How to properly educate and raise a happy child. How to raise a child correctly. How not to raise children

How to raise children correctly? — This question worries many parents, since every conscious parent wants to raise their child to be kind, reasonable, loving, spiritual and moral, conscious, etc.

Parents are the first teachers in a child’s life and thanks to them his worldview and worldview are formed, they do not just feed him and take care of him, they teach him to love, think, and live. Every mistake in upbringing will be reflected throughout his life.

“Don’t raise your children, they will still be like you. Educate yourself!”

Video about how to raise children incorrectly!

Any conscious parent knows that children absorb everything they see in the people around them and then express it themselves. Scientific research proves that up to the age of 3, children are 100% hypnotizable and, like a video camera, record all incoming information into the subconscious, and then after 3 years they begin to reproduce the received information in their words and actions, so it is very important to consciously approach the issue of raising a child under 3 years old! Be especially vigilant about what information (the speech of parents and other people, music, films, cartoons, pictures, etc.) enters the child’s mind.

There is a wonderful book on this topic by Masaru Ibuka, “After Three It’s Too Late,” which I recommend you read. For your convenience, I have placed this book at the end of the article.

Now I want to show you a video of one special teacher, Chris Ulmer, who praises his children before every lesson, thereby instilling positive qualities in them.

How to raise children correctly!

This strategy for teaching and raising children is, in my opinion, very effective. After all, we often unconsciously say to our children phrases like “Why are you so stupid?”, “Are you stupid or what?”, “Can’t you hear me?” - with such phrases we instill these programs in the child and he becomes stupid, stupid and does not hear you.

Instead of telling children:

  1. "DON'T do that"
  2. "Do not go there"
  3. "DO NOT eat this"
  4. "DO NOT touch this"

tell your children this:

  1. “do it like this because...”
  2. “it’s better to go here because it’s dangerous there”
  3. “it’s better to eat healthy food”
  4. “Please put it back, this is for adults only”

Even children under 1 year old are able to understand you, so explain to them, talk to them like an adult and raise your children consciously!

Be a good example for your children!

I recommend that you study 2 courses on education from Viktor Fedotov:

This lecture covers the following basic mistakes in detail:

  • Insufficient knowledge of parents and lack of subjects at school on physiology and psychology of the body, social adaptation and sanity in general.
  • Lack of development of parental authority in a child under five years of age.
  • Incorrect goal setting in a young family (focus on welfare at the expense of education).
  • Reduced control and a decrease in the amount of love for a child during adolescence.
  • Lack of knowledge about principles proper nutrition(both nutritional and informational).
  • Lack of understanding of the dangers of watching television by children, even in infancy.
  • An attempt to make a child dependent on the fact that his parents raised him, fed him and taught him.
  • Raising in single-parent family(due to the lack of examples of relationships between men and women, energy of the opposite sex, and other factors).
  • The emphasis is on treating sick children rather than on prevention and recovery. Incorrect formation of an opinion about a father who does not take part in raising his son, which leads to low self-esteem of the son, etc.

Anyone who has attended a lecture by Viktor Fedotov at least once knows about his UNIQUE PRINCIPLED approach to any issues in our lives. This person penetrates deeply into the essence of the problem, sometimes revealing it to us from completely unexpected facets. We listen and each time we are amazed at the wisdom and clarity of this amazing person. It is unlikely that anyone will doubt that the topic of raising children requires a deep and careful approach.

For those who want to know how to raise a child correctly, psychologists recommend paying attention to the following points.

In order for a child to grow and develop correctly, parents need to create favorable conditions for this. Let's clarify what we are talking about.

  1. For proper development a child vitally needs the love and care of his parents. When he does not feel them, the ground is created for the emergence of large quantity problems. It's about not only about behavioral deviations. It is quite possible that health problems will arise.
  2. Sometimes it happens that parents love a child, but he does not feel it. Therefore, show your children your love: tell them how you feel, hug and kiss them, and show your love in other ways.
  3. The child must feel that the parents' love is unconditional. This means that mom and dad will love him no matter what. No matter what crime the child commits, no matter what situation he finds himself in, his parents will never stop loving him and will always come to the rescue.
  4. Love and accept the child for who he is, with all his shortcomings: overweight, inattentive, hyperactive, etc. Some parents begin to adjust the child to their ideal. And if this doesn’t work out, they are disappointed. The child feels your disapproval, feels that they do not believe in him, that he did not live up to expectations. His self-esteem suffers from this, which, again, often leads to problems.
  5. Support your child when necessary. Both the child and the teenager should feel that in a difficult situation they have someone to turn to for help and advice, that they will not find themselves alone with their troubles. The child should feel safe, under the protection of his parents.
  6. Don't scare your child with scary stories. For example, if you tell your child that if bad behavior Baba Yaga will come and drag him into the forest, then the child understands it this way: firstly, the terrible old woman can enter the apartment at any moment, and secondly, the parents will allow Baba Yaga to drag him into her lair. This means you can’t trust your parents, they won’t protect you. The child no longer feels safe.
  7. Take an interest in your child's life. Talk to him on different topics, and not just those that are interesting to you. Spend time together more often, doing mutually enjoyable things. Joint leisure time filled pleasant emotions, promotes friendly communication between parents and children.
  8. Respect the child. Respectfully listen to his opinion on this or that issue, do not brush him off (“it’s too little for me to advise”, “don’t be smart”). Praise your child for even small achievements and successes. Otherwise, some parents live by the principle “you won’t get praise, but scolding is always welcome.” How can a child develop good self-esteem under such conditions? Do not offend your child with unfair words and actions. Don't use it on him physical strength. Don't yell at him.
  9. If you want to teach your child something, then adopt this feature of attention: what is interesting to us is remembered by itself, without effort. You won't have to drill into your child the necessary knowledge and skills if you make your activities interesting for your child.
  10. Don't overuse notations. They are boring and uninteresting to the child. Better show me good example. Children take their parents' behavior as a model. For example, a son will imagine a man's life the way his father's life is. If dad lies on the couch after work, does nothing around the house, and returns home drunk from time to time, then the child will consider this behavior to be the norm and will most likely behave the same way in the future.
  11. Educate yourself in the field of child psychology, for example, read literature for parents written for them by psychologists. Then you will not only notice and correct your mistakes in time, but also, for the future, familiarize yourself with the list possible problems and you will know in advance how to solve them. I recommend reading books for parents written by psychologist Ekaterina Murashova. They are easy and interesting to read and contain a lot useful information. If you are faced with difficulties in raising a child, then, most likely, it is in these books that you will find answers to your questions. The author describes the most common problems problems with which parents turn to psychologists, and gives recommendations on how to overcome them. Ekaterina Murashova also writes books for children.
  12. IN difficult situations, and also in cases where your knowledge is not enough, you need to contact an appropriate specialist: a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, neuropsychiatrist, etc. A psychologist is understandable, but what do doctors have to do with it? Despite the fact that problems in a child’s behavior are sometimes symptoms of mental and neurological diseases. It happens that parents put off visiting a doctor because of their fears and concerns. It is not right. The disease will not resolve on its own, but it may get worse. In any case, the enemy (in in this case disease) you need to know in person. How earlier child If you get specialist help, the better.

Every parent should be aware of the degree of their responsibility in the important matter of raising children. You need to communicate with the child carefully, since every word and action of the parent matters. They can not only negatively affect the development of the child today, but also have unpleasant consequences in the future, in adult life.

There are some differences in raising sons and daughters. If the topic interests you, read the article. Moms should read it too. Although the article was written for dads, mothers can also use many of the tips.

If you need advice from a psychologist or psychotherapist, then this is the place for you.


    Elena (paid consultation):

    Hello! I read the articles on your website and listened to videos about unloved children. It's scary... Because I have a 15-year-old daughter. For ten years, from 4 to 14, she was raised with a nanny. Now I began to feel how far my husband and I are from her, and she from us. Misunderstandings and mutual reproaches happen more often than we might expect. How to overcome this gap that is growing between us every day? Maybe it's not too late.

    Elena Lostkova:

    Hello, Elena. Yes, your situation is difficult. But it's never too late to change something. Give her your love, attention and respect at least now. Let her absorb as much of them as she can. Let your communication with your daughter have as few negative moments as possible and as many positive ones as possible. Talk to your daughter about topics that interest her (but don’t violate the boundaries she has set, don’t go where she doesn’t want you to go). Support her when she needs it (for example, she had a fight with a friend, is afraid of exams, etc.). Parental support is very important for any child. Without this support he does not feel protected. Praise her for small and big achievements (don't ignore them as if they were meant to be). Praise sometimes and just like that (“what are you like for me?” beautiful girl! etc.). This is necessary for the child to develop normal self-esteem. Make comments carefully, very correctly, so that your daughter feels that you want to help her, and not humiliate her, insult her, or show your power over her. As for your daughter’s responsibilities, try not to force her, but convince her of the need to do as she should. In case of some failures with your daughter, do not use phrases like “I told you so, but you did it your own way!” This is perceived by the child as gloating and once again makes him doubt your love for him. Let communication with you for the most part bring pleasure to your daughter, and not cause negativity. Go to the cinema, shopping, etc. Together, focus on the entertainment that interests your daughter. As much as possible, communicate with your daughter in a friendly manner, like a friend with a friend. Chat with her about pleasant trifles (about the movie you just watched together, about shopping together, etc.). Treat her tastes, hobbies, views, thoughts, etc. with respect and interest. Ask for her opinion on various issues. Let your daughter not have the feeling “mom is always unhappy with me, no matter what I do.” Let her have the feeling “mom loves and accepts me for who I am,” “mom will always support and help, no matter what I do.” One day, when you have a heart-to-heart talk with your daughter, tell her how much you regret that you paid little attention to her earlier. Be prepared for your daughter to take out her grievances on you. It is possible that this will be unpleasant for you. Listen to all her complaints without revealing your dissatisfaction. Where necessary, admit you are wrong. Where necessary, explain your point of view on some complaints (for example, you didn’t show up for school play, because they didn’t let me go at work, I myself was very upset about this, I would definitely come if I could, etc.). Use small ones to win your daughter's love. pleasant trifles. For example, treats and similar things about which you can say “a small thing, but nice.” When she is sick, give her more attention (tea with raspberries, effervescent bags for colds, again, treats, etc.). Disease is good time demonstrate your care not in words, but in deeds. And of course, as in childhood, take pity and caress your child. Conclusion: when communicating with your daughter, strive for maximum positivity and minimum negativity.

    Elena Lostkova:

    Hello Tatiana. I apologize in advance if I misunderstood your situation or your question. I answer as I understand.
    First, you need to honestly admit to yourself that the child’s character is largely the result of your upbringing. Problem children and teenagers are mostly children who have not received enough love and attention from their parents. They feel defenseless, unwanted and uninteresting. But outwardly they do not show their vulnerability in any way. On the contrary, they learn to defend themselves and fight back against aggressors (including parents). In all areas where the parents failed to educate, the child “filled the hole” with what he had. Hence all sorts of distortions in behavior. In addition, when there is a problem of dislike, it all starts with the parents. First they reject the child, then the child begins to push them away (up to a complete break in the relationship). The child may not be aware of the reasons why he treats his parents this way. But subconsciously he takes revenge on them for the fact that they once rejected him.
    Secondly, during normal communication, people do not seek to offend each other (except occasionally). If a child is regularly rude to you and dissuades you, it means that not everything is going well with your communication. Think about how you communicate with the people you want to impress. good impression with whom you want to save good communication(for example, with a friend). You choose your words so as not to inadvertently offend, use a friendly intonation, choose interesting to the interlocutor Topics. Unfortunately, many parents communicate with children in a way that is not the best. best bosses with subordinates. Such communication is not conducive good relationship. Build your relationship with your children on a friendly wave. Give them enough of your love and attention. When choosing joint entertainment and topics for conversation, focus on the interests of children. Become your child's friend. This parenting strategy has many advantages. The friend-parent is not rude; his opinion is listened to. If a child has offended you in some way, you just need to explain to him that his words or actions greatly offend you. And the child will listen to your words. After all, he himself strives to maintain good communication. Good luck to you!

    Christina :

    Hello, my second girl is 1.9 months old; She doesn’t speak, although she understands everything, she only says ten words, she’s constantly hysterical, I don’t know what to do, maybe it’s her character and it’s growing out of it, or it’ll get even worse. Until she was a year old, she was very calm, now she is not afraid of anything from her neighbor, it is very difficult to explain something to her, we have a lot of educational toys, I try to study, but she is interested in almost nothing, will this go away or do we have problems? The eldest daughter is a year older, but on the contrary, she is interested in absolutely everything, at only three years old she is very well developed and knows a lot of things. I'm very worried about my little one...

  • Marinka:

    Hello. I have two daughters over 11 years old, the youngest 7 years old litters more often. The older one doesn’t give in. Sometimes they raise their hands at each other. Both approach the stone and start plaguing. Older people who don’t love will share and are capricious. How to correct it, please take off your savetweet….

  • Margarita (paid consultation):

    Hello. I am 21 years old. Daughters 2. I feel like an inexperienced, stupid mother. I constantly listen to other people’s advice, but I’m afraid to put it into practice. IN Lately I feel like I'm losing control over the child. My daughter manipulates me and doesn’t listen. I am constantly confused and tired. Tell me what to do?

  • Nata:

    Hello! Please help us. My sister is 13 years old. She becomes uncontrollable, lies, and is rude to both me and my parents. I got involved with a bad company from the class, what should I do? prohibit communication? but then she will be a recluse in class, and it’s scary to allow it, you don’t know what to expect. She started lying, they go to all sorts of construction sites, climb towers, and she tells us that they are hanging out with girls in the park. (learned from her correspondence on the Internet). But what about the Internet? It seems to me that all the aggression is because of the Internet. Again, it’s a pity to ban, I don’t want her to be worse than others, to feel deprived. but in my opinion there is nothing good from this Internet. And one more question, our dad is very strict and doesn’t know anything about her tricks, we’re just scared to tell him something. We protect her, we don’t tell her. So that she doesn’t get it from him. Is this probably wrong?

  • aika (paid consultation):

    hello, I recently showed my child photos of beggars and beggars and commented that if he doesn’t study, he will be like this, in order to live well, he needs to study well, he is 8 years old. Now I'm worried if I did the right thing

    • Elena Lostkova:

      Hello Aika. It’s good that you felt doubts about the correctness of your actions in this situation. This doesn’t even occur to many parents. The fact is that parents are significant adults for the child. This means he believes everything they say. The words and actions of the parents are deposited in his subconscious. Therefore, we can say that parents program the future of their child. Can you imagine what a terrible future you painted for him? And it is possible that he feels the hopelessness of the situation. Many children would like to study better, but do not know how to do this. It’s all simple for adults: you just need to push yourself to study and the problem will be solved. And for a child, the situation may seem hopeless. He wants to study better, but for some reason he can’t. You need to talk with your child (heart to heart, in a good, friendly way) and try to find out the reason for poor performance (or reluctance to study). May not get along with the teacher or with peers. Or is there some other reason. Problems need to be identified and HELP the child solve them (for example, hire a tutor, work with the child yourself, etc.) While talking with the child, offer him your help, tell him that if he has any problems of any nature, he should contact you . That you will always try to help him solve any problem. It seems to us that there is no need to talk about this, it goes without saying. But in fact, children very often do not tell their parents about their problems. And they cannot solve them on their own, since some of them are too difficult even for adults. I also want to say about the future that we picture for our children. You cannot create such an image of him. All people do only what is “necessary”, what is “right”. But what is interesting, what you want, cannot be done (such people find themselves on the sidelines of life). All “normal” people don’t want to, but through “I don’t want” they go to school; at the institute they master not the specialty they want, but the one they “need”; They don’t work in a job that is interesting, but in a job that they don’t like, but which brings in money. And the child is given the opportunity to choose only from these two options for action: “right” and “wrong.” The “correct” thing makes you want to hang yourself. And the “wrong” one leads to collapse. Tough choice, right? Would a child want to live such a life? Do you know what can happen if you put a child in front of such a choice? A feeling of hopelessness, indifference to one’s future, alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, suicide, which can overtake a child, maybe not right now, but in adolescence or as an adult. After all, we drag many problems from childhood with us into adulthood. Try to paint a different picture of the future for your child: a more attractive one. Tell him that in life it is not only possible, but also necessary to do what you like, what is interesting. You need to try to live in such a way that you enjoy life, fulfill your desires, and realize your plans. It’s clear that things don’t always work out the way you want, but you don’t have to give up those opportunities to please yourself that you have. Need to live life to the fullest, and not squeeze yourself from all sides in a vice. Tell your child how other people adapted to their circumstances. For example, in a work situation. What is the best way to choose a job: unloved and uninteresting, but with money? or interesting and beloved, but without money? There is no correct answer to this question at all. Each person makes a choice for himself. He chooses what his heart is most drawn to, what he himself considers more correct for himself. One will prefer an unloved job in order to earn good money and spend it on favorite hobbies (travel, fishing, etc.). Another will choose a job he loves, even if it means he has to live from hand to mouth. And the third will generally manage to combine business with pleasure: he will choose a job that is both interesting and lucrative. The main thing is that a person understands that he has such a choice. That everything depends on him. Teach your child to enjoy life. Find out from him what he would like to do, what his soul is about. And enroll him in the appropriate section, circle, studio, etc. And even if it seems to you that this lesson does not correspond to his gender, do not show him your doubts, support him in all his endeavors and hobbies: if he wants, let him learn to embroider, knit, cook, etc. It’s even cooler when parents, by their example, show their child how to live correctly. For example, my mother works as a manager, but she always wanted to take up dancing. Mom enrolls in a dance studio, attends classes, enjoys them, and when she comes home, she tells everyone about her impressions. The child sees the mother’s behavior model and tries to imitate her. From childhood he learns: if you like something and find it interesting, then go and do it; dream, make plans and achieve your dreams. By the way, those people who love it achieve greater success in their work. Because they are interested in it, because they are ready to deal with it day and night. A few more words about the effect that your favorite and interesting activity in a child's life. Of course, there are no guarantees, but there is a connection. The child begins to do what he loves, and as a result, his self-esteem grows. The latter leads to the fact that he begins to study better at school and the attitude of his peers towards him changes in better side. Something like that. Good luck to you!

  • Olga (paid consultation):

    Hello! My daughter is 3 years old. I have such a problem, I don’t know what to do and what to do? The child has been stuttering for 6 months now. And before that she spoke clearly and clearly. She took me to the grannies to treat them, and they took away the fear. But the stuttering never went away. He sings songs, reads poems clearly, but when he starts talking to me, he begins to stutter while telling me something. Constantly throws tantrums at me. He won’t calm down until he achieves his goal. What do you advise?

    • Elena Lostkova:

      Hello Olga. Stuttering is a complicated thing. There is no need to try to cure it yourself. Three specialists solve such problems: pediatric neurologist(neurologist), psychologist and speech therapist. They are all important. It is advisable to consult with each of them. A speech therapist directly deals with speech. He conducts classes with the child, during which the child performs exercises specially selected for him. Psychologist works with psychological reasons occurrence of stuttering. Perhaps there was fear, perhaps the parents are doing something wrong in terms of upbringing, etc. This is exactly what this specialist should find out, and then he will work with a specific problem. The third specialist is a pediatric neurologist. Stuttering can be caused not only by psychological reasons, but also by problems with the nervous system. A neurologist is a doctor. If necessary, he can connect drug therapy, can give a referral to the speech pathology department in the hospital. It is the pediatric neurologist who should lead the process of treatment for stuttering. And a psychologist and speech therapist should help him with this (solve specific problems in accordance with his profile). If you want to learn more about the problem, here are two links. Article about stuttering:

Raising a child is quite a difficult task. Every adult who does not have children of his own and sees injustice towards them on the street thinks that he himself would never act like that. Or he thinks that his children will not be like this ill-mannered youth. In addition, the statement that everything depends on the parents is considered absolutely true. Of course, parental example is already half educational process. But also on genetic level A lot is being passed on to the younger generation. Including demeanor.

To know, you need to evaluate yourself first.

Psychologists identify five children. They apply to almost all minors, regardless of their age.

Persuasion method

This method can be recommended to all parents when the question just arises in their minds - how to properly raise a child. Any person enjoys being talked to. The method of persuasion is based precisely on conversation. This is in no way a moral lesson. During such a conversation, people talk as equals. It is best when, during or after a child’s misbehavior, his mother or father says: “We need to talk.” In no case should instructions or threats be used; the conversation should proceed in a smooth rhythm and can be supported by examples from life (adults can always find an example - if not from life, then from a fairy tale). And the child himself will be able to draw a conclusion at the end of the conversation. It will be his decision.

Reinforcement method

The system of raising children must necessarily be built taking into account this method. It is in this vein that praise or blame is possible. This method works especially effectively in preschool and school age. Every person enjoys being praised. Therefore, parents need to notice their child’s small victories. However, praise should not turn into praise. In some cases, just a parent's smile or a father's handshake is enough. Of course, it is necessary in the presence of other people (family, friends) to talk about the child’s victories. And the child’s subsequent actions can confirm that parents know exactly how to raise children correctly.

Actions that deserve reproach should under no circumstances be exposed to the judgment of strangers. The punishment in each case may be different: denial of sweets, purchase of something, etc.

Many parents consider this method the answer to the question of how to raise a child correctly.

The "non-dispute" method

A rather complex method in the system of raising children. Small children often retort without any explanation: “I don’t want to, I won’t.” In this case, parental patience can work wonders.

The most important thing for parents in this case is to remember how to raise a child correctly and to know what they want to achieve from the baby.

To his “I don’t want” you need to simply and firmly say: “I must.”

For example:

“Let’s go eat porridge...” - “I don’t want to!” - “Porridge is a must for breakfast.” - “I won’t!” - “After the porridge, your tummy will stop gurgling, and he will thank you.” - "Don't want!" - “We need to eat porridge.” At this moment the child will understand that this action is inevitable. And he will stop bickering.

The “one, two, three” method

Especially young children are well-involved in this method. When a child takes actions that are not allowed, the parent only needs to start counting, having first warned the child what the risk is for him if he refuses to fulfill the request.

After “one, two, three,” if the child does not stop his actions, punishment must come. The next time the counting starts, the child will know that the adult is determined.

Physical punishment method

The most undignified method of education. Some psychologists believe that it is usually used by damaged adults. They can use force against a person who is much weaker. This method cannot cause anything other than aggression and anger.

How to raise a child correctly is up to each parent to decide for themselves.

Only the most literate and intelligent adults manage to raise a friend for themselves. This is a great achievement. But everyone can do it.

A little person is like a bank account: what you put in is what you take out.

What do you think is the source of a child’s self-confidence? The ability to stand up for yourself? Or to open the door to the director's office with his foot? Self-confidence is courage in your feelings, thoughts and actions.

In most cases, a child who lacks self-confidence is the parents’ fault. Yes, so tough. Since childhood, he has been criticized, manipulated, and not taken into account. And phrases like: “You promised” are also manipulation!

Then the child drags these patterns into adulthood. In relationships between men and women and even with work.

When does it start?

3. Learn to interact with people. Yes, take it straight and tell me how to communicate in various situations with peers, strangers, and adults.

4. Praise for achievements more than you scold for mistakes. 60/40 is better so as not to overdo it. Many parents are accustomed to taking their children's successes for granted. And it is imperative that the children could not cope without them.

5. Speak more often than not, that you love and will always come to the rescue. I'm not talking about overprotection now, but rather... There must be balance in love too.

Signs of a Confident Child

To analyze your confidence scale, monitor your social behavior outside the home. Watch your offspring from the side. You will notice that:

  • he knows how to say “no” to others;
  • easily defends his opinion without being “crazy”;
  • communicates without problems with new people;
  • takes on new business with enthusiasm.

Bingo! The baby grows up confident in his abilities.

For approval - to adults

It is important for children that mom and dad appreciate - “This is cool. But this is where we need to improve.” This is one of the basic needs of children. If children receive disdain, ridicule, or ridicule in response, they lose confidence.

A child is like an apple tree. If you don't hill it up, it will grow wild. She also happens to have sweet apples, but you still can’t make jam from them.

Notice the similarities?

Be sincerely interested in your daughter’s or your affairs, let them speak out and learn to talk to children. Otherwise, in adulthood they will have to attend not development training, but a psychiatrist.

By the way, aggressiveness is also uncertainty.

If a child beats the router for bad Wi-Fi, this is how he throws out accumulated stress

If he's indecisive

Cheer up. Small, in your opinion, problems for a child are a whole universe.

Ask. Let him make his own decisions. Start with “What would you like...?”

Don't focus attention on his insecurity or shyness. Especially with the phrases “He’s so shy here...”.

Parents' ridicule is taken literally and translated into complexes.

If uncertainty and shyness are progressing, take your child to theater Club. A puppet theater is an ideal place to start.

By the way, many movie stars admitted that this is how they overcame shyness and became confident.

Let the child play with younger children. This way he will improve his skills of responsibility and growing up. Sometimes you need to catch “among the sheep I’m doing well.”

Without self-affirmation

Accordingly, they set and achieve goals of any level. (By the way, this also applies to adults).

To both parents as individuals to pass on to the child right attitude to success and failure, to criticism, to the environment. And say more often that you love.

Ksenia Litvin,
psychologist Growth Phase.