The child spit up yellow 1 month. The child burped yellow: causes, possible deviations, treatment, reviews

What is regurgitation and why is it so common in infants? This syndrome is a spontaneous reflux of stomach contents into the oral cavity. Medically, this is called regurgitation. It's very common functional impairment in infants, but in most cases spontaneously passing during the first year of life.

The regurgitation syndrome in newborns does not cause them any inconvenience or discomfort. Only the parents are concerned. First, they fear that the child may remain hungry and gain weight poorly. And secondly, there is a need for frequent washing of the child's clothes.

As for the first, main fear, with moderate regurgitation, the development of the child does not suffer at all. But if they become plentiful, similar to vomiting, you need to worry. By the way, how to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation in a child, because the first is typical for intestinal infections and can lead to a life-threatening condition - dehydration? The body of infants loses moisture very quickly. In fact, it is quite difficult to confuse these two symptoms. The color of regurgitation in newborns is whitish, white. And when you vomit it's mostly yellow, brown shades. If complementary foods have already been introduced, the baby vomits them. During vomiting, the child feels bad. Spasms of the stomach and intestines are noticeable. He turns pale, his heart rate quickens. When spitting up, the baby can continue to play without noticing them. Sometimes parents notice yellow regurgitation in a newborn. Nothing seems to bother him, but the situation requires observation. Usually yellow is a sign of bile. And if it happens again, you need to see a doctor.

As we said earlier, the main causes of regurgitation in newborns are associated with physiological immaturity bodies digestive system. But some babies don't spit up at all, while others spit up a lot. Why such difference? Much depends on the parents. There are factors that provoke regurgitation. And if you try to remove them, you can significantly reduce the number of regurgitation.

So, regurgitation of milk in newborns during breastfeeding often occurs when they do not properly capture the mother's nipple during feeding. Or too active sucking. A woman must learn how to properly breastfeed her baby, and try to feed the baby on demand so that by the time of feeding he is not too hungry and sucks more calmly.

To prevent frequent regurgitation in a newborn after feeding, it is necessary to keep the baby upright every time. At least 20-30 minutes, so that he belches only air from the stomach, and not along with milk. This time the child should be at rest. If possible, even the diaper is better not to change. But, of course, if it is not dirty.

Do I need to keep the baby "column" if he fell asleep during feeding? Or at night? Usually this is not required. But it is advisable to feed, holding the baby's head above the level of his stomach. And arrange the baby's bed so that top part his body was slightly elevated, then the air from the stomach should come out freely by itself.

It so happens that. Therefore, especially in the case of frequent feedings, it is necessary to keep the baby in a column before feeding. If everything is in order, the air is out, you can carry out other manipulations with the baby - gymnastics, massage, change clothes, put it on the tummy, etc.
Spitting up through the nose babies usually occurs immediately after feeding, if the amount of air swallowed and milk drunk is large. This phenomenon is normal. But it can lead to the formation of crusts in the nose, due to which the sinuses become clogged, and it becomes difficult to breathe. And as a result - bad dream and sucking problems. In principle, all this can be solved with the help of modern aspirators for cleaning the nose. Well, or ordinary cotton flagella dipped in vegetable oil.

Regurgitation "cottage cheese", on the contrary, occurs some time after feeding. This "curd" is curdled milk in the stomach. If this "curd" is not very much - everything is in order.

The rate of regurgitation in infants is very conditional. Usually they say that you should not worry if the child burps up to one teaspoon after feeding. Estimate the volume of liquid can be very conditional. It is important to pay attention to the regurgitation of the fountain in newborns. Usually at this point a large volume of milk or mixture is lost, at least 2 times the allowable amount. If such "fountains" are not often observed, you should not worry.

Frequent minor regurgitation can be a normal option if the child adds at least 500-600 grams per month. A pediatrician can assess the dynamics of a baby’s development, who needs to be seen at least once a month in the first year of a child’s life. At the doctor’s appointment, the baby will be weighed, and the height will be measured, and the tummy will be looked at.

Regurgitation in babies with the same frequency occurs when feeding with a mixture and mixed diet(breast milk + formula). Causes - too large a hole in the nipple, inappropriate mixture, overfeeding. "Treatment" - upright position after feeding, nipple with a small hole (from which liquid flows out in drops), change of formula (perhaps even the introduction of anti-reflux medicinal mixture with frequent and profuse regurgitation).


Question about weight gain and chair

good afternoon, my question is the following, my child gained 635 g in the first month, 1675 g in the second, and now for 2 weeks he has been adding 100 g each, our stomach hurts colic and gaziki, well, we spit up every day after Each feeding happens at all does not spit up. Are we gaining weight normally? And a question about the chair. What chair should a child have without a week of 3 months completely on breastfeeding? He has a lot of mucus in his stool...

Read completely...

Red rough spots on the face and body ... What should I do?

Hello. I have such a problem. The child is 5 months old, at first they were on mixed feeding, then they completely switched to the mixture (nan). The child ate, gained weight, everything was fine. At times he refused either expressed milk or formula. Half sest-does not want any more. Changed the schedule, began to eat well. When I was on mixed-poop was greenish color, vomited. A month ago, milk disappeared, he ate only nan and complementary foods. I ate Frutonyan zucchini puree + an apple, just an apple and a pear from agusha. Liked it. I drank apple, apple + carrot juices. Gave milk porridge Agusha ...

The appearance of the baby an important event in everyone's life married couple. Newly minted parents are alarmed and frightened by every incomprehensible phenomenon. In the first weeks of life, the digestive system, and all other organs, adapt to the new conditions of life.

Some babies may spit up after eating. mother's milk. The phenomenon passes with time. However, it happens that the child does not spit up milk, but an unknown substance that has yellow tint. For some new parents, this phenomenon most often scares them, makes them panic and sound the alarm. Others try to calm down and find the cause on their own or together with a pediatrician.

Reasons for regurgitation

Spitting up can be due to several main reasons. Most often, this phenomenon is explained by the fact that a newborn baby with a good appetite does not have the ability to control the amount of food eaten and follow the rules for taking mother's milk or the prepared mixture.

That is why very often, especially in the first months of a child's life, banal overeating can be the cause of regurgitation. Especially if the baby is on breastfeeding. A newborn baby is able to stay at the source of food for hours, because the process of sucking the breast allows the baby to feel protected. In turn, the child's stomach is still very small and cannot contain all the food consumed. That is why the "excess" milk is removed from the baby's digestive system in the only available way.

Another common cause is air entering the mouth. The phenomenon is explained by a violation of the feeding technique. Most often, air enters the baby's mouth if the nipple does not fit snugly against his lips. If the baby is formula-fed, hold the bottles of food at the right angle, while making sure that after shaking the mixture, all the foam rises.

In addition, you should responsibly approach the choice of capacity, pay attention to the size of the hole in the bottle. It must be appropriate for the age of the baby. You should also choose the optimal size of the hole in the nipple so that not a single air bubble leaks out.

After finishing feeding, you need to hold the baby in vertical position. In no case do not shake it, do not put it on your stomach.

regurgitation white color, arising for one of the listed reasons, should not disturb newly-made parents. They will disappear as soon as the child's digestive system gets stronger.

It is worth worrying if the mass resulting from regurgitation has no white shade, and yellow.

What does yellow indicate?

It is worth understanding that unusual color regurgitation, one way or another, is associated with the improper functioning of the alimentary tract, since it is in it that bile is produced. It is she who gives the substance released during regurgitation, a yellow tint.

A specific color indicates that bile enters the esophagus, irritates the mucous membrane.

Why is it spitting up yellow

There may be several reasons for an unusual phenomenon, one of the most unpleasant is congenital pathology. It may arise due to complicated pregnancy or as a result of a woman's improper behavior during the period of bearing a baby. Deviation from the norm can be expressed in intrauterine disorders, leading to abnormal development internal organs. to the risk group in this case include children who appeared earlier due date. Congenital pathologies esophagus are very rare. Most often the child vomits yellow after feeding for another reason.

Congenital pathology is accompanied by increased activity, shudders and bouts of screaming.

The entry of food from the stomach cavity into the esophagus may be due to swallowing amniotic fluid.

The reasons that the newborn may also be several phenomena.

  1. intolerance or poor tolerance lactose. This problem arises as a result of a lack or total absence the required enzyme.
  2. Taking antibiotics. Such drugs may negative impact on the work of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Infectious diseases with which the baby's body is not able to fight. Regurgitation of yellow matter in this case may be accompanied by colic, liquid stool, as well as a change in the emotional mood of the baby. Possible increase basal body temperature.
  4. If the baby spit up yellow milk, it is possible that the baby is allergic to some product used by the mother. Moreover, this phenomenon may be due to allergic reaction for milk formula (if the baby is bottle-fed).
  5. Intestinal obstruction. Pathology is accompanied not only by yellow regurgitation, but also by changes in the size of the baby's tummy. During feeding, it increases in size, and after the end of the process, it falls off sharply.

If infant burped yellow, you should immediately contact a specialist in medical institution for inspection and full inspection.

Yellow regurgitation with artificial feeding

The reason for the appearance of unusual substances during regurgitation may be a sharp transition to artificial feeding. As a rule, this happens when lactation stops unexpectedly due to any factors. Another reason may be a disease of the mother, incompatible with breastfeeding.

If yellow regurgitation does not stop after a week, radiological and clinical examinations may be required to make a diagnosis.


If timely action is not taken, there is a risk of serious consequences.

The ingestion of food from the stomach cavity into the esophagus, due to the ingestion of amniotic fluid, can cause sudden screams, seizures increased activity. In addition, the child appears shudders. If you do not contact a pediatrician and a neurologist in time, you may experience serious illness central nervous system, which will provoke subsequent violations in the development of the baby.

If, as a result of inactivity, part of the contents of the stomach enters the lungs, the child may develop serious diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

Which doctor to contact

If the baby spit up yellow after feeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. The very first specialist visited by newly-made parents together with the baby should be a pediatrician. He will examine the child, give directions for additional examinations. If necessary, write to the gastroenterologist. The baby may need to be seen by a surgeon.

If the cause of regurgitation is the ingestion of amniotic fluid, you can not do without consulting a neurologist.


Treatment depends on the cause of the yellow regurgitation. If bile is excreted in milk due to lactose intolerance, the doctor usually prescribes mixtures that do not contain this component. The problem is fixed quickly. After a few days, yellow regurgitation stops, the child begins to gain weight again, smile.

If the problem is caused by intestinal obstruction, the pediatrician sends the parents along with the baby for a consultation with a gastroenterologist. The doctor examines the baby and prescribes drug treatment according to the survey results.

Congenital pathologies need more serious treatment. In some cases, surgery is required.

The topic of regurgitation in babies is one of the most discussed, most exciting and most difficult for new parents to understand. Firstly, regurgitation in infants is very frightening. inexperienced mom. Secondly, different doctors sometimes express diametrically opposed points of view regarding the cause of regurgitation and methods of dealing with it. Thirdly, even after applying, it would seem, all the advice and recommendations, many parents still fail to solve the problem.

The difficulty also lies in the fact that in reality, only a mother who spends almost all the time with him is able to understand whether there is a problem if a newborn baby burps. A visit to the doctor will be very useful, and sometimes extremely necessary, but it must be admitted that often pediatricians, neurologists and surgeons intimidate parents when everything is actually fine with the child. And the treatment begins, or rather, the mutilation ... The main goal is to prevent this. And regurgitation will pass sooner or later if there are no real violations. How to define it? Let's talk below.

Regurgitation in an infant, in infants, in newborns

Not all babies experience regurgitation. However, they occur in most of them: according to statistics, in the first weeks of life, on average, every 8 out of 10 babies spit up. By three months, this happens less often, and by about a year (for someone a little earlier, for some a little later) stops completely.

Doctors believe that premature, delayed babies are more likely to spit up prenatal development(IUGR), with excess or underweight at birth, but practice and statistics confirm that this phenomenon is quite common among healthy babies.

It happens that the mother did not observe anything like this in the first child, and the second newborn burps, and often, and sometimes even abundantly, with a fountain. Therefore, this issue can excite even parents with experience.

Regurgitation in infants is a frequent phenomenon and, as a rule, is quite normal, that is, it has a physiological nature. The reason lies in the imperfection of the structure and work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and brain centers:

  • the newborn does not have a lower esophageal sphincter (an elastic muscle ring that contracts after eating and holds it in the stomach). And therefore, it is worth putting the baby after feeding, as the contents of the stomach pour out;
  • the baby's esophagus is short;
  • Most of the time the baby spends in a horizontal position. In view of previous reasons the contents of the stomach pour out of it, as if from a vessel laid horizontally;
  • the stomach of the crumbs is small and spherical, which is also the reason for poor retention of food in it;
  • the centers of the brain responsible for food intake are also still imperfect; the baby eats more than he needs, and therefore the excess of food taken is excreted through regurgitation;
  • the peristalsis of the newborn is also not very active, the movement of food down the esophagus is slow - and part of it can “poured out” back;
  • many newborns swallow air while feeding. Air bubbles rise up, and along with the swallowed air, part of the food taken also comes out.

All these factors lead to the fact that the newborn often spit up. As the organs and systems of the baby develop, regurgitation will normally gradually disappear. It is for this reason that regurgitation does not occur in healthy adults - this is an exclusively infantile feature.

Spitting up after breastfeeding

Typically, regurgitation occurs during, immediately after, or a short time after feeding, that is, it is directly related to the infant's food intake. And given the reasons described above, it becomes clear why.

If regurgitation has a physiological cause and is not associated with pathology, disorders in the health of the child, then the baby does not experience any discomfort. He can burp and smile, because not only does he not experience discomfort, but sometimes even feels relief after belching air or an extra portion of food, creating pressure inside the stomach and a feeling of fullness from the inside.

If the child, after regurgitation, cries angrily, and especially if he wriggles and screams piercingly, then the problem should be addressed to pediatrician: most likely, there are some violations, in particular, this indicates irritation of the esophagus by gastric juice.

Regurgitation in newborns with cottage cheese

Regurgitation is the ejection of a portion of the contents of the esophagus or stomach of the child in an undigested or partially digested form (slightly curdled). The more time passes after feeding, the more curdled the consistency of the milk burped by the child. From time to time, a newborn may spit up cottage cheese, but if this happens quite often or constantly, between feedings, and not immediately after them, then it is worth consulting with a pediatrician or surgeon. Surely they will confirm that this may be a variant of the norm, but it is better to play it safe.

Newborn spitting up a fountain

Discussing this question, it is important to understand that there is a difference between regurgitation and vomiting - both in manifestations, and in causes, and in the tactics of actions on the part of parents.

Regurgitation usually occurs shortly after feeding and is infrequent, in small amounts. But it also happens that a newborn burps a lot and profusely.

Vomiting can occur regardless of feeding, and be repeated over and over again, which does not occur with regurgitation. Also, when spitting up, unlike vomiting, the child usually feels good and is calm.

If the child has burped up everything he has eaten, then do not feed him immediately. Offer a breast or bottle only when he asks. In the meantime, if the baby does not require food, let the digestive system rest a bit.

If the contents of the stomach are pushed out sharply, in a fountain, high and for a long distance, then the most likely cause of this phenomenon was the spasm of the pylorus. In some cases, this is acceptable, but if the vomiting of the fountain is repeated often, then medical advice is required.

spitting up yellow

In addition to the fact that vomiting is always plentiful (it seems to the mother that the child is spitting up a fountain), it can also be yellow in color, have a sharp sour smell, because gastric juice and even bile are mixed with the contents of the stomach during vomiting. Therefore, if a mother observes yellow regurgitation in a newborn, then the doctor should be told about it: most likely, a consultation and examination by a narrow specialist - a surgeon or a gastroenterologist - will be needed. Possibly gastroesophageal reflux.

IMPORTANT: brown or green regurgitation can be a sign of intestinal obstruction and requires immediate hospitalization!

Abundant regurgitation in newborns through the nose

Frequent, profuse regurgitation in newborns should also be a reason to contact a pediatrician or surgeon. Although in some cases even such manifestations are not dangerous if the child feels well and there is a positive trend in weight gain.

It happens that with abundant regurgitation, fluid is released even through the nostrils. Many mothers are frightened when a child burps through the nose, but if such cases are not often repeated and the baby behaves calmly, then you should not worry. The main thing is to make sure that the child does not choke (if necessary, turn it upside down and knock very lightly) and that the nasal passages do not remain clogged, if necessary, you can use a nasal aspirator.

Be prepared for the fact that the baby may be afraid of the delay in breathing, which occurs with abundant regurgitation through the nostrils: he may start to cry. This is normal - calm the baby, stroke her.

The rate of regurgitation in newborns

Various experts are trying to establish certain norms that parents could be guided by if their baby is spitting up. There are, for example, tables that indicate the norms of regurgitation in newborns. On average, for such a norm, it is proposed to take the volume of regurgitated no more than a fifth of the portion eaten and the frequency of such episodes no more than 5 per day.

But in practice, it is not always possible to be guided by these norms, because it is actually almost impossible to measure how much a child has burped in grams. In addition, it matters how much he ate at the same time and how he behaves and feels.

We recommend focusing on such norms of spitting up in infants: if the baby does not spit up very much and does not express obvious anxiety, then most likely everything is fine. Not very much - it is no more than 10 ml. To see how it looks in reality, pour 2 tablespoons of liquid onto the diaper. If your newborn is regularly spitting up more, you may need to see a doctor.

However, the most important role in this situation, the dynamics of weight gain plays. Even if your newborn spits up after each feeding, but does not scream, does not cry, and most importantly, gains weight, it is better to leave the baby alone.

Regurgitation in infants: causes

We have already partially clarified this issue at the beginning of our article. In particular, it was about physiological reasons, due to the anatomical and functional features of the body of a newborn child. Let's recap them briefly:

  • swallowing air during feeding; overeating;
  • muscle weakness, that is, poor contraction of the esophageal sphincter and slow movement of food through the esophagus;
  • enzymatic immaturity;
  • anatomical features of the stomach of a newborn child;
  • a slow process of coordinating the acts of breathing, sucking and swallowing (up to approximately 2 months of age);
  • intolerance to certain products (for example, those that are part of the milk formula).

Episodic regurgitation also occurs during teething.

There is another reason why a child can spit up - this is the lack of enzymes necessary for digesting food. They usually begin to develop quite quickly in required quantity a few weeks after giving birth. But it also happens that enzyme deficiency is a pathology that requires correction, in particular, the introduction of their analogues into the body.

In addition, some infants experience disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract or in the work of the central nervous system. Among pathological causes doctors distinguish the following:

  • congenital anomalies of the digestive tract;
  • malformations and functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract or diaphragm;
  • increased activity of the nervous system;
  • infectious diseases or poisoning (the child in this case will be lethargic, capricious, pale;
  • hereditary disorders metabolic processes- in extremely rare cases.

Such conditions require an appeal to narrow children's specialists - a surgeon or a neurologist. Intestinal colic, excessive gas formation can also accompany regurgitation in infants.

Newborn spitting up: what to do?

If the cause of regurgitation in a newborn child is pathological disorders, then, depending on the diagnosis, medical treatment is carried out. In rare cases, surgical correction is required.

But most often, which is confirmed by reviews, forums, medical and parental practice, no serious reasons regurgitation is not. Sometimes it seems to parents that the child is spitting up a lot, profusely, very often, but in reality there are no violations in his health. Many mothers share their experience that despite their fears, frightening medical diagnoses, and multiple efforts made to combat this phenomenon, regurgitation in their infants went away by itself, as soon as the child began to spend more time in an upright position (that is, at least sit and walk) and eat thicker foods.

Doctors say that regurgitation in newborns goes away by 6-10 months, sometimes by a year. Practicing pediatricians claim that normally they can appear up to a year and a half, especially in children with IUGR and premature babies. And then they just disappear on their own.

However, this does not mean that you need to wait until the child grows up. Again parenting experience confirms that the cause of regurgitation in infants is most often overfeeding. Experiment with it. When overfeeding, the child often spits up immediately after feeding with uncurdled or partially curdled milk.

If the child hangs on his chest all the time, do not offer him another breast every time: let him suck everything out of only one breast to the end, and only after a while, when he is definitely hungry, he proceeds to the other. Firstly, in this way he will suck out the back, the most valuable milk, which, among other things, does not cause disturbances and problems with the intestines and stomach. Secondly, if the baby has already eaten, but has not yet satisfied the need to suck on the breast, then this technique will help to avoid overeating.

With mixed and artificial feeding, try giving your baby a few milliliters less formula than usual, or change the number of feedings - and follow the reaction. Usually, this simple formula is used to determine how much at a time a formula-fed baby should eat:

1 + age in months (4) + 0 = 140 ml.

It may be worth feeding more often, but in smaller portions, adhering to the daily amount of food according to age.

Next is the prevention of swallowing air. Attach the baby to the breast correctly and make sure that he captures not only the nipple, but also the areola. Try not to feed your baby while crying, because he will swallow air. Interrupt feeding sessions by lifting the baby vertically shortly after the start of feeding, because it is in the first minutes that he eats the most greedily and swallows most of the air. This will contribute to the release of air bubbles that sink most deeply. After belching, continue to feed, and after a while, the break can be repeated again. Among other things, such a tactic can serve as a prevention of overeating, because satiety signals arrive at the centers of the brain late, and intermittently understand faster that ate.

When feeding from a bottle, it is important to choose the right nipple (with an appropriately sized hole) and hold the bottle in such a position that the pacifier is completely filled with formula - this way air will not enter the baby's mouth and stomach. Many mothers like special anti-colic bottles.

It is necessary to choose a mixture for which gastrointestinal tract the crumbs will react calmly, that is, if from new mix he began to spit up - you need to change. Talk to your pediatrician, it may be worth trying an anti-regurgitation (against spitting up) mixture, which is marked with the letters AR (Antiregurgitation) - it has a thicker consistency, due to which it is better retained in the stomach. You can thicken your mixture with corn, rice or potato starch in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of thickener per 60 ml ready mix or breast milk.

The discharge of air is facilitated by wearing a newborn in an upright position every time after feeding for 10-20 minutes (or until the air leaves with a burp): in a column, on the shoulder, in other positions convenient for mom and baby. Before feeding, the baby should be laid out on the tummy, massage the tummy, stroking it with the palm of your hand clockwise.

Keep in mind that difficult nasal breathing forces the baby to breathe more through the mouth, including during feeding. For this reason, he, too, can swallow air and spit up. In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to maintain an optimal microclimate in the children's room (with an air temperature not higher than 22 ° C and a humidity of 50-70%), preventing the nasal mucus from drying out. If crusts have formed in the nose of the newborn, then they should be removed before feeding.

If the child spits up every time you just put him in the crib, then raise its headboard by 5-10 cm (for example, by placing a stand under the legs). By the way, parents often argue that if after feeding the baby is not touched (not picked up and not carried in a column), then he does not spit up. But you need to make sure that the head of the crumbs is turned to the side, because he can burp the air swallowed during feeding and choke.

Try not to squeeze the baby's stomach area: do not fasten the diaper tightly, swaddle loosely, do not use pants with an elastic band. Keep your baby calm after feeding - do not change clothes, do not bathe, do not disturb him. The baby should be fed in such a position that the head is above the level of the legs. It is also important to establish regular emptying of the baby's intestines.

Of course, a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family, including during childbearing, warns hyperexcitability nervous system in a baby and reduces the likelihood of regurgitation in infancy. An increased risk factor for excitability of the nervous and muscular systems the newborn is also passive smoking: this factor should be ruled out in any case!

Spitting up in newborns: when to see a doctor

And everything seems to be clear, but when the problem concerns our children personally, we are not always able to think objectively: doctors do not find any violations, and the situation seems serious to us. It happens the other way around: the child has obvious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or central nervous system, but the mother prefers to think that everything is normal. How to understand that you need to see a doctor:

  • the child spits up the entire volume of food eaten in the first days of life;
  • regurgitation first appeared after 6 months of age;
  • against the background of regurgitation, the child loses weight, there is no dynamics in weight gain;
  • at the moment or immediately after regurgitation, the child arches, wriggles and cries hysterically;
  • the child spit up more than a fifth of the entire serving eaten more than five times a day;
  • the child spits up a fountain after each feeding;
  • along with abundant or frequent regurgitation other symptoms of the disease fever, diarrhea, etc.;
  • in combination with frequent or profuse regurgitation, signs of dehydration appear.

Otherwise, the recommendations set out in this article on what to do if an infant spit up can significantly reduce the episodic spitting up, and often, when overfeeding is eliminated, completely eliminate this problem. But once again we want to emphasize that if the baby feels good, is cheerful and calm, is gaining weight, and the pediatrician has not found any abnormalities, then you should not treat him for regurgitation. Everything will work out - let him just grow up a little, and his systems and organs will fully mature.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Spitting up milk or formula after breastfeeding or artificial feeding- it's pretty frequent occurrence, which manifests itself in newborns immediately after birth and can last up to 3-6 months. When faced with this problem for the first time, every mom wants to figure out why the baby is spitting up after feeding. breast milk? When is this phenomenon normal, and in what cases is it necessary to consult a pediatrician?

It turns out that profuse regurgitation food from oral cavity baby only in rare cases can be a symptom of the disease. According to pediatricians, this is a natural physiological process in the development of a child, so parents should not have cause for concern.


Pediatricians identify 7 reasons why a child often spits up the food he eats in the form of a fountain:

  • due to overfeeding - the digestion process slows down, and he begins to spit up excess milk or formula. Belching may appear immediately or half an hour after the end of feeding. Its consistency resembles cottage cheese or water with a white coating.
  • violations of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - this may be excessive gas formation or constipation, which interfere with the passage of food.
  • congenital disorders or early illness digestive system can also cause the baby to often spit up after each feeding.
  • the food sphincter is underdeveloped - a special valve that is responsible for ensuring that food does not return from the ventricle to the esophagus. In infants, it is in the process of formation and only after 7-8 months begins to work normally.
  • Allergic reactions to new foods that are not always perceived by the infant's body.
  • improper care of the child immediately after feeding - turning over on the stomach and back, rocking in the baby stroller, and so on.
  • improper attachment to the breast during feeding - together with mother's milk, the baby swallows a lot of air, which settles on the lower walls of the esophagus and thereby irritates the mucous membrane. Ultimately, after feeding, the child spits up milk, throwing it out in a fountain.

It is important to know! Excess air can also be in the esophagus when feeding from a bottle, so parents also need to take this factor into account.

The baby often spits up a fountain

Such belching between feedings should alert parents, and the following circumstances may be the cause of its occurrence:

  • prematurity of the baby;
  • incorrect transfer from GV to artificial feeding;
  • obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathological diseases of the nervous system.

Why did the baby burp in yellow?

Sometimes it happens that after breastfeeding, the baby spits up in yellow - this is a wake-up call for parents. Yellow points to serious violations in the work of the stomach and the presence of bile in the vomit.

When severe vomiting yellow contents along with milk can enter the lungs and cause pneumonia or diseases of the nasal cavity. This condition of the chest is increased danger for his health. Sometimes surgery may be required to stop vomiting of bile.

Preventive actions

If a child spits up after breastfeeding or formula (with artificial feeding), a number of preventive measures should be taken to minimize vomiting attacks:

  • a few minutes before feeding, lay the baby on the tummy for 30-60 seconds. This will allow gases to escape from the intestines and normalize the digestion process.
  • monitor the correct grip on the chest, as well as the position of the crumbs during breastfeeding. When feeding with a mixture or milk from a bottle - look after the fullness of the nipple.
  • if the baby spit up frequently after each feeding, pick him up and hold him upright for 1-2 minutes. In this position, the air accumulated in the stomach will come out on its own.

In cases where the child spit up a lot after each breastfeeding, doctor Komarovsky advises paying attention to the following features:

  • stick proper feeding. Don't Supplement baby immediately after burping, give your stomach a little rest. Otherwise, there will be an overflow of the stomach with excess milk and increased risk gag reflex.
  • If the newborn burps profusely, but this does not affect the weight, then you should not worry about his health yet. Otherwise, you need to consult a specialist gastroenterologist.
  • During attachment to the breast, the head of the crumbs should be slightly raised.
  • After each feeding, lay the baby on the stomach.

How to provide first aid?

What to do if, after breastfeeding, the child began to spit up a lot of cottage cheese or a liquid with a white coating?

Pediatricians advise parents not to panic, and give the following recommendations:

  • hold the baby in an upright position or lay it on the tummy so that excess food does not create a blockage in the airways;
  • you can offer boiled water, but only in small quantities;

If during the day, he does not sleep well, there are changes in the consistency of the stool or the temperature rises (over 38 degrees) - urgently call a pediatric therapist.