The history of Valentine's Day. Love traditions of Denmark and Holland. Heart-shaped candies

Valentine's Day, which falls on February 14, has been celebrated in our country relatively recently, only a couple of decades, while in Europe it has long traditions and roots going back to the history of the ancient world.

How is Valentine's Day celebrated?

The external manifestations of this holiday are known to everyone: within a couple of weeks, all the counters are full of hearts of all shapes and sizes, everyone gives each other so-called “Valentines” - cards also made in the shape of hearts. Traditionally, most of them are anonymous, and the recipient is asked to guess who the sender is on their own. However, it is believed that these cards appeared much later than the holiday itself, which dates back about 18 centuries, while The first Valentine was received by the wife of the Duke of Orleans in 1415. He was in prison and decided this way in an original way show your love to legal wife. Who would have thought that fashion for them would go so far and last so long! Some people gain courage and confess their love on this day. Many, in addition to traditional souvenirs, give something more significant, but this differs from the classic canons of the holiday.

The classic version of the origin of Valentine's Day

Today, probably only the lazy, or those who completely deny what is happening these days, do not know it. This story happened, as the legend says, because there is no documentary evidence for all the events described below, and it is unlikely that they existed, in 269 AD. Then Emperor Claudius II reigned, and Christianity was a very young religion. At that time, adherents of Christianity were still persecuted by fans of paganism, and Christian marriage, in modern understanding, almost did not exist. However, there was some Christian priest Valentin, who not only carried out the sacrament of Christian marriage - he married legionnaires who marriage ties were prohibited due to the nature of their service in general. As legends say, the priest was not just a religious figure of that time, he was also involved in science and healing, and was also involved in resolving conflicts and quarrels between lovers. Some legends say that he was an ordinary ordinary priest, some believe that he held the rank of bishop, be that as it may, his activities did not go unnoticed by the authorities, and he went to prison, after which he was executed. Judging by some sources, love did not bypass him either, and already in prison he learned about this feeling that the jailer’s blind daughter had for the saint. She wrote him a letter where she confessed ardent passion, but since the priest could not remove his vow of celibacy, all actions on his part were limited a touching letter, which the girl received on the eve of his execution, February 13. However, there is a more optimistic, but less realistic version, according to which Valentin and this girl had affection for each other mutual feelings. Moreover, on the night before the execution, using his knowledge in medicine, he cured his beloved of blindness, after which he went to the execution, which was carried out by cutting off her head with a sword. The priest who accepted death for his beliefs was canonized and made a saint, and since the 8th century in Western Europe, the 14th day of February was considered the holiday of all lovers. In America it began to be celebrated a little later, from 1777, and in Russia even more so: as already said, we became aware of it about 20 years ago.

The external attributes of the holiday remain almost unchanged throughout the entire time that it is celebrated: hearts, hearts and again hearts, in the form of candies, cards and souvenirs.

The meaning of the holiday has changed somewhat over time. So, in the Middle Ages in Britain, both in its English and Scottish parts, on this day they organized a kind of lottery, drawing out the name of their beloved for a year. Thus, the holiday was important not only for couples, but also for those who had not yet found happiness in love, and thus gave last hope for luck. Today the official Catholic Church does not recognize Saint Valentine, and does not celebrate this day. The explanation is the lack of substantiated information on this issue, because all data regarding the circumstances of the case and the personality of the priest are in the nature of myths and fairy tales, and do not have documented sources. The only thing that is known is the method of execution of the priest. Guided by these data, or rather the lack thereof, the Catholic Church has excluded this holiday from the officially approved ones since 1969; it did not and does not support the traditions of its celebration. Today it is fashionable to get married on this day; it is believed that such a marriage will be strong and happy, and the love in it will be eternal.

Another version of the appearance of Valentine's Day

This option is not at all romantic, and therefore not popular. The origins of this version also date back to antiquity, and is due to the fact that earlier in mid-February it was Lupercalia celebration- a festival of female fertility, widely celebrated in ancient Rome. As part of the celebration, women stripped naked and exposed their bodies to the blows of whips, which were also distributed by naked Romans running through the streets of the city. It was believed that receiving your share of blows would ensure high fertility and an easy course of childbirth, which was especially valued given the level of medicine of that time. Rome, as a state, strongly encouraged the manifestations of this holiday, since it was believed that as a result, even the most hopeless representatives of the human race acquired the ability to bear children. In those days, infant mortality, both during childbirth and in the first year of life, was at a terrifying level, which more than once brought Rome to the brink of extinction. Such a holiday dedicated to the goddess of “feverish” love” and Faun, the patron saint of herds, each year led to a surge in the birth rate, which was welcomed by the state. With the advent of Christianity on the world stage, more than one holiday has been transformed and taken on a more civilized appearance. This custom did not bypass Lupercalia, where pagan roots were disguised under a civilized Christian veil. However, not all historians support this version; many of them believe that these two holidays are connected only in that they relate to love and coincide chronologically, having completely different origins and manifestations.

How Valentine's Day was celebrated at different times

Everyone knows how this day is celebrated today, but people did not come to this order right away, and different countries ah he was celebrated in different ways.


In this country, as mentioned above, a kind of lottery was held on this day: on Valentine's Day, young people pulled out tickets with the names of their companions on next year . Many couples created on this day later formalized their relationship; those who were unlucky got another chance the next year. This fun was the lot of the common people, and the aristocrats had fun on this day by trying to outdo each other with the pomp and wealth of gifts presented to their mistresses.

Giving wives gifts on Valentine's Day was considered the height of indecency. The first Valentine, however, was presented precisely in England, and specifically to the legal spouse, as mentioned above.

In general, this holiday in Britain was so popular that servants in rich houses could abandon their work in anticipation of mail with heartfelt messages, and not be subjected to severe punishment.


Until the 18th century, poverty and the accompanying Puritan morals reigned in this country, severely limiting the number of holidays and entertainment. For a long time they didn’t even celebrate Easter and Christmas, finding no direct permission in the Holy Scriptures to idle on this day. Even Thanksgiving was just a Presbyterian church day and was celebrated in a very low-key manner. Needless to say, Valentine’s Day did not fit into the strict and spartan way of those centuries, however, when the tradition of celebrating it with roses and cards gradually penetrated from overseas, Americans liked it. By that time, the country had already achieved a fairly good level of prosperity, and commerce joined in the production of hearts and other holiday accessories. Their production and sale were put on stream, and soon its celebration began to be carried out on a large scale.


In this country, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated after the end of World War II, when Japan, until that time completely closed from the rest of the world, began to transfer American and European traditions into its everyday life. However, here the celebration has its own characteristics: firstly, most gifts and souvenirs were made from chocolate, and secondly, historically it has developed that for the most part it was the day of men, they were mainly presented with sweet gifts. Currently, this trend has continued.

Do you know what no one will tolerate? Savings, even on small things! What is the best birthday greeting for a teacher? about this in our article. What kind of breakfast can you make for Valentine's Day if you don't know how to cook? We have prepared some simple recipes for you at the following address.


Valentine's Day also entered this country after the end of the war, and its celebration was mainly carried out in European traditions, but had its own twist. So from the beginning of the celebration it became customary that this day was not just a holiday for lovers, but also for those who intended to enter into legal marriage . On February 14, these young people had to come to the bishop of the area where they lived and ask him for an official blessing on marriage procedures. It was believed that such a marriage would be stronger and happier. Currently, the custom has been preserved only for religious couples, of which, however, there are many in Germany. In conclusion, we offer you a short video in which we will also learn a little about the traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day. Ancient Rome and how this is done in our time in different countries of the world.

Strange things are happening in the world, progress is growing stronger. People lived for centuries, loved each other, and loved each other much more deeply than they do now. And they didn’t know any “Valentine’s Day” as a day for lovers. And now they have forgotten how to love, only 10% of created families survive, but they have learned to celebrate “Valentine’s Day” en masse. Oh, how cute he is in the pictures, this “Valentine’s Day” - “Valentine’s Day”, he’s all so plush-floral, heart-chocolate! Just a little girl's bedroom, not a holiday...

What kind of miracle holiday is this, Valentine’s Day, who invented it and why?

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"Valentine's Day" originates from the legendary Lupercalia - festivals of eroticism, celebrated on February 14th. You can learn more about the scope of the orgies that certainly accompanied the celebration in specialized literature...
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"Valentine's Day"?

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Russia should celebrate its own day of loving hearts (not Valentine's Day)

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What is "Valentine's Day?"

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The Church does not celebrate Valentine's Day

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"Valentine's Day" has become a day of bestiality

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Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day, February 14 - History, traditions and legends.

An interesting story about Valentine's Day for children and adults.

On February 14, Valentine's Day is celebrated - the patron saint of all lovers. This is the most romantic holiday in a world where everyone confesses their love to each other, gives touching gifts and valentines to your beloved ones. For more than eighteen centuries there has been a tradition of celebrating this holiday. Despite the fact that the name of the holiday contains the word “holy,” it has nothing to do with religion, since it is a secular holiday. However, we associate February 14th with St. Valentine.

The history of the holiday Valentine's Day. The story of Valentine's Day. Who is Valentin?

There are a lot of legends and rumors about Valentine's Day. So who is Saint Valentine who presented this holiday as a gift to the whole world?

There is an opinion that in fact there were two Saint Valentines, who were venerated on the same day and died in Ancient Rome in the year 269 (270?). But now no one reliably remembers which of them the holiday was dedicated to. What is known is that one of the saints, a younger one, served in Rome as a preacher and worked as a doctor. During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Claudius, he was executed. Another Valentine, Bishop of Terni, lived near Rome and died a martyr’s death at the hands of the pagans in the same year 269 (270?).

Much in the legends about St. Valentine converges and intertwines, but each of them has some kind of peculiarity that makes it different from the others.

Most versions converge on the first Valentine, who was a preacher and physician and lived in the 3rd century in the Roman Empire during the reign of Emperor Claudius. A difficult and cruel fate befell him. The fact is that the warrior emperor issued a decree according to which his soldiers could not marry in order to have joy family life did not distract them from their service. Valentin ignored Claudius's ban and married the lovers in secret. For these illegal acts he was captured and imprisoned.

The priest's jailer, having learned that the prisoner, among other things, had the gift of healing, brought his blind daughter to him. Valentin healed the girl, the young people fell in love with each other, but their happiness was not destined to work out - Valentin was executed.

However, the day of his death - February 14 - remained forever in people's memory as a symbol all-conquering force love. It is also symbolic that the date of the execution of Saint Valens coincided with the Roman festivals in honor of the goddess of love Juno. Subsequently, Valentine was buried in Rome (according to other sources, some of his relics are located in his homeland in the city of Terni, and some are in the Church of St. Anthony in Madrid). It is not surprising that they did not forget about Valentine and chose him as the patron saint of all people in love. As a Christian martyr who suffered for the faith, he was canonized by the Catholic Church. In 496, Pope Gelasius declared February 14th Valentine's Day.

Since then, every year on February 14, people remembered Valentine and organized a Valentine's Day. On this day, girls and boys got together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these pieces of paper into a jug, then each pulled out one piece of paper and found out the name of their lover.

How everything really happened, we don’t know and will never know, but one thing is obvious - St. Valentine died in the name of love.

There is another version of the origin of the holiday. According to it, Valentine's Day originated from the Roman holiday of Lupercalia, celebrated in honor of the god Faun (Lupercus), the patron saint of flocks. The celebration took place annually on February 15th. In ancient times, on this day all the Romans stopped what they were doing and started having fun. Over time, the holiday changed, new rituals appeared.

The main task that everyone had to accomplish on this day was to find their soul mate. So after the end of the holiday it was created a large number of new families.

Traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day in different countries

Over time, Valentine's Day acquired its own rituals, some of which have survived to this day. In each country, the traditions were different, although what was common and unchanged for all peoples and times was that it is very popular to arrange weddings and get married on this day.

Some beliefs also say that on this holiday, a woman can approach a man dear to her and politely ask him to marry her. If the young man is not yet ready to take such a decisive step, then he should politely thank for the honor and give the woman a silk dress, and buy himself a silk cord with a heart strung on it.

In other countries, the tradition of donating clothes is somewhat modified. Thus, lovers give clothes to unmarried women as gifts. If a girl accepts and leaves a gift, it means she agrees to marry this person.

IN different times There were different beliefs in different countries. For example, the first man a girl meets on this day should be her Valentine, regardless of his wishes.

Some people believed that if a girl saw a robin on Valentine's Day, then her husband would be a sailor; if she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man, but be happy with him; and if she saw a goldfinch, she would become the wife of a millionaire.

Valentine's Day in England

In medieval England, this custom was popular: several guys got together, wrote the names of girls on pieces of paper, put them in a hat and drew lots. That girl whose name was missing young man, for a year she became his “Valentine”, and he became her “Valentine”.

“Valentine” had to treat his “Valentine” in a special way: compose sonnets in her honor, play the lute, and was also obliged to accompany the girl everywhere; in a word, behave like a real knight.

There was a tradition of dressing children up as adults. Having been reincarnated in this way, the children went from house to house and sang songs about St. Valentine.

Nowadays, the British understand love somewhat differently; this concept has expanded, since Valentine's Day is congratulated not only on people, but also on beloved animals, for example, horses or dogs.

In Wales, on February 14, in the old days, wooden “love spoons” were carved, which they then gave to their loved ones. The spoons were decorated with various hearts, keys and keyholes, which said: “you have found the way to my heart.”

Valentine's Day in America

The Americans also had their own traditions. At the beginning of the 19th century, on Valentine's Day, they sent marzipan products to their brides. However, the treat included sugar, which was very expensive in those days. This custom became truly widespread after sugar beets began to be processed in 1800. The Americans urgently set up caramel production on the continent and began scratching words corresponding to the holiday onto the sweets. They made caramels red and white, since red symbolized passion, and white symbolized the purity of love. In the 50s of the 19th century, sweets began to be placed in cardboard boxes shaped like a heart.

Valentine's Day in Japan

In Japan, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated in the 1930s. This tradition did not start on its own, but at the instigation of one large company engaged in the production of chocolate. Chocolate, by the way, is still the most common gift on this day.

Nowadays, the Japanese have turned this holiday into “March 8 for men.” On this day, gifts in Japan are received mainly by representatives of the stronger sex. And, accordingly, it is customary to give various men’s accessories; razors, lotions, brushes, etc.

And on this day, Japanese residents hold an event called “The Loudest love confession“- boys and girls climb onto the platform and take turns shouting declarations of love with all their might.

How Valentine's Day is celebrated in other countries

The French customary to give gifts on Valentine's Day Jewelry. And the romantic French were the first to introduce “Valentines” as love letters and quatrains.

Balanced and calm Poles prefer to visit on this day

Poznan metropolis, where, according to legend, the relics of St. Valentine rest, and above the main altar is his miraculous icon. The Poles believe that if you pray to the image, it will definitely help you in your love affairs.

In Italy, Valentine's Day is celebrated very differently. Men of this country consider it their duty to present their beloved with gifts, mainly sweets, on this holiday. This is most likely why in Italy this day is called “sweet”.

Conservative Germans adhere to the point of view that Valentine is the patron saint of the mentally ill, so on this day they decorate psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons and hold special services in chapels.

Today, “on Valentine's Day,” I want to talk about the price of falling in love on this day and the overvaluation of romance.
Even in my youth I heard beautiful story about a priest who secretly marries lovers. And then I heard another story, and in it there were no longer bachelor soldiers, but there was a blind and loving daughter of a jailer. I then leafed through all the encyclopedias we had at home, but there was no clarity - the BES either did not know such a story, or it was not so romantic.

This day left in my memory bright memories of first love, small cards that were secretly thrown into the recipient’s mailbox or SMS from a hidden number and always with the signature “Valentine”. I was amused and pleased that I could sign my name and remain unclassified. But that was all then...

Now this day of naive, half-childish confessions and timid signs of attention has mutated into a den of debauchery, supported by an abundance of alcohol. And, if before everything ended with a kiss at the entrance, now everything can end, both in the entrance under the stairs, and on the hood of a car on a dark night in the yard multi-storey building. It seems like it’s possible - the saint himself ordered it, and not only we celebrate this day. But whether this saint was still an open question and the Russian Orthodox Church still did not recognize his holiness. And with the popularity of this holiday in other countries, a funny thing happens:
Programmer's Day;
Japan: Naked Men Day;
Germany: Day of the Mentally Ill;
Anniversary of Chikatilo's death penalty;
USA: Condom Day.

We decided to create our own day of “love, family and fidelity” on July 8th. I have already written about such a dubious day for Peter and Fevronya and I believe that the same fate awaits him as a “ghoul” of love. Valentine’s Day was appropriate in distant youth, when there was etiquette and strict rules education, but not now, when on social networks, Skype, etc. can write or call you absolutely stranger and instead - “Hello. Can we meet?”, say, “Let’s have sex.”

For people, holidays are what they put into them. By and large, these are reasons for actions and signs of attention for which on other days we do not have time, energy, desire, etc.
But to declare your love, you don’t need occasions or special dates, and to “prove” it you don’t have to buy a “gentleman’s set.”

And to begin with, it would be good to think - what are we celebrating, ladies and gentlemen?


What is this? A holiday for all lovers or a day full of debauchery, a calendar-legalized orgy?

The entire history of this pseudo-holiday from ancient times to the present day insists on celebrating it normal people they cannot and should not.

Flowers, cards, words of love... Behind them are mass beatings of women with whips, violation of laws, lies, commerce, pigeon droppings, homosexuality, propaganda and other dirty phenomena inherent in civilization.

You do not believe? Then let's take it in order...

Every year, on February 15, in the gradually rotting, corrupted, torn apart by all possible crises of the Roman Empire, they celebrated Lupercalia, a festival of eroticism in honor of the goddess of feverish love, Juna Februat, and the patron of herds, Faun, aka Luperc.

The most famous search service on the Internet for the query “festival of eroticism” returned this:

A faun copulating with a goat or goat. The festival of eroticism is debauchery and bestiality.

At that distant time, there was a very high infant mortality rate. The oracle informed that in order to increase the birth rate, it is necessary to flog pregnant women using sacrificial skin. And every year, in the place where, according to legend, the she-wolf fed Romulus and Remus, (the founders of Rome), a holiday was held. After a rich feast, the young people stripped naked, took whips from the skin of sacrificial animals and went into the city to flog pregnant women. And women generally liked it.

At the end of the 5th century, already AD, the Roman Church, represented by Pope Gelasius the First, tried to ban the pagan holiday. Lupercalia from February 15 was moved to February 14 and a heavenly patron saint, Saint Valentine, was assigned to it.

Scientists cannot agree on his identity. Did he live or not? Did Claudius II execute him or not, and if so, for what? For preaching activities among young people or because Valentin, contrary to the imperial ban on soldiers marrying, married them?

Soldiers were forbidden to marry, since then, in the opinion of the emperor, they would value their lives more. for the sake of loved ones...

According to the medieval book “The Golden Legend,” after meeting Claudius, Valentine was thrown into prison, where he allegedly healed the jailer’s daughter.

Like a priest who had no previous romantic relationships with women, found yourself at the head of Valentine's Day? Those who benefit from the holiday naturally stubbornly defend the version of a selfless romantic who rebelled on the side of lovers against the tyrant emperor. Try to imagine a similar situation in the present.

Let's bring it to our time.

In modern military unit, at night, a fanatic sneaks in with a crowd of girls, marries them to just anyone and disappears. And in those days, an unlucky pimp was thrown into prison; in ours, he would have received at least 15 days. But instead of coming to his senses, he starts an affair with the blind daughter of the jailer. And the first valentine is basically a suicide note...

Love notes were first written by the lovers themselves. But very soon, the warm feelings invested in valentines turned cold along with the advent of the total victory of industrially produced postcards.

In 1847, a certain Esther Howlen made a notable start in the production of these postcards, based on English samples. The business brought the family $100 thousand annually. The popularity of Valentine's cards in the states in the 19th century became a harbinger of the commercialization of holidays in general.

Valentine's Day is a holiday for traders and speculators. In general, like any holiday now.

Every year on Valentine's Day, one billion cards are sent around the world, more at Christmas alone. 85% of all postcards are bought by women who are so easily persuaded.

Valentine, as Valentine's Day began to be celebrated in the 14th century, began to be widely celebrated in the 40s of the 19th century in England and the USA. Where did evil spread throughout the world? In 1969, the Catholic Church expelled Valentine from church year, and February 14 became the day of Cyril and Methodius, but it was too late...

Modern holiday symbol, stylized heart, dove and cupid. Heart is now drawn in a very specific way. According to a common version, the origin of the symbol, the heart, is due to a couple of swans swimming towards each other against the backdrop of a bright red sunset. Intersecting the heads and bases of the neck, forming a pointed bottom. Have you seen what a real heart looks like?

Psychologist, Galdino Pranzarone, believes that the symbol of the heart originates from the characteristics female anatomy. Pointing out that ancient people associated beauty primarily with forms female body from the back. Another version of the origin of the symbol is its resemblance to the seeds of the “silphium” plant. An image of them was found on coins during excavations in Cyrene. The seeds were then used as a natural contraceptive and abortifacient.

Whatever version we adhere to, this heart does not look like a human one. Even Sting sang about it.

Pigeons. Thanks to propaganda, which attracted the best: John the Baptist, Moses, Picasso; became a symbol of peace. The peaceful, powerless and gentle character that is attributed to this bird, in contrast to its real behavior, makes it the embodiment of meekness and love, and at the same time, timidity and talkativeness.

Already in ancient times, "doves", was diminutive pet name lovers and disparaging nicknames for corrupt girls.

Pigeon droppings are not just an unaesthetic surprise. The accumulation of excrement and nest materials in pigeon nesting areas can even be harmful to human health. Pigeon feces and feathers may be carriers various diseases types: pigeon psittacosis, pseudotuberculosis, cystaplasmosis, and food poisoning.

Cupid, aka Cupid, aka Eros. Why are there so many nicknames and why such secrecy? An arrogant, fat baby with a gun. IN ancient Greece, in honor of Eros a festival was held, “Erotidia”. In addition, Eros, as the god of love and friendship who united boys and men, was revered in gymnasiums, where statues of Eros were placed next to images of Hermes and Hercules. Unlike the great Hercules, Cupid always shoots from behind the scenes.

IN Lately The opponents of the holiday are also raising their heads. The main complaints they make are commercialization and revaluation romantic love. Or at least its role in modern society.
Anti-Valentineists say: “Love was invented on Madison Avenue to sell perfume and chocolate” and cards. Remember, by the way, how in the 90s everyone was buying up cacti, supposedly they absorbed radiation from monitors. This is also a deception for profit. Of course, cacti did not absorb any radiation, but in every office and home, there was a cactus near the computer.

Valentine's Day is often called a holiday by Hallmark, the world's largest greeting card manufacturer. Hallmark earned four billion four hundred thousand dollars in 2007 from people's feelings, according to Forbes magazine. Now everything has a price, even love.

It's up to you to celebrate or not to celebrate Valentine's Day.

You can choose another day. In 2008, the Federation Council approved the initiative to establish July 8, the day conjugal love and family happiness. On the day of remembrance of the patrons of prosperity marital relations Peter and Fevronya of Murom. You can stop the capitalist sharks from making money on your love. But you will never change history, full of savagery, abomination, betrayal, cowardice and lies. The history of humanity and Valentine's Day.

If there were no Valentine's Day, it would have been worth inventing. Millions loving people On February 14, people from different countries bring pieces of their hearts to their loved ones in the form of congratulations and gifts. How is Valentine's Day celebrated in Russia and other countries of the world?

The eternal love story dates back to pagan times. Over its centuries-old history, it has acquired many wonderful legends and beautiful fables.

And as long as loving hearts continue to beat, Valentine’s Day will continue to exist and gain new fans.

The prototype of Valentine's Day was an erotic festival held in Ancient Rome. Lupercalium - that's what it was called unusual holiday, whose goal was to increase the birth rate. As usual, during any celebration, the Romans glorified the gods. And at the erotic festival the honor fell to Juno. The goddess patronized all women, and, of course, family life and motherhood.

During the holiday, girls who were not yet lucky enough to find a mate wrote their name on parchment. All the notes were collected in one huge basket. It was the guys' turn to tease fate. They blindly selected a note. Only a lucky chance could unite loving hearts, everyone else had to live for the next year with the chosen one whom fate gave him. This festival took place on February 14th.

And literally the next day the second stage of unusual fun took place. Young people of unearthly beauty had the honor of running through the streets of the city in the nude. In their hands were belts, with which the young men tried to whip the ladies and young ladies who got in their way. And if anyone thinks that the Romans resisted, they are greatly mistaken. The girls gladly exposed their soft spots, not forgetting to take off their clothes.

Similar holidays took place not only in Rome, but among almost all people who worshiped various gods. The meaning of such holidays was not so much in canonization high relations, how much in continuation of the family and veneration of their deities.

Valentine's Day: history of the holiday

When Christianity came to Rome, the priests began to replace pagan holidays. Getting ordinary people to celebrate new and unfamiliar holidays is not easy, but changing the name or meaning of a centuries-old native holiday is quite simple. It was this idea that the church took advantage of.

Pagan celebrations and festivals were replaced by a new Valentine's Day. Catholic Church Valentine's Day was proclaimed. And Valentine himself is canonized as the patron saint of all lovers. This happened in 496.

Why did such an honor go to this particular saint? What actions made him famous during his lifetime? Exist different legends about Valentine, but they are all related to love stories.

One of the legends tells about Valentine’s extraordinary healing abilities, for which he was imprisoned. However, grateful people gave the healer notes with requests and thanks, even to prison. The security guard who came across such a note did not make a fuss, but brought his blind daughter to Valentin. He was able to restore the girl’s sight, and the flame of love flared up between the young people. But the outcome of the story is sad. The guy was executed, and before his death he sent it to his beloved with words of love, which he signed: “Your Valentine”

Another sad legend tells about Valentine as a fearless priest of ancient Roman times. Julius Claudius II, who ruled at that time, issued an order prohibiting legionnaires from starting families, so that the army would become stronger and more numerous. But he could not stop the soldiers from falling in love.

Under pain of execution, all the clergy refused to unite loving hearts. Only Valentin, who continued to conduct wedding ceremonies for the soldiers, decided on such a feat. For this he was sentenced to death. Already in the cell he saw beautiful girl and fell in love with her. It was the daughter of a security guard, who also liked the guy. But they were never lucky enough to open up to each other. She read the note that Valentin gave to his beloved only on the night of February 14, but in the morning the guy was executed without allowing him to speak with his beloved.

History of Valentines

The tradition of giving notes to loved ones appeared in the 15th century. Before this, lovers exchanged signs of their feelings in other ways. They sang more often, played musical instruments, danced and expressed feelings in words or poetry.

The most famous Valentine's card is considered to be a note from the Duke of Orleans to his wife. He wrote to her from the dungeons of prison, and the note itself in the shape of a heart is still kept in the museum.

Since the 18th century, postcards and notes in the shape of hearts have become especially popular. They are given as signs special attention. Young ladies and young men decorate cards with lace and write on them love messages. Antique hearts look simply gorgeous, they cannot be compared even with modern ones printed in a printing house. But if you wish, you can still make magnificent crafts with your own hands in the form of hearts, valentines or postcards.

How is Valentine's Day celebrated?

The holiday of St. Valentine has long lost its religious background, and ancient customs are completely forgotten. Over its 16-century history, it has acquired many new shades, and every nation has embellished Valentine's Day with its own customs and rituals. And let some skeptics treat the supposedly alien Catholic holiday with contempt. On February 14, lovers from many countries continue to enjoy this unusual, sweet holiday and send signals of their love. After all, for true love there are no state borders or religious prohibitions.

And yet, each country has its own traditions and rituals associated with the celebration of Valentine's Day in February.

France. The French love spectacular actions. They came up with the idea of ​​giving jewelry for Valentine's Day. And also messages in verse. Love quatrains in French are akin to music. It is impossible to remain indifferent after declaring your love in the language of love.

The holiday came to America only in 1777 and immediately became a favorite. Practical Americans came up with the idea of ​​giving heart-shaped candies and sweets for Valentine's Day.

Italy. Italians are no strangers to passionate feelings that quickly flare up into real flames. Lovers congratulate each other on February with cakes, sweets and pastries.

Finland. It’s an honor for hot Finnish guys to congratulate the young ladies on Valentine’s Day. After all, in the country the holiday is practically equivalent to March 8th.

Japan. Men are luckier in this country. Here it is customary to congratulate representatives of the stronger sex with appropriate gifts. Women will receive return gifts exactly a month later on March 14 on White Chocolate Day.

Poland. It is in Poland that the relics of St. Valentine are located. The holy miraculous image is also located here. It is to him that pilgrims go with requests and for blessings. And, the most interesting thing is that the saint does not leave a single request unattended - he works miracles even centuries after his execution.

Russia. Valentine's Day came to us in the 90s, like many other Western celebrations. There is an opinion that Catholic holiday cannot become native to Orthodox Christians. But is it possible to force lovers not to exchange with gentle words, gifts and valentines. Valentine's Day in Russia quickly found millions of fans. And every year, with joy and tenderness in our hearts, we try to congratulate not only our loved ones, but everyone dear to my heart of people.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you today. And I wish from the bottom of my heart to fall in love forever. Love that is faithful, devoted and without looking back. So that the feelings are mutual with understanding, patience and devotion. I wish you earthly love, but a little sublime, simple, but endless, dear, but incredibly sweet.

I remember the warmth of your hands,

And I look into the depths of your eyes.

And let my tender words sound.

On Valentine's Day there will be no refusal.

Happy Valentine's Day

I congratulate you today.

And strong, deep feelings

I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

And let there be hundreds of sincere confessions.

Secret expectations will not be deceived.

Larisa, February 9, 2017.