Christmas tree made of cotton pads with your own hands. How to make an angel and Christmas balls from cotton pads. Do-it-yourself flowers from cotton pads

    We make a cone from thick enough paper, the larger the cone you make, the higher the Christmas tree will be.

    Then we take cotton pads and fold them according to the principle, as shown in the photo.

    We fix the resulting shape with a needle and thread and use a sticky gun or ordinary pins to attach the petals to the cone.

    As a result, you should get a Christmas tree, which is powdered with snow. All this splendor can be decorated with New Year's beads and tinsel.

    We take a vatmam, make a cone or bag out of it, fasten the edges of this bag, preferably with a stapler, so that the ends do not part

    Then we take cotton pads, fold them in the middle and connect the edges together and apply glue to the edge and glue to the base

    We do this until the end

    Then we prepare the base: where the tree will be located and the base on which we will plant it so that the tree does not fall in case of something

    We decorate the pot to our liking

    Then we put on a supporting base through the frame so that the lower cotton pads do not fall over time, so that the disks are fixed

    On the top of your head, you can make whatever you want out of paper.

    We decorate the Christmas tree: sequins, streamers, bows, etc.

    Our tree is ready

    On the eve of the New Year, information about making a Christmas tree at home becomes in demand and relevant. It is not difficult to create a symbol of a long-awaited holiday with proper knowledge and skill. Ordinary cotton pads and a little imagination will help us in this.

    First, we make a frame for the future Christmas tree. For its manufacture, ordinary cardboard is suitable.

    We install the wire at the top of the Christmas tree and attach beautiful decoration. We tie bright holiday bows and decorate the composition with stars. This turns out to be such a beauty.

    Little bitch is cold in winter- we took a lochka home from the forest!

    To do small lol, you don't have to spend that much cotton pads- just three is enough 😉

    To begin with, we make a pyramid from each disk by flattening the disk on four sides (you can experiment and make three- or five-sided pyramids):

    The shape of the resulting pyramids can be fixed with a hot glue gun or simply with drops of glue.

    Well, from the received pyramids we collect the box itself:

    You can connect the pyramids with the same glue or put them on a toothpick or even a match.

    If you pierce the loch with a toothpick through and through, then the tip of the toothpick sticking out from above can be wrapped with foil, thereby making a spire for our loch.

    From colored foil, you can roll up small balls that will become personal toys, and with brilliant green you can even paint your forehead green 😉

    If desired, such a loch can even be stuck on a laptop 😉

    Very beautiful tree, from cotton pads. This is a wonderful activity for the whole family, you will have a lot of fun while making such beauty. With such Christmas trees, you can decorate a house, a kindergarten, or give as a gift for the New Year.

    To do this, we need a lot of cotton pads, which we fold and fasten with deracol, as in the photo.

    As soon as our disks are ready, we make a cone out of cardboard, the size we need, what kind of Christmas tree we need. And in rows, we will glue our disks with the corners down

    This is what we do to the top.

    You can decorate our Christmas tree with shiny beads, and on top with a star.

    Here is our beautiful Christmas tree, beautiful, bright and unusual.

    Soon New Year, and my daughter and I are already thinking about how we will decorate our house, what interesting crafts will do. On the Internet, we recently met the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking Christmas tree from ordinary cotton pads. We liked the idea, maybe we will implement it.

    Here is a master class on making cotton pads:

    Glue the star onto the top of the tree using glue. And our beauty is ready:

    For crafts, you need a cone made of cardboard or thick paper. Cut out the cone and secure the cut with tape. The height of the Christmas tree depends on the length of the radius. For big christmas tree you need a radius of at least 50 cm. Glue a white ribbon on the edge of the base of the cone and then paint the cardboard cone acrylic paint. Prepared cotton pads are glued from below in a circle. Pasted on the first circle, go to the second circle. Coniferous needles from cotton pads are made by folding a cotton pad twice. The middle is fastened with a stapler. Four hundred cotton pads will take a Christmas tree about half a meter high. And then the discs are glued with the straight side.

    You can make a Christmas tree from round cotton pads based on the cone.

    If the edges are wetted in water with blue paint, you get a blue Christmas tree.

    To do a beautiful craft with our own hands for the new year - we need a Christmas tree made of cotton sponges:

    • cotton pads,
    • glue moment,
    • scissors,
    • needle and thread,
    • colorful beads,
    • white paper or cardboard
    • scotch.

    First, we make a cone out of paper and fix it.

    The first row of cotton circles is folded and strung on a thread,

    We fix the star on top,

    Glue the beads in a chaotic manner

    Step by step master class:

    Cotton pads can be used for a variety of original DIY crafts for the New Year. Wonderful, magnificent and unusual tree from cotton pads will be a wonderful decoration for the holiday. You can do it with your kids or on your own.

    To make an elegant Christmas tree from cotton pads, you need to prepare everything you need closer and give free rein to your imagination.

    Herringbone can be the simplest craft, as an application on the surface of a cardboard in the form of a postcard, a picture.

    We glue cotton pads to the surface in rows, forming spruce paws and repeating the contour of the Christmas tree.

    At the end, the Christmas tree appliqué made of cable-stayed discs can be decorated with sparkles, beads, sequins, buttons, as you like.

    Even better, roll up the cotton pads at the base and fasten with a stapler / thread, and then form a Christmas tree application by gluing to the surface.

    You can also make a spatial product voluminous Christmas tree. For it, you need to take cardboard and roll it up to make a cone, glue the parts into a single whole.

    We start from the bottom and glue row by row to the top.

    We fold each of the cotton pads in half and again in half, fixing it with a stapler like kanzashi modules.

    Cotton pads can not be rolled up, but fixed to a cardboard base like tiles. It is better to pre-paint cotton pads in green color. This can be done with gouache, let the paint dry. For decoration, we attach a bead to cotton pads, then we begin to make a Christmas tree. We fix cotton pads to the cardboard base in rows using a stapler and glue.

    Another simple option for crafting a spatial Christmas tree is Christmas decorations from cotton pads fastened with a thread.

    Good ideas, good work!

    Have a wonderful New Year!

    A Christmas tree can also be made from cotton pads, both snow-white and colored.

    For all types of Christmas trees, you will need a cone made of thick paper or cardboard. Cotton pads are glued onto it. Depending on the method of gluing (the location of the cotton pad itself), Christmas trees of different types will also be obtained.

    Here is a photo of Christmas trees for example. They are so different and they are all beautiful.

    I liked this Christmas tree the most, tender, airy like a cloud, decorated with bows and beads.

    And this Christmas tree looks like a snow-covered one. The photo below shows how to make such a Christmas tree.

    Also a pretty Christmas tree, cuts were made on cotton pads from all sides.

    These Christmas trees are very simple, made like a nesting doll. Suitable for small crafts.

New Year's crafts from cotton pads. MK

Cotton pads can be used not only in cosmetic purposes, but also to create beautiful applications and crafts. They make beautiful New Year's crafts and postcards, as well as original flowers and toys.

.christmas tree

You will need:

cotton pads


Jewelry (beads, asterisk, braid)

1. Make a cone out of cardboard.

2. Fold each cotton pad as shown in the image and use pins to attach each folded pad to the cone.

* If desired, the Christmas tree can be decorated with braid, garland, tinsel and other decorations.

Cotton pad roses

You will need:

cotton pads

Corrugated paper (color: green and brown)


PVA glue

Foam sponge.

1. Apply PVA glue to the tip of the skewer, put a cotton pad on it, wrap it around the skewer and press it so that it sticks well..

Put a little glue on the outside of the already glued disk, attach another disk to it and stick it.

3. To make a bud, you need to stick another 6-7 cotton pads in a checkerboard pattern.

4. To make green sepals, like a real rose, you need to cut out a figure resembling a fence from corrugated paper.

5. Apply PVA glue to the figure and wrap the bottom of the bud with it.

6. Now you need to make a stalk. To do this, you need to cut a long narrow strip of brown corrugated paper, apply glue to one end and wrap the skewer in a spiral. At the end, add glue to the tip of the strip to secure it.

7. We make a leaf. Draw a leaf shape on green crepe paper and cut it out. Glue this sheet to the stem.


You will need:

cotton pads

Thread or ribbon.

1. Fold all the desired cotton pads into a quarter and add glue at the tip of the resulting figure.

2. Glue 4 folded cotton pads together. Glue only the tips, not the whole shapes. Let the glue dry.

3. Bend the glued parts so that you get half the ball.

The transformation of the house for the New Year is very an exciting activity. But it will be no less interesting for you to create New Year's decor personally. Handmade crafts look quite impressive and unusual. Therefore, hurry up to gather your children around you, because this creative process very useful for them. And this is understandable, since the children, being in preschool or school age, are at the stage of their personal development And they, more than ever, need a push in the right direction. But don't worry, everyone will like this work, because there is nothing complicated, in fact, there is only one sheer pleasure. And so that you don’t dig for a long time in search of what is festive to make and what materials to use, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our article, which already presents 27 photos of ideas for the best and easiest crafts from cotton pads for the New Year 2019, made by hand to decorate your home and Christmas tree. We hope that our advice will be invaluable for you, and the master classes will be indispensable.

New Year's crafts from cotton pads

Each family preparing decorations for the New Year 2019 strives to achieve excellence in creating their own and children's crafts. Everyone wants to spend as much as possible less funds for the purchase of auxiliary materials, but at the same time to get the maximum beauty. Cotton pads are the simplest and most affordable element that does not require large financial costs. You just have to fork out for all kinds of beads, rhinestones, pebbles, bows, decorative ribbons and more, unless, of course, you have this house. Gathering with your children round table on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, you can create with your own hands real masterpieces of art from this material. But if nothing comes to your mind, then check out our photo ideas, which offer a lot of great and easy crafts.

Christmas wreath made of cotton pads

From cotton pads for the New Year 2019 it is possible to make a very beautiful decor, one of which is a Christmas wreath. Naturally, such a craft is not made as quickly as Christmas decorations but worth a try. With your own hands, if you really want and try hard, you can literally create everything.

For work you will need:

  • cotton pads;
  • big ring(from foam or rubber);
  • glue for foam;
  • beads (large and small);
  • satin bow.


  1. First you need to prepare flowers from cotton pads. To do this, we fold one element into a kind of bag, and on top of the second and third. It turned out a snow-white rose, in the center of each we glue beads, if desired.
  2. Then we take our base, which consists of foam or rubber, and with glue we attach roses to it. They should be placed close to each other so that no gaps are visible. If, however, gaps have formed, then fill them with large beads, also planting them on glue.
  3. The resulting Christmas wreath is supplemented satin bow as in the photo. You can use for decoration and other decorative elements. Ready!

Such hand-made crafts from cotton pads for the New Year 2019 will perfectly fit into your room interior. It can be hung on the door, and on the windows, and on the Christmas tree, made in the form of small wreaths.

If you do not want to buy a base for a wreath, then you can easily make it at home. How to do this, our video tutorial will tell you.

Master class on making the basis for a Christmas wreath

Christmas tree toy "Santa Claus" from cotton pads

Among New Year's crafts It is also worth noting the Christmas decorations made by hand from cotton pads. For example, a Santa Claus decoration will add creativity to your pine tree decoration for the New Year 2019. As you can see in the photo, nothing supernatural is needed to create such a chic toy.

For work you will need:

  • disposable plastic spoon;
  • a skein of red yarn;
  • ready-made plastic eyes (buttons or beads);
  • cotton pads;
  • glue stick;
  • a small circle of red fabric (for the nose);
  • red marker;


  1. We take a plastic disposable spoon and wrap it tightly with red yarn, leaving the tip of the spoon untouched, where we will attach a magnificent beard to Santa Claus. To do this, take a cotton pad and glue it with inside spoons.
  2. To make a mustache for Santa Claus, you must do the following: a cotton circle should be made with small incisions around the entire circumference, and the edge itself should be slightly bent. In this position, you need to glue to outside spoons. We got both a beard and a mustache at the same time.
  3. After that, we revive our Christmas crafts with eyes, nose and mouth. We do everything as in the photo. But do not forget to glue a cotton pom-pom to Santa Claus on the tip of the cap.

Here is such an excellent do-it-yourself toy for the New Year 2019 that will amaze anyone with its unusualness.

Christmas tree toy "Angel" from cotton pads

To in new year's eve 2019 your house looked irresistible, you just need to make a small but rather charming craft in the form of a snow-white angel with your own hands. You don't have to put in a lot of effort, don't worry. Yes, no materials required. a large number of. In total - a cotton pad and some decorative elements. Despite this minimum, such beauty will look gorgeous on the Christmas tree if the number of copies is increased several times. Of course, you can show your imagination and make each toy individual and unique. In this case, you will definitely meet the New Year 2019 in a fabulous atmosphere.

For work you will need:

  • cotton pad;
  • scissors - zigzag;
  • beads for decoration and one a little bigger size for the head of an angel;
  • toothpick;
  • PVA glue;
  • silver thread.


  1. In order to properly perform the craft, you need to take a cotton pad and divide it into two parts.
  2. We will process one of the details with scissors - a zigzag, making the edges of the cotton circle zigzag. It looks nice enough. But, if you do not have such a tool, do not worry, you can make any edging with simple scissors.
  3. Now for the processed round piece right in the center we put a small bead and wrap it, tying it on the outside with a thread to make an angel's head.
  4. Fold the second piece in half. We bend the edges of the resulting half on both sides a little so that there is a distance between them, and then we fold it again, reuniting their two parts.
  5. Then we take a toothpick and, having soaked it in PVA glue, we attach it to the middle of the previously obtained cotton triangle, slightly protruding its folded edges. Press carefully. So the torso of the future toy is ready.
  6. Our next step is the connection of the wings and head with the body. To do this, take glue and attach two parts.
  7. Let's start decorating: we use beads in this process. We put them on the same PVA glue and give time to dry. You can use something else that you like, for example, paints different shades and flowers.
  8. To give our craft a look New Year's toys, we attach a silver thread to the head of an angel. That, in fact, is all.

Such a handmade work for the New Year 2019 will appeal to all your relatives and guests. But if you are a bit confused when creating this decorative item, watch our video tutorial with step by step instructions and your doubts will be dispelled at the same hour.

Master class on making an angel from cotton pads

DIY Christmas balls

Wonderful decorations in the form of balls made by hand from cotton pads will become an integral part of the Christmas tree decor. This voluminous craft will not take you much time and effort. While the New Year 2019 has not yet knocked on our doors, let's make such beauty as soon as possible.

For work you will need:

  • cotton pads - 15 pieces;
  • stapler;
  • threads are white;
  • needle;


  1. Each cotton pad must be folded in half, and then again as well. Fix the resulting "legs" with a stapler at the base.
  2. After that, you should take a white thread with a needle and string each “foot” in this way. It turned out a kind of beads.
  3. Form them volumetric sphere, carefully securing it with the same thread.
  4. Sew an elegant ribbon to the New Year's crafts made by yourself and decorate your Christmas tree ahead.

Do not be lazy, make as many of these snowballs as possible and decorate your entire house with them for the New Year 2019. But, in order not to repeat yourself, you should create different toys. Browse our small selection of photo ideas.

Watch our video and you will learn how to make a different look New Year's product from cotton pads and a foam ball to decorate your interior.

Master class on making New Year's decor from cotton pads and a foam ball

Topiary from cotton pads

An excellent decoration for the New Year 2019 will be a topiary made of cotton pads, which is easy to do with your own hands at home. Such a craft will gather around you all your friends who have come to visit you on New Year's Eve. We will not hesitate, but will immediately begin to implement it soon.

For work you will need:

  • cotton pads;
  • foam ball;
  • a trunk from a flat stick;
  • flower pot or any other container;
  • glue for foam;
  • stapler;
  • gypsum;
  • decorative elements: artificial grass, fabric, cotton wool, rain, beads and much more.


  1. To begin with, we make original roses from cotton pads. To do this, we fold their edges into a tube so that one edge is narrower and the other is wider. We fix the narrow part with a stapler, and turn the wide part in the form of a rose. We do this work with the rest of the elements, making the required number of them.
  2. We completely glue the foam ball with the resulting roses, tightly placing them to each other. We cut out leaves from colored green paper and supplement our New Year's composition with them.
  3. Let's start decorating finished base. We take the beads you have and insert them into the center of each rosette, fix it with glue. You can liven up the topiary the way you like it by adding bows, Christmas decorations, rain, ribbons and more.
  4. When the decorated part of the product dries, we reunite it with the barrel, cutting out a small round hole in advance in foam ball and secured with glue.
  5. And we proceed to the final part of our work with you. We take a flower pot and, having prepared a gypsum mortar in accordance with the instructions on the package, fill the selected container. We insert our decorative tree there. When the mixture hardens, you should decorate its top to look more aesthetically pleasing. To do this, you can use beads of any color, dry grass, fabric, pebbles, both natural and artificial. In a word, you are a designer in this business and it is up to you to decide how to transform your craft made from cotton pads with your own hands.

When preparing for the New Year 2019, you should not stop at one idea you have chosen, it is worth experimenting, expanding your knowledge and honing your abilities with the children. Indeed, sometimes jewelry has to be made not only for the home, but also for kindergarten or schools. To do this, see our interesting video and your options will expand.

Video: Christmas crafts for children from cotton pads

Santa Claus from cotton pads

From such simple material like cotton pads, maybe it will work handsome grandfather Frost under the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019. Make this craft with your own hands and you do not have to buy it.

This will require:

  • Empty bottle of glue;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Red gouache;
  • tassel;
  • Powder;
  • Black pencil.


  1. The bubble from the glue will serve as the basis of the toy and therefore it needs to be glued cotton pads. On its top you need to install a head, which is also better made from the same material, forming a circle.
  2. Then you need to glue the hands of Santa Claus, making them with the help of two folded halves of the main material, also a hat in the form of a flattened cap with an edge.
  3. Then you need to start painting the toy red. Since cotton wool is hygroscopic, the brush must be touched gently.
  4. After painting, the craft must dry, after which it is necessary to make a mustache and beard from them. A black pencil will be needed to create the eyes, a red one for the mouth. Cheeks should be treated with powder. On top of the fur coat you need to glue the sleeves and collar. So the wonderful Santa Claus is ready for the New Year 2019, which you can proudly show to your loved ones, saying that this work was done by yourself from ordinary cotton pads. This decoration fit for children, but because of the complexity, it is better to do it together with parents.

Christmas tree from cotton pads

From cotton pads, you can make an unusual Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, if you make a little effort. Moreover, it does not need to buy materials.

This will require:

  • Cotton pads;
  • Cardboard white and gold;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • stapler;
  • Decor: beads, ribbons, pendants.


  1. We take thick cardboard and roll it into a cone. In order not to unfold, we fix it with PVA glue.
  2. We fold the cotton pads in half, and then again and fasten them at the base with a stapler.
  3. Using PVA glue, we attach our blanks to a cardboard cone, starting from the foot of the Christmas tree and ending with the crown itself.
  4. After our Christmas tree dries, we begin to decorate it with beads, bows, pebbles and other elements, gluing them to finished product. We attach a star cut out of golden cardboard to the top.

Such a voluminous craft made of cotton pads, made for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, will become great decor for your home.

For many of us, cotton pads are a hygienic accessory for cosmetic care. And only a few have information about the possibility of their alternative use - in the form of improvised material for creativity. Cotton pads will help you create unique crafts that can take their rightful place in your home interior.

Creations from cotton pads will help diversify your child's childhood. Being an unconventional material for crafts, they have successfully established themselves in kindergartens and schools. With their help, simple things appear in a new, unusual perspective.

Christmas tree made of cotton pads

For the manufacture of Christmas tree, you will need to do the following:

  1. First, a cardboard cone is made (a circle is drawn with a compass, then it is divided into 4 parts and 1 such part is cut off, after which the cardboard is folded into a cone with acute angle up).
  2. The cotton pad is first folded in half, then in half again. After that, the stapler fixes its folded position on the sharp side. Then the resulting halves are made manually voluminous. The same actions are performed with the rest of the cotton pads.
  3. The blanks are attached with pins to a cardboard cone.
  4. To decorate the Christmas tree, you can use a garland, braid, tinsel and other materials.

How to make an angel and Christmas balls from cotton pads

To make crafts from cotton pads in the form of an angel, a cotton blank is taken, and a bead is placed in its center. Next, you need to wrap the edges in a cotton pad up, wrap the part with the bead with a thread or fishing line. The edging of the workpiece is made wavy with scissors. The result is wings and the head of an angel.

To make a long robe, the cotton blank is folded in half, and then it is divided into 3 parts, turning two side ones back, after which the blank is fixed or sewn in this position with a stapler. Next, the robe is glued to the wings. Then the angel is decorated with sequins, a ring is glued or sewn to his head. On this craft is ready.

For the manufacture of Christmas balls you should do the following:

  1. Fold all the cotton pads into a quarter and add glue at the end of the resulting figure.
  2. Glue together 4 blanks folded in this way. Only the ends should be glued, not the whole figures. Next, wait until the glue dries.
  3. Bend the glued sections in such a way that a half of the ball is obtained.
  4. Repeating the steps in paragraphs 1-3, make the second half of the ball, after which both parts are glued together.

In order to hang the ball, a ribbon or thread is glued to it.

Christmas wreath made of cotton pads

The sequence of actions in the manufacture of a Christmas wreath:

  1. We are preparing the base. You will need a large foam ring. If there is no such ring, then you can make it yourself by simply folding a number of newspapers and gluing them together so as to create a ring shape.
  2. Elements for a wreath can be done as follows: collect the first disk in the form of a bag, attach the second and third to it. In this way, you can make roses with your own hands from cotton pads.
  3. Several flowers in the center need to be placed and glued on a bead.
  4. Roses are glued next to each other on the base of the wreath.
  5. If there are gaps, then they are filled with large beads.
  6. Decorating a Christmas wreath satin ribbon or a bow.

Topiary from cotton pads

Topiary is a product distinguished by tenderness and grace.

To make one topiary rose, you will need two cotton discs and one bead. First, one cotton pad is taken, twisted into a bag. Then a second cotton pad is applied to it and wrapped around.

The fastening of the bud is done with a thread using a needle. Next, the needle is threaded from below and goes up, and a bead is strung on its tip.

Initially, it is better to abandon the knot on the thread - this will not help to achieve good fixation due to the softness of the cotton wool. After threading the bead inside the bud, the thread is cut off, and its tip is connected to the one on which the knot was not made.

In total, you will need to make 25 roses from 50 cotton pads. In this case, one part can be made with beads, and the other without.

The next steps in this craft from cotton pads, you need to flash along the edge of this tape, and then turn it out on front side and collect on a thread to get the shape of a leaf.

The resulting flowers are placed in an attractive container. To get it, an empty jar of cotton buds is filled with mounting foam. After swelling and drying of the foam, the excess part is cut off from above. The outer side parts of the container are decorated with a satin ribbon. Brown(length - two girths of the jar, width - 5 cm). The tape is tightly stretched and sewn on the side or glued to the surface of the jar.

Leaves should be evenly distributed and pinned with pins to the outer circle of foam.

Flowers must be smeared with hot glue and glued to the jar, filling the lower tier first, and then the subsequent upwards.

Then the jar is decorated with green satin ribbon(length - 1 m, width - 5 cm) - a bow is made. You can also use cotton swabs as a material.

Do-it-yourself flowers from cotton pads


To create a rose, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Let's prepare the discs by painting them in a beautiful pink, coral, purple or lemon yellow color. First, prepare a bath with a solution of paint and immerse the discs in it for a few minutes, take out the products and dry them. With a brush with paint, paint over the pale areas. To make the petals of the future rose elastic, the disks are soaked in a starch solution and painted over with paint with a brush.
  2. The disk is folded into a tube and the next petal-element is applied.
  3. The petals are glued together with glue or sewn with a needle and thread. The degree of stuffing the bud with petals can be varied.
  4. The flower is fixed on a wooden skewer with glue or thread.
  5. The skewer is decorated with paper.


You can make chamomile from cotton pads. There are 3 main ways to make this flower:

  1. Prepare the disk, scissors and yellow paint. Cut the disk around the entire circumference, paint over the middle bright yellow color or cut out a circle from paper of the same color and glue it in the middle.
  2. Take the holder under balloon and stick cotton pads on it in the form of petals, 1 cotton pad - 1 petal. The core of the chamomile can be a yellow button or a circle cut out of bright lemon paper.
  3. The discs are soaked in starch and dried. Graceful petals are formed by bending the edges of the cotton blank. The middle is cut out of dense matter or yellow felt and glued along the middle.


Daisy flower is done like this:

  1. Petals are made for daisies. A cotton pad is taken, twisted Bottom part. In order for the petal to hold, this part is tied with a thread.
  2. You will need about 10 such petals. Then these petals are laid out in a circle in the shape of a flower.
  3. Next is the central part of the flower. The disk is painted yellow and only after that it is glued to the petals.
  4. This flower can decorate a card with a wish.


calla - attractive White flower with a yellow center. To make it, you will need:

  1. Cut into two pieces cotton swab so that only a small part of it with a cotton head remains.
  2. Paint this cotton part with yellow paint.
  3. wait until her complete drying and insert into a straw.
  4. The straw, in turn, should be wrapped in corrugated paper.
  5. By gluing the edges on a cotton pad, form a flower.
  6. Glue this flower to a straw.
  7. Optionally, you can add a green leaf to the stem.

Other flowers are created in a similar way.

Crafts from cotton pads: beautiful birds

White Owl

To create the crafts "White Owl", you need to perform the following steps:

  1. On a plain sheet white color draw the contours of an owl with a pencil.
  2. Cut out the pattern and stick it on colored cardstock.
  3. Cut out claws, beak and circles of eyes black paper.
  4. Cut out two more circles, but yellow color, with a slightly smaller diameter.
  5. Feathers desired shape cut from a cotton blank.
  6. Glue claws, beak, feathers and shaped eyes.
  7. With a felt-tip pen, draw the outlines on the feathers.


It is also easy to make a Swan craft from cotton pads. This will require:

  1. From colored paper, cut out a lake for a swan. If you only have white cardboard, then you can simply stick a piece of colored paper on it and leave it to dry to get colored cardboard.
  2. Glue the lake onto cardboard. Place one cotton swab on it - this will be the body of our swan.
  3. Cut out the neck, head and wings, glue to the body.
  4. Cut out reeds from brown paper, and from paper green shade- leaves and stems to the reeds.
  5. Stick them on paper to the lake.
  6. Draw, cut and glue the sun and sky.
  7. Add waves if you like. To do this, they are drawn and cut out of blue paper. You can also draw them on the picture itself.
  8. black paint draw the eyes of a swan. Paint the beak red.

Cotton pads have found their application in creativity. They can be cut into pieces, painted with any paints, markers or felt-tip pens, glued, changed shape - bent or folded. original crafts you can easily do it yourself, using cotton blanks and other available materials. A handmade gift will be able within long period time to remind him of his giver. Also creative needlework - great option children's leisure. With manufacturing different products from cotton material all children will cope. Try it - it's interesting and exciting.

69 photos of cotton pad craft ideas

Transforming your home for the New Year is a very exciting experience. But it will be no less interesting for you to create a New Year's decor with your own hands. Handmade crafts look quite impressive and unusual. Therefore, hurry up to gather your children around you, because this creative process is very useful to a greater extent for them. And this is understandable, since children, being at preschool or school age, are at the stage of their personal development and, more than ever, they need a push in the right direction. But don't worry, everyone will like this work, because there is nothing complicated, in fact, there is only one sheer pleasure. And so that you don’t dig for a long time in search of what is festive to make and what materials to use, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our article, which already presents 27 photos of ideas for the best and easiest crafts from cotton pads for the New Year 2019, made by hand to decorate your home and Christmas tree. We hope that our advice will be invaluable for you, and the master classes will be indispensable.

New Year's crafts from cotton pads

Each family preparing decorations for the New Year 2019 strives to achieve excellence in creating their own and children's crafts. Everyone wants to spend as little money as possible on the purchase of auxiliary materials, but at the same time get the maximum beauty. Cotton pads are the simplest and most affordable element that does not require large financial costs. You just have to fork out for all kinds of beads, rhinestones, pebbles, bows, decorative ribbons and more, unless, of course, you have this house. Having gathered with your children at a round table on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, you can create real masterpieces of art from this material with your own hands. But if nothing comes to your mind, then check out our photo ideas, which offer a lot of great and easy crafts.

Christmas wreath made of cotton pads

It is possible to make a very beautiful decor from cotton pads for the New Year 2019, one of which is a Christmas wreath. Naturally, such crafts are not made as quickly as Christmas toys, but it's worth a try. With your own hands, if you really want and try hard, you can literally create everything.

For work you will need:

  • cotton pads;
  • large ring (foam or rubber);
  • glue for foam;
  • beads (large and small);
  • satin bow.


  1. First you need to prepare flowers from cotton pads. To do this, we fold one element into a kind of bag, and on top of the second and third. It turned out a snow-white rose, in the center of each we glue beads, if desired.
  2. Then we take our base, which consists of foam or rubber, and with glue we attach roses to it. They should be placed close to each other so that no gaps are visible. If, however, gaps have formed, then fill them with large beads, also planting them on glue.
  3. We complement the resulting Christmas wreath with a satin bow, as in the photo. You can use for decoration and other decorative elements. Ready!

Such hand-made crafts from cotton pads for the New Year 2019 will perfectly fit into your room interior. It can be hung on the door, and on the windows, and on the Christmas tree, made in the form of small wreaths.

If you do not want to buy a base for a wreath, then you can easily make it at home. How to do this, our video tutorial will tell you.

Master class on making the basis for a Christmas wreath

Christmas tree toy "Santa Claus" from cotton pads

Among the New Year's crafts, it is also worth noting Christmas toys made with your own hands from cotton pads. For example, a Santa Claus decoration will add creativity to your pine tree decoration for the New Year 2019. As you can see in the photo, nothing supernatural is needed to create such a chic toy.

For work you will need:

  • disposable plastic spoon;
  • a skein of red yarn;
  • ready-made plastic eyes (buttons or beads);
  • cotton pads;
  • glue stick;
  • a small circle of red fabric (for the nose);
  • red marker;


  1. We take a plastic disposable spoon and wrap it tightly with red yarn, leaving the tip of the spoon untouched, where we will attach a magnificent beard to Santa Claus. To do this, take a cotton pad and glue it on the inside of the spoon.
  2. To make a mustache for Santa Claus, you must do the following: a cotton circle should be made with small incisions around the entire circumference, and the edge itself should be slightly bent. In this position, you need to glue it to the outside of the spoon. We got both a beard and a mustache at the same time.
  3. After that, we revive our Christmas craft with the help of a peephole, nose and mouth. We do everything as in the photo. But do not forget to glue a cotton pom-pom to Santa Claus on the tip of the cap.

Here is such an excellent do-it-yourself toy for the New Year 2019 that will amaze anyone with its unusualness.

Christmas tree toy "Angel" from cotton pads

To make your house look irresistible on New Year's Eve 2019, you just need to make a small but rather charming craft in the form of a snow-white angel with your own hands. You don't have to put in a lot of effort, don't worry. And you don't need a lot of materials either. In total - a cotton pad and some decorative elements. Despite this minimum, such beauty will look gorgeous on the Christmas tree if the number of copies is increased several times. Of course, you can show your imagination and make each toy individual and unique. In this case, you will definitely meet the New Year 2019 in a fabulous atmosphere.

For work you will need:

  • cotton pad;
  • scissors - zigzag;
  • beads for decoration and one slightly larger for the head of an angel;
  • toothpick;
  • PVA glue;
  • silver thread.


  1. In order to properly perform the craft, you need to take a cotton pad and divide it into two parts.
  2. We will process one of the details with scissors - a zigzag, making the edges of the cotton circle zigzag. It looks nice enough. But, if you do not have such a tool, do not worry, you can make any edging with simple scissors.
  3. Now, on the processed round part, right in the center, we put a small bead and wrap it, tying it on the outside with a thread to make an angel's head.
  4. Fold the second piece in half. We bend the edges of the resulting half on both sides a little so that there is a distance between them, and then we fold it again, reuniting their two parts.
  5. Then we take a toothpick and, having soaked it in PVA glue, we attach it to the middle of the previously obtained cotton triangle, slightly protruding its folded edges. Press carefully. So the torso of the future toy is ready.
  6. Our next step is the connection of the wings and head with the body. To do this, take glue and attach two parts.
  7. Let's start decorating: we use beads in this process. We put them on the same PVA glue and give time to dry. You can use something else that you like, for example, paints of different shades and colors.
  8. To give our craft the look of a New Year's toy, we attach a silver thread to the angel's head. That, in fact, is all.

Such a handmade work for the New Year 2019 will appeal to all your relatives and guests. But if you are a little confused when creating this decorative product, watch our video tutorial with step-by-step instructions, and your doubts will be dispelled at the same time.

Master class on making an angel from cotton pads

DIY Christmas balls

Wonderful decorations in the form of balls made by hand from cotton pads will become an integral part of the Christmas tree decor. This voluminous craft will not take you much time and effort. While the New Year 2019 has not yet knocked on our doors, let's make such beauty as soon as possible.

For work you will need:

  • cotton pads - 15 pieces;
  • stapler;
  • threads are white;
  • needle;


  1. Each cotton pad must be folded in half, and then again as well. Fix the resulting "legs" with a stapler at the base.
  2. After that, you should take a white thread with a needle and string each “foot” in this way. It turned out a kind of beads.
  3. Form a three-dimensional ball out of them, carefully securing it with the same thread.
  4. Sew an elegant ribbon to the New Year's crafts made by yourself and decorate your Christmas tree ahead.

Do not be lazy, make as many of these snowballs as possible and decorate your entire house with them for the New Year 2019. But, in order not to repeat yourself, you should create different toys. Browse our small selection of photo ideas.

Watch our video and learn how to make a different kind of Christmas craft out of cotton pads and a styrofoam ball to decorate your interior.

Master class on making New Year's decor from cotton pads and a foam ball

Topiary from cotton pads

An excellent decoration for the New Year 2019 will be a topiary made of cotton pads, which is easy to do with your own hands at home. Such a craft will gather around you all your friends who have come to visit you on New Year's Eve. We will not hesitate, but will immediately begin to implement it soon.

For work you will need:

  • cotton pads;
  • foam ball;
  • a trunk from a flat stick;
  • flower pot or any other container;
  • glue for foam;
  • stapler;
  • gypsum;
  • decorative elements: artificial grass, fabric, cotton wool, rain, beads and much more.


  1. To begin with, we make original roses from cotton pads. To do this, we fold their edges into a tube so that one edge is narrower and the other is wider. We fix the narrow part with a stapler, and turn the wide part in the form of a rose. We do this work with the rest of the elements, making the required number of them.
  2. We completely glue the foam ball with the resulting roses, tightly placing them to each other. We cut out leaves from colored green paper and supplement our New Year's composition with them.
  3. We proceed to the decoration of the finished base. We take the beads you have and insert them into the center of each rosette, fix it with glue. You can liven up the topiary the way you like it by adding bows, Christmas decorations, rain, ribbons and more.
  4. When the decorated part of the product dries, we reunite it with the barrel by cutting out a small round hole in the foam ball in advance and fixing it with glue.
  5. And we proceed to the final part of our work with you. We take a flower pot and, having prepared a gypsum mortar in accordance with the instructions on the package, fill the selected container. We insert our decorative tree there. When the mixture hardens, you should decorate its top to look more aesthetically pleasing. To do this, you can use beads of any color, dry grass, fabric, pebbles, both natural and artificial. In a word, you are a designer in this business and it is up to you to decide how to transform your craft made from cotton pads with your own hands.

When preparing for the New Year 2019, you should not stop at one idea you have chosen, it is worth experimenting, expanding your knowledge and honing your abilities with the children. Indeed, sometimes jewelry has to be made not only for the home, but also for a kindergarten or school. To do this, watch our interesting video and your possibilities will expand.

Video: Christmas crafts for children from cotton pads

Santa Claus from cotton pads

From such a simple material as cotton pads, you can get a beautiful Santa Claus under the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019. Make this craft with your own hands and you don’t have to buy it.

This will require:

  • Empty bottle of glue;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Red gouache;
  • tassel;
  • Powder;
  • Black pencil.


  1. The bubble from the glue will serve as the basis of the toy and therefore it must be pasted over with cotton pads. On its top you need to install a head, which is also better made from the same material, forming a circle.
  2. Then you need to glue the hands of Santa Claus, making them with the help of two folded halves of the main material, also a hat in the form of a flattened cap with an edge.
  3. Then you need to start painting the toy red. Since cotton wool is hygroscopic, the brush must be touched gently.
  4. After painting, the craft must dry, after which it is necessary to make a mustache and beard from them. A black pencil will be needed to create the eyes, a red one for the mouth. Cheeks should be treated with powder. On top of the fur coat you need to glue the sleeves and collar. So the wonderful Santa Claus is ready for the New Year 2019, which you can proudly show to your loved ones, saying that this work was done by yourself from ordinary cotton pads. This decoration is suitable for children, but due to the complexity, it is better to perform it together with parents.

Christmas tree from cotton pads

From cotton pads, you can make an unusual Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, if you make a little effort. Moreover, it does not need to buy materials.

This will require:

  • Cotton pads;
  • Cardboard white and gold;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • stapler;
  • Decor: beads, ribbons, pendants.


  1. We take a thick cardboard and turn it into a cone. In order not to unfold, we fix it with PVA glue.
  2. We fold the cotton pads in half, and then again and fasten them at the base with a stapler.
  3. Using PVA glue, we attach our blanks to a cardboard cone, starting from the foot of the Christmas tree and ending with the crown itself.
  4. After our Christmas tree dries, we begin to decorate it with beads, bows, pebbles and other elements, gluing them to the finished product. We attach a star cut out of golden cardboard to the top.

Such a voluminous craft made of cotton pads, made for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, will be an excellent decor for your home.