Moldavite. Moldavite – bottle stone

About 15 million years ago, a huge meteorite fell on the territory where Moldova is located today. Its melted and then solidified pieces were scattered over a vast space with a radius of several hundred kilometers. Now the remains of the heavenly alien are called Moldavites.

Transparent and tinted bottle green or greenish brown, moldavite is the only tektite that supplies jewelry material, which is sometimes also called bottle stone and water chrysolite.

The color of glassy formations can be green or brown. The shine is glass.

Hardness - 5.0 - 6.0; density - 2.3 g/cm3.

It is mined from meteorite crash sites.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists suggest that moldavite calms down nervous system. This mineral is believed to relieve Negative consequences stressful situations, normalizes sleep, relieves insomnia and nightmares. Some traditional healers It is recommended to wear moldavite beads or pendants to get rid of fears. Sometimes, due to its rich green color, moldavite is used to stabilize blood pressure, relief of headaches, prevention of eye diseases. Abuse medicinal properties This stone can cause bile to accumulate.

Moldavite affects the crown and sacral chakras.

Magic properties

Of unearthly origin, moldavite keeps the secrets of the Cosmos. It contains magical abilities of unprecedented power, inherent in the forces of the Universe. Experts recommend wearing the stone constantly. It rejuvenates the body, closes holes in the aura that are formed as a result of worries and stress, gives its owner a philosophical view of things, makes him tolerant, merciful and satisfied with everything that happens to him.

Moldavites are believed to help open any of the chakras, especially the third eye chakra. It is not surprising that Moldavites help lovers of mysticism to establish connections with higher powers, because they are guests from Space on our planet.

Fortune tellers and magicians use moldavite when performing rituals and learning the future, since moldavite protects them from possible impact evil forces.

Astrologers claim that wearing products with this stone will benefit all zodiac signs without restrictions. However, in magical rituals it should not be used by Pisces and Scorpios.

Talismans and amulets

As a talisman and amulet moldavite protects its owner from the influence of any kind of negativity from the outside (both natural and from people), protects him from natural disasters, helps to understand divine essence being.

Interesting about moldavite

Findings of numerous small pieces of glass in Czechoslovakia have been known for a very long time, since 1787. This glass was called moldavite. Due to the lack of signs of volcanic activity in the area, it became clear that it was different in origin from obsidian. A fairly plausible theory has been put forward that moldavite represents pieces of glass left over from the site of prehistoric glassworks, but this theory was rejected when similar pieces of glass were found a century later in areas distant from the centers of ancient civilizations.

Many sources indicate that the first place of appearance and origin of moldavite is Moldova. But that's not true. In Germany, in places near the modern city of Stuttgart, approximately 15 million years ago a cosmic body fell to the earth, its speed was 22 km/s. Instantly transformed into thermal energy, the energy moving the body exploded and melted many tons of stone, sand and earth, raising them to a height of up to fifty kilometers. For some unknown reason, sand and rock sintered, forming glass pieces greenish color. They scattered throughout the territory of modern southern Bohemia. They were first found near the Vltava River; at that time they looked like crystals.

Moldavite is transparent, the color is bottle green or green-brown. In appearance it resembles green bottle glass. Pieces of this “glass” began to be found back in 1787 in an area where volcanic activity had never been observed. Therefore, it was clear that its origin was different from that of obsidian. It was then that the theory was put forward that moldavite is glass remains from the sites of prehistoric glass production. But it failed when, many years later, this mineral was found in an area remote from the centers of ancient civilization. Around the same time, they learned about the true origin of moldavite.

Amulets from moldavite began to be made during the Paleolithic era. It calms the nerves, eliminates negativity from stress, improves sleep, and drives away nightmares. Knowledgeable people It is advised to wear jewelry with moldavite to those who are tormented and oppressed by some fears in order to get rid of them. Saturated green color The stone is used to normalize blood pressure, relieve headaches, and prevent eye diseases. Just don’t abuse the medicinal properties of moldavite, as this can contribute to an excess of bile in the body.

The curious appearance of moldavite made it into the public consciousness a stone with unprecedented magical abilities, bestowed by the forces of the Universe. Jewelry with it can be worn constantly, as with its help the body rejuvenates and holes in the aura, made by stress and anxiety, are healed. Moldavite gives its owner a philosophical view of things, tolerance, mercy, and the ability to be content with what is.

It is believed that moldavite helps open any chakra, and especially the main one. This has already been established scientifically. Scientists have conducted many studies and experiments, during which it was found that the energy of moldavite is similar to the energy of the main chakra of the body, which is the basis of human life.
It is assumed that moldavite helps to establish a connection with higher powers, since it appeared on Earth thanks to space aliens, who may have wandered somewhere for many years before finding our planet. Magicians and fortune tellers use it to perform various rituals, mainly to discover the future; they believe that with the help of Moldavite they will be protected from evil forces. Due to these same properties, the stone is often used as an amulet and talisman, protecting the owner from any external negativity, be it natural or coming from evil people. People believe that moldavite will help them protect themselves from the violence of the elements and help them understand divine essence being.

From point of view astrologers jewelry with moldavite can be worn by all signs, but Scorpios and Pisces should under no circumstances use it in witchcraft rituals.

This stone is most favorable to women, especially to those whose name is Mary.

Moldavite is the only stone of meteorite origin used in jewelry. Its wonderful magical properties, as well as its exotic origin and rarity, make moldavite a rather expensive pleasure. Only money is nothing compared to a person’s desire for cosmic secrets. Just the thought that the stone was able to travel distances that are difficult for humans to reach fascinates and is extremely attractive.

From the "Big Encyclopedia of Healing and Precious Stones."

Also known as: glass meteorite

Geological data: moldavite is volcanic glass. It could have occurred during a meteor shower in the Nördlinger-Ries crater formation. The mineral consists of tektite.

Place of Birth: today moldavite is mined in Bohemia (Czech Republic).

Etymology: Moldavite originated approximately 15 million years ago when a meteorite with a diameter of approximately 1.2 km and a speed of approximately 65,000 km/h hit the Earth. The impact and the released energy created a crater 4 km deep and 25 km in diameter, which is today the Nördlinger Ries crater. Finds dating back to the Stone Age support the use of moldavite as an amulet. It received its name from the place of its first discovery, the Vltava River (Moldau). Before today he is famous as magic stone good luck, stone of wishes and fertility.

Use on the body and effects: Moldavite improves blood count in case of anemia. He cures diseases respiratory tract and influenza infections.

Effect on the psyche: develops sensitivity. In addition, it promotes clairvoyance in some people.

Impact on chakras: the mineral belongs to the 4th and 5th chakras. During meditation, the energies of Moldavite act on the crown and third eye chakras, the throat and heart chakras. Place the stone on the heart chakra to promote clairvoyance and inner perception. The mineral activates the entire nervous system and awakens a feeling of warmth in the body, which leads us to a state of calm and relaxation.

Practical tips for use: moldavite should not be worn for a long time. During meditation, place it on your forehead, or you can wear it as a pendant around your neck or in your trouser pocket.

Cleaning and care: Clean the stone once a month under running cool water. To discharge, place in a vessel with salt (sea, Himalayan) for 12 hours. Never place a stone directly in salt. To charge, it is best to place the stone overnight under the light of the moon.

The Czech Republic is one of the most romantic and most beautiful places Europe, which is eagerly visited by tourists from all over the world. The charm of this country is given by: the majestic architecture of the Middle Ages, ancient mysterious castles, the wonderful nature of national parks, the famous Czech beer, dishes from Czech glass, jewelry made from garnets and... Czech “bottle” stone - vltavina.

Vltavin (Moldavite) - Czech stone

Mysterious stone

History of the occurrence of the vltavin (moldavite) deposit

Vltavin - semiprecious stone, sparkling with all shades from light grassy “bottle” to almost black dark green. The origin of this unusual mineral - the southern part of modern Czech Republic. This is the only place on Earth where fancy vltavin stones are found, with bubbles of rare gases inside and a surface covered with amazing folds and wrinkles.

Scientists believe that approximately 14.7 - 14.9 million years ago over the territory of Germany near the border with the modern Czech Republic near the city of Stuttgart A meteorite flashed past, hitting the Earth's surface at a speed of approximately 23 kilometers per second. Under the influence of the released energy during the fall of the meteorite, the earth's rock that took the explosion melted, millions of melted particles rose into the air and scattered for kilometers. They were called Moldavites after the Moldau River, on the German banks of which this incident happened.

There are other versions of the formation of Moldavites. It is assumed that these stones are fragments of a comet that did not reach the end, which did not have time to completely burn out in the layers of the atmosphere and rained emerald on the Earth about fifteen million years ago.

Another version, rather a legend from the realm of fantasy(but how I want to believe in it!). Aliens arrived on Earth about fifteen million years ago. When their energy touches spaceship with the earth's surface, volcanic glass melted and “turned” into mysterious stones Moldavites.

Moldavites or Vltavines?

In 1891, an anniversary exhibition of stones was held in Prague, at which jewelry made from the mysterious moldavite was presented. These decorations caught my attention visitors and press. From the light pen of one of the journalists, moldavite was named vltavin, named after the Vltava River (the modern Czech name for the Moldau River), in the upper reaches of which there is a deposit of the green gem. The Czechs liked the new name of the stone, and since then they began to call moldavite vltavin.

A little science

The moldavite stone was first described in 1786. Josef Mayer (a professor at the University of Prague) mistakenly classified it as a peridot of volcanic origin.

Currently, scientists unanimously believe that vltavine (moldavite) in its structure is a typical representative of tektites of the impactite group. Tektite (in Greek “tektos” - molten)- This is melted meteorite silicate glass. Tektites occur in different places of our planet, they are brown or black. Only Czech moldavites (vltavins) come in all shades of green and strictly certain period occurrence.

Main characteristics:

  • Moldavite stone is fifteen million years old
  • hardness 5.5–6.5 on the Mosch scale
  • density is 2.3
  • melting point approximately 1300 degrees
  • consists of eighty percent silica (silicon dioxide) and ten percent aluminum
  • inside moldavite there are bubbles of rare gases formed at an altitude of twenty-five kilometers above the Earth’s surface

According to scientific estimates, the total weight of fallen vltavins (moldavites) in the Czech Republic is three thousand tons. Large deposits of gems are located near the Czech cities of Trebic, Vrabce, Besednice, Chlum, Slavce, Radomilice. Pebbles are usually found no more than three centimeters and weighing 6–7 grams. The heaviest vltavin was found near Slavica. Its weight is 265.5 grams.

Magical properties of vltavins

Since ancient times, people have believed that a stone sent by the Cosmos is endowed with unearthly energy and magical power. Archaeologists have found amulets and jewelry made from vltavin that served ancient people back in the Paleolithic era.

There are beliefs that many green stones accumulate vitality. It is not for nothing that they are readily used in practices by healers and psychics. Vltavin is not just a sparkling green gem, it is shrouded in legends and secrets of one’s birth, making it ideal for occult meditation sessions.

Incredibly, experts actually recommend wearing Vltavin all the time. It improves vision relieves headaches, uncertainty, fears. The stone helps to recover faster from stress and nervous breakdowns, promotes good sleep, maintains balance vitality. It is used to normalize blood pressure. It is believed that this wonderful gem rejuvenates the entire human body. The stone promotes concentration. The owner of the vltavin becomes wise and patient in resolving important issues.

According to legend, vltavin is a talisman stone for girls named Maria. He helps in solving problems, suggests a way out of difficult circumstances, and gives strength and confidence to Maria.

Methods of using stone in treatment

In alternative medicine there is a direction - stone treatment or lithotherapy.

Methods of using moldavit (vltavin) in treatment:

Modern facts

Jewelry made from moldavite (vltavina)

Vltavin, besides its legendary and mystical properties, has one more advantage.

This stone, shining in all shades of green, with fancy air bubbles inside and amazing wrinkles and folds on the surface, is an excellent material to create spectacular unique jewelry.

The Czech Republic is traditionally famous for jewelry made from local semi-precious stones. Vltavin is no exception. Jewelers, framing natural stone in an exquisite silver or gold frame, they create masterpieces, the fame of which spreads far beyond the borders of the Czech Republic.

Many travelers seek to take away vltavin (moldavite) as a souvenir of the Czech land and romantic Prague as a unique amulet or jewelry. The best workshops for making jewelry from garnet, amber and the mysterious vltavin are concentrated in Prague.

High-quality moldavite (vltavin) jewelry can only be purchased in the country of origin of the minerals. They are cheaper here and are counterfeited extremely rarely, in the Czech Republic they treat customers and tourists with respect. The most luxurious shops with a large selection of jewelry for every taste are located in Prague. To buy moldavite, it is better to choose a large store and, if in doubt, be sure to ask for a certificate of authenticity of the stone.

Prices in Prague for jewelry range from five euros for a pendant with a small (but unique!) Czech stone Vltavin in a simple frame, up to two hundred euros or more for a magnificent set of earrings and a ring. Thus, a stone weighing 22.7 grams costs about one hundred and eighty euros. Average cost small decoration with moldavite it will cost thirty euros.

Where to buy a legendary stone?

According to unanimous reviews tourists from Russia excellent choice affordable prices for products made from vltavins is available in Prague at the Info Center on Panska 6 street, where, by the way, tourists can apply for a refund of value added tax on purchased jewelry.

Many tourists visit Cesky Krumlov on an excursion. The Mozart Collection jewelry workshop on Latran Street has a large and decent selection of designer jewelry made from semi-precious stones, including moldavite.

So, if fate brings you to Prague, treat yourself and your loved ones to at least small piece of jewelry with the cosmic stone Vltavin. Before you buy your copy, try to feel the influence of the stone on you personally, and if the choice is made correctly, the stone will protect you from adversity and disappointment, and will bring you health, peace of mind and the energy of the Cosmos. Well then unusual decoration made from a magical gem will definitely not leave you without the attention of others.

Moldavite is a semi-precious stone with a bottle glass luster, green to black in color. Its surface is covered with scars, cavernous fractures and resembles small sculptures - this is the result of exposure to the conditions of the Earth. The mineral is fragile, the size of the found specimens rarely exceeds 5 centimeters.

Many millions of years ago, a meteorite fell to Earth. This probably happened after a collision with another cosmic body - the structure of moldavite, its properties, color, speak of reactions that occurred high above the earth's crust. Dust rose, particles of earth, plants, sand, stones melted along with the burning alien, forming a new rock.

In the 18th century, when jewelry makers began to use the stone, it was believed that it was a special type of glass smelted by ancient people who lived many years ago on the banks of the Czech river. Scientists have been working to produce similar compounds in laboratories.

Currently, this stone has been found in only one place - near the Vltava River, in the Czech Republic. Moldau is the German version of the name of the river. At a jewelry show, a reporter called moldavite “vltavin.” The Czechs liked it - they decided to tie the name of the stone to the Czech name of the river. Dissonant options gave rise to confusion: when talking about the stones, experts called vltavin and moldavite different breeds, believing that moldavite bal was found in Moldova.

Moldavite and its magical properties

Vltavin is a gift from the Universe, an alien who brought with him a particle of outer space. The formation of the breed occurred under the influence of four elements. The stone is prescribed magical properties:

  • protection from the evil eye;
  • energy recovery;
  • development of intuition;
  • strengthening the ability of the gift of foresight.

Jewelry and amulets made of moldavite were considered a good amulet. The peasants believed that if there was moldavite in the house, there would be a good harvest.

Moldavite is a farmer’s stone; its magical properties are associated with fertility and procreation.

The peasants had a ritual: before sowing, the land was plowed and left. After the first rain, they went out into the field and collected shiny pieces of glass. Then the land was sown. The more pebbles the peasant found, the better the harvest. Jewelry was made from the collected stones and given to the girls. Wearing moldavite jewelry promised health, longevity and the birth of strong, beautiful children.

Magicians and psychics say that the stone allows you to look into the future and see the past.

In yogi practice, moldavite helps open the heart chakra. The chakra must be free for the unhindered movement of energy and the achievement of a higher goal. Through the heart, a person learns love for himself, people, and the world. If there are blocks, a person has difficulty communicating with people and seems dry and selfish. At the physiological level, this manifests itself in heart disease and nervous disorders.

Moldavite, having the ability to travel through time by energy level, gives the opportunity to return to the state unconditional love, familiar to man at birth.

The healing properties of the mineral

Lithotherapy (stone treatment) involves several options for using moldavite for medicinal purposes.

  1. Touch. For nervous disorders, anxiety, stress, anxiety states and insomnia. For headaches, neuralgia. The stone will help cope with excess negative experiences. It is enough to hold the stone in your hand for a while, or apply it to your temples (for headaches).
  2. Visual contact. To improve vision, memory, attention. The overwhelming majority of vltavins are green. This color is good for the eyes because it relaxes vision. At the same time, contemplation of green stones improves heart rhythm. Look at Vltavin if you want to lose weight - the green color calms you down and makes you want to eat less.
  3. Charging water. You can charge water with Vltavin energy. To do this, you need to put the stone in a container for several hours. Use energy water for washing. Water has the ability to cleanse, and vltavin has a restorative property.

Moldavite jewelry and prices

Vltavin is a stone with an interesting structure; it has long been used as jewelry. The stone was rustic because it was found right in the field. Peasants in Southern Bohemia made jewelry with moldavite for girls.

Czech jewelry masters skillfully use what lies on the surface. By creating masterpieces, they increase the demand for semi-precious stones and minerals.

Today you can find moldavite products in combination with precious and semi-precious metals and stones. Brooches, earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets, tiaras for every taste can be purchased in the Czech Republic.

Buyer demand is fueled by statements that the mineral will soon disappear. Data on the depletion of the supply is causing a stir, although there is no exact data on the number of stones remaining in the ground.

Fans of rarities can purchase jewelry from manufacturers, at exhibitions, or in an online store.

Prices for products range from 30 USD.

Zodiac signs

The stone is universal, suitable for all zodiac signs. Scorpios and Pisces should use it with caution when performing rituals. Representatives of these signs are endowed with the gift of foresight and transformation from birth; they do not need to use this stone to develop these abilities. The stone will benefit the intuition of Aries and Taurus. For Capricorns, Gemini and Virgo, the stone is useful for beginnings. And for Cancers and Sagittarius - to restore mental balance. Aquarius and Libra will discover new abilities, and Leo will increase their influence on people.

Chrysoberyl - a stone of harmony and good luck Zircon and its properties Diamond - description and properties of the stone Garnet is a stone of love and fidelity

The rare semi-precious stone moldavite attracts the attention of mineralogists primarily due to its bizarre shape and lumpy surface of the mineral. The stone differs in physical and chemical characteristics. Scientists believe that the rock came to our planet from space. Astrologers and esotericists are attracted by the magical properties of the mineral, but lithotherapists have found use of this miracle in the treatment of many pathologies.

History of the origin of moldavite

The rock is very rare; mineralogists suggest that it did not originate on our planet, but came here from space after a meteorite fell. Scientists do not even doubt that matter is of unearthly origin. The whimsical nature of the stone is explained by the collision of a meteorite with some body. After the impact, something single was formed and it fell on planet Earth. The space “guest” was subjected to various influences for a long time. After which I acquired a strange appearance, but very attractive.

According to the second version, the mineral was formed as a result of the melting of some rock. The meteorite impact only helped to split the soil and release it to the surface of the earth. Humanity has been familiar with moldavite since 1787; at least this year the first mentions of it date back.

Colors and varieties

Studying physical properties rock, mineralologists note that natural color stone can vary from green to different shades brown, although almost black specimens are also found.

Whatever color it is natural material– the surface has a glassy sheen. After processing, moldavite becomes like moss, its shade is dark green, dull, for example, it cannot be compared with emerald. There are no varieties of stone as such.

Deposits and production

Moldavite is included in the list rare minerals, which are found only in the soils of the Czech Republic, in the Nördlinger Ris crater. No other deposits have yet been found on the planet. However, the deposits are very rich, production is in full swing, and in fairly large volumes.

If you believe historians, the meteorite fell right on the bank of the Vltava River, this happened hundreds of years ago. This is where the name of the mineral “vltavin” comes from. Over time, the Germans began to call the river Moldau, hence the origin official name gem.

physical characteristics

The mineral is a little dull, completely opaque, although it allows light to pass through, as if Glass bottle. The amorphous structure leads to complex processing of the stone surface. It is almost impossible to eliminate the bumps, even after correct processing they are visible.

Hardness on the Mohs scale ranges from 6 units, density 2.3. Melting point 1,300 °C. The rock is found in very small pieces, the size of which usually does not exceed 5 cm.

The healing properties of the mineral

Moldavite has a healing effect on the entire body. However, the most strong influence extends to the nervous system and human psyche. Lithotherapists advise putting the mineral under your pillow to become calmer, cure insomnia, and activate internal energy and become stronger.

By placing a stone on the area of ​​the diseased organ, you can relieve pain and even hunger for several hours, and normalize blood pressure. If you look at a shiny, almost opaque stone for a long time, it is easy to notice that after several techniques, vision begins to be restored. Water “charged” with moldavite improves the condition of the skin.

The magical properties of moldavite

Considering assumptions about the unearthly origin of moldavite, the stone is attributed a large number of magical properties. On its basis, the most powerful protective amulets are prepared, different rituals and rituals.

Esotericists believe that a gem is capable of protecting its owner from absolutely anyone. negative impact, coming from outside. Therefore, its main use in magic is protection from the evil eye, witchcraft, slander and damage. Long-term wearing of products with moldavite stone allows you to fulfill the wishes of its owner, reveals supernatural abilities, especially the gift of clairvoyance. The owner of such luxury correct use can easily recognize the future, prevent a negative present, and change the past.

Jewelry with moldavite inserts allows you to see prophetic dreams, sharpen intuition, help you sense future problems and dangers to human health. Yogis, knowing about such properties, use the stone to cleanse the chakras and improve health. The owner of an extraterrestrial miracle himself gradually changes, becomes a kind, cheerful person.

The meaning of moldavite in zodiac signs

Astrologers assure that absolutely any zodiac sign is allowed to wear products with moldavite inserts. The gem has only a beneficial effect. The strongest influence extends to Gemini and Virgo. Will bring good luck, success, career. For Taurus, Aries, Capricorn, it will cleanse the aura and improve the flow of positive energy.

Pisces, Libra, Aquarius, Scorpios will become more punctual, smart, and decisive with such a protector. It will help Cancers and Sagittarius find inner peace and harmony. Leos can gain strong power. Despite the benefits of the mineral, experts still do not recommend wearing it constantly.

Applications and stone products

Its main purpose is to make jewelry. The gem is framed in gold and silver. Little things can be different - earrings, rings, pendants. Given the rarity of the breed, Jewelry They are very expensive, so not everyone can find them in regular sales.

Craftsmen often use moldavite to make interesting figurines and interior decoration items based on it. Magicians, healers, and psychics use the stone in their rituals. Lithotherapists use it to treat a lot of diseases.

Storage and care

The mineral moldavite is considered very fragile - any product with it or made from it must be carefully stored and properly cared for. Impact, mechanical impact, pressure will easily destroy the craft. A gem in a piece of jewelry can crumble even if it constantly hits others. jewelry, if stored in a common box.