The most powerful conspiracies and spells for money. Conspiracy for money. The most powerful conspiracies. Conspiracy for paper money

Lure good luck and direct in your direction financial flow anyone dreams. After all, with luck and money, life is easier, but there are more joys.

Attracting lady fortune along with the energy of money into your life is quite simple, the main thing is to approach with intelligence and faith in success.

Features of attracting good luck and money

First, you need to learn how to properly handle money in Everyday life and correctly respond to the gifts of fate, in the form of unexpected good luck:

As soon as you understand that all the everyday subtleties of dealing with money and attracting good luck are observed and fulfilled, you can try to lure them with the help of white magic. Rites and conspiracies can be performed at home.

  • Do not forget that when performing rituals and reading conspiracies, one should not be mistaken and confused. Do not tell anyone about your intentions to tell fortunes and perform all actions alone.
  • To get the desired effect, you must definitely tune in to success: before starting the ritual for money and good luck, focus and think about prosperity and well-being for a while.
  • When using magic, faith and emotional mood play huge role, without them the effect may not be.

Conspiracy for a coin

A very simple plot to attract money and good luck. It must be read on a certain day lunar calendar- on the growing moon. best time for the ceremony - before noon or after twenty in the evening. Since it white magic Please try to arrive before 2 am.

The ritual is performed alone. Take two buckets in one and pour enough water so that you can lift it several times. Second, put in a coin. You need to pour water from one bucket to another seven times, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“The river is wide, the river is deep, the circle of the field is pure, the circle of Alatyr-stone, the river carries mighty water, seething water, every beast, every grass for life, so I would have God's servants (name), gold-silver the river flowed, the thresholds washed, the corners filled, for the children to get stronger, for the old people for their belongings, for the people for profits.

My words are bound with iron, they cannot be pierced with a knife, they cannot be chopped with an ax, so be it.

If some water spills, wipe it off with a canvas cloth and then wipe the threshold of your house with it.

After the ritual is over, pour out the water and put the coin in your wallet, it will become your magnet for money and good luck. Do not spend it, otherwise the effect of the conspiracy will disappear.

Powerful spells to attract money and good luck

In order to attract what you want, you can talk yourself with a glass of water. The ritual is performed on the growing moon. Be sure to learn the text of the conspiracy by heart, it must be pronounced without errors and hesitation. Pour into a clear glass pure water and go outside, you can go to the balcony, the main condition is to see the moon well.

Pressing a glass of water to your chest, look at the moon and say:

In my glass of water-water, you get enough of the moonlight, fill to the brim with the power of heaven, moon.
Take all this wonderful grace into yourself. Mother Moon, spring water in my hands, I address you with my soul.
Do not leave me in trouble, and help me, fill my wallet to capacity with money!
How much water is in the seas, oceans, rivers, streams, so let there be the same amount of money in my pocket!
Mother moon, wealth, good luck on long years give, give, give!

Then look at the luminary through the water in the glass and say:

My wallet should be full, and I will forever forget poverty.

Then you should drink water, and break the glass into small fragments. In the morning, collect the glass and bury it in the ground.

Silver Spoon Spell

You will need:

  • New silver spoon;
  • Holy water.

You need to wash and wipe the spoon well with holy water, during this, say the words of the conspiracy three times:

Mountain of Abraham, Strength of Adam, I turn to you, I know the powers of the Almighty!
Do not refuse me the service of your servant of God (name).
Just as a snake sheds its skin, so I will forever shed my thinness, poverty and homelessness.
Morning wind, you pick up and carry my misfortune to distant lands and bring the royal mansions to my feet,
Good horse, mountains of gold and silver. In all this gold I will put my spoon and never find it!
Let there be words O mine is tight! Key, lock, tongue, amen!

Remove the spoon from prying eyes and repeat the rite every month, but next time come up with the exact amount of money that you would like to have and constantly think about it during the rite. Very soon, the money will begin to flow to you.

Conspiracy for good luck and wealth with the help of milk

Another old and proven plot for good luck and money is using milk. He is distinguished by his quick action, but it is not easy to implement.

In the morning, go buy village “live” milk from your hands, choose a saleswoman “in years”, give such an amount that there is change - you don’t need to pick it up. Choose the most expensive milk.

Prepare twelve jars in advance, in which you will pour the purchased milk.

Say the words of the conspiracy over milk:

There is a hill in the field, a high mountain stands right on the hill, there is a green meadow under the mountain, a bull and a cow graze in the meadow.
The bull's huge horns reached the very sun, the cow's udder half of the Earth.
I will go out into the field, I will climb the hill, I will find that meadow, I will cut the horns of that bull, and I will milk the cow.
A bull will immediately grow horns, and a cow's udder will be filled with milk.
And in my house profit will grow, prosperity will increase. Amen!

Next, the most time-consuming: choose 12 different dishes for cooking that needs milk. Each dish has a jar of milk. Everything prepared must be consumed within three days. the lion's share food must be distributed to neighbors, superiors and colleagues. The money will begin to flow to you within three months.

Full moon conspiracies

The full moon will bring its own special energy to the ritual to attract finance and good luck, which means the spell will work for a long time.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • One church candle;
  • Large purse of bright color;
  • Red thread;
  • Cash, the more the better.

On a full moon, put an empty wallet so that the moonlight falls on it and, looking at the luminary, begin to cast the spell:

The stars in the sky at night cannot be counted, just as every fish in the sea cannot be counted!
So let there be so much money in my wallet that no one can count!
Help the Moon, Mistress of the night, Queen of heaven, give me a decent wealth
And fill my purse to capacity! Zakl I miss you! Amen!

Perform this rite for three nights in a row, in last time- put all the cash in your wallet and tie it with red thread. Light a candle next to it and let it burn out. The next morning, the money can already be used.

Prayers to attract money and good luck

The Church does not condemn turning to the Saints for help in financial matters. Moreover, if you ask a priest who to pray for this, you will hear the names of the Saints: Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

Remember that your prayers will be heard to the extent that you believe in the help of the Saints. If you doubt that prayers can help you, it will.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker to raise money

“O all-praised, great miracle worker, the saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray to you, wake up the hope of all Christians, protect the faithful, hungry feeders, weeping joy, sick doctors, floating rulers on the sea, poor and orphan writers and a quick helper and patron to everyone, let us live a peaceful life here and let us be able to see the glory of God's chosen ones in heaven , and with them unceasingly sing of the one worshiped God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for financial well-being

“O Blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Humanitarian God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by his grace. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, may he grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, but the death of the belly will be shameless and peaceful and eternal bliss in the future, let us unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

The prayer "Our Father" also refers to such, it is addressed directly to the Lord, you also act in it as a supplicant earthly goods, it must be read every day, but it is better to know by heart.

How to strengthen the actions of conspiracies

Each person can attract well-being, using magical rituals or doing without them. Remember that whatever you think becomes your reality. Stop leading like a victim and life will stop “beating” you, stay in a state of eternal loser who does not believe in a happy future and good luck - get constant defeats in business.

But believing once is not enough, you must live with faith, as soon as you feel that you have lost the desired mood, be sure to look for it again. You won't notice how financial success and luck will become your constant companions.

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How the clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

In the life of every person there are difficulties, for the solution of which it is necessary to find a certain amount of money, and this must be done immediately. If you urgently need money - find out how to get money urgently using witchcraft.

In the article:

Conspiracy for quick money with candles

To the rites candle witchcraft can be attributed to all those that, as their main component, involve the use of candles - one or more, ordinary or church, colored or unpainted. To amplify and attract money energy, candles can be rubbed with aromatic oils, rolled in herbs with the appropriate value. They are an essential attribute of any witchcraft, and wax from candles burned during the ceremony becomes a talisman.

For one of the conspiracies to get money quickly, only five church candles. They will have to go to church. Knowledgeable people they keep church candles at home in reserve, in case the help of higher powers is needed. So, you should light candles and read, looking at them intently:

Christ Jesus, hope and support, Holy Virgin Mary, Jesus support, they walked through the sky with the Son of God, they carried bags of money, the bags opened, the money spilled out. I, the servant of God (name), walked through the land, found money, brought it to the house, smoked it with candles, gave it to my relatives. Candles burn, money fly into the house! Forever and ever! Amen!

Looking at the burning candles, imagine a successful solution to your problem. They cannot be extinguished, the fire must burn out completely. It is strictly forbidden to be distracted and move away from them. Wax from church candles is collected and subsequently stored in a wallet, like. You should not get rid of it after you receive the required amount of money. Do this only when you feel that the power of his magic is running out.

The use of church attributes is not suitable for everyone. If you have no desire to turn to a Christian egregore, try another ritual from candle magic. This will require three candles - brown, white and green tones. In this magic, you will be symbolized by a white candle, and the other two are monetary colors, often used in witchcraft for profit and wealth. Place the candles on the table in a triangle, with the top towards you. The white candle should be closer to you, green - on the left, brown - on the right.

Light a white candle with these words:

The flame is like a soul, the soul is like a flame.

Lighting a green candle, say:

Profit in profit, money in money.

And finally, the words while lighting the brown candle:

Deeds in deeds, paths in paths, all prayers.

Now you need to combine all the candles into one. However, they should continue to burn. So you seem to connect yourself with the cash flows of the Universe. Set the candles so that they do not fall, and say:

In power is power, in power is power, I am with power and with that power.

Candles must burn out to the end. While they are burning, you should look at the fiery tongues and visualize how your money desire comes true. With wax, you should do exactly the same as described earlier - collect it and put it in your wallet without showing it to anyone.

Money conspiracy in a crowded place

This strong conspiracy for quick money should be memorized in advance. However, it consists of only three sentences - it will not be difficult. A good solution is to memorize the plot and apply it when the need arises. To do this, you need to go to any place with a crowd of people. The more passersby, the better. When you get there, count 21 steps, and then stop and read:

I go, and the money meets me. They are waiting for me, they joyfully come to me. How many people walk here in a day, so much money will come to me. Amen.

You can read in a whisper, to yourself or very quietly - it depends on the place where you are. For example, in a noisy square, hardly anyone will pay attention to a person mumbling conspiracies. But you can’t attract attention, it’s better not to take risks and read the plot to yourself. It is read 21 times.

After reading, count 21 steps again and return strictly to the place from which you came. Only then can you return home. On the way to a crowded place and back to the house, you can not talk to anyone. Avoid contact with others, do not give alms, you should not even look at passers-by. You can only talk after you return home.

Conspiracy to quickly raise money for coins

If you urgently need money, and prosperity will come to the rescue. The rite with coins is one of the simplest, because it requires only 12 coins, which are in the wallet of each person. They must be of the same denomination. Exchange money in advance so as to gain right amount coins.

This conspiracy for very fast money is read only for a young month. If you do not have time to wait for this phase of the moon, pick up another plot. However, any money magic is going on only on the growing moon, on the new moon or full moon. On the waning moon, you can’t conjure for money, no matter how important the need for them is.

So, when the young month appears in the sky, go out into the street, holding 12 coins in your hands. You can see the time of its sunrise and sunset in advance in the calendar. Open your palms with coins so that the light of the night star falls on them, and read seven times:

Everything that grows and lives multiplies from sunlight, and money - from moonlight. Grow money. Multiply money. Add money. Make (name) me rich, come to me. Let it be so!

After reading the conspiracy words seven times, hold the coins in your hand and hurry home. On the way, you can not be distracted and talk to anyone. Don't look back, even if the sounds behind you seriously scare you. Devilry likes to arrange tests, and especially for novice magicians. The charmed coins are placed in a wallet that you constantly use. Spending them is not allowed.

Conspiracy to urgently receive money for banknotes

For this conspiracy for a quick one, you will need a bill of any denomination. But there is a condition - it must be in circulation at least in some country in the world. Its corners should be bent in such a way as to get a triangle. You can choose any way to fold the banknote, the main thing is to get a figure with three corners, similar to an arrow that will show the money the way to you. Now say the bill:

As a mighty river attracts streams, and the sea attracts mighty rivers, as a woman attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman, as the night attracts the day, and the day attracts the night, so that you also attract those like you. Let it be so. Amen.

The larger the bill, the better. The text of the plot states that she will attract those like herself. Therefore, do not be greedy, take the largest of the money available to you. Carry the charmed bill with you, it is best to keep it in your wallet. It should be where you keep your money. You can’t spend this bill, you can’t remove it from your wallet either.

When you receive banknotes of the same denomination as the charmed money, put them next to it. During the use of this money talisman, you cannot count the money in your wallet. Do this only when spending or earning income.

Green sorcery to green presidents

Green is called magic, which involves the use of the power of plants. Don't underestimate the power of plants. With their help, you can heal, you can bewitch, and you can improve your financial situation. This conspiracy to urgently receive money is suitable only for those people who love houseplants and have time to take care of them. You must have more than two plants that are suitable for money magic.

Categorically not suitable for witchcraft for money cacti- these are plants of protection from negativity, they will not even miss positive energy if it is not peculiar to your house or you. The fat plant, aucuba or golden bush, bougainvillea and many others bring money. Under each pot you need to put a note with the following plot:

At distant lands, the Garden of Eden stands,
In the Garden of Eden, a miracle tree grows.
What you write on the miracle tree, the Lord will give you.
So I write myself wealth, good luck and prosperity.
Paper is made of wood, it burns, it is planted in the ground, it is surrounded by flowers.
As flowers bloom-bloom, so money grow-grow!
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Plants must be carefully looked after. If one of them dries out, it should be replaced with a new one within two to three days. Your magical garden can grow and expand, start new money plants, under which there will be a note with a conspiracy no one forbids.

Strong conspiracy for urgent money for milk

There is an old and very strong conspiracy - if you urgently need money, try talking milk. You need to buy it not in a supermarket, but in the market. The seller must be sympathetic. By old omen, buy milk for witchcraft should be from elderly woman. Milk will need a lot - 10-12 liters. It is impossible to save on its purchase, it is advisable to guess with the amount of money so as to give the seller a little more than the cost of milk. You can't take change.

At home, pour the milk into 12 containers in which it will be stored. During this, you need to continuously read a strong conspiracy for urgent money:

In a clean field there is a large hill, and on it the mountain is high, under the mountain there is a green meadow, on the meadow there is a bull with a cow. The bull's horns reached the sun, the cow's udder skirted half the earth. I go out into the field, I climb a big hill, I find a green meadow. I cut the horns of the bull, I milk the cow's milk. The bull's horns immediately grow, the cow's udder instantly fills with milk. So in my house wealth grows, prosperity comes to visit me. Amen!

Now you have to come up with 12 dishes that will contain milk - all 12 bottles. Only one bottle should be used per dish. You need to cook them in one day, and eat them in three. Most of the food should be distributed good people. Treat colleagues, bosses, clients, if possible. Invite friends or neighbors over for dinner.

Please note that the people you treated to treats made from charmed milk will bring you money in the near future. Perhaps this will be an increase or an additional source of income. Also you can get valuable advice or just borrow money that will help you out in a difficult situation.

Women's magic = quick money

There is an urgent conspiracy, which is available only to women. It is done only for yourself or your family - you will not be able to help a friend with the help of such witchcraft. Men cannot use this sorcery. But they can offer their spouse to perform a ceremony - it will affect the whole family, including you.

Get a brand new nightgown - any color, any material. It should be washed and ironed, cleared of foreign matter. energy influences. In addition to the shirt, you will need a long red thread made of natural silk. It should be passed through the wax of a candle that was bought in the church. After that, thread the red thread into the gypsy needle and place it somewhere near your bed. Now everything is ready for the ritual. put on nightgown upside down and go to sleep in it.

Wake up before dawn. The first step should be done not by washing or making coffee, but by hemming the hem of the shirt. During this, it should still be worn on you inside out. The hem needs to be hemmed “towards you” with the following words:

Son of God Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, your servant of God (name). My words are weak, but my sins are strong and great. You, Lord, are rich and merciful. Give me, Almighty, not according to my sins, but according to Your boundless wealth! Amen!

While hemming the hem, read these words continuously. The number of readings does not matter. You cannot break the plot in the middle, even if you have finished sewing, read the plot to the end, and only then cut the thread.

In general, conspiracies to urgently receive money can be useful to every person. Money witchcraft will come to the rescue in any situation. If you don't have additional sources income, and money is urgently needed to solve the problem, ask for help from higher powers.

In contact with

A conspiracy for money and prosperity refers to universal magical rites designed to restore (return) the financial situation. The main purpose of such conspiracies is to obtain money from any source. IN modern conditions, a sudden discovery of a treasure is, of course, unlikely, but a long-awaited promotion through the ranks is very possible.

Conspiracies for prosperity and wealth

The relevance of conspiracies for money Lately everything just keeps growing. Practicing magicians and psychics guarantee lightning-fast enrichment. However, for such assistance, this very money needs to be paid to them. The result is promised, but is it? The best option for problems with the money plan is to try to use magic conspiracies and rituals independently, at home and at minimal cost.

Special rituals for money are quite simple, but no less effective. In most cases, some attributes may be needed to conduct a conspiracy for money:

  • money banknotes;
  • valid coins, but not old ones;
  • precious metals or stones;
  • candles, not necessarily church ones.

It is important to carry out a powerful conspiracy for money only on the growing moon. Otherwise, as magicians say, you can never get out of poverty at all. You need to have with you coins of 10 kopecks in the amount of 6 pieces. plus one paper bill, ten rubles is enough. In three churches on Monday, you need to buy five candles. They should be the largest and most expensive that will be in the temple at that time. The plot is carried out on the night from Monday to Tuesday, in an empty closed room.

It is unlikely that all 15 candles are placed on a comfortable table. Near them, in a slide, numbers up, lay out the coins. The first is set on fire banknote and only from her all the candles to one. If it does not work out, then the person is doomed to long-term poverty. Before the lit candles, looking at the coins, the most powerful conspiracy is read:

“Consecrated by monetary holy fire, prayed for by my prayer. I ask you to give me countless, monetary wealth. I ask you to improve my wealth and return the lost. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Magic words are important to pronounce three times in a row. Candles should burn completely, from now on always keep the charmed coins with you. To quickly receive money, you need to count these coins three times every morning. Judging by the reviews, this conspiracy begins to work in a couple of weeks. It is forbidden during this period to start quarrels, scandals, sort things out. You cannot borrow or lend. Otherwise, the conspiracy can work the other way around.

A strong conspiracy for money from Vanga

The famous prophetess Vanga gave her healing advice to many people. Through white magic, she helped thousands of people cope with illnesses, troubles, including poverty. Knowledgeable people claim that conspiracies from Vanga are only effective when a person truly believes in them. Otherwise, sad consequences cannot be avoided. Therefore, with doubts, it is better not to carry out the conspiracies of the famous healer and seer described below.

ritual for a specific sum of money for a specific purpose, Vanga advised to spend from Friday to Saturday. When preparing for sleep, it is important to close your eyes and conduct a mini-training. Imagine that the amount received is already there and what exactly it will go for. The picture should appear clear, bright, colorful with all the details. It is necessary to repeat 9 times:

“This is my desire, I want it that way, it will happen.”

The next morning, at the first rays of the sun, do not forget to repeat the magic plot:

“With the first rays of the sun, I woke up to gain strength. Oh, magical sun, you live in the east and fulfill your deepest desires. Help me to receive the treasured (amount). I ask you to teach me where and how to get what I want.”

These words will take desired effect if you repeat them three times in a row.

The desire will certainly come true, but it is important to spend the amount received on the initial goal. Failure to comply with this rule does not lead to gaining financial well-being, but to unforeseen expenses and minor troubles. Vanga warned that the conspiracy operates in a situation where a person really wants this and he really needs this performance. A thoughtless attitude to the conspiracy provokes new difficulties and losses.

The strongest rituals for quick money

Many rituals for money require the recitation of certain prayers and the performance of specified actions. One of the popular conspiracies is called "apple". You need to purchase 20 fresh apples. It is better to use fruits plucked with your own hands from your own garden. However, fruits bought in the supermarket are also suitable. Necessary condition when buying apples - do not take change. On the first day, 14 apples are distributed on the street to the poor and needy.

During the second day, you need to give three more apples. You can not skimp and choose the smallest fruits. Apples should be selected, large and juicy. Early in the morning of the third day, it is important to take the remaining three apples to church. Their place is on the memorial table. Don't forget to say the spell:

“I ask you to remember my lack of money and poverty for peace. May from this day on, only prosperity and wealth will be with me. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Exists powerful rite, which helps to return the money given on loan. It's no secret, sometimes we just can't get the data back once the funds. With the help of such a conspiracy, your money will quickly return to your wallet.

All magical influence lies in the impact on the mind of the debtor, whose thoughts will be occupied only by the return of the debt to the last penny. With the persistent belief that the debt will be quickly repaid, the ritual takes effect in a few weeks. Even if before that the debt dragged on for years.

The ritual is necessary only at noon, during the period of the growing moon. Two green candles are lit with a sentence:

“The Lord Almighty, Jesus Christ, I turn to you for help in a difficult moment. How your Slaves walked across the sky, carried bags of money and scattered them. All the money fell and even back to me, to its place. Let the candles burn out and the money return home. Amen. Amen. Amen.”

The plot must be kept secret and not shared with anyone.

How to get rich quick

Almost all conspiracies for money last quite a long time. The strongest of them, carried out with the help of monetary paraphernalia, are quite capable of attracting wealth for life. It is only important to carry the talisman used during the ceremony with you daily. Money will not begin to come immediately, you may have to go through a couple of trials or change jobs, lifestyle. One way or another, for a positive result, it is important to work hard, and not wait for "porridge with manna from heaven."

A hardworking and purposeful person has a much higher chance of being affected by a strong conspiracy for money than someone who often “throws money down the drain”. Instant financial profit is mostly one-time.

For permanent financial well-being, you need to wait a couple of months. Very powerful conspiracy for fast money it is read on even numbers on the full moon. A coin of an even denomination must be consecrated in a church, and then buried in a forest under an aspen.

It is important to pour the coin with holy water and say the magic words:

"Bless me Holy Mother of God and Jesus Christ, I ask for blessings. May what I sow be successful, may it multiply and accumulate. Let the mouse not gnaw through this coin, let the worm not go through it, let the human eye not jinx it. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Important Tips:

  1. All conspiracies are carried out only on the growing moon, on the waning one, you can lose everything on the contrary.
  2. You can’t brag about your wealth, but you can’t constantly complain about life. This will help to avoid envy and the evil eye.
  3. Strictly perform all the specified actions in the plot and read all the words. magical effect effective only if all recommendations and even small details are followed.
  4. You can not conspire for money with strangers. It is advisable to do this alone.
  5. It is important to believe until the last moment, tune in only to positive result and do not wish harm to anyone. Negative thoughts will simply scare away the positive message from the conspiracy.
  6. It is better to carry out a strong conspiracy for money on your own at home, and not seek help from magicians or psychics.
  7. Most better days weeks for conspiracy for money - Monday and Wednesday. If a ritual is required in the evening, then the night from Friday to Saturday is suitable.
  8. On Monday, a conspiracy for money carried out by a man will work faster, on Wednesday - by a woman.
  9. It is better to accept old debts in large bills, and it is generally impossible to lend after conspiracies. You can transfer your luck for profit to other people with money.
  10. A strong and effective conspiracy to attract money will be one that will immediately inspire confidence and attract attention with its availability.

Magic luck in financial profit is associated with a person’s desire to truly become prosperous and successful. In a situation where there is no idea where and why money is needed, then cash flows will pass by. The seer Vanga always said that one should not envy other people's money and one should not be stingy. Both can make anyone, both rich and poor, equally unhappy in the blink of an eye.

Every person dreams of having, if not wealth, then prosperity. Why can one become rich and the other not? How to speak money? What spells and rituals are needed for this? Are there such strong conspiracies on wealth, in order to read it once and get rid of want forever?

Immediately it is worth noting - do not hope! To become rich, you need to make an effort, read prayers and conspiracies from the book Siberian healer attracting wealth and prosperity.

Money loves work and effort. And randomly arrived banknotes will also accidentally leave you!

But let's try to try our luck. What if you get lucky? This ritual is for lazy but lucky people. On the new moon, buy a full deck of cards (54 sheets). Overpay for the purchase! Do you want to become a rich person? So don't be stingy. At home, take a red joker card from the deck and put it in your wallet or purse.

Attention! The black joker will need to be burned somewhere far away from home!

Wrap the deck in fabric light shades and place it in a hidden corner. Never use this deck for divination or play. The red joker card is your talisman money luck. If the red joker is lost, the deck will need to be burned on the new moon.

How to multiply money in your wallet

  • beautiful tray;
  • copper coins;
  • clay cup;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • red fabric.

To attract money to your wallet and become at least a little rich, wait new moon. And before that, prepare a handful of copper coins (Soviet nickels will do). If the new moon turned out to be clear and starry, scatter the coins on the tray. Pour clean water into an earthenware bowl and dilute three pinches of salt in it.

Then sprinkle coins with salt water three times and go with a tray to the balcony. Sort the coins with your hand and say the plot three times:

“Young month!
How many stars are in the sky, how much water is in the sea - so much will be in my purse of money!

Take three coins from the tray and wrap them in a red cloth. Carry them in your wallet for ten days, and then hide them. This money will attract wealth. Repeat on the next new moon.

Conspiracy for wealth to the moon

Conspiracies for wealth on the moon are considered very effective. The moon is a prototype of witchcraft due to its ability to change during the month - from a thin sickle to a full disk and back. This energy of change is used to conspire for wealth. The ritual is performed on the night of the full moon, when the sky is clear and the lunar disk is clearly visible.

Put a few coins and banknotes on the windowsill so that the rays of the night star fill them with their energy. Say three times a conspiracy to increase wealth, asking the moon to help you become rich. Prayers do not need to be read.

"Queen Moon!
You are golden and silver, you grow, you grow.
Give your light to drink my money, so that it grows and grows.
My money drinks moonlight, grows hour by hour, gains strength, fills my purse.

Leave the room, and after a few hours, put this money in your wallet. You can’t spend them for a month: they will attract wealth. In a month, spend all the money, and read the plot for new bills and coins. To become rich, repeat the ritual monthly.

Ritual for wealth by candlelight

This is very strong rite for wealth on candles from the book of a Siberian healer. It runs on the 13th of any month. You will need to go to the church and buy 13 candles and put the change in your left pocket.

Set three of them for repose, three for health, and seven for Nikolai Ugodnik. Leave silently home. At home, you need to take money out of your pocket with your left hand and throw it on the floor to scatter.

No one should pick up this money from the floor. Do not let any guests into the house on this day. The next morning, as soon as you get out of bed, collect the money from the floor and tie it in a green cloth. This bundle should be put in your bed.

Just follow important condition: you need to collect money from the floor before washing, combing and eating. As they got out of bed, they collected money. You don’t need to read a prayer, nor a conspiracy for wealth.

The rite is so powerful that it does not need to be repeated!

Rite with a church candle

This ritual for wealth is also from the book of a Siberian healer. On the new moon or on the growing moon, buy a candle in the church and bring it home. Remove the wick from it and set it on fire on both sides at once. While the wick is burning, you must have time to say a plot:

“Fire is eternal.
And my spirit is marked with gold, silver, and every good thing.

Extinguish the wick and put it in your wallet. Carry everywhere with you.

Ritual with a mirror for money

  • mirror;
  • church candle;
  • banknote.

This rite will work for any person, even those who do not have a magical gift. You need to place a mirror on the table and place a candle in front of it. Let the candle burn a little, clearing the mirror of unnecessary information. Then put a large denomination bill (at least 500 rubles) in front of the mirror and carefully look at it for two or three minutes. Then you need to sharply look at the mirror!

You will have a feeling of some confusion. If you manage to do everything right, then the bill will be imprinted in your brain. Extinguish the candle with your fingers.

Spend a coin. And in three days it will appear again, will return to you! Do this every day, but no more than ten times in a row (take a break) and you will be able to replenish your budget well. After the break (it will just be on the waning moon), continue your actions.

How to charge a candle for wealth

  • three candles: green, white and golden;
  • dried basil;
  • olive oil;
  • banknotes and metal money.

This ritual is performed once a month on the new moon. Prepare three candles, and the green one should be large. Light a white and golden candle and place it on your sides, and place the money between them. Take a green candle, grease it well with oil, and then sprinkle with basil herb (it is better to grind it into a powder). Then put a candle between you and the bills. Light it with a match and look at the money through its flame.

Now important point: by willpower, you must try to attract money to yourself. Of course, it is physically impossible to do this, but you must achieve the feeling of attraction of money. As if they stuck to you or connected with you. It is necessary to attract to the state mild dizziness. After that, extinguish the white candle with your fingers and rest for a while. Then again attract money and after that put out the golden candle.

Next, grab the money from the table with both hands and sprinkle the green candle with it (pour it on top). If the candle does not go out during this action, then you managed to make a money candle. If the candle goes out, then this rite is not for you. How to use money candle? Light it up to attract money and wealth. No prayers or conspiracies need to be read.

To become rich, imagine your well-being in vivid pictures. On the next new moon, repeat the rite with another candle. Work with her as needed.

In this material, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you strong conspiracies of money magic and effective rituals for big money. You read my articles, which means that you trust the magic of money. If a person has a desire to improve his life, he will look for all kinds of ways to realize his intention. The universe has many possibilities, and therefore, if you really want something, you will find a direct and Right way to success.

How to attract money luck into a person's life? How to make a conspiracy for the profit of money so that they flow like a river into your life? There are strong, proven ones. First of all, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, are talking about black-book rites and conspiracies to quickly attract money. But, again, I note that in every magical tradition there are effective rituals money magic that will help attract good luck and success in your life.

Real reviews about conspiracies for money on Wednesday

Home conspiracies for profit, for quickly raising money can be radically different. To make a strong rite strong and effective, conducting magical work on your own, follow general recommendations in performing witchcraft rituals to attract money into your life. For example, you want to get money from the bank, and for this, for the successful outcome of the case, you intend to read an effective conspiracy. How and when is the best time to do it?

Good day for home ritual for money- Wednesday. On this day you get strong impacts, especially if you need money luck urgently. In addition, you can effectively increase your money, push the debtor to return the debt, and increase the inflow on this day of the week. Any home rituals of money witchcraft performed on Wednesday will bring results. And I note real reviews about conspiracies for money on Wednesday are really able to inspire a beginner to use rituals for unexpected money to try to improve their financial situation and improve their lives.

However, you can only give a true objective assessment of witchcraft for good luck and success in life, the effectiveness and practical necessity of strong conspiracies and rituals for big money, when you yourself perform and analyze the rites of money magic.

The consequences of conspiracies for money - the judgment of a practicing magician

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, never tire of repeating that money is energy. If you are filled with energy, money will come into your life on these flows - a materialized manifestation of well-being. Practical black magic offers many effective conspiracies that make it possible to attract a lot of money. These effective rites and conspiracies for the urgent appearance of money, as I said, can be very different, since different egregors are involved.

Beginners, of course, are interested in the consequences of independent rituals and conspiracies for money.

Reviews about the consequences of conspiracies for money can give information of such a plan: the magical rite worked great, or there is no result. It is the absence desired result and seen as negative consequences magical ritual to attract big money to your house. It is also necessary to be aware of what Forces you are addressing and how to work with them.

Mistakes can entail not only a lack of results after a home conspiracy to attract big money in the family, but also trouble. Each egregor brings up a magician, checks. Nobody needs weak adepts. You cannot make contact with the Forces in one day. It never was and never will be. Witchcraft is an art where you cannot create only on inspiration, daily hard work is needed here.

Independently strong black conspiracies for money can be read, even with minimal practical experience in witchcraft. Those are safe effective conspiracies to attract money to yourself, which are worked out on the personal strength of the performer. In order to do the most powerful money rituals, you need to understand how to work with a certain egregore.

Free practical magic - how to read conspiracies for money

If you want to work with black magic and achieve results through the power of this egregor, read effective money conspiracies at the crossroads. Black rituals for wealth and profit are held not only in places of power, but also at home. At the same time, a ransom is always included. Do not ignore this moment.

If in real conspiracy to get a lot of money soon, there is a direct appeal to the Dark Helpers, it is obligatory to pay off, because the spirits will take their payment anyway, in the quality and quantity that they deem necessary. In this case, your losses may be greater and more serious than what the demons will give you as a result of the rite. Money rites of black magic in most cases work 100%.

Strong cemetery rites for quick money also work well.

In the practices of black magic, there are many proven conspiracies for money in the cemetery, which can unwind for quite a long time, but also give very tangible results. A cemetery is a powerful place of Power, a place of colossal energies, where both destructive and positive magic is done to attract money luck into a person’s life. Having a well-established connection with the cemetery egregor, a real magician gets the opportunity to direct this energy in any direction.

However, with regard to money, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, would still prefer the rites of black magic, and the most proven, best conspiracies to quickly attract money. You can ask the dead for money, but you need to very subtly understand the specifics of such witchcraft rites. For fulfilling a request, you can pay not only with gifts, but also with your life. The cemetery can take away, but not the practicing magician himself, but loved one. Even if the cemetery rite seems simple on the surface, it is far from being so simple.

Monetary black magic has its "pitfalls", and the most powerful conspiracy for money with inept practice can be both for the magician and for the customer.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

An effective black conspiracy to urgently receive money

In black magic, there is a very strong rite for receiving money, for a gradual and constant increase in income. money ritual the most that neither is, demonic. And here is a recommendation on how to make a conspiracy for unexpected money.

Do the magic ritual to attract money on the growing moon, this is more logical, although, in fact, you can do it all the time, and on the waning moon too. To improve the result, it can be combined with any other magical ritual for the profit of money. To work you need to have:

  • glass of clean water
  • 3 large coins
  • banknote
  • mirror
  • ordinary wax candle(you can take the church one, but not necessarily, and then you need to turn it over)

Keep the charmed coins where the money is. You can keep one in your wallet. This is a very effective plot to get a lot of money. Should be done in the morning. Put a glass of water on a mirror, throw coins into the glass, put a bill on the glass, top - left hand, and press the money to the glass with it. Light a candle in front of the glass. A candle is the activator of the whole ceremony.

Read a conspiracy to urgently receive money 3 times:

“In the morning, get up and call the goldsmith, yes, the goldsmiths and all the merchants’ henchmen, all the lordly affairs, the saints, but born with devils. Those who lament are chased, those who honor those with gold are irrigated. So my respect and desire for water as a mirror, but as in the mirror everything diverges in two, and so my money multiplies and gold is an attachment, and that an attachment, then in a purse with a mortgage, and with a money repair so gold and silver ring with a ring, but in my purses with a vorkovnik sing. Even if one comes, he will take the second, and if he takes it, he will approve me for money, make me rich, screw me up, and glorify me in every possible way. So money, grow up with boundless fields and hasty fields, and fertile black earth rivers, run away with water, inhabited rivers, and measure everything in a mirror-like surface, and indulge everything in two with a goldsmith by multiplying it, so I’m in gold and silver and in royal, lordly, merchant gold walk and be rich. No one will finish, no one will interrupt, no one will cut with an eye, no one will close with a word. Whoever wants harm, the devil himself will jump in. Amen".

Drink part of the water, and wash your face with the other part from top to bottom with your palm. Extinguish the candle. IN magical rite only 1 candle is used, light it every morning to read a conspiracy to urgently receive money.
Do this for 8 consecutive days. Payback at the end of a strong black conspiracy for money. Leave the mirror for repetitions, it is advisable to use it only in this money ceremony. For other people, this conspiracy is not read, since the money rite is for individual use.

To return what is yours and punish the thief, you need to turn to magic to return the stolen money. Home witchcraft can be solved different questions related to finance. So, if illegal actions were committed against you, apply best spells to get money fast, and in this case- to return stolen items. By the way, money conspiracies such a plan also against debtors in order to force them to return your money.

Here is one of the best stolen money plots.

To do on the waning moon, at midnight. It needs a black candle to work. Light a candle and read 3, 9 or 12 times. Works on the personal power of the magician - performer. Therefore, as you invest in the ceremony, you will get such a result.

“On the sea on the Okiya, on the island on Buyan, there is an iron chest, in that chest there are damask swords. Come on, damask swords, to the thief (name, if known), chop his body, prick his heart, so that he, the thief, the thief, returns all the theft to me (name), so that he brings everything, does not hide even the blue of gunpowder. Be you, thief, cursed by my strong word, righteous conspiracy. If you don’t return what you have stolen, thief, then I will send you, the damned one, beyond the blue sea, to pitch hell, into seething pitch, into hot ashes, into stinking fire, into swamp mud, into a bottomless pool, into an uninhabited house. I will nail you to the high ceiling, with your head down viciously, up with your wicked feet, I will nail you with a bitter aspen stake, I will dry you up like a thin blade, I will freeze you with Epiphany ice, you will disappear like a worthless worm. It’s not for you to hang out with people, it’s not for you to live in goodness, and you, like an eternal Jew, will stagger around the world! Amen".