How to please your husband. Effective ways to give your partner pleasure. How to give pleasure in bed to your beloved man: secret tricks

And to achieve this, believe me, is not so difficult. There are several ways to awaken sexuality in a man ...

I love you any?

Quality sexual relations depends not only on the temperament and skill of partners. As they say, a man chooses only among those women who made him understand - act! How? A smile, a look, a gesture and even a bright defiant make-up. Representatives of the stronger sex are ready to take any of your even unconscious signs as an invitation. But even if you charmed a man, do not relax! Jumping into bed does not mean the beginning of a long love story. You also need to keep a man, make sure that he is constantly drawn to you. So, your intimate relationship should give him pleasure, and not strain, annoy, cool. However, any woman is simply obliged to have in her arsenal a couple of tricks that allow her to tightly keep her partner “on the hook”.

Be beautiful. It is known that a man "loves with his eyes." So he must see you perfect woman- well-groomed and beautiful. Even if you're out of shape (tired, sick, stressed, etc.), meet your partner head-on. No uncombed and unwashed hair, carelessly pinned up or carelessly loose. Do not be too lazy to make at least a semblance of a hairstyle, but better - to style your hair more seductively. Make-up - fresh, better discreet (you can accentuate lips a little with lipstick). Manicure and pedicure - perfect, no peeling varnish and dirty nails. And of course, remove all unnecessary hair on the body (overgrown armpits are considered sexy by only 3% of men).

Believe me male look notices even such, it would seem, trifles. Sloppiness repels a man - and sometimes he can’t really explain why he didn’t like an intimate evening with you, just the feeling “this woman is somehow not good” will remain in his memory for a long time ...

Do you want to give a man pleasure in bed?

Add erotica! 80% of the representatives of the stronger sex are excited by the visual image of the “seductress woman”. And for this it is not at all necessary to purchase a super-short peignoir. "Furious mini", according to psychologists, in the matter of seduction is by no means in the first place. It turns out that most men lose their heads from ... maxi. But! Necessarily with a long slit in front, as if casually exposing female legs. Such "intrigue" has a strong exciting effect.

And here underwear, of course, it is desirable to choose the most exposing your charms. Color - optional. But as experts again suggest, men consider traditional red to be the most exciting color.

Seductive scents. This time-tested tool is used by the vast majority of women. Strongly attract men, clouding their heads with passion, fruity smells, especially with a citrus note. However, when preparing for an intimate date, do not overdo it with fragrances. Think about the prose of life: what if your beloved suffers from some kind of broncho-pulmonary ailments? provoked pungent odor an attack of illness will easily negate all your efforts to be as desirable as possible.

In addition, they say that the natural smell of a clean body excites men even more than the smells of perfumes, aromatic oils, etc.

Prepare a drink of passion. The seduction of a man with the help of a "love potion" has been known since antiquity. If you want to inflame the passion of your loved one - treat him, for example, with fragrant tea with thyme (thyme) or coffee with cinnamon. You can taste these active "passion provocateurs" right in bed.

Attention! Some herbs can be strong enough to give your partner a headache or allergy. There will be no passion here...

Be a sweet cat. It is a mistake to think that men only want sex. According to experts, representatives of the stronger sex do not fewer women love to be stroked, caressed, hugged. Therefore, try to offer your beloved a massage (you can also erotic). Use special stimulating creams, aromatic oils, and lay beautiful linens on the bed. It is unlikely that your man will refuse such a tempting offer. Massage in general ideally relieves tension and stress, and in this case will surely increase the sensuality of the relationship ...

Take the initiative. The vast majority of women believe that the quality sexual life the man is responsible. And the representatives of the fair half obey his whims and requirements. Most often this happens, but experts say: men secretly expect women to take initiative in intimate relationships. For them, this is the best proof that they are loved and desired. However, remember - be seductive, not promiscuous, otherwise a man may have an idea: how many partners did you have if you are so active and skillful in a love game? And it is unlikely that this will be credited to you as a plus ...

Don't lead. Some women, having listened to the advice of sexologists that a man needs to be prompted exactly how to please you, understand this literally. Almost every minute instructions fall upon the beloved - do this and that, do not do this, touch here, but do not touch this. The man begins to feel like a kind of inexperienced puppy, who has only one desire in his head - to quickly get away from the trainer. Therefore, leave all possible wishes for later - even if your intimate meeting did not bring you the expected pleasure. The process of grinding partners in can be quite lengthy - and there is nothing abnormal in this.

React. The game of love is the game of partners, don't forget that. No man will like it if his beloved manifests herself in this game as an “insensitive log”. By the way, this is one of the most common reasons for a man to cool down after a couple of intimate meetings. "Noise" support of the process is very desirable - but, again, without fanaticism. Too loud moans, too noisy breathing can give a man a reason to doubt the truth of your feelings. And distrust is by no means conducive to inciting passion.

Don't disturb your partner. Every woman loves to talk. However, in bed, you should not tire your partner with conversations, even if you really, really want to tell him something or find out something from him. A man who tunes in to a love game will simply not be able to connect to the conversation. IN best case he will mutter something unintelligible, and at worst, lose interest in the process. This is how the representatives of the stronger sex are arranged - in this moment they can only do one thing.

Be grateful. Many men are waiting for your assessment of their sexual prowess - even if they do not admit it. By the way, the flight of a partner immediately, as soon as the arms were unclenched, many of them regard the shower as an indirect recognition of your displeasure. Sexologists say that a man is very pleased when he is kissed, hugged, whispered in his ear words of gratitude for the moments of experienced passion. So do not make your loved one worry, especially if your goal is to please a man in bed. Believe me, he will certainly appreciate it - and you will be the most desirable and seductive for him.

These days, ladies have quite big requests. Many men are lost, not knowing how to satisfy a woman now. We offer some valuable ideas.

Below are universal techniques that work flawlessly on almost all women. If you put them into practice, your girlfriend will be just happy. She will have great occasion be proud of you and even brag to your girlfriends. Of course, you don’t have to take everything from the list, you know your girlfriend / wife better, so stop at those options that, in your opinion, will be closer to her.
1. Melodic romantic songs performed in a velvety, slightly hoarse voice.
A thick, hoarse voice in almost any woman will “launch” an incredible program. sexual arousal. It will not be superfluous on the eve of the serenade to ask taste preferences. Someone will like Rammstein, while others only give Lepsa.
2. Remember Gone with the Wind: lying, watching, "hugging like crazy." It is not necessary to grow a mustache in the manner of Clark Gable.
3. Use condoms without unnecessary reminders and requests from her. But do not forget them later inside.
4. Hug her from behind by the shoulders softer and bury your chin between the collarbone and neck. Turn your head slightly. If your friend's thighs and arms are covered with goosebumps, then you've hit the right spot.
5. Do not cover yourself with a sheet when she looks at you. Let her touch where she wants. Surprisingly, men often do not like it when they are the object of sexual attention from their women.
Some psychologists believe that this may be the result of homophobia, the fear of attracting attention from a partner of the wrong sex. For some men, it can even take on grotesque forms. They may not even allow their wives to touch their buttocks or penis.
6. Whisper in her ear.
7. Caress more often inner surface thighs and arms of a friend. This is where the skin is most sensitive.
8. Wear on your hands. You can spin together, hug and kiss, forgetting about everything in the world.
9. Strawberry or cucumber flavor.
It was possible to establish exactly that the aroma of fresh strawberries or cucumber excites women. The smell of freshly prepared rich pastries also has a similar effect on ladies.
10. Don't forget where your friend's clitoris is and what it's for.
11. Get up at night to your child. For a loved one to be happy, she also needs rest.
12. Tell her in detail when and how you lost your innocence. True, if she herself asks you about it. It is better not to impose such things.
13. After sex, try to run your finger over her face: from the temple, through the cheek and lips, right up to the chin. And smile softly.
14. Nip her nipples - carefully and gently. You can do this with the rest of the body: the neck, fingertips, palms, and even the most intimate places. Experiment: sometimes such caresses are much more effective than touching your tongue and hands.
15. Bed sheets made of pure silk: his touch for many women is like a caress.
16. Feel free to tell her that you want her, and right now.
17. Don't forget the classic pose. She will allow your girlfriend to look into your eyes during sex, and also to kiss. All this will easily bring her to the highest point of excitement. Some women experience an orgasm from a well-timed kiss.
18. Well-groomed, clean hair, including short hedgehog, every girl is very nice to touch. And not just with your hands. Let's say try moving your head around inside her thighs or pubis.
19. Do you feel that she is close to orgasm? Accelerate the rhythm of frictions.
20. Incredible sensations that arise when you pull her eyelash with your fingertip: from top to bottom.
21. Don't forget about boxers. Polls show that most women find this men's underwear to be very sexy.
22. Let it sound strange - but try to suck her thumb on her leg.
23. Tell her regularly how sexy and beautiful she is.
24. Kisses - only dry: grown men do not dismiss nurses.
25. Even if you are both very excited, continue to caress her, delay the main action. Just do not overdo it so that the girl is not tired of it.
26. The ideal for any woman is a pumped-up press of a man.
27. Don't leave her body immediately after orgasm. Keep moving a little more after that. Do not come out of it abruptly, do it gradually.
28. Don't forget to shoot wrist watch before going to bed. After all, they not only scratch unpleasantly, but also pull out hairs.
29. Thinking about how to satisfy a woman, do not forget to express your desires, and as frankly as possible. Even if they are strange and unexpected. Do not be afraid to be embarrassed or, conversely, to have fun.
30. It was not in vain that nature chose the “doggy-style” position as a classic for sexual intercourse for almost all living beings. But the “man on top” position, which is common for people, is inconvenient for conception, but that’s not all. It also greatly limits the sensations of partners. It became so widespread as a result of several centuries of persecution of any other positions for which a couple could even be publicly executed "for debauchery."
31. Do not be lazy to look for and find her next erogenous places. Pay attention, say, to the bend of the leg just below the knee or to the crease under the buttocks.
32. In no case do not complex about the size of your penis or the truth of her orgasms.
33. Have sex when a girl wants to pee a little. There are a number of pure physiological reasons, according to which it is at this moment that her G-spot, the trigger element of any woman's orgasm, is especially effectively stimulated.

34. Don't forget about morning coffee in bed.
35. If you unbuttoned her bra, don't leave it hanging around her neck. Don't forget to take it off completely. It is also better to remove panties from both legs, and not just from one.
36. Tanned skin is not just beautiful: it is smoother to the touch even in the dark.
37. Show initiative even in the “girl on top” position. Raise your hips above the bed and move in the same rhythm with the woman.
38. Braid her hair. For many women, by their own admission, styling and combing their hair is very erotic. I was even able to explain this moment. modern science. When combing the hair on the scalp, the nerve endings are affected, which are much more in women than in men.
39. Enter it slowly, slowly and without fussing. Do not follow the rhythm in the movements. So she will not be able, having predicted your movements, to prepare for them. From surprise, her sensations will become stronger and brighter.
40. Real men are familiar with the previous points (well, or with most of them) and without our advice. Passionate nights and pleasant moments of solitude to you.

Today we will talk about ways to excite sexual desire in men. Many of them are described in night book”, which was given to newlyweds in the East. Today, this treatise is known as the "Kama Sutra", but its popularity is low, so they use various ways adapted to modern conditions.

The modern macho sometimes needs to be conquered. If you do not know which aspects contribute male arousal, then the mission will fail. No wonder the mass women's magazines replete with ways to excite guys before sex. Let's try to understand this issue from the point of view of medicine.

Sexopathologists say: if a guy is all right with potency, he doesn’t need to worry about it: just a slight hint of pleasant circumstances is enough.

A lot of effort has to be made by a woman if a man is diagnosed with one of the following problems:

  • Absence sexual attraction to the lady.
  • Difficulty getting an erection (erectile dysfunction).
  • Psychological aspects (it is possible to excite a guy strongly only with a certain entourage: an elevator, a park, a busy street, a car). There are men who are only concerned about the pregnancy of their partner, or there is an addiction to another fetish.

Under such circumstances, the usual advice will not work: the doctor’s recommendations will help to excite a man effectively, some therapeutic measures. The latter may be especially necessary if one or another form of impotence is observed. In such cases, in order to excite a man, it will take radical measures- the usual ingenuity and looseness in bed are unlikely to help. But more often than not, the situation is much simpler.

Paradisaic delight

As advertised, deliver paradisaic delight it’s easy for a woman - just treat the lady with a chocolate bar with coconut flakes on the shore transparent sea. With a strong sex, such a number will not work, so the lady will have to try hard, trying to find the most suitable ways man's arousal.

In the absence of organic problems, the guy's arousal technique will not cause any particular difficulties, but there are some nuances. So, what actions should a lady take to quickly excite a man, giving him pleasure:

  • Touching the hair.

If the guy's head does not resemble a billiard ball, you can very slowly play with curls of hair, moving from the crown to the cherished occipital fossa. There are several sensitive points here that will make the "beeches" pliable sexual partner. It is necessary to touch gently, excitingly, unobtrusively.

  • Ear biting.

Masters erotic massage it is not in vain that they pay attention to the earlobes: they bite, suck, hinting at another organ with which similar manipulations can be performed. If an exciting ear massage is undeservedly ignored, a woman can expect disappointment in bed. Touching an organ that is far from the notorious “ji” points is quite capable of arousing a man.

  • "Cinnamon Cake".

You can excite a guy by touching his chest, sensitive areolas around the nipples with your hand. Cinnamon, which is used as a “seasoning” for caresses, is especially popular with hot natures. Girls also have a storm of emotions when they give men this spicy, exciting massage.

  • Ice on the back.

It’s worth doing something nice for a guy: play the game of “ice and fire”, laying your partner on his stomach, rolling a piece of ice down his spine from top to bottom. This will bring the body into a good tone, excite the man and set him up in an intimate way.

  • Massage on the little finger.

Strongly excites a man foot massage. The little finger on the leg is considered especially sensitive. You can use any massage aromatic oil that both partners prefer. The stimulating smells that men prefer are described below.

  • Pigtail path.

This method is a win-win because he excites guys the most . It is worth walking the “path”, starting under the navel and hiding in the thickets at the base of the penis, and soon the guy will turn the bed into a huge, boundless “polygon of love”. After that, the lady will not need any female pathogens.

  • Let's take a look at the back door.

Most men respond very gratefully to stimulation of the anus and buttocks. If a guy has a lot of erotic points located “from the back door”, you can try to excite a partner by giving pleasure that way. Massage a man in this sensitive area should not be done too zealously. It is better to prepare for this in advance by familiarizing yourself with the specific technique.

  • Dear egg...

Often a girl excites a guy light touches to the testicles. It has been proven that they have hypersensitivity, only you need to be extremely careful with the organ, because at the slightest touch, the testicles reflexively “run up”. But if you touch the "twins" very gently, the man's readiness for intercourse happens much faster.

  • Take by the bridle.

The frenulum on the penis is the very point, touching which, you can surely excite a guy. For a small V-shaped thing, light enough manual massage, And unearthly pleasure the guy is guaranteed. How to do such manipulations better, a sense of proportion will tell. The wrong approach is to use force, excessive passion.

A great finish can be achieved by focusing on special pleasure points when aroused. You can stimulate these areas both during foreplay and during the intimate process:

  1. Point H. The head of the penis.
  2. Point F. Bridle.
  3. Zone R. Perineum and scrotum.
  4. Point G. In the depth of the anus (allowed interval - 5 cm from the anus) is the prostate gland. It is this location that is most sensitive in guys. It must be remembered: too intense prostate massage is unacceptable. The vulnerability of this organ should be taken into account.

However, do not assume that these recommendations are suitable for all couples in love without exception. Before proceeding with the implementation of advice on the technique of arousal, it is advisable to know the boundaries that are undesirable to cross. The video posted in the article will clearly and easily demonstrate how to write your own bed story.

What else?

A beautiful “wrapper”, an affectionate look, words, perfumes and recipes - the exciting arsenal of a woman is huge. But in order to please the guy, to excite, you need to find your own methods.

  • Beauty and ambience.

It is easy to excite a man by trying on a sexy dress. You can read as much as you want smart tips, but if the wife has eternal curlers on her head, a washed out dressing gown, it is unlikely that a man will get excited. And do not be offended that the spouse is not ready to love anyone, because the woman herself is unlikely to be delighted with the “sofa macho” in worn sweatpants.

  • The power of aphrodisiacs.

It is not difficult to comprehend the basics of intimate "kitchen": it is enough to study which herbs, spices, food are considered aphrodisiacs, that is, substances that can stimulate sexual energy. The entire arsenal of stimulant products is beyond the scope of this article, but some plant items can be named: nuts, bananas, citrus fruits, seafood, spices, herbs. From drinks, you can sip tequila or wild rum before sex. Drinking a lot of alcohol is categorically not recommended, since an unlucky lover can expect the opposite effect.

  • Compliments.

Many men go into ecstasy from compliments - this is an indisputable fact. You can give pleasure not tactilely (with your hands) - just say a few inspiring phrases, and a stern heart will collapse at the feet of the seductress.

  • artificial stimulants.

There are a lot of stimulants of male potency, which are quickly brought to the desired condition with the help of natural or chemical substances(Viagra, Alicaps, etc.). They should be taken with caution, as many drugs cause side effects.

  • Seductive fragrance.

To excite men, ladies often use different smells. Which essential oils are popular in this difficult but pleasant business? Fragrances can be pure form, and be contained in gels, shampoos and even scented candles. Aphrodisiacs are rose oil, neroli, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, ginger.

  • Photo 9 by 12.

Pictures, photos, videos of erotic content are sometimes included in the arsenal of seduction of a man, but often you should not get excited virtually, because the best object for this is a real, beautiful girl.

What to do if a lady is not only not enough for high-quality seduction, but is interfered too much strict upbringing or outright ignorance?

Possible mistakes

It is very bad when women make banal mistakes in seduction without even realizing them. According to statistics, most divorces happen due to sexual incompatibility, but what is the reason?

"Errors" in girls:

  1. Puritan upbringing. If a lady feels bad from the mere word “sex”, then it will not work to excite a guy or give him pleasure. It would be more correct to turn to a sexologist (psychologist), who will help you become more liberated.
  2. Absolute darkness. The anticipation of sex in the dark and under the covers is not very inspiring for a man. Contemplation female body- This First stage excitement should not be ignored. For example, it is undeniable that men are turned on by female breast. The answer lies in the genome of the stronger sex. This affection has existed since ancient times, since the breast has always been considered a symbol of beauty, femininity, and it is also no secret that this organ is one of the main erogenous zones women who can completely liberate her.
  3. Shyness. No absolutely ideal bodies, therefore, flaws can be skillfully masked under exquisite peignoirs or loose capes, providing a man’s gaze with only those places that are beautiful and able to excite.

In order to excite a man very much, to give him pleasure, you do not need to master all the known techniques or 15 ways of getting pleasure at once. The main condition for success is mutual emotional attachment. If both partners are spiritually close, arousing a man is easy and effortless.

How to please a man this is a fairly frequently asked question. We will reveal some interesting secrets, be sure to use our advice, your man should like it.

1 . play with his hair

Gently touch the back of the head with your fingers, as if sneaking up on the hair, then run your fingers through the hair, play with his hair. Tickle the dimple under the back of the head, there are 2 sensitive points here. From gentle touches to this zone, a man can turn into an affectionate cat.

2. tickle your ear

Surprisingly, a man's earlobe is considered no less than the most famous. Run your tongue along the earlobe, you can bite it a little. In the sharpest and most interesting moments, try to lightly bite the lobe, it will give passion and the man will respond to this action absolutely.

3 . caress his nipples

For some, this fact is doubtful, but nevertheless, you should try this moment too. Caress your man's nipples, their halos. Follow the reaction, if he froze waiting for the continuation, act more confidently, use your fingers too. For the game, you can spread jam on the nipples.

4 . Ice on the back

Play with a piece of ice. Draw a piece along the line of the spine from the very top to the bottom. Play with ice , tease a man , this will further irritate your partner .

5 . Little finger on the leg

Another important approach to a man is foot massage. Perhaps from him he will melt like wax. For a massage, take the oil and start with the heels, then the toes. Toes are very susceptible, especially linger on the little finger.

6. tongue caresses

Another interesting place is the path from the navel and below. You can walk with your fingers, so the nerve endings are electrified, but if you tickle the path with your tongue, then you will get a greater effect from this.

7. Slap on the buttocks

If you can still keep the situation under control , great . You can do a light massage, moving to a more active one, then spank. Perhaps your man will respond to the stimulation of the anus, but here you have to be extremely careful and affectionate.

8 . caress the testicles

Be careful and careful with touches to the dearest man. Here you need to touch lightly, warmly, affectionately, play with your tongue and lips.

9 . Bridle

It is a V-shaped ligament between the glans and foreskin of a man's dignity. Gentle and playful touches will delight you with the result.

Here are the most important tips and answers to the question " How to please a man? ". Use them in agreement with the man and watch his reaction.

An ancient sage said that smart wife she will build her house, but a foolish woman will destroy it with her own hands. How to make someone who is near happy, loving and worthy of you? Today in the women's club "Who is over 30" we will share,

What do men want

From ancient times, it was customary that the wife was required to create all the conditions for her husband to happy life. modern woman usually has a good education, successfully builds a career, earns not less husband. So she begs the question: “Why should I think about how to please a man?”

Let's forget about emancipation and equality for a while and think about how to make the man next to him was satisfied and happy. Speech in this case concerns all aspects of being together, and not just sex.

So what do our men really want?

American psychologist Abraham Maslow developed the so-called scale of needs:

  • physiology (food, sex)
  • security and stability
  • acceptance (feeling part of a group, family)
  • recognition of merit
  • self-realization

Any woman wants to see a worthy companion nearby, whom she would be proud of, with whom she would feel confident. So why not try and help your loved one become really like that?

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How to please a man correctly: female tricks

Family psychologists suggest thinking about whether you are doing something nice for your man just for fun or pursuing selfish motives.

At first glance, this question may seem strange, but by surrounding him with love and care, you expect a response. So, let's look at each item in more detail.

Physiology (food, sex)

They say the truth that the way to a man's heart is laid through the stomach, because a hungry husband is never affectionate. In this case worth exploring it culinary habits, indulge in delicious, but do not feed - after all, then you will have to deal with his excess weight.

Entire treatises have been written about how to please a man in bed. No spouse will say that he was lucky with his wife if he receives constant refusals in intimacy.

Do not be afraid to experiment, surprise, fantasize in bed- allow yourself to enjoy love games.

Learn to leave everyday life outside the bedroom door. Seductive lingerie, aromatic oils, romantic music- all means are good to please the man you love and please both of you.

And you can also make small gifts in the form fast sex, for example, between shaving and breakfast.

Security and stability

A man just needs to know that you are his reliable rear. Whatever happens during the day, in the evening they will wait for it with joy. It’s good if you have your own little rituals: evening tea or discussion of the events of the day, a kiss before leaving the house, etc.

The realization that he is the one and only will give a man confidence in himself, in the inviolability of your relationship. beautiful clothes, make-up - everything is only for him, beloved.

Don't make him jealous This feeling is only useful in very small doses.


It is really very important for a man that his opinion is respected, especially if he is the head of the family. It depends only on you whether you will independently carry the burden of everyday problems, allowing him to eliminate himself.

Solving the problem of how to learn to please a man, let him feel strong, involved in your life.

Show that you need his advice, that you can't do it without him. Consult on any questions, even if you anticipate the answer or have long decided what to do.

Merit recognition

Often we take it for granted that a man earns well, knows how to do something with his own hands. Speaking about how to please a man, the site does not offer to sing false praises, but here it would be quite good to note his merits.

He got a promotion, fixed the crane - be sure to praise him, tell him how well done he is.


A man is essentially a leader and a breadwinner. Modern realities are such that this aspect is very vulnerable today. Even if you are more successful in business or career, earn more, let him make decisions, be the head of the family, husband, father.

More tips, you will find in another article on our website.

What do men say

  • I have been working as a truck driver for many years, so my woman is like a quiet marina. For me the main thing know that she needs me what is waiting, what is preparing for the meeting. Igor, 46 years old
  • I love liberated women who not afraid to experiment in sex. The most important thing is to be interesting together, because boredom can destroy the most violent passion. Andrey, 30 years old
  • I can't stand grouchy, always dissatisfied- It was because of this that he broke up with his first wife. You will come home, and there is a continuous “sawmill”, in the evening you will get so much that you don’t want any intimacy. I'm dating now new girlfriend- affectionate, gentle, caring. Fedor, 36 years old
  • The first thing to please a man is do not argue and do not delay with the serving of dishes, and the rest will be decided in individually. Why is this needed? As the hero of Frunzik Mkrtchan from Mimino said: “If I am pleased, I will take you so that you will also be pleased.” Ivan Sergeevich, 51 years old

If you want your union to be not only lasting, but also happy, then learn how to please a man. Believe me, he will definitely appreciate it and you will be rewarded handsomely.

Who is over 30 - a club for women after 30.

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