Wedding anniversary 29 years as they call it. Velvet wedding (29 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

The 29th anniversary is popularly called the velvet wedding. Although the date is not round, it is still worth celebrating. The more people live together, the more new feelings and habits the couple develops. Every New Year strengthens ties between spouses and presents unforgettable surprises. The family is getting stronger. If the couple has been together for 29 years and what kind of wedding it is, you will find out in this article.

Wedding anniversary is important point for every family. Surely many of you know that:

  • silver wedding is celebrated after 25 years together;
  • gold – after 50;
  • diamond - after 60.

What anniversary comes before 29

Let's postpone the 29th anniversary. What wedding is celebrated on the 28th anniversary? Nickel. Nickel is a silvery-white metal with a strong luster. This indicates that no matter how long the spouses live together, their lives should be filled with radiance. And it is they who should fill this life. Perhaps this is difficult, because after 28 years the colors of life become rather grey. But nothing is impossible, do it for the sake of your soulmate. She is your life, your destiny.

What a 29th wedding anniversary

29th anniversary among the people commonly called a velvet wedding. Although the date is not round, it is still worth celebrating. The more people live together, the more new feelings and habits the couple develops. Each new year strengthens the ties between spouses and brings unforgettable surprises. The family is getting stronger.

What does velvet mean?

Velvet is a very expensive, soft and durable fabric, it is highly prized for its elegant look as well as its soft feel.. During the royal hours, the material was used to decorate altars and thrones, royal halls and bedchambers. By the way, many theaters use curtains made of velvet.

The symbolism of velvet lies in the softness and warmth of relationships.

At the time of the 29th anniversary life together the spouses understand that their youth is already far behind them. However, they are still dear and sweet to each other. The married couple still values ​​their marriage and appreciates the warmth that has remained between them to this day.

Where is the best place to note?

A velvet wedding is still a family holiday, so you shouldn’t invite many guests.. Only the closest people to the spouses should attend this event. The best thing to do would be to go to a restaurant and celebrate this event with a luxurious dinner.

What to give

When a husband and wife have been living together for about 30 years, it is already difficult to surprise your partner with anything. Therefore, the question arises - “what do you give for your 29th wedding anniversary?” It is customary to give various products from velvet. The husband can afford to buy his companion velvet dress. And the spouse can, for example, give a shirt or vest made of the same velvet.

What should you give your guests for your 29th wedding anniversary? It's simple. It could be like various decorations, for example, in the shape of hearts (must be presented in velvet boxes), and interior details (such as curtains, blankets, decorative pillows). Of course, they should be made of velvet, because the celebrants should not forget what a wedding is like after 29 years of marriage.

What speech to give and is it worth doing?

Anniversary at 29 years is A good reason family and friends gather at one table. And of course, we can’t do without congratulatory words. Of course, you should prepare for congratulations in advance. The focus should be on colorful and concise speech. You should express your joy that the spouses are still together. It is worth wishing them to continue to support and love each other, so that the strength between them remains intact. long years.

It wouldn’t be out of place to mention the date of 29 years more often in your speech, because the couple went through all this thorny path for family happiness together. Wish them to note and golden wedding in the same warm family circle.

What's next? What is the 30th wedding anniversary called?

In this article we have already covered 29 wedding years. What kind of wedding will there be on the 30th anniversary? The correct answer is pearl. Pearls are a symbol of purity, whiteness, sublimity, and wealth. “Pearls mean tears,” said Emilia Galotti. But, in in this case, these are just tears of joy from the years we lived together.

Bottom line

Let all troubles remain in the past and only good things are remembered.. Continue to treat each other with the same warmth. No scandals or quarrels should destroy a family. When getting married, newlyweds must understand that they are giving a part of themselves to their soulmate. Each spouse must take into account the wishes and needs of their partner. And in the most difficult situations you must always be together. Only then can you live together for 29 years without a single regret. You and only you are the architect of your own happiness. Live, love and be loved.

Yana Volkova

The twenty-ninth wedding anniversary may not round date, but more than worthy for “newlyweds”. Most likely, that’s why they named her in honor of such a noble and beautiful fabric. Velvet dresses were the adornment of people from royal family. Tender young ladies from the upper classes slept on velvet pillows.

And today velvet items are taken out of closets, worn and given on the occasion of an important celebration. For example, such as the Velvet wedding - 29 years of marriage, and the dress rehearsal before the Pearl wedding. What should you give a married couple for a velvet wedding to bring good luck and happiness to their home?

What original gift to give to friends for a velvet wedding anniversary: ​​a gift without joy is a burden

Agree that it’s not every day that friends celebrate such a serious date. Those who have been married for so many years have something to be proud of. And you too, as friends, if you have walked this path with them.

good a friendly gift For a Velvet wedding there will be everything that is made from this fabric or has a similar texture:

  • Velvet decorative pillows or bedspreads. They look luxurious and rich, although they are not very suitable for modern minimalist interiors. However, there is always a place for them in the bedroom at special moments.
  • Curtains and furniture covers. It is better to coordinate the color of such interior items with the owners in advance. It will be a shame if expensive curtains continue to gather dust in the closet because they do not harmonize with the wallpaper, according to the owner of the house.
  • Tablecloths and napkins. Such a gift will be a decoration for festive table on the anniversary day. However, don’t be surprised if you see them at the celebration pearl wedding. Such gifts are a reason to brag with or without reason. They look too elegant.
  • Velvet flowers. Opt for something friendly and neutral. For example, on marigolds (we also know them under the name Chernobrivtsy). This modest but sunny garden flower will be a talisman on a holiday and will harmoniously fit into any bouquet. In addition to Chernobrivtsev, violets and some varieties of irises have velvet petals.

If you can’t think of a velvet gift for friends on their 29th wedding anniversary, give what you think is necessary. Just wrap it in velvet paper or tie it with a velvet ribbon to add solemnity and symbolism to your present.

What can spouses give each other on their 29th wedding anniversary? Big gifts in a small box

If a husband and wife managed to live to see their twenty-ninth wedding anniversary, this speaks not only of Great love, but also about harmony and mutual understanding in the family.

And although it’s becoming increasingly difficult for spouses to surprise each other with surprises for the holidays, it’s time to good gift will always remain

And on this day, one that has a velvet texture. The wife can give her husband:

  • Stylish velvet jacket or sweatshirt from velvet. A little pretentious, but very effective detail of a man's wardrobe.
  • Velvet bow tie and a ticket to the opera (you need to give your husband a reason to show off your new clothes and get some sleep).
  • Velvet robe. A cozy and rich thing for your beloved spouse.

It is better to give the spouse to his beloved wife:

  • Velvet shoes. Decoration for a woman at any age. But it’s a bad surprise, because it’s better to buy shoes after trying them on. Organize a trip to the store together and choose desired color and the size so that the missus could easily dance in a new thing at the anniversary celebration all evening.
  • Jewelry in a velvet box. A win-win.

Silver cufflinks: "Royal Lilies"; "Black Onyx"; “Liquid Metal”, all SL (prices via links)

Gold bracelet with diamonds, SL(price on the link)

  • Velvet jewelry box. Not without an update in this matter, of course. At least it’s jewelry, but it’s included.
  • Velvet gloves. A luxurious accessory for an evening promenade. And to the opera and to the restaurant!

And don’t forget about compliments on this special day. Warm words to your loved one, spoken in a velvety tone, will remind him that you carried your high feelings through so many years, both in sorrow and in joy.

What to give parents for their 29th velvet wedding anniversary. Impressions as a gift

Wedding anniversary - the holiday is largely intimate. For the children of the newlyweds, this is the day when their dad and mom decided to unite their destinies and start a family. After 29 years of marriage between spouses, their children, as a rule, are already grown enough and on their feet to give their parents a good present.

Start by decorating your parents' house with flowers. Let it be 29 velvet roses. One for each year lived in love and harmony

If finances allow it big gifts, make one expensive present from both your daughter and your son. For example, a trip to the sea or excursion tour abroad during the Velvet season. Either Prague or Istanbul are equally beautiful in early October. Such trips are remembered more than even the most expensive things.

Original do-it-yourself gifts for the 29th velvet wedding anniversary – talent fair

Velvet is a capricious material. You can cope with it if you have the desire and a little needlework skills. Since it so happens that all gift ideas for relatives or friends are velvet anniversary came down to gift self made , then the simplest and inexpensive option such a present - a photo album, a photo frame or a whole collage of photo frames, lined with velvet. They can be presented to the family along with a certificate for a photo shoot, so that they have something to put in frames.

Parents can give their children hand-sewn and embroidered pillowcases and other home textiles. Hair accessories can also be trimmed with velvet. And handicraft mothers who don’t mind remembering their youth and cutting and sewing courses will surprise and exclusive clothes to the celebration.

A velvet dress sewn by mom according to the chosen sketch looks no worse than an expensive and branded one

Numerologists have a strange belief that 29 years married life It's better not to celebrate at all. And in general, they say, not the most lucky number. But if you are hostage not to prejudice, but to your love, celebrate, accept gifts and congratulations. Give each other velvet things and invite each other to visit dear people. There should always be a place for celebration in life. And especially after 29 years of marriage.

29 years of marriage - what kind of wedding is this, you ask. This date is called the velvet wedding. Very soon the couple will celebrate a more serious anniversary, but there is no point in giving up celebrating this anniversary either.

Velvet wedding - perfect occasion go to a restaurant with your loved ones or invite them to visit you. If the spouses do not want to arrange a magnificent celebration, then you can organize for them on this day romantic dinner. After all, no matter how many years pass from the moment of marriage, on the wedding day feelings flare up with new strength, and the oaths of love and fidelity once given are remembered.

History of the name

The 29th wedding anniversary is called velvet. This material is considered a symbol of nobility, but at the same time it is distinguished by tenderness and delicacy. Such is the relationship between spouses during this period.

From time immemorial, velvet was considered a very valuable material. It was available to the richest people.

Only a select few wore clothes made from this fabric: kings and aristocrats. In honor of this matter, one of the boundaries began to be named family life.

Over 29 years of marriage, the couple got to know each other well and ate a ton of salt together

A 29-year marriage is no joke. The couple's relationship was already established by this time. Petty quarrels and nagging are left behind, now the spouses experience special tenderness and respect for each other. Together they went through joys and sorrows. Over the years, the partners have studied each other so well that their relationship can be called noble.

How to celebrate a velvet wedding?

When preparing a celebration in honor of 29 wedding years, you should focus on its name. The holiday should be decorated with velvet. This fabric is considered a symbol of wealth and contentment, so it is very important to be able to introduce elements from it into interior decor.

The twenty-ninth anniversary is not an anniversary, so there is no need to organize a luxurious banquet. On the contrary, velvet sets the mood for a chamber setting with candles and quiet music. But traditions do not prohibit and arrange fun party on this significant day.

If the weather permits, you can hold the event outdoors. However, most often spouses and their guests prefer to celebrate another anniversary marriage at home or in a restaurant. Wherever you decide to celebrate this significant day, remember that there are some recommendations for decorating the place of celebration.

It is advisable to decorate the room with decorative elements made in wedding colors. Soft ones are ideal pastel colors. The couple's chairs can be highlighted with velvet cushions. A tablecloth made of this material will also look good.

You can decorate the table not only with expensive porcelain and crystal, but also with wedding photographs. The couple and their guests will watch beautiful pictures, taken on the same day almost 30 years ago, and will make sure that over the years the partners have only become more beautiful. For more information about the celebration, watch this video:

It is also worth preparing several competitions for spouses. For example, you can force “young people” to compliment each other. The one who says the most kind words will win.

The repeat of the “first dance” also looks good. After completing the wedding waltz, the husband must give his chosen one a kiss, and this must be done at least 29 times.

By the way, spouses must be dressed in velvet outfits. It could be Evening Dress the “bride” and the “groom” have a bow tie.

Gift ideas for a velvet wedding

Not only relatives and friends, but also children congratulate the spouses on their 29th anniversary. Guests are faced with the question of what to give for a velvet wedding. When choosing gifts, you should start from the name of this day. Of course, you can give the couple the most universal gift- money, but it’s better to be smart.

The best gift for a couple is a trip

What do you give for a velvet wedding? Here are some ideas for your 29th marriage anniversary.

Children can buy their parents trips to the sea during the high season. The gift will be not only original, but also healthy.

Friends and relatives can choose a gift for a velvet wedding that will be useful in the home.

A good option is curtains. Velvet curtains look stylish and expensive. They fit almost any interior. With them, any room immediately becomes more comfortable.

Other items made from this noble material are also suitable: tablecloths, pillows, napkins. You can give a box covered in velvet.

If the couple has Vacation home, then you can give them marigolds. Perennial flowers will please their owners for a long time. See examples of gifts in this video:

If you didn’t know that you should give items made of a certain material, and have already bought something useful, then the box can be wrapped in a velvet bag.

If you are looking for a gift for your husband, then you should choose velvet jacket or a bow tie. The spouse can present his half with a velvet dress. Can buy Jewelry, but be sure to pack them in a velvet box.

Congratulations on your velvet wedding

Congratulations on your wedding day are the most touching moment of the holiday. They can be both in poetry and in prose. The main thing is that the words you say to your spouse come from the heart.

The velvet wedding congratulations should contain the wishes of the couples to live happily until their golden anniversary. Always relevant nice words about the health and prosperity of the family.

If you want to do touching congratulations Happy 29th anniversary of family life, then you can perform some play for the spouses and their guests. You can compose and read poems about the “newlyweds.”

Congratulations on your 29th wedding anniversary must necessarily contain a mention of the material that has become a symbol of this period of the relationship. You can humorously play up your gift in solemn word, or you can just tell your loved ones how much you love them.

If you cannot attend the celebration, be sure to congratulate the spouses on their wedding day by phone. Or you can send them a postcard in advance - it will be touching and unusual.

Now you know what kind of wedding is celebrated after 29 years of marriage.

Universal choice gift ideas for any occasion and reason. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Symbol of the 29th anniversary

Let's start with what wedding falls on the 29th anniversary and what is its symbol associated with? The jade wedding, the mahogany wedding, and the nickel wedding have already been completed.

People usually call this wedding a velvet wedding. For many, this is a kind of rehearsal before anniversary date, which is coming in a year. But that doesn't mean you should miss the 29th anniversary. It’s just customary to celebrate it more modestly, in a narrow family circle, in a cozy atmosphere of calm, pleasant memories, and a good dinner.

A velvet wedding is like a velvet holiday season. These are no longer violent emotions and passion, but muted shades, peace, and the ability to appreciate every minute of communication.

Velvet has always been considered the material of aristocrats. And in ancient times, only the most noble and rich people could afford clothes, bedding and decor made of velvet. It’s not for nothing that people named 29 years of marriage after this beautiful and noble material.

This period of family life is also distinguished by nobility, tranquility and beauty. Like soft velvet, the relationship of spouses to each other is tender and delicate. If you yourself or your family and close people managed to maintain a relationship until this date, then it is worth a lot. After all, quarrels, omissions, conflicts and periods of crisis are left behind.

On this day I want to give special gift to your loved ones, demonstrating your attention, reverent attitude and love. Of course, ideally, choose a gift that would symbolize velvet in its appearance. But if you really want to give something that your spouse dreams of, then just try to decorate the gift in an original way, emphasizing this special date.

Congratulations to my beloved wife

  1. Jewelry. Of course, this is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to a beautiful gift for the anniversary. Moreover, decorating the decoration in velvet will not be difficult. Wake up your beloved woman with a beautiful bouquet of roses and a small velvet box with a ring, earrings, pendant or bracelet. What could be more pleasant for a woman to receive on such a day?
  2. Jewelry chest. Yes, not simple, but upholstered in velvet. This is a very stylish and expensive gift that will be appreciated by a woman who loves to decorate her home and collects jewelry.
  3. Luxurious velvet curtains in the bedroom or living room. In itself, this material looks very expensive and gives the interior style a special chic, and if you give velvet in a rich wine, chocolate shade, the house will acquire a special zest.
  4. Kitten of an expensive breed with a velvet collar. Now that the children have already grown up and grandchildren are still on the way, many women really want to give their care and attention to their little pets. So cute and gentle gift will definitely touch your wife. Just ask in advance about the need for such a gift and the possibility of caring for it.
  5. Suede shoes or bag(very similar to velvet, but a more practical material for these accessories).

How do we please our spouse?

  • A book by your favorite author, bound in velvet.
  • Velvet case for expensive glasses.
  • Handle with velvet design.
  • A set of chess or backgammon in a case upholstered in expensive material.

Congratulations to beloved parents

  1. Travel or cruise. Yes, not at any time of the year, but during the velvet season. It looks very original and symbolic.
  2. Shawl or a velvet shoulder cape that will keep you warm in the evenings on the veranda.
  3. House dressing gowns made of velvet material. By the way, it is not necessary to choose this particular material; you can use artificial velvet, velor, etc. The main thing here is with what emotions, words and wishes you present the gift.

How to surprise children on this day?

  1. Velvet pillows. This is decor for the living room. You can show your imagination and choose a set of small pillows different color, but in perfect harmony with the overall interior of the room.
  2. Velvet napkins for table setting. By the way, you can present not only velvet as a material. These can be frosted wine glasses, a vase or a fruit bowl. Tie this gift with a large velvet ribbon and it will turn out very stylish.

Don't forget about friends

If your beloved friends are fans of country life and they have a dacha, then excellent option the present will be marigolds in a pot.

These are very cute and beautiful flowers, and receiving them on such a holiday is a special pleasure. Another undeniable advantage of such a gift is ease of care. Even inexperienced gardeners can easily cope with the task.

Album for family photos bound in velvet. This is very memorable gift, and although now in the world digital technologies Fewer and fewer people are printing out photographs; such an album will definitely make you sit down and organize your family archive. After all, there is nothing better than getting everyone together one evening, laying out photographs that will make you remember, relive those moments that filled you with joy and happiness.

How to celebrate this day?

As for the holiday scenario, I don’t think anyone would want to organize a magnificent celebration on the eve of the 30th anniversary of marriage. But this does not mean that you need to spend the evening at home. You can arrange a romantic getaway in a beautiful restaurant, or go out of town for a weekend at a boarding house or spa hotel.

For spouses it will be a great opportunity relax and pamper yourself.

And of course, what would a celebration be without cake? You can order it in advance at the pastry shop and amaze everyone present with a symbolic dessert. Or you can try and bake a delicacy yourself, which will surprise your spouse, who has probably already forgotten what kind of cakes and pies his wife baked for him in the first years after the wedding.

Found unusual ideas and now you know what to give – share your impressions in the comments and be sure to subscribe to the news Goodbye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva