What name should I give my dog ​​to a girl Chihuahua? How to name a Chihuahua name options

The day has come and a beautiful Chihuahua has settled in your home? This is a special breed of dog, the smallest of all known - a real pocket dog. How much joy and emotions, especially for children, such an acquisition will bring! We bought a dog bed, vitamins, toys, but where and how to look for names for a boy’s Chihuahua?

The choice of name cannot be neglected, because it will accompany the dog throughout its life. The nickname should emphasize the special personality of the puppy, and also have the correct phonetic sound.

These amazing chihuahuas

Dog breeds are so different from each other that sometimes it is impossible to believe how a huge bulldog and an almost toy Chihuahua can be animals of the same canine family. The whole secret is that from the genetic material of your pet Chihuahua gene removed, which are responsible for large sizes. A long selection process yielded a stunning specimen, which is now popular all over the world. No one will object that the selection of a name for a Chihuahua boy should be carried out no less carefully.

Cute and funny dog height 20 cm and weight 2-3 kg not only a pleasant companion, but also brave and true friend. Despite such a tiny size, he is very big in soul, so he needs to be named accordingly.

A few simple rules

You don't need to delve too deeply into dog breeding to name your pet correctly. But several basic rules will help you not to make mistakes. You only need to remember three simple rules:

  1. The dog best perceives names that contain voiced consonants “b, v, g, d, g, z, l, m, n, r, c.” Just make sure that the chosen name contains these letters, for example, favorable - Zoomer, unfavorable - Shuttle (although the last name sounds original);
  2. The dog catches the first 2 syllables, so there is no need for long names here, but ones like Ricci or Tobik are perfect. Did you want to name your pet Balthazar? Then come up with a shortened nickname, for example, Balti;
  3. Try to avoid human names - this is confusion and bad manners.

Having wound up these instructions, let's go in search of adventure... or rather, in search of a name for the Chihuahua.

Representative muzzle

Very often, Chihuahuas are bred for the purpose of appearing with him on various parties and parties. Cute dogs of this breed will complement the image of a sophisticated fashionista. But even if you do not pursue such a goal, this dog attracts the eyes and smiles of those around you. Many people will want to pet your pet and, of course, find out his name. In general, publicity is guaranteed for you and your four-legged friend. Then the name for the dog must be chosen based on the effect it should create. You can play with several options for Chihuahua boys:

  • Just good nicknames: Ernest, Arno, Shawnee, Byron, Harry, Orion, Felix, Choco, Lobbo;
  • Shocking nicknames: Guru, Adolf, Ricci, Archibald, Kefirchik, Che Guevara, Bubamara, Tsatsa;
  • Nicknames with humor: Bagel, Wrapper, Pocket, Tube, Schnitzel, Peas, Coconut, Pepper.

These are not all the directions in which you can “dig” in search of a name for your dog. There are many more ideas for inspiration. Don’t forget also that a dog can be named after your favorite actor, athlete or singer, both modern and idols of the past.

Mexican roots - Mexican nickname

About the origin of the Chihuahua breed different stories, but you can find one thing in common, dog has Mexican roots. It's no surprise that when you read up on Mexican dog name options, you'll discover how appropriate they are for this breed. Here are some of them:

These names, like a magnet, attract attention and are surprisingly suitable for this colorful Mexican Chihuahua. By the way, Macho is a word of Latin American origin, which is also perfect for a Chihuahua boy.

Royal blood

Despite its size, the Chihuahua breed is treated with all respect and seriousness. This can be played on in the name of a blue-blooded baby. Fortunately, nickname options emphasizing noble origin of the dog, a great many. For example:

  • Prince;
  • Graph;
  • Louis;
  • Caesar;
  • Cicero;
  • Baron;
  • Kaiser.

Such names will be an excellent addition to a faithful and noble Chihuahua character. Even a miniature dog is worthy of an honorary name.

Mini dog with a big name

Not only the artist, but also the owner of the Chihuahua can play in contrast. Why not give your pocket wonder a name that would be more suitable for a mastiff or shepherd? It’s funny and fun, and very true, because the Chihuahua looks small, but inside it’s a giant. Great options:

Remember, no matter how funny the dog looks, you should always remember that, first of all, it is a personality. He needs attention, care and respect from you. To the dog no need for long walks, but regular exercise is on fresh air very desirable, although he may well defecate in the sand.

A little love and you and your Chihuahua will become true friends for life!

Who has probably already bought bowls, a bed, a tray and toys. Now the owners will only have to come up with a sonorous name for their baby. How to name a Chihuahua so that the nickname is not only appropriate, but also original? It is clear that hardly anyone will dare to give such a tiny dog, say, the name Polkan or Tuzik. What name would be just right for this miniature dog?

Choosing a nickname for a Chihuahua boy and girl

To be fair, usually a Chihuahua puppy is brought into the house with no name at all. If the dog has his own dog documents, then they already have a name, but it is, as a rule, excessively long and sometimes even difficult to pronounce. Therefore, you still have to come up with a nickname. Let's look at how to choose the right names for a Chihuahua:
  1. Pay attention to the color of the dog. A snow-white puppy can be called, for example, Ice, Snowball (or Snowflake), Winter, Belka. The red baby can be called Ginger, Orange, Foxy, Ginger. Black - Ugolek, Black, Knight, Devil. The names Chocolate (or Shokoladka) and Brown are suitable for brown tailed “guys”. It is reasonable to name a blue (gray) puppy Gray, Mouse, Silver. Fawn baby - Duchess, Pale, Luchik;
  2. We rely on humor. Considering the modest dimensions of the Chihuahua, you can kindly joke about it by giving the dog a name that will “set off” its slender build. For example, the following nicknames for a Chihuahua may be unusual: Zeus, Montu, Shu, Sol (names of ancient gods), Batman, Joker, Ataman, Hurricane;
  3. A bias towards “edible” nicknames. You can name a boy's Chihuahua, for example, Bagel, Loaf, Cake, Sugar, Marzipan. Nicknames for Chihuahua girls can be: Cherry, Blackberry, Sweetie;
  4. Let's look at the character of the dog. Does your Chihuahua obviously love to eat? You can call the little glutton Donut or Bun. The puppy prefers any game sweet Dreams? You can call him Sonya or Morpheus. A chihuahua that barks too much can be called Yarym (or Yarik), and a good-natured one – Svetik, Laska;
  5. Chihuahuas are small dogs. You can emphasize this quality with a nickname. For example, the names Bead, Button, Doll, Cube, Baby are suitable;
  6. We pay tribute to tradition. The Chihuahua is a dog originally from sunny Mexico. So why not give the dog a name that is familiar to this North American country? You can call a Chihuahua girl in Mexican (or rather in Spanish) like this: Bonita (i.e. “beautiful”), Paulina (“little”), Esperanza (“hope”). Names for chihuahua boys may be: Diego (“smart” or “scientist”), Alejandro (“defender”), Mateo (“God is with us”). By the way, a female dog can also be called Mexico;
  7. We make a bias in favor of a rare name. Undoubtedly, you will need to choose a name that the dog owner will like. There is no friend for the taste and color, but such names as Genevieve, Mazhena, Amelia sound very beautiful and unusual. If the Chihuahua is male, then it can be nobly called, for example, like this: Ludwig, Gabriel, Marcel;
  8. We name the Chihuahua after the cartoon characters. You can give your pet a nickname based on the names of dogs in cartoons. For example, Jake, Bim, Volt, Pluto. At the same time, a pet can be named simply in honor of a non-dog hero beloved from childhood: Bagheera, Homer, Lilo, Winnie. This is exactly how you can choose a dog’s nickname in honor of some hero from computer games: Enderman, Sonic, Hitman, Kratos. That is, it’s a matter of taste, you just need to remember which characters from cartoons, books, games or films you like;
  9. We give the animal a name based on our own profession or hobby. For example, the owner of a Chihuahua works as an engineer. Why not name the dog Vintik? It would be useful for an artist to give his pet the nickname Brush or Watercolor. It would be appropriate for a traveler to choose a nickname that is identified with some memorable place, for example, Iguazu (in honor of a Brazilian waterfall).

What points should you pay attention to?

So, Chihuahuas depend on the imagination of their owners. And you need to focus, first of all, on your taste, so that the name of the animal does not hurt your ears. But to avoid getting into trouble, you should pay attention to the following tips:

Photo: Chihuahua puppies| Dreamstime.com

  1. Don't name your dog too pretentiously. Names for Chihuahua boys or girls should be chosen for reasons of convenience. Agree, it will be very inconvenient to call Archibald Truffaldino Gray every time;
  2. You should not choose such nicknames for Chihuahua boys and girls, which will then be abbreviated for convenience. This will make it more difficult for the dog to get used to the name, because in the animal’s understanding the names Benedict and Benya do not sound the same;
  3. It is better to give up nicknames that are similar to command words, for example, the dog will associate the name Funtik with the command “Fu”, and “Sid” with the command “Sit”;
  4. You should not choose abusive names for Chihuahua girls and boys. In a crowd it will be awkward to call an animal some bad word;
  5. Choosing a name is a matter of taste, but it is better not to call the dog the same name as one of your close relatives, neighbors or colleagues. Unfortunately, many people may simply be offended that an animal is named after them;
  6. Any nickname must be spoken out loud to the dog. Did the puppy wag its tail (or at least turn its head towards its owner)? So the name is appropriate;
  7. Nicknames chihuahua dogs They can be anything, but first of all the owner must like them. Let all pets among your friends have noble names like Marianne or Sebastian. If the owner likes the nickname Bun, then that’s what the dog should be named;
  8. Choosing a nickname seems to be fun, but at the same time difficult. Some owners, until they decide on a name for sure, call the dog one way today and a completely different name tomorrow. An animal (especially a very young one) will simply be confused by such diversity;
  9. It is better not to name a dog in memory of a deceased pet (especially one that did not die a natural death, for example, from illness or injury). Perhaps a repeated name will not bring any misfortune, but it is better not to risk it.

Having brought a tiny defenseless creature into the house, new owners are often puzzled by the question of what to name their four-legged friend. Puppies always look very funny and touching. Having chosen a specific baby among many others, you want to immediately start taking care of him and purchasing everything he needs. But first you need to choose a beautiful and sonorous nickname for the dog. Chihuahua is an unusual breed. They practically do not cause any concern to the owner; they do not need to be walked every day.

Such little creatures do well in a diaper or in a special tray. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right one. If you decide to buy yourself such a sweet friend, then our recommendations will certainly come in handy. Chihuahuas can be very different. You just have to think carefully and show a little imagination.

Breed Features

The Chihuahua is the world's tiniest dog, one of the... popular breeds. People often choose it as their pet because she is easy to care for and train. They especially like to give such animals to children, since it would be extremely difficult for them to cope with a large animal. Of course, such a baby is not intended for apartment security or protection.

People, rather, start it for their own pleasure, in order to constantly have good mood. A good mood is guaranteed to you! Nicknames for chihuahua girls, based on the characteristics of the breed, can be as follows: Baby, Cutie, Princess, Knopa, Businka. You can carry your baby in your arms while walking. People around you will be delighted and will start giving compliments. You too will be the center of attention thanks to this beautiful dog. Surround your puppy with care and attention.


Dogs of this breed are distinguished by great mobility, activity and curiosity. By temperament they can be compared with sanguine and choleric people. Such a baby is unlikely to exist for a long time sit in one place. Dogs love to run around the house, frolic and be mischievous.

In addition, they often ask to be held by their owner, demanding another portion of attention and affection. The name for a Chihuahua girl can be chosen in accordance with this feature: Yula, Strela (or Strelka), Rocket, Comet. No one will definitely be able to remain indifferent. To emphasize the mischievous nature and tendency to mischief, choose nicknames: Jumper, Jump Rope, Fidget, Smile.

Loyalty to the owner

Despite their small size, Chihuahua dogs are incredibly loyal to humans. As a rule, they choose one family member and selflessly serve him all their lives. Nicknames for a Chihuahua girl can be: Umka, Laska, Nyasha, Nyusha. You should name the baby in such a way that you yourself would be extremely pleased to pronounce the name. Never give a nickname that was recommended by one of your relatives, but you personally don’t like it. This approach will not bring any joy to you or the animal.

Coat color

These the most delicate creatures There are different colors, and they are all, in most cases, uniform. Nicknames for a girl Chihuahua should emphasize the bright advantages of the color: White, Chernushka, Snowflake, Night. This way, you won’t initially have to get confused among a variety of names, struggling to find the right one among them. The color of the coat, as a rule, will speak for itself; there is no need to invent anything additional.

The name for a red-colored Chihuahua girl can be as follows: Zolotinka, Radiant, Zarya. This option may be considered quite acceptable if you do not want to devote a lot of time to thinking about it. this issue. In any case, the name for Chihuahua girls must be imbued with extraordinary tenderness. Your pet will remain grateful to you if you reward her with an affectionate and pleasant nickname.

Beautiful names

What are some cool nicknames for Chihuahua girls? Of course, each person will have different names to suit their taste. It is known that there is no dispute about tastes, but some can be taken into account beautiful nicknames. What are these options? Lisa, Bella, Willie, Renata, Leila. The names that are very popular are: Cleopatra (abbreviated Klepa), Elsa, Masya, Mila, Milena. There are people who prefer Old Slavonic dialects: Dunya, Dusya, Manya, Marfa.

In any case, try to choose a nickname for the dog that is gentle, refined and suitable specifically for it. Sometimes one look at an animal is enough for a name to appear on its own. Listen to your intuition, it will definitely tell you the right decision!

Latin American motives

After all, the Chihuahua is a breed bred in Mexico. Based on this fact, the baby can be christened, for example, like this: Alicia, Beatrice, Deborah, Delphine, Dolores, Yesenia, Camilla, Aleta. They all sound amazing and mentally take us back to beautiful Mexico and mysterious Spain. Fans of Brazilian TV series can be advised to name their dog after their favorite heroine. Ideal for this purpose: Ines, Manuela, Marcela, Chica, Estela. People around you will have pleasant associations. If you want the nickname to be the most natural part of the puppy’s life, then you should choose from Mexican and Spanish female names: Francisca, Teresa, Regina, Matilda, Marcia.

Unusual names

Who doesn’t know the lioness Nala from the famous “The Lion King”? No one is stopping you from christening your favorite dog with it. Often people prefer to give their pets original names: Lucy, Lizzie, Dolly, Leda, Adele, Cindy. Such a nickname will noticeably distinguish your pet in the yard and give it some advantages over the usual Bugs and Mankas.

Emphasize original approach the owner, his refined taste and the desire to proudly demonstrate their individual position. If you call your beauty Lumba or Daisy, those around you will repeat the nickname for a long time, trying to remember it better.

What not to call a dog

It is highly discouraged to name an animal by common human names that are prevalent in your country. For example, the dog Elena, Natalya or Irina will offend the ears of all women who are called that way. You shouldn't call her Katya or Olga. The dog should not have an abusive nickname that would be embarrassing to say out loud in the yard. This will in no way demonstrate originality of thinking, but rather will upset others.

Instead of a conclusion

Choosing a name for your four-legged friend is not an easy task. Sometimes you need to use a lot of imagination to choose the right one for your little naughty girl. Nicknames for a Chihuahua girl should be beautiful, gentle, and definitely pleasant to the ear.

A name is the individuality of each of us; our character, behavior, and habits depend on it. It is in the name that our strength, charisma, and for dogs - the nickname given to them with early age affects them directly inner world. This rule is especially important to follow if you acquire such a “personality” as a Chihuahua. When should you vaccinate? decorative dog even more cultural habits, and nicknames for Chihuahua girls play a major role here.

And of course, the assertiveness and patience of the owner himself will not allow the cute creature to be manipulated, and sits on his neck. Let's find out what nickname to give a Chihuahua girl so that her character becomes obedient and at the same time not cowardly. When and how to call a Chihuahua, how to address a dog by its name and when most often you should mention its name.

Depending on the character

Chihuahuas tend to get offended and, in general, experience stress more often than other breeds. As a result, she may tremble and hide in corners, and develops cowardice and fear of strangers.

If the dog is not properly looked after and not given enough care, shouting from time to time, good friend it won't work out. As a result, you will get a cowardly or aggressive mini-life partner, but why do you need such misfortune? Don't take liberties with your dog, even if it has outgrown its puppyhood.

This is the first thing worth paying attention to, the second is that praise and affection should not completely replace education, that is, a stern voice is important, and ignoring the game, and a warning, and, of course, affection.

But under no circumstances offensive phrases, screaming and slapping.

In order for all this to be observed - to combine both the carrot and the stick, you need to start with proper education and accustoming to a name. Make sure you say the name in certain situations when the dog is calm and so are you. If you want to scold a puppy, don't say her name. Otherwise, she will be offended and will ignore you every time you say your name.

Another important advice I would like to give - call the Chihuahua sonorously and briefly. The future education of the puppy depends on remembering your name. Even if the dog’s passport states that it is Isabella, then, of course, it is possible to teach this sound with some effort.

But if you imagine how this name will be pronounced for a long time in your performance when it is necessary to execute a command... So, it is better to immediately change the name to an abbreviated one - Isa, for example, or Bella - they are remembered faster by the dog.

Names for Chihuahua girls can be combined with behavioral characteristics (they will be revealed to you after a couple of days of the puppy being in the house), appearance(color, coat length). The dog may like the nickname, or not be perceived by it at all.

For example, it is known that the sounds “b”, “r”, “j”, “d”, “zh”, “ch” are best perceived by Chihuahuas. These sounds should be present at the beginning or middle of the nickname. Let's give an example of such names: Gioconda, Judy, Dixie, Barbie, Verona, Dana, Rose, Zhanna, Betty.

If the owner wants to name the puppy cool name, he needs to know - a Chihuahua is not a reason for ridicule. Get ready for the fact that everyone on the street will giggle, and openly, and the dog will feel, to put it mildly, “not very well.” You should choose names that make you smile, not laugh.

It is believed that the owner himself will not be able to raise such a dog correctly, his intonation and perception of the dog’s name will be distorted, simply put, will influence the correct upbringing.

Take into consideration these cool Chihuahua nicknames, perhaps among them you will find one that suits your Chihuahua: Baby, Zita, Pixie, Shumka, Toffee, Britney, Alice, Kisa, Iskra, Button, Lala, Nika, Note, Chip, Fiesta, Happy.

There are still many cool names, and if you think carefully, you can create a personalized portrait of your girl without any problems. Such names are suitable if the dog will not participate in exhibitions. Otherwise, for Chihuahua girls, come up with beautiful dog names. This nickname can be shortened and subsequently used daily, as a diminutive - affectionate.

If you want to name Chihuahua girls by color or according to the length of their fur, the following names will probably come in handy: Umka, Snezhka, Snowflake, Puma, Madonna, Zlata, Bagheera, Gamma, Busya, Hunny, Blondie, Smokey, Pumpkin and so on.

List of original names

If you have not yet decided what to name your Chihuahua, then take a closer look at the list of original names.

“A” - Anfisa, Adele, Ivory, Alisa, Assol, Agata;

“B” - Betty, Beatrice, Becky, Busy, Bianca;

“B” - Wanda, Verona, Vixie;

“G” - Gwen, Gracie, Glady;

"D" - Dune, Donna, Jerry, Dorothy;

“E” - Elka, Fidget, Eve;

“F” - Zhanna, Geneva, Julie;

“Z” - Zemfira, Zvezda, Zeta;

“I” - Inga, Isolde, Ivetta;

“K” - Kaori, Ketty, Christy, Baby;

“L” - Lucy, Loan, Lily, Laska, Luna, Lolita;

“M” - Margot, Mouse, Monica;

“N” - Nancy, Nyusya, Ninka;

“O” - Olivia, Okie, Auggie, Omega;

“P” - Patricia, Polly, Perry, Puma;

“R” - Rainbow, Rubina, Roxy;

“S” - Sandra, Samantha, Simka, Susie, Sally, Sakura;

“T” - Tiffony, Treada, Tanya, Tootsie, Talia, Tuta;

“U” - Umka;

“F” - Pistachio, Chip, Fiesta, Flora, Fifa, Fi-fi;

"X" - Hunny, Chloe, Hana, Haruki;

“C” - Flower, Tsunami, Princess;

“H” - Chelsea, Chaika, Celesta;

“Sh” - Shabby, Sherry, Shpulya;

“E” - Elsa, Eureka; Angel;

“Yu” - Juno, Yula;

The Chihuahua dog looks like a souvenir, but in fact it is a person with a wonderful character and cute habits. Everyone who communicates with her will be fascinated by her behavior and affection. These animals love their owners, are friendly, sociable and calm about traveling. You can take them with you for walks around the city and can easily be transported in public transport.

The compact size is a big plus for those who want to keep a dog in an apartment - it won’t take up any space. more cat(or even less), but it will give you a ton of positivity! It is impossible to get bored with her, she is very photogenic and loves to pose, feels great even in a small room and does not shed much.

This perfect option for those who want to have a funny four-legged friend nearby, but at the same time he wants to be compact and easy to keep.

In contact with



These cuties are descended from Techichi, the sacred dog of the Aztecs, Mayans and Tolkecs. It was mentioned back in one thousand five hundred BC. Then, in the sixteenth century, the Spaniards took over these lands and became - oh horror! - eat these little animals. The breed almost disappeared, but, fortunately, it was still used to catch rats on ships and crossed with the Chinese.

After several hundred years, tourists began to visit these places and buy strange babies from the locals, who called them Chihuahuas. Interest in them flared up in Europe, clubs appeared, two individuals were brought to Russia - Fidel Castro gave them to Nikita Khrushchev. Now many houses are filled with such beauties.

The blood of pinschers and toy terriers, spitz dogs and papillons flows in the veins of these fluffies. Breeders deliberately crossed them with these breeds to make their appearance even sweeter and cuter. One litter can produce cuties of different sizes, colors, and even fur lengths.

The standard is determined not by color or height, but only by weight - it should be from one and a half to two and a half kilograms. IN as a last resort it can be half a kilogram for small representatives and three kilograms for especially large ones. More or less is already a vice. Average height yappers - fifteen to twenty-three centimeters.

Do not buy too small individuals - sellers may pass them off as elite, but in fact they are simply sick or underfed. At the same time, they are sold for a much higher price than normal ones, citing their rarity and exclusivity.

Description of the breed

Chihuahuas are small and cute, they can be easily distinguished from other four-legged relatives. Here are their characteristic features:

  • Compact square body, its length is almost equal to the height at the withers. Girls are longer - this is due to physiology. The back is level, the loins are muscular, and the croup is slightly sloping. The chest is wide, the belly does not hang down. Middle length neck, a little noticeable withers.
  • The crescent-shaped tail curls toward the lower back, is wide at the base and tapers towards the tip. Set high, medium length.
  • The front legs are straight, the hind legs are metamorphosed, with long bones, all oval and small at the ends, with elongated and slightly spaced fingers. The front ones are in line with the elbows, the rear ones are harmoniously located relative to the joints, knee and hock joints.
  • A round apple-shaped head, a strongly pronounced stop, an upturned nose, the lobe can be any shade.
  • The muzzle tapers slightly towards the nose, short and straight in profile. Not very noticeable cheekbones, dense lips and a scissor or level bite.
  • The eyes are large and round, preferably dark. Light colored ones are allowed, but you cannot enter the exhibition with them.
  • The ears are erect and mobile, strongly open, wide at the base and tapering towards the tips, rounded.
  • The coat can be smooth or long, the former are considered more emotional and cheerful, while the latter are peace-loving and calm. Long-haired fur is silky and smooth, it can be wavy, with undercoat. It is longer on the ears, neck, inside the paws and on the tail. In smooth-haired cats, the hair lies tightly to the skin, is short and soft. There is an undercoat, then long guard hairs are acceptable.
  • Colors range from white and blue to fiery red. The standards allow all colors except merle.

If you keep such a sweetie in your home, you will admire it every hour - its movements are harmonious, its muzzle is charming and has a kind expression, its fur is smooth and pleasant to the touch. These are charming creatures that can make anyone fall in love with them; it is impossible to take your eyes off them!


These funny creatures have difficult character– sometimes they can bark loudly and not calm down, get angry at the harassment of children and be suspicious of strangers. This behavior is due to the Mexican past, when it was necessary to survive and escape from danger. If very scare the poor guy a lot, she can unexpectedly relieve herself right on the spot. When she sees your guests for the first time, she is very nervous and rushes about.

But among those she knows, the baby becomes sociable, affectionate and active, begins to run and tumble, grunt, show how she can - in general, like the most real child. But if you are busy, she will not disturb you, because she perfectly senses the mood. In this case, she will quietly sit somewhere nearby and watch you do your thing.

Representatives of this species have a fairly stable psyche when compared with other dwarf pets. They are not cowardly or hysterical, they just need to get used to people. Sometimes they are even slightly arrogant and proud. They are always curious and love to study and observe everything.

Don't shout at them - they are touchy and can take a long time remember rude treatment. But after that, they are usually the first to come to make peace, having sat in their corner and been offended to their heart's content. Don’t make them sad, it’s better to be delicate and polite, they will understand everything perfectly well.


Many owners of these animals say that they adapt very well to the situation. Yes, at first, when they see something unusual, they get nervous and shake, but then they begin to explore it with curiosity. They are sociable and love attention and get along well with children, but can get angry if they are too careless.

In addition, this is dangerous for the pets themselves - they are so small and fragile that they can be accidentally hurt or injured. Such cases have happened, so it is better to keep an eye on the baby when he is playing with the dog, or even choose a larger type.

The owners of these babies say that almost always strangers They are greeted with loud and shrill barks, but soon get used to them. They are not afraid of larger dogs and are even inclined to bully them first. But houses can get along even with a cat - the main thing is that both animals are young.

Some claim that their Chihuahuas love to travel in a bag or under their arm and take them with them to a cafe or on walks with friends - fortunately, their size allows them.

Nicknames for boys Chihuahua dogs

If you have already purchased a puppy, it was given to you as a gift, or you are just thinking about buying it, then you need to take care not only of arranging a place for it in the apartment and drawing up a menu, but also of choosing a name. The next twelve, and under successful circumstances, much more more years you will call this name every day to call the little furry one.

It is important that it suits him and that you like it! It should be easy to pronounce in order to call him on the street or to the bowl, capacious and sonorous. How to choose a name for a boy?

In fact, there are no clear recommendations. You can name it after your favorite actor or singer, such as Johnny, Alan, Paul, Elvis, after an inspiring book or movie character - Hercules, Harry, Ron, Kai, or even like a cartoon character - Bart, Bender, Stewie.

Some prefer to choose a courageous nickname, others prefer a cool one, and still others are guided by the meaning of the name and the character of the kitten. Sometimes they are named depending on the bright trait of the pet - for Chihuahuas, for example, the names Baby, Krosh are suitable. The following nicknames sound beautiful:

  • Amur,
  • Archie,
  • Buddy,
  • Wagner,
  • White,
  • Gold,
  • Goofy,
  • Jasper,
  • Dani,
  • Efim,
  • Iggy,
  • Clark,
  • Leni,
  • Mike,
  • Otto,
  • Rufus,
  • Flash.

Experts do not advise calling the animal the pet name at the very beginning - it must get used to the full one. Don't choose options that sound similar to commands, such as Aport or Faz. Fantasy and common sense– what you need to be guided by when making a choice!

Nicknames for Chihuahua girls

I would like to call such a little thing something affectionate and cute. So that it is at the same time gentle, beautiful, sonorous, reflects her character and is short and easy to pronounce. Because they are long beautiful names still not very comfortable - what will you call Nefertiti or Cleopatra, Sibyl or Cassandra on a walk?

You can, of course, shorten it and call it by a diminutive, Klepa or Kasya, but this is not advisable at the stages of getting used to the nickname. So it would be more logical to choose something simpler, for example, Coco or Jane, Rozzie or Mary, Baby or Sophie.

You can name a girl, like a boy, in honor of your favorite actresses, writers or characters - Xena, Gabi, Susie, Buffy, Christie, Bella, Jen. Russian names are allowed if you are against everything foreign - Faya, Stasya, Taya, Ulya, Ella, Yana, Zhuzha, Raya, Nyusha, Mir, Lesya, Grunya or Varya. Calling pets the same as people is now quite popular and is not frowned upon by the public. Here are some other interesting options:

  • Gerda,
  • Alaska,
  • Baileys,
  • Willow,
  • Greta,
  • Gina,
  • Ju-ju,
  • Indie,
  • Kelly,
  • Ketty,
  • Lassie,
  • Margot,
  • Maggie,
  • Niko,
  • Panda,
  • Roxy,
  • Stella,
  • Tess,
  • Fleur,
  • Hannah,
  • Chapa,
  • Sherry,
  • Emmy,
  • Jagda.

You can come up with your own nickname, which will be absolutely original and ideal for the female who lives in your home. Sometimes, if she has documents, you need to come up with a nickname for a certain letter, the list above will help you with this.

But the choice is yours, so let your creativity run wild and come up with something that you really like. It can be any word, as long as it has an important meaning for you, seems beautiful and is suitable for the baby.