Children suffer from parental cruelty. Parent meeting topic: "cruel parents - cruel children." cruelty free upbringing

Ten stories about the worst parents ever.

1. For her 7-year-old daughter's birthday, Sarah Burge, aka "Barbie Doll" in the US, gave a $10,000 voucher so her daughter could make herself plastic surgery for breast augmentation. Unfortunately, the baby will be able to use it only after the age of 16, since it is from this age that such operations are allowed. According to Sarah herself, her daughter has always dreamed of big breasts.

2. A Tennessee woman named Tori Hansen adopted a boy from a Russian orphanage. After some time, the woman said that the boy had an unhealthy psyche and he was suffering from bouts of cruelty. In order to get rid of the child, she put him on a plane flying to Moscow.

3. A South Korean couple was arrested after their three-month-old daughter starved to death. Baby for a long time was at home unsupervised while the newly-made parents had fun in an Internet cafe playing an online game.

4. A Florida resident named Sandra Padilla Miranda was arrested for child abuse and inciting juvenile delinquency when she started a fight between her daughter and her classmate. The fight between the girls was filmed by an unknown person and posted on Facebook.

5. A resident of California, 34-year-old Carrie Campbell is accused of injecting her 8-year-old daughter with Botox injections to "get rid of wrinkles" in her words. Carrie admitted that she did this so that her daughter could be competitive in a beauty pageant among children.

6. A couple from central Georgia pleaded guilty to forcing their 14-year-old daughter to have sex with a man who agreed to sell them a minivan for it. Sandra Davis was sentenced to 8 years in prison, while her husband and minivan salesman were sentenced to 10 years.

7. Billy Joe Madden from Mississippi, while drunk, suggested that his 8-year-old son drive a car. Billy himself expected to take a quiet nap at this time. After he was stopped by the police, a 4-year-old boy was also found sitting in the back seat.

8. As punishment for leaving the party without permission, the father forced his daughter to dress up in armor and fight him with a wooden sword for 2 hours. He beat her with a stick until she collapsed in exhaustion.

9. During another quarrel, the parents completely forgot about their 8-month-old baby and left, leaving him in the parking lot. The mother remembered him only when she came home and did not see the baby nearby. According to an eyewitness, the child was left to sit on hot concrete under the scorching sun. But in general, everything ended well. The baby was only mildly dehydrated.

10. Rhonda Holder was so disappointed with her son's academic performance that in order to shame him in public, she made 15-year-old James walk the streets of Florida with a poster that indicated his GPA.

As sad as it may sound, parental cruelty towards children is a widespread phenomenon. About 14% of all children are periodically abused in the family by their parents, who apply to them physical strength. Why is this happening? What is the psychological component of parental cruelty? How to deal with it yourself? Read about all this below.

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Photo gallery: Parental cruelty to children

According to statistics, for example, in the US and Canada, 2 million children annually suffer from beating by their own parents. Moreover, in 1/3 of all cases of such physical violence, children are injured. Every year, thousands of children around the world die at the hands of their parents.

Characteristics of parents who show cruelty

So what exactly are parents who abuse their children? Usually these are people who are under stressful conditions or are experiencing the collapse of their previously established life plans. The most common common problems symptoms that are characteristic of such parents are frequent depression, feelings of loneliness, marital strife, lack of work, substance abuse, divorce, domestic violence, drunkenness, and anxiety associated with lack of money.

Most parents are aware that they are not treating their children properly, but they cannot stop themselves. Other parents who constantly abuse their children openly hate or are disgusted by them. Children's dirty diapers, hysterical crying, their childish needs are unbearable for such parents. A mother who abuses her child believes that her child annoys her on purpose, does everything “out of spite”. Often, parents with such mental disabilities dream that the child will make them happy immediately after their birth. When the child begins to unwittingly disappoint them, a similar deadly reaction follows.

The cruelty of parents to children can be impulsive or intentional, conscious or unconscious. Parental cruelty, according to research, occurs in 45% of families. However, if we also take into account threats, slaps, intimidation and spanking, then almost every child is subjected to at least occasionally manifestations of parental violence.

Among the main reasons for dissatisfaction with their children is dissatisfaction with their studies - 59%. Praise their children for correctly completed homework - 25% of parents, and scold and beat for poor progress - 35%. More than a third of all parents to the question: “What do you consider your child to be?” gave their children such characteristics: “bad”, “underachieving”, “sloppy”, “bringing a lot of trouble”, etc. To the question: “Why do you talk about your child like that?” - the parents answered: “This is how we raise him. He must know his shortcomings. Let him do everything to become better.”

Vicious circle of violence

Virtually all cases of child abuse are based on a vicious cycle of violence that flows from one generation to the next. Approximately one third of all those parents who are abused in early childhood mistreat their own children in the future. Another third of all parents do not show cruelty towards children in Everyday life. However, they sometimes act cruelly while in stressful condition. Such parents have never before learned how to love children, how to raise them and how to communicate with them. Most of the children who have been abused by their parents adulthood they themselves begin to show cruelty to their children.

Motives and causes of parental cruelty

The main motives for cruelty of parents to their children are the desire to “educate” (50%), revenge for the fact that the child does not live up to expectations, asks for something, constantly requires attention (30%). In 10% of cases, cruelty to children is an end in itself - screaming for the sake of screaming, beating for the sake of beating.

Most typical reasons domestic violence are:

1. Traditions of patriarchal education. Strap and spanking long years considered the best (and only) educational tool. And not only in families, but also in schools. I recall the once popular aphorism: "More cuffs - fewer fools."

2. The modern cult of cruelty. Sharp socio-economic changes in society, a rapid reassessment of values ​​lead to the fact that parents often find themselves in a state of stress. At the same time, they experience a surge of hatred for a weaker and defenseless creature - for a child. "Stress relief" also often occurs in children, more often in preschoolers and younger students who do not understand why their parents are angry with them.

3. Low level legal and social culture modern society. The child here acts, as a rule, not as a subject, but as an object of influence. That is why some parents achieve their educational goals through cruelty, and not by any other means.

Prevention of cruelty to children

Nowadays, many different public organizations have been created in order to identify children who are being beaten or deprived of the care of their parents. However, even institutionalized “care” of abused children often does not desired results. The court is in a position to make a decision on taking custody of the child, or the parents themselves willingly agree to place him in an orphanage. Sometimes caring for a child orphanage much better than at home. However, it is likely that such care will further traumatize the child. In some cases, the child stays at home with their parents, but those, in accordance with an effective program, are taught the ability to take care of children and cope with stress. It would be better if these skills were taught to teenagers in high school.

  • Quickly leave the room and call a friend;
  • Turn on soothing music;
  • Calm down by taking 10 deep breaths, then after a pause another 10 breaths;
  • Go to another room and do some exercises;
  • Take a cool shower;
  • Sit down, close your eyes and imagine that you are in a pleasant place for you.
  • If none of the strategies help, seek professional help.

In October 2003, the family of M. was identified in the Sovetsky District. The father of two young children, aged 5 and 7, allegedly beat them with hoses, metal rods, and twigs soaked in salt water for the purpose of raising them. In winter, he completely resembled a fascist: he led him out into the yard and, pouring cold water, did not allow to enter the house ... The court sentenced the scoundrel to 2 years in prison. In the Leninsky district, unfortunate father S. used his four children, aged 1, 3, 8 and 10, as a livelihood earner. He did not work, he drank. He made the kids beg. If they brought insignificant sums, they beat them, put them on peas and red-hot salt. Citizen B., who established guardianship over his nieces, using his physical superiority, constantly beat the girls, insulted them with selective obscenities. Now a criminal case has been opened.
Cases like these no longer shock the public like they did a dozen years ago. The time, marked with the seal of degradation, has its own signs. Cruelty towards one's own children takes on the shape of a citywide problem. Experts analyze: how did society come to similar condition? At the city meeting of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs, which was attended by Deputy Mayor G. Epp, Chairman of the Youth Affairs Committee A. Ogryzko, Head of the Education Department A. Pozhar and others officials, experts struggled with the problem: why children are subjected to cruelty by adults, and how to deal with this evil.
Those present did not discover America when they stated that the streets were full of homeless and neglected children. In 2002, 133 applications for the search for children who left home without permission were registered, and 23 more from social institutions. Last year, 144 teenagers left families, 52 - from institutions. And these are only those children who come to the attention of the police, about whom parents are worried. But the reality is that a whole army of unfortunate parents categorically does not fulfill their duties for the upbringing and maintenance of children. They do not bring applications for search for such teenagers ... The term “social orphans” has long taken root in society.
According to statistics, only 5% of children remained in Russia due to the death of their parents. The remaining 95% are social orphans. In our city, the picture is a little different, probably, here they drink more and die from low-quality alcohol. In Orsk, out of 979 foster children, only 272 are orphans without parents, and 723 children are recognized as social orphans. In 2003, 62 children were taken away from unfortunate parents: the court ruled to deprive parental rights. It is terrible to imagine the conditions in which the children lived! 724 children were in social rehabilitation centers. Even worse is the fact that places in such institutions are clearly not enough for all those in need of assistance and rehabilitation. Deprivation of parental rights, definition in rehabilitation center- Extreme measures. Evil, as you know, is best nipped in the bud. But on family law In the Russian Federation, the state and society do not have legal mechanisms for intervening in family affairs. Intervention occurs only when the situation reaches an extreme, critical point.
The vast majority of children in the "at risk" category are subjected to abuse and violence in their families. Minors are forced to beg, steal, drink alcohol, beaten for the slightest offense, humiliate human dignity, come up with sophisticated punishments. It's connected with mental illness or alcoholism of parents who have lost the concept of social and moral standards. Russian legislation punishes parents for all forms of child abuse. But while physical abuse is easy to prove, mental abuse is much more difficult to prove. Practice has shown that only the threat of murder and incitement to suicide are proved from mental violence. Neglect of the basic needs of the child is punished in cases where it threatens life or health. Families in which child abuse is practiced are not easy to identify. After all, children do not always complain about relatives. Therefore, in 2003, only 6 criminal cases were initiated on the fact of child abuse. And for 4 months of the current year - 5 ...
Units for juvenile affairs in each district department of internal affairs are working to identify problem families. Interdepartmental meetings are held regularly preventive actions“Help the Child”, “Runaway”, “Family”, etc. Home visits are practiced for difficult teenagers. Statistics has steadily noted an increase in the number of families registered with the PDN. If in 2002 there were 292 families registered, in 2003 there were already 308, and in the four months of the current year 78 families were registered. dysfunctional families. The number of parents brought to administrative responsibility due to neglect of their duties is increasing. In 2002, 1294 parents were fined, in 2003 there were already 1369, this year - 420 such parents. Courts for deprivation of parental rights do not stop. But this is the last step! So, in 2002, 39 people were deprived of parental rights, and in 2003 already 54. It is no secret that there should be ten times more such processes. But everything depends on the lack of places in various social institutions.
Experts have noticed that adolescents who commit offenses, as a rule, from incomplete families. 69% are brought up by one of the parents, more often by mothers. The level of prosperity in such families is extremely low, but there are resentments against life and anger. Disturbing attempts teenage suicide. The reasons for this phenomenon also lie in the family, where there is no love and understanding. So, in 2003, 8 minors committed suicide. Four such cases have been registered this year.
The problems are global. After all, how, in what conditions today's generation is brought up, depends on what our society will be like tomorrow. But without changing the social and economic situation in the country, and tightening the measures of parental responsibility for the upbringing of their children, hoping for a significant improvement in the situation is a utopia.

Other forms of abuse, such as sexual coercion, are prohibited in any form. If you believe that your parents are abusing you and causing you severe emotional or physical harm, then you need to take action. In such a situation, you need to talk with a reliable adult - a teacher or a close relative.


Part 1

Physical abuse and lack of care

Parental care. Lack of attention is a form of child abuse. It is difficult to assess how well your parents are taking care of you if you have never lived with other parents or guardians. It also largely depends on the well-being of your family. Your parents may not always be able to buy you new clothes or food for a reason financial difficulties rather than lack of care. Try to answer next questions to assess how much parents care about you and other children in the family:

    • Are your parents always well-fed and well-dressed, but rarely buy you normal clothes and watch how you eat?
    • Do your clothes and shoes fit you? Are the clothes clean and warm or cold?
    • Do your parents monitor your hygiene? Remind you to shower, brush your teeth and groom your hair?
    • Do your parents take care of your nutrition, or are you and your siblings often undernourished?
    • When you are sick, do your parents take you to the doctor and buy medicine?
    • If there are children with disabilities in your family, how do parents take care of them? Are all basic needs met, like water and food, or are they cared for only under certain conditions?
    • Does someone look after small children when parents leave home? Are you alone and can you play in dangerous places? How long are children left unattended?

Part 2

sexual coercion

    Invalid Behavior parents. Any kind of sexual contact between adults and children is unacceptable. In this case, an adult may threaten or use influence (for example, a coach or teacher, who are usually trusted) to force the child into sexual intercourse or other sexual activities with aggression or fear. If your parents look at you naked (but do not help you get dressed), take nude pictures, touch your private parts in a way that frightens or makes you uncomfortable, or makes you look at or touch your genitals, then such behavior is considered sexual coercion.

    Physical injury under sexual coercion. Not all lecherous acts leave behind injuries, but in some cases bruises, bleeding and other damage remain. Some actions can cause sexually transmitted diseases and even pregnancy. The main consequences of sexual coercion may include the following:

  1. Pornographic and erotic materials. Parents must not show you pornographic images or create such material with your participation. Parents are not allowed to prepare you for sexual coercion by watching any kind of arousing material. Parents should not use videos and photos of you for sexual purposes (and also provide them to others).

    • Intentional viewing of pornographic materials (videos, photos, books, magazines)
    • Making videos or photos of children in the nude for sexual purposes
    • Written description of your intimate places
  2. Sexual coercion by other children. Sometimes other children commit indecent acts. In this case, the child usually reproduces the situation with violence against himself. As a rule, children do not understand the essence of sexual activities, so if another child forces you or your sisters to do some kind of sexual activity, then most often this means that the child was previously forced to have sex.

    • If you know that children have been victims of sexual abuse, talk to a close adult (as you would with parental abuse).

Part 3

moral humiliation
  1. Verbal abuse. Sometimes parents yell at a child to make them stop doing dangerous or bad things, but such rare occurrences do not mean that the parents are emotionally abusive. If they constantly insult you, shame or threaten you, then you can talk about verbal abuse or attacks.

    • Yelling and reprimanding by parents is not usually considered abuse. Such measures are often appropriate, they have a specific purpose, if the situation does not get out of hand.
    • If your parents constantly yell at you or tell you hurtful words even if you did not do anything wrong, they morally mock you.
    • If they silence you, often shame or laugh at you, then such actions can be called moral humiliation.
    • Any verbal threats against you, other children or relatives are ill-treatment.
  2. Lack of attention and indifference. If your parents do not talk to you, make you feel awkward, or prevent you from communicating with other people (friends or relatives), then these are signs of moral bullying.

    • If parents do not pay attention to you, refuse to recognize you as their child or call you by your real name, then they morally humiliate you.
    • If your parents don't want to touch you, don't acknowledge your physical or emotional needs, or deliberately talk to you rudely, that's abuse.
  3. isolation from society. Isolation is when your parents prevent you from communicating with all your friends, family and loved ones. They may try to isolate you from certain people they don't like, or from everyone in the world. Often the reason is the desire to prevent others from influencing you in order to keep you under control.

    • Forbidding people to be friends because their parents don't like them
    • The prohibition of bringing friends to your home or going to visit them
    • Prohibiting or refusing to notice your requests to leave the house or do a specific thing, even if there is one for this free time and funds
    • Control for phone calls and any communication
    • Critical attacks on other people to distance you from them
    • Attempts to take you out of class or even out of class simply because they don't like the people around you
  4. Analyze how your parents talk to you. They shouldn't put you down, say they don't need you, or criticize your personality (instead of your actions). There is a huge difference between "You hurt your sister" and "You're a terrible person." Abusive parents often show that you are not welcome in the family.

    • They say they regret your birth or made a mistake not having an abortion
    • Calling and insulting children
    • They say that it would be better if a son was born instead of a daughter (or vice versa), healthy child instead of a disabled person
    • Laugh at your looks or abilities
    • Wish you death
    • Telling you to your face or in your presence that you are a bad, difficult, or terrible child
    • Talk about how you ruined the life of your parents
    • They kick you out of the house
  5. Calls for dangerous actions. Your parents may encourage or encourage you to do illegal or dangerous things.

    • Encourage you to steal, take drugs, cheat, insult others
    • Allowing drugs or alcohol to be abused, doing it themselves in front of children (letting an eight year old take a sip of beer to taste is fine; letting an eight year old drink the whole bottle is not okay)
    • Encourage irresponsibility and promiscuity
    • Force you to harm yourself or others
  6. Exploitation. Ways to accustom children to work should be reasonable. For example, a four-year-old child should not do laundry, a ten-year-old daughter should not look after younger brothers all weekend, and children with disabilities do not have to do the same things as healthy children. Responsibilities should be appropriate to the developmental level of the child.

    • Your parents expect you to do things you are not yet ready for.
    • Force you to take care of another family member even though you are still young
    • They blame you for other people's misdeeds
    • Expecting you to do an inordinate amount of household chores
  7. Intimidation. If you are constantly threatened or endangered, then your parents are trying to intimidate you. Parents bully their children to create fear.

    • You, other children, pets, or a favorite toy are endangered as punishment for misconduct
    • Parents allow themselves extreme measures and unpredictable reactions
    • Being rude to people, animals, or objects in your presence (for example, breaking dishes or animals)
    • Parents yell, threaten or viciously utter curses
    • Forced to conform high standards and threaten to punish if they fail
    • Threatening to harm you, themselves, or others
    • Abuse others in front of you or within earshot
  8. Humiliation or absence personal life as a punishment. Abusive parents can often harass you, invade your privacy, and make sure you do things the way they want. Perhaps they adhere to the principle of "do what I say while you live in my house."

    • Parents force children to do things that embarrass them
    • View your messages, personal diary or browsing history in the browser
    • Remove the door to your bedroom
    • They videotape you being punished so they can post it online
    • Laugh at you
    • Follow you when you spend time with friends
  9. Denial of facts. Some parents after abuse try to convince the child that he made up everything in order to make him doubt his own mental health. For example, yesterday the offender hit the victim and called him a lazy person, and today he says that nothing like this happened. Examples of denial of facts:

    • Parents call the child crazy or a liar
    • Telling children "It wasn't like that at all" or "I never said that"
    • They say you're exaggerating
    • Telling others that you are prone to deceit and fiction
    • Move things around and then insist everything stays where it is
    • After an unsuccessful action, the child is told that he did it intentionally.

Part 4

Solutions to the problem

Ask for help. If you believe that your parents abused you or even continue to do so, then you need to call the police or local authorities to take you to a safe place. Call the police if you need immediate assistance, or report a problem to hotline if your parents continue to abuse you.

    • If you think your parents might hurt you, then call the police. You may already know some of the signs of trouble ahead. For example, parents beat you in a state alcohol intoxication and now you hear screams and the smell of alcohol. In any case, call the police if you feel danger. The outfit will come to your home and protect the children.
    • Get the phone number for your local child protective service. Look up the number in the phone book or online, but first make sure your parents aren't following you.
    • Call Help Desk at crisis situations. Fund for Supporting Children in Difficulty life situation, you can contact around the clock and seven days a week by calling 8-800-2000-122.

Try to get away from danger. If you are in immediate danger and you have already called the police, then try to hide in safe place before help arrives. Lock yourself in your room (preferably with your phone). You can also run away to neighbors, friends or relatives who live nearby.

  • If your parents are abusing you, it's important to remember: it is not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong.
  • Tell about the problem close person. Find someone who will believe you and be able to help.
  • If the situation worsens or you are in danger, call the police immediately. You can also ask a friend about it if you are afraid to call the police yourself.
  • Know how to stand up for yourself. Parents think they can beat you with impunity. Don't let yourself be considered weak.
  • Be careful. In some situations, opposition can anger parents and complicate the problem.


  • Report all cases of abuse promptly. As a rule, the situation rarely changes before the intervention of the police.

Many parents believe that punishment - The best way education. Someone is put in a corner, someone is left without a sweet. Unfortunately, adult aggression towards children is not limited to prohibitions. Here are the 25 most cruel methods of punishment that were recorded by police and guardianship officers. Be careful: some can really shock. And remember that children are individuals too! It should also be noted that none of the stories is a call for repetition.

Dog excrement in the pocket

Parents' fantasy can also smell bad

And it's not a joke. One parent couple made their son carry their dog's waste product in his backpack all day. Why? The boy did not want to clean up after the dog. The "burden" was with him at school, where the teachers found out about the incident.

The Disappeared Room

Putting away all things is not the best punishment

According to one Reddit! user, his parents removed everything from his room, including the furniture and carpet. The user was able to return their belongings a week later, improving their grades in school.

Call the police

Handing over a child to the police is a popular punishment.

There are many stories of parents pretending to call the police. Sometimes the police can play along and take the "defendant" to the station. Effective but terrible.

Bullet in the monitor

No laptop no problem

Recently, a video was found on Youtube in which the girl's father took her laptop out into the backyard and shot at the screen with a gun. Apparently the warnings were ineffective.

Lying in urine

Punishment worthy of time

One user complained that his parents forced him to lie in a puddle of his own urine at a time when he had kidney problems and could "prod" during sleep.


Challenge your daughter to a duel - very chivalrous

One father thought his daughter was old enough to challenge her to a duel. For two hours they fought with wooden swords. The parent was later convicted of beating his daughter.

Soap in mouth

The Most Effective Parental Threat That Stopped Many Kids from Swearing

A popular punishment for swear words. Known all over the world. Classic domestic violence.

Lick the baby

I'm sorry, what?

Rosario Dawson, famous actress from Hollywood, once said that her mother licked the girl when she did something indecent. Effective punishment, right?

Sell ​​concert tickets

Banned from going to One Direction concert - 100% punishment

Recently in the American news there was a story about concert tickets. One group Direction sold for pennies on eBay. In the description of the lot it was stated: tickets are being sold by parents due to the fact that their children misbehaved. All of America learned about the shame of the younger generation of that family.

Remove doors

If there is no door, it cannot be slammed

Teenagers love slamming room doors and closing them in front of their parents. There are many stories about how offended parents simply took them off their hinges.

The Punishment of Silence

If you make an invisible child out of him, he can do things

Strange, but some parents stop talking to their children as if they are not there as a punishment. No bans, no swearing. At first, teenagers rejoice, but then horror comes. Besides, kids can do stupid things.

shameful sign

Shameful inscriptions and signs - an old parental tradition

Some parents forced their child to carry a "I don't respect my parents" sign while visiting the mall.

Hacking social networks

Every student's nightmare: Parents who read messages

The plan is simple: hack into the child's account and write to all friends that the child is not respectful enough of his parents. Epic fail!

smash the phone

If threats do not help, you can put them into action

On the same Youtube there are many videos about angry parents who smashed their children's smartphones with a hammer.

Forced labor

The best punishment is to sit with other children

A couple in Texas put up an ad stating that their daughter was providing free babysitting services. There was no release from clients during the entire period of punishment.

clean up the yard

Military punishment: remove all branches

Not so difficult, right? But one user said that the father came up with a punishment: the son must pick up every stick and branch in the yard full of coniferous trees.

Treat like a baby

Some parents believe that children will always be children. Literally

Recently, a couple was sentenced to a year in prison because of their fiction: they forced their teenage son to shave his head, put on a diaper and run around the yard like that.

Spicy sauce

Punishment with fire

Think rinsing out your mouth with soap is bad? One american mother regularly made her son fill his mouth with hot sauce for every rude word.

parent face on t-shirt

The same image of a brutal father

The story became an Internet legend: one angry father forced his daughter to wear a T-shirt with a parent's face and the inscription Try me! ("Try").

Wear short shorts

When punishment is approached with humor

One father decided to wean his daughter from wearing overly short shorts. To do this, he himself put on very (OOOOOO) short denim shorts and took her to a cafe for dinner.

Start a fight between a child and his abuser

Punishment for avid evolutionists

So the mother of one student from the Boone Hai school in Orlando did: she called the girl's abuser home and set her on her child (this is how she wanted to force her daughter to learn to protect herself). Later woman went to jail.

To poison with hunger

Denying food is the most severe punishment

One of the most popular punishments among parents suffering from various mental illnesses. More than five dozen cases are known only in Russia, when parents starved guilty children to death.

Make your pet suffer

Killing a pet for punishment is a punishment worthy of sadists

Several Reddit users! stated that their parents flushed down the toilet as punishment goldfish. For others, a pet was euthanized. This is really a terrible punishment for which the parents themselves should be punished.

Return the child to Russia

American naughty children scare Russia

For some, this is a punishment. One family from Tennessee returned an adopted boy named Artyom Savelyev to Russia. They said he behaved horribly and was impossible to raise. The situation received international attention.

Forced to watch boring shows

In the United States, such a punishment has begun to gain popularity: for every minute a child is late home, a child must watch a minute of the most boring show (for example, a video from parliament).

Cruelty knows no bounds, especially in family relationships. Therefore, it remains only to hope that every parent will explain to his child the difference between good and bad with the help of humor, and not with violence and rudeness. After all, what's wrong with short shorts?