiological level;
  • incestuous marriage.

In the year 2000 of our century, the church added to existing reasons also the following:

  • addiction of one of the spouses to drugs, alcoholic beverages, AIDS disease (it is necessary that all facts have medical confirmation);
  • an abortion that a wife had without her husband's consent.

You can, of course, point out other claims, but they will not be strong enough for the priest to take upon himself the right to debunk the union. Despite the negative attitude of the church towards divorces, priests periodically allow their adherents to re-marry.

If the reasons mentioned above are present, it is possible to get married after a divorce even without the consent of the husband or wife. Under all other circumstances, each specific case considered individually. It is likely to be refused if the priests consider insufficient grounds.

What is the procedure to be followed

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After the married husband and wife have officially divorced, it is necessary to contact the church and go through the procedure for dissolving the already church marriage. The Russian Orthodox Church has determined the established procedure for dethronement, which can be completed within 2-3 weeks.

First of all, in order to get married, you need to visit the parish where the wedding took place, you need to try to communicate with the priest who performed the sacrament. If this is not possible, they turn to the church, which is located in the immediate vicinity. The rector communicates with the husband and wife, who conducts a private conversation, finds out the reasons for making such a decision and talks about the consequences.

Further, the initiators of the procedure write a petition addressed to the Administrator of the Diocese. The document must indicate the date of the wedding and the place where the spouses got married, tell the full story family life. After that, you need to name the reasons that served as the basis for the debunking. Everything must be confirmed by official documents and legally certified certificates. In addition, the rector attaches his report to the petition, in which he sets out personal attitude to the occasion.

Listed required documents attached to the request are as follows:

  • a certificate of divorce issued by the registry office;
  • if one of the spouses lives in a new marriage, you need a certificate of his conclusion;
  • wedding certificate;
  • the consent of the second spouse to the debunking, signed by him personally and legally certified;
  • documents confirming the reasons that the spouses want to dissolve the church marriage.

Please note that only copies of documents need to be submitted. The originals must always be in the hands of the applicant.

Is it possible to hold a wedding ceremony after a divorce

The Orthodox Church provides for a second wedding without any censure in only one case - the death of one of the spouses. In all other situations, the priests have a negative attitude towards such a question as to be dethroned in the church.

A second wedding can be scheduled only after the marriage between husband and wife is registered in the registry office. The spouses submit a petition to the regional Diocese, since an ordinary priest does not have the right to conduct a second ceremony without the permission of the bishop.

But even in this case, the Diocese will only give a blessing for the second sacrament of the wedding. The clergy do not issue any document to confirm the right to dissolve a church marriage.

The repeated wedding ceremony differs from the original one when both spouses get married a second time. By church rules crowns are not put on the newlyweds and the ceremony takes place in the “second rank”. You can only get married in a church three times, no more. But for the third time, only a widowed husband or wife is married, in the presence of small children who have not reached the age of majority.

Looking at the root of the problem, the process of divorce is completely different from the legal dissolution of a marriage. And if the latter passes quickly and without the intervention of third parties, then a church divorce is much more difficult. His main goal is to achieve a blessing for a second wedding due to the recognition of the first as a graceless event. Priests take into account the degree of guilt of the husband or wife, and allow re-marriage only to the spouse who is innocent of the break.

Sometimes, divorcing couples simply forget that after official divorce, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of debunking. But for those whose faith is true, this problem is paramount. You can avoid unpleasant moments in your life, such as debunking, only with conscious approach to the ceremony. In fact, not all young couples who get married in a church are mentally prepared for this. It is necessary to realize the essence of the sacrament and think, but is it forever?

Making the decision to get divorced after a divorce from a husband or wife is an individual and personal matter. However, it should be remembered that after this procedure, there will be no way back.

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Today, the sacrament of the wedding is often distinguished by the fact that the couple who decide to take this step follow the fashion rather than really want to connect with each other in heaven. Obviously, this is why there are so many questions about how to go through the debunking of a church marriage.

Understanding Church Marriage

Before dismantling the concept of "debunking a church marriage", one should understand what the essence of marriage itself is. The very first thing he pursues is love, learning this feeling in the bosom of the family. In the Church, marriage is considered ideal school love. Church marriage is also a special blessing of God. Spouses can always count on help in difficult times for the family.

Of course, we all love when we get married and want to get married. But what does our love mean? Often this is the enjoyment of another person for the sake of one's own pleasure. “I feel good with him/her.” But the point is a little different. Believers enter into church marriage to help each other in spiritual life.

Today this concept is distorted, and the sacrament of the wedding has become a tribute to fashion. A person suddenly realized that it was beautiful and unusual (especially in the post-Soviet space). But there is no trembling in the soul before entering into married life, before the sacrament of the wedding, before God. Obviously, this is why there are so many divorces.

The sacrament of the wedding as the beginning of married life under God's protection

The debunking of a church marriage today is quite a common procedure. However, it is necessary to consider how the connection of the two loving people in the bosom of the church. It should be noted that the sacrament of the wedding itself is a relatively young tradition and came to Rus' somewhere in the 15th-16th centuries. In Byzantium, this sacrament was the privilege of only rich people, and for a simpler estate there was a blessing of the bishop and joint communion.

To date, there is an established wedding ceremony, which was formed in the 9th-10th centuries. And here it should be understood that a new type of marriage has arisen - this is a union forever, even after death. Here the possibility of even thinking about another marriage ceased to exist. The man boundlessly believed in his union and did everything possible to save it. Of course, in our time, everything is completely different, but the essence of the wedding is this.

The sacrament itself takes place after the betrothal of future spouses. They should come to the church with lit candles, stand in front of the lectern. The priest standing in front of them begins the ceremony with questions about the firmness of their intentions. If an affirmative answer is received, then the wedding continues. The couple is blessed, prayers are read, crowns are placed on their heads. Then prayers are read again, the spouses go around the lectern three times after the priest.

It should be noted that the wedding is not performed during fasts, Christmas time, Easter week, on Tuesday and Thursday (Wednesday and Friday are considered fast days).

In what cases can you ask for the dissolution of a church marriage?

You need a good reason to end an alliance. The dissolution of a church marriage is possible in the following cases:

  • betrayal of one of the spouses;
  • marriage of one of the spouses;
  • excommunication from Orthodoxy of one of the spouses;
  • inability to have children in marriage;
  • long absence of a spouse without news;
  • mental illness of one of the spouses;
  • danger or already committed violence in marriage against any of the spouses or children;
  • strong addiction or dependence on alcohol or drugs, etc.

In general, this small list can be further supplemented, as situations are different.

How is this procedure

Now consider the debunking of a church marriage, the procedure of which is not quite usual. As such church divorce does not exist. You are simply given a blessing for a new wedding. However, they give it taking into account all the reasons why a previous marriage may be considered invalid.

The procedure is this. You need to apply to the Diocesan Office. In each city you can find a representative office where to turn. For example, the debunking of a church marriage in Moscow can be carried out in the Novodevichy Convent. That's where you need to go to apply.

You will need documents to submit. First, take your passport, then the new marriage certificate. That is, a second wedding is possible when you have already sealed your new union with the seals of secular law. You must also take a certificate stating that your previous marriage was dissolved. The presence of the second ex-spouse during termination is not at all necessary, because, as mentioned above, a blessing is obtained for remarriage.

After you have received permission, you can apply to any temple with a request to marry you. But you should know that if both spouses were already married in the past, then the sacrament will take place in the second rank (crowns are not laid). If one of the spouses has not previously been married, then the ceremony takes place as usual.

However, you should know that re-entry into a church marriage is not very approved. Of course, it takes into account the fact that we are all not perfect, we have a large number of sins. There is but one case in which remarriage is less blameworthy. This is the death of a spouse.

Who can re-enter a church marriage

Now you know how the debunking of a church marriage takes place. For the second time, only those who are not guilty of termination can get married. previous marriage spouse. The one who was guilty of this can enter into a new union only after repentance and penance, which the priest imposes in accordance with the canons.

The wedding itself is no longer as solemn as the first time. For those who are going to marry for the third time, a longer and stricter penance is established.


As you can see, the debunking of a church marriage is not at all a complicated procedure. However, before deciding to take this step, you should ask yourself the question: have you done everything to save your union? After all, marriage should not be a toy, you cannot first live with one person, and then suddenly decide that he does not suit you. Keep family values, keep your word given before the altar. If it is not possible to live with this person and build relationships, then apply for a divorce, justifying the reasons. If they are found to be very convincing, then you will get it.

How to get divorced after a divorce? The topic is quite sensitive and intimate. Therefore, many people try to hide the fact that after marriage they decided to take such a responsible step as getting married in a church.

When lovers, inspired by a bright feeling, marry, they begin to treat the wedding process rather frivolously. After all, they are sure that they will live together happy life and will always be together. But, as practice shows, many couples who break up objective reasons, only then do they realize how irresponsibly they approached such a sacred act.

Therefore, after the procedure for official dissolution of marriage, some people have a question about whether it is possible to get divorced after a divorce. The answer to it is positive.

What is this process?

The debunking of a church marriage is a rather complicated and lengthy process that takes place in the church where it took place, and the priest who performed the ceremony. If for some reason it is impossible to turn to this shrine, then you can go to the local one.

The first stage that former spouses need to go through is an interview with the rector. Only after this conversation is it necessary to go and write a petition to the diocese. This document should reveal the whole life of marriage, the partners bring their conjectures and evidence. All this is necessary to cancel the wedding ceremony.


The following documents must also be submitted for this procedure:

  1. Copy of divorce.
  2. A copy of the document that confirms the conduct of this ceremony.
  3. A ready statement from a spouse who has already come to terms with the inevitability and does not oppose the termination of the wedding.
  4. All documents are sent, including the petition, to the diocese.


As a rule, one official dissolution of a marriage is not enough to carry out the debunking of a church marriage. At least one of the following must be present:

  1. Treason.
  2. Abortion by a woman against the will of her husband or secretly. Unless the woman's health was in direct danger.
  3. Sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. Drug addiction, alcoholism.
  5. Intention to enter into a new marriage.
  6. The beating of his wife.


Usually the most serious reason is the intention to enter into another marriage with a new partner. If one of the above reasons is the basis for a petition to dissolve the marriage, then the rector or bishop has the right to dethrone the spouses unilaterally.

If the clergy consider the listed reasons to be insufficiently weighty, then they have every right to refuse the petition.

What happens after the divorce?

We figured out how to get divorced after a divorce. After the procedure, both partners can again decide to take this important step with other people. Note that if, nevertheless, a person decides on the wedding ceremony again, then the newly-made spouses are not crowned.

Blessing can only be obtained if the person is not considered the culprit of the past gap. If a person who has repeatedly decided to undergo a wedding is considered guilty, then he will be able to go through it after complete repentance of his sins. Therefore, before deciding to debunk, it is worth considering whether partners need it.

The third time the wedding is allowed only if the person is widowed and has small children.

Before getting divorced after a divorce, it is worth realizing that this step is the final and irrevocable severance of all ties with your current partner. Therefore, if love, respect and all the brightest feelings have faded and cannot be returned, then only in this case it is necessary to decide on this.

Of course, such a complex procedure cannot pass without a trace for both, once friendly, halves. This is especially difficult for the female half, which often falls into depression and unable to continue to live a full life.

In this case, you should not hesitate to contact a psychologist for advice if necessary. He will conduct the necessary therapy and be able to help a person build his life anew. As a rule, self-analysis helps a lot in this situation. Therefore, those people to whom the breakup seems simply an unbearable loss should seek help as quickly as possible.

In order to get divorced from a former spouse or spouse, it is necessary to realize the whole global nature of the problems that have arisen in relationships, and before deciding on such extreme measures, it is better to try all the ways to be able to save the marriage. But, on the other hand, if awareness has come to both partners, you should not delay so as not to make each other even more painful.

In general, at the present time, young people entering into marriage are in no hurry to perform a wedding ceremony, as they are afraid to take on such responsibility. They understand that this step is much more serious than just holding wedding ceremony and live happily ever after. A wedding implies a mystical sacrament of a union that must live forever.

Therefore, before the newlyweds decide on a ceremony and submit appropriate applications to the church, the rector willingly tells all the pros and cons of this act. Many former spouses after such stress, they stop communicating and making friends at all, although they know each other. This difficult period really changes the lives of people who have gone through the rite of debunking. Someone withdraws into himself and tries to survive the stress that has fallen to his lot, while someone falls in love again and is already in a hurry to go through the wedding ceremony.


Now you know how to get divorced after a divorce. As you can see, this is not an easy procedure. So think carefully about every decision you make in life.