Family holidays. What are family holidays

Family holidays and traditions in the family made my childhood interesting and memorable, and my adult life calm and stable. A long time ago, when I was a little girl, my mother and father and I always decorated the tree on New Year. The special mystery of this process and Team work with relatives gave a feeling of a miracle, forever preserved in the hidden corners of my soul. The toys that we hung on the Christmas tree seemed so beautiful and magical that they came to life in my head.

What are family holidays and traditions for?

They bring hope, support, self-confidence into our lives. They warm from the inside. I immediately feel warm and comfortable when I remember how a Christmas tree suddenly appeared on the porch for the New Year. Or how my mother sang a lullaby to me at night in an undertone. Family holidays and traditions in the family remind us that we are not alone, that in difficult moments we have support, family and friends who love and help.

It is important for a woman, as the keeper of the hearth, to create small rituals, this gives invisible moral support to the child during adult life. At times it is difficult, and for some it is almost impossible, to strictly observe household rituals. But as soon as you start, the household will become interested and will gladly help you.

Which family traditions is in your family? While you are thinking, I will give the most popular of the most common in our country

  • birthday;
  • New Year;
  • calendar and religious holidays;
  • beginning and end of the academic year;
  • the last day of winter;
  • the first day of summer;
  • joint games in the evening;
  • family dinners;
  • preparation of the "crown" dish;
  • bedtime story;
  • joint vacation;
  • scheduling the day;
  • council of all family members on Fridays or Saturdays;
  • tea parties on weekends with different generations;
  • joint decoration of the Christmas tree;
  • watching movies or cartoons;
  • joint cleaning;
  • discussion of the day;
  • good night kiss;
  • discussion of plans at breakfast;
  • summer rest.

What do you remember? Before writing this article, I thought that I had practically nothing of the kind. And when I started writing, I got a whole article. If you have any doubts, maybe you should sit down and describe your household rituals too? See what happens.

For example, many people devote one day off to general recreation, trips to nature, a trip to visit relatives. Celebrating birthdays is also a tradition. I am sure that there are nuances that are taken into account only by you. If you see them and focus on these moments, then routine and everyday life will turn into a special sacrament only for the elite.

And now I’ll tell you what family values ​​​​and traditions are in my family

Thanks Day

A similar celebration is celebrated in the USA. In the house of grandparents, all relatives gather at a large table. Relatives say words of gratitude for all the good and useful things that happened this year.

The feeling of gratitude is a valuable feeling, it is compared with love in terms of the strength of sensations. And it is desirable to educate and nurture it in your children from an early age. By learning to be grateful, they will grow up to be confident and psychologically mature individuals.

I have long liked this American holiday, so I introduced it to my family. At the end of November, we gather at a large table. This time is great for summing up the past year, it makes it possible to run through bright moments, tag and thank whoever you want.

Lullaby for the night

I sang to children as soon as they were born, often just purring a familiar tune. But when the girls grew up, they got bored, they asked me not to sing. At the same time, I faced such a problem that I did not have enough time to sweet words children and praise. I worked and did not see them for half a day, and when I saw them, we were solving organizational issues. And I got the idea - to sing songs of praise for them at night. Since then, this song has become their favorite. She never bores them.

And it looked like this:

“Vika is beautiful, Anya is beautiful;
Vika beloved, Anya beloved;
Vika is cheerful, Anya is cheerful;
Vika is brave, Anya is brave ... ".

Thus, one can continue indefinitely: brave, smart, talented, athletic, flexible, danceable, cute, good, beautiful, creative - until it runs out lexicon. And if it ends, then the children will be happy to suggest their options. And it doesn’t have to be very obviously appropriate for the child, because they still have all these talents.

Pancake Saturday

When I was in maternity leave, then on Saturday morning, when I was still at home, I fried pancakes. The girls liked this breakfast so much that they asked for it again and again. Gradually it grew into a weekly ritual. And when the eldest daughter was asked at school homework to talk about her family traditions, she remembered this pancake breakfast in the first place. Now taste preferences girls have changed. And we replaced pancakes with scrambled eggs.

"Happy New Year's Eve"

And of course, we traditionally decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year. I videotape the whole process. I dream in the future to make a video about how the children grew up, how they hung toys on the Christmas tree higher and higher every year, and how good it was for all of us together. Myself New Year's celebration- this is definitely fun, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, other characters, fancy dresses, games, surprises, gifts.

And we also go to my grandmother almost every weekend with an overnight stay, rest and visit other relatives living nearby. Preparing for children's birthdays entertainment program. Relatives living nearby (seven families) traditionally gather in their homelands and on the first birthday of a new member of our big family.

On Maslenitsa, my mother (she is the oldest member of our nest) invites all relatives to dinner, and all Shrovetide week people who want to enjoy the most delicious pancakes come to it.

Such well-established customs are elements of heritage that are passed down through generations and are strictly observed. But children get tired of constancy. Sometimes mom does not have strength and energy. At such times, it is good to change something. And then return or leave everything as it is, or maybe add some zest. What has already been done will be a significant contribution to the upbringing of your children.

Family holidays and traditions in the family strengthen relationships between loved ones. For small child, who still does not understand much in this world, home rituals and traditions have the role of an anchor that does not allow him to be carried away into a sea of ​​uncertainty and fear. How older child, the less he needs such support as hereditary foundations. But still, they bring confidence and reassurance, make it clear that you are not alone and everything is fine, as then, in childhood.

What family traditions or rituals do you have? Share your achievements or difficulties in this matter. How do relatives feel about such innovations, or maybe already established customs, do they support and help you?

During the holidays it is very important to spend time with children, tell them about the holiday, play with them.

Through the game, the child learns the world, acquires new knowledge, develops physically and psychologically, learns to interact with others. Celebrating family holidays, the child learns family values. Family traditions form respect for elders. The words of L.N. Tolstoy: "Happy is he who is happy at home."


In the family of some of my acquaintances, there is a tradition to wait for twelve o'clock in the morning to congratulate the birthday man, eat a piece of cake and drink a glass of champagne. And under no circumstances (to get up early, I'm sick, Bad mood, tired, wherever you are, etc.) do not postpone congratulations for the morning.

It is very important to celebrate children's birthdays. On this day, they are especially sensitive. By celebrating birthdays from year to year, you instill in them a sense of security, warmth, care and moral support. This gives them self-confidence, teaches them to behave correctly among their peers.

On children's birthdays, in many families, it is customary to measure the height of the child and make appropriate marks on the wall or in doorways. In my opinion, this is a very interesting and reverent activity for a child. If he likes it, next year he will look forward to this moment and will surely remind you of this himself.

In some families, on the birthdays of grandparents, it is customary to talk about family tree of his family, taking out manuscripts, old photographs and valuable things from the bins. Fathers talk about the merits of their great-grandfathers, and mothers bake goodies according to grandmother's recipes.

New Year

Everyone has heard about the tradition from the famous movie “Every new year, go to the bathhouse with friends” . Why would not?! A wonderful tradition, you can meet friends whom you will now see only in the new year.

Or walk on the 1st big company to the cinema.

The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree with the whole family should be in every family, because nothing unites like common occupation especially on a holiday like this. In the new year, even the oldest members of the family, at least for a little bit, begin to believe in a miracle.

In Italy, it is customary to eat raisins for the new year. It is believed that raisins resemble coins, and those who eat more of them in the new year will earn more money.

It is a very good tradition to start cleaning up before the new year: throw away all the rubbish, sort out the corners and throw out the chipped dishes. This is a good psychological tool that helps to leave everything negative, bad and “old” that happened to us in the past year. After such general cleaning you will surely feel relieved.


  • A dream that occurred on the night of December 31 to January 1 will symbolize the whole next year.
  • In the new year, you need to wear something new (new dress), then the whole next year there will be a lot of new clothes.
  • There must be symbols of prosperity on the table: fruits, rice, wheat, nuts.
  • You need to put a coin in your pocket in order to live in abundance all year.
  • During the chimes, write your wishes on a piece of paper, set fire to the piece of paper, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it. Your wish will surely come true.


When celebrating Christmas, be sure to tell the children why they celebrate it, who God is, and why
People different religions celebrate Christmas in different days and some don't celebrate it at all.

Many families of my acquaintances celebrate two Christmases, Catholic and Orthodox. Very comfortably, Catholic Christmas they celebrate with the wife's parents, and for Orthodox they gather with the husband's parents.

caroling very much interesting activity for children at christmas. You can find ditties and songs on the Internet, dress up children and walk with them around the neighbors. Every child will enjoy receiving sweets. And the process itself, walking around the neighbors is very exciting.

Fortune telling at Christmas is a very interesting activity, not subject to ages. Thus, you can have a good time with both friends and daughters.


  • If a woman enters the house first at Christmas, the women in the house will be sick all year. (So ​​it is for Easter and for the Introduction.)
  • On Christmas Day, at midnight, drink holy water in small sips, thinking about yourself. cherished desire! Go to bed silently, thinking about the desire and it will certainly come true.

March 8 and February 23

These are great family holidays and traditions. The male half in the family of my friends, prepare bouquets and gifts in the evening, and in the morning there will be women pleasant smells from the kitchen. It is very wonderful when a father and son have common concerns and troubles in preparing for the holiday. This has a beneficial effect on relationships, unites family members as a team.

On February 23, many fathers take out their army albums and talk about how and where they served, their army stories, and also about where grandfathers served or fought. Even I, at one time, was interested in learning the military stories of my grandfather, of which there were a lot. And that's not it


Surely, in most families, Easter is one of the favorite holidays. Grandmothers talk about
What kind of holiday is this, what traditions exist. Mothers bake Easter cakes and pancakes. And of course, this holiday is not complete without painting eggs. The most exciting process of this holiday. All these preparations develop in children a love for creativity and family traditions.

Such family traditions bring together and strengthen the family, because all this remains in the memory of children.


You may have heard the story that made a splash on the Internet, how a young girl got married on the 11th in
of his family in a 120-year-old dress. That's the link between generations!

Some parents insist on traditional wedding contests and rituals, such as removing the veil and putting on a headscarf (not a wreath, as is fashionable today), bread and salt, etc.

Some mothers give their daughters something that they wore to their wedding.

According to the old English tradition the bride must wear on her wedding day something old(symbolizes constancy - it can be a family heirloom, jewelry; garter, old hairpin, brooch), new(looks to the future with optimism - this can itself Wedding Dress), borrowed(happiness - you can borrow jewelry or even a veil from your mother, or maybe even the dress itself) and blue(fidelity, happiness and love - it can be blue varnish on one nail, an element underwear, hairpin, etc.). “Something borrowed” must be taken from a woman who is happily married, as it is believed that happiness is transmitted through this thing.

It would be interesting to learn about unusual traditions in your families, share with us, maybe someone will like it and want to adopt it in their family.

The family throughout the world is the cell of society where the new generation is brought up. From what will be laid down in the child by parents, his fate largely depends. and traditions play a significant role in the education of a psychologically healthy and prepared person for adult life. After all, he feels the support of loved ones and their love, helping to translate ideas and plans into reality.

Family traditions

If children grow up in a warm environment, then in the future they will want to recreate a similar atmosphere in their family. Traditions bring people together and strengthen relationships. All families have their own history. The customs born in them help to feel significance, to show love and respect for loved ones.

Holding joint holidays is one such tradition. It has long been customary to celebrate special days with relatives.

Holiday types

Special dates may apply to each family individually. For example, birthdays. Family, as in other countries, it is customary to celebrate together with home. On such days, guests are invited, the table is set, gifts are given. And the birthday boy must blow out the candles, while making a wish.

Weddings, the birth and baptism of children are also family celebrations. Many national holidays also noted in home circle. For example, New Year and May Day.

For family holidays in Russia, it is certainly customary to cook Olivier salad. In the New Year, children write where they ask him for gifts. And on May holidays people often go out into nature, arranging picnics. IN Orthodox families they celebrate Easter and other religious holidays.

Family holidays in the world

IN different countries develop their customs both in society as a whole, and in each house in particular. After all, they have their own climate, history, culture, religion. All this forms, including family culture. Traditions in the home have a great influence on the outlook of the new generation. They are passed down from the elders to the younger. Consider the features inherent in the families of individual countries.

It is believed that the Germans are overly pedantic and strict people. But within the family they are very caring. If parents give their children to be raised by their grandparents, then the latter are entitled to payment. Older family members in old age live separately from children with nurses or in boarding houses. But everyone celebrates Christmas in the parental home.

The English, as is known all over the world, are big tea lovers. Hence the tradition to gather for tea on any occasion and without them. Christmas and Thanksgiving also take place in family circle with your favorite foods. In addition, parents must give their children a good education.

It is customary for the French to gather for a meal on Sunday. They are generally recognized gourmets, so noble cheeses, salmon, seafood, famous French snails and, of course, wine must be on the table. However, at Christmas the French drink champagne.

Traditional family holidays in Russia

Since ancient times, there have been many customs in Russia. A pedigree was required. Also, often children were named after their respected ancestors, and valuable things were passed on to them from their parents.

Unfortunately, much in modern world lost. Sometimes only family photo albums remind of the family. But even now there is a tradition to gather at a common table with the whole family.

The small peoples of Russia preserve a great originality. For example, which is Islam, are required to create a family. The wife is completely subordinate to her husband. She brings up children who must unquestioningly obey their father.

Nevertheless, in our country there is a tendency to restore traditional ones. This is confirmed by the emerging Russian holidays based on national and religious identity.

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

This holiday was established in Russia quite recently, in 2008. What date is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity? It is celebrated in our country. Family Day is celebrated all over the world. It was established in 1995 and is celebrated on the fifteenth of May.

The history of this holiday is as follows: in Orthodoxy, the Murom prince Peter and his wife Fevronia are considered the patrons of the family and marriage. They lived in the eighth century. Suffering from leprosy, Peter received a sign in a dream that the maiden Fevronia would heal him. And so it happened. They got married, but long persecution fell to their lot. However, the couple survived it together and returned safely to Murom. They died on the same day - the eighth of July according to the new chronology. So, now you know what date is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, and why it is celebrated on this day.

Mothers Day

Established in 1998 new holiday. It's Mother's Day in Russia. The number is not exact, but changes annually. It was decided to celebrate the holiday in last sunday november. Its popularity is growing every year, because mothers are the most important thing that children have. They gave them life, raised their child. The man became what he is, largely thanks to his mother.

Family holidays in Russia (list)

Every family celebrates the birthdays of its members. Often they are added to the dates of wedding anniversaries and other individual events that have great importance for households.

In addition to private events, generally recognized holidays are also celebrated together. Families decide for themselves which ones to celebrate. Below are the dates that are most often celebrated in the home circle. With the help of the list, you can replenish the number of holidays celebrated in your family.

What are the family holidays in Russia? List of gatherings and celebrations:

How to organize a family celebration?

To arrange family holidays in Russia, first you need to determine what nature they will be, and take into account all the details, without forgetting anything.

The next step is to think about the food. If the holiday is celebrated in nature, then no complex dishes do not need to. But in home environment You can't get away with light salads. It is imperative to prepare dishes that everyone will like. If there are such, then the solution of the problem will not be difficult. And if not, then you need to make sure that all family members can find festive table what they love. Therefore, it is worth discussing this issue with loved ones in advance and consult with them about what is best to cook. This is especially true when another culinary experiment is planned. After all, it is far from a fact that the ingredients included in a new dish will appeal to everyone without exception. In addition to your favorite food, you need to take care of fruits and sweets. The latter, of course, in all its diversity can be found on store shelves. But still, it is always better if the delicacy is cooked on your own, especially if the recipe came from your mother or grandmother.

Family holidays in Russia and abroad will not do without drinks. Strong alcohol is unlikely to be appropriate here. Usually they buy wine for adults, and for children - juices, compote or cocktails. Often, a tea party is organized at the end of the holiday. Therefore, one must remember to check whether there is enough fresh tea leaves so that there is enough for everyone.

Entertainment is an integral part of the holiday. If it is carried out on fresh air, then various relay races, competitions and active games. You can play indoors Board games. And if there are real or future artists among family members, then they must definitely perform in front of everyone.

A holiday is a day of joy and celebration, a day of games and entertainment! How I wish there was a holiday every day! Before the appearance of a child in the family, our holidays were less solemn. No, of course, we were always waiting for them, preparing. Gathered with friends or with us, but almost always it was the same scenario! And now everything is completely different. We began to prepare for the holidays more carefully, we try to make them interesting and unforgettable.

I will tell you briefly about several holidays and how we celebrate them!

Easter. Most of us are Orthodox people and, of course, we celebrate this holiday. Last year was the first Sanechkin Easter. I painted the eggs, made personalized inscriptions on them, glued the bunnies. The house was decorated with the first flowers. In the morning we sat our daughter in a high chair, put a dish of eggs and a cake with a lit candle in front of her. "Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!" Then they knocked eggs together, blew out a candle, took pictures, and dad filmed the whole celebration on camera. We went to church.

February 23. What is the best gift a 1.5 year old baby can give to her dad? Of course, drawing by hand. My daughter and I armed finger paints and set to work. We tried and even drew two drawings: for dad and grandfather! In the morning, when my husband was still sleeping (and we are early birds), we crept up with our gifts and kisses. Dad was very happy. And grandfather said that the granddaughter's drawing is the most best gift. We also baked holiday baking with holiday paraphernalia.

March 8, International Women's Day. On this day, we girls must rest. But men have to try. dad cooking holiday dinner, cake, of course, I cook myself. Then they congratulated me with my daughter, drew huge poster with flowers. We decided to go to the cinema, because this is not so often possible in everyday life.

On the eve of 2016, the Christmas Center is holding a series of online seminars for parents and teachers on preparing for the holiday "Waiting for a bright Christmas". December 17 at 19:00 "On the path to Christmas ...". Culturologist Anastasia Abramova will talk about how modern family with kids different ages to fill the time of Advent with the joy of anticipation of the feast. December 21 at 19:00 "Christmas messengers in our house." Master class: together with the artists Larisa and Glafira Novikov we are learning...

On July 4 and 5, MyFamily invites you to celebrate a big holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Moscow's Sokolniki Park. Come and enjoy the cozy, homely atmosphere of the hospitable site "MyFamily"! You can draw on the wallpaper, take funny photos with the life-size puppet of the corgi adored by everyone Gosha and immediately get them in printed form, make your own bright glass with your own hands, compose family tree and mold from plasticine. Lots of competitions and games for kids and...

Valentine's Day February 14 - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. It is a holiday celebrated by many people around the world. And our family celebrates it every year. Why, you ask? Yes, because we love each other very much! Sometimes family life becomes boring and monotonous, and we so lack romance! And this is a wonderful day on which to once again prove our love to each other and express it not just in words. And two years ago, the most important person appeared in our family ...

Come up with a story about how the night >. but I’m wondering, many Muslims live in our country, and they celebrate their holidays, and for example, can you or your children write about at least one of their holidays?


Thanks to all the girls, I ran home, now I’ll figure out what they did in the lesson and what they talked about, unfortunately I don’t have a topic for writing yet.

if you are not religious and are tormented by this issue: I would be indignant at all and would not allow the child to write on this topic, I myself would simply write to the teacher that - education in our country is separated from the church and our family does not adhere to Christian religious traditions - therefore I don’t think possible for the child to complete this task, tell her about the magic this moment I don’t consider it necessary and expedient, for us this is an ordinary day, the same as everyone else, and I would make a postscript that if that, I can get to the prosecutor’s office with this task if that. but I’m so angry - and I don’t like it when they decide for me whether the child should be immersed in a similar topic - mine, for example, knows more about Buddhism than about Christian traditions, simply because she likes it and is interested in it, but no one forces the rest of those around her to be interested in this topic :)

On July 8, Russia will celebrate the Day of the Family. On this day by Orthodox calendar celebrated the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who became the personification conjugal love and fidelity in Russian culture.

By church holidays we have a weekend - children with their parents are invited to the main one. According to the stories of the girl herself, children from not very religious families are bored in this school. And the parents at your school communicated with each other, it was customary to go somewhere together or ...

Family. Pregnancy. but we don’t celebrate, I think this holiday is superficial ... it’s normal for young people. there is a good Orthodox holiday on the same topic: Peter and Fevronia 02/13/2010 19:06:28, kocha.


And I have nothing to discuss about ... my husband is on a business trip ... (((
Behold, the tree will receive from me tomorrow...

but we don’t celebrate, I think this holiday is superficial ... it’s normal for young people. there is a good Orthodox holiday on the same topic: Peter and Fevronia

Holiday family traditions. How to celebrate: ideas, tips. Holidays and gifts. In another family, mom, dad and daughter were zealously passionate about the eastern teachings of Feng Shui, and now they celebrate the third New Year especially. Mom finds material in advance about which ...


In every family, the New Year is held especially. My husband and I are familiar with one large family that keeps its annual chronicle. And this is a whole ritual that takes several hours of the outgoing year. First, everyone remembers what good and bad happened in the old year. Mom diligently writes down everyone’s impressions, together they analyze whether their dreams and desires came true, and if not, why did this happen. After the chimes struck 12, everyone exchanges gifts and mom again picks up the chronicle. She invites everyone to express what they want their new year to be, dreams and even children's requests for purchases are written down. The eldest son already writes his wishes on his own, and younger children help decorate the chronicle with drawings and applications. like this unusual way celebrate the New Year. But imagine how touching it will be to read this chronicle in 20 years and find out that the dream of your entire childhood was to buy a radio-controlled car, and the bruise received from Vovka’s neighbor was a great chagrin to your mother. I assure you that in years this chronicle will give anyone of these children a sense of family and togetherness.
In another family, mom, dad and daughter were zealously passionate about the eastern teachings of Feng Shui, and for the third time they are celebrating the New Year especially. Mom finds material in advance about what clothes to celebrate this holiday in, what should be on the table, how to decorate house. A symbol of the year is placed under the Christmas tree, and to attract good luck, each family member makes his own treasure map, where he writes his desires, sticks or draws what he dreams of. And at 12 o'clock after traditional champagne, talismans are put into each of the cards, are exchanged.
One more unusual tradition our relatives came up with the idea of ​​​​celebrating the New Year. They celebrate the New Year and change the calendar on the wall. This is always a whole action, because this calendar is made to order in a photo studio. Only dad knows what is on it. , and significant dates for the family are marked in each month.
After the New Year, Christmas comes and family traditions are still relevant and useful. Therefore, if you did not have time to acquire traditions in the New Year, then feel free to create them at Christmas. This is no less magical and important holiday. In our family, for Christmas, everyone gathers with the eldest in the family - great-grandmother Anya. She, like rule, with she sets the table for her daughters-in-law and granddaughters. The table is traditionally decorated with church candles. Christmas is the most important holiday for great-grandmothers. Therefore, my husband and son decided that a Christmas card and a gift for grandma (that's what we all call her) should be the same every year. I am good at making trees and flowers from beads. Therefore, every year we give granny something from beaded flowers and trees, on her windowsill a whole garden has already grown from my crafts. Ilyusha draws a postcard or glues, and my husband signs. every Christmas I bake a cake with a winter snow-covered house.
I heard that one family celebrates Christmas only in new clothes, they believe that this will bring them not only good luck, but also allow them to become new people: to part with past mistakes and become spiritually purer.
When I studied at the institute, our journalism teacher told me that one Christmas his wife read to the children a story about a boy without parents, and the children began to ask if such children could be helped and where they lived. At first adult woman was a little embarrassed, and then she said that toys and books can be brought into the orphanage. And what was her surprise when her two children gathered in a bag a lot of their toys and part of the children's books that they had not read for a long time, and firmly asked their mother to take them to orphanages. Since then, visiting orphanage Christmas has become a tradition in this family. Now our teacher’s children are adults and have their own children, and the tradition is to visit Orphanage alive at Christmas. Probably not only good tradition, but also a useful life lesson. We must learn to make at least a little happy those who need it so much. What is it worth buying sweets for us?

we celebrate many both “our own” and local holidays ... celebrating “our own” is facilitated by the fact that we have, i.e., this is a holiday for our family only, first to serve in the Church, then again I’m a little thoughtful, what holidays, except for Christmas, we will celebrate here.


We celebrate all American holidays, and from Russian ones - only the Old New Year and Easter, perhaps. March 8 has long been "exchanged" for Valentine - well, except that we exchange calls with my mother and go to the bar with the girls to sit. February 23, thank God, disappeared as soon as she divorced her husband - and before it was drunken parties until the morning with endless toasts in honor of the defenders of the Motherland. An Orthodox xmas we used to celebrate with a special dinner, but now we don’t even do that. I'm not worried about this - the main thing is to do what the soul lies to. Yes, and year after year is not necessary.

We celebrate partially and mixed, both Russian and American. The most favorite holiday is Christmas, smoothly turning into the New Year. We have a week of holidays and fun, we are preparing something nice for December 24 and January 31/1, gifts are also first in a sock, and then under the tree. We celebrate birthdays with cake and candles. February 23 and March 8 almost disappeared, only friends congratulate us from Russia, we, respectively, congratulate them. May 9 is a special day, we watch films, we can symbolically sit, but without feasts. On July 4, we launch fireworks, watch fireworks, cook barbecue or barbecue in nature during the day :). Thanksgiving - roast a turkey, love the process :). We don't seem to notice anything else. On Valentine, my husband and I exchange gifts, but it's not like a children's holiday :).

And my husband beat off my joy for the holidays. He doesn't celebrate at all. I was already completely exhausted to celebrate his birthday or New Year (March 8, such as in our understanding, does not exist for him at all). Well, it wasn’t accepted in his family and that’s all ...


And I still believe that all the wishes made in new year's eve, come true. Every year we decorate the Christmas tree, gorge ourselves on tangerines and chocolate and watch the Irony of Fate. It's all silly, of course, but it's a pity to part with childhood.

I am always very happy about the New Year and my birthday (they are near me), but in the last few years, for some reason, I have not been able to properly celebrate my birthday. Rather, it is clear why: after the New Year, no one is in the mood to trudge to visit on January 1, everyone wants to sleep. From this there is a feeling of deceived hopes. Maybe, after all, it will turn out somehow again to do everything on time and properly. And for the New Year, I very carefully choose the company in which to meet in order to have fun in full :)

Every evening family tea, Sunday breakfast together, reading books in the evenings... Each family has its own rituals. What are they needed for? And is there a real need for them?

Why are rituals needed?

How often memory throws us memories of our childhood. The most expensive of them are those where you and your parents, grandparents, or brothers and sisters did something unusual, fun or solemn - which only your family had. It could be a summer mushroom hunt, or dressing up dad or grandpa as Santa Claus, or some special cake that you baked with your mom. Such things are called family rituals.

And although, at first glance, it seems that the rituals have no practical value, in fact, they are very necessary. Rituals help maintain family ties, keep generations connected, and also serve to harmonious psychological development children.

Realizing himself as part of a family united by his own special rituals, the child grows up with a sense of confidence in the reliability of his family, so that he can count on her support. And also he becomes ready to create own family, into which he will bring his rituals or create new ones. Psychologists say that family rituals help to form in the child a sense of basic trust in the world.

More often than not, rituals happen spontaneously - people just do what they like and then repeat it. What are the rituals?

What are family holidays?

Family holidays are always a warm atmosphere, aromas tasty food and communication between family members. It is good when several generations meet together at once.

What are family holidays? The most common:

  • dedicated, for example: wedding day, receiving an award;
  • dedicated to public holidays that are important for family members. For example, Victory Day;
  • on the occasion of favorite holidays: New Year, Christmas, Easter.

But the reasons for the organization family holiday actually much more. They may or may not be "attached" to the calendar. For example, the holiday of the grandmother's pie, when the household gathers to try this culinary masterpiece. Or a cycling holiday where everyone rides and then has a picnic in the fresh air.

Plan your own family holidays! The most successful will be passed down from generation to generation.

daily rituals

  • kiss the child and wish him good morning and also good night;
  • joint tea drinking and exchange of news and impressions;
  • evening, swimming with fun games;
  • it’s great if it’s customary in the family to help mom clear the table and wash the dishes, to make pleasant surprises for each other.

Personal experience:

My daughter, when I came to pick her up from the kindergarten, almost every day handed me a drawing that she drew for me. Not on the instructions of the teacher, but because she was bored. I keep all the drawings. After a while, looking through them, I will remember with warmth how she, joyful, ran towards me, holding out a drawing. Here is our ritual.

holiday rituals

In the family, holidays acquire a special atmosphere thanks to rituals! Someone comes up with theme days scripted birth. Someone launches fireworks, and some give gifts not only to the birthday man, but also to his guests.

Even if your baby is still a baby, you can come up with your own special ritual that you will perform together. For example, make a wall newspaper for him with photographs, or a huge postcard where all his guests will make wishes.

Another ritual-rich holiday is the New Year! The scope for imagination is inexhaustible. You can go to the Christmas tree with the whole family, celebrate the New Year's morning at the skating rink, visit grandparents - in a word, do everything that brings the family together and gives joy.

Family rituals associated with leisure

If it's warm outside, you can go for a bike ride along interesting route. In winter it may be. Some rituals bind not the whole family, but its individual members. For example, a father is engaged in modeling aircraft or ships with his son. And the mother at this time can, together with her daughter, sew dresses for her dolls or make toys with her own hands.

It's great if the family has the opportunity to travel. This is an excellent ritual that broadens one's horizons, gives positive impressions and the opportunity to spend more time together.

Family rituals help overcome moments of crisis and a feeling of loneliness.

Family Extended Rituals

A very useful ritual is to gather together in a wide composition: with grandparents, siblings, their children and other relatives whom we do not see every day. The kid will learn to respect elders, using the example of his parents, and he will also understand that he will have to become an adult. Communication with other members of a large family is very useful and should not be neglected.

Family holidays calendar

Children are very fond of family holidays. Therefore, for them, you can make a special calendar of family holidays, where you can colorfully highlight the main events of the year.

By the way, making such a calendar will be an opportunity to show your Creative skills for all family members. Birthdays on the calendar can be celebrated with a figure of a cake with candles, New Year - with a decorated Christmas tree, wedding day - with figures of the bride and groom.

It is also interesting to personalize the calendar of family holidays. For example, if the children are small and still cannot read, paste a photo of the birthday person next to the date. Toddlers will enjoy watching holiday calendar. After all, they will be able to prepare gifts in advance - colorful drawings.

family holiday script

Family holidays cannot be spontaneous, so a script is needed. It will help to hold an important event for the household "without a hitch."

How to prepare a script for a family holiday? Depending on the date to which it is dedicated, choose the entourage. If it's a birthday - be guided by the preferences of the birthday man. If associated with public holiday- add zest associated with the event.

Come up with games that will be dedicated to the theme of the holiday. It can be charades, bingo, active games ... Everything that is enough for your imagination and the place where the celebration will take place.

And ideas can be gleaned from specialized sites and in the portfolio of companies specializing in organizing holidays.