The value of family rituals for a child. Family holidays calendar

All children and adults love the holidays so much! Especially those that can be celebrated by the whole family. Do you know that in addition to the well-known March 8 and the New Year, there is also Family Day and International Children's Day? Perhaps with the new holiday, another pleasant tradition will appear in your family.

Family holidays and traditions bring together, making all family members kinder, more caring and closer friend to friend. It turns out that not everyone knows about the existence of this or that holiday. Let's sort it out in order: what holiday and when we celebrate.

March 8

International Women's Day
has long roots and goes back to those distant times when women fought for the same rights in social life as in men. The beautiful half of humanity stood up for such ideals as equality, peace in everything, justice and development.

In our country, a symbol of this spring day became a branch of mimosa.
Although it's nice to receive flowers every day!

May 10

International Mother's Day
paved the way to our country from America. Sometime at the beginning of the century, an unknown American, Anna Jervis, took the initiative to honor mothers in memory of her mother, who died prematurely. Since then, in 1910, Mother's Day has been recognized as an official holiday.

May 15

international family day
decided to "introduce" to the UN in 1993. What prompted the General Assembly to do this was the idea that "the unity of the entire human family is under threat." Thus, they managed to draw the attention of the public different countries to the problems that exist in families around the world.
It’s probably good to get together with the whole family on this day, look at photo albums or take a walk together in the park. And to show the whole world that one problem in the world community has certainly become less.

June 1st

International Children's Day
- one of the oldest international holidays. The Democratic Women's Federation took and decided to hold it back in 1949. And the UN supported this initiative and declared the protection of the rights, life and health of children one of the priorities of its activities. And rightly so.

And this day was very popular in the USSR in the middle of the 20th century. Schoolchildren used it as a kind of strike and fled to the beach from pesky teachers.

July 8

All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity
initiated by our deputies of the State Duma. And they, in turn, were supported by representatives of all religious organizations of our vast Motherland. Of course, because the words of love and fidelity sound the same for everyone and have no boundaries. By the way, the chamomile has become a symbol of this holiday)

September 1

Knowledge Day
the first of September will always be associated with the first calls, lush bows And bright colors. Someone on this day goes to school for the first time, and your participation, attention is so important for the kids on this day! Arrange the first of September for him real holiday, congratulate the whole family and get rid of the anxieties and worries that a new unfamiliar environment can cause.

September 27

Day of the educator and all preschool workers
- this is new national holiday For Russia. Its idea is very simple, but important and relevant now: to help society pay more attention to kindergarten and for preschool. On this day are held solemn events, dedicated to the Day preschool workers.

October 1

International Day of Older Persons
began its history in Europe, where it began to be celebrated. Then he "came" to America, and only in the late 1990s became world holiday. Again, not without the UN, which calls on all the people of the planet to provide decent living conditions for the elderly.

No wonder they say that a society can be judged in relation to the elderly ...

October 5

World Teacher's Day
first celebrated in 1994. And the historical background for the establishment of Teacher's Day was the Special Intergovernmental Conference on the Status of Teachers held on October 5, 1966 in Paris. Since then, the holiday of all teachers, teachers and educators is a day that celebrates the role and merits of teachers in the process of quality education at all levels.

November 7

International men's day

"transferred" from February 23 to November 7! This is our day ex-president USSR Mikhail Gorbachev proposed to include holidays in the calendar. "World Men's Day" was enthusiastically supported by representatives of the world and international organizations(who are probably headed by men), and now on this autumn day, husbands, brothers and sons of the whole world are waiting for increased care and love.

20 November

World Children's Day
“came into being” thanks to the same UN General Assembly in 1954. Given that every year 11 million young children die in the world, and even more babies remain terminally ill, the UN Children's Fund decided to conduct extensive work on all aspects child health. The foundation is also taking steps to ensure that pregnant women have access to adequate medical supervision before and during childbirth.

The Children's Fund is doing a great and useful work. But it is also in our power to take care of children and make their lives better.

29th of November

Mother's Day in Russia
have been celebrated recently. It was founded by the President of Russia in 1998 and is celebrated every last sunday november. The most important thing that this holiday carries in itself is a reminder to all of us of the selfless maternal love. By the way, this is the second "mother's" holiday and one more reason to become a mother as soon as possible)

Do not forget, of course, about traditional New Year and Christmas.
And for sure, each family has its own, personal holidays, and it’s good if there are more of them.
Happy holiday to you!

Each person has their own idea of ​​what a holiday is. For some, this is an opportunity to have fun, for someone - to be in the company of friends, but there are people for whom a holiday is a state of mind. But one thing is certain: there are too few of them on the calendar, even though Russia has the most a large number of holidays in the year. What are holidays for, besides the most obvious? In the past, holidays, and especially family holidays, carried more deep meaning: to show each family member that he is not alone, that he is part of something big and reliable.

Opening the calendar

The modern way of life, when everyone is busy with their own business, strong family ties have become a rare occurrence. But after all, the need for each other from this did not become less. And we still need our loved ones just as much, if not more. So why not try to cross out the dullness of working days and arrange a holiday? Do you think there is no reason? Well, let's open the calendar. Almost every day is marked by some event.

Fisherman's Day, Builder's Day, Chemist's Day, First Day phone call. The list can be long. There are 365 days in a year, and there may be more holidays. Each day can be made into a family holiday.

Among your family and friends, there will surely be those who love to go fishing. And, most likely, there will be avid fishermen on cheerful company. You can take fishing rods, a basket of supplies and the whole family - adults and children - go for a picnic near the nearest reservoir. And the main treat is to make a branded fish soup from what you managed to catch. In the process, you can learn a lot about each other, starting from the front-line exploits of your beloved grandfather and ending with the story of your son about saving the cat, which he brought in his bosom from school today. Such a family holiday strengthens friendship within the family and contributes to better mutual understanding.

On the day of the builder, you can call all your relatives in advance and agree to go all together to the dacha to your beloved uncle, who builds with his own hands country house. You ask, where is the holiday if you have to work? Do you remember the statement of the cat Matroskin that joint work unites? And the fact that you are all busy doing one thing together will be a holiday, and the opportunity to relax under the roof of a house built by your own hands is also a good bonus. Here you can fry a barbecue and relax all together.

Mom is the main word

And here is Father's Day among official holidays not in our country. Just like the Grandparents' Day. For them, they even came up with a certain Day of the Elderly; the name of the holiday alone reeks of mothballs. But if you look through the calendar more carefully, you can choose the day when Father's Day will be celebrated in your family. For example, let it be June 17, like in Japan. And Grandparents Day is September 9th, just like in Canada.

Away with depression, create a holiday for yourself

There are days when some foreboding of a miracle reigns in the soul. And you come to work on time, and the authorities take all your ideas with a bang. This sentiment needs to be shared. Perhaps your loved one is exactly the opposite, and the child is somewhat upset and gloomy. It is in your power to change everything. Just share your good mood and arrange a holiday at home. Only yours, which is not and will never be in any of the calendars of the world. A day of surprises - why not a family holiday? Organizing such a holiday is not at all difficult. By itself, it will be the first surprise, a beautifully set table - the second. And small, but very the right gifts they will be able to cheer up both the son and the beloved. You need to choose gifts not abstract, but corresponding to the tastes and preferences of those to whom you give them. Such small gifts there may be several, they can be hidden in different places: under the towels in the bathroom, on the computer system unit, under the pillow. Places can be the most unexpected, the main thing is to pack surprises beautifully so that it is immediately clear that something interesting lies inside. You can wrap such a surprise gift in several layers of paper, making its deployment an additional anticipation. And if you ask to guess what is in the gift, then such packaging can be misleading by the discrepancy between form and content, which will add intrigue and fun.

Winter - beautiful time of the year. Although it seems that winter holidays more than enough, one more, believe me, will not be superfluous. But it can be another reason to spend time with loved ones and relax on fresh air. Just have a Snowman Party.

Collect skis, sleds, dress warmer, don't forget a carrot and a small bucket (the main elements of a snowman!), stock up on sandwiches and a thermos with hot tea. If you plan to make a small fire, then grab dry logs, call your relatives - and forward, to the bosom of nature, where frost stings your cheeks, snow crunches merrily under your feet, and steep hills beckon you to go down. But the most important thing is to build a snowman! Have a contest to see whose snowman is better (higher, bigger, prettier). Or even not one snowman, but a whole family of snowmen. Nevertheless, we are talking about a family holiday, and competitions can be arranged either within the family or between families. During such impromptu competitions, adults fight and compete sometimes more passionately than children.

How to make the holiday interesting for everyone?

If the holidays are closer to you outdoors, with fun competitions and competitions - perhaps you will need to prepare for such a holiday in advance. Come up with contests, make or buy prizes, cook treats. You can cooperate with the family of your friends to make it easier to prepare and not spend all your fuse and energy on this process. If you are planning to collect several couples- better! With or without children - it does not matter at all, adults love the holidays no less than children. You can share responsibilities. And the costs are also important.

So that no one gets bored, include in your impromptu script special sport games For family holidays held outdoors. They will depend on the time of year.

In winter it may be fun starts: a real ski relay in which the whole family can take part, or a sleigh race. Sled dogs are a rarity in our latitudes, so dads can easily replace them. You can arrange snow fights and turn an ordinary snowball fight into a battle for a height or a snow fortress. Bright scarves tied to ski poles may well become banners. Just make sure that the fight goes on equal terms. The number of players must be the same. And from those who remained out of work, you can assemble a separate team. If someone is left alone, make him a judge.

Berry picking can be a summer occasion for a family holiday. A boring, at first glance, lesson can be turned into a real bright event. The main thing is to find correct interpretation, which will help not only to collect berries, but also to have fun.

Games can be not only sports, but also intellectual. Arrange a flower quiz medicinal plants, insects, birds. Such a holiday does not have to end when you return home. It can be continued: after weighing the berries, determine the winner and cook him a personalized jar of jam. If you connect your imagination and slightly change the recipe for a sweet treat by adding cinnamon or vanilla to it, you can name a new variety of jam after the winner. It is possible that you will like the recipe so much that your personalized jam will become the main winter treat!

Happy family holiday

The reason for this family holiday may be that you just want to gather all your loved ones at the same table. See favorite aunt, with whom you communicate exclusively by phone because she lives on the other side of town, chat with a brother who is so busy with his business that you begin to forget what he looks like, and so on. But in order to organize such a family holiday, you have to work hard.

To begin with, if you want the holiday to become a tradition for your family, study its history. Ask your grandmother, for example, where did your last name come from. Grandmothers remember a lot. And take the wedding date of your great-great-grandparents as the date of the holiday. This will be the starting point. Next, find old photos, scan them and make family tree, including all members big family. You can make a wall newspaper with interesting stories, pictures, and even antiques. Keeping in mind the grandmother's "chests", you will find a lot of interesting things there, starting from the cameo of the great-aunt-aristocrat and ending with the veil of your mother. Or maybe your own. You cannot do this job alone, so you will need to involve the whole family. If you liked the stories you heard, write them down and distribute them to those whose ancestors in question in this story.

Next, you need to make a list of guests and make invitations for them in the spirit of the holiday. Let it be retro postcards, you can entrust children to draw them. They will gladly take part. And they will not be superfluous to know the history of the family.

The next thing to take care of is food. Let it also be unusual. A real Olivier salad found in an old cookbook, or something that has always been considered a purely family dish. Here you will also need help, both physical and material. Do you remember what we said at the very beginning about joint work?

The scenario of the holiday itself will include not only the stories of your family with a demonstration of family heirlooms, but also listening to old records on your grandfather's gramophone. And a white waltz, learned under the strict guidance of my great-grandmother.

Deciding on such a grand undertaking is difficult, but what you get in return will outweigh any efforts. Holiday in retro style the best gift to all members of your family, both the youngest and the oldest.

Organizing a family holiday is not difficult. You just need to remember how much you love all the members of your family, turn on your imagination, pick up the most important words and come up with an opportunity to convey your love to them, feeling their support and silent promise to always be there.

Family holidays These are joyful and emotional moments in the life of every person. A holiday within the family helps each member to unite with each other and allows them to realize their importance. Each family has its own traditions and rituals, they may not change for a long time or may acquire new ones. interesting customs with each succeeding generation. As in every country, every single family has its own holidays, rituals, interesting ideas and how to carry them out. Arranging family holidays and observing traditions, each member of the family joins the spiritual culture and feels his involvement in the common cause. Harmony in the family is unthinkable without common ideas and traditions. Ignoring family holidays will not allow you to raise a full-fledged member of society.


The most favorite holiday, especially for children, is Birthday. It is on this holiday that each family member has the opportunity to express their feelings to the birthday man, to deliver not only spiritual, but also material pleasure. main tradition of this family holiday is the gifting of the birthday man. Each invited guest presents a gift to the hero of the occasion. On this day, they arrange a feast and tea drinking. Required attribute of the holiday is a birthday cake with candles, which the birthday person blows out at the end of the evening, making a wish. During festive evening guests congratulate the birthday boy, make toasts, arrange dances. It will also not be superfluous organized competitions, games and quizzes . holiday decorations will also add mood, funny streamer hats and hand-made posters will delight not only the birthday man, but also the guests of the holiday. This will allow you to have a fun birthday and remember this event for a long time.


Easter is one of the Christian holidays, its traditions and rituals are honored in every family. This holiday is enjoyed by both adults and children. On the last day of the Easter week, a festive table is set, which presents the most delicious and favorite dishes. A chic feast is determined by what happens after the longest post. According to tradition, on this day they wish health and glorify the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Preparing for Easter is a very fun and interesting pastime for the whole family. Everyone bakes Easter pies together, paints and paints eggs, decorates the house with illuminated willow branches. The most interesting action, not only for children, but also for adults, is the game of matsaka. It is to find the strongest Easter Egg, for this, everyone chooses the “matzak” they like and a battle takes place with colored eggs. The winner is the one whose egg is the strongest. In order to involve children in the celebration, adults tell the story of the origin of Easter and arrange games and quizzes with the main attributes of the holiday.


Christmas is one of the main holidays of the year. In Rus', Christmas was combined with Svyatki. A lot of rituals and customs are associated with Christmas, in every family this holiday is a favorite and has its own traditions. At Christmas it is customary to cover chic table with Christmas kutya, pies and meat dishes, which were forbidden in the fast preceding the holiday. At the table, they sum up the past year, remember the good and wish each other well-being. The main attribute of the holiday is dressing up. Young people and even children put on animal skins, masks, paint their faces, put horns on their heads and go caroling. Carolers sing songs, recite poems, congratulate passers-by, play scenes about the birth of Jesus Christ. If mummers knock on the door, it is customary to treat them, children are given sweets, adults beg for lard and other dishes. For each treat, carolers sing songs and congratulate the donors.

New Year

Of course, the most favorite family holiday is the New Year. The arrival of the New Year is awaited with joy and impatience by both adults and children, it is celebrated at the moment of the transition of the old year into the new one. This holiday is celebrated everywhere, each nation has its own traditions and customs. The New Year is celebrated magnificently and on a grand scale, in each family a festive table is laid, at which the whole family gathers. During the feast, they remember the past year and congratulate them on the new one. An integral attribute of the holiday is the New Year tree, which is decorated with toys and garlands the day before, by the whole family. During the celebration, fireworks are blown up, sparklers are burned and dances around the Christmas tree. The most important guests at the holiday are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, not only children, but also adults are happy with these fairy-tale characters. The New Year is truly a family holiday, it brings a lot of joy and fun, it is not for nothing that they say: “The way you celebrate the New Year is the way you will spend it. Therefore, this holiday gives additional opportunity enjoy spending time with family and friends.

Any family event can be turned into a holiday, the main thing is that harmony and love reign in the family.


  • Family holiday, home feast or restaurant, women's magazine

The way and style of life of the family are family holidays and traditions. These include respect for elders, helping each other, discussing books and new movies, Sunday dinners, hiking and more. Good family traditions have a positive effect on children and form their life ideas. They also dictate the behavior of children and give the family a sense of unity with sisters, brothers, parents.

When a child gets used to family holidays and traditions from childhood, he creates a positive attitude towards the future. For example, a child is looking forward to Sunday fishing or a trip to the country, to a museum, theater, preparing for wedding anniversary grandparents, with pleasure waiting for the gathering of all relatives on holiday dinner, and at night before going to bed looking forward to reading fairy tales and a kiss. Such children grow up to be positive and sociable people. Such optimists have a great chance to achieve a lot in life.

It is necessary to form traditions when you create a family, and with the birth of children, you need to develop them.

Remember, that:

  • all family members should enjoy traditions and holidays;
  • traditions must be systematic;
  • traditions should be remembered and please;
  • create traditions with joy and love, not to set rigid rules.

What are the traditions?

family reading

A long-lost tradition is family reading. Earlier during this beautiful tradition all family members listened to the one who recited aloud. Today, children prefer to watch cartoons, play computer games. They don't like to read very much. Therefore, it is necessary to unobtrusively set an example and instill a love of reading. When children are small, you can read ordinary literature, and it is useful for schoolchildren to read the classics.

Traditions in family education

A family is considered strong and friendly if all household members have a common point of view on important questions. For example, intellectual families put knowledge in the first place and therefore broaden the horizons of children. In education, such customs and traditions as respect for elders, helping those in need, keeping the house clean, teaching the child to tell the truth and not deceive are important.

"Hugs in the Family"

In order for children to grow up calm and confident in their abilities, psychologists recommend that parents hug their babies more often. IN adolescence children are already a burden to the "veal tenderness" of their mothers and sisters. Therefore, hugs must be turned into a tradition so that they become another source of support and inner strength. If, instead of affection, you hug and say that you are all together, children will get used to such manifestations.

"Secret Handshake"

A handshake with family members is very important than a sign that you are, for example, "from the Sokolov family." This is a tangible proof of the warmth and support of the household. Folding fingers in a special way, shaking hands several times, clapping hands are all examples of a secret handshake that gives confidence in a responsible step when parental intimacy is very important. This can be when receiving a diploma, at a wedding ceremony or in difficult moments of life.

"Meal Sharing"

Eating together is very good tradition. Today, for whatever reason, you do not always have the opportunity to organize all meals together with your family. But try to eat together once a day. Decide for yourself what time for eating will be convenient: breakfast, lunch or dinner. Make sure there is no TV mobile phones but there was a nice and friendly atmosphere at the table.

Before eating, reinforce the following good habits:

  • wash your hands before eating;
  • dress neatly for the table;
  • take care of the table for grandparents;
  • follow the rules of conduct;
  • help mom clear the table.

Children imitate adults. While eating, talk about good things, discuss interesting news and share the impressions that happened during the day.

Reading bedtime stories

One of the wonderful traditions for the development of a child is the nightly reading of bedtime stories. Such children, whom their parents spoiled by reading, successfully study, make friends very quickly. Fairy tale characters choose by age. Sit on the bed with your baby and read.

Development of attention, calming nervous system and the instillation of peace in the hearts of the little ones occurs during the hearing.

"Evening walk"

Everyone needs to fix this tradition in their habits. Walking before going to bed, throw away all the problems, talk on interesting and positive topics and get ready for bed. This healthy habit must be nurtured as early as infancy. An evening walk- the key to a good and restful sleep.

"Sunday Breakfast"

A wonderful tradition on Sunday is a table laid beautiful tablecloth with elegant dishes and dishes that the household loves to eat very much. At Sunday breakfasts, many children, and adults too, are waiting for the long-awaited news, important and interesting solutions. So, arrange such breakfasts on weekends more often.

"Sports Day"

Designate a day during the weekend when the children will play sports: be it football, volleyball or a game of tennis. It will be easier for children to determine what kind of sport they want if their parents regularly practiced with them since childhood. The guys, instead of aimlessly wandering on the street, will look forward to the weekend for doing their favorite sport.

"Shopping Trip"

Shopping for a whole week is not very easy, so mom needs helpers, and she can connect all the household members to this. This help will benefit the children. They will be involved in menu selection, housekeeping and budgeting. If the child has his own money, adults can help him with a choice, but you should not put pressure on him, because the choice is free and your son or daughter has it.

"Visit interesting places"

The tradition of going to your native places or watching the sunrise, starfall or eclipse will be very interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Visiting holidays, arranging festivities or participation in fairs will also be unforgettable.

"Little Holidays"

You can arrange small holidays that determine the future of your daughter, brother or parents. Let it be a victory at the Olympics, passing exams or getting a job. Gather together and celebrate this event with the whole family.

Tip: For activities to become a tradition, they must be repeated in a systematic manner. It often happens that due to troubles at work, fatigue or stress, you forget about decision. Therefore, every effort must be made to clearly establish traditions and maintain them for many years.

We invite you to watch a video on this topic. May there always be fun, joy and laughter in your family!

Friendship in the family is a great happiness. But any feeling needs reinforcement. The most fertile food for feelings is a meeting. And what could be better for meeting relatives than family holidays at a large table, with laughter, jokes and fun.

Why do we need family holidays and family traditions?

It turns out that they help the baby develop properly.

  1. Security and predictability.

From birth, one of the basic needs of a baby is to feel safe. And in order to find it, the child needs rituals. Therefore, children so insistently demand to read a certain book before going to bed, to drink tea from a special cup. Family traditions and holidays give the baby a sense of stability in the world around him.

  1. The child is part of the whole.

Adults and children alike need to feel that they belong to a group. In childhood, this group is the family. And traditions, rituals, holidays serve as a kind of “cement” that holds family members together, they give a sense of unity and community.

  1. My family is special.

It is very important for a preschooler to understand how his family differs from others, and how he differs from other children. Therefore, family holidays are an opportunity to show the individuality of each household member and convey the "spirit" of a particular family.

  1. Different and friendly.

During his life, the child will have to meet with different people: adults, children, representatives of other cultures and nationalities. And children who communicate regularly in own family with representatives different generations, easier to find mutual language with peers and adults than children, whose social circle is limited only to mom and dad.

Of course, it is easier for those families where there are already established customs that are passed down from generation to generation. But what about those who would be happy to start some unique tradition, but don’t know how? We will try to help you.

What are family holidays?

Looking at the calendar, you can find many such dates.

Public holidays (day People's Unity, the day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), as a rule, there are not very many of them, but they are celebrated on a large scale, as they have a political and ideological meaning, their main goal is to create a community of the entire people and the state as a whole.

Calendar days, officially declared as holidays. This is the New Year, March 8, February 23 and so on. For example, most families consider the New Year a home celebration and prefer to celebrate it with their closest relatives and friends. Often the reason for family celebrations become May 1 and 9.

Religious holidays are called upon to acquaint us with the history and culture of the country, to remind us of the highest church and divine laws. TO Orthodox holidays such "common" days as Christmas, Trinity or Easter can be counted.

The next big group is family holidays . This includes birthdays, children's family holidays (matinees, graduations, September 1), parents' wedding day, etc.

Whatever the holiday is dedicated to, the main thing is that it unites all family members and becomes an important, memorable event for everyone.

Difficulties faced by parents in organizing a family holiday.

  • the age difference of invited guests may be 60 years or more;
  • small children can fall asleep, so you can not make noise;
  • the area of ​​the room does not allow mobile contests;
  • tasks should be understandable and accessible to 80% of those present;
  • the script must be unique, written specifically for your family.

If you want to diversify the lives of your children and make family everyday life more interesting, you can start creating your own home traditions. Children of all ages love to do fun and joyful things with serious faces, under the strict guidance of adults. Think about what each member of your family can do well and try to turn it into a pleasant custom.

  1. Home decoration. To hold a holiday, it is necessary to think over the design of the room, the Christmas tree, which can be made by parents together with their children with their own hands. From glossy publications, old postcards, plastic bottles, threads that are in every home, you can make wonderful simple New Year's decorations.
  2. . Crafts, postcards for the new year for all family members - this is an opportunity for children to express their feelings, to show attention to the closest relatives.
  3. Scenario development. For children 4-6 years old New Year's scenario you can build on any journey with tasks and tests, games and competitions, guessing riddles and solving puzzles. Take the New Year's (winter) fairy tale that you read recently as the basis for the script. It's great if grandparents portray various characters in a fairy tale.
  4. Writing a letter to Santa Claus. New Year's miracle it will become even more wonderful if you and your child write a letter to Santa Claus, because he must know about cherished desire child. Is your child still unable to write? No problem. He can draw a letter for grandfather or make an application by gluing pictures with the desired gifts on a piece of paper. And you can pick up pictures with him. How to send a letter to Santa Claus? Put it under Christmas tree before going to bed, and at night Santa Claus will definitely pick him up.
  5. Preparing sweet treats. Making honey gingerbread, cookies is very popular with children, as it is not only a delicacy, but also a wonderful decoration. New Year's table or firs.

Good family traditions are made up of little things: buying a Christmas tree together, decorating a house, funny surprises, gifts and, of course, from the New Year holiday.

How to prepare a child for a meeting with Santa Claus?

The arrival of Santa Claus is very exciting and an important event for children of all ages. They wait for this event sometimes whole year. In order for everything to go smoothly, it is necessary to draw the attention of the child to this event in advance. For example, you can watch with your child new year cartoon, talk about the New Year's holiday, about who Santa Claus is.

  • A few days before the arrival of Santa Claus, inform the child about this event. Tell us that you don’t have to be afraid of him, that Santa Claus is very kind, that he loves all children and gives them gifts for the New Year.
  • Prepare some gift for Santa Claus, for example, learn a poem or a song with your baby. If the child does not succeed, you can prepare a drawing or application.
  • On the eve of the meeting, you should not focus on the arrival of Santa Claus, as the child may not sleep well.
  • If a child has a desire to dress up in some kind of costume, it is necessary to prepare it in advance and make the costume as comfortable as possible.
  • If the baby is still quite small or very easily excitable, then it is better to invite Santa Claus in the first half of the day so that by the evening the child is not exhausted by the expectation.
  • It is possible that the child does not want to do anything for Santa Claus, so you should not force him, just warn Santa Claus about this and he will just play with the baby with pleasure. It is good that parents, together with a preschooler and Santa Claus, take part in a round dance.
  • Invite the child to invite Santa Claus to the room, show the Christmas tree, how elegant and beautiful it is, how the lights are on it, let the child show her room, how beautifully dressed she is. Parents should not leave the child at this moment, it is necessary to make sure that nothing distracts the baby, so that there is no unnecessary noise.
  • You should not encourage the child with such words as “Don’t be afraid!”, “He’s not scary!”, The baby may think that he really has something to be afraid of.
  • If, nevertheless, the child feels tense when meeting with Santa Claus, you should not try to reason with him, you should not push him to Santa Claus. Just take the baby by the hand or in your arms and continue to communicate with Santa Claus, be friendly and behave calmly, this will help the child get used to it.
  • After the gifts are presented and Santa Claus needs to go congratulate other boys and girls, parents should not immediately start doing their own thing. Extend the holiday for your child, give him more time, play with him in the presented toys, share his impressions. Let the acquaintance with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden become a new discovery for your child, and a bright and memorable event for your entire family.

Each holiday should have its own face and it is necessary to prepare for them with the whole family. Create your own family traditions and keep them carefully! And will it be home performances that are difficult to perform, a special New Year's dish, or "your" family song performed for festive table not so important. The main thing is that after many, many years, your already grown-up child will happily recall the family New Year and want to revive the traditions of the parental home in his own family.