Why is discharge during pregnancy. Discharge during pregnancy. The appearance of a yellow-white secret

Discharge from the genital tract is a natural process inherent in women and girls of childbearing age. However, under the influence of certain factors, leucorrhoea can become a symptom of very unpleasant conditions. They are able to change their volume, color and consistency, which for gynecologists often becomes a kind of compass, allowing one to assume the presence of a particular disease. Women who are carrying a child are no exception, they also have a secret that needs to be given increased attention. Even if before successful conception white discharge was absent, hormonal changes can cause multiple changes affecting systems and organs. Consider when white discharge during pregnancy should not be a cause for concern and why it is necessary to see a doctor in certain situations.

When is the allocated secret correct?

One of the first changes during the conception of a child is the formation of a mucous plug on the cervix. In a similar way, the body protects the embryo from the penetration of external infections. The result of care may be a significant whitish discharge, which is not pathological and does not lead to complications. Natural whites in pregnant women include a mucous transparent secret without an unpleasant odor, sometimes with a milky tint. The secret includes:

  • Mucus produced by the glands of the genital organs.
  • Various bacteria that constantly live in the genitals. Most often, these are lactobacilli, although other microbes in small quantities do not indicate infection.
  • Dead epithelial cells.

Progesterone is responsible for white discharge during pregnancy. This hormone begins to be produced after fertilization and the introduction of the egg into the wall of the uterus, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the fetus. Under its influence, the body begins to actively produce whitish whites at the initial stage of bearing a child. At the same time, the consistency of the mucus also changes, which can be quite dense during the first few months of gestation.

The increased production of progesterone lasts for about twelve weeks, after which the production of estrogen begins. Such jumps can again increase the volume of secretory mucus, which is normal. As the concentration of estrogen increases, the leucorrhoea becomes watery, sometimes causing a not-so-pleasant sensation of wetness in the perineum.

Despite such drastic changes and not always pleasant sensations, there is no reason to worry if the mucus from the penis becomes thinner or thicker, without being accompanied by itching or burning, swelling of the genital organs, and unpleasant odors. Normal discharge during pregnancy in terms of color, consistency and volume may look like this:

  • The amount of mucus produced over a 24-hour period varies from one to about five milliliters, while a larger volume is not always a pathology, although in this case it does not hurt to consult a specialist.
  • Mucous discharge during pregnancy can be completely transparent or stained in milky shades.
  • The consistency is usually smooth, like mucus and resembles protein. raw egg, varying in density.

Quite often, during the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall, white discharge in an increased volume is observed before menstruation and at that moment becomes the only sign of a completed conception.

Odorless discharge during pregnancy is often associated with allergic reactions or irritation due to drugs. intimate hygiene, underwear, panty liners. Even if the secreted mucus meets the signs of the norm, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the formation of a urogenital infection. To this end, it will be necessary to increase control over personal hygiene:

  • it is necessary to wash in the morning and evening hours, while it is advisable for women who are carrying a child to refrain from using soap (an exception may be cleaning the anus);
  • abandon synthetic underwear in favor of natural breathable materials;
  • use fragrance-free panty liners, remembering to replace them when moisturizing.

Pregnancy in the last weeks may be accompanied by a noticeable outflow of a milky mucus fluid, which leaves quite noticeable traces. It is possible that to natural secret admixed flowing anatomical fluid. In this case, it does not hurt to be ready to go to the clinic, since such discharge often indicates the onset of labor.

Why is secretion observed during pregnancy

In addition to the natural formation of mucus when carrying a child, there are a considerable number of other factors that can cause this phenomenon:

If we are talking about the usual secret that is produced to form a mucous plug, do not be surprised at its increased profusion. It is important to pay attention to the properties of mucus - it should have a white tint, resemble the slimy protein of a raw egg, and not be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, although a sour shade is acceptable. However, even if the discharge does not differ too much from the norm in appearance, but is accompanied by itching, swelling, irritation of the organs, soreness and other unpleasant manifestations, a reasonable woman goes to a specialist for an appointment. With increased attention, it is necessary to treat the abundant discharge in the last stages of gestation - if the volume gradually increases over several hours, the onset of labor can be assumed.

  • White discharge during pregnancy can be caused by infectious diseases. The development of pathology will be accompanied by a number of other signs. Often there is a general weakness of the body, malaise, insufficient resistance to various inflammatory processes. It is necessary to be alert when the mucus changes its shade, acquires a sharp unpleasant odor.
  • Candidiasis - aka thrush - is one of the most common factors that provoke white discharge in women, which are characterized by abundance, the smell of brewer's yeast and a curdled consistency.
  • In some cases, selection white color during pregnancy, they appear during the period when menstruation began before conception. Usually in this case, the formation of mucus does not cause discomfort, however, if pain occurs in the lower abdomen, an urgent examination by a gynecologist is necessary.
  • Profuse white mucus may precede spontaneous abortion or indicates a stopped development of the embryo.
  • In some cases, mucous whites go under the influence of not internal, but external factors, in particular, daily pads become the culprits of the problem. Many manufacturers in the manufacture of products use a variety of additives and synthesized extracts that provoke negative reactions of the body. It is desirable for women in position to give preference to simple products without impregnations and fragrances.

The unexpected appearance of a mucous secretion of various shades is a good reason to contact a specialist without waiting for the development of complications.

When does a secret signal danger?

Having accepted the fact of the possibility of abundant secretions during the period of bearing a child, a woman needs to pay increased attention to their properties - any change in color, smell or consistency may indicate the development of pathological processes. For example, liquid mucus with a specific smell of rotten fish may indicate the presence of bacterial vaginosis or dysbiosis. Painful conditions may be formed due to impaired functionality immune system or a failure in the hormonal balance, which contributes to the reproduction of opportunistic microbes in the mucous layer.

It should be remembered that to determine the culprit of mucus secretion by its appearance quite difficult, the diagnosis will require a series of studies and analyzes prescribed by a qualified specialist.

Experienced gynecologists, however, quite often, when establishing a primary diagnosis, rely on the presence of infectious changes affecting the secret - its wateriness, lumpiness, shade, a sharp increase in volume, consistency. The frequency of occurrence of pathologies is also taken into account:

  • Candida fungus, which causes thrush and damage to the walls of the penis, is observed in pregnant women in 30% of cases.
  • Chlamydia is detected in 10% of cases; when carrying a child, it manifests itself during the first three weeks with yellow-white liquid mucus in combination with burning and itching.
  • With bacterial vaginosis, which is diagnosed in 10 to 25% of women bearing a child, symptoms may be completely absent with a strong imbalance of microflora.
  • According to statistics, trichomonas vaginitis is observed in 32% of pregnant women, its development may be accompanied by a yellow-white or yellow secret, pain during urination, itching.

The woman herself first of all pays attention to the color of the discharge, since this is the most obvious property of the secret. Consider the pathological shades of whiter, which can be observed most often during pregnancy.

The appearance of a yellow-white secret

White thick discharge with a clear yellow tint almost always indicates the presence of pathological processes occurring in the body, while a woman can feel completely normal even with fairly abundant mucus. However, when the secret becomes dark yellow tint, There is bad smell and soreness, itching of the external genitalia, an urgent consultation of a specialist and a thorough examination are necessary. There are a number of reasons under the influence of which such discharge is observed in pregnant women:

  • The inflammatory process, aggravated due to pregnancy - bearing a child weakens the immune system, which contributes to the penetration of pathological microorganisms into the genital organ and their active reproduction. The next stage is the defeat of the genital organs and the increase in the risk of spontaneous abortion.
  • When a dark yellow secret appears, an allergic reaction provoked by underwear or personal care products. Certain microorganisms can also manifest themselves in a similar way.
  • In cases where white-yellow discharge begins to acquire a green tint, there is a high risk of developing more serious diseases - for example, venereal pathologies can be suspected if, in addition to color changes, there is pain during urination, burning and itching.
  • On inflammatory processes in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the development of a bacterial infection indicates a piercing yellow hue of the secret.
  • If yellowish mucus is accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor during pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages and uterus is not excluded. This condition is very dangerous because it can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Curdled discharge of various shades

Most often, thick discharge during pregnancy of a milky hue and a curdled appearance with a sour smell indicates the development of candidiasis. An accompanying symptom in this case is unbearable itching, severe burning, swelling occurs in the genital area. It is very significant that these manifestations can intensify closer to the night, after sexual intercourse or hygiene procedures. When carrying a child, the disease most often worsens and is difficult to treat.

If curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor, they acquire a green tint, are accompanied by itching, burning, such symptoms may indicate infectious pathologies or inflammatory processes in the genitals. The main danger in this case is a high risk of miscarriage. The green secret of a curdled consistency can be caused by a pathological process in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. With an acute vaginal infection, a cheesy greenish secret is observed, and with a small volume, the formation of a bacterial pathology in the genital tract is not excluded. Sexually transmitted diseases manifest themselves as a curdled secret of a yellowish tint. Quite often, a curdled substance with a greenish tint appears as a result of taking antimicrobial drugs and disturbed microflora in the genital organ.

White mucus with impurities

White during pregnancy and bloody impurities in them may indicate erosion of the uterine cervix, cervicitis. In a similar way, inflammatory processes occurring in the cervical canal can manifest themselves. These pathologies lead to a complicated course of pregnancy and subsequent labor activity.

Brown secret when carrying a child

When carrying a child, a brown secret is observed in almost every future mother. There are several reasons that contribute to the development of this condition:

  • With an ectopic pregnancy, the egg is rejected, accompanied by the outflow of brown mucus and the onset of bleeding.
  • Creamy discharge brown shade indicate a threat of miscarriage. The mucus may turn into minor bleeding, which gradually increases without stopping.
  • In the presence of an incomplete miscarriage, severe bleeding of reddish-brown hues, often containing clots, is observed. There is also severe pain in the lower abdomen. Curettage of the uterine cavity may be required to remove the remnants of the deceased fetus.
  • If a brown spot is observed in the last stages of bearing a child, one can suspect a violation of the functionality of the placenta and its separation. Such a pathology can become a source of minor bleeding.
  • Brown liquid may indicate the onset of labor in the last stages of pregnancy.
  • Uterine rupture can also be accompanied by leakage of a brown secret, most often this phenomenon is observed in women with a history of abortion. Similarly, scars formed on the uterus can also manifest themselves.

As you can see, most often the brown secret accompanies the development of sexual diseases and erosion of the uterine cervix. If placental rupture occurs, bed rest is necessary, the elimination of psychological and emotional overloads, the appointment of hormonal drugs.

Bloody secretion during childbearing

Bloody secretion during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon, especially at its beginning. According to statistics, in 80%, even in the presence of early women, without deviations and subsequent complications, they bear a fetus. Consider the factors that provoke the appearance of bloody fluid:

  • The reason may be an increased blood supply to the genital organs or their oversensitivity. Usually, the phenomenon occurs against the background of an ultrasound scan using a vaginal probe or due to a gynecological speculum used during the examination.
  • Bloody mucus is often observed after intercourse against the background of irritation of the uterine cervix and mucous layer.
  • This kind of discharge is provoked by placental abruption or hormonal disruptions, which are early stages pregnancy is not particularly dangerous.
  • The brown tint of the bloody secretion may indicate the formation of a hematoma in the body.
  • Rarely enough, the painless appearance of an abundant bloody secretion can be provoked by a cystic mole, characterized by the growth of placental tissue. The danger of such a condition is a high risk of death of the child.

The appearance of blood clots indicates the possibility of complications with spotting. If they are present, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary, since the likelihood of a miscarriage is high.

Treatment for childbearing

The appearance of pathological whites of a suspicious color, with an odor indicating the possibility of development dangerous diseases requires appropriate treatment. Therapy bacterial infections in pregnant women it is quite difficult and should include several stages to achieve the greatest effect:

  • It is necessary to use agents capable of suppressing pathogenic microflora.
  • It is necessary to use drugs to restore balance.
  • Immunostimulating drugs are prescribed.
  • Requires proper nutrition, stay in the fresh air.

For therapy infectious pathologies pregnant women have special schemes, each of which corresponds to a certain period of fetal development, while using the safest drugs. Treatment is carried out under constant monitoring through tests.

With the development of candidiasis, for the most part, local preparations are used, including suppositories, gels or ointments. In the early stages of pregnancy, Pimafucin is often prescribed, which has a rather weak effect. Accordingly, in the later stages, thrush may appear again.

To enhance the effect of pharmaceuticals, the attending physician may recommend the use of traditional medicine recipes. Despite the seeming innocence herbal preparations homemade both individual intolerance to the components and possible contraindications should be taken into account.

Using traditional medicine recipes

Despite the fact that with the appearance of whites in the normal state best method therapies are douching, when carrying a fetus, they are contraindicated. A good alternative can be sitz baths with the addition of infusions of oak bark or chamomile. Thanks to this method of using medicinal products, it is possible to quickly get rid of the itching of the external genitalia and get rid of pathogenic microflora. There are many effective and popular folk recipes:

Most important rule- Refusal to self-medicate. Without prior consultation with a doctor, such therapy is fraught not only with low efficiency, but also with a high risk of various complications.

Each unpleasant sensation causes fear in the expectant mother - is everything okay with the baby. It happens, noticing on linen strange spot, a pregnant woman completely panics, not suspecting that discharge may be the norm in her position.

So that such situations do not take you by surprise, we will analyze in detail each type of discharge during the period of bearing a child.

The female genitourinary system in a normal state never remains dry. The cervix secretes mucus in each menstrual cycle, and experienced women can easily determine ovulation and the days most favorable for conception by the consistency and amount of secretions. The hormonal background during pregnancy changes greatly, but the discharge still remains, although it may become different depending on the period.

Discharge at the beginning of pregnancy

As you know, obstetricians do not start calculating the term from conception, but from the first day of the last normal menstruation. So, menstrual and ovulatory discharge also belong to the secretion during pregnancy.

That is, the following are considered normal during the period of bearing a baby:

  • Bloody discharge during menstruation
  • Clear, stringy mucus in the middle of the cycle (ovulation)
  • Possible dark red discharge during attachment of the embryo to the uterus
  • Clear discharge in early pregnancy due to changes in hormonal background.

Also occasionally there are cases when a pregnant woman has slight bloody discharge on the days when she was supposed to have her period.

Should I go to the doctor

Hormones sometimes contribute to the fact that the expectant mother overreacts to any normal manifestation of pregnancy.

In order not to look like a hysteric in the eyes of others, remember the signs in which you need to urgently go to the hospital.

  1. bleeding, even if unpleasant sensations they are not accompanied. No matter how long you are, call an ambulance immediately if you notice blood on your underwear.
  2. Drawing or aching pain, feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. This sign also does not bode well, so call your doctor immediately.
  3. agonizing headache It can also be a sign of threatened miscarriage.
  4. Constant nausea, incessant vomiting. The symptoms themselves may not be a sign that something is wrong with the baby. But if the expectant mother cannot eat normally due to severe toxicosis, it is better to go to the hospital for preservation. The hospital will be able to artificially feed both the woman and the fetus, as well as help reduce the frequency of vomiting.
  5. The growth of edema. This symptom is especially dangerous in late pregnancy. More precisely, it is not the edema that poses a threat, but the fact that they are a sign of insufficient kidney function. Be sure to tell your obstetrician if wedding ring no longer sticks to the finger.
  6. Numbness of the abdomen, or petrification of the uterus, occurring regularly and quite often (from 4 times per hour). This may be a sign of early preterm labor.

These are the main dangerous symptoms during pregnancy. Whether they are accompanied by discharge or not, in any case, it is better to ask an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist for advice.

Normal discharge during pregnancy

As already mentioned, the female genital organs always secrete some kind of secret. It is important to know what is normal during the period of bearing a baby, and what discharge may indicate danger. So, discharge during pregnancy is the norm.

Allocations in the first 12 weeks - the norm or pathology?

To understand this issue, recall the course of school anatomy. In the first two weeks of the cycle, a woman is not yet pregnant, but her body is actively preparing for this every month.

First, the uterus is cleansed, removes old epithelial cells and cervical mucus - all this is part of the discharge during menstruation.

Then the hormone estrogen comes into play, an increase in which also contributes to an increase in the amount of liquid transparent mucus. These secretions appear just before ovulation and help sperm enter the uterus more quickly. In addition, estrogen softens the tissues, and the egg can easily leave the follicle and go on a long journey through the fallopian tubes towards its destination.

Immediately after fertilization, the amount of estrogen decreases sharply, and in return progesterone increases. Under its influence, the mucus becomes thick and viscous, which contributes to the most correct and easy attachment of the future crumbs to the wall of the uterus.

Normal discharge in the first few weeks of pregnancy is regulated by progesterone. And it also helps the body come to terms with the fact that a tiny man is now growing inside you.

Discharge throughout pregnancy

After the first trimester, estrogen is taken over. It is thanks to him that the next few months are considered the golden period of pregnancy: the mood improves, the toxicosis passes, the skin becomes velvety and ruddy. And yet, the discharge becomes liquid and plentiful, which helps to increase libido. And if there are no contraindications, surprisingly hot nights await you and your spouse.

In the later stages, a woman needs to carefully monitor the condition of her linen, as it happens that pregnant women take leaking amniotic fluid for discharge.

Sometimes women worry about whether they will be able to distinguish between discharge and flowing water. In fact, a one-time breakthrough amniotic sac cannot be confused with anything else. Even pathological discharge it cannot be in such quantity, which means that you have nothing to worry about: you will definitely understand everything.

All of these discharges are always transparent, without shades of yellow, green or pink. It is the absence of color that indicates that everything in the body goes on as usual. But keep in mind that they are normal only in the absence of discomfort and other symptoms.

Another type of harmless discharge is white. Sometimes they are called the first sign of pregnancy, as they are formed under the influence of increasing "pregnant" progesterone.

The composition of this thick mucus simple: genital glands, lactic acid bacteria and epithelial cells. Please note that white discharge should in no case be accompanied by itching or unpleasant odors.

If you feel discomfort, it is possible that the cause of white discharge is a disease.

Bacterial vaginosis

This disease is also called vaginal dysbacteriosis or gardnerellosis. Its main symptom is white discharge with an odor reminiscent of rotten fish.

Please note that the smell intensifies immediately after unprotected intercourse.

Causes of bacterial vaginosis

  • Frequent changes of sexual partners
  • douching
  • Contraceptives containing 9-nonoxynol
  • Antibiotic treatment

So gardnerellosis can be triggered by pregnancy, or rather hormonal changes in the body due to the birth of a new life.

Vaginal dysbacteriosis is not contagious, but, for example, promiscuous sexual intercourse leads to the fact that the mucosal flora changes and causes an increase in the number of Gardnerella bacteria.

It is worth considering that for men this disease is not dangerous, and they do not need treatment.

Features of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women

If you suspect gardnerellosis, immediately tell your obstetrician about it. This disease is very dangerous for expectant mothers, as it threatens with infection of the amniotic fluid, death of the baby and premature birth.

The most important thing you can do yourself is start eating more foods that contain lactic acid bacteria. This "army" is your main ally in the fight against vaginal dysbacteriosis.

As for drug treatment: the doctor will prescribe it to you, based on the results of the tests, your general state and gestational age.

Milkmaid: enemy number one

Thrush or candidiasis fungal infection mucosa of the genital organs. They say that Candida is a constant companion of every third woman. It lives in intimate places asymptomatically, and only with a decrease in immunity or a change in microflora instantly makes itself felt.

Symptoms of candidiasis during pregnancy

  • White discharge: thick, sometimes curdled
  • Itching in the intimate area
  • Vaginal irritation
  • Burning sensation during intercourse or urination.

There are several tricks to help you avoid unpleasant disease or deal with it quickly.

  1. Do not eat anything that contains yeast
  2. Use only high quality underwear natural cotton
  3. Perform genital hygiene more often, do not use soap and shower gels for washing
  4. Throw away scented panty liners.

The thrush of a pregnant woman is not dangerous for the crumbs in the stomach, but there is a risk that the baby will become infected when passing through the diseased genital tract. Therefore, it is better to treat the disease in advance, especially since there is currently a huge variety of medicines created specifically for expectant mothers.

So, for the most part, white discharge is not dangerous for pregnant women. But if you feel itching or an unpleasant smell, white mucus can be a sign of a serious illness, so it’s better to play it safe and ask your doctor for a referral for a smear analysis.

If pregnant women usually do not expect a catch from colorless and white discharge, then yellow spots on linen make them think. The color of mucus may well warn of an onset of the disease, which means that other symptoms must also be identified.

When it's all right

The big hormonal "bad-boom" provoked by the fact that a baby has settled in your body often leads to changes. Often, not only your taste preferences change, but also the consistency, smell and color of vaginal discharge.

If other than yellowish color transparent mucus does not bother you anymore, it is quite possible that these are pranks of progesterone and estrogen and nothing threatens you.

However, continue to listen to yourself and note the appearance of other symptoms, then you will be able to quickly identify the onset of the disease and immediately eliminate it.

50 shades of yellow

If the cause of yellow discharge is an infection or inflammation, then they will vary slightly in shades depending on which particular disease caused them.

  • Bright yellow discharge indicates that the ovaries or fallopian tubes are inflamed.
  • Pus and dark yellow discharge indicate the presence of staphylococcus aureus or E. coli.
  • Yellow discharge with green or brown blotches indicates that you have some kind of sexually transmitted disease. Most often it is trichomoniasis or gonorrhea.

Inflammation of the appendages during pregnancy

There are several reasons for inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes during the period of bearing a child:

  • Inflammation not treated before pregnancy
  • hypothermia
  • Infectious diseases
  • Diseases that are sexually transmitted
  • Inflammation of the internal organs that are located in the lower abdomen.

Ideally, when a couple prepares for pregnancy in advance, carefully finding out the presence or absence of hidden diseases and infections. But this is not always the case, so try to be more careful with yourself when you find out that you are in a position.

After finding out the cause of the inflammation, your doctor will most likely refer you to a hospital. Do not worry, in our time many diseases are treated, including inflammation of the appendages. You will be given antibiotics suitable for expectant mothers, a course of gynecological massage and safe physiotherapy.

Staphylococcus during pregnancy

If staphylococcus aureus is found in a smear, do not panic. A small amount may be present in the vaginal mucus of a pregnant woman. But if the doctor accurately diagnosed, be prepared for long-term treatment.

Staphylococcus during pregnancy is very dangerous for the future crumbs. These unfortunate sticks can cause a lot of deviations in the development of the baby, cause intrauterine infection and blood poisoning. In no case do not hide from the doctor that the usual discharge suddenly acquired a golden color. yellow! The sooner you start treatment, the less risk there is to your child's life.

Remember also that the presence of even a small amount of staphylococci in a smear may indicate incipient pyelonephritis. Pay attention to edema and give urine for a general analysis.

When everything is worse you can't imagine

The worst cause of yellow discharge during pregnancy is a gonococcal infection. Fortunately, cases of gonorrhea have become very rare in recent years, but the symptoms of the disease still need to be known.

  • Yellow or green liquid vaginal discharge
  • Sharp pains in the lower abdomen
  • Bleeding or just spotting.

During pregnancy, gonococci are very dangerous to the fetus. They cause intrauterine death of the baby, premature birth and miscarriage, and if the child is still alive, they infect him during passage through the birth canal.

Babies who are born to an infected mother often develop gonococcal conjunctivitis.

It is difficult to cure gonorrhea during pregnancy, but it is still possible in a hospital. The doctor will prescribe the optimal treatment, taking into account all the nuances.

Unfortunately, there are cases when, when infected with gonorrhea, doctors recommend termination of pregnancy. That is why, in order to avoid such terrible situations, you need to prepare in advance for pregnancy.

One of the alarming "bells" during pregnancy is brown discharge. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, but almost every one of them speaks of pathology, so a visit to the obstetrician cannot be delayed.

Causes of brown discharge in pregnant women

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • bubble skid
  • Frozen pregnancy
  • Risk of miscarriage
  • Internal trauma
  • Infection
  • placenta previa
  • Cork discharge before childbirth

A Pregnancy That Can't Be Saved

Very often, brown discharge appears when the further bearing of the child is no longer possible.

bubble skid

This genetic anomaly, during which the development pregnancy is coming wrong. Instead of the fetal membrane and the embryo, vesicles grow in the uterine cavity, similar to a bunch of grapes. This happens because from the very beginning there was a failure in the composition of the chromosomes.

Symptoms of hydatidiform mole may be brown liquid discharge, too big size uterus, not suitable for timing and very high hCG level.

The pathology is removed surgically, after which the level of hCG in the blood is regularly measured for six months. The fact is that a cystic drift can be malignant and reappear after removal. However, this disease is curable in almost one hundred percent of cases.

Ectopic pregnancy

It happens that instead of entering the uterine cavity, a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube and begins to grow there. Most often this is due to the narrowness or even obstruction of the pipes. Such a pregnancy is called an ectopic.

Its symptoms will immediately let you know that something is wrong in the body.

  • Pain in the ovaries
  • Tests show a negative result or the second line is weak
  • The hCG level is much lower than it should be in time
  • Body temperature is elevated, blood pressure is lowered.

If you notice several of these signs in yourself, go for an ultrasound. Modern devices are capable of diagnosing ectopic pregnancy at the smallest time. With the help of a timely operation, it is often possible even to save the tube in which the fetal egg is attached.

Frozen pregnancy

A pregnancy that has suddenly stopped developing can have many different reasons, starting with a genetic failure and ending with severe stress for the expectant mother.

Among the symptoms of a missed pregnancy are the same brown discharge, a sudden cessation of toxicosis, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.

It is painful and insulting: to hear from the doctor "The embryo does not develop, there is no heartbeat." The expectant mother blames herself for everything and cannot understand why this happened to her.

A frozen pregnancy must be cleaned with a vacuum or scraping, depending on the period.

There is still hope

Chocolate-colored discharge can only warn of the danger of miscarriage or that an infectious disease is operating in the body.

Risk of miscarriage

The threat of miscarriage can be triggered by many factors: stress, weight lifting, previous unsuccessful pregnancies, abortions, genetic disorders in the development of the embryo, or Rh conflict.

Common symptoms of threatened spontaneous abortion:

  • Brown or red discharge
  • Pain in the uterus
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen

The threat of miscarriage can occur at any stage of pregnancy, so if you notice these signs, call an ambulance.

placenta previa

One of the most common causes the fact that the expectant mother lies in the department of pathology of pregnant women throughout the pregnancy - placenta previa.

If the placenta overlaps internal os uterus, the baby develops hypoxia, which, without proper treatment, can cause intrauterine death.

Previa can be suspected precisely by brown discharge - and this is its very first and main symptom. A woman with this diagnosis should be constantly monitored in order to exclude terrible consequences and give birth to a healthy baby on time.

Cervical erosion

It happens that brown discharge is caused by erosion on the cervix. With the growth of the uterus, it begins to bleed and gives the expectant mother a lot of anxiety, although it does not really pose a threat.

During pregnancy, erosion treatment is not carried out. It is recommended to remove the wounds in any convenient way (radio wave surgery, laser, liquid nitrogen) a couple of months after childbirth. Incidentally, it is not uncommon for natural childbirth erosion disappears on its own.

natural brown discharge

There are two types of chocolate-colored discharge that are natural during pregnancy.

  1. Implantation of the fetal egg in the wall of the uterus. The release of blood at this moment does not occur in everyone, but still it is not a pathology. Attachment occurs 4-8 days after conception, and, noticing brown spots on underwear these days, you can assume that you will soon become a mother.
  2. Removal of the mucus plug. The mucous plug closes the cervical canal from the external environment throughout pregnancy. But at the end of pregnancy, when all the tissues soften and the cervix begins to open, mucus with an admixture of dark blood comes out, indicating to the woman that labor will soon begin.

Very often, brown discharge during pregnancy is a sign that you urgently need medical attention. Do not let things take their course; do not dismiss the offer to call a doctor. It is possible that timely treatment will save your baby's life.

The most dangerous are discharge with blood during pregnancy. It is especially bad if dark clots are present in the blood mucus. There are not many reasons for this phenomenon, let's start with the most harmless.

late menstruation

The pregnancy hormone begins to rise sharply in a woman's body only after the fetal egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

This can happen as early as the fourth day after conception, or later. It happens that attachment occurs on the twelfth day and by the time the usual end of the cycle, the suppressing monthly hormone simply does not have time to accumulate in sufficient quantities, so spotting begins.

Many women notice that "pregnant periods" are still not like normal ones. There is much less blood and the duration of menstruation is significantly reduced.

Such discharge does not pose a danger to gestation, but to feel confident, it is better to go for an ultrasound.

Fibroids or cysts in the uterus

If you had a fibroid or cyst before pregnancy, you may be disturbed by bleeding during the period of bearing a baby.

All questions arising about the tumor should be decided by the doctor. It all depends on the period at which fibroids were discovered, on its size and the hormonal background of the body as a whole.

The most dangerous thing that can happen is the necrosis of the tumor tissue, which will cause a miscarriage. For long periods, it is possible to save both the baby and the mother, but the uterus has to be completely removed.

There are many examples and successful outcomes of pregnancy with fibroids, just remember that at the first sign of discomfort and discharge with blood, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Detachment of the fetal egg

Sometimes, when conducting an ultrasound in the early stages, the doctor notices a dark spot in the uterus - this is a hematoma formed due to the fact that the process of detachment of the fetal egg has begun.

The hematoma itself is not dangerous - it is only a sign that your pregnancy is at risk. The doctor should give you a referral for hospitalization. In a hospital setting, you will be given a course of injections that help preserve the viability of the embryo.

Symptoms of detachment can be bleeding, pulling pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, weakness and dizziness.

This can happen in the first trimester of pregnancy or in the first weeks of the second trimester, so be extra careful during this time.

Started miscarriage

Sudden bleeding and severe aching pain in the uterus can tell about a miscarriage that has begun.

Whether such a pregnancy can be saved depends on whether the embryo is alive. If it happened complete detachment a fetal egg, if the blood comes with clots and there is a lot of it, alas, nothing can be corrected.

In any case, noticing blood, lie down on the bed, preferably on your side. Raise your legs and call an ambulance. It is possible that at the initial stages the miscarriage that has begun can be stopped.

Rejected twin

Very often, during IVF, it happens that several babies begin to develop in the uterus at once, but if the body is too weak and the woman cannot bear a multiple pregnancy, one or more embryos are self-rejected and come out with blood.

Pregnancy continues, because one child remains in the uterus, but the rest are not destined to survive.

There is even a special procedure for partial abortion - if a woman is weak, several fetal eggs or embryos are artificially removed, leaving the most developed one.

In the case of IVF, you are in any case under the supervision of doctors, so the doctor will immediately recognize the rejecting twin, and there will be nothing to worry about.

At normal pregnancy it also happens that at first twins develop, but then one baby freezes. Most often, it just dissolves on its own, without any signs, but bleeding can also occur, so it is important to see a doctor more often if you are found to have twins.

During pregnancy, blood is a symptom of danger. Despite the fact that bloody discharge can occasionally be the norm, you should not rely on chance, because the health of the future crumbs is only in your hands.

In normal times, women rarely attach importance to vaginal discharge. You can often hear something like: “Monthly this time there were some strange ones” or “Itching tormented, probably again a thrush, you need to run to the pharmacy after work.” But as soon as the fact of pregnancy is discovered, discharge becomes one of the most important discussions on the forums for expectant mothers. The question is especially acute in the first months - when future baby very vulnerable, and any failure can cause many problems, up to a miscarriage.

Discharge in the first month of pregnancy

The first obstetric month of your pregnancy is the week of your period, the week before ovulation, conception, the week of implantation, and the first week of your embryo being securely attached to the uterus.

It is in the first month that the discharge is plentiful and varied: first menstruation, then liquid ovulation mucus. After that, small brown discharge is possible at the time of attachment of the fetal egg and white discharge provoked by pregnant hormones.

Discharge in the second month of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy is the time when you find out that a baby is growing inside you. Seeing the cherished stripes, you begin to listen to yourself and have a completely different attitude to what previously seemed unimportant to you.

In the fifth to eighth week of pregnancy, you may be disturbed by abundant clear or white discharge, which is the norm. Under the influence of progesterone, the cervix sometimes secretes too much mucus. Be patient - your body needs time to get used to the fact that now there are two of you.

Keep your genitals clean, stop using daily, change your underwear every day and forget about lacy thongs for a while - then everything will be in order.

Discharge in the third month of pregnancy

The third month of pregnancy is the waiting time. You are waiting for the first screening to make sure everything is fine with the baby. Expect when the tummy starts to grow, and when you stop feeling sick from the sight of any food and pull on salty.

The discharge in the third month is controlled by the same progesterone and remains whitish or clear and thick.

If there is no unpleasant odor, itching, pain and other unpleasant symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. Although many pregnant women have thrush in the third month, so be careful.

Perhaps in the second trimester you forgot to think about the discharge, as you enjoyed your pregnancy. But, the closer to childbirth, the more you are again worried about the notorious vaginal mucus. Norm, pathology or leaking water in general - how to understand?

Usual things

In the later stages, you will probably have to change your underwear much more often. The fact is that the relaxed muscles of the genitourinary organs sometimes cannot hold urine and a small “oh” occurs. Don't worry, this happens to every second pregnant woman.

Small clear and white discharges are also considered normal. By the way, if a large white (possibly streaked with blood) lump comes out, it is most likely a mucous plug. This means you will see your baby very soon.

Caution - danger!

A dangerous symptom can be colored discharge: yellow, brown, bloody. If you notice them, call your doctor right away.

A frequent question over long periods: how to understand if water is leaking? Now pharmacies sell special test pads that change color, recognizing the substances contained in the amniotic fluid in the secretions. If in doubt, buy this test.

You can report your suspicions to the doctor, and he will put you under observation for a day in a hospital. There, experienced doctors will be able to determine if your discharge is normal or if your water is still breaking.

In any case, stay calm, because your condition is transmitted to the unborn child.

Everything finally happened - the birth is over and you smile happily, looking at the tiny face of your baby. Now you will have completely different worries, and you will be surprised that now you will start thinking about yourself the least - all your thoughts will be occupied by your little miracle. But do not forget about your health - because the child needs a healthy mom.

First six weeks

Immediately after giving birth, you will have some bleeding that resembles normal menstruation for a while - these are called lochia.

Keep an eye on the amount of blood! Abundant discharge may indicate internal bleeding that has begun or that a piece of the placenta remains in the uterus. Scanty lochia or their absence is a symptom of cervical spasm. This is very dangerous - if there is no discharge, it means that all postpartum blood accumulates inside the uterus. Be sure to inform obstetricians about these signs - on early stage the matter can be corrected with the usual injections of no-shpy or oxytocin (depending on the problem). If the situation is neglected, you may need to clean under general anesthesia and injections of antibiotics, which will be bad for you and your baby, because you will not be able to feed him with breast milk.

Normal bleeding lasts about a week or two, then turns pink, then brightens and stops about twenty-eight to forty days after birth.

Be sure to observe thorough hygiene of the genitals, wash yourself after each trip to the toilet and change your panty liners more often.

Cause for concern

If more than two months have passed since the birth of the baby, and your discharge has not yet stopped, this is an occasion to go to the gynecologist. Do not hesitate with this, even if the discharge is small. It is better to prevent the problem than to deal with the consequences later.

Another threatening symptom an unpleasant putrid smell of discharge may become - it is quite possible that an infection has entered the body. If general weakness and fever are added to this, you will have to call an ambulance.

It is possible that at some time the discharge brightened and stopped, but after a few days blood began to flow - this may be an alarming symptom internal inflammation and your normal periods, which returned to you after such a long break. This happens if you are not breastfeeding enough or even prefer artificial mixtures - consult a doctor.

Discharge during pregnancy is like a litmus test for your body. When something is wrong, he will definitely signal you with the color of the spots on your underwear. Your business is not to leave everything as it is, but to go to a specialist for help - and then you will definitely be able to carry your baby safely.

Discharge during pregnancy has two sides of its manifestation. Some of them should be and are considered the norm, although the expectant mother begins to sound the alarm. There are situations when the natural type of secretion acquires a different color, texture, smell. Such a condition during pregnancy may be a reason for contacting a gynecologist. In order not to panic with any discharge, you need to learn to understand your body and respond correctly.

Conventionally, all discharges from the genitourinary system in women are:

  • Normal - correspond to the natural microflora and the work of the hormonal system.
  • A sign of a pathology caused by inflammation, the development of bacteria, microbes, a deviation in the development of the fetus.

In a normal situation, when pregnancy has not yet occurred, in the female organs responsible for childbearing function different processes take place. They are accompanied by clear, white, watery or thick secretions that replace each other during the menstrual cycle. This is the normal discharge before pregnancy.

In the stage of readiness of the egg for fertilization, hormones increase their function. Progesterone increases secretion to more hydrate the pathways that sperm travel through. This reduces their inhibition, creates a comfortable environment.

If the contact was successful, progesterone continues to work, creating a protective barrier in the form of a mucous plug.

A dense clot of mucus seals the entrance to the vagina and does not allow the embryo to leave the uterine cavity. Attachment of the fertilized egg to the elastic walls begins. In addition, in a pregnant woman, the cork protects the uterine cavity from the penetration of pathogenic microbes, fungi, which can harm the development of the fetus.

Until the cervix is ​​closed, some of the mucus is secreted out. It has a viscous, white base. Doctors qualify such discharge as a sign of pregnancy, which is justified by natural processes. If you correctly identify the secretion of the female genital organs, then you can find out about the onset of pregnancy at the very first stage, before the manifestation of the main signs.

Early period

When pregnancy occurs, the menstrual cycle stops. Although scant blood inclusions during the first month are possible, they are not considered a pathology. Drops of blood released from the uterine cavity during the attachment of the fetal egg are mixed with mucus and create the appearance of the onset of menstruation. Such bloody discharge during pregnancy is the norm, if not present. strong pain lower abdomen, fever.

From the fifth week of fetal development, colored mucus interspersed with blood or other clots is unacceptable.

After the embryo is fixed, a new stage begins in female body- preservation of the fetus, for which estrogen is responsible. The secretion becomes transparent, odorless and rather meager. Up to the tenth week, the specificity of the discharge remains, without causing much discomfort.

Second half of fetal development

The longer the term, the larger the fruit. In the uterus, small ruptures of the walls may occur due to an increase in the size of the cavity in which the baby develops. The blood pressure increases. It is possible to stain white or transparent mucus in a slightly beige shade. There is no cause for concern if there is no pain, itching or burning in the vulva or vagina.

Sometimes beige highlights caused by erosion that was not cured before pregnancy. During sexual intercourse, the cervix is ​​damaged and begins to bleed slightly. The same result occurs when examined by a doctor at a later date for taking a smear. There is no serious cause for concern.

In recent months, discharge should also be paid attention, because there may be more secret in which women notice a yellow impurity. If there are no other symptoms, and the mucus does not cause discomfort, then the yellow tint can be explained as an admixture of urine drops. The embryo is very large and presses on all internal organs, including the bladder. A woman often runs to the toilet, but sometimes this is not possible, which leads to involuntary urination.

Sometimes this happens unnoticed by a woman in a position if she makes sudden movements or lifts a weight.

In the normal course of pregnancy, there are no other reasons for the appearance of yellow, brown, green mucus. Clots and abundant mucus in the later stages are a signal that labor is approaching, a cork is coming out or amniotic fluid has begun to drain.

Throughout the entire period of embryo development, it is permissible to release a homogeneous consistency, the density of which can vary from water to thick white secret. If there is no additional discomfort in the form of itching, burning, sour or yeasty smell, pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, then this is normal discharge during pregnancy.

Any deviations from the norm should be a reason for additional consultation with a gynecologist.

Causes for concern

Not every pregnancy proceeds within the normal range. The first signal of an imbalance for the expectant mother is precisely the color of the discharge during pregnancy. Starting from the first day of fertilization, it can be understood that there is a threat of miscarriage or for the life of a woman.

Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage

The first sign of the birth of a new life is the delay in menstruation. One, two weeks. The girl is sure that she is pregnant. Suddenly brown discharge appears. Such a state is possible early term, but pain in the lower abdomen, temperature indicate a serious problem.

There is reason to believe that the chorion was formed not in the uterine cavity, but in the tubes. Doctors consider such discharge a sign of pregnancy outside the uterus, more precisely, in the tube cavity. A threat to the life of a woman is created, the cavity of the tube is not intended for the development of the fetus. Assistance, usually surgical, is required. If there are abnormal discharges, signs of pregnancy that do not correspond to the standard course, as a rule, in the first days of conception, hospitalization is prescribed.

The first weeks of conception are the most dangerous, so a woman needs to know what color of discharge during pregnancy is normal at first, and what is pathology.

Brown mucus may appear later, even if the embryo is properly implanted in the uterus. The unnatural color of the secretion of the female genital organs during pregnancy indicates a bacterial disease in the vaginal cavity or a threat of abortion. The appearance of a red tint and clots in the early period of fetal development often turns into bleeding.

If assistance is provided late, the embryo cannot be saved. Full or partial exit of the embryo is possible. The reasons that provoked a miscarriage are different - from genetic to banal medication, if the pregnancy is unplanned and the woman was undergoing treatment.

Hidden disease

In the last months of embryo development, brown mucus with fragments indicates problems with the placenta. The stratification has different specifics, up to a threat to the life of the baby and the expectant mother. Do not neglect changes in the discharge of a pregnant woman, especially with an admixture of blood, clots, thread-like fragments.

Suddenly, various diseases of the female organs that the woman did not know about, because she did not undergo a full examination before the onset of fertilization, can suddenly declare themselves:

Hormonal changes and an increase in the size of the embryo affect the hidden foci of diseases. Blood discharge, accompanied by bouts of pain in the abdomen, lower back can be a symptom of excitement. The gynecologist prescribes the appropriate treatment, if appropriate.

Microbes or fungi activated

Normally, discharge during pregnancy should not have a specific smell that is not pleasant for a woman and can occur within a short period of time after hygiene procedures. A mass resembling cottage cheese, or leucorrhoea with a yellow, green tint, appears on the gasket. An accurate diagnosis of such a discharge in pregnant women can only be carried out by a supervising gynecologist, but in general this is a symptom of the development of fungal or microbial diseases:

  • Thrush;
  • Gonorrhea;
  • coli;
  • Kidney disease (pyelonephritis);
  • Other sexual infections.

Some diseases have been latent form before pregnancy and showed themselves in a serious form due to hormonal changes and increase the sensitivity of the female genital organs. Mucus with pathogenic flora, getting on the outer labia and vaginal walls, cause irritation, itching. There may be pain and burning during urination, the smell of sour, fish. During sexual intercourse, sperm can also change its smell, because microbes are mixed with normal vaginal flora. The contact itself can cause pain because the mucosa is damaged.

It is advisable to cure thrush and other diseases of the reproductive system of men and women in advance.

If future parents approach the issue of conception with full responsibility, then they undergo a comprehensive examination, which excludes the possibility of the appearance of pathogenic pathogens. Even people who have constant sexual relations with a partner have hidden diseases of the genital organs that do not allow the fetus to develop normally. If only the spouse was treated, and the husband ignored the doctor's prescriptions, during sexual contact, his microflora passes to the pregnant woman and threatens the fetus.

Do not self-medicate or ignore the signs of pathologies. It is better to get diagnosed and get medical help than to harm yourself and the embryo.

An allergic reaction changes the secretion of the genital organs

Sometimes "bad" discharge during pregnancy appears as allergic reaction for hygiene products:

  • Soap, gel;
  • Gaskets;
  • Body cream;
  • toilet paper;
  • Underwear made of synthetic fabrics.

To exclude this possibility, a woman needs to use hygiene products without fragrances and dyes, you can change the usual pads to a new brand. It is better to use cotton underwear and change it twice a day. Replace toilet paper with wet wipes for intimate hygiene. If possible, increase the washing procedures.

If all possible sources have been eliminated, and specific vaginal discharge has not stopped, another cause must be sought. Allergies may be to medications prescribed to a pregnant woman, or to certain foods.

Harbingers of the birth of a baby

The strongest excitement in a woman in position appears in the last months. Primiparous mothers, noticing thick lumps of mucus on their underwear, panic and do not know what to do. But this is a normal state. A few weeks before childbirth, the uterus begins to rebuild in the cervix. Gradual opening occurs, the cork comes out completely or in parts. The laundry becomes more wet because amniotic fluid begins to leak.

Blood may be attached to the watery mucus, the discharge becomes dirty. But if their color does not have a scarlet hue, there should be no unrest. The scarlet color indicates serious problems that can threaten the life of the embryo, possibly the onset of bleeding. Urgently required hospitalization and ultrasound examination.


The female body is designed in such a way that mucus of different consistency is constantly released from the vagina. Allocations are a litmus test of the health of the reproductive system, which you need to pay attention to even with minor changes.

Pregnancy is a special period that is individual for each representative of the fair half, and a woman should be many times more attentive and understand that such a sign of pregnancy as discharge may not always be the norm. Color and smell, of a specific nature, will always be a problem.