With an ectopic, as the test shows. Why is this happening? Does the test show a frozen pregnancy at an early stage

Ectopic pregnancy, will the test show this pathology or not? This question is asked by girls who have have cause for concern. Such worries are not unfounded, because this pathology can cause a lot of harm to a woman's health.

An ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal condition in which the egg begins its growth and development outside the uterus. Such an abnormal process can become a real danger to life, so you need to act immediately.

Gynecologists note that there is a group of women who are most susceptible to the development of pathology. It includes those who are already over 35 years old. After this age year after year risk of ectopic pregnancy only increases. The situation is aggravated if conception occurs in a woman of that age who has had chronic diseases of the genitourinary system all her life.

However, not only age indicators distinguish women at risk. Greater chance of ectopic pregnancy in those who have pathological changes genitals, congenital anomalies uterus. Often these women have already had unsuccessful conceptions.

The difficulty is that to determine the presence of a pathologically altered pregnancy, in the first time after its onset, almost impossible. If suspicions arise, they arise because of the possible normal pregnancy. That is, a woman experiences the same symptoms of egg development as during normal childbearing. This may be nausea, vomiting, loss of strength, immoderate appetite or lack of it, etc. The main sign of ectopic development of the embryo is bloody vaginal discharge.

Some believe that menstruation with abnormal development of the embryo proceeds in the usual way. Actually it is not. What some consider menstruation is bleeding. As a rule, at first a woman notices the usual daub, that is, blood clots come out dark red, and sometimes almost black. This may take several days, or it may take weeks. After that, the tube in which the egg is “stuck” breaks and comes heavy bleeding.

Such bleeding doctors call " false periods". What could be the reasons for their appearance? Let's consider the main ones:

Does the test show a frozen pregnancy at an early stage

A female problem that raises many questions is an ectopic pregnancy. The test will show whether or not a frozen embryo is one of them. The short answer is no. When the embryo freezes, the indicator of the presence of hCG drops sharply.

The level of this hormone just determines the test. However, if done immediately after the embryo freezes, for example, after a few hours, then perhaps the second strip will be visible, but not clearly.

The sad statistics show that cases of fetal fading are becoming more common. The main reasons are:

  • use alcoholic beverages, especially in large quantities;
  • smoking;
  • taking certain medications;
  • transferred infectious diseases and venereal;
  • hormonal disruptions.

Electronic tests - modern facility to determine pregnancy. Will this tool be able to determine ectopic pathology? The accuracy of electronic devices allows us to answer this question in the affirmative. Tubal pregnancy such a device will be able to recognize just as easy as normal.

Many have long switched to the use of electronic tests. Their efficiency is an order of magnitude higher. And this is explained by the fact that a normal test requires a higher level of hormones in urine than for electronic. In addition, a conventional test can change the color of the strips after 10 minutes after use, while the electronic one shows exact result.

Pregnancy, in which the egg is attached outside the uterus, is also determined using the test, just like a normal one. However, in some cases these indicators may be late. The thing is that with an ectopic pregnancy, an increase in hormones to which the test is sensitive occurs later than with a normal one.

In any case, if a pathology is suspected, it is necessary contact a specialist immediately, because only diagnostics from the inside can guarantee an accurate result.

Doctors say that an ectopic pregnancy can bring a great danger to a woman's health. The test will show whether or not it is, in any case, at the first signs of pathology, it is better to contact a gynecologist. Consider common side effects:

  1. Pipe burst. When the walls of the fallopian tube are damaged, serious changes occur: severe internal bleeding begins, strong pain etc. When first noticed blood secretions from the vagina, seek immediate medical attention.
  2. Infertility. Such a diagnosis may sound like a sentence, especially if the girl has no children yet. Most often, infertility occurs when the tubes had to be removed during the operation.
  3. Repeated pathology. According to statistics, every fifth woman is faced with an ectopic pregnancy again. If during the operation were admitted medical errors, the risk of recurrence increases.

To avoid possible postoperative complications, it is necessary not to stop treatment immediately after surgery. Important to continue drug treatment prescribed by a doctor for a complete rehabilitation. Sometimes it takes at least six months after the operation.

The possibility of becoming a mother raises many questions. For example, does the test show an ectopic pregnancy before the delay, or will the second flat be brightly colored when tested at home? Pregnancy proceeds in different ways, sometimes with a threat to the life of the mother and child. The earlier deviations are detected, the fewer complications. Awareness is important in this matter. This complication in medical practice does not happen so often as to be afraid. similar cases.

Will the test be positive in an ectopic pregnancy?

At conception, the fertilized egg begins to divide and travel through the fallopian tube, descending into the uterus. If it is “stuck” after merging with the sperm in the first week, then the embryo becomes large and cannot pass through the tube if it has a narrow passage. After that, he continues to fully develop until such time as he is removed from there surgically. Worse, if the pipe itself breaks.

In most cases, a pregnancy test can detect an ectopic pregnancy, but the second strip will be phantom.
Use highly sensitive test kits if previous pregnancy was pathological or there is a hereditary predisposition to this.

The growing fetus does not move into the uterus in rare cases. This is the so-called "ectopic" pregnancy. If a rupture occurs, it is impossible not to know about it - it is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding. It is clear that the increase in the diameter of the tubes cannot continue until the end of the pregnancy.

Attention: After the rupture of the pipe, it will not go away by itself. This process is accompanied by intracavitary hemorrhage - urgent surgical intervention and medical supervision in intensive care.

What can confirm an ectopic pregnancy when the test does not show it?

Asymptomatic ectopic pregnancy is rare. Therefore, it is important to monitor changes in your health when a woman has intimate relationship with a man. This predisposition is often inherited. But if there is an ectopic pregnancy, the test will show pregnancy, provided that the testing was carried out for a period of more than 7-10 days.

Because of heredity, you should not be panicky afraid of fertilization - you were somehow born, and before that your mother and grandmother. But after the first and second removal of pieces of the fallopian tubes (they are symmetrical), you should not count on natural conception.

It is important to know that an embryo stuck in the mucosa of the fallopian tubes also produces the hCG hormone, but its content in the blood and urine will be less. Outside the uterus, the egg develops fully for some time, which will affect the test readings during an ectopic pregnancy.

The rupture of the tubes does not occur before 7-8 weeks, so until then it is important to make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding normally. If there is a second strip on the test, but it is weakly expressed during the initial and repeated testing, consult a doctor. An ultrasound will show an empty uterus, but the device may not notice an enlarged neoplasm. A laboratory analysis will show the "pregnancy hormone" in the blood. A hCG test with an ectopic pregnancy shows a pale second stripe.

An important confirmation is other signs of fertilization:

  1. sexual contact more than a week ago;
  2. the test is negative (ectopic pregnancy), but there are other symptoms;
  3. nausea (occasionally vomiting) in the morning;
  4. strange dark or bloody issues instead of full menstruation;
  5. discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  6. increased urge to urinate;
  7. weakness, lethargy, apathy and drowsiness;
  8. faint streak in a pregnancy test.
In case of sudden pain against the background of an “undecided” pregnancy, an ambulance should be called immediately. Most likely, after this there will be a surgical intervention with hospitalization.

What causes a negative test in an ectopic pregnancy?

On women's forums, they often ask about "will the test be positive with an ectopic pregnancy?" Opinions tend to be opposite. Some women who have given birth safely say that if there is a pregnancy, then it is determined by the test strip, even when it is pale. Others who have had similar experiences claim that in an ectopic pregnancy, the test shows negative result.

Both are right - different experiences, different dates, individual reaction of the body. But if the pregnancy is obvious, and the test only shows it in the laboratory, then something is wrong or the hormone is still not enough for testing. It is better not to go to women's forums with questions, but to consult a doctor so as not to endanger your life and health.

The conception and further development of the embryo can sometimes go according to the wrong scenario. chronic diseases, hormonal failures lead to the implantation of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. Whether the test shows an ectopic pregnancy and how to determine this pathology is an important issue for women planning the birth of a baby.

It is necessary to know not only the possible test results, but also the signs of ectopic development of the embryo in the early stages. Timely access to a doctor, early identification of the problem will save the life of a woman, as well as the ability to conceive and bear a child in the future.

Conception and pregnancy is preceded by the maturation of the egg. This period is called The cell leaves the follicle, moves into the fallopian tube, where it meets with the spermatozoon under the condition of a perfect sexual intercourse.

For a number of reasons, the fertilized cell does not move into the uterus and is attached directly to the tube. Or it moves, but not into the uterine cavity, but is attached to its neck or, in general, to the abdominal organs. That's what it is ectopic pregnancy.

Women are interested in whether the test shows ectopic development embryo at an early stage. The basis of the test is the reaction to. The latter begins to be produced immediately after conception, regardless of where the embryo is attached.

Therefore, if an ectopic pregnancy has begun, the test will show it or not - the answer is positive. Signs in the early stages are similar to conventional conception, the device shows two stripes.

Whether the test will be positive depends on the timing of the test. If the procedure is carried out too early, negative is possible. It must be taken into account that with the ectopic development of hCG, it is produced in smaller quantities, more slowly. For the same reason, sometimes the test result that women see is a weak second line.

Embryo implantation sites in ectopic pregnancy

Application rules

To get the most accurate result, it is important to carry out the procedure correctly, following all the recommendations:

  • It is better to use morning urine, it is more concentrated, which means that the content of hCG in it will be maximum.
  • You should not drink a lot of liquid the night before, the reason is the same - in concentration.
  • Urine should be used for testing immediately after collection. Even if you pour liquid from one container to another, this can affect the result.
  • The product must be opened immediately before use. A package opened a couple of days ago can also be the cause of an unreliable result.
  • It is important to strictly follow the instructions that come with the product. Exist Various types tests - not only in the form of a strip, but also inkjet, tablet and others. Each of them has its own instructions for use.

Symptoms of pathology

Whether a pregnancy test shows an ectopic conception, we found out. The test gives a positive answer in any case if conception has occurred.

A woman needs to know the symptoms and. This will avoid disastrous consequences.

Pathology is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • strong drawing pains in the lower abdomen, which depends on the place of implantation of the embryo;
  • bleeding associated with a positive test.


Doctors name a number of factors that contribute to the development of the embryo outside the uterine cavity.

The reasons are as follows:

  • problems with the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system: inflammatory processes, gynecological diseases, deformation of the fallopian tubes and so on.
  • operations performed on the pelvic organs;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy or curettage for medical reasons;
  • hormonal contraception;
  • use of an ectopic device.

When to go to the doctor?

If a woman suspects a pathological pregnancy, the signs are appropriate, you should consult a doctor. Is it possible to determine the pathology with the help of the test? No you can not.

Diagnostics improper development embryo includes a blood test for hCG, as well as an ultrasound scan.

It will not show the dynamics that are characteristic of the natural (the analysis is given several times with an interval of 2 days). An ultrasound specialist is able to see not only the presence of an embryo, but also its exact location.

If there are signs of pathology, there is no need to delay a visit to the doctor. Timely identification of the problem will allow the operation to be performed as soon as possible and treatment can begin. This will allow you to maintain health and carry the baby a little later, after the rehabilitation period.

On the video about the causes of pathology

According to official statistics, every 50th pregnancy is ectopic. This condition is dangerous for the woman and the fetus: it does not give any chance of successful gestation.

Will the test show an ectopic pregnancy (WB)? Are there specific features ectopic attachment of an embryo? For these and others topical issues you will find the answer in the new article of our portal.

What is an ectopic pregnancy

Pregnancy is called ectopic (tubal) if fertilized egg attaches not in the uterus, but in other parts of the body, such as in the abdominal cavity or uterine tubes. In this case, it is not possible to bear the child. If such a diagnosis is revealed, the girl is sent for an abortion. If the pathology was not detected in time, then it will stop on its own and the girl will have a miscarriage.

This position is considered dangerous complication. Most often, the fetal egg remains in the fallopian tube, attaches to it and begins its development. Gradually, the diameter of the pipe increases. Since the appendages are not able to withstand such a load, after some time the pipes will stretch to a critical level. In this case, the woman feels first malaise, then acute pain.

If you do not attach importance pain and do nothing, then the shell fallopian tube will break. This will lead to the abdominal cavity blood, mucus and fertilized egg.

Due to the fact that the sterility of the abdominal cavity will be violated, there will be an infection, terrible pain and peritonitis. In addition, rupture of blood vessels can lead to significant hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity. This condition is considered critical, the patient is resuscitated and is under the supervision of doctors around the clock.

If a fertilized egg is located in the ovaries or abdominal cavity, then the likelihood of peritonitis is also very high.

Signs and consequences of an ectopic pregnancy in a specialist's commentary:

The fertilized egg is attached in the wrong place for many reasons:

  • operations of the pelvic organs, after which adhesions formed - they prevent the embryo from moving through the pipes;
  • too narrow fallopian tubes;
  • improper use of contraceptives or an installed spiral;
  • infections and inflammation female organs due to which the fallopian tubes become thinner, deformed and stop working correctly;
  • fibroids, polyps or cysts in the uterus - their appearance leads to disruption of the fertilization process;
  • congenital pathologies of the female genitourinary system.

Does the test show an ectopic pregnancy?

There is a special Inexscreen device for determining ectopic pregnancy. He not only responds to hCG level, but analyzes it. Chorionic gonadotropin is intact and modified.

When the fetus is located in the uterus, the amount of modified hCG should not be less than 10%. If the embryo is attached in another place, then the indicator will be too low and the device will react to this.

The guarantee of the reliability of the result is 90%. In order for the device to correctly determine whether the fetus is normally attached or with abnormalities, the procedure must be carried out at least a week from the expected date of the onset of menstruation. .

An ectopic pregnancy, like a normal one, is determined by a test. However, the test results will differ from those of a normal pregnant girl.

Will it show before the delay of menstruation

At abnormal pregnancy the embryo also attaches on the seventh day, but not to the wall of the uterus. For this reason, the content chorionic gonadotropin in the woman's urine increases very slowly.

Even the most sensitive electronic tests may fail to detect the presence interesting position before the onset of menstruation. At tubal pregnancy a test made during this period will show a negative result, since the level of hCG in the biomaterial is too low.

Does it show in the early stages

An ectopic pregnancy lasts up to eight weeks on average. With it, as mentioned above, the amount of hCG in the urine also grows, but much more slowly than in the absence of pathology.

With abnormal attachment of the fetal egg after a delay in menstruation for early term the test will be positive, because by that time the level of hCG will already be sufficient for the test to respond to it.

What does an ectopic pregnancy test show?

With an ectopic pregnancy, depending on the day of testing, the result can be either positive or negative.

The color of the second strip on the test

Most often, with such a pathology as ectopic attachment of the embryo outside the uterus, the second strip on the test is weakly visible. The reason for this is the low content of the hCG hormone in the biomaterial of a pregnant girl.

When fertilization is correct and the embryo is located in the uterus, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin increases significantly every day. If you repeat the test after 2-3 days, then two strips will already be bright.

In the case when, when re-testing, the strip is again pale, the probability of incorrect attachment of the fetal egg is very high and you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

How to determine pathology without a test - additional signs of improper attachment of the embryo

The main signs in tubal pregnancy are the same as in the absence of pathologies.

The girl has a delay in menstruation, her emotional condition, taste preferences and so on. But there are also specific signs, in case of which it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Low pressure

In the first trimester, pregnant girls very often have low blood pressure. arterial pressure. This condition is considered the norm, because in this way it is easier for the body to form new networks of blood vessels.

However, sometimes the pressure drops sharply for completely different reasons. One of them is an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, in this case, you should inform the doctor about your health.

Low hCG levels

After conception, the level of chorionic gonadotropin increases not only in the urine, but also in the blood. Therefore, its quantity can be determined using clinical analysis blood for hCG. If the final figure does not meet the standards, then most likely the pregnancy is abnormal.

Scanty spotting

When an interesting position is found future mom should carefully monitor the discharge from the vagina, as they can be used to judge the occurrence of pathology. One of the main signs of tubal pregnancy is spotting.

Bleeding can be both scanty and profuse. There is usually little blood if a detachment of a fertilized egg has simply occurred. And when there is a tissue rupture, severe bleeding begins abruptly and unexpectedly. In this case, there is a threat to the life of the mother and you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen

After attaching a fertilized egg to the wall of the fallopian tube, girls usually experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Often it hurts only on one side. Every day the pain gets worse.

Sometimes girls do not attach importance to such pains and consider it normal sensations when carrying a child. However, if the pathology was not detected in time, then over time the pain will become unbearable, and it will spread throughout the abdomen.

In this case, you need to call ambulance, as there is a possibility of hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity. If the consequences are not eliminated in time, there is a risk of death.

Also, the pain in the lower abdomen is greatly exacerbated after sexual contact or active occupation sports.

Minor subfebrile temperature

Subfebrile temperature is a slight increase in body temperature for a long time. Usually it does not rise above 38 degrees.

More often fever in a girl carrying a child, speaks of the presence infectious disease. But if there are no symptoms besides it, then there is a high probability of an abnormal pregnancy.

Other signs

Sometimes during a tubal pregnancy, a girl feels dizzy, fainting or nausea occurs. Of course, all these signs also occur in mothers whose child develops in the uterine cavity, but in order to avoid complications, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

Another sign of an abnormal pregnancy is severe pain in the side, which radiates to the anus.


An ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous condition.

Its untimely detection can lead to pancreatitis, lesions of the female genitourinary system, loss reproductive functions or even the death of a woman. Therefore, when the first signs appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Today, to determine pregnancy at home, it is enough to use tests specially designed for this.

They consist of a carrier material, which in a certain place is impregnated with a special reagent that can interact with hCG in the urine (this hormone actively begins to produce chorion about 5 days after conception). When conducting a study, two stripes will mean positive result. In this case, one strip will always be present. It darkens from contact with urine.

However, this rule applies to the usual normal pregnancy. At the same time, ectopic pregnancy is also a fairly common and dangerous phenomenon. Any woman of reproductive age has a chance to face it. Without timely therapy, a pathological pregnancy can result in a rupture of the fallopian tube, hemorrhagic shock, and ultimately death.

That is why today, probably, every woman is concerned about the question, if an ectopic pregnancy will show a test what?

With an ectopic pregnancy, the test shows the same result as with healthy pregnancy. Therefore, you can safely trust him. This is due to the fact that in both situations in the body there will be an increase in the amount of hCG. Therefore, if a woman has signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, the test should be bought immediately.

However, it is worth noting that this device only confirms the fact of the presence of an “interesting situation”. To understand what kind of pregnancy a woman had (normal or ectopic), she will need to undergo an ultrasound scan.

This is the only way the doctor can see where the zygote has implanted. For this reason, if a woman has performed a pregnancy test, and he gave her a positive result, then she should short time contact a medical facility.

It is especially important to visit a doctor if a woman has symptoms that are characteristic of an ectopic and a pregnancy test is positive. With ectopic pregnancy, as well as with normal pregnancy, there is an increase in the mammary glands, there is a delay in menstruation and toxicosis develops.

In addition, patients with this pathology note in themselves:

  • sharp pains in the lower abdomen, spasms in this area;
  • disorientation in space;
  • urge to vomit;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

In the most severe cases, the patient may experience fainting. At the same time, she has high risk development of pain shock.


How the test shows with an ectopic pregnancy will depend on its type. On this moment devices for diagnosing an “interesting situation” are as follows:

Test strips. This is the most popular and cheapest option. An ectopic pregnancy is determined by the test in this way: after collecting urine in a container, you need to lower the test strip into it perpendicularly to a special mark and hold it in this position for 5-10 seconds.

After the specified time has elapsed, the test is placed horizontally. The results will be visible after 3-5 minutes. In a woman, if an ectopic pregnancy, the test will show two strips.

Tablet. It is similar to test strips. Their difference lies only in the fact that in this case the reagent is applied not on paper, but in Plastic container. Research with tablet test should go like this: a woman drips a few drops of urine into one window, after which she evaluates the result in another. With an ectopic pregnancy test, the result will be given no later than 5 minutes later.

Jet test. It is very convenient, because to use it you do not need to look for a container to collect urine. Use inkjet test very simple. The protective cap is removed from the device, and then it is brought under the stream of urine for a few seconds. This test for ectopic pregnancy will give a result in about 3 minutes.

Electronic test. Often women ask: will it show electronic test ectopic pregnancy? Yes. It should be used as follows: place a certain end of the device under a stream of urine or dip into a container with a biological fluid.

After 3 minutes, the result will appear in a special window. If a woman still has an ectopic pregnancy, the test will display a “+” sign, and if not, “-”.

It should be noted that this type of test is the most uninformative. With an ectopic pregnancy, the test results will become positive only at an advanced stage.
When buying a device, it is very important to pay attention to its sensitivity. It is usually in the range of 10 mIU/mL to 30 mIU/mL.

To diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, it is better to use a test whose sensitivity is 10 mIU / ml. These belong to the category of "ultrasensitive". In this case, the woman has, if an ectopic pregnancy, the test will show a positive result much earlier.

If a woman cannot decide on the choice of device, she should consult a pharmacist. He will show tests for ectopic pregnancy, which will be the most suitable in all respects.


So that the test for an ectopic pregnancy gives true result, a woman is advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not drink a lot of liquid before the procedure;
  • use only fresh urine, preferably morning (in this case, the maximum amount of hCG will accumulate in the urine overnight);
  • after removing the test from the package, it must be immediately put into action;
  • check the expiration date (it is not recommended to use the device after it expires).

Before determining an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages of the test, a woman should carefully study the instructions for it.

It's simple, but very important. If a woman does not adhere to these rules, then she risks getting a false result.

Although the amount of hCG in the body increases during normal and ectopic pregnancy, in the second case it will happen much more slowly. Because of this, a woman will be able to see 2 strips a little later. Usually with an ectopic pregnancy, even after a missed period, the devices show one line.

Only a few days after this, when re-testing, a woman will be able to see a weak second strip. If the ectopic pregnancy is running, then the test will show two strips that will be clearly visible. These are the main signs of an ectopic pregnancy.

Thus, if we talk about whether the pregnancy test shows during an ectopic pregnancy or not, we can answer in the affirmative. However, it is important to understand that such a result cannot be obtained on initial stage development of pregnancy.

If desired, a woman can see the test results for an ectopic pregnancy photo on the network. This way it will be much easier to decipher the result.

Inexscreen test

If we talk about which test for ectopic pregnancy is better to use, then it will certainly be Inexscreen.

This device is a new generation, designed specifically for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. The cost of Inexscreen is somewhat higher than that of conventional tests, but it also gives much more accurate results.

IN this case the test responds not only to hCG hormone, but also into its two constituent isoforms. The test has 2 windows. Finished result evaluated by comparing four strips with the scale that comes with the instructions. The latter clearly states what the test shows for an ectopic pregnancy.

It is quite easy to conduct research with this test. To do this, you need to drop 4 drops of biological material into the hole intended for this, put the device on a flat surface and wait 5 minutes.

This test can detect an ectopic pregnancy as early as possible. With it, a woman can avoid severe complications pathology, and death.

Women who have "interesting position" symptoms and are at risk for ectopic pregnancy should be attracted to Inexscreen, that is:

  • have chronic inflammation reproductive organs, venereal diseases,
  • born anomalies in the structure of the reproductive organs;
  • over 35 years old;
  • suffer from adhesive disease;
  • have an unusual length or curvature of the fallopian tubes;
  • received in the past positive test with an ectopic pregnancy, after which it was confirmed by a doctor;
  • underwent hormonal stimulation of ovulation, IVF;
  • suffer from endocrine pathologies;
  • use an intrauterine device;
  • suffer from endometriosis;
  • in the past suffered an abortion, miscarriage;
  • have benign or malignant neoplasms genitals.

If a woman suspects an ectopic pregnancy, she can purchase a test at any pharmacy.

Doctors advise to conduct a study using Inexscreen between the first and second week of delayed menstruation. As studies have shown, such a test for an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages will give a result whose accuracy will be 90%. And this is already a lot.

If a woman has all the signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, the test is negative, she still needs to visit a gynecologist and get tested for hCG.


Out of fear abnormal pregnancy many patients begin testing on their own and require medical examination even before the delay of menstruation. In doing so, they are guided by various symptoms or even just premonitions. However, an early ectopic pregnancy test is not advisable.

Be that as it may, a woman should carry out all her actions gradually. She must watch her well-being and follow her character. vaginal discharge. A standard test should be performed on the first day of delay.

However, it is important to remember that an ectopic pregnancy test is negative in the early stages in most cases, so ideally the procedure should be repeated after 5 days. It is also worth remembering that in some women, an ectopic pregnancy can be shown by a test only 10-15 days after the delay.

If a woman has signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, the test is negative - the ectopic pregnancy may have just begun to develop. To confirm or deny this, she needs to urgently visit a doctor. If he does not detect a fetal egg during an ultrasound scan, and the symptoms of pregnancy remain at the same time, then you should not stop at such a diagnosis. In this case, for safety reasons, it is better to undergo an examination in another medical institution.