How to calculate your normal weight? What should be the weight for a certain height

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Normal human weight is a concept that cannot be exact. His criteria include not only weight and height, but also the physique and even the age of a person. Many men and women experience problems with overweight or its deficiency. In this article I would like to tell you how to calculate your weight and what, in general, is the norm.

There are many ways to help calculate weight by height and age. But it should be remembered that such schemes may not be entirely perfect, since other factors that are often not taken into account can also affect the weight ratio.

Since ancient times, many people have trusted Brock's method.

A person's height is taken in centimeters, then 100 is subtracted from this.

But after some time, the indicators of this method are slightly changed. This formula is best used to calculate weight by height for females aged 40 to 50 years. How heart rate changes with age, you can read here.

Women under 30 need to have a body weight 10% less than this result.

To calculate weight by height and age, it is considered more accurate Quetelet method. This formula calculates the ratio of fat and bone and muscle tissue as a percentage. It allows you to identify whether a person is overweight, or maybe underweight. Typically, this calculation method is used for people from 20 to 60 years old.

For men, 10-15% of body fat is considered normal, for women, only 12%.

How is it calculated: body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

Shouldn't be used this method calculation for pregnant women, for women during lactation, adolescents and people involved in sports.

There is a formula that helps to identify the distribution of fat by measuring the waist and buttocks.

Calculated as follows: buttocks should be divided by the waist.


  • for men - 0.80;
  • for women - 0.60-0.80.

In order to determine your body type, you need to measure the circumference of your wrist right hand, but if the working is left hand, then you need to measure it. In the normostatic type, it is equal to 17-18.5 cm, in the wide-boned type - more than 18.5, and in the thin-boned type - less than 17 cm.

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Weight by height and age

Definitely body weight strong influence renders age. It has been scientifically proven that over the years, body weight in men and women gradually increases with age. However, this may not be overweight but a natural physical process. But height also affects the weight of people.

Each person has their own body type. In total there are 3 of them: thin-boned, normo-boned and wide-boned. Each type of body composition has its own characteristic features.

Features that distinguish one type from another:

This table shows the weight for men, which is considered the norm, taking into account its body type and height:

thin-boned addition Normosseous addition Broad-boned addition
155 cm - 49 kg 155 cm - 56 kg 155 cm - 62 kg
160 cm - 53.5 kg 160 cm - 60 kg 160 cm - 66 kg
165 cm - 57 kg 165 cm - 63.5 kg 165 cm - 69.5 kg
170 cm - 60.5 kg 170 cm - 68 kg 170 cm - 74 kg
175 cm - 65 kg 175 cm - 72 kg 175 cm - 78 kg
180 cm - 69 kg 180 cm - 75 kg 180 cm - 81 kg
185 cm - 73.5 kg 185 cm - 79 kg 185 cm - 85 kg

It should be noted that with thin-boned addition, sometimes subtract 3-5% from the weight indicated in the table. With broad-boned 1-1,5%.

Using this table, you can track the average weight for a woman, taking into account her height:

Height, cm Normal weight, kg
148 46,3
149 47
150 47,4
151 48
152 48,4
153 48,9
154 49,6
155 50
156 50,7
157 51
158 51,8
159 52
160 52,6
161 53,4
162 54
163 54,5
164 55,3
165 55,8
166 56,6
167 57,6
168 58,2
169 59
170 59,5
171 60
172 61
173 62
174 62,5
175 63,4
176 64
177 64,5
178 65,2
179 65,9
180 66,8
181 67,4
182 68,5
183 68,8
184 69,5
185 70

In these tables you can see normal weight bodies in women and men, depending on their age and height.

The first table will tell you how much weight men and women aged 20 to 29 should have:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 52 48,9
152 53,5 51
154 55,3 53
156 58,5 56
158 61 58
160 63 59,8
162 64,6 61,6
164 67,3 63,6
166 68,8 65
168 71 68
170 72,7 69,2
172 74,1 72,8
174 77,5 74,3
176 81 77
178 83 78,2
180 85,1 80,8

The second table will tell you about the normal weight for the stronger and weaker sex aged 30 to 39 years:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 57 54
152 59 55
154 61,5 60
156 64,5 61,5
158 67,3 64,1
160 70 65,8
162 71 68,5
164 74 70,8
166 74,5 71,8
168 76,2 73,7
170 77,7 75,8
172 79,3 77
174 81 79
176 83,3 80
178 87 82,5
180 88 84

In the third table, you can see the normal weight of people from 40 to 49 years old:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 58,1 58,5
152 61,5 59,5
154 64,5 62,4
156 67,3 66
158 70,4 67,9
160 72,3 69,9
162 74,4 72,2
164 77,2 74
166 78 76,6
168 79,6 78,2
170 81 79,8
172 82,8 81,7
174 84,4 83,7
176 86 84,6
178 88 86,1
180 89,9 88,1

The fourth table will tell us about the normal weight between the ages of 50 and 60:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 58 55,7
152 61 57,6
154 63,8 60,2
156 65,8 62,4
158 68 64,5
160 69,7 65,8
162 72,7 68,7
164 75,6 72
166 76,3 73,8
168 79,5 74,8
170 79,9 76,8
172 81,1 77,7
174 82,5 79,4
176 84,1 80,5
178 86,5 82,4
180 87,5 84,1

And finally, in the fifth table we will talk about the normal weight of men and women in old age, that is, from 60 to 70 years:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 57,3 54,8
152 60,3 55,9
154 61,9 59
156 63,7 60,9
158 67 62,4
160 68,2 64,6
162 69,1 66,5
164 72,2 70,7
166 74,3 71,4
168 76 73,7
170 76,9 75
172 78,3 76,3
174 79,3 78
176 81,9 79,1
178 82,8 80,9
180 84,4 81,6

It is known that in old age there is a significant decrease physical activity and, the body's metabolism decreases. But some of the habits of older people on proper nutrition and an active lifestyle remain unchanged even after many years. Therefore, despite the decrease in muscle tissue, many people do not stop gaining weight over the years.


Summing up the above formulas for calculating weight and tables that indicate weight norms for men and women, we can conclude that a person's weight is directly related to many other criteria.

These criteria are:

  • the person's age;
  • height;
  • body type.

Also quite a few an important factor is heredity. If a person on genetic level there is a predisposition to fullness, then from extra pounds will be much harder to get rid of.

In conclusion, I would like to say that knowing whether your weight corresponds to normal body weight helps to eliminate a lot of problems, and sometimes to identify the presence of a disease.

Controlling your weight is the prevention of many serious diseases. Hypertension and diabetes usually accompanied by obesity. At the same time, both oncological diseases and diseases of the alimentary tract can lead to dramatic weight loss.

In order to maintain a normal body weight, you must:

  • proper and healthy nutrition;
  • you need to have breakfast every day, as this helps to avoid snacking at a later time;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • regular weighing of body weight;
  • consultations with a specialist if there is excessive or, on the contrary, insufficient weight;
  • To maintain a normal weight, a man needs 2,500 calories per day, and a woman 2,000.

Watch your weight and nutrition, be healthy!

ratings, average:

In order to find the answer to the question of how much a man should weigh, people use various formulas to calculate the optimal ratio of height and weight. However, most of them are conditional, because factors such as physiological features, diet, lifestyle and age. So how much should a man weigh? We propose to understand.

The optimal body weight in men is usually determined by three indicators:

  • height;
  • bone heaviness;
  • chest volume.

The ratio of height and weight for the vast majority of healthy men who adhere to proper nutrition is a constant value. A significant increase in this indicator may indicate excessive weight gain, and a decrease, as a rule, indicates inflammatory processes inside the body.

A man's weight can be affected by several factors, such as body type. Today there are three main types:

  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • normosthenic.

Asthenics are people with elongated limbs, narrowed shoulders, narrow and light bones, and an accelerated metabolism. In the common people, asthenics are most often called sinewy, dry. Indeed, these thin people have practically no body fat, which ideally for a man should be 10-18% of the total body weight.

Hypersthenics - people who are different broad shoulders, short and dense neck, shortened limbs. These men, as a rule, have wide and rather heavy bones, a slow metabolism. They are called broad-boned, strong, dense. Even with the optimal ratio of height and weight, their mass will be much larger than that of a normosthenic and asthenic.

Normostenics are people who have the most balanced body. They have a normal metabolism, bones of medium volume and mass.

Considering all body types, scientists have developed special benefits. One of the benefits that is actively used today is the table of the ratio of mass and height for normosthenics, hypersthenics, asthenics.

Belonging to a particular type can be determined visually. However, if you have any doubts, we recommend that you take a short test that will help determine your body type.

Try to grab your wrist, for example, your left, with the thumb and middle fingers of your right hand. If nothing worked out for you, then it’s safe to say that you are a hypersthenic. I managed to grab it, but with difficulty - normosthenic. If you grabbed your wrist without any problems, then this is a clear sign of an asthenic physique.

There is another way to determine the body type of a man. To do this, measure the circumference of the wrist:

  • volume up to 17 centimeters - asthenic;
  • from 17 to 20 centimeters - normosthenic;
  • from 20 centimeters - hypersthenic.

One of the scientists who wondered how much a man should weigh was Professor Brock. He compiled his own formulas that allow for a fairly accurate calculation of mass, taking into account not only the physique and growth rates, but also the age of the man. The first and easiest formula:

  • it is necessary to measure the height of a man (in centimeters);
  • if a man is under 41 years old, then 110 must be subtracted from the available growth data;
  • if the man is older than 41, then subtract 100.

The resulting value is the normal weight of the normosthenic. If your weight is lower than the received value by 10 percent or more, then you are asthenic. Weight exceeds the norm by 10 percent or more, you are a hypersthenic.

Brock's other formula does not take into account the physique of a man, but takes into account his age. However, it is impossible to call such a calculation accurate how much a man should weigh. Formula:

  • From full growth a person is subtracted 100, 105 or 110. For example, men with a height of up to 165 cm need to subtract the value 100. The value 105 must be subtracted if the height is 166-175 cm. Men whose height exceeds 176 cm should be subtracted the value 110.
  • The resulting value is the norm for men whose age is 41-51 years. For younger men aged 21-31 years, the resulting value must be reduced by 10%. Those who have passed the mark of 51 years should add 7% to the result to get a normal value.

There is also a ready-made table that clearly demonstrates how much a man should weigh with a height of 148 to 190 cm.

Age 30-39

Age 40-49

Age 50-59

Age 60-69

In order to understand the specifics of the calculations using the methods described above, we suggest paying attention to the examples of calculations.

How much a man should weigh with a height of 170 cm can be easily calculated using Brock's method:

  • According to the type of physique, the weight of a normosthenic will vary within 61-71 kg, hypersthenic - 65-73 kg, asthenic 58-62 kg.
  • For men under the age of 31, the normal weight is up to 72 kg. Age up to 41 years old - 77.5 kg, up to 51 years old - 81 kg. Age up to 60 years - 80 kg, over sixty - 77 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, the normal body weight is 80.5 kg (170-100) * 1.15.

How much should a man weigh with a height of 175 cm? Let's try to calculate using the above method:

  • If we take into account the height of 175 cm, then the weight of the normosthenic will vary between 65-71 kg. Asthenic will weigh in the area - 62-66 kg, and hypersthenic - 69-77kg.
  • For men whose age does not exceed 30 years, the normal weight is 77.5-80.8 kg. If your age is from 31 to 40 years, then the normal body weight is 80.8-83.3 kg. From 50 to 60 years old - 82.5-84 kg. Over 60 years old - 79-82 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, the normal body weight is 86.25 kg (175-100) * 1.15.

The same information will useful to people looking for an answer to the question of how much a man should weigh with a height of 176 cm. Mass indicators will remain practically unchanged.

Using this formula, you can find out how much a man should weigh with a height of 178 cm:

  • By body type, the weight of a normosthenic is from 66 to 72 kg, hypersthenic - 72-83 kg, asthenic - 63-66 kg.
  • For men under the age of 30 - 79-83.3 kg. Up to 40 years - 83.3-85.6 kg. Up to 50 years - 84-86.5 kg. Over 60 years old - 80-83 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, the normal body weight is 89.7 kg (178-100) * 1.15.

How much should a man weigh with a height of 180 cm? The calculation looks like this:

  • By body type, the weight of a normosthenic is from 68 to 75 kg, hypersthenic from 72 to 91 kg, asthenic - 66-67 kg.
  • For men under the age of 30 - 80-85 kg. Up to 40 years - 85-88 kg. Up to 50 years - 86-90 kg. Over 60 years old - 81-84 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, the normal body weight is 92 kg (180-100) * 1.15.

How much should a man weigh with a height of 182 cm. The calculation is as follows:

  • By body type, the weight of a normosthenic is from 68-76 kg, hypersthenic from 73 to 92 kg, asthenic - 67-72 kg.
  • For men under the age of 31 - 81-86 kg. Up to 41 years - 86-91 kg. Up to 51 years - 87-92 kg. Over 60 years old - 82-85 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, the normal body weight is 94.3 kg (180-100) * 1.15.

For a height of 185 cm, the calculation looks like this:

  • By body type, the weight of a normosthenic is from 69 to 74 kg, hypersthenic from 76 to 86 kg, asthenic - 72-80 kg.
  • For men under the age of 31 - 89-93 kg. Up to 41 years - 92-95 kg. Up to 51 years old - 93-96.5 kg. Over 60 years old - 91.5-93 kg.
  • According to the modified formula, the normal body weight is 97.7 kg (185-100) * 1.15.

Scientists have proven that the weight of a person, regardless of gender, should gradually increase with age. There is nothing wrong with this. Gradual weight gain is a natural physiological process. The kilograms that most of us consider superfluous, most likely, are not. To find out your optimal weight, use the formulas and tables above.

The weight of a man depends both on the constitution of his body and on physical health. The higher the height of a person, the greater the mass of his body. Weight also depends on the volume of the chest. However, overweight and obvious extra pounds indicate health problems.

As a rule, the reasons for gaining fat mass and the appearance of excessive body fat are:

  • malnutrition (excessively high-calorie food);
  • metabolic disease;
  • absence physical activity, immobility.

These factors can lead not only to obesity of varying degrees, but also to serious health problems. For example:

  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Doctors recommend sticking to proper nutrition and maintaining optimal body weight. Due to excess weight, as a rule, diseases such as arthrosis, diabetes, and heart failure develop. Obese people often have high blood pressure.

Maintaining optimal weight is not only aesthetics, the absence of problems when choosing clothes, but also health and longevity. For people of all ages with excess weight, extra pounds are a burden that you can and should get rid of.

We offer to consider just a few reasons why you should pay more attention to your physical form:

  • Remove discomfort. By dropping even 10% of the total body weight, we will achieve a significant reduction in uncomfortable and pain in joints, muscles, which arise as a result of a lack of movement. Extra pounds put a significant strain on the joints and the skeleton as a whole.
  • Bringing it back to normal arterial pressure. Extra pounds increase the risk of developing high blood pressure.
  • We improve the work of the heart. The higher the weight of our body, the more intensively our heart should work. By removing extra pounds, we significantly reduce the load on the heart, making its work more efficient.
  • We reduce the risk of diabetes. People who are overweight are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
  • Lower risk of developing cancer. Oddly enough, extra pounds contribute to the development of certain types of cancer. To avoid undesirable consequences You should watch your body weight.
  • We reduce the risk of arthrosis. Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints that can arise from being overweight. In order not to overload your body, reduce the risk of the appearance and development of arthrosis, it is necessary to maintain an optimal weight.

We have given only a small part of the reasons why you should monitor your body weight. With the help of the tables and formulas contained in the article, you can find out the optimal weight for a man of different height, age and physique.

Almost every person has their own appearance, body constitution, parameters and physical virtues. Ideally, a person's weight should be proportional to height, and relative relationships are observed in other parts of the body. But the weight category of a person is one of the most important, since excess weight leads to the development of disorders and disorders in the body, loading the work of the heart, blood vessels, digestive organs, reproductive system and much more.

But how to understand if a man is overweight, given the others physical indicators and parameters? To do this, experts have developed a ratio of height and weight, for this they use various formulas, proportions of height and weight in tables and numerous calculation systems. It should also be borne in mind that each human body is individual, which means that all calculations have symbols.

In order to correlate height with weight, to what extent these two parameters are proportional to each other, experts have developed several methods for calculating their ratio. If you use such knowledge, a man will be able to control his parameters, soberly assessing his condition.

For reference! Most often, celebrities and athletes turn to such calculations and proportions, for whom it is especially important to remain in ideal weight and external data.

There are several ways to calculate such indicators and norms:

  • taking into account the type of physique of a person, his features of the figure;
  • considering age category men, that is, a comparison of age, height and weight;
  • calculations according to the Broca method;
  • online calculation, where you can find out several indicators - mass index, wrist body type calculation, Broca calculations and the number of calories as daily allowance person.

The best way to assess your height, figure and weight, taking into account all the individual parameters of the body and body, is A complex approach to all of the above methods.

To determine what weight should be relative to a man’s growth indicators, an equally important factor is the external data of the physique and figure of a man. Experts distinguish 3 types of figure and physique:

  1. Hypersthenic type- men with such a figure are marked short arms and legs, neck, as well as broad back and shoulders. Visually, men look squat, stocky and strong. In this case, as a rule, they have a slow metabolism.
  2. Asthenic type- men with this body type stand out long arms and legs, narrow shoulders and back. At the same time, their metabolism is accelerated, which is completely opposite to the first type. Experts call them "thin-boned", sinewy with a dry body type. They can not see fatty deposits, bone the base is light by weight, they are characterized by thinness.
  3. Normosthenic- people with this type of figure have a normal metabolism and an average physique, while the proportions of height and weight are approximately the same.

If visually a man finds it difficult to determine his body type, experts distinguish two ways to determine:

  • At the widest point of the wrist, where the bone protrudes, you need to grab it with two fingers of the other hand - thumb and forefinger. If the girth occurred easily - the man is asthenic, if with great difficulty - normosthenic, if the fingers do not close - hypersthenic.
  • Using a measuring tape, you can calculate the circumference of your wrist. If the figure is less than 17 cm - the man is asthenic, if from 17 to 20 cm - he is rather normosthenic. Men who have a wrist wider than 20 cm are considered hypersthenic.
Height (cm) Hypersthenic Normostenik Astenik
157 57-64 54-59 51-55
160 59-66 55-60 52-56
162 60-67 56-62 54-57
165 61-69 58-63 55-59
168 63-71 59-65 56-60
170 65-73 61-67 58-62
173 67-75 63-69 60-64
175 69-77 65-71 62-66
178 71-79 66-73 64-68
180 72-81 68-75 66-70
183 75-84 70-77 67-72
185 76-86 72-80 69-74
188 79-88 74-82 71-76
190 88-91 76-84 73-78
193 83-93 78-86 75-80

Based on the data in the table, it can be understood that, for example, an asthenic's weight with a height of 180 should be approximately 66-70 kg, but a hypersthenic with the same height should normally weigh 72-81 kg. The limits of the norm in most cases justify observation, with the exception of people with severe systemic diseases and developmental anomalies.

Scientists have also established the ratio of weight growth and age of a man, since age is no less important in calculating such body and figure parameters. Normal physiological processes prove that for every man, with an increase in the figure of the age indicator, the weight parameters also rise. The only thing that does not change over the years is growth.

For reference! The age of a man affects his metabolism, namely its speed. This means that the age threshold is also responsible for the acceptable limits of a man's weight.

table height weight age:

Height, cm Age, years
20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69
150 51,3 56,7 58,1 58 57,3
152 53,1 58,7 61,5 61 60,3
154 55,3 61,6 64,5 63.8 61,9
156 58,5 64,4 67,3 65,8 63,7
158 61,2 67,3 70,4 68 67
160 62,9 69,4 72,3 70,1 68,2
162 64,6 70 74,4 72,7 69,1
164 67,3 73,9 77,2 75,6 72,2
166 68,8 74,5 78 76,3 74,3
168 70,8 76,2 79,6 79,5 76
170 72,7 77,7 81 79,9 76,9
172 74,1 79,3 82,8 81,1 78,3
174 77,5 80,8 84,4 82,5 79,3
176 80,8 83,3 86 84,1 81,9
178 83 85,6 88 86,5 82,8
180 85,1 88 89,9 87,5 84,4
182 87,2 90,6 91,4 89,5 85,4
184 89,1 92 92,9 91,6 88
186 93,1 95 96,6 92,8 89
188 95,8 97 98 95 91.5
190 97,1 99,5 100,7 99,4 94,8

Using the indicators of the table, any person can determine how much his height and weight indicators coincide with the pace metabolic processes according to age. Anatomy and medicine have long identified and proved such natural processes as the physical deterioration of the body and body. Even those men who are not at all inclined to be overweight can notice small fat deposits behind them over the years.

The first way to calculate what should be perfect ratio two height weight parameters were developed by specialist Brock. His theory suggests two options:

It's just elementary! To return and strengthen the potency, you need every evening ...

Today there is an updated table of calculations according to the Brock method:

It is this simple calculation method using the Brock method that allows you to identify the ideal weight for your height and age. It is also noted that a slight fluctuation in numbers cannot be taken critically, given the individual characteristics of the anatomical structure of the human body.

In order to understand the specifics of calculations using all the above methods, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several examples of calculations.

If the height of a man is 170 cm. You can calculate the normal weight with a height of 170 using the following methods:

  1. By body type, the weight of a hypersthenic should be 65-73 kg, asthenic - 58-62 kg, normosthenic - 61-71 kg.
  2. Depending on age, in men under 30 years of age, normal weight should be up to 72.7 kg, up to 40 years old - 77.7 kg, up to 50 years old - 81 kg, up to 60 years old - 79.9 kg, over 60 years old - 76 .9 kg.
  3. According to the improved Brock formula, with a height of 170 cm, weight \u003d (170 - 100) × 1.15 \u003d 80.5 kg.

The remaining calculations can be carried out online on special calculators, where a special system takes care of all the calculations.

If the height of a man is 175 cm, then you can calculate the normal weight according to the following methods:

  • By body type, the weight of a hypersthenic should be 69-77 kg, asthenic - 62-66 kg, normosthenic - 65-71 kg.
  • Depending on age, in men under 30, the weight should normally be up to 77.5-80.8 kg, up to 40 years - 80.8-83.3 kg, up to 50 years - 84.4-86 kg, up to 60 years old - 82.5-84.1 kg, over 60 years old - 79.3-81.9 kg.
  • According to the improved Brock formula, with a height of 175 cm, weight \u003d (175 - 100) × 1.15 \u003d 86.25 kg.

Otherwise, weight with a height of 175 cm can be determined online on special calculators, where a special system takes care of all the calculations.

If the height of a man is 180 cm, in this case it is possible to determine exactly the normal weight using the following methods:

  1. According to the body type, the weight of a hypersthenic should be 72-81 kg, asthenic - 66-70 kg, normosthenic - 68-75 kg.
  2. Depending on age, in men under 30 years of age, normal weight should be up to 85.1 kg, up to 40 years old - 88 kg, up to 50 years old - 89.9 kg, up to 60 years old - 87.5 kg, over 60 years old - 84 .4 kg.
  3. According to the improved Brock formula, with a height of 180 cm, weight \u003d (180 - 100) × 1.15 \u003d 92 kg.

The rest of the calculations can actually be performed online on specially created calculators, where all tasks are performed by a special system.

  1. By body type, the weight of a hypersthenic should be 76-86 kg, asthenic - 72-80 kg, normosthenic - 69-74 kg.
  2. Depending on age, in men under 30 years of age, normal weight should be up to 89.1-93.1 kg, up to 40 years old - 92-95 kg, up to 50 years old - 92.9-96.6 kg, up to 60 years old - 91.6-92.8 kg, over 60 years old - 88-89 kg.
  3. According to the improved Brock formula, with a height of 185 cm, weight \u003d (185 - 100) × 1.15 \u003d 97.75 kg.

More detailed and accurate calculations, which optimal ratio maybe a man’s height and weight can be carried out online on special calculators. Here, all the calculations are taken over by a special system.

To search for the ideal figures regarding the height and weight of a man, you can use specially created online calculators. They help to accurately calculate the body mass index, the optimal weight category of a man according to Brock's method, based on these data, body type. In addition, the calculator can tell you the exact number of calories needed to meet the needs of the body.

  • The body mass index can be determined by the Quetelet method and formulas. The optimal numbers are 19-25.
  • Ideal proportions can be calculated according to Brock's method, where the age indicator and figure are specified.
  • The Solovyov index determines the body type of a person, it is determined by the number of centimeters in the diameter of a person's wrist.
  • To accurately determine the daily calorie intake, the calculator takes into account the degree of physical fitness and activity of a man and his addition parameters. Two formulas are used for this - according to the Harris-Benedict and Mifflin-San Geor methods.

At the same time, you should not perceive the data obtained by calculating calculators as the truth in the first instance, since these data are only a guideline, nothing more. It is very important to take into account the personal characteristics of the organism, the state of health and genetic predispositions.

It is important for everyone to monitor their health, especially for men who do not always adhere to this rule. For this, specialists compiled a special table, according to which you can independently track the ratio of height and body weight. It contains information on how to independently determine the type of physique, standard data based on age. Together with the table, extremely simple formulas are used, the norm is calculated individually for each man.

To get the correct data, before the calculations, you need to clarify the type of physique:

  1. A normal physique for men implies the presence of an index of 18-20 cm, the proportions of the body are correct, the main dimensions are clearly observed.
  2. The so-called "broad bone", when possible big weight with small stature and massive bones. It is assumed to use an index of 20 cm or more. Body proportions are completely different. These are massive people who have heavy shoulders, overall body parts in the absence of fat. The hips are usually wide, the legs are short, the chest is massive.
  3. Thin-boned people are more graceful, for men this type is not uncommon, although it is mistakenly considered otherwise. The index is set to 18 cm. This asthenic type suggests the presence of long and thin limbs, a neck. The muscles are not so strongly developed, the longitudinal dimensions of the body prevail over the transverse ones.. Often such people are considered painful, although in reality this is absolutely not the case. The main thing is that all proportions are observed, there are no deviations in the calculations.

In order for the calculations to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to additionally take into account such an important factor as the age of the man. On average, young and strong man growth is greater than that of the elderly. Even normal weight different ages may differ.

A special formula is used that allows you to clarify the ratio - weight and height. For example, the following ratio is observed: body weight = 50 + 0.75 (height - 150) + (age - 20) / 4.

Using such a simple formula, it is very easy to calculate normal weight, knowing height and age. For example, for a man with a height of 183 cm and an age of 40 years, the normal weight will be:

50 + 0.75 (183-150) + (40-20) / 4 \u003d 50 + 0.75 * 35 + 20/4 \u003d 50 + 26.25 + 5 \u003d 81.25 kg.

With a height of 183 cm, the norm is 81.25 kg. But this is only an ideal indicator, in order to clarify it, it is necessary to use a special physique table.

To calculate the norm of height and weight in men, you can use different formulas that require certain data. most popular for home use are 2 formulas.

Nagler formula. This formula helps to calculate how much body weight corresponds to overall height. This resulting number is considered ideal, it is enough to determine the height and mass. For example, 152.4 cm should account for 45 kg. If the height is higher, then for every 2.45 cm, 900 g must be added. Additionally, it adds 10% of body weight. If the ratio with other data is equal to the example given, then height-weight is normal. If there are big discrepancies, then it is necessary to start taking measures. For example, optimize the menu or consult a doctor if there are symptoms of any diseases.

Formula by John McCallum. This formula for determining the ratio of height and weight in men is considered the best today. It is based on data acquisition when measuring the wrist. The percentages are as follows:

  • chest girth should be equal to 6.5 girth for the wrist;
  • the circumference of the hips should be equal to 85% in relation to the chest;
  • 70% of the circumference of the chest are equal to the norm of the circumference of the waist;
  • 37% of the chest circumference is equal to the neck circumference;
  • 36% of the value of the girth of the chest is equal to the value of the girth of the biceps;
  • and for the lower leg, this value is approximately 34% of the girth;
  • 29% of the chest girth value is equal to the forearm girth value.

It should be noted that the rate of height and weight is highly dependent on the general physique of a man. Therefore, when using formulas, it is necessary to use a special table showing the dependence of a normal, thin or massive physique on all the data obtained. Doctors usually use this method to obtain the most accurate and reliable data.

To determine your own ratio of height and weight, you can use the special data that was obtained by specialists.

Asthenic build, i.e. lean:

  • at 155 cm - 49 kg;
  • at 160 cm - 53.5 kg;
  • at 165 cm - 57 kg;
  • at 170 cm - 60.5 kg;
  • at 175 cm - 65 kg;
  • at 180 cm - 69 kg;
  • at 185 cm - 73.5 kg.

Normosthenic addition, i.e., the norm of weight and height:

  • with a height of 155 cm, the weight is 56 kg;
  • at 160 cm - 60 kg;
  • at 165 cm - 63.5 kg;
  • at 170 cm - 68 kg;
  • at 175 cm - 72 kg;
  • at 180 cm - 75 kg;
  • at 185 cm - 79 kg.

Hypersthenic addition, i.e. the so-called wide bone:

  • at 155 cm - 62 kg;
  • at 160 cm - 66 kg;
  • at 165 cm - 69.5 kg;
  • at 170 cm - 74 kg;
  • at 175 cm - 78 kg;
  • at 180 cm - 81 kg;
  • at 185 cm - 85 kg.

Using such simple ratios, you can easily determine at home how much your own weight corresponds not only to height, but also to the general body type. If there are strong discrepancies, but it is necessary to consult a doctor. A man must strictly follow all the recommendations for bringing the ratio back to normal, as this greatly affects general state health and even whether he is able to have children.

Obesity or severe underweight is always not only the cause, but also a sign of many diseases.

If the ratios are disturbed, treatment is often required, and not just a special diet. We must not forget that for the male part of the population, food should be more high-calorie, since energy consumption is greater.

The ratio of the body for a man is extremely important. To determine at home whether there are discrepancies, you can use numerous and extremely simple formulas and tabular data. If serious discrepancies are observed, it is recommended to contact the observing doctor, who will prescribe an examination. In most cases, you can get by with a special diet, but there is another percentage when excessive thinness or high weight are signs of serious illness.

Regular examination will help to avoid such situations, experts recommend going through it about once a year to prevent the development of many problems in the future.

Anyone who strives for an ideal figure tries to monitor fluctuations in their weight. This is much easier to do if you know the framework normal weight body at a certain height. When you know what a normal weight with a height of 165 cm (170, etc.) should be, it is much easier to control yourself and not go too far with losing weight. After all, excessively low or high body weight can cause irreparable damage to health.

How are limits determined?

It should be noted right away that normal weight indicators for one person can
different from those for another, even if their height is exactly the same. Important role gender plays a role in determining the weight limits. For men, weight indicators are an order of magnitude higher than for women. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the male body, namely, with the severity of the bones. For example, normal weight with a height of 170 cm for a woman is about 55-60 kg, and for a man, weight indicators with the same height range from 63-67 kg. Which bar to adhere to, minimum or maximum, the choice of each person individually. These limits are set by doctors and determine those indicators at which the body will feel good.

An easy way to calculate normal weight

Disadvantages of the BMI Method

The main disadvantage of this technique is too approximate data on the norm of body weight. Also, using BMI can not be determined for pregnant women and children. A child's height-to-weight ratio is not the same as an adult's, so even with all the adjustments for height below 164 cm, the formula cannot be applied.

Normal weight with a height of 160 cm according to the BMI formula can reach 64 kg, but what with medical point vision for an adult is acceptable, for a child it can be dangerous. In addition to height, the child's age should be taken into account in the indicator of the normal weight of the child.

Other methods for determining the norm of weight

In the process of using the body mass index, it became clear that this indicator does not indicate an ideal figure. The data obtained reflects only the normal weight from a medical point of view, but with the same height and weight, one person may look fit and slender, and the other full and loose. It depends on the percentage of body fat from the total mass and its distribution throughout the body. For example, a normal weight with a height of 170 cm for a sports person can be ten kilograms more than for someone who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Several are used to determine modern techniques, but only two are widely used. The first method is that a low-power current pulse is passed through the body. The speed of passage of the current pulse through the fatty layers is much lower than through the muscles and bones. And the more fat, the slower the signal goes. This method is popular due to its accuracy, but until recently it was only available in medical centers because sophisticated professional equipment was used. Now you can carry out this measurement even at home with the help of scales that include such a function.

The second method consists in measuring, with a special device resembling a caliper, the fat folds in different places body. The data obtained experimentally are compared with the developed tables and the degree of obesity is calculated. An electronic device for such measurements is called a caliper. It automatically analyzes the received data and immediately gives the result. The advantage of this method is the portability of the caliper, which takes up very little space. As in the first case, with the help of it you can take measurements and calculate the normal weight with a height of 165 cm or any other.

The question of ideal weight excites many (almost all) women. And almost everyone is worried about "inflated" kilograms. That is, no one wants to weigh a lot. The “insufficiency” of weight pleases them much more. Why is this happening? What is the normal weight of 170 cm for women?

  1. You chase beauty from the covers fashion magazines! Do not do this! "Ninety - sixty - ninety" - these are not your parameters, if they are not given to you by nature from birth, initially.
  2. You are trying to "fit" the parameters of your body to the body of celebrities. Be and be yourself! Do not strive to turn into a clone of the "star"! So you just lose your individuality.
  3. You are too "fixated" on stereotypes. Stop living what other girls and women live! Stereotypes are created in order to "cut" them, to get rid of them!
  4. You read a lot of different virtual literature. You should not believe and trust everything that is "spread" on the Internet! Look for proven "things". Ones that really need to be read and re-read over and over again. Have you ever thought about the fact that many celebrities are in dire need to look good, because they often flash in front of TVs and cameras? Think!
  5. You are complex about your appearance. Throw away complexes! Without them, you will be much easier and better to live! Take a step towards saying goodbye to the negative and bad.
  6. You forget that your figure is the "traces" of your genetics. Many people try to lose weight, but they fail, because almost every relative is overweight. But you can fight it too! It would be a great desire….

How to determine your ideal weight with a height of one hundred and seventy centimeters?

This is what you can do yourself! Come up with a number and just “step” towards it. Keep diaries to make it more fun and easier to strive for what you want.

The online diary is the coolest diary! People can read it, comment on it, and so on. Does this prospect attract you? Grab your laptop and get started enjoyable activities! Buy a brand new laptop if the old one is already "buggy".

They say that the most reliable way for "finding" ideal weight are memories. Think back to a time when you were completely satisfied with yourself. Let's look at the reasons that reward the body with extra pounds:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Childbirth.
  3. Bulimia.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Constant overeating and snacking.
  6. Love for high-calorie foods and dishes.
  7. Lack of diet.
  8. Taking hormonal pills.
  9. Lack of sleep.

What weight is considered ideal with a height of 170 cm!

We will talk about average indicators so as not to offend anyone. Write down or memorize. Fifty-five to sixty!

Now - in more detail:

Under the age of 25, the ideal weight is fifty-seven kilograms

Between the ages of 25 and 35, the ideal weight is sixty-one kilograms (maximum).

At the age of 35 years and older, the ideal weight is sixty-four kilograms (maximum).

Maintain your ideal weight through diet

Which many supermodels adhere to. The menu of such a diet:

Eight o'clock in the morning:

  1. One and a half cups of green tea.
  2. One loaf.

Eleven o'clock in the morning:

  1. One egg.
  2. Shredded cabbage or cabbage salad.

Three PM:

  1. One hundred and fifty grams of boiled chicken meat.
  2. Half a bowl of broth.

Six o'clock pm:

  1. Several fish pieces.
  2. Warm and savory tea.

How else can you keep the ideal weight figure in your body area?

  1. Do not chew nuts and chips in the cinema! If only because it is ugly, indecent to do it. Do not distract others from romantic setting and from pleasant viewing.
  2. Go shopping for a long time. Look closely at the price tags, the product range .... The longer you walk, the more likely you are to stay in shape. The one where you need to stay! For such purposes, choose a huge hypermarket.
  3. Stop being afraid of the extreme! Scientists have proven that it helps to lose weight. This means that you can keep your figure in harmony and ideal weight on amusement rides! An example of "roller coaster" and analogues of such an attraction.
  4. "Get out" from the number of avid coffee lovers! Coffee is a high-calorie drink, although not an alcoholic one. By the way, it’s better not to abuse alcohol, so as not to “stock up” with excess weight. Holidays are another matter! The main thing is that you do not look for the slightest reason to celebrate!
  5. Play outdoor games with your children. Don't be afraid to sweat and get tired. If there are no children and small relatives, then just dance around the stove or near the vacuum cleaner. You can combine household chores and weight loss.
  6. Remember that there is aromatherapy. You can buy an aroma lamp for these purposes and essential oils. Take a bath with these oils and inhale their aromas! This will definitely help!
  7. Get rid of cars and taxis. You can perfectly do without "four-wheeled" friends! There are legs. This is the best transport. Your legs will help you in losing weight, in maintaining weight.
  8. Take hot baths! You can’t take them every day, but once a week is quite acceptable! Before taking a bath - organize it, prepare it. Make sure that the temperature of the water in it is thirty-seven degrees. Pour salt into the bath (a few teaspoons) and dilute it well (stir). Take this bath for fifteen minutes.
  9. Buy or borrow a gymnastic disk (circle) from someone. Proven way! Even our mothers with the help of it maintained their weight without much difficulty. Spin your body in a circle every day, seven days a week, so that the weight is in perfect order. Do it slowly. You definitely don’t need speed in performing such a “procedure”.

It is known that in the USSR, a healthy weight for a woman was calculated using the simplest formula, growth minus one hundred. According to her, Baba Klava from the bench at the entrance was declared a woman with perfect figure. Later, nutritionists slightly changed the formula - "growth minus one hundred and ten", and for ballerinas the formula "growth minus one hundred and twenty" has always worked. If such generalized data does not suit you, read on - we have collected the most interesting, relevant and reflective formulas.

Classification of body types according to Solovyov:

  1. Asthenic type: less than 18 cm in men, less than 15 cm in women.
  2. Normosthenic type: 18-20 cm in men, 15-17 in women.
  3. Hypersthenic type: more than 20 cm in men, more than 17 cm in women.

Cooper formula

Ideal weight for a woman (kg): (height (cm) x 3.5: 2.54 - 108) x 0.453.
Ideal weight for a man (kg): (height (cm) x 4.0: 2.54 - 128) x 0.453.

Lorentz formula

Ideal weight = (height (cm) - 100) - (height (cm) - 150) / 2

For our heroine, the ideal weight will be 25 kg. State?

Kyutla Formula (Body Mass Index)

Michael E. DeBakey is a world-famous cardiac surgeon, one of the first in the United States to perform a heart transplant. His table of desirable weight does not come from aesthetic and social considerations, but from the criterion of achieving and maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. The table shows the weight limits according to the physique (we determine it by eye) and height. The more it exceeds the upper figure, the greater the risk cardiovascular diseases you are exposed.

Fragile physique

Normal body

Large physique

Fragile physique

Normal body

Large physique

(Height in cm - 100) x 0.85 = ideal weight.

There is another formula that can be used for both men and women:

A gender difference is also made when assessing the Quetelet index.

Applied use of the refined formula of the Quetelet index for calculating the boundaries of the normal weight.

The formula for calculating BMI (body mass index) could look like this

, BMI=Q*M/IS*h 2

Q - constant coefficient, for men Q=19, for women Q=16.
IS - Solovyov index,
h - height in meters,
M - weight in kg,
where BMI is body mass index,

M(ng)= 20*IS*h 2 /Q

The ideal weight and height of a girl with normal body will be 50 kg. (160 - 110).

Another example: let's calculate the ideal weight with a height of 164. Let's say a woman after 40 years old, asthenic physique. Her ideal weight is 57.6 kg. ((164 - 100) - (64 x 10%)). The ideal weight with a height of 164 cm for a woman of the same age, but with a normal physique, will increase by 6.4 kilograms, i.e. will be 64 kg.

The second way to determine the ideal weight: BMI

Many have already heard about the existence of the body mass index (BMI), otherwise it is called the Quetelet index. This means that the weight in kilograms must be divided by twice the ratio of height in meters. For example, BMI with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 80 kg. equals 27.68 (80 / 1.7 x 1.7).

Knowing the value of BMI, we can talk about a lack or excess weight. The norm for men is the BMI from 19 to 25, the ideal weight and height of a girl must be determined based on the index fork: from 19 to 24. If the index is 25–30 - a person is overweight 30–35 - obesity; 35 or more - pronounced obesity (obesityIIorIIIdegree depending on age). The rate may vary depending on the age of the person. So for a person aged 18-25 years, the BMI can be 19.5-22.9. For the older generation - 20-25.9. See the summary table below.

Status classification

Table of the ratio of height and weight of women

What should be the weight with a height of 170 centimeters?

In boys from 18 to 19 years old: from 63 to 69 kilograms;

In men (from 20 to 29): 68 - 73;

Obesity or severe underweight is always not only the cause, but also a sign of many diseases.

If the ratios are disturbed, treatment is often required, and not just a special diet. We must not forget that for the male part of the population, food should be more high-calorie, since energy consumption is greater.

Having calculated or learned your normal weight from the table, do not rush to throw all your strength into achieving it. Indeed, in addition to the value expressed in kilograms, it is necessary to pay attention to the percentage of fat in the body. Sometimes a lot of weight is not caused by fat, but by muscle tissue. In these cases, we can talk about the ideal weight even if the BMI is outside the "normal" range.

It is unlikely that you can measure the percentage of fat in the body "by eye", without the help of special instruments and scales with a given program. Therefore, modern nutritionists advise measuring deviations from the “fat” norm by waist circumference, since excess fat in this area carries health risks. So, for women, the waist should be no more than 88 cm, and for men - 102 cm.

If you have special devices that can calculate body fat, then a body fat content of 10-20% for men and about 25-29% for women is considered normal. At overweight a man's body contains about 25% fat, a woman's -30-35%. And with obesity in men, the weight of fat exceeds 30%, and in women - 35%.

The lack of fat also has a bad effect: less than 15% in women leads to disruptions in the normal functioning of the body.

Many people like to drink food. thin people can afford it, but those suffering from fullness - in no case. They need to drink before meals or some time after. You can drink only dry food: pies, crackers, sandwiches, cookies. But fruits and berries should not be washed down.

Means that increase appetite

Problems with a lack of weight are almost at the level of problems with excess weight. Everyone has their own problems, as they say. One of the causes of underweight is a lack of appetite. Most often it occurs in children. Important in this case is... ⇒

Online calculator for calculating the ideal weight using advanced formulas, taking into account age and physique

The dream of a woman, and a conceived man, of an ideal weight will lead to the fact that sooner or later the question of the exact figures of the ideal will arise. In kilograms. Otherwise, we run the risk of escaping reality, and instead of ideal weight, we strive for... ⇒

Should a young girl be worried about being overweight?

Young girls are often worried about being overweight. Many girls entering adulthood weigh more than they should.
Mothers, and sometimes doctors, tend to think that when girls start menstruating, they will lose weight, believing that girls are fat because they have "baby fat" that disappears on its own ... ⇒

It is believed that the ideal weight is the one that you had at 18 years old. It is advisable to keep it for life. But if you have broken away from the ideal over the past 15–20 years or more, you should not strive to return to it at any cost. After all, every 10 years of life, the energy consumption of the body decreases by about 10%. Accordingly, for every 10 years we add about 10% (5–7 kg): first from the same ideal weight, later from the one we have. And you should burn fat carefully, focusing on the same 10%, only in a year. In addition, it is better to strive not for an eighteen-year-old weight, but to calculate your new ideal using one of the medical formulas.

Brocca's formula

Ideal weight for men \u003d (height in centimeters - 100) 1.15.

Ideal weight for women \u003d (height in centimeters - 110) 1.15.

Example: The ideal weight of a woman with a height of 170 cm \u003d (170 - 110) 1.15 \u003d 69 kg.

Surely, this formula will remind many of the old “height minus 100” for men and “height minus 110” for women. It's really an improved version of that old formula. The fact is that the previous version required everyone to be fitness models, did not take into account either age or body type. Therefore, neither people with heavy bones and large muscles, nor women with pronounced hips and breasts could fit into it at all. Therefore, scientists have subjected the old formula of Brokk to processing, and in its current form it looks quite realistic.

Lorenz's dream

The ideal weight of a woman \u003d (height in centimeters - 100) - (height in centimeters - 150) / 2.

Example: The ideal weight of a woman with a height of 165 cm \u003d (165 - 100) - (165 - 150) / 2 \u003d 65 - 15/2 \u003d 57.5. Ideal weight - 57.5 kg!

Please note that this formula was developed for women only and will not work in any way. stronger sex. At first glance, it is too demanding on weight compared to Brokk's improved formula and indicates, rather, just the ideal weight when you were eighteen. Nevertheless, it is fully consistent with the body mass index (BMI), so it is quite possible to use it. If you are upset by the proposed numbers, then just forget about it and use a different formula. By the way, for women above 175 cm, it still will not work.

Egorov-Levitsky table

Maximum allowable body weight

Height, cm

20–29 years old

30–39 years old

40–49 years old

50–59 years old

60–69 years old

Example: A 45-year-old woman weighs 76 kg with a height of 170 cm. This is not much at all, it is less than the maximum allowable!

The medical compilers took into account everything that is possible: gender, age, height. They did not limit only the lower limit of weight. But this is understandable - the table helps to find out if you are overweight, and not if it is insufficient. In our opinion, the most complete and balanced approach to ideal weight.

Quetelet index

Index = weight in grams / height in centimeters.

This is also a method to estimate the already existing weight, close to the BMI method described above. No wonder they have the same author. Here, the result obtained should also be compared with the table, however, in this option, physique is also taken into account. It can be determined very simply: stand in front of the mirror, pull your stomach in as much as possible and attach two rulers or just your palms to the two lower ribs. They form an angle. If it is rather blunt (more than 90 grams), you have a large physique. If almost straight, the physique is normal. If the angle is sharp, the physique is considered thin.

Example: The weight-height index of a 45-year-old woman weighing 70 kg with a height of 160 cm, a large physique = 70,000 / 160 = 437.5. For her, this is normal weight. And if she were 6 years younger or had a different body type, she would be considered too full!

This formula is respected by the fact that it takes into account many factors: age, and body type. It can be used for any height, you just need to be honest with yourself when assessing your body type. In any case, approaching the upper limit of the tabular index by 5-10 points is a reason to correct your diet and move more.

Quetelet calculation or body mass index (BMI)

Body mass index (BMI): weight in kilograms / (height in meters x height in meters).

This formula evaluates the existing weight and indicates in which direction it should be changed. Recall that to square a number, simply multiply it by itself. Compare the result with the table.

Example: BMI of a woman with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 72 kg \u003d 72 / 1.7. 1.7 = 24.9. She is overweight, she is still far from being obese, but she should at least not gain kilograms, and even better, lose 3-4 kg.

When comparing your weight with BMI, you need to know some features that, as a rule, are not mentioned anywhere. This formula is correct for people of average height (men - 168-188 cm and women 154-174 cm). For those who are shorter, the ideal weight is 10% lower than the "formula", and for those who are tall - 10% higher. In addition, this formula can "lie" when assessing those who exercise five or more times a week. The undeniable advantage of BMI is that it does not indicate a mythical ideal, but evaluates real weight and growth.

What should be the weight with a height of 160, 164, 170 cm? This question worries many men and women: both those who dream of losing weight, and those who have long been trying to gain the missing kilograms in order to make their figure more attractive. Although the indicators perfect physique are conditional, today more and more people seek to "try on" them for themselves, forgetting that it is important to take into account not only their height, but also their age, type of figure, since each person is individual and has his own norms. So, what should be the ideal ratio and how to calculate it?

Calculation methods

Define your correct weight pretty easy. To do this, you just need to resort to a few simple formulas. In most of these formulas, body length is denoted as h, and weight is m. Similar Methods calculations ideal parameters physiques have been known for many years, and some of them are even successfully used in medicine and sports.

Brock's formula

The simplest and longest-used algorithm for such a calculation is Brock's formula. It looks like this:

  • m \u003d h - 100 (with growth up to 165 cm);
  • m = h - 105 (height 165-175 cm);
  • m = h - 110 (over 175 cm).

Thus, in order to calculate your ideal weight indicator, you need to measure the length of the body and subtract a certain coefficient from this number, taking into account the characteristics of your physique. For example, weight with a height of 170 cm should be 65 kg (170 cm minus 105). With this calculation, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of figure. Brock's formula is designed to determine the ideal body weight for normosthenics (people with proportional figure). If your body type is asthenic (long limbs, weak muscles, thin bones), it is necessary to subtract 10% from the body mass indicator obtained by the formula, if hypersthenic (wide chest, wide hips, short legs) - add 10%. Based on these data, it is possible to calculate, for example, what should be the weight with a height of 165 for an asthenic girl. This figure will be equal to 54 kg.

To correctly determine what body type you are, measure the circumference of your wrist (it is most convenient to do this measuring tape). In women of the asthenic type, this figure will be less than 15 cm, in men - less than 18 cm. For normosthenic women, the value is from 15 to 17 cm, for men of this type - from 18 to 20 cm. In hypersthenics, the wrist girth is more than 18 cm (for female) or 20 cm (male). By accurately determining your body type, you can easily calculate your ideal weight indicators adjusted for the individual characteristics of the structure of the body.

Body mass index

Another known way determine if your physique is normal - calculate the body mass index (BMI).

This method makes it possible to find out if you need to lose weight or gain weight and what is the risk of obesity and various diseases associated with it. To calculate BMI, you need to divide your weight in kg by the square indicator of body length in m and multiply by 2. For example, with a body weight of 70 kg and a height of 175 cm, the body mass index formula will look like this: 70: (1.75 * 1.75) = 22.9. The results of such a calculation are interpreted as follows:

  • BMI 16 or less: severe underweight, very low risk of obesity;
  • 16 to 18.5: underweight, low risk of obesity;
  • from 18.5 to 24.99 is considered normal. At proper nutrition the possibility of developing obesity is negligible;
  • 25 to 30: overweight, high risk the development of obesity and associated diseases;
  • from 30 to 35: obesity of the I degree;
  • from 35 to 40: obesity of the II degree;
  • over 40: obesity IIII degree.

BMI indicators will help you navigate the need to adjust body weight. Too high or too low BMI numbers are equally dangerous for the body. Most often, the BMI formula is used to estimate body weight in a clinical setting. It is suitable for determining the normal weight for both men and women.

other methods

The Lorentz method is a very simple and no less well-known method for determining ideal weight parameters: for it you only need to know the length of your body in cm. Divide the growth rate by 2 and subtract 25 (H / 2 - 25). So you can calculate, for example, what weight should be with a height of 180 for men: 180/2 - 25 = 65 kg.

The Lorenz method can be considered a rather conditional way to determine the normal body weight. It does not take into account the physique of a person, and therefore gives only approximate figures. However, these numbers are very close to those obtained by using other, more laborious methods of calculation.

Another way to get results that are as close to reality as possible is the Cooper formula. It cannot be classified as frequently used, since it requires longer calculations. The method takes into account the physiological differences between men and women, therefore it has 2 calculation algorithms. For a female, normal body weight is calculated by the formula (H (cm) x3.5: 2.54-108) x0.453. For men - (H (cm) x4.0: 2.54-128) x0.453. So, for a girl with a height of 164 cm, the ideal weight, according to this method, will be (164x3.5: 2.54-108)x0.453 = 53.5 kg. There are also less known and popular ways to calculate normal body weight. These include the definition of the Breitman index (h (cm) x0.7 - 50 kg) and the Noorden index (h (cm) x420/1000).

Normal Ratio Indicators

For those who do not want to spend time studying various algorithms, there are average indicators of normal weight in accordance with height. In this case, the gender of the person must be taken into account. For example, for women there are the following rules:

  • 142 cm - 46 kg;
  • 145 cm - 47 kg;
  • 147 cm - 49 kg;
  • 150 cm - 50 kg;
  • 155 cm - 53 kg;
  • 158 cm - 54 kg;
  • 160 cm - 56 kg;
  • 163 cm - 58 kg;
  • 165 cm - 60 kg;
  • 168 cm - 62 kg;
  • 170-172 cm - 64 kg;
  • 173 cm - 65 kg;
  • 175 cm - 67 kg;
  • 176-178 cm - 69 kg.

Of course, these indicators are approximate and very conditional. The numbers can vary both up and down depending on body type and age. For asthenics, they will be less, for hypersthenics - more, while the difference will be an average of 4-5 kg ​​up or down, respectively. The table will tell you more about this. perfect height and weight for a girl.

  • with a body length of 1.55 - 1.58 m - 56-58 kg;
  • 1.6 - 1.65 m - 59-62 kg;
  • 1.68 - 1.7 m - 64-66 kg;
  • 1.75-1.78 m - 69-72 kg;
  • 1.8-1.83 - 74-76 kg;
  • 1.85-1.88 m - 78-80 kg;
  • 1.9 m - 82 kg.

More accurate information can be given by the table of weight and height norms for men below. In it, the ratio is determined in connection with the type of physique.

When determining the ideal weight, it is worth paying attention not only to growth rates, but also to age. For children and adolescents, there are norms, their weight is always lower than that of adults. At the same time, the table takes into account the division into low, medium and high rate growth. Short children weigh, respectively, less than their tall peers.

With age, body weight increases, so for people over 40 years old, their own standards have also been developed. For example, by the age of 40, the normal weight for a woman increases by 10-15% compared to what she had at the age of 20. If at the age of 20 a woman weighed 56 kg, then it is natural that upon reaching middle age this figure will change by 61-63 kg.

In matters of correcting your own figure, you should not rely solely on averaged tables and standard formulas, since they do not take into account individual features structure of your body. For the same reason, there is no need to strive for ideal indicators prescribed in such average statistical tables. They can only tell you in which direction you need to move and whether you have a tendency to gain extra pounds or underweight. However, if the ratio of weight and height deviates markedly from the norm, this may be the reason for a visit to the doctor, as it may signal the presence serious problems with health.

On this page of the site, tables of normal weight are offered in relation to the height of a person, taking into account also the type of physique.

There are three types:

1) hypersthenic- a man with short arms, legs, neck and broad shoulders.

2) normosthenic - a common person with an average metabolic rate.

3) asthenic- a person with an increased metabolism, narrow shoulders, long legs and hands.

How to determine your body type?

Big and index fingers with one hand grab the wrist with the other where the bone protrudes. If it was not possible to grasp - you are a hypersthenic, if it turned out with great difficulty - a normosthenic, if it turns out easily - you are an asthenic.

Table of weight in relation to height for women

Height Asthenics Normostenics Hypersthenics
151 43,0 - 46,4 45,1 - 50,5 48,7 - 55,9
152 43,4 - 47,0 45,6 - 51,0 49,2 - 56,5
153 43,9 - 47,5 46,1 - 51,6 49,8 - 57,0
154 44,4 - 48,0 46,7 - 52,1 50,3 - 57,6
155 44,9 - 48,6 47,2 - 52,6 50,8 - 58,1
156 45,4 - 49,1 47,7 - 53,2 51,3 - 58,6
157 46,0 - 49,6 48,2 - 53,7 51,9 - 59,1
158 46,5 - 50,2 48,8 - 54,3 52,4 - 59,7
159 47,1 - 50,7 49,3 - 54,8 53,0 - 60,2
160 47,6 - 51,2 49,9 - 55.3 53,5 - 60,8
161 48,2 - 51,8 50,4 - 56,0 54,0 - 61,5
162 48,7 - 52,3 51,0 - 56,8 54,6 - 62,2
163 49,2 - 52,9 51,5 - 57,5 55,2 - 62,9
164 49,8 - 53,4 52,0 - 58,2 55,9 - 63,7
165 50,3 - 53,9 52,6 - 58,9 56,7 - 64,4
166 50,8 - 54,6 53,3 - 59,8 57,3 - 65,1
167 51,4 - 55,3 54,0 - 60,7 58,1 - 65,8
168 52,0 - 56,0 54,7 - 61,5 58,8 - 66,5
169 52,7 - 56,8 55,4 - 62,2 59,5 - 67,2
170 53,4 - 57,5 56,1 - 62,9 60,2 - 67,9
171 54,1 - 58,2 56,8 - 63,6 60,9 - 68,6
172 54,8 - 58,9 57,5 - 64,3 61,6 - 69,3
173 55,5 - 59,6 58,3 - 65,1 62,3 - 70,1
174 56,3 - 60,3 59,0 - 65,8 63,1 - 70,8
175 57,0 - 61,0 59,7 - 66,5 63,8 - 71,5
176 57,7 - 61,9 60,4 - 67,2 64,5 - 72,3
177 58,4 - 62,8 61,1 - 67,8 65,2 - 73,2
178 59,1 - 63,6 61,8 - 68,6 65,9 - 74,1
179 59,8 - 64,4 62,5 - 69,3 66,6 - 75,0
180 60,5 - 65,1 63,3 - 70,1 67,3 - 75,9

Table of the ratio of height and weight for men

Height Asthenics Normostenics Hypersthenics
158 51,1 - 54,7 53,8 - 58,9 57,4 - 64,2
159 51,6 - 55,2 54,3 - 59,6 58,0 - 64,8
160 52,2 - 55,8 54,9 - 60,3 58,5 - 65,3
161 52,7 - 56,3 55,4 - 60,9 59,0 - 66,0
162 53,2 - 56,9 55,9 - 61,4 59,6 - 66,7
163 53,8 - 57,4 56,5 - 61,9 60,1 - 67,5
164 54,3 - 57,9 57,0 - 62,5 60,7 - 68,2
165 54,9 - 58,5 57,6 - 63,0 61,2 - 68,9
166 55,4 - 59,2 58,1 - 63,7 61,7 - 69,6
167 55,9 - 59,9 58,6 - 64,4 62,3 - 70,3
168 56,5 - 60,6 59,2 - 65,1 62,9 - 71,1
169 57,2 - 61,3 59,9 - 65,8 63,6 - 72,0
170 57,9 - 62,0 60,7 - 66,6 64,3 - 72,9
171 58,6 - 62,7 61,4 - 67,4 65,1 - 73,8
172 59,4 - 63,4 62,1 - 68,3 66,0 - 74,7
173 60,1 - 64,2 62,8 - 69,1 66,9 - 75,5
174 60,8 - 64,9 63,5 - 69,9 67,6 - 76,2
175 61,5 - 65,6 64,2 - 70,6 68,3 - 76,9
176 62,2 - 66,4 64,9 - 71,3 69,0 - 77,6
177 62,9 - 67,3 65,7 - 72,0 69,7 - 78,4
178 63,6 - 68,2 66,4 - 72,8 70,4 - 79,1
179 64,4 - 68,9 67,1 - 73,6 71,2 - 80,0
180 65,1 - 69,6 67,8 - 74,5 71,9 - 80,9
181 65,8 - 70,3 68,5 - 75,4 72,7 - 81,8
182 66,5 - 71,0 69,2 - 76,3 73,6 - 82,7
183 67,2 - 71,8 69,9 - 77,2 74,5 - 83,6
184 67,9 - 72,5 70,7 - 78,1 75,2 - 84,5
185 68,6 - 73,2 71,4 - 79,0 75,9 - 85,4
186 69,4 - 74,0 72,1 - 79,9 76,7 - 86,2
187 70,1 - 74,9 72,8 - 80,8 77,6 - 87,1
188 70,8 - 75,8 73,5 - 81,7 78,5 - 88,0

In addition to the "weight table", there is calculation method ratio "height-weight" (provided that your height is more than 170 cm.).

To do this, 110 is subtracted from the height (in centimeters). The resulting value is your due weight in kilograms. To be more precise, for asthenics it is necessary to subtract 115, for normosthenics - 110, for hypersthenics - 100.

Does age affect height-to-weight ratio?

The answer is unequivocal. Yes, of course it does. It has been proven that the weight of a man and a woman should gradually increase with age - this is a normal physiological process. Kilograms, which some people consider "superfluous", in fact, they may not be.

Can be used to determine optimal weight formula according to age.

Body weight \u003d 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4

R- height
IN- age in years.