New Year's Eve for two. Foam party for two. Competitions for two

Games for the new year for children and adults at home

Home New Year's holiday is a long-standing good tradition. The older members of the family want to give the younger ones a fairy tale, miracles, joy... In the New Year, the younger members of the family have a wonderful opportunity to learn folk customs, try yourself as a host (after all, you need to meet guests and come up with an interesting program together with adults), and also this is the birth of family traditions.

Mysterious Flags

Prepare a garland of flags, write a riddle on the back of each flag (if the guys are familiar with rebuses, then draw a rebus). During the holiday, remove the garland, hand out the flags to the children and spend Guess-ku (if the children cannot read, read the riddle). The guys can take turns reading the riddles aloud, you can hold this competition before lighting the Christmas tree: after the last riddle is guessed, the Christmas tree lights up.

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking. When does it happen? (In winter.)

I am small, like a grain of sand, but I cover the earth. (Snow.)

The tablecloth is white, dressed the whole world. (Snow.)

Who builds a bridge on a river without an ax, without nails, without wedges and without planks? (Freezing.)

They go into the forest - they lay canvases, they go out of the forest - they re-lay. (Skis.)

Not a beast, but howling. (Wind.)

I twist, hum, I don’t want to know anyone. (Blizzard.)

There is a tree, this tree has twelve shoots, twelve shoots have four rods, a rod has six brushes, the seventh is golden. (Year, months, weeks, days of the week.) Walks in summer, rests in winter. (Bear.)

The black cow overcame the whole world, and the white one raised it. (Day and night.)

It does not burn in fire, nor does it sink in water. (Ice.)

Bel, but not sugar, no legs, but go. (Snow.)

No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing.)

There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow.)

The uterus is angry, but covered the children with a duvet until the red day. (Winter.)

Downhill - a horse, uphill - a piece of wood. (Sled.)

Two Palashki run into the woods with their toes turned up. (Skiing.) Errands run, crawlers crawl. (Horse and sleigh.) Three brothers live: one loves winter, the other loves summer, and the third does not care. (Sled, cart and horse.)


Santa Claus offers to put his hand into a bag in which various small objects are hidden, to feel for one of them and, without removing it from the bag, say what it is. If the item is named correctly, then the player takes it for himself. You can put a chocolate bar, a wrapped gingerbread, a pencil candy, a lollipop, an eraser, a coin, a pencil sharpener, a calendar, a tennis ball, an apple, etc. in the bag.

Circle of wishes and predictions

Turn off the lights and light the candles. Have the guests sit in a circle, and place a chair in the middle of the circle. Guests take turns sitting on a chair. The leader blindfolds them. The rest of the participants say New Year's wishes to the person sitting in the center. Such an exchange of wishes creates a friendly atmosphere and gives the celebration of the New Year a little magic.

Turning proverbs and sayings

Invite the participants of the game to decipher the turnarounds of proverbs, book titles, lines from poems and songs. You can offer to guess three shifters (one of each type). Points are awarded for a correct answer. The time for thinking is limited - 10-20 seconds.

Happiness moves in heaps

Misfortune never comes alone

walk away from the new washing machine

Stay with a broken trough

Bald head - male disgrace

Spit - girlish beauty

From courage the back of the head is small

Fear has big eyes

Alien shoes closer to the feet

Your shirt is closer to your body

On a policeman, boots get wet

The thief's hat is on fire

Don't go below your heels

You can't jump above your head

Hid that algae - get out of the aquarium

Gruzdev called himself get in the body

Chicken boar girlfriend

Goose pig is not a friend

You can fix borscht with sauce

You can't spoil porridge with butter

glowing ball

Show the audience a table tennis ball. Count to three and light will appear inside the balloon. The light is moving!

To achieve this effect is very simple. There should be a light source three meters from the ball, for example, a simple electric light bulb. And in the ball - a round hole with a diameter of up to one centimeter. When you show the balloon to the audience, you cover the hole with your finger. Counting to three, turn the ball with the hole towards the bulb and, removing your finger, open it. This is where the audience gets the impression that light appeared in the ball. And in order for the light to move, you just need to move the ball up and down and left and right, but do not rotate it.

Five seconds to think

This game can be played in different ways. Rule of thumb: 5 seconds to answer. The number of correct answers is the number of reward points.

Option 1. cook required amount cards with questions and invite the player to take any of their choice (agree in advance on how many cards to take). And then - according to the rules.

Option 2. Ask, for example, five questions to the first player, five to the second, and so on.

Option 3. You can ask questions in turn to several players at once. Just make sure that all players answer the same number of questions.

Note. If several participants scored an equal number of points, you can offer them the final round.

girl's daughter

Doesn't have bad weather

The green one that kills the flies

Jacket for a diaper


Letters lined up for roll call

Grandma's audio system

donut epicenter

Alien fur hunter

Fair fixture that makes your head spin


Folklore Intelligence Test

A new building for a pensive ram

The word against which there is no judgment

back side occiput

The part of the leg that is often compared to being bald

Sheepskin coat, which skaters often have triple

Five seconds to think (continued)

Part of the face that is sometimes hung

Hostel for horses

Account unit for autumn


A note that is a sin to pour on a wound

Oil skiing enthusiast

Anniversary, she is round

It's time, which in September is a woman's

Wise time of day

Ostrovsky's favorite atmospheric phenomenon

Light after bath

Cool tool to roll Sivka

Bedroom for Chicken Ryaba

Devilry scientifically


Sausage unit

firewood house

Own bingo

Prepare cards for each guest or for a couple, threesome, etc.

Offer to take out any items from purses and pockets and put one item on empty cells, just in case, prepare a bag with small items. Agree in advance which cells should remain empty: horizontally, vertically, diagonally. And now - in a circle ... Each player (or a player from each two, three) takes one item from his card, lifts it up and loudly says the name of the item to those present, for example, "telephone". All players who have a phone on the cell remove it from their cards. The next player repeats everything again, and so on. This continues until someone who has certain cells left empty shouts: “Bingo!”.


Game "Identity"

In advance, ask guests to bring a photo of themselves as an infant (preferably no older than one year old).

Prepare pencils, paper and labels (you can use name badges).

Before the game, all photos must be collected, numbered and placed on a wall or table (this must be done in the absence of guests). Guests need to pin labels or badges with names on their clothes.

Guests are invited to a room where photographs are hung or laid out. They must "identify" each of the guests from the photo and write down the number of the photo and the name of the guest on the piece of paper. On "identification" is given no more than eight minutes. The one with the most correct answers wins.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 together? It is known that the New Year is a special holiday that you want to remember later. whole year. Someone meets him in a noisy company, someone in a circle big family. Someone - in the company of a single, but the most beloved person.

No one doubts that you will not be bored celebrating the New Year together, but nevertheless, this New Year's Eve should become special, unusual and beautiful. Giving is obligatory. The remaining options for the development of events depend only on you and your soulmate.

First, important condition for a successful holiday - a mutual desire to spend it together. If your man is a social person, and you can’t convince him that the best company to celebrate the New Year than yours, he can’t find it, it’s better to leave the idea.

Second - do not expect something strictly specific from New Year's Eve. After all, if you wait all night for a marriage proposal, then you will miss the holiday and will not get sincere pleasure from the festive evening.

We will not talk about the fact that it is imperative to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2017, and you don’t need to cook a lot of food for two, you know this even without us. Several New Year's salads and a dessert can generally be bought at the store. The New Year's menu is far from the most important thing on this night, so it is you who will have to make sure that the magical festive evening becomes unforgettable for the two of you. So, how to celebrate the New Year together and what to do together in new year's eve?

Games for the New Year for two

You have spent a lot of time choosing a New Year's gift for your man, now you need to give it in an original way. For example, you can hide it in the apartment and play "cold-hot".
Blindfold your partner with a scarf and in search of a gift he will be guided only by your tips. Of course, you will have to be careful and closely monitor his movements. Perfect option: hide a gift in the neckline of a New Year's dress or behind an elastic band of stockings and torment your loved one with a game of "cold and hot". After your loved one finds a New Year's gift, offer to pick it up without touching you with your hands. If you have already used this option, then you can spend a little time and draw up a map according to which your chosen one will look for a New Year's gift.

The card can be issued in the form of a letter from Santa Claus or in the form of a glamorous note from the Snow Maiden. The New Year gift itself is interesting to pack in several boxes and wrap in several layers. gift paper to a little. New Year's gift usually given just before the chiming clock, and under the chiming clock, be sure to make a wish, but not each one of your own, but one New Year's wish for two.

Games for the New Year 2017 for adults (scenario for two)

After the clock has struck midnight, leave New Year's table and go to the New Year's bed (to the New Year's carpet, to the New Year's bath with foam). However, if you have long dreamed of having sex on the table, then you may well realize your desire. Fortunately, there are few dishes and you can quickly remove them from the table. Your fantasy on the theme of love games can be anything, the main thing is that your loved one supports it.

If you feel liberated enough and you have long wanted to try role-playing games. New Year - great occasion for a start. But you must not just dress, but enter the role. The choice of a role-playing game depends only on you, because you, like no one else, know your partner and his new year wishes. For example, you can dress up as a sexy chicken, the symbol of 2017, or as a sexy Santa Claus. Erotic red/white lingerie, short red edging skirt and red bolero ( ready-made suits can be bought at the store). As an option for a New Year's costume: leave only Santa's hat and stilettos, believe me, your loved one will be delighted.

Or maybe your chosen one has long wanted to see you dressed as a nurse or a strict boss who wants to make him work on New Year's Eve. Make him and yourself happy, bring these unrealized fantasies to life. Play as an evil Wolf and a nimble Bunny (it will not be difficult to find a hare costume), who will have to fulfill all the New Year's wishes of the wolf. For the wolf to release the hare for the fulfillment of desires

If RPGs aren't your style, wish games might be for you. You can play anything - cards, tic-tac-toe, checkers and even chess, if you like them. Well, the loser fulfills the wish of the winner. Before starting the game, write down all the secret erotic fantasies on a piece of paper and put them in a box, so will your loved one. Perhaps you did not dare to voice any innermost desires until this night, it is much easier to do this in writing.

Mandarin is a symbol of the New Year, you can use it for love games. It is necessary to divide the tangerine into slices. Blindfold your loved one and let them look for tangerine slices on your naked body, while doing this only with the help of smell and lips. Don't touch you with your hands. piquancy new year game also in the fact that there can be only five lobules on your body. The chosen one will look for six.

Play a kind of alphabet - you take turns naming a part of the body for each letter and kissing it. If one of you cannot remember, the game partner comes up with a penalty.

Children's games for the New Year 2017 for two

If, besides sex, you want to do something else, then you can play some games together, you can again wish. For example, a game of tangerine football will be interesting, which you can play on the table, and your fingers will be the players. You can blow out the candles - whoever wins the most. Whoever wins gets a small New Year's gift.

Can play in Mind games, nose New Year's bias. "Gallows", "Words with a letter ..." - with the condition that all words must be related to the theme of the holiday.

As you can see, on this New Year's Eve there is something to do and not be bored. And it doesn't matter where you celebrate the New Year 2017 - in an apartment, in Paris, in a country house or on a beach in a hot country. The main thing is how and with whom you meet him. You see, to celebrate the New Year 2017 together with your loved one is interesting, exciting, fun. If the last two conditions cause you only pleasant thoughts, then everything will work out for you. And the next New Year will be a real holiday.

Watch the video on how to decorate a room for the New Year with your own hands

Many of us think about how exactly to celebrate the New Year long before its onset - but often this only applies to the choice of outfit and festive menu. And yet, the celebration will be much more fun and entertaining if you have prepared exciting contests for the New Year. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all in which company you plan to celebrate the New Year - in family circle or together with friends - after all, fun is appropriate everywhere. Of course, it is worth considering that there are very shy people, and participation in such events causes them to panic - treat other people's desires with respect, and if you see that a person is not inclined to take part in active competitions, then do not insist, believing that he will "get involved." Moreover, in addition to active and mobile competitions, there are others that do not require special movement - for example, riddles for ingenuity. Choose a varied program in which any participant in the celebration will find something interesting for themselves! If you want your fun to be remembered for a long time, then do not forget to take a photo of what is happening. By the way, this task can be entrusted to especially shy guests who do not want to participate in the general "madness" - this way they will feel like a part of what is happening and at the same time not feel tense or uncomfortable. In general, take care of the holiday program in advance, as well as small gifts for the winners, and your efforts will be remembered by all guests for a long time!

Cool contests for the New Year

Competitions for the family at the table

1. New Year's predictions. For this part New Year's program you should prepare in advance. You will have two bags at hand (you can replace them with hats), in which you should put papers with notes. So, put pieces of paper with the names of the participants in the prediction in one bag, and with the prophecies themselves in the other. The bags are passed around the table in a circle, and all the guests take a piece of paper from each. First, the name written on it is read from the first piece of paper, and then from the second, the prospects that await the owner of this name in the New Year are voiced. 2. Honest recognition. This game also requires preliminary preparation - write funny words on small pieces of paper (kikimora, deer, capricious, booger, and so on). So, someone pulls out a candy wrapper with one of the words (for example, capricious), and with serious face, looking into the eyes of his neighbor, says to him: "I am capricious." If no one laughs, then the neighbor picks up the baton, and this continues in a circle until someone laughs. After that, the fun starts again laughing. 3. Phrases-congratulations. This is very funny contest, in which it is better to know the measure. Fill your glasses and say holiday toast. The congratulation phrase should be pronounced in turn by each person sitting at the common table, but it is important that they begin with letters in alphabetical order(first a toast is made with the letter “A”, the next participant says a toast with the letter “B”, and so on until everyone has spoken). The next round of toasts is allowed to start with the letter where you left off. Prepare small prizes in advance - each time one of them should be received by the person who came up with the funniest toast "for the circle". 4. Guess the riddle. For this competition, you should stock up on ordinary balloons, as well as small notes with funny riddles. Roll up the papers and put them inside the balloon, subsequently inflating it. The participant needs to burst the balloon and guess the riddle. If the answer does not sound from his mouth, then he will need to complete the task invented by all the participants in the game. Examples of such funny riddles: “What does a student have in common with a lizard?” (The ability to get rid of the “tail” in time), “How many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be happy?” (One pair more than already available), "What goes from one city to another, but remains without movement?" (road) and so on. You can either come up with such riddles yourself or download them below.

New contests for 2018 for adults

1. Drunk checkers. For this entertainment, you will need a real checkers board, only the checkers themselves are replaced by stacks. How to distinguish between white and black new-found "checkers"? Blacks are replaced with stacks of red wine, and whites with white. The rules are the same as in regular checkers, but if you get your opponent's checker, you will have to drink it! Of course, it is not necessary to use wine - it can be any alcoholic beverage, just different in color. 2. Carried. For this competition, you will need two radio-controlled cars. Play, respectively, two people, each of which puts on his typewriter a pile of alcoholic beverages. Now a certain point is randomly selected in the room, which will become the final destination for the cars. The goal is to drive your car to the finish line without spilling your drink. The winner drinks their stack. Then the baton passes to the next pair and so on. 3. What's in my mouth. To conduct a competition for the New Year, prepare in advance a separate container with products that will be used in this experiment, but will not be on the festive table. Let it be seven or eight unusual products. The player is blindfolded, and you give him a taste of this or that food - the contestant must guess at the first attempt what exactly is offered to him. Other products can be used with the next player. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.

Funny and interesting games

1. Snowballs. The competition will be held indoors, and, of course, not with real snowballs, but there is still an alternative - just crumple napkins or paper towels (this material should be stocked up in advance). You will also need chairs according to the number of players, who, in turn, should be divided into two teams. The contestants of one team stand in a line on their chairs, and the participants of the second, in turn, try to hit the opponents with a snowball. By the way, the "targets" have the ability to dodge the snowball. When all the opponents on the chairs are defeated, the teams change places. The team with the highest performance will win (more snowballs reached the goal).

2. Roll the ball. Competition for several couples. Each team is given two balls, which are usually used to play ping-pong. The man should roll the ball from the left sleeve of the companion to the right, and the woman should roll the second ball from the right leg of the partner to the left. The team that manages to cope faster wins. 3. Clothespins. Another game for couples. The contestants are blindfolded, and clothespins cling to any part of the clothing of all players. After the beep, you must try to remove all the clothespins from the partner. The pair that completes the task faster than the others wins. Of course, you need a leader who will control this process. 4. To the touch. Two players are blindfolded and put on thick gloves or mittens on their hands. Guests stand in front of each contestant, and 10 seconds are given to guess each guest by touch. Players take turns playing. The participant who completes the task faster will win. Subsequently, the next pair of players is determined. 5. Pop the balloon. For the game, heterosexual couples are chosen, who are given balloon. The “props” of the couples must be squeezed between their bodies, and at the sound signal the balls must be “bursted”. The couple that gets it right first wins. This is followed by the second round with a complicated task: you need to “pop” the balls with your backs or even priests.

New Year's contests for a fun company

1. New Year's crocodile. A well-known entertainment that will appeal to contestants of all ages! So, we remind you the principle of this rather simple and exciting game. Participants are divided into two teams, each of which selects one person. The host says a word to the chosen ones, and they must “show” it to their teams without making any sounds. The team that completes the task faster will win. You can play differently - one of the participants "shows" the word to everyone else, and the one who guesses first wins. To avoid suspicions that the word was invented on the go, we recommend that you write it down in advance on a piece of paper. Because we are talking about the meeting of the New Year, then it is advisable to come up with words on this topic. 2. Bows. Funny and funny fun. To participate in the game, you need at least six people, so that they are divided into teams of three. The gender of the players does not matter. One of the participants stands in the middle of the room, while two of his teammates are blindfolded. One of the partners is given ten ribbons, and he, on a sound signal, must tie them on the one who is standing in the middle of the room. The second partner, who is also blindfolded, looks for bows by touch and unties them. In the second command, similar actions occur. The company that completes the task first will win. 3. Blind drawing. The competition is played by two people. So, the participants are tied hands behind their backs and placed behind them on an easel. Now the players must arm themselves with felt-tip pens (hands remain behind their backs) and draw on the canvas the symbol of the coming year - the Dog. The rest of the guests should act as fans and suggest in which direction the contestants should draw further - to the left, higher, and so on. The player who manages to more accurately portray the cheerful guardian of 2018 will win. Then the next pair of contestants enter the game, and the competition follows a similar principle. 4. Hat. Another exciting competition, in which absolutely everyone celebrating can become participants. The essence of entertainment is quite simple - the players must pass each other a hat, putting it on the head of a neighbor without the help of the palms (you can use your elbows, mouth). The one who drops the hat is out. The winner is the participant who ends up alone. Of course, this game is unlikely to appeal to ladies who decide to make a complex hairstyle, but, as you know, New Year's hairstyles in 2018 imply simplicity and carelessness, so there should not be any particular difficulties. 5. Song in a hat. A very funny and memorable competition, which will especially appeal to people who love to demonstrate their vocal talents. In advance, you need to stock up on small pieces of paper, on each of which you should write a word. Since it is about winter holiday, then you can write words related to this topic: Christmas tree, Olivier, cold, snowflakes, reindeer and so on. Put all these candy wrappers in a hat, and invite each guest to take out a piece of paper in turn. Now the contestant must perform a small song, invented personally on the go, be sure to use the word that he got several times.

Children's games for New Year's celebration

Check out our list of new fun activities for kids. Draw the symbol of the New Year As you know, children like to portray various characters, so, for sure, they will take part in this competition with special enthusiasm. Tell the kids that the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2018 is a dog, and invite them to depict this animal, as well as talk about it. The participant who manages to most reliably show an adult dog or puppy will become the winner of the competition. However, there may be several winners. Of course, do not forget to prepare some sweet incentive prizes for the most diligent guys. sweets This game more suitable for children of primary school age, and not for toddlers who have barely learned to walk. The fact is that this entertainment involves a clear coordination of movements and the ability to control their actions. Also note that only one child can play the game. So first hang on holiday tree a couple of your child's favorite sweets - the child should not see exactly where you placed them. Blindfold the baby and bring him to the Christmas tree, offering for certain time find candy on the tree. Of course, the player will have to act very carefully so as not to damage the toys, not to overwhelm the Christmas tree itself, or not to fall down.

round dance This game has many variations. For example, "Mice lead a round dance." First, with the help of a counting rhyme, you need to choose a “cat” among the children. "Cat" sits on a chair or directly on the floor, closing his eyes. Other participants turn out to be "mice", who begin to dance around the "cat", saying:

"Mice lead a round dance,
The cat is sleeping on the stove.
Hush mouse, do not make noise,
Don't wake cat Vaska
How Vaska the cat wakes up -
Will break the whole round dance!

When the last words of the final phrase begin to sound, the cat stretches and last word"Round dance" opens its eyes and runs after mice that are trying to escape. The caught "mouse" turns into a cat, and so on in a circle. Drawing or letter to Santa Claus Most likely, all children will like such entertainment, but for it you should stock up on sheets of paper and felt-tip pens or colored pencils in advance. Tell the children that now they have to prepare a letter for Santa Claus, but you don’t need to write anything in it - you just need a drawing. In this picture, invite the children to depict how they see the coming New Year and what they want. We can talk about some trips, gifts and the like. Immediately specify that, most likely, Santa Claus will not be able to fulfill all the desires, but he will still take some of them into account.

Making a snowman Building a snowman is fun and exciting, even when it's not about winter activities on the street. For this game you will need softened plasticine. So, two participants get down to business, who sit at the table next to each other (you can even hug). Now these players must act as one. Right hand let one kid and the left of the other act as if it were the hands of one person - the guys will have to mold a snowman from plasticine in this way. The task is quite difficult, but if the kids start acting together, then everything will certainly work out! Competition for the best snowflake Most children love to do crafts with their own hands. Tell the children to decorate the room they are playing in with snowflakes. Of course, for this, those very snowflakes will first need to be made. You can show yourself a master class on exactly how to cut these snowflakes, or just set the general direction and let the little ones do their thing. Even if the result is far from perfect, in no case do you need to declare it - decorate the room with the snowflakes that they made with the children (stick them to the window, hang them on strings to the chandelier, and so on). Also encourage the most beautiful works with sweet prizes.

Contest - guess the hero For this activity, have the young participants sit in a circle. Now invite the players to each in turn name the continuation of the name of the fairy-tale character, for example; “Zo (lushka)”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “White (snowball)” and so on. The child who could not give the correct answer is eliminated from the game, but those children who remained continue the competition. It is important for you to take into account the fact that you will have to ask a lot of questions, so you will have to prepare in advance by writing names for yourself on a piece of paper. fairytale heroes. If there are many children, then it is not necessary to wait until one winner remains - you can indicate in advance that, for example, the remaining three will win. hide and seek Perhaps it is difficult to find a person who has never heard of such fun. However, the principle of this entertainment is quite simple and is already hidden in its name alone. So, while one kid counts, for example, up to ten, closing his eyes or hiding in one of the rooms, the other guys scatter around the house and hide. When the set time passes, the child goes in search of his friends - the one who is found first is considered the loser. You can start the game again already on this one, or you can continue to search for other participants. The child who was discovered first, subsequently takes up the search himself, also counting to ten.

Fun entertainment for a corporate party

If you wish your corporate party was fun and memorable, look out for some exciting games.

1. Mandarin relay. We offer very interesting option this entertainment that requires two teams with the same number of participants. From each team, a player is put up, who puts a tangerine in a spoon, and holds the spoon itself with both hands. Now the opponents must reach a certain landmark with a spoon and back to their team without dropping the citrus - if this happens, then the loser with the spoon returns to the starting point. Having reached the landmark and back, the participant passes the spoon to the next player. The team that manages to complete the task first will win. Note that when transferring a tangerine, nothing can hold it. 2. Bottle. It's pretty famous game which laid the foundation for many office romances. Whatever it was, but it's really fun entertainment. So, at least 4-6 people take part in the game, who should sit in a circle, after which one of them spins the bottle lying in the center of the circle clockwise. As a result, the player who set the bottle in motion will have to kiss the person whom, like an arrow, the stopped neck of the vessel will point to (or the person of the opposite sex closest to the pointer). After that, it is proposed to twist the bottle to the one who fell under “its sight”. 3. Comic forfeits with predictions about work. Many of us have a positive attitude towards various kinds of predictions, and some believe in them. The New Year has long been directly associated with all sorts of fortune-telling, and let your corporate evening be no exception, despite the fact that the predictions will be made in a comic form. How exactly to give forfeits, it's up to you. Anyone can take a note with a prophecy from the bag. In addition, you can make a special fairly simple cookie with such predictions. Write only positive predictions related to work - about a salary increase, about new ideas, and the like. 4. Lottery competition. A very interesting lottery, which, for sure, will cause positive feelings among its participants. Making a list of participants in advance upcoming holiday, ask each guest to come with their craft wrapped in a colorful wrapper. However, for this draw it is not at all necessary to use crafts - we can talk about souvenirs or sweets in a certain price range. Stick numbers on all bundles, and write the same numbers on small pieces of paper. Subsequently, each participant in the lottery will have to pull out his number from a special bag or just a hat. 5. The game "I never ...". A very popular and exciting game that you could see in some foreign films. Each participant in the gala evening must say a confession phrase that begins with the words: "I have never ...". Example: "I've never slept in a tent." People to whom this statement does not apply take a sip of wine. Further, a certain confession is made by the next participant in the party, and those guests, to whom the next confession is not related, again take a sip of wine. Phrases can be fun, but each time they should be more personal, such as: "I never slept naked." However, you should not get too carried away, so as not to give out your biggest secrets.

It happens that the expression “New Year is a family holiday” becomes more than just words for you. No friends, no family, just you and him. How to make sure that the most anticipated and exciting night does not leave only disappointment and boredom in your memory, but goes truly wonderful and fabulous?

One of my New Years close girlfriend met together with her boyfriend : "I put on stockings, beautiful underwear and he wears jeans and a Santa hat. We sat at the festive table for about 20 minutes at most (and I must say, we devoted half a day to cooking, no less), after which we indulged in love pleasures, and for the rest of the night we watched clips of the 90s on one music channel, discussed them and laughed. It was one of the most unusual New Year holidays in my life.”

When I asked if they were bored, my friend replied: "Not at all! To be honest, I was even surprised. I was afraid that we would sit with sour mines for hours until two in the morning, and then go to bed in pajamas.

Not all couples manage to celebrate the New Year together so that later there are no unfulfilled expectations and unfulfilled desires. Those who still manage to create a New Year's idyll in a tete-a-tete mode are the exception rather than the rule. Which, by the way, is paradoxical: after all, when a loved one is nearby, everything should a priori go well, especially a holiday.

But since each of us subconsciously strives for perfection, we will try to draw up an algorithm of actions that will subsequently lead to a completely successful “paired” meeting of the most anticipated holiday of the year.

Get ready for the New Year together

Namely: decorate the Christmas tree together, decorate the apartment, plan dishes for the festive table (even if there are only 3-4 of them).

start listening new year songs at least a week before day X - you will see how everyone's favorite "Let it snow", "Three white horses", "Happy New Year” and “We wish you a Merry Christmas” will turn a simple day on December 24 into a day of “Hurrah! A week before the New Year!

All this will help create a New Year's mood for you and your soul mate. We are well aware that most of the failed tete-a-tete holidays are based on the difference in their perception by a man and a woman.

How many couples match this description: he works all day, finding only a changing picture at home - there was no Christmas tree, here it appeared, and then snowflakes on yesterday's still untouched window, and today the apartment is already full of aromas delicious meals. Favorite in beautiful dress, everything is ready to celebrate. It's just that he's not ready. In fact, he didn’t even realize that the New Year was approaching.

The wife, of course, is smart and beautiful, and he would be happy to support her in an effort to make this night special, but the most important component is missing - the right mood. And I do not believe in a fairy tale, and festive table for him it looks the same as for his birthday or March 8th. He should eat and sleep.

That is why it is necessary to carry out thorough preparations for the holiday together. Understand, noisy and funny company by itself, it will set you in the right mood, but if you have already decided to spend the New Year together, then you will have to work on creating the mood. No time? Find! Go shopping on the weekend, buy food for New Year's dishes, choose toys and tinsel for the Christmas tree and decorate the apartment together.

Think carefully about your action plan

But in no case do not imagine in advance what emotions you will experience! So it will become easier to perceive all the events of the night without special expectations, and therefore, possible disappointments.

Let's get back to the plan. Spontaneity is, of course, good, but not always. Agree, you do not want to sit together in silence, mentally biting your elbows and thinking about what you can do with yourself. Salads are eaten, New Year's programs are watched, there seems to be nothing to talk about (and this happens), and in the meantime, New Year's Eve is already striving to be replaced by New Year's morning.

Maybe you decide to stay at home and diversify the usual songs, dances and games with your own intimate ones.

It is for this that you need to make at least an approximate scenario. You might want to go for a walk (weather permitting), set off a small fireworks display; or maybe you decide to stay at home and diversify your usual songs, dances and games with your own intimate ones. For example, card games for undressing, making wishes to each other, Board games for adults or the most frank role-playing.

And one more thing: who said that the New Year is a table holiday? And how do you like a holiday in the bathroom? Prepare the bathroom in advance: put candles with citrus aroma, spread oranges and tangerines, cloves, cinnamon sticks everywhere and climb into warm foamy water with your loved one. What is not a wonderful alternative to the constant viewing of New Year's programs on TV?

In general, the choice of all kinds of ways to diversify a wonderful night is quite large, and the whole charm of the New Year together is that you can afford much more than in a noisy company of friends or among your beloved relatives.

Prepare a surprise for your significant other

And now we are not only talking about gifts under the Christmas tree, about them later. You can do for your man what he has long wanted and what he does not expect to receive on this particular day. For example, dance a striptease for him. Yes, yes, on high heels and in some frank peignoir. Please your loved one with a spicy dance - warm up his interest in further events of New Year's Eve.

Now as for gifts: they should be! Necessarily! Someone probably buys presents (and gives them) long before the New Year, others buy something for the house, and still others decide to completely abandon "useless little things that have nowhere to put." But nevertheless, give each other gifts on New Year's Eve! Let it be something completely insignificant, even better if it is something that only makes sense to you two. The ritual of giving creates an unusually pleasant holiday atmosphere.

When the clock strikes 12 and you have drunk champagne, take your gift from a secluded corner and, accompanying it warm words give it to your loved one. And it would be great if he did the same.

Give a holiday to others

Dress warmly and run outside to congratulate passers-by! Trust me, they will be pleased.

"What kind of people?" you ask. “We are alone at home!” And if you have neither the strength nor the desire to sit at home all New Year's Eve? Then go outside, taking with you a pre-prepared "bag of gifts." And let it not be a bag, but a bag, and instead of gifts there will be only sweets, chocolates, sparklers and crackers - still dress warmly and run outside to congratulate passers-by!

Trust me, they will be pleased. And how nice and fun it will be for you! Good always comes back double size, therefore, to become Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for someone is not only interesting, but also quite useful. By the way, is this a sign? Perhaps that is why you stayed together this New Year's Eve to become the main "wizards" for random passers-by who always go in pairs?

And now, after reading a bunch of advice on the theme of the New Year "tete-a-tete" on the Internet and you have a lot of great ideas, close your eyes, lean back in your chair, exhale and calm down. Don't worry that something might go wrong. No matter what gifts you prepare, no matter how many interesting games you come up with, everything will work out for you anyway. the best way. Because there will be a loved one next to you. A person whose gaze takes your breath away and next to whom you feel protected and peaceful. Remember, this is going to be an amazing night.

    With whom will you celebrate the New Year?