Benefits for pregnant unemployed women. Who pays - the employer or the FSS? How to get postpartum benefits

Any woman who is in trouble life situation(remained unemployed), must know what payments non-working women set in 2017. What to do if a woman who has become pregnant does not officially work or does not work at all? Is she entitled to maternity leave?

The system of social assistance to families with children has established a huge list of payments, conditions for receiving and certain quotas that directly depend on parents and guardians. All payments are made at the place of work. Decree payments to non-working citizens are not allowed, but, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 38) and family code(Article 1), they have the right to receive guaranteed payments from the country, in the form of popular benefits, which are paid during the decree. Parents or guardians qualify for maternity benefits if they are practically caring for a small child.

Maternity payments are due to non-working mothers:

  • when the pregnant mother kept one and a half year old child, she was fired (this benefit is issued while going on vacation);
  • if the mother had to quit during the decree;
  • the girl arbitrarily quits at the time of pregnancy, however, an insured event is not provided here (payment for the baby will be made from the day he is born).

What benefits are provided by law to unemployed expectant mothers?

The allowance for non-working mothers when a child appears amounts to 16,350 rubles. Previously, the amount was less than 16,000 rubles. The amount is paid out once. For the care of a child up to the age of 1.5 years, the following amounts are established:

  • in the amount of 3066 rubles for the first baby;
  • in the amount of 6131 rubles for the second and further children. Pregnant women are entitled to this payment until the child is one and a half years old from birth.

Maternity payments to unemployed girls are paid only if she quit her position due to the collapse of the company or was laid off. But these amounts of money are so small that it is difficult for a woman to fully protect herself and her baby, especially in an era of economic crisis.

Citizens applying for the payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

Working citizens with a good salary can always count on decent payments. The amounts are paid by the source of financing - the Social Insurance Fund. To calculate how much a pregnant woman is entitled to, the arithmetic average is taken from the calculation of earnings for two recent years work. It takes into account the amount of income and insurance experience according to the work book. The salary for the year when the pregnant woman went on vacation is not taken as the calculation base.

Paid 10 days after presentation of sick leave. Maternity leave and upcoming birth lasts for 70 days before delivery and after, in other words, 140 days with normal pregnancy if a girl is carrying one baby. When twins or triplets appear, the leave will be 84 before childbirth and 110 after, a single period of 194 days. With a history of burdening after the birth of a baby, the girl is given 86 days, general term- 156 days. The following women are guaranteed to receive this benefit:

  • who work officially and under a contract, they are subject to an inalienable social. insurance in case of pregnancy;
  • employees in the civil military units of the Russian Federation;
  • who lost their job due to the reorganization of the company (liquidation of the organization);
  • stopped working as a personal entrepreneur;
  • lost the status of a notary or a lawyer;
  • female students studying on a paid and budgetary basis in educational institutions on a full-time basis (those who study in absentia do not claim compensation for childbirth);
  • serving on a fixed-term contract.

The amount represents:

  • 34522 rub. - during childbirth normal flow(140 days);
  • 38467 rub. - at birth with burden (156 days);
  • 47837 rub. - twins or more are born (194 days).

In the smallest amount, in the form of integral preferential insurance and support from the state, payments in the decree are made for unemployed people who were fired a year before the baby was born due to the collapse of the organization, also for pregnant women who were on maternity leave. Girls left without benefits for the period of inability to work during pregnancy (actually unemployed women, students, students).

Girls in position who are registered with a gynecologist before 12 weeks receive, in addition to paying a single allowance in the amount of 613 rubles. Are these payments for unemployed women? The answer is clearly no.

Payments upon the birth of a child

When a child appears, parents or guardians apply for a single payment on the occasion of the birth of the baby. This includes parents who have adopted a child, and he was not yet three months old. When twins or an even greater number of children are born, benefits are laid on all children separately. Parents decide which of them will receive lump sum at the birth of a child, if both of them work by right. Only one member of the family, and necessarily working, can apply for this allowance. When both are not working or studying, they apply to the district department of social protection of the population and draw up a payment. Students could apply earlier to the personnel department at the place of study. the child of a non-working mother who raises the baby on her own is reimbursed at the place of residence at the disposal of the social protection of the population.

Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years

Candidates for the following:

  1. Mothers, fathers, relatives, guardians who take care of the child.
  2. Mother or father who is serving in the civil service in the military units of the Russian Federation.
  3. If a caregiver was fired or made redundant, or while carrying a child due to the liquidation of a company.
  4. Other persons also terminated their function as an individual businessman.
  5. Mothers who work under a contract or who are in municipal service, who care for a child under 1.5 years old.

All of the listed persons, except for mothers dismissed during maternity leave, are entitled to a child care allowance when they go on vacation to support a child after maternity leave.

Child care allowance is ready for payment at postpartum period when the maternity leave ends. The allowance for an unemployed mother is assigned by the Department of Social Security. To receive this payment, a woman must provide a certificate from the labor exchange that she does not receive unemployment benefits. Mothers who study full-time in educational institutions are entitled to one type of payment to choose from: after the birth of the baby until the age of 1.5 years or after the completion of maternity leave until the child is 1.5 years old. Assign allowance to the minimum amount in a specific sense, in a social security institution.

Maternity payments non-working mother who registered with the employment center due to unemployment are not paid. The labor exchange has practically nothing to do with money on the occasion of pregnancy. After receiving a certificate of incapacity for work, the woman gives it to the employment center, and visits are suspended during the holidays. If, after the vacation, she deigns to find a job and start it, the employment exchange activates her. smallest size allowance is 850 rubles, the maximum - 4900 rubles. per month.

Is sick leave paid for unemployed citizens?

Conditionally, you can say yes, but under the conditions: a citizen became unemployed due to the collapse of an organization or enterprise, from that moment no more more than a year. What payments are due in this case?

For such mothers, there are certain conditions:

  • Women who become pregnant are paid maternity leave for the entire vacation. In 2017, this amount amounted to 613 rubles, the amount depends on the maternity leave provided.
  • The receipt of a sick leave by a pregnant woman is not a reason for deregistration as unemployed.
  • Upon completion of the decree, the woman who was on the employment exchange will receive the maternity amounts due (if 18 months have not passed since the moment of registration on the exchange).

For pregnancy and childbirth, non-working women are not entitled to payment if:

  • woman long time was without a permanent job;
  • was not employed anywhere before being put on the employment exchange;
  • voluntarily quits his job.

They will be paid benefits if they officially work, as in this case an insured event occurs associated with the expectation of a child and payments. A single mother without a permanent job is entitled to reimbursement of payments by submitting an application to the social security department for the area of ​​​​location or registration.

The principle of determining the amount of maternity benefit

Compensation for a working mother is calculated from the average salary. A working girl is entitled to receive payments of 40% wages for every baby. To calculate compensation for the mother in the local accounting department permanent employment, the salary for the past two years is taken into account. The year of registration is not taken as the basis for the calculation. The amount of income for two whole years is divided by the number of days, for example: 350,000+280,000 = 630,000/730=863. This average income without sick pay and other amounts that are not accrued insurance premiums per day, the amount is multiplied by the number of vacation days, respectively 863*140=120820 rubles.

The limit of compensation for pregnant women is set from the maximum amount of earnings and amounts to 266,192 rubles. With a small salary, a woman is set at 34,522 rubles. It is calculated from the minimum amount of earnings per month - 7500 rubles.

With a white official salary, a woman has the right to count on big sizes payments and not worry about the financial condition.

birth certificate

In a medical organization, a girl in position receives along with a sick leave birth certificate. According to the birth certificate, a woman has the right to choose in which medical institution she will give birth. The main purpose of issuing a birth certificate is to improve the quality of service medical institutions in assisting with childbirth and providing free medicines. Birth certificates are part of the presidential program, with the help of which a pregnant woman chooses a medical institution in which she will give birth, and the hospital receives a sum of money for this. The certificate is issued to women at the 30th week of pregnancy (for multiple pregnancies - at 28 weeks).


What types of payments are accrued to unemployed mothers?

  • Pregnancy and childbirth allowance for a non-working woman when she is registered at the employment exchange or went on vacation during the year due to the stoppage of the organization (613 rubles per month during the decree).
  • If they serve in the army units, work in city bodies or under a contract, they receive payments in the amount of allowance for the entire decree monthly.
  • Students of a higher and secondary educational institution who study full-time receive payments in the amount of a scholarship for each month of maternity leave.

When a certificate of incapacity for work is issued, you can apply for maternity benefits. If for some reason the woman did not have time to issue sick leave, then by right, within six months after the end of the vacation, she can apply for the payment due to her. Unemployed girls will not be able to claim this compensation. They have the right to count on a single allowance for the birth of a baby and payments for its maintenance. Payments to non-working pregnant women are issued at the disposal of social security. Also, when registering at an early date, they are not paid a payment, moreover, they are not entitled to compensation for a child in the amount of 50-65 rubles up to three years.

Benefits for pregnant women and mothers

Maximum size maternity benefits in 2019 - 417,232 rubles (at the birth of two or more children). The minimum size is 51919 rubles. Payments of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth are made on the next day after the appointment of the payment of salaries.

In addition to the benefits listed in Federal Law No. 81-FZ “On state benefits citizens with children”, exist to support families with children.

The following persons are entitled to the maternity allowance:

Maternity leave has a duration of 140 calendar days in case of uncomplicated singleton pregnancy, 156 calendar days in case of complicated birth and 194 calendar days at the birth of two or more children.

The maternity benefit is calculated and paid in total for the entire vacation, regardless of the number of days actually used before childbirth. If you continue to work while on maternity leave, the amount of the benefit does not decrease.

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For working women who are subject to compulsory social insurance, the maternity allowance is set at 100% of average earnings. Earnings are calculated for the two calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave.

When calculating the maternity benefit in 2019, income for 2017 and 2018 is taken into account.

Article 14 federal law 255-FZ and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, no more than a certain amount can be taken into account for each year. So for 2017 you can take into account no more than 755,000 rubles, and for 2018 you can take into account no more than 815,000 rubles.

Thus, for women going on maternity leave in 2019, the amount of maternity benefit for 140 days cannot be more than 301,095 rubles, for 156 days with complicated childbirth - no more than 335,506 rubles, and for 194 days of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth at the birth of twins or triplets - no more than 417,232 rubles.

At the same time, the maximum amount of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth does not depend on regional coefficients. Both in Moscow and beyond the Arctic Circle, the maximum allowance is the same.

A woman with an insurance period of less than six months is paid a maternity benefit in the amount of the minimum wage (SMIC) for each month of vacation. From January 1, 2019, the minimum wage is 11,280 rubles per month. The length of service includes all periods during which the employee was subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.

If the insured person works for several employers, income from all employers is taken into account, but benefits are paid either at one of the last places of work, or at each place of work, look for your option in the article "". If a worker wants to receive full benefits in one place, she needs to bring income statements from other employers for a two-year period and a certificate stating that these employers did not receive benefits.

The maternity allowance is assigned by the employer (employers) within 10 days after the submission of all documents, and is paid on the next salary payment day after the appointment.

If the employer cannot pay maternity benefits (there is no money in the account), the benefit is paid territorial body insurer (see the name of the insurance company on your CHI policy).

Documents for the calculation of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

  • certificate of incapacity for work;
  • leave application;
  • certificate of the amount of earnings from another place of work, if there were such in the previous two years;
  • application for replacement of billing periods, if required.

Allowance for those dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization

From February 1, 2019, for those dismissed due to the liquidation of organizations, the maternity allowance is set at 655 rubles 49 kopecks per month and is paid by the authority social protection(USZN). To do this, within 12 months from the date of dismissal, register with the employment center and submit the following documents to the social security authorities:

  • application for the appointment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • certificate of incapacity for work;
  • an extract from the work book about the last place of work, certified in the prescribed manner;
  • certificate from authorities public service employment of the population on recognition of the unemployed.

If a woman applies for benefits to the social protection authority not at the place of residence (place of permanent residence), but at the place of actual residence, it is also necessary to provide a certificate from the USZN at the place of residence stating that the benefit was not assigned.

Allowance for full-time students

A woman studying full-time is entitled to a maternity allowance, regardless of whether she is studying on a paid or free basis.

Students receive an allowance at the place of study in the amount of a scholarship (for each month of disability). Accrual and payment is made within 10 days after the submission of documents.

To receive benefits, you must submit an application and a certificate from a medical organization.

One-time allowance for women registered with medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy

Women registered before the twelfth week of pregnancy are entitled to a one-time allowance in addition to the allowance for pregnancy and childbirth.

A one-time allowance for women registered in medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy from February 1, 2019 is 655 rubles 49 kopecks.

Questions for the article

Lump sum payment for child care. Now I'm back...

After the birth of twins in favor of child care benefits until...

They planned another baby, wrote an application for child care on ...

Can I apply for a lump sum?...

I received it, now I submitted documents to social security to pay! ...

The right to pay less than the minimum wage?

They take 2014-2015, as I understand it. and in April 2016 we were transferred to the rate ...

January 2015. I want to take maternity 2015 and 2016 for calculation. Whether there is a...

2016, do you need salary certificates for this year, or only for 2014 2015? ...

Nothing provided? And does it make sense to get the account in the center ...

End of November 2016. I have been working since May 2016. Average salary 23000...

Experience, if the amount of payment depends on it. Is it so?...

Got pregnant. I'm planning to work in a big...

I was not formalized. Does it make sense to apply now or...

This year, i.e. 4 months. In 2015, she worked elsewhere with...

2016. The calculation of benefits will include the full years of 2014 and 2015, or you need ...

agreement (contract). Sick leave is not paid, vacation ...

In September 2015, she took her permanent job and...

Months) without saving salary, is it possible to exclude these calendar days...

At the workplace for 6 months, the salary is 4 thousand, in the employment contract ...

Three years and 4 years will already go. Please tell me, I'm leaving in December ...

I have been working in my organization since May 2015. Before that, I worked in 2008-2011...

Already 2.2 years (I'm on parental leave until 3 years), I got pregnant with the second...

We have been living in Israel for the last year and are expecting a baby, I am 6 months old ...

In one place, the salary under the contract is 4444 rubles, I get it in my hands ...

Decree. I worked part time in 2015. And one month (January) in...

Payments of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, the company "ooo" from the FSS and ...

When I went to work, between two children, I went out for half a year and left ...

When issuing benefits to a pregnant woman registered up to 12 weeks ... All ...

I'm going on maternity leave in February with my second...

1 year and 7 months ... and a month before maternity leave I ...

06.2003 to 04.2015, from 05.2015 to 01.2016 in the central lock, a new place of work from 02.2016 to...

That the main vacation falls on the summer months (June, July, ...

Husband is a citizen of Kazakhstan. I'm officially working and expecting a baby...

Desire, I worked at the enterprise for 3 years, I didn’t work for the labor...

2014-until March 2015 I worked in another organization, of. salary...

Of the year. in a government organization. The sick leave was opened on 30 ...

On sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth. Should an employer...

Income for 2013 and 2014 amounted to 1,300,000 rubles. What is the benefit amount...

A one-time allowance for women registered with medical...

Calculate maternity benefit in my case: in 2016...

Pregnancy will be a difference in money with a one-time payment, ...

Pregnancy, certificate of registration, during which ...

She got pregnant, got another job, but before going on vacation for ...

A child was born abroad, and in this moment no possibility...

Citizen of the Republic of Belarus. We are currently working in the Republic of Belarus, I get registered by ...

I’m leaving the decree. But before, I didn’t officially work anywhere. How long have I ...

I am sitting at home with a child under 1.5 years old. A disabled child is 8.5 years old, I don't...

Another under the contract. The employer of the second organization claims ...

The state gives the child a gift of 200 thousand rubles. Is this true or...

I'm working, they will reorganize (by allocation). I'm fine...

First child, if I am a 5th year full-time student...

For registration in the early stages 412.08 rubles. by the district coefficient, if I...

The child is 3 years old, a second will appear in a few months ....

work. 06/21/2010 I was granted maternity leave and...

No. Received higher education in the territory of the Russian Federation. Now...

Mother, but is completely on my content, he is 13 years old.

Vacation for 2010, the child was born at a term of 39 weeks. Is it possible...

Worked for 3 months and how much will I receive if my ...

Got pregnant. The salary is 25,000 rubles. Prior to this she worked...

Works, his official salary is 9000 rubles. Can my husband instead of me ...

Disabled child, 6 years old. My husband works two jobs. Dreaming...

Not framed for me. Officially employed in St. Petersburg, but ...

Entering data into work book? Those. I am now settling for...

Vacation. But the only thing my superiors were interested in was not...

For 1.5 years, I have not received a salary. I'm starting a new job in September...

Receive maternity benefit from salary?

The gestational age is 29 weeks. Which benefits for pregnancy and...

Salary increase. Will the increase affect the amount of maternity and ...

Pregnancy benefit? now I have a period of 29-30 weeks date: 08/12/2010 ...

I got a job for a year and quit six months later (at work ...

How much should I be paid in a lump sum at a new location if I...

Didn't study or work anywhere. My husband is also unemployed. We live in...

7 months. I receive an allowance for the care of a child up to 1.5 years old 2400 rubles ...

Did you give birth by caesarean section? (difficult birth) ...

Give birth. For what cash payments in connection with the birth of a child we ...

Payment, they ask to write in no content, and I think that taxes also ...

Vacation, I am paid childcare allowance up to 1.5 years, in ...

That is, in our city it will not be at all. Pregnancy 18...

Employer (employed by 1 person). Registered in March 2010,...

How much will I receive for a second child under 1.5 years old ...

I receive minimum allowance 990 rub. I heard that the unemployed...

Leave to care for the first child will go to work for 5 months ...

He works, but I'm only registered (i.e., I have an experience, but my salary ...

Places of work and I will be in the employment center, then what payments can I ...

Not officially. My employer asked me to apply...

We work for a private owner. What payments are due to us?

I didn’t receive a scholarship, I didn’t get sick leave, I didn’t ...

He cannot attend kindergarten. She is now pregnant with her second...

For a month, I plan to work until the decree, and there, respectively, as well as ...

An organization that didn't pay us a salary for a year...

Dismissed at the end of the probationary period???...

Is it possible to receive benefits up to 1.5 years at the place of work? And how many...

Birth certificate ... Previously, my wife worked in an individual entrepreneur and she was made ...

What payments are due to pregnant women, I'm interestedevery expectant mother. Eligibility for these payments mainly depends on whether the woman has official employment. But there are also a number of other circumstances.

Who is eligible for maternity benefit?

Women working on employment contract, shortly after leaving maternity leave receive maternity benefits. To receive assistance, you must take antenatal clinic sick leave (for a period of 30 weeks) and write an application for maternity leave at the place of work (see: How is maternity leave issued and paid?).

If future mother works under an official contract, then she does not need to worry about whether the allowance will be paid, since its payment is the direct responsibility of the employer, who does not have the right to delay the issuance of the allowance or reduce its size. But if a pregnant woman works without official registration, then the employer will not have an obligation to pay maternity allowance, although, at his discretion, he has the right to provide the future mother financial assistance. Problems with benefits can also arise if the employee receives payment “in an envelope”, since only white wages are taken into account for calculating maternity payments.

It should be noted that in addition to employees working under an employment contract, other categories of pregnant women also have the right to maternity allowance:

  1. Government employees and municipal institutions, military personnel.
  2. Persons with the status of individual entrepreneurs, or engaged in private practice (for example, notaries). They are entitled to maternity allowance if, within calendar year, preceding the start of the decree, they paid contributions to the FSS in the form of voluntary insurance.
  3. Women who study full-time in universities or vocational educational institutions.
  4. Women who are registered with the employment center for unemployment, if they were fired due to the liquidation of the organization or due to the closure of the individual entrepreneur by their employer. Other categories of the unemployed do not have the right to maternity allowance.

How is the amount of maternity allowance determined?

This allowance is accrued for the entire period of maternity leave. Its duration for general rule- 140 days, if there were complications during childbirth - 156, and if two or more children were born - 194 days. Therefore, the longer the maternity leave, the greater the amount due to the woman.

To calculate the allowance, average earnings employees for the past 2 years. That is, if future mom goes on maternity leave in 2017, then her income for 2015-2016 will be taken into account. The amount of earnings for these 2 years is added up and divided by 731 (the number of days in 2 years, given that 2016 was a leap year) - this will determine the average salary per day. The average daily wage must be multiplied by 140 (or another number of days if the duration of the vacation is more than 140 days) - this will determine the amount of the benefit.

It should be noted that when calculating the average income for 2016, earnings of no more than 718,000 rubles will be taken into account, and for 2015 - 711,000 rubles. Therefore, the maximum amount of the maternity benefit in 2017 is 266,191.80 rubles. (provided that the duration of the vacation is 140 days).

The minimum allowance for a working woman in 2017 is 34,521.20 rubles. (accrued based on the value of 1 minimum wage per month of vacation, the minimum wage in 2017 is 7,500 rubles). The same amount is paid to entrepreneurs and private practitioners, as well as to women working under an employment contract for less than six months. For students, the allowance is calculated on the basis of the amount of the scholarship, and for women dismissed due to the liquidation of the employer, at the rate of 613.14 rubles. per month.

Other benefits for pregnant women

Considering the question of what payments are due to pregnant women, one cannot but mention other benefits that are paid in addition to maternity. These payments include:

  1. Benefit for women registered for pregnancy earlier than 12 weeks. This payment is designed to encourage expectant mothers to register at the antenatal clinic at the very beginning of pregnancy. The same categories of women who are entitled to maternity allowance (including employees, individual entrepreneurs, students and the unemployed who have lost their jobs due to the liquidation of the enterprise) have the right to receive it. If the pregnant woman was registered before the period of 12 weeks, then, together with a certificate of incapacity for work for a period of 30 weeks, she will be issued a certificate of registration in early period pregnancy - this document will become the basis for calculating benefits. This allowance will be paid simultaneously with the maternity allowance. Its size does not depend on earnings and in 2017 is 613.14 rubles. In those regions where increasing coefficients are provided, the amount of the allowance increases accordingly.
  2. One-time payment to the pregnant wife of a serviceman. This allowance is due to the wife of a serviceman who is serving on conscription. It is paid once, and it is necessary that the gestational age be at least 180 days. This payment is a kind of compensation material support, which a military spouse cannot provide to his wife due to being in the armed forces. The amount of the allowance is indexed every year, in 2017 it is 28,892.45 rubles. If a woman lives in an area where district coefficients, the amount of payment increases proportionally.

If a woman plans to give birth to a child or is already pregnant, then she should know what payments she is entitled to. In Russia, a number of programs have been developed that support mother and child. This article discusses what payments and benefits are due to a woman at the birth of a child.

What to pay attention to a woman

So, for starters, consider what points a woman should pay attention to:

    • when a child is born, the state provides the mother (i.e., the mother is paid a certain sum of money only once) and monthly (that is, the state pays a certain amount of money to the mother every month until the child reaches the established age);
    • the state must provide a woman with a certificate ( maternal capital, birth certificate, certificate for the purchase of housing);
    • a woman can receive benefits (pay a certain percentage less for public utilities or ride for free in vehicles covered by this benefit);
    • the state provides regional payments to residents of some constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • the number of children born or adopted affects their size;
  • if a woman does not work at an enterprise or works, but unofficially, then payments and a one-time allowance for early dates she will not be able to get pregnant.

Let us consider in more detail what payments and benefits a woman can receive at the birth of a child.

Payments and benefits at the birth of a child in 2019

After a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to register with the antenatal clinic at her place of registration before the 12th week of pregnancy. If she fulfills this condition, then you can count on the fact that she will be provided with a lump sum. The amount of this benefit in 2019 is 632,76 rubles. This allowance is assigned in conjunction with. To receive this type of allowance, a woman must collect the following documents:

    • a certificate from the antenatal clinic, which indicates the fact that the woman was registered before the 12th week of pregnancy;
    • application for this type of benefit;
  • passport.

Also, during her pregnancy, a woman can receive vitamins.

In order for a woman to receive maternity benefits, she needs to take a disability certificate at the 30th week of pregnancy at the antenatal clinic at her place of residence and provide it to the employer if the woman is officially employed at the enterprise. The entrepreneur must pay this allowance to the woman in the amount of 100% of her average salary. She must receive these funds within 10 days after she provides full package documents. In addition to the certificate of incapacity for work, in the antenatal clinic they must also issue t:

    • Coupon No. 1 a woman must leave in the antenatal clinic;
    • She will need coupon No. 2 at the maternity hospital;
  • After giving birth, she must provide coupon No. 3 to the children's clinic.

1. Lump sum

Every woman at the birth of a child should receive a lump sum. At the same time, she can receive this allowance separately for each child born, regardless of her status or income. Approximately, the year is RUB 16,873.54(since February 1, 2019). To receive benefits, a woman needs to apply either to her employer or to the department of social protection of the population. In this case, it is necessary to provide all documents within 6 months after the birth of the child. The woman will receive this allowance within 10 days.

2. Monthly allowance for child care until the age of 1.5

6. Regional payments at the birth of a child

For Muscovites:

    1. One-time payment at the birth of the first child 5,500 rubles. the second and subsequent - 14,500 rubles;
    1. Additional allowance for young families (Luzhkov's payments). Paid to parents under the age of 30;
  1. With the birth of three or more children at the same time 50,000 rubles. regardless of other childbirth benefits.

7. Allowance for the wives of military personnel

10. Standard tax deductions for children

A pregnant woman needs to know what payments and benefits she is entitled to at the birth of a child. Now the state is developing quite a lot of new programs aimed at providing assistance to the parents of the child, as well as large families. The entire listed list is far from complete, since the state is constantly increasing and introducing new benefits, providing material assistance to pregnant women and women who have given birth.

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When planning to go on maternity leave, not all women know what payments are due to pregnant women and young mothers. Some of them are issued at work, and for the rest you will have to contact the social security department.

What can you get during pregnancy?

The first benefit is paid if within 12 weeks. Its size is quite modest. In addition to everything, it is "plus" to the assistance that is paid when leaving on maternity leave. So, the unemployed (with the exception of those who are fired from their jobs) or those studying at the university in the full-time department will not be able to get it. In order for it to be accrued, at work you need to present a certificate from the antenatal clinic.

Separately, it is worth noting that in the capital there is another payment for registration. Those who got on it before the 20th week of pregnancy can get it. To obtain it, however, you will have to apply to the RUSZN.

What payments are due to pregnant women in addition to the above? The largest of all compensations falls on the moment of departure at which it comes to (the exception will be those who are expecting twins, then this period comes earlier). This is the so-called maternity leave. By default, its duration is 140 days. During this time, a woman has the right to receive compensation equal to her salary for the same period of time, but not more than 186,986.80 rubles. In the event of complicated childbirth, the duration of this leave is increased by sixteen days, and in the event of the appearance of several babies, by forty days.

If the baby was born before 30 weeks, the postpartum leave will last 156 days, and not 70, as in normal cases. Payment for additional days is carried out according to the same scheme as the main part of the vacation.

The unemployed are not paid maternity allowance (even those who are on the labor exchange). Scholarships are paid to students during this period.

What payments are due to pregnant women who do not work?

If a woman is not employed while waiting for a baby, due to the fact that the company where she worked was liquidated, she does not lose her right to benefits. The payment will be made from the federal budget.

If the expectant mother is registered with the labor exchange, then before the gestational age of 30 weeks, she is entitled to receive prenatal and postnatal leave will not be paid.

What can you expect after childbirth?

The appearance of the baby entitles parents to receive which is paid at the place of work. By the way, if a young mother does not work, and her husband is employed, he can receive the payment.

If both parents are not officially employed or are students, they should contact the Center for Social Protection.

These payments can be received by living in any region of the country. In some subjects of the Russian Federation, young parents also have the right to count on local compensation.

So, in Moscow, parents whose age has not exceeded thirty years have the right to a fairly serious one. This also applies to those who have not had their first baby.

Maternity capital also belongs to this category of payments. It is put after the birth of the second baby. In 2013, its size was 408,960 rubles.

When the postnatal leave ends, another one comes - to care for the child. It lasts until the child's third birthday, but is paid up to one and a half. depends on the salary that the mother received before the decree (is 40% of it). The maximum amount of payment for such a vacation is limited to 16,241 rubles.

Non-working mothers are also entitled to a baby allowance, however, in minimum size. For the first child, it is 2454 rubles, for the second - twice as much.

Well, after this moment and before the baby is 3 years old, you can only count on compensation, which is enough for a couple of bags of kefir, since it is equal to 50 rubles.

Knowing what payments are due to pregnant women and those who have already become a mother, you can get a solid increase in family budget who needs it so much.