Exercises for newborns. Thanks to physiotherapy exercises, baby. What exercises to do with a newborn: a complex for development

Babies under one year old are called babies. It is at this age that the formation of all musculoskeletal functions of the body occurs. Congenital primary reflexes fade away, others appear, more permanent and meaningful. Massage and gymnastics of the baby, like nothing else, will help the baby to form correctly and on time. As well as improve mood, maintain contact with the mother and improve health.

For different stages of development and specific goals, it is possible various options gymnastics, including therapeutic, they are conducted by an experienced specialist. But there are exercises suitable for home holding and any age.

Dynamic gymnastics for babies - a set of mobile exercises with tossing, swinging, twisting and hanging the baby. During classes, the position of the body of the newborn quickly changes in space, there are many exercises where the baby is upside down.

There is no definite opinion about dynamic gymnastics for babies. Some parents and doctors consider it useful for infant, part - dangerous. The only thing in which opinions coincide is that it is impossible to start doing dynamic gymnastics before one and a half to two months old.

Massage and gymnastics of the upper limbs of the baby

Before performing the exercise, you need to lay the baby on his back with his feet towards you. Help here grasping reflex, especially strongly developed in the first months of life. The child is allowed to grab the thumb of the left hand and the right hand is made, and vice versa. After that, 6-8 massage strokes are performed in the direction from the hand to the armpit and shoulder.


The position of the child is on his back with his feet to himself. The grasp reflex comes in handy again. This time, the baby is allowed to grab both thumbs at the same time. When he holds on to his fingers tightly enough, they begin to slightly pull the baby towards himself. At the same time, his hands should be held with the rest of the fingers. Repeat movements 7-8 times, within 60 seconds.

At an early age, this exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the neck, as the baby tries to keep the head in this position. In more late age, you should raise it higher and higher, along with the muscles of the neck, the shoulder girdle and back will be trained.

You need to lift the child only if he enjoys such a movement. If the facial expression has become preoccupied, whiny, it is necessary to raise the baby lower. Each exercise should bring only positive emotions.

Massage and gymnastics of the lower limbs of the baby

The exercise is performed in the same position, lying on your back, with your feet towards you. The right leg is held by the right hand, the left, respectively, by the left hand. With massage movements, stroke the legs in the direction from the foot to the thigh of the baby along the back and outer surface of the leg, ending at inguinal fold. At the same time, the knees and the area of ​​the anterior surface of the lower leg are not touched. Requires 6 - 8 repetitions. It is desirable to encourage each movement with the words "clever", "well done" and any others.

Reflex exercise

The baby is laid out on the tummy, so that there is support on the hands. The legs at this time should be spread apart. Obeying the innate protective reflex, the child raises and turns his head. At an older age, the baby will independently hold the head in this position, and even later, independently lean on the elbows, then on the hands.

This exercise can be done each time before feeding for 5 seconds - 20 minutes, depending on the mood and development of the baby. Thus, the muscles of the collar zone are strengthened.

Infant back massage

To perform the exercise, the child is placed on the tummy, the hand is located under the chest. Massage is carried out by stroking the back of the baby with the back of the hand, in the direction from the waist to the neck and in reverse side. Repeat this movement 4-5 times.

A baby under 2 months old is massaged with one hand, while the other gently fixes the position of the child's body. For children older than 2 months, stroking is carried out with both hands, as the position on the stomach becomes more stable.

Back gymnastics

The chest is placed on its side, the position of his body is gently fixed by the legs with the help of one hand. After that, any two fingers are drawn along the spine along from the sacrum to the neck, then in the opposite direction. The back of the child should straighten up reflexively, the talent reflex of the skin of the back is triggered. Similar movements are repeated on the other side. The result of this massage technique is the development and strengthening of the muscles involved in the extension of the spine.

Massage of the abdomen

To perform a massage of the abdomen, the baby is laid out on his back, with his feet towards him or slightly sideways.

First, stroking 5 - 6 times, slightly pressing on the stomach, in a circle, clockwise. The right hypochondrium is the projection area of ​​the liver, massage of this part of the abdomen should be avoided.

Then apply the counter-type massage technique. The left hand is placed with the back on the child's stomach on the lower right square, and the right hand on the upper left square. With weak pressure move the brushes towards each other. Repeat 5-6 times without changing the position of the hands at the beginning of the movement. Thus, the peristaltic movement in the intestine is repeated. This exercise is especially valuable for constipation, bloating, sometimes it reduces the pain associated with improper digestion.

The oblique muscles of the baby's press are strengthened by the following massage technique. With movements covering the child's stomach, stroke the sides with palms in the direction from the lower back to the area above the navel. To put it simply, it is carried out from behind along an oblique line forward and up. Requires 5 - 6 repetitions.

At the very end, the massage is repeated 2-3 times clockwise.

In some cases, the stomach is gently massaged separately and longer for colic, constipation. Often this helps to avoid enemas, laxatives.

Gymnastics to strengthen the abdominal muscles

The position of the baby during the exercise is on the back, legs towards you. Hands lead under the back, and support the head, focus on the child's feet in your stomach. During the exercise, gently raise the baby's arms to an almost vertical position and just as gently lower them back. It is necessary to constantly monitor the presence of support and do all movements very slowly. This gymnastic exercise will help the baby prepare for sitting.

Foot massage

According to acupuncture, it is on the foot that the points of influence on all organs and systems in the human body are located. Soft skin the baby makes this effect even more effective.

The child lies on his back, legs towards him. Raising his leg low, with the palm of his left hand under the shin, gently fix the position of the leg. And the other hand is positioned as follows: middle and forefinger are located on the back of the foot, and the large one is located on the sole. The massage movements themselves are provided thumb. They draw the number 8 on the foot, stroke from the base of the fingers to the heel. Repeat movements 5-6 times on each leg. For an even greater positive impact, the toes on the child's toes themselves are vigorously massaged.

Foot reflex exercise

The child is still lying on his back, legs towards him. The exercise consists in quickly pressing on the sole in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers, as a result, the fingers of the baby will reflexively bend. After that, they quickly press on the outer edge of the foot, after which the fingers reflexively straighten. Do 3-4 repetitions. These reflexes are most pronounced in the first months of life, and later fade somewhat.

reflex crawl

The baby is laid out on the stomach in a frog pose. Namely, the feet are connected, the knees are bent and divorced. The child's body is very fragile and unformed, and when performing this exercise, it is necessary to monitor safety: do not injure the child and provide a safe space for crawling. Fingers of the hands lead under back side soles without touching the foot itself. Then with your thumbs you need to touch both soles at the same time. The crawling reflex will work, the baby will sharply straighten the legs and move forward. At the same time, the hands should be directly on the surface of the table, otherwise the child will not be able to budge. The reflex movement is repeated 3-4 times.

Massage of the chest area

The position of the child is on the back. The massage process begins with stroking the fingers of both hands at the same time. Right hand moves clockwise from the bottom of the sternum through the armpits and returns to the starting position. Left hand does the same in mirror image. The massage method is stroking, carried out in a circle. Then carefully grasp chest and not much, but sharply and quickly put pressure on her. This movement activates the respiratory center. The exercise is repeated in its entirety 5-6 times.


Another exciting exercise for the baby is to induce reflex walking. When performing the exercise, the child is practically on his hands, you need to hold him carefully by the armpits. The position is vertical, facing away from you. The legs should touch a solid support, a slight forward lean activates the walking reflex. Children often prefer this exercise to all others; you can perform it separately from general gymnastics. When walking, the foot should rest completely on the surface, but the child should not stand on his own if he does not yet stand up on his own. The chest should not be squeezed by the hands of an adult.

Hand relaxation

The gymnastics complex is coming to an end and the child is already tired. To relax the muscles of the hands, gently shake them lightly. They take the hands, as during a massage, and slightly parting to the sides, shake them slightly. If the tone of the child is still high, you need to wait until the baby is ready for such an exercise. In this case, you can simply iron the handles. Massage of the fingers and palms is considered useful at any age.

Rocking the baby in the fetal position

For this exercise, you need to give the child's body an embryonic position. From the supine position, the adult takes the baby's feet and hands in his hand. The feet should be connected and the knees separated. With one hand they continue to hold the limbs, and with the other they press the baby's head to the chest. The resulting embryo is shaken in various directions. Each direction is repeated 2-3 times. Rocking helps to develop the vestibular apparatus and the nervous system in the right direction. To achieve a greater effect, the exercise is repeated 3-4 times a day.

Gymnastics on the ball

For the exercise you need a special big ball. The baby is placed on the ball with the stomach, while the legs should be as wide apart as possible. Then the ball is shaken in different directions. Do not swing the ball hard, the child may fall off it. And for the development of the vestibular apparatus, a small amplitude is sufficient.

Later, when the child learns to crawl, you can use the ball to teach him to transfer body weight to his hands. To do this, the child lies with his stomach down on the ball, and rests his hands on a hard surface. The duration of such an exercise depends on the well-being of the child.

Gymnastic exercises with babies are carried out for about 15 minutes. But all children are different, and if the child gets tired before the end of the complex, there is no need to torment him and continue. The rest of the gymnastics complex can always be completed later, when the baby is properly rested and gains strength.

The most important thing is to keep the child positive attitude during all exercises. This will only give him even more desire to engage later. Movements should be smooth, unhurried, affectionate. And the attitude of an adult is friendly and kind. In this case, the lessons will be more useful.

Video: Gymnastics for babies

Therapeutic exercises for babies


Dynamic gymnastics for babies (video)

Are you worried about the tiny size of your beloved child? Many young parents experience similar fears about their babies. Yes, the fragile body of a newborn requires special care and attention.

The chaotic movements of the arms and legs indicate that babies are trying to learn the possibilities of their body. Gymnastics for newborns from the first days of life will help them with this. It will allow the baby to get used to the new conditions of its existence outside the womb, cope with infections and strengthen the general physical condition.

Child development and gymnastics

Up to a year, the baby noticeably gains weight, height, certain skills are formed in him. During this period, child care is very important, namely:

  • breastfeed him correctly (how to do this is described in detail in the Happy Motherhood >>> course);
  • wear on hand;
  • bathe in a diaper in the bathroom;
  • observe the sleep and wakefulness regimen (read more about the sleep regimen in the article Sleep norms for children up to a year >>>) - all these components are fundamental in full development baby.

In the first month, the newborn sleeps more. As the baby grows, periods of sleep will decrease, and wakefulness will increase. The child will need more communication with loved ones, his motor and emotional activity will increase.

How are you caring mommy Trying to follow all doctor's recommendations. For his proper development you are doing special gymnastics for newborns or replace exercises with massage. My opinion is that a child does not really need gymnastics. It is more important not to limit his movements.

A newborn baby must know all the possibilities of his body.

  1. Any gymnastics should be performed against the background of positive emotions, and not only by adhering correct technique certain exercises;
  2. The softest gymnastics is nurturing, with jokes and nursery rhymes.

But this is my opinion, to broaden your horizons, we will introduce you to several varieties of exercises. You decide which gymnastics more suitable for your favorite crumbs, and which one you will give your preference.

See also about the varieties of gymnastics in my video tutorial:

Gymnastics rules:

  • ventilate the room, let it warm up for 15 minutes, undress the baby and start gymnastics;
  • do exercises on a hard surface, for example, on a changing table;
  • do massage or gymnastics daily after waking up or while awake;
  • with gentle stroking movements, massage the baby's body from the limbs to the center;
  • when performing a back massage, do not press on the spine, avoid pressing on the heart and kidneys;
  • repeat each exercise 3-5 times, the duration of gymnastics should not exceed 10 minutes.

When to do gymnastics

  1. Two weeks after birth, in the absence of contraindications, you can start doing gymnastics with your beloved baby;
  2. You can not do gymnastics after feeding (read the current article about newborn nutrition: Feeding on demand >>>);
  3. Classes will benefit only if the newborn will do them with pleasure.

If the child does not like gymnastics?

  • if the baby is naughty and does not want to do it, then it is better to postpone the gymnastics for another time;
  • negative emotions and coercion during the lesson are unacceptable;
  • If you notice that any movements cause discomfort or pain to the baby, then inform the pediatrician about this.

Types of gymnastics:

There are two types of gymnastics: general developmental - aimed at developing the main muscles and therapeutic, which is prescribed by a specialist in the form of exercise therapy, for example, gymnastics for dysplasia hip joints in newborns, where exercises are therapeutic in nature and are carried out in specialized institutions.

We will talk about gymnastics that you can do at home.

  1. Gymnastics for newborns at 1 month (for how a baby develops at 1 month, read the article What should a child be able to do at 1 month?
  • I.p. (starting position) - put the baby on the back, gently stroke it on the arms, legs, tummy. Laying it on the tummy - stroke the back, arms, legs and buttocks;
  • I.p. - put the baby on the back, put your index fingers in his palms. Let him grab them and try to raise his head and shoulders;
  • I.p. - put the baby on your tummy. Press your palm to his feet. The newborn, helping himself with his hands, will try to push off from them;
  • I.p. - lying on your back, bend and unbend the baby's arms and legs.
  1. Gymnastics for newborns on a fitball (gymnastic ball) requires some skill from parents, otherwise the baby may fall off the ball during exercise. Put on rhythmic music, put a diaper on the ball and start exercising
  • I.p. - put the baby on the tummy. Press the legs to the surface of the ball, additionally fixing the back with your hand. Rock it back and forth on the ball. This exercise trains the vestibular apparatus and massages the abdominal muscles. Periodically make bouncing movements with the ball, thus massaging the intestines;

If you have any problems with the intestines or the baby suffers from colic, pay attention to our Soft Tummy course >>>

  • I.p. - fix your hands on the baby's legs and roll the ball forward so that the baby lies head down;
  • I.p. - we hold each leg of the newborn in a separate hand, bend it at the knee and continue to perform rolling movements with the head forward;
  • I.p. - do an exercise for the pens. Put your index finger in the baby's fist. Rolling the ball towards you, the baby hangs slightly, roll it forward and spread the handles to the sides;
  • By the same principle, we repeat all the movements, only the baby is already on his back.
  1. Massage for the baby is done in order to improve lymph flow and blood supply. You can start the movement with the arms, legs or abdomen. We'll start with the legs.
  • I.p - after lightly stroking the leg, proceed to rubbing the foot, leg, and thigh. Massaging movements should be smooth. Finish the limb massage by flexion and extension of the leg;
  • After that, we proceed to the second leg and handles;
  • Massage the tummy and chest with stroking and rubbing movements. We massage the stomach only clockwise;
  • Turning the baby on his stomach, you need to massage your back.
  1. Nursing gymnastics is based on Russian folklore. Doing gymnastics and smiling at the baby, say, stroking the baby those places that are said in the pestle:

Pulls, pulls



Little hands

mouth talker,

And in the head-reason.

Communicating with a child with pestle sentences gives you the opportunity to set a rhythm and join the general flow of earthly energy. On the globe, everything is subject to certain rhythms: blood circulation, respiration, hormone production. Day turns into night, and the tides turn into ebbs - every cell on Earth works in a certain rhythm.

Therefore, all the fairy tales of our grandmothers are a kind of massage in the game. For example, the game "Magpie - Crow" is performed with light circular movements, massaging certain points on the palm, thereby stimulating the work gastrointestinal tract and sets it to full rhythm.

We told you about the varieties of gymnastics for newborns. Now you not only have an idea about them, but are also able to master elementary skills and techniques. Grow, develop, smile and let our recommendations and advice will only help you!

A newborn baby spends most of his time in a state of sleep, waking up only in certain time from feelings of hunger or discomfort. Meanwhile, he needs to develop physically from the first year of life. Gymnastics for newborns should become a mandatory regime item.

About the benefits of gymnastics

Although you should not convince anyone of the benefits of gymnastics, it has a special effect on babies:

  1. Tactile contact with mother has a beneficial effect on mental condition. The baby sleeps longer and more peacefully.
  2. The kid knows his body and gets used to it. He develops the necessary reflexes, muscles and joints, develops coordination of movements.
  3. In the process of training, metabolism improves, the work of the adrenal glands, and blood circulation accelerates. Charging provides a strong coupling of muscles and bones.
Thanks to gymnastic exercises, the baby learns to feel his body better, work is also improved. nervous system responsible for the transmission of impulses from the brain to the muscles

According to pediatrician Komarovsky O.E., the state of their health in the future depends on how well the development of children from infancy is organized. Gymnastic exercises should be age appropriate. In combination with massage, active physical exercises will have a beneficial effect not only on the physical, but also on mental development newborn.

The most elementary and common morning exercise that can be used after discharge from the hospital is the early laying out of the little one on the tummy. The baby will instinctively turn his head to one side at first, because it is easier for him to breathe in this position. Later, he will begin to raise his head up and try to hold it for a few seconds.

Exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck, back, shoulders, spine. After a few weeks, the child keeps his head in a raised state for a long time, then begins to raise his shoulders, then lean on his elbows and raise his body.

It is difficult to call it an exercise, but it is it that will help the baby adapt to the world around him after birth. Of course, the laying out time must be regulated so that the child does not get tired.

About the principles of physical exercises

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The newborn has a strictly regulated daily routine, so the exercise It is recommended to choose a special time. Better if it will be the first half of the day. If you manage to carry out exercises at the same time, then he will develop a reflex, at this time the baby will not be capricious. Some conditions that must be observed during the exercise:

  • Mom before starting gymnastics or massage with a newborn needs to thoroughly wash and warm her hands. The air temperature in the room should be 20 degrees. Before starting morning exercises, it is necessary to warm up the muscles baby light massage.
  • Charging should be done one hour before feeding. The total duration of the exercises is within 15 minutes.
  • It is necessary to talk during gymnastics with a monthly newborn. If the child begins to act up, charging should be stopped.

It happens that dynamic exercises are contraindicated for babies. In this case, you can limit yourself to simply stroking the body over the entire surface.

While charging, it is necessary to talk with the child: this way he will be happy to study and the whole process will pass without negative emotions and worries

How to develop a baby physically?

In the first months of life, it is especially important to observe certain features of the child's behavior, his physical condition. As noted by the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky O.E., the most characteristic for them during this period is regurgitation, abdominal cramps, and constipation. There are 2 ways to protect against these manifestations - proper nutrition and adequate exercise.

At a time when the child is still a few weeks old, it is necessary to plan daily physical exercises in doses, increasing the intensity gradually, combining them with massage. At this age, all the muscles of the baby are in hypertonicity, so the exercises should be aimed at relaxation (we recommend reading:). The alternation of actions aimed at relaxing muscle tension includes massage and special gymnastic exercises:

  • Massage - it can be carried out without waiting for a doctor's appointment. It is worth learning the techniques of elementary massage for babies, after consulting with a children's masseur and start doing it yourself.
  • Gymnastics is a morning complex exercises for babies aimed at developing several muscle groups. All movements of the little one should be close to natural.

For the baby, his own body is a toy: he grabs his arms and legs, looks at them, plays with them, studying them, and thereby receives certain information about them. In gymnastic exercises, all parts of the body should be involved as much as possible. Gymnastics for babies and massage are carried out on a flat surface with a substrate made of a thin layer of foam rubber.

Classical gymnastics from birth to 2 months

A child in infancy does not have enough control over the body, the only thing he can do is unconsciously swing his arms and legs, so it is necessary to streamline his movements. For this, the most elementary, but very effective morning work-out. At the age of 2 months, you can carry out the same exercises, but increase their duration:

  1. Crawling - the child needs to be turned over on the stomach, while the legs are bent at the knees. The palm must rest on his feet. Reflexively, he will push off from her and move forward. The kid can perform this action several times, but you should not abuse his patience.
  2. Embryo - you should put the baby on the back. We fold the arms on the chest, pull the legs to the stomach. The baby's head should be carefully directed to the chest and held for a while.
  3. Walking - holding the baby under the armpits, put his feet on the surface of the table, slightly tilt the body forward. He will instinctively begin to touch with his feet, slightly resting on the surface.
  4. Bicycling is a traditional classic exercise (we recommend reading:). The child lies on his back, legs are bent at the knees, they need to be pulled up to the stomach in turn, simulating pedaling.
  5. No need to be afraid to master the fitness ball. We put the child with his stomach on the ball with his arms and legs spread apart. The ball needs to be rocked with a small swing, making sure that the baby does not slip off.

Fitball exercises - great option for children from 1 month and older. The only caveat is that mom will have to be very careful so that the baby does not fall off the ball.

Classical gymnastics for newborns is recommended for children from 1 month old, then exercises for physical development can be translated into more difficult level. Charging time is 10-15 minutes.

Classical gymnastics at the age of 3 months

By the age of 3 months, the baby is already trained enough, so you can add new elements to the exercises in the complex of morning exercises. When the baby is 3 months old, the exercises already mastered at 2 months old can be supplemented with the following elements:

  • Turning on the stomach - the mother takes the child by one hand. With the second hand, the mother captures both legs in the shin area. The side turn begins with the legs, then we pull the arm until it rolls over.
  • Incomplete sitting down - the baby lying on his back needs to be served thumbs to squeeze them tightly. With the rest of the fingers we grab the palm and lift it, not bringing it to a sitting position. As a result, the muscles of the press, neck, and spine are trained.
  • Sliding feet - lay the baby on his back, grab the legs below, slowly straighten one leg, performing a sliding movement with it. Then the exercise is repeated for the second leg.
  • Swimmer - the child lies on his stomach, the mother puts her hand under his stomach and chest, hold his legs with the other hand. It needs to be raised for a few seconds in the palm of your hand, the legs should be slightly higher than the head. This exercise is enough to repeat 1 time.

Exercises with the legs and feet are very important, because there are a huge number of vital points. In addition, it is the muscles of the legs that are responsible for the further motor activity of the child.

How are dynamic gymnastics classes conducted?

Dynamic gymnastics is considered one of the types of intensive developmental exercises. They differ in that the exercises increase the level of complexity. The main movements are rotation, rocking the child upside down or upside down, which parents do not need to be afraid of, since with appropriate training and accompaniment by an instructor, this can really be done without compromising the health of the crumbs.

For those parents who want to do dynamic gymnastics with their baby, you should not start it without having undergone preliminary training with a specialist. As with any training exercises for children, there are certain contraindications for their early implementation: increased muscle tension, misdevelopment hip joints or their increased mobility.

Dynamic exercises

Dynamic gymnastics is carried out in specially organized groups under the guidance of instructors. Then, having gained experience, you can carry out such exercises on your own:

  1. The child lies on his stomach. With one hand we take it by the handle in the wrist area, with the other - in the calf area. You need to lift it up a few times. Then the exercise is performed similarly on the other side.
  2. The baby lies on his back. You need to take it with your hands by the ankles, lift it up by the legs, shake it with a minimum amplitude 3 times.
  3. Put the child on his back on the crib, the mother's thumbs are in his palms, the wrists are clasped with the rest of the fingers. We gently raise him from the bed, then you need to throw the child up so that his arms are spread apart. Repeat 3 times.

These exercises are considered basic, with them you can gradually practice dynamic gymnastics. There are a lot of exercises in dynamic gymnastics that you can learn from an instructor by writing an individual program for a child. You can also watch the complex on the video to make sure that the exercises are safe for the child, if done correctly.

Before starting classes, it is appropriate to consult with specialists. Parents need to know that dynamic gymnastics may be harmful to children. Good theoretical and practical training parents and the absence of contraindications in the child.

Those parents who do not support adherents of dynamic gymnastics argue that it is traumatic. Parents who practice dynamic gymnastics believe that the exercises strengthen the baby, correct muscle tone, develop the vestibular apparatus, and also strengthen psychological contact with parents.

Dynamic gymnastics for babies can be practiced intensively from 1 month or from one and a half. By this age, the baby is already gradually emerging from the early autistic stage of development and more actively responds to the people around him. If before that he only did what he was lying in one position, then thanks to gymnastics he will get acquainted with the world around him.

Of particular importance is gymnastics for newborns whose parents have chosen tight swaddling. Dynamic charging is different from regular topics...

With the birth of a child, newly-made parents are seized by a whole storm of conflicting feelings - joy and confusion, happiness and fear. It is understandable, because now they are responsible for the future of the baby. And if there are no doubts about quality nutrition and care, then about motor activity crumbs there is a lot of controversy. Is gymnastics necessary for newborns from the first days of life?

About the benefits of gymnastics for newborns

Any, even a newborn child, develops in motion. Physical activity contributes to the normalization of its blood circulation and regulation metabolic processes.

Of particular importance is gymnastics for babies whose parents have chosen tight swaddling. For such children, exercise will help stretch their still weak limbs and get rid of muscle spasm.

If the arms and legs of your baby are “free”, he also needs a general strengthening warm-up to develop tone and coordination.

In addition, it is a great way to improve close connection with a little one. Gentle touches and the gentle voice of the mother will help to get closer and convey to the baby that he is safe and his parents love him very much.

When to start doing gymnastics with a newborn

The opinions of experts on this matter are different. Some believe that the second week of a baby's life is quite the right time, because every day his ligaments will grow stronger, which means it will be harder to stretch. Others suggest waiting until the baby goes through the adjustment process, which is usually completed by three weeks.

Therefore, exercises for a week-old baby usually consist of light stroking of its limbs (from the periphery to the center), the abdomen (circular movements) and the back. This will help disperse the interstitial fluid and lymph throughout the body of the crumbs.

In addition to a light massage, you can bend and unbend the arms and legs of the crumbs:

  • we spread the baby's arms to the sides and cross them in the chest area;
  • raise the handles one by one, the free hand is along the body;
  • bend the legs and press them to the tummy;
  • open like a book, legs bent at the knees.

Important rules for gymnastic exercises

Already from 3-4 weeks you can do more active exercises. However, first you should familiarize yourself with some of the rules for its implementation.

right time

To prevent the baby from spitting up lunch, do not exercise earlier than an hour after his meal. Or move around with the baby 30 minutes before eating, then the tired baby will eat and fall asleep quickly.

Try to practice every day, preferably at the same time of day. A suitable period for this is from morning to afternoon, when the activity of children is increased.

Right mood

If the baby is sick or just naughty, cancel the exercises. It is necessary that gymnastics be associated in crumbs only with positive emotions!

Preparing the room

It is best to combine charging with air baths, that are great way hardening. Therefore, the room for classes should be clean and ventilated, with a comfortable air temperature for the baby (20–22 degrees).

Thematic material:

Prepare a hard surface (swaddling table, table), cover it with a blanket or diaper.

Beginning and ending with a massage

Good massage will help not only to prepare for exercise, but also to relax after it. With regard to newborns, you need to be especially careful, so it is better to entrust the first massage sessions to a professional. He will determine the condition of the baby's muscles and tell the mother how to massage on her own.

Any massage, especially for children, should be performed with an oil or cream that suits your child.

Massage for children does not apply to such important organs like the heart, liver and spine.

Duration of classes

At first, gymnastics is done no more than 5 minutes, including massage. When the baby gets a little stronger and grows up, he will be able to train up to 15-20 minutes.

Do no harm

Don't try to complete in a short amount of time a large number of exercises. They, like massage, for babies are done at a measured pace, without sudden movements.

Rule out contraindications

Do not miss scheduled examinations of specialists in order to notice and correct pathologies in time. Any gymnastics for babies is carried out only after the recommendation of doctors, since some congenital and acquired ailments during childbirth ( intracranial pressure, deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system, etc.) may worsen.

Gymnastics for the little ones

From birth and up to about 2 months of life, the body of the child actively responds to congenital reflexes. Therefore, the main part of the training is based on them. Such gymnastics is called reflex and consists of the simplest exercises.

  1. Laying out on the tummy - the baby instinctively raises its head.
  2. Putting the baby on the side, lightly hold his legs. With the finger of your free hand, draw a path along its back, which will run 1 cm from the spine, from the sacrum to the neck. Following the reflex, the baby will bend.
  3. We put a finger in the crumbs hand to develop a grasping reflex, later you can do this with a rattle.

Charging for babies from 1 month is a little more complicated. Babies are already strong enough to train in crawling. To do this, place a support under the feet of the child lying on his stomach, from which he will push off and move forward a little.

Helpful for workout neck muscles children is upright. If the mother takes her baby in her arms 2-4 times a day, he will quickly begin to hold his head.

Even the smallest children love to walk. In monthly babies, this is still reflex walking. It appears when a child in vertical position, feels support under his feet.

Dynamic charging

Dynamic gymnastics for babies differs from the usual one in that during exercises the baby is not located on hard surface, but on the hands of mom or a gym ball.

Such exercises will help in the development of the vestibular apparatus, but will require some skill and special care in handling a fragile organism. baby.

It consists in swaying on the fitball, springy movements and rolling on the ball. At first, the child simply lies on it, by 4–5 months the baby “springs” while sitting, and then standing.

Gymnastics in the water

Large water bath perfect place for dynamic gymnastics. Under the supervision of an instructor, with the help of water, you can get rid of many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. If the child is healthy, general strengthening exercises are suitable: describing the “eight” on the water, guiding the baby along the sides on the back and stomach, pushing the legs off the walls of the bath.

Already from the third week of life, when it finally heals umbilical wound, you can not boil water and transfer the bathing procedure to the parent bath.

Thematic material:

So that the baby does not swallow water and is not afraid, you need to hold it correctly: four fingers of an adult are under the armpits, the fifth one holds the shoulder, the baby's chin is located on the parent's wrist joint.

Children are the flowers of life! And in order for them to grow quickly and develop properly, they need to be given time. Every day, every minute spent with the baby is your small but very significant contribution to his future.

For supporting general development baby, he needs gymnastics for newborns from the first days. After discharge from the maternity hospital, you can actively start doing light physical exercises with your baby. Thanks to active movements the child develops an incentive to develop, be interested in and learn about the world. Therefore, it is advisable to analyze several important points: exercise tactics, goals and possible results.

Pediatricians argue among themselves about whether it is necessary for a baby from the first days of life to know what exercise stress. As Yevgeny Komarovsky says, dynamic gymnastics for newborns is a preventive process that protects the baby's body from various diseases, such as dysplasia, influenza and SARS viruses, and we offer some tips on doing exercises for a child during the neonatal period by months:

  • carry out light strokes on the arms, legs, back and tummy of the baby from the second week of life;
  • iron the feet and palms, do not forget the intercostal cavities;
  • lay the baby on the tummy;
  • develop a grasping reflex, invite the baby to take your fingers in a supine position;
  • if the baby is observed to be muscular, a light massage is used.
Important! The purpose of gymnastics and massage in babies infancy, is considered the ordering of the movements of the child's body and the ability to own their own limbs.

Types of exercise for children up to a year

Each newborn needs individual approach. Depending on age, several of the following options are considered.

"Crawl". For such an exercise, it is necessary to put the baby on the tummy and bend the legs at the knees, while the knees should look in different sides. Put your hand on the baby's feet. In this case, the baby will work, and the baby will straighten the legs and move forward a little.

Let's smile! Granddaughter (5 years old) looks out the window in the morning. There was snow and sun.
- Winter is getting better!

"Embryo". Put the baby on the back and group: legs and arms, put a cross on the cross. It is in this position that the baby is in the womb. Lower your head a little, but don't overdo it. This position helps the child to develop the vestibular apparatus and safely develops the nervous system.

Attention! It is impossible to carry out gymnastics and massage exercises for babies if there are medical contraindications.

"Walking" Lift the baby by the armpits. Let the baby touch the surface with his feet and tilt it slightly forward - the baby will begin to walk. This checks for the presence physiological reflexes in a newborn. So next month exercises should be more intense and longer.

Gymnastics for newborns 3 months

In the third month, when the newborn gets stronger, a new set of exercises is added to him. Such physical education will help the baby independently control the movements of parts of his body. What is needed for this?

  1. Carry out various manipulations with the arms and legs of the baby. Dilute to the sides and bring the cross to the cross.
  2. Raise and lower the handles one by one. This exercise is like a windmill.
  3. Flex and extend your hips.
  4. Raise the child by the handles from a lying position.
  5. Do exercises on a fitball. To do this, put the child on the ball and roll it out a little, while holding it. When leaning forward, the baby must stretch out the handles for fear of falling.

Important points and basic rules for parents

Important! Holding therapeutic gymnastics should be carried out in specially designated places under the supervision of the attending physician. Often such physical education is needed for infants with dysplasia.

It happens that a newborn child is not given recommendations for exercise at the expense of his normal health - this is not a reason to neglect them. When the baby is absolutely healthy, mentally balanced and has no developmental abnormalities, it must be taught to move. Already with early age the baby will be able to control himself, besides, physical education for the child is a kind of hardening.

Let's laugh! This morning I go to the parking lot along the road cleared of snow, and in Moscow for two days it fell very decently. On the sides, respectively, snowdrifts. A mother and daughter are walking towards me: the mother is on the way, and the daughter in bolognese pants and dutiks is wading through the snowdrifts. Mom says to her:
- Well, that's why you go through the snowdrifts when there is a normal road?
The answer is gratifying:
- Because I can!

A physically developed newborn acquires the necessary skills earlier than his peers. Remember that all activities with the baby should be regular, preferably at the same time, so that the baby gets used to it. Try to set the gymnastics regimen an hour before meals.

Please note that the process of physical education should not be associated with the child negative emotions. Sing songs, recite rhymes, and recite introductory rhymes. All games and developmental exercises should be fun, then the baby will be happy to return to this procedure.

If the baby has symptoms of malaise, the temperature has risen, physical education should be postponed. Do not force the child to perform movements if he does not want to. It happens that the baby often cries during such manipulations, which means that you should wait a little with gymnastics or find another approach.

Therapeutic exercise for babies in the video.

Physical education for newborns: benefits

Physical education with a newly born baby hardens his body, allows you to discover new opportunities own body. Also for the child is:

  • parental attention;
  • Interesting games;
  • prevention of rickets and dysplasia;
  • hardening of the body;
  • formation of new skills;
  • development of physiological reflexes and other abilities of the child.

Thanks to the ongoing activities, the child quickly adapts to the environment.