Bathing a newborn at home. Bathing the baby: FAQ. Bathing with a newborn

Among the rituals that are repeated every day, bathing is important. In addition to eliminating sweat and dirt, it helps the baby relax the muscles and calm the nervous system. He sleeps soundly and eats well. Adults need to try to properly organize a place for bathing a child and think through all the details.

It is important to know a few rules that will turn bathing into an enjoyable process.

Causes of inconvenience

Bathing often brings pleasure to the baby. If after that he cries, then something is done wrong. It is important to understand why whims appear.

  • Perhaps the room is cold, and after warm bath the baby feels uncomfortable.
  • Fright (the child took a sip of water, heard a sharp sound).
  • Hunger or thirst (a lot of time has passed since feeding).
  • If the baby is tired, wants to sleep, cries, do not wash it. Washing will be enough.
  • If the child cries not only after, but also during washing, he may have colic. While bathing, you can stroke his tummy.

It is necessary to take into account the rule: the baby can be bathed only 30-40 minutes after feeding. You can not start the procedure after eating, the child can burp everything eaten during motor activity in water. That is why it is better to keep the time interval after eating.

Parents are often frightened by the situation when the baby took a sip of water. You don't have to do anything. Water can also get into the ears. Then just blot it with cotton swabs.

In order to get the maximum benefit, babies are bathed in herbs: in chamomile or string. Useful and sea salt. The whole first month, until the wound on the navel heals, the water for taking a bath is boiled.

These conditions are difficult to comply with if the bath is large. Besides, in big bath all family members bathe, and this is unacceptable for a newborn child. After 1 month, you can bathe the baby in a large bath.

modern fixture

The limitation of space often causes the baby to cry. With a circle you can swim in a large bath. Parents do not have to keep the baby in one place. With the circle he feels safe.

IN rubber ring there are special fasteners with which it is attached to the child's neck. The front of the circle has a recess for the chin. The baby will not be able to bend his head down and take a sip of water. With a circle, the child’s muscles completely relax, spasms are relieved.

There are contraindications in which it is impossible to swim in a circle on the neck: increased intracranial pressure, viral infections, birth injury.

The main thing is to correctly position the child in a circle. Before bathing, you need to put the baby on his stomach. Move the halves of the circle apart and stick the child's head between them. You need to make sure that the chin falls into the recess, and the clasp is not pulled tight.

Bathing time in the circle is not limited, it is allowed to use it every day. You need to start with 5-10 minutes, so that the child gets used to being free in the water.

Do not leave children alone in the bathroom for a second!

Comfort and tranquility

Finding a baby in herbs will heal his body, relieve skin problems. Herbs such as nettle, chamomile, string will help. bath with sea ​​salt and decoctions of these herbs will enhance the healing effect.

The sequence manages to relieve inflammation on the skin, reduce the rash. Often you can not bathe in a row. You can add it once a week, as it dries out the skin.

Bathing in chamomile has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, disinfects water. Chamomile has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Bay leaf helps with allergic rashes, purulent wounds, eczema, diathesis. Bay leaf is a strong natural antibiotic, it helps to get rid of excessive sweating. Essential oils, which each leaf contains, help to calm the nervous system and cope with insomnia.

Bay leaf helps to get rid of inflammation on the skin. Its decoction is used as lotions or evening baths. To prepare a decoction, take a bay leaf (7-10 pieces) and boil in water for 20 minutes. After that, let it brew for an hour. Strained infusion is added to bathing water.

Bay leaf is considered safe means treatment of allergies, but in the case of children under one year old, caution should be exercised. Up to 3 months, the sheet is allowed to be used only externally, after - you can drink.

Bay leaf also has its own contraindications for use: stomach diseases, constipation, pancreatitis. Do not repeat the procedure daily. This will help prevent rashes and dry skin.

Soothing herbs that can be added to water: valerian, lavender, mint, oregano. Any herbs should be used with caution.

Security measures:

  • procedures with decoctions of several herbs are not allowed to be done in the first month of a child's life. This makes it difficult to identify an allergy to a particular plant;
  • if the herbs are in filter bags, then they are used 5 pieces per 1.5 liters of water;
  • before dipping a child in a bath with grass, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with the decoction and apply it to the skin of the child. If after a few minutes there is no allergic reaction, you can bathe the baby.

Salty water

Sea salt includes important trace elements(potassium, iodine, magnesium). Salt baths will successfully replace swimming in the sea. Coniferous extracts will only enhance the effect of sea salt.

Bathe your baby in a sea salt bath no earlier than six months after birth. Up to three baths per week are allowed. Neuropathologists prescribe salt baths for birth trauma, hypertonicity. You can not add salt in the presence of open wounds, abrasions on the skin. Salt is also harmful for diseases nervous system. After water, where there is salt, be sure to rinse the child in the shower.

Coniferous-salt baths will help relieve excessive excitability and strengthen the immune system. Salt baths are done according to the testimony of a doctor.

Sea salt water should be properly prepared. Salt is diluted in a separate container, after which it is poured through a sieve into a bath of water. The time of taking such a bath is 5-10 minutes - up to 6 months, and 20 minutes - after 6 months. If coniferous-salt baths are made, then a few more drops of pine needles extract are added.

Water with sea salt will allow you to start metabolic processes and activate the body's defenses. But salt can have a negative effect on sensitive skin baby. Long bathing in water with sea salt leads to peeling and dryness of the skin.

Water procedures are good to turn into exciting game. You can take your favorite toys with you, massage and stroke the baby, tell him fairy tales. Parents are able to create all the conditions so that bathing for the child is useful and enjoyable.

The appearance of a baby at home is always a joy, anxious expectations and ... stress for young parents. When the first emotions subside, parents begin to think that the baby should be washed, dressed and fed. However, in the absence of experience, even simple tasks can raise a lot of questions.

One of the situations that cause confusion in young mothers is the first bath of the child after the hospital. If there is a caring grandmother nearby or if you are lucky with the supervising nurse and doctor, then bathing will not be a big problem. But if not, moms need instructions. So now we will give detailed recommendations bathing a newborn baby.

Preparing the bathroom and water for a newborn's first bath

First of all, it is worth refuting the myth that you should not bathe a child before complete healing umbilical wound. You can bathe your baby from the first day of life, but you need to approach this issue very responsibly so as not to introduce infections.

Tray . The main thing to remember is safety. Therefore, take care of purchasing a baby bath in advance. There are many reasons not to bathe a child in an adult bath - the danger of positioning, a rough surface for the baby's skin, the remnants of aggressive detergents, the risk of injury and even accidental drowning.

The baby bath is safe for the baby in all respects. It is not worth saving when buying it. On sale there are anatomical baths, baths like "mother's belly", ordinary, built-in adult and inflatable models. The safest for newborns are "mother's tummy" baths. They are cup-shaped, non-slip, stable, comfortable for mothers and keep the temperature. In addition, they help with intestinal colic and support newborns who cannot hold their head in the correct physiological posture.

Water . Babies can only be bathed in boiled water and weak decoctions of herbs. The water temperature for the first bath of the baby at home should be 36.6 ° C, if the mother does not want to cause fear of water in the newborn for the next few months. The baby should not feel the temperature difference. In order to control this aspect, you need to buy a bath thermometer in advance. Or a bath with a thermostat that will maintain the desired temperature.

To avoid infection in the umbilical wound, a solution of potassium permanganate can be added to the water for the first bath. To do this, you need to make a strong bright purple solution, take a clean gauze folded in two or three layers, and pour the solution into the bath, filtering through the gauze. Pour until the water turns slightly pink color. You can also add strong solutions of herbs to the water - chamomile, linden, dill.

Bathing facilities. If possible, water and herbal decoctions with potassium permanganate should be dispensed with, but if detergents must be used, antibacterial products and soaps should be avoided. Only special foams for babies can be used. The packaging must indicate that the use is permissible from birth (0+). The foam must be dissolved in a small amount in water in the bath.

The temperature in the bathroom is also very important. If the temperature of the water contrasts sharply with the temperature of the air, the least to be expected is tears and screams; more - inflammation of the lungs. The bathroom should be warm, as well as the room in which the baby gets after bathing.

The first bath of the child should be as less traumatic as possible. Try to follow all the recommendations so that it does not cause long-term fear.

How to bathe a child?

So, all the preparations are made, and it's time for a daily bath. First of all, you need to stock up on bathing attributes - a watering can with a spray, a soft towel, cotton balls and flagella (in no case with sticks), a solution of brilliant green, clean gauze, diapers and talc.

Let's go to swimming. It is necessary to undress the baby, wash it if necessary, and gently put / put it clean in the bath. To do this, you need to support the head (nape), neck, back with the left hand (if the mother is right-handed), and the legs and buttocks with the right hand. So the baby is lowered into a lying bath. In the baths of the "mother's tummy" type, the baby is planted supporting under the armpits and head, carefully leaning against the walls and making sure that the child is comfortable. It is necessary to lower it slowly and gradually, giving him the opportunity to get used to the water. If everything was done correctly, the baby will relax.

Then you need to take a watering can with water (temperature 36.6 ° C) and carefully pour the baby's body, but not the head. Water in the eyes will frighten the child and may cause fear of bathing. Watering the baby with water (or a decoction of herbs), you need to give him time to adapt, stroking and talking to him.

What to do after swimming?

After the washing procedure, you need to carefully remove the baby and immediately wrap it in a towel from the head to the feet. The towel should be soft, dry and warm. Until 6 months, pediatricians do not recommend using anything that is applied to the skin (creams, lotions, oils). The exception is Coconut oil, it is hypoallergenic and in a small amount (literally a couple of drops) will help retain moisture. Apply it before you dry your baby's skin.

You need to prepare in advance the room in which the baby will fall after bathing. Cover the changing table with a warm, clean and soft diaper, put diapers and talcum powder next to it. Be sure to close windows and check for drafts. In the first 10 minutes, do not put on a baby diaper and sliders. It is enough to cover the child with a terry blanket and let the skin breathe.

A young mother (especially if the child is the firstborn in the family) often does not know how to properly approach such a process as bathing a newborn baby.

In this article, we will try to figure out how bathing a baby properly what requirements to comply with and what means to use.

Usually, at the first and subsequent examinations, pediatricians give recommendations for bathing. But once again, when should you start? water procedures.

If the child is healthy, the birth took place on time, and the baby is full-term, then bathing can be started immediately after arrival from the hospital. But with caution, because the umbilical wound has not yet healed. If the wound is very wide, then you should refrain from bathing for the first month. It is enough to wipe the baby's skin with a damp soft cloth.

Use with caution baby soap. Be sure to look at the label for what age it is intended. detergent. If you are not sure, it is better to do with plain water. After all allergic reaction very dangerous at that age.

Bathing facilities and facilities

Conduct baby water treatments possible in any room. The main thing is that it is warm and no drafts. And there you can choose according to your convenience: in the bathroom, in the kitchen or right in the children's room. Moreover, the ambient temperature should not be less than 21 degrees.

Bathing water should be 37-38 degrees, no more and no less. IN cold water the child may freeze, and in the hot it will be uncomfortable for him.

Very often, young mothers are taught to check the temperature of the water with their elbow. It is not right. The elbow is not such a sensitive part of the body to determine exactly 37 or 38 degrees. Be sure to use a thermometer to avoid unnecessary problems and nerves. Let's say from experience that if the baby does not like bathing for the first time, then with each hygiene procedure the whole process will turn into a torment for both you and the baby.

It is better to bathe the baby in a specially purchased bath. But you can't use it for something else. Don't hesitate to wash clothes in it.

Some bathing a newborn in a large tub. But there are several significant drawbacks here:

  • A large bathtub will have to be very thoroughly washed and disinfected each time, even if the adults who use the shared bathroom are completely healthy (which happens infrequently). The slightest infection can cause big problems with health. After all, a small organism is not yet adapted to deal with serious threats.
  • You will have to bathe the child in a very uncomfortable position, bending low over the tub. It is good if dad or grandmother helps to bathe. But it will be problematic for one mother to do this: you need to keep the baby on weight, and even at the same time manage to lather and wash off the soap from the skin.
  • Large amounts of water can frighten a newborn.

After bathing, use moisturizers made specifically for newborns (creams, moisturizing gels, or milks). They are usually hypoallergenic and do not contain any harmful impurities.

How often should a newborn be bathed?

Traditionally, it is believed that bathing should be done daily. For example, before going to bed. But there are caveats in this issue: baby's skin is very sensitive, and daily water treatments can cause severe dryness and irritation. Is it that dirty infant? Yes, and with the condition that after a bowel movement you will wash it away.

Many doctors advise bathing a newborn 2-3 times a week, and the rest of the time, wipe the folds with a damp cloth dipped in warm water.

In summer, when it is hot, the number of bathing can be increased. After all, with more high temperature air, the baby can sweat a lot. Do not forget to wipe the places behind the ears, in the groin, under the arms - where sweat and sebum accumulate.

Can sometimes be used for bathing various additives based on herbs. But you need to use folk remedies (such as chamomile, lemon balm) only after talking with a pediatrician.

When and how long should a baby be bathed?

Immediately after returning from the hospital, bathing the child should not be delayed for more than 5 minutes. By three months, the duration of being in the water can be increased to 15 minutes.

Bath time is usually scheduled for the evening. But sometimes it happens that water procedures only invigorate the baby, and he does not want to fall asleep in any. Then transfer this process to the day, for example, after lunch.

How to wash a newborn?

Today, cosmetic companies offer wide range products intended for babies. These are means for bathing, and means for the skin after water procedures. You can also use decoctions of herbs, so to speak folk remedies. Once again, herbs should be used with great care after consulting a specialist.

  • To reduce inflammation or irritation, you can use decoctions of chamomile or calendula.
  • If the baby is too restless, then you can prepare a bath with lemon balm, mint or lavender. Valerian is sometimes used, but this herb has enough bad smell which the baby may not like.

Even if the child's hair is long, you should not get carried away with shampoos. Enough special detergents that are intended for the whole body. In any case, you need to monitor the status skin and hair to opt for a particular product.

  • Bathe your baby in a special tub that you can't use for anything else. Disinfect the bathing container periodically.
  • Before the bathing process, prepare everything you need so that everything is at hand, and you are not distracted by extraneous things, but only watch the child.
  • After bathing, do not transfer wet baby to another room. Wrap in a towel and then take to the changing table.
  • Before swimming, cut your nails short and wash your hands with soap and water, remove rings, bracelets, watches.
  • Do not rub the baby with a towel, just pat it dry.
  • After wiping, lubricate the baby's skin with cream. With the help of moisturizing oil, you can make a relaxing massage. Just learn how to do it beforehand so as not to harm.
  • After that, dress the child in the clothes prepared in advance. Until the hair is dry, put on a thin cotton hat.
  • The whole process is accompanied by a conversation, gently talk to the baby. Mother's voice will calm the child.

For new parents who are just expecting a baby, caring for a baby seems simple and easy. They are happy to buy a stroller and a bath, bottles and cute little things. And then the moment comes when the newborn is discharged home, and then mom and dad realize that this tiny creature is scary to pick up, and there can be no talk of bathing. No panic! All parents take the course of a young fighter, so you need to listen not only to advice, but also to your own intuition.

Buying a bathtub

The immunity of newborn babies is weak and vulnerable, so they cannot be bathed in a regular adult bath. Even if a caring dad cleaned it several times and disinfected it, they can remain inside dangerous infections and microbes.

The children's store sells special plastic baths designed for babies. They are classic and anatomical. The first variety is a smaller copy of an adult bath, which is suitable for both a baby and one year old baby. Classic options have different sizes and shape, but the mother will have to constantly support the head of the newborn while bathing.

Anatomic baths have a special slide with a rubber coating, thanks to which small children do not slide into the water. The head remains on the surface, so parents do not have to worry that the baby will get drunk with soapy liquid or choke.

There are also baths that resemble a basin with high sides in shape. Manufacturers claim that it is in such models that it is easier for newborns to get used to water procedures, because they imitate the shape mother's belly. It is difficult to find such varieties, and after a few months you will have to buy a larger bath.

About material
Bathing accessories can be made of ordinary plastic or antibacterial. The last variety is covered with a layer of a special substance that destroys microbes and bacteria. Parents do not have to wash the walls and bottom with cleaning products after each bath. Antibacterial baths are recommended for newborns who have dermatological diseases, such as allergies or rashes, from the first days.

In the first days after discharge, parents are advised to wipe the baby with damp rags or soft sponges. Until the child is at least 2 weeks old, he should not be put in water, because the umbilical wound may not heal enough and soften during bathing. For 14-15 days, if new member the family feels good, they are allowed to show the newborn some water and dip into it for 5-7 minutes.

Children born in warm time years, it is recommended to bathe daily. In late spring and summer, babies sweat a lot, so their pores become clogged and inflamed acne appears on the skin. In winter, 2-4 water procedures per week are enough, and the rest of the time, babies are wiped with damp rags and washed away if necessary.

It is important that the first bath does not become stressful for the newborn. The child should not be abruptly lowered into the water so that he is not frightened. How well the hygiene procedure will go also depends on the mood of the mother, so it is recommended to prepare towels, a ladle, children's clothes and other accessories in advance so as not to fuss and just enjoy communicating with the child.

Tip: Pediatricians recommend bathing your baby in the evening. warm water relaxes and soothes, so the baby will sleep longer and better at night. Conduct hygiene procedures on an empty stomach, and after wiping and drying the newborn should be fed with a mixture or breast.

Taking a bath

Water must be boiled so that it is as sterile as possible. It is desirable to allocate a separate large saucepan for the needs of the child, which is thoroughly washed. Clean the new bath with soda, because it is not known how many hands she had to go through before getting on the store shelf.

Pour water into a plastic container and try. If too hot, wait until it cools down. desired temperature. Do not add cold "raw" liquid in which bacteria live. The only exception is a cooled herbal decoction, but before using any plant, you should consult a pediatrician who is watching a newborn. Optimum temperature bathing water - 37-38 degrees, no more.


  1. The child's skin turned red, and the baby himself begins to cry, he is hot and needs to wait until the bath cools down.
  2. The body of the newborn is covered with pimples, and the baby is naughty, he is cold and the degree should be increased.

Tip: Does a water thermometer seem like a waste of money? It doesn't matter, our grandmothers did without this device. You need to immerse your bare elbow in the bath. Didn't feel anything? Great, it's time to bathe the baby. If it is hot, then wait, and if it is cold, add boiling water.

For the first time, you do not need to add potassium permanganate or herbal decoctions. The baby gets used to the new environment, why scare him with strange smells? In addition, the disinfectant solution may be too aggressive for the baby's delicate skin. Instead of potassium permanganate, they used to use pure silver coins or spoons. Load product from precious metal in the bath and leave for 10-15 minutes, then take out and bathe the child. Silver destroys bacteria no worse than manganese, but is much safer for a newborn.

Decoctions: to cook or not to cook
When the first baptism takes place and the child gets used to the bath, herbal decoctions can be added to the bathing water. Use plants preferably 2-3 times a week, not daily. First, conduct a small test and lubricate the skin on the handle or leg with a small amount of decoction. No rash or redness? Children's body reacts normally to the new addition.

What herbs to use? Depends on the nature of the baby and the state of his health:

  • restless and capricious babies are recommended valerian root or lavender;
  • for babies with seborrhea, crusts and rashes, a series is suitable, but a child should be bathed in it no more than once a week, otherwise the skin will become dry and begin to peel off;
  • newborn girls are advised to add a decoction of chamomile to the bath, which soothes and protects against gynecological diseases;
  • diaper rash and prickly heat are treated by oak bark;
  • peppermint is indicated for scrofula and irritations;
  • nettle will help strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the scalp;
  • baths with St. John's wort are prescribed for staphylococcal infections and diathesis rash.
  • You can not bathe a child in a decoction of:
  • tansy and celandine;
  • wormwood and broom;
  • citrus fruits.

It is better to buy grass for decoctions in pharmacies. You can not combine more than 4 components, and for the first time use one plant. Decoctions are not combined with shampoo or gel, and after bathing the baby is thoroughly rinsed clean water from a saucepan or other container.

A plastic bath can be placed on a table or several stable chairs so that it is convenient for parents to wash their baby. Put a washcloth or piece next to it soft tissue, diapers and terry towel. For babies, special models are sewn with hoods to protect the head of a newborn from cold and drafts.

A plastic scoop makes it easier to draw water and wash off the foam from the child. It is advised to choose light and bright models that attract the attention of the baby and amuse him. After water procedures, it is easier to clean the dirt from the baby’s nose and ears, remove the crusts from his head, so the mother should have at hand cotton pads or flagella, comb with small teeth.

We buy the right cosmetics
Do not use adult gels or antibacterial soap to bathe a child. Children's cosmetics are softer and safer, with the minimum amount chemical additives. What should be in the arsenal of new parents?

  • gel or liquid soap, can be replaced with foam;
  • shampoo labeled "No Tears";
  • fat cream or oil to moisturize the skin of a newborn after hygiene procedures.

Proper baby cosmetics have little or no smell at all, and include herbs that soothe and prevent allergies and irritation.

It is advised to add a little gel or soap to the water, beat until foam forms, and then immerse the baby in it. No need to apply detergent to the skin of the baby, it is too delicate for direct contact with these compositions.

We bathe the child for the first time: how it happens

A newborn may be frightened or start to act up, so all the movements of the parents should be slow and confident. First, he is undressed and pressed to himself for a minute to calm and relax. Then they wrap it in a thin diaper, in which the baby is lowered into the bath. So he will be warmer and more comfortable.

When the baby gets used to the water, the diaper is unfolded, freeing the baby's arms and legs. Let him touch the foam, splash a little in the bath. The next step is the bath itself.

  1. While the water is clean, the baby is gently washed. Eyes, ears and nose remain dry.
  2. Wipe the neck and arms with a damp washcloth, carefully clean the armpits and chest with the tummy from sweat and dirt. Go down to the legs and inguinal zone.
  3. The genitals of girls are gently wiped with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water. Move from the navel to anus. On the contrary, an infection can get into the urinary canal and genitals. In boys, they wipe the fold under the foreskin, but the skin itself is not strongly pulled away so as not to injure it.
  4. It remains to turn the baby over and wash the back and buttocks, rinse the legs and heels.

The head of the newborn is washed with hands, and the foam is washed off with a thin stream of water from the ladle, which moves from the forehead to the back of the head so that the shampoo does not get into the eyes. A clean baby is wrapped in a large terry towel. Wipe the child dry, not forgetting the folds, genitals and armpits. inguinal zone and treat the ass with powder, put on a diaper and smear baby skin with cream or oil.

Tip: If the baby starts whimpering while wiping, he can be breastfed. When the newborn calms down, continue hygiene procedures.

We get out of the bath: what's next

The baby is dressed in warm pajamas, the hair is carefully combed and a cap is pulled on top so that the baby is not blown away. Wipe the eyes with cotton swabs dipped in boiled water. Gently clean the ears and nose with flagella.

Lubricate the crust on the head fat cream and brush gently. If its pieces are separated without problems, then it is “ripe” and well soaked. Treat the skin after the procedure with peroxide. The crust is badly combed out, redness or small wounds appear? We need to stop and wait a few more days.

We must not forget about the umbilical wound, which is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each bath. How to properly handle this part of the body, mothers should be told and shown by a pediatrician.

  1. When a child lies on his back during bathing, his head must be supported with an elbow or a special stand should be placed under it. The back of the head of the newborn and the chin may be in the water, the main thing is that the liquid does not get into the mouth and ears. The baby, turned upside down, is placed on the arm with his stomach, and the head is held with the palm of his hand.
  2. To make the baby have fun and calm, parents constantly talk to him, tell rhymes or sing songs.
  3. The foam must be washed off very carefully so that it does not remain on the skin and does not clog the pores.
  4. When the umbilical wound heals and the baby gets stronger, mom can bathe with him in a large bath. The woman undresses, leaving only underwear, lays down in water, and puts a naked child on top of his stomach.

Bathing a newborn will be pleasant and fun activity if parents teach the baby to water and a washcloth. And in order for him to like hygiene procedures, he did not cry or act up in the bath, adults must do everything smoothly and confidently, without hesitation and trusting themselves and the child.

Video: the first bath of a newborn

Water procedures baby should not be considered solely in terms of hygiene. Indeed, by and large, to maintain the cleanliness of the baby, it is enough to wash it regularly. Bathing a baby is a pleasant pastime, introducing the baby to new sensations, sincere joy from gurgling in the water and no less sincere joy of young parents from communicating with their beloved baby. Therefore, you should not prepare for bathing procedures, as a serious responsibility. May they bring joy to all of you!

Baby's first swim

Whether to take the first bath of a newborn on the day of discharge from the hospital or wait until it heals is up to you. The advice of pediatricians differs here. There are two opinions.

  • Do not bathe your child until the umbilical wound has healed unless you are sure of the quality of the tap water. unhealed navel is a "gateway" for the penetration of infections into the body, which, you see, no one needs. During the first two weeks of life, use wet wipes for baby hygiene.
  • You can start bathing immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, if you use boiled water. Boil exactly as much water as necessary for one "bathing procedure". The very next day, this water will be unusable, since the degree of its contamination with microbes is not much different from ordinary tap water.

Involve dad in the bath.

For the first bath, prepare:

  • plastic tub. Even if in the future you plan to bathe a newborn with a circle, the first time you need a compact baby bath. It is preferred for a number of reasons: it is smaller, which means you need less boiled water. It can be put on special holders on the bathroom so that you can hold the baby in a more or less comfortable tilt. It is safer: even if the child is actively moving, the risk of missing him here is small. The modern market offers a variety of baths for bathing newborns. There are no criteria in choosing an accessory. The main thing is that you like it and be compact enough not to cause problems with storage;
  • thermometer to determine the water temperature;
  • terry soft towel;
  • a jug or mug of water for rinsing;
  • baby shampoo, soap.

How to bathe a baby - step by step technique

3 important rules for further bathing

  • up to 6 months - daily;
  • up to 1 year - 3 times a week;
  • after 1 year - 2-3 times a week.
  • Use shampoo and soap while bathing once a week. At frequent use even special children's products cause dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Duration bath procedures choose at your discretion. If you are bathing your baby in a small bath, finish the swim when the water is cool. This usually happens after 10-15 minutes. If you bathe your baby with a circle in a large bathtub where he is actively moving, the duration may be longer - up to 40 minutes.
  • Select certain time for bathing and stick to it. If after the child eats well and falls asleep peacefully, you can plop with him before a night's sleep. And if the procedure causes a surge of vivacity in the crumbs, after which he plays tricks for another couple of hours, you can arrange swims after daytime sleep or at another time convenient for you and the baby.

Believe me, your worries about bathing the baby will pass for 2-3 days. And then water procedures will bring only joy to all family members!