Pumpkin pulp face mask. Pumpkin face mask recipes. Pumpkin mask - how to use it correctly


Dear readers, today I invite you to talk about the use of pumpkin for facial skin care. I already wrote about how to use it for health in the article Read recipes for health and be sure to pay attention to contraindications. Often we miss these subtleties.

We have already learned a lot about the benefits of pumpkin. But how to apply it to our beauty? Surely, when we do household chores, we will find a few minutes to take care of ourselves.

Pumpkin face masks. Why are they useful? Tips for using masks at home. Recipes.

Experts have proven that the vitamins contained in pumpkin have a very positive effect on the composition of the skin. Long-term use can give positive results:

  • Softening of the skin of the face;
  • Giving elasticity;
  • Clean and beautiful skin without age spots, redness and acne.

Pumpkin-based masks can be used for any type of skin: this vegetable is allowed for everyone without exception.

Before you start using masks with pumpkin or other vegetables, you need to do a test and find out if you have an allergic reaction to a particular product. It is always a good idea to consult with a specialist. Any changes in the skin can be caused by an infection or fungus. Consult a dermatologist to rule out such diseases.

Pumpkin Secrets.

To start preparing pumpkin-based masks, you must first prepare the vegetable. You can also use raw pumpkin, and if you use boiled pumpkin pulp, then to save all useful properties, it is best to bake it or steam it. But there will be no big mistake if you boil the fruit. However, in this case it is necessary to reduce the amount of water.

How to make pumpkin face masks?

For every skin type there are different masks. The addition of different ingredients is due to the fact that the impact of some will positively affect one type, but negatively for another.

Raw and Frozen Pumpkin Face Mask Recipe

This mask will be a great facial toner. Wipe your face with a piece of raw pumpkin, leave everything for 10-15 minutes and then wash your face with cool water. I can recommend the same recipe for facial skin care and frozen pumpkin. Probably, many of you use freezers to preserve food. Defrost the pumpkin, and also wipe your face with a piece of pumpkin, you can also use some water - pumpkin juice when defrosting. Also hold for 15 minutes and wash with cool water.

Homemade raw pumpkin masks for problem skin.

To 3 tbsp. pumpkin juice add 1 yolk and 1 tsp. honey. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply to face. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Pumpkin masks for normal skin types.

To prepare the mask you will need: cucumber pulp, pumpkin juice and egg white. First, the egg white is whipped, the rest of the ingredients are added to it. Apply a mask thin layer and keep for about half an hour.

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Pumpkin masks for oily skin types on the face.

First you need to mix milk powder and boiled pumpkin pulp in proportions of 1: 2. The resulting mask is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off.

Nourishing pumpkin mask for dry skin types.

Cottage cheese and boiled pumpkin pulp are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied for 20 minutes. If necessary, you can additionally moisturize the skin after the procedure.

For sensitive skin.

It is necessary to mix the pumpkin juice, egg yolk, honey and some vegetable oil. To make the consistency thicker, you can add a spoon oat flour. This mask should be worn for 20 minutes.

What pumpkin masks can be used for problem skin?

  • acne- for the mask you will need a pumpkin, as well as green tea and honey. After applying the mask, you should wash with a decoction of chamomile, and then wipe it with a solution salicylic acid(2%), which is sold at the pharmacy. The proportions are as follows: 2 tablespoons of boiled pumpkin pulp, 1 tablespoon of brewed warm green tea, 1.tsp. honey.
  • Pigment and dark spots - you can get rid of such a problem with the help of the following mask: pumpkin and cucumber juice in equal proportions, a little milk is added to them. The resulting tonic is applied to cotton pad and then to problem areas. You need to keep about 20 minutes.
  • puffiness- this problem is solved by a mask of honey and pumpkin pulp. Boiled pumpkin should cool slightly, then a little honey is added to it. The resulting mixture is put into gauze and applied to the face. The skin warms up and excess fluid is removed from it.

I also suggest watching the video. Pumpkin masks.

Pumpkin is widely used in cosmetology - it is one of the few natural remedies, suitable for all skin types, able to cause its rejuvenation and cope with many problems. Stored without loss of quality throughout the winter, this gourd refreshes and tones the skin, relieves irritation, lightens freckles and age spots, and also helps smooth wrinkles. Indications for the use of pumpkin are skin problems and the desire to preserve its beauty without the use of chemicals. Contraindications are intolerance to the product and the presence of open or purulent wounds on the skin.

The beneficial effect of pumpkin on the skin

pumpkin mask for the face gives the skin excellent nutrition, providing it with vitamins: A, C, E, PP and the entire vitamin B group. In addition, the pumpkin pulp contains macro- and microelements that contribute to the proper functioning of skin cells. IN Ancient China for its beneficial properties, the pumpkin was even called the emperor of the garden.

Regular use of masks from this gourd will make the skin:

  1. smooth;
  2. soft;
  3. elastic;
  4. clean, without acne, freckles and age spots.

In case of inflammation, a fresh piece of pumpkin applied to the sore spot will quickly eliminate the problem by activating protective properties skin cells. The only harm a pumpkin can do is allergic reaction with individual intolerance to the product. In this case, you should not use pumpkin masks.

Recipes for homemade pumpkin face masks

Pumpkin recipes for skin are very diverse, and among the many there are the most popular and effective. It is about them that will be discussed. Consider six of the best pumpkin masks that are aimed at eliminating the main skin problems and rejuvenation.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Pumpkin anti-wrinkle mask

Against wrinkles, the pumpkin mask proved to be very effective. effective remedy. It helps to restore the tone of skin cells and their good nutrition. This mask makes it possible at home to get rid of small mimic wrinkles and deep age wrinkles that are difficult to eliminate by other means. It also acts as a rejuvenator.

To prepare this natural mask you will need:

  • 50 grams of steamed pumpkin;
  • 1 st. l. natural high-fat cream;
  • 2 drops of retinol (vitamin A);
  • vitamin E - 3 drops.

The pumpkin pulp must be boiled, cooled and chopped with a blender or fork. Then vitamins are added to the vegetable. Lastly, a spoonful of cream is introduced into the mixture. Having mixed everything in such a way that a homogeneous mass is obtained, the composition is applied to the face with a thin layer. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes. For achievement maximum effect and eliminate deep wrinkles, use such a mask of pumpkin pulp for the face should be at least twice every 10 days.

Acne mask

Folk recipes using pumpkin help to cope with acne on the face. This mask helps to cleanse and relieve inflammation, as well as restore the natural protective functions of the skin.

For cooking you will need:

  • chopped fresh pumpkin pulp (minimum 2 tbsp.);
  • natural honey (at least 2 tablespoons);
  • 1 st. l. freshly brewed green tea.

First, you should mix the pumpkin with honey when a homogeneous mass is obtained, add green tea and also mix thoroughly. Apply this mask against acne should be for 15-20 minutes. This mask is very effective and quickly gives positive result. To speed up its action, it is worth using another rubbing of the skin with pumpkin juice.

Interesting video: best mask to improve complexion at home

Mask for oily skin

For oily skin you can make great food with your own hands nourishing mask with pumpkin, which will also eliminate the main problem. This mixture will not only fully nourish the skin, but also restore correct work sebaceous glands.

For the composition you will need:

  • fresh chopped pumpkin pulp - 80 grams;
  • lemon juice - half a teaspoon;
  • flower honey - 1 tsp;
  • ground hercules flakes - 1 tsp.

All ingredients are mixed in random order until smooth and applied to the skin with light movements. The mask is removed after a quarter of an hour clean water. Oatmeal and pumpkin, complementing each other, just work wonders, making the skin healthy and radiant. The mask is also suitable for normal skin.


pumpkin for dry skin

In this case, pumpkin pulp for the face is the source of maximum hydration.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. steam pumpkin;
  • 1 st. l. quality vegetable oil.

Both components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin for 20-30 minutes. The mask is removed with clean water.

Honey pumpkin mask

This facial treatment is suitable for all skin types and allows you to quickly restore its health and radiance.

For this you need:

  • 3 art. l. steam pumpkin;
  • 1 fresh yolk.

First, honey and pumpkin are mixed, and then the yolk is added to the homogeneous mass. The mask should be applied for 15 - a maximum of 20 minutes.

Mask with pumpkin and kefir

This remedy nourishes and moisturizes the skin, eliminating inflammation.

For cooking you need:

  • chopped raw pumpkin (2 tablespoons);
  • kefir with maximum fat content (2 tablespoons).

Both ingredients are well mixed and applied to the skin for 25-30 minutes. The mask is washed off with non-hot water.

Video recipe: Rejuvenating pumpkin face mask at home

Pumpkin is widely used in cosmetology. She happens to be useful product which is used for all skin types. This melon culture has noticeable rejuvenating characteristics and allows you to cope with various problems.

A properly selected pumpkin face mask for wrinkles will increase the firmness and elasticity of the dermis, making it more attractive.

Composition and useful properties

The benefits of this vegetable for the skin are associated with its unique composition. This product contains the following valuable ingredients:

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many have gone through me. famous people who wanted to look younger. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you are unwilling or unable to seek help plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but the most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained FOR FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that almost immediately small and deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

Thanks to the application of pumpkin masks on the face, it is possible to strengthen blood vessels, cope with wrinkles, establish synthesis of sebum, cleanse the dermis of toxic substances and start recovery processes.

Pumpkin has a number of useful properties - rejuvenating, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. Due to this, this product helps to achieve such effects for the skin:

Features of the use of masks

In order for the pumpkin face mask at home for wrinkles to give the desired results, it is important to learn how to properly prepare and use this product.

Before starting the procedure, you need to study the main recommendations of cosmetologists:

Depending on the desired effect and the type of dermis, other ingredients can be added to the pumpkin. The most common include honey, eggs, and dairy products.

Effective Recipes

Today they apply different recipes with pumpkin from wrinkles in cosmetology. However, it is important to remember that a particular tool must be chosen depending on the problems.

Additional ingredients enhance the effectiveness of the mask and help eliminate the main skin imperfections.

The most useful substances include the following products:

After washing, it is very useful to massage your face with an ice cube. Finally, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. If the prepared mask has a too liquid consistency, you need to add a little flour or potato starch to it. Thereby finished product will become more sticky.


Anti-aging pumpkin face masks can not be used by everyone. It is not recommended to apply this product in case of individual intolerance or allergy. Also, experts advise to be especially careful in patients suffering from diabetes. pumpkin includes a lot a large number of sugars and with such a diagnosis can be harmful.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have investigated, studied a bunch of materials and most importantly tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from folk methods and ending with the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative botox. main feature that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed FOR FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

Pumpkin masks are considered a very effective product that helps to cope with wrinkles, making the skin smoother and more beautiful. To achieve good results, it is important to properly make a medicinal product and use it regularly.

Hello dear ladies! Today it is so cold outside, there is not the slightest desire to go out somewhere. So I decided to spend the whole day at home. And, of course, take care of yourself. The day is cloudy, and the soul simply requires something bright, cheerful. For example, make yourself sunny orange mask. Of what? And what could be more sunny and cheerful than a golden pumpkin?

Masks from it are suitable for both dry skin, on which wrinkles are already emerging, and for young, prone to oiliness. In general, a pumpkin is a carriage that carries you to youth and is sure to participate in the transformation of Cinderella into a princess. So I decided to remember the recipes that are in my notebook titled "Gourd for Wrinkle Face".

Pantry of vitamins

Do you know why the pumpkin is so red? This is from carotene. There is more of it in it than in a carrot. Yes, and more than enough other vitamins. There is in it:

  • Vitamin C,
  • B1 (protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation),
  • B2 (anti-inflammatory effect),
  • PP (nicotinic acid),
  • folic acid,
  • E - tocopherol, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

And in cosmetology, she has no price. Indeed, in a thick red pumpkin - a whole bunch of antioxidants and enzymes, trace elements (manganese, iodine, zinc, copper, cobalt). And also minerals: iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium - the last two, by the way, are vitamins for the heart and help get rid of edema; softening and moisturizing the skin starch and much, much more.

Everything is useful in a garden beauty: pulp, juice, and seeds. Therefore, the reviews of cosmetologists about this vegetable are simply enthusiastic.

Important! Despite the high content of vitamins, pumpkin does not cause allergies. There are practically no contraindications to its external use. Therefore, you can make any masks with pumpkin, the components of which suit you.

home workshop

You can make an absolutely incredible amount of pumpkin masks at home. Raw fruits, boiled, and baked are suitable for this. The main thing is to apply them correctly.

Is it possible to make a mistake here? Yes, easily! If you have dry skin, and you made a drying mask from Cinderella's favorite vegetable with lemon and tomato juice, there will be no great benefit.

Same vitamin mask from boiled pumpkin, depending on yours, it is done in different ways:

  • For normal skin- with yogurt
  • for oily - with sour cream,
  • for dry - with cream.

And, as always, be sure to cleanse the skin before applying the mask. And ideally - also steam out. Then our pumpkin will render best impact on the skin - regardless of its type.

You can talk about pumpkin endlessly, but I want to give only those recipes that have already been tested and are in my notebook. So, rejuvenating masks from the "Queen of Gardens".

From raw

Rapid rejuvenation

Grind the pulp of raw pumpkin in a blender and mix in equal proportions with cottage cheese. Keep it on your face for 20 minutes.

Rejuvenate, cleanse, nourish

Raw chopped pulp (2 tablespoons) is mixed with a spoonful of olive or linseed oil, add a spoonful of rye or oatmeal, hold for 20-30 minutes.

Quick mask

You can do it without interrupting other things. Wipe your face with a piece of raw frozen pumpkin, wash your face after 20 minutes.

From boiled, steamed, stewed

With vitamin A

For two tablespoons of boiled pulp, we take a spoonful of yogurt (or cream, or sour cream - this, as you already understood, will depend on the type of skin), grind it, add a couple of drops of vitamin A. The carotene contained in the pulp will contribute to its maximum absorption. The mask is applied to slightly damp skin, hold for 20 minutes.

Natural tightening, lifting effect

Simmer the pumpkin for 15 minutes, mix 2 tbsp. l. puree with milk and honey (1 tsp each), add 1 yolk. 20-30 minutes - and Cinderella is ready for the ball.

From edema, wrinkles

Suitable for sensitive skin. We make mashed potatoes from a steamed red beauty, for 2 tbsp. l. which we take 1 tbsp. l. freshly prepared aloe juice, and add a teaspoon of honey. Apply for 10 minutes, rinse, be sure to use the cream. The mask is powerful, be careful!

Video recipe

I have frozen this one. The cubes are truly magical. Try it!

Tonic, lotion, scrub

Pumpkin juice perfectly tones the skin. It has a lot of benefits: it nourishes, refreshes the skin, saturates it with antioxidants, fights freckles and age spots. It can be used both freshly pressed and frozen (cryotherapy effect).

For the body can be made from boiled pumpkin pulp and brown sugar, taking them half a glass and adding olive oil and honey (tbsp each). You can add a teaspoon of coffee grounds if you like.

Facial scrub - half a cup of pumpkin puree with three tablespoons of brown sugar and a spoonful of pumpkin seed oil (you can buy it at the pharmacy).

Don't forget the seeds

I want to talk about the benefits of seeds separately. They prepare a "broth of youth" from them. We take a liter of cool water for a glass of crushed seeds, pour it, bring it to a boil, insist 3-4 hours, filter. Beauticians speak of such a decoction as simply invaluable for washing. It is a pity that it is not stored for long: a couple of days in the refrigerator - until that time it should be used.

In general, my day was not in vain, although it did not start well. From one pumpkin, I made a mask, and put the broth in the refrigerator, washed myself with a scrub, and even prepared a sweet pie. And I even wrote an article for you, my dear readers. Hope my recipes help you. Stay beautiful - and do not forget to subscribe to updates.

cosmetics from natural products unusually useful, because it saturates it with all essential vitamins and micronutrients. One of the most affordable products from which you can make many unique products is pumpkin. Thanks to its unique composition, it is possible to slow down aging, restore youthfulness to the skin and fill it nutrients. That is why pumpkin masks are very popular with many girls.

Beneficial features

Any pumpkin face mask has high efficiency, because thanks to the ideal composition of this product, it is possible to establish metabolic processes in skin cells. This unique vegetable contains:

  1. vitamin B1 - serves reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  2. vitamin B2 - perfectly copes with inflammatory processes;
  3. carbohydrates - have a refreshing effect, fill the skin life force;
  4. vitamin E - belongs to the category of natural antioxidants, and therefore has excellent anti-aging characteristics;
  5. vitamin PP - used to improve complexion;
  6. starch - has a whitening effect, makes the skin younger and softer.

A pumpkin mask is an effective remedy that significantly improves skin condition and can be used throughout the year. When using this product, you can make the skin even and smooth, get rid of pigmentation and redness.

No less useful and pumpkin oil for the face. This product helps to improve the condition of dry and dehydrated skin. Unique composition of this oil is able to restore cells and fill them with vitamins and minerals. If you systematically make masks based on it, you can give skin elasticity and resilience.

A very important property of such a product is its ability to heal wounds, burns, cuts. Pumpkin seed oil has excellent wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. This unique tool provides stimulation of new cell growth. In addition, it is used to increase resistance to various infections and has a positive effect on blood vessels.

In addition, an important advantage of pumpkin is its ability to make the skin more elastic. Raw pumpkin pulp serves excellent remedy from various inflammations - just attach a piece of vegetable to the affected area. In addition, a pumpkin mask helps with acne - there are quite a few remedies based on this product.

To cleanse the face after the procedure, you can use not only ordinary water, but also infusions. medicinal herbs- calendula or chamomile. To obtain desired results, be sure to use a freshly prepared remedy.

Indications and contraindications

Pumpkin mask has a number of indications for use. So this is the tool:

  • moisturizes dry skin;
  • eliminates oily sheen;
  • soothes irritated skin;
  • provides nutrients;
  • effectively copes with inflammatory processes;
  • provides protection from external factors.
Despite the fact that masks from this product have practically no contraindications, it is still recommended before an allergy test. To do this, apply a little pumpkin puree to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If irritation appears, products with the addition of this vegetable will have to be abandoned.

In other cases, you can fearlessly apply such cosmetics. The pumpkin face mask is suitable for any skin type - the main thing is to choose the right ingredients.

Effective Recipes

In cosmetology, pumpkin has been actively used for a long time, because this vegetable belongs to the category of excellent antidepressants. That is why masks based on it fill the skin of every girl with vitality and energy, and diversity existing recipes allows everyone to choose the right option.

When preparing a mask, be sure to take into account the type of your skin. So, owners of dry skin can add cottage cheese, milk, olive oil, sour cream. Girls who complain of increased secretion of the sebaceous glands should pay attention to egg white, lemon or tomato juice, applesauce.

Girls with sensitive skin best used as additional ingredients vegetable oils, cereals, egg yolk.

1. Refreshing mask

To prepare such a remedy, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of pumpkin puree, add honey, almond oil and milk - literally a teaspoon. To increase the efficiency of the procedure, you should first use gentle scrub. After completing the procedure, the face should be lubricated with cream and a gentle massage should be done.

2. Moisturizing mask

To do this, mix pumpkin puree and cottage cheese in equal proportions, and then apply to cleansed skin for thirty minutes. With the help of such a mask, it will be possible to improve the complexion and fill it with moisture.

3. Brightening mask

This is an effective remedy for removing pigmentation and freckles. To prepare the mask, it is worth grinding the dried pumpkin seeds, combine them with water and leave to swell. Then add melted steam bath honey and apply on face. Wash off after five minutes.

4. Pumpkin seed oil mask

Mix equal parts pumpkin oil and walnut, then add half a cup of boiled beans and a little lemon juice. This miracle cure will positive influence on the skin, because pumpkin oil for the face helps to restore damaged tissues.

5. Acne mask

To prepare such a remedy, it is worth mixing boiled pumpkin, green tea and honey. Apply the resulting composition to the skin, and after fifteen minutes wash and wipe your face with a solution of salicylic acid. Pumpkin for acne is used quite often, since vitamin B2, which is part of it, does an excellent job with inflammation.

6. Raw pumpkin face mask

In order to obtain an effective problematic skin, it is worth grating a raw pumpkin and an apple. Mix a couple of tablespoons of pumpkin with a spoonful of apple and add beaten egg white. Such a mask will perfectly cope with any inflammation on the skin, fill it with energy and give youth.

7. Toning mask

It will not be difficult to prepare such a remedy: wipe the boiled pumpkin, add the yolk and a little honey. Apply the warm mixture on the steamed skin. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash.

8. Nourishing mask

Mix pumpkin puree with heavy sour cream to get a fairly thick consistency. Cleanse the face with a scrub, apply the composition, then wash warm water and take advantage nourishing cream. This excellent product significantly improves the condition of dry and normal skin.


Moisturizing and rejuvenating pumpkin masks are highly effective, because they saturate the skin with many useful substances, smooth wrinkles, make the face look younger. For the procedure to desired results, it is important to choose the right composition of the product depending on the type of skin and use it regularly.