Do guys like curly girls? Why do men like long hair? What hair color do men like?

Fortunately or unfortunately for you, my dear readers, I have an inherent desire to explain everything) And I can’t just say: “” or “” - no, I definitely need to explain why this is so.

And recently I was asked a question: “Men like more long hair girls or don’t they care as long as they look good?” - and I thought that many would be interested not just in the answer to this question, but in the explanation of why everything is the way it is and not otherwise.

So, What type of girls' hair do men prefer?

I will not write here that men are greedy for long hair for the reason that their genetic memory “switches on”: in ancient times, women never cut their hair short - the hair gave extra warmth and protection for the woman herself and her children. But in ancient times, women walked around with hair in other places, but now for some reason men don’t like it when a girl has unshaven armpits))

But what has been proven is that owners of thick, long hair are perceived by men on a subconscious level as healthier (often, by the way, this is true. And a healthy girl will give healthy offspring). Because a man never knows whether a girl cut her hair because it suits her face shape better, or because she can’t grow beautiful long hair due to some illness, poor nutrition or something else.

Yes, not even subconsciously: do you think that when a guy sees a girl with a short haircut, he thinks: “Oh yes, she did right choice! To her type of appearance and shape faces goes This is exactly the haircut!”? Who knows, he thinks so. He either doesn’t think anything at all about this, or: “Why are they cutting their hair?..”

Long beautiful hair is a symbol of femininity and sexuality. Hair is a “second face”, it is +100 to beauty in the eyes of a man. Accordingly, the longer, thicker and healthier the hair, the more feminine the girl looks. Although Marilyn Monroe, for example, did not suffer at all from a lack of male attention. But you understand that hair is far from her main trump card)

And one more thing: a real man by its nature strives to subjugate, and not to be subordinated. For many, this is expressed in sex. So, running your hand through a woman’s hair, pulling it, winding it around your hand - many such men like all this. And it is, of course, easier to perform such manipulations with long hair.

Oh, of course, when a man sees a girl with a short haircut, he doesn’t start analyzing: “Well, well, you won’t be able to wrap your hair around your arm, and it’s also not clear to give birth to healthy offspring,” - no, of course. Analysis occurs at the subconscious level.

Of course, there are types of appearance that suit more different kinds short haircuts. And here it’s up to you to decide whether to wear a short haircut or not. But here’s some food for thought: I interviewed guys I knew (of course, there were not 1000 or even 100 of them, but still) - all of them unanimously stated that “ A girl should have long hair!" Moreover, among them there were those who were married to girls with short haircuts, and those who were once in relationships with girls with short haircuts.

And someone really wants to have beautiful long hair, but... it doesn’t work out, because... problems with hair. And even if these girls want to have them (for the sake of men or for themselves, it doesn’t matter), not everyone has the opportunity to have long hair.

According to one of the many various reasons hair can be dry, sparse, unhealthy... In general, it can look completely unpresentable. And you have to cut them over and over again to make your hair look more or less decent.

This topic is very close to me, because I myself had very serious problems with hair, and no matter how much I dream of long, thick and healthy hair, for several years I had to cut it almost to my shoulders (although such a haircut doesn’t really suit me), because if my hair grew lower, my head looked scary, like straw.

I am very happy that I was able to solve this problem. Who will be interested - I wrote about that, and. I found the cause of my problem; those girls who have problems with hair need to find the cause. You can never say for sure what the problem may be, but here are a few things that you need to immediately pay attention to and try to correct to see if it helps your hair:

  • Are you eating right?
  • is it enough clean water do you drink?
  • Do you consume enough fruits and vitamins?
  • Are you “feeding” and protecting your hair?

Regarding the last point for hair, the iHerb online store is simply irreplaceable. I mostly buy vitamins, oils (natural and high-quality, and not from something unknown) and other skin care products there. I’ve told you more than once about super useful Coconut oil , Argan oil(smear them on your hair) and Omega-3. And I order all sorts of healthy bread, berries, and nuts there.

All of these are things that we can start changing right away if we want not only our hair to look healthier, but also our skin and, in fact, everything else.

I must say that I already treat my hair completely differently, I spend more time on it, I treat it more healthy image life. Because I don’t want to repeat that experience. And I will write more than once about what is good for hair and what is not. Therefore - which can help you become even more beautiful! Thank you for reading us!

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The question of who is cooler - blondes or brunettes, perhaps, can be classified as eternal and not requiring a final answer - we are all beautiful in our own way. But it is a fact that hair color affects the first impression. And scientific.

The career portal assessed the “color” preferences among our compatriots. And here there is a split: 29.9% are for dark-skinned women, 28.96% prefer blondes, 10% go to brown-haired and red-haired women, and 15% of male Russians cannot decide at all. With age, the statistics change funny: from 20 to 30 years old, Russians prefer brunettes, and after that blondes take the lead, with a noticeable margin of 10%. What hair color and what type of men do you like?

Let's figure it out together with scientists.


Here men are not original. They still sincerely believe that a girl with red hair is easier to seduce than a reserved, inaccessible blonde. Maybe this is how genetic memory works - after all, once upon a time green-eyed and red-haired people were mistaken for witches, and who, if not them, is ready for all sorts of atrocities?

Therefore, the expectations in bed are appropriate - redheads have long been recognized as sex goddesses. And with good reason: according to a study by the University of Hamburg, on average goldilocks sex life more saturated than that of brunettes and blondes. Also, according to scientific research from the University of Westminster, red-haired people are found to be more temperamental, assertive, and impudent. And most importantly, men are even a little afraid of them.

What kind of men like. For those who want an easy relationship. Perhaps this is a man of a creative profession. Or a young man. Or married. He sees you as a mystery and an adventure. And it seems to him that this is exactly what you want: sex without obligations.

Brunettes and brown-haired women

There is good news for dark-haired girls too. One of the largest dating apps, Badoo, analyzed data and found that brunettes and brown-haired women receive significantly more “likes” than blondes and redheads.

When it comes to brown-haired women, the words “moderation”, “restraint”, “calmness” are increasingly found in the description. Researchers at the University of Florida found that brunettes are actually perceived as more reliable and permanent companions. In 2012, the British received no less interesting data. Participants in the experiment were shown photos of the same girls with different colors hair. And what do you think? Brunettes were considered more seductive and physically attractive.

What kind of men do they like? For those who love competition. Dark-haired women are traditionally considered careerists, so men who want to have a muse or partner next to them are more likely to meet them and build relationships. Most often, equality reigns in such couples. The plus is that he will also cook and wash the floors. The downside is that he most likely does not think that he should fully support you.


Blonde heads actually attract more attention. Scientists University of Southern Brittany conducted an interesting experiment: 20 pretty volunteer girls in identical clothes changed wigs and watched male reaction. Namely, walking past strangers in the form of a blonde, then a brunette and then a brown-haired girl, the girl had to deliberately drop her glove and see what would happen. The result was predictable: 76% of 100% rushed to give the glove to the blonde, and only half of the passers-by paid attention to the dark ones.

Why is this happening? Nothing personal, just primitive instincts. Scientists have explained that the male brain associates light curls With high level health and fertility, that is, a blonde can bear healthy offspring. It turns out that even when holding out a glove, a man unconsciously reads your possible compatibility.

Another study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, found that blondes are more likely to be met in bars. One of the respondents, for example, commented on his preferences as follows: “Blondes have big needs, but it’s easier to communicate with them...” Scientists also found that light-headed men tend to perceive light-headed men as needing help, inaccessible, and most interestingly, introverted, that is, domestic.

What kind of men do they like? Those who are ready to start a family. Usually these are adults over 30 years of age who are ready to seek attention and care. Their special feature is the desire to patronize. Such a man is unconsciously looking for a woman-child who will look at him with admiring eyes and... You can dress her up like a doll and show her to friends. And she will also sit at home and cook delicious borscht.

Why do men like women with long hair?

Most men like long hair on women, despite fashion trends to short women's haircut. Time is running, the style is changing, but there are still reasons why men like long hair.

Firstly, long hair adds femininity to women.

A woman with long hair in a man’s eyes is always a woman in need of care and guardianship, with natural femininity in her blood.

Short women's hair says that a woman is in too much of a hurry, she does not have time to style and care for her hair, which means that such a woman has little femininity, since femininity is characterized by calmness and smoothness.

Take a closer look and you will notice that most business women with short hair because they don't have time to style their hair. (Read)

Secondly, men like women's long hair because of the memories of their first love.

Yes, yes, women’s long hair gives men the opportunity to remember their childhood or youth, namely the times of meeting their first love, because most girls have long hair. Perhaps it was a girl from the class, or a classmate. She nervously fiddled with the end of her braid, or casually, but so cutely, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Somewhere deep in a man’s memory sit these exciting memories. (Read)

Thirdly, long hair speaks of a woman’s health.

Not every woman can boast of long and thick hair, which are a sign of a woman’s health, which is very important for the birth of future children - the only process for which nature divided us into two opposite sexes. No matter how people today fence themselves off from the laws of nature, no matter how they try to find new views on the relationship between men and women, the main steering criterion for building married couples is a natural law of nature for procreation, which is based on the male choosing the most suitable female for himself. You can't fool nature. (Read also)

Fourthly, men like ladies to have long hair because it enhances their self-importance.

Have you ever noticed the fact that long hair significantly reduces the age and self-confidence of women? A man’s self-esteem rises next to such a woman; in his own eyes, he looks like a guardian, a protector of this gentle female creature, because, in most cases, the creation of partnerships marital relations, the man takes care of his life partner.

Fifthly, men like long hair on women because it is simply beautiful.

Long hair attracts the attention of men natural beauty. Long hair has a magical effect on men, combining all of the above factors. Pretty haircut or the styling only adds advantages to its owner and noticeably sets her apart from other contenders for a place in men's hearts. (Read)

Long hair has always been, is and will be in fashion, because it is important for every woman to be healthy and beautiful. And men with their love for long women's hair only strengthen women's belief in the need to grow long curls and creating incredibly beautiful hairstyles.

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Every third betrayal happens because a man is disappointed in his significant other. Dry statistics say that already a year after life together, against the backdrop of cooling passion, he begins to notice those little things that were not accessible to his subconscious before. It was not by chance that the conversation about the inner “I” came up, because already at the first meeting a man evaluates a representative of the opposite sex at the level of instincts. The starting point for analysis is appearance, in which hairstyle plays an important role. Learning the science of what hairstyles men like means being armed in the process of seduction. The length, color, and texture of hair are not the least important in this skill.

1) What hair color do men like?

I'm blonde

The image of the perhydrol beauty has acquired a lot of anecdotal stories. From the point of view of men, a clearly artificial color speaks of the primitiveness of the intellect. A woman who is able to bring beauty to a state of “terrible power” scares off not only potential suitors, but is also capable of destroying existing relationships. Such harsh statements about blondes are not entirely true. If the hair has straw shades, natural transitions, vibrant color, then blonde is always associated with childish spontaneity and tenderness. Men who are used to dominating and craving protection choose just such people.

Red beast

Bright, provocative shades of hair are a green traffic light for him. The owner of red, purple, orange hair She herself speaks about her openness and readiness for relationships. To men, such hints seem straightforward, calling for active action. In their opinion, an extravagant person is passionate in bed. But, unfortunately, rapid relationships as a result of fleeting appreciation are extremely short-term. Natural red hair color is liked by men, but only desperate adventurers and creative types are ready to commit themselves to relationships with their owners. Fiery hair will kindle a fire of passion in a soul that has its own special light.

Burning or plain?

Understanding the psychology of men, clear conclusion you can't tell what hair color they like. Fiery brunettes are associated with an imperious image that dominates everything. What can we say about vamp women? If a man has found the courage to meet such a lady, then he definitely cannot be called henpecked. But more often there is a situation when a dark-haired predator leads her own hunt, and if a weak-willed guy falls into her hands, he is destined to be a loyal family man.

The fear of some girls of becoming a gray mouse does not allow them to wear natural color hair. However, brown hair causes 70% of males exclusively positive emotions. There is no feeling of fear or comparison of images and characters here.

2) Hair length that men like

Do you think the expression: “It’s not the size of the boat...” applies only to men? Nothing like this. It is quite applicable to hairstyles that men like. And all because for them it is not so much the length that is important, but the beauty of developing, flowing, exciting hair. Men, by their nature, are huge dreamers; directness, which does not leave the flight of their imagination, is repulsive.

Long hair- this is the dream of any representative of the stronger sex. The basis for this preference is the same primitive feeling. When choosing a female, the male first evaluates her attractiveness, and then her ability to produce viable offspring, that is external manifestation her general health. If she has long, thick, well-groomed hair, which means there will be no problems with this.

In second place in the popularity ranking is average length . The options for a bob or bob are not important; the main aspect is grooming. For representatives of this category of men, accuracy, restraint and ease are important.

By shortening the length of the hair with each line, we got to the last, but not the worst position - very short haircuts. Owners of a hedgehog are associated with young crazy party girls, or aunts who waved their hand to the departing locomotive. Naturally, this option should not be ruled out. After all, the main rule of seduction is to please yourself first, then the radiance coming from within will fill those around you.

The editors of one of the fashion publications decided to conduct a survey among men and find out which women's hairstyles attract the stronger sex.

It turned out that guys like not only long hair and neatly styled curls. Good news for women - most men like hairstyles that the fair sex can do literally with their eyes closed.

1. Bob with extension

Russian TV presenter and actress Lera Kudryavtseva and British singer and fashion designer Victoria Beckham with an elongated bob.

Open shoulders and neck attract attention and captivate the eyes of men. Representatives of the stronger sex consider women with such a haircut to be playful and very sexy.

2. Smooth straight hair with a parting in the middle

American actress Sandra Bullock and Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak parted in the middle on long straight hair.

Long hair has always been a source of pride for any woman. Representatives of the stronger sex are confident that healthy and strong hair they say that their owner is healthy, takes care of her nutrition and appearance, leads correct image life. However, girls should remember that the main condition for wearing long flowing hair is well-groomed appearance, silky shine and no split ends.

3. Slight dishevelment

Ukrainian singer, actress, TV presenter Vera Brezhneva.

Men like it when their hair lies flat in even strands, but as if he touched them slight impulse wind blowing in your face. The basic rule of this hairstyle is that the hair should be clean, shiny and silky, otherwise the girl will look unkempt.

4. Two braids

American fashion model Kim Kardashian and British singer Rita Ora with two braids.

Men admit that they associate young beauties with two pigtails with the main character of Nabokov’s novel. Guys claim that girls with such hairstyles awaken in them a desire to take care of and protect their “Lolitas.”

5. Smooth tail

American actress Kim Kardashian and model Gigi Hadid with a sleek ponytail.

High ponytail helps to create the image of an excellent student, smart girl, athlete and just a beauty. Men mentally return to school years when such a girlfriend was every boy's pipe dream.

6. Super volume

Ukrainian singer Yolka and American actress Angelina Jolie with voluminous hairstyles.

Men are simply delighted with styles that add volume to their hair. Representatives of the stronger sex claim that luxurious hair- it's very sexy.

7. Short haircut

Ukrainian singer Tina Karol and British film actress Emma Watson with short haircuts.

Men consider women with short hair to be free and independent, and such qualities are very captivating to many members of the stronger sex.

8. Bun

American actress, singer, dancer, fashion designer Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian with hair tied in a bun.

Representatives of the stronger sex associate a smooth knot of hair with the image of a sexy teacher. Needless to say, this is one of the key male fantasies...

9. Curls

American actress Jennifer Aniston and Russian actress Svetlana Khodchenkova with luxurious curls.

Curled hair helps the fair sex create a gentle and romantic image. To men, women with flowing curls seem very soft, fragile and vulnerable.