Colleagues, I invite you to my birthday. How to write an invitation to a corporate event

Olga Dmitrieva

Corporate holiday - bringing together superiors and subordinates

Invitation to a corporate event Text and its features

Invitation to corporate party the text of which depends on many details, is part corporate culture. Just as “the theater begins with a hanger,” so any corporate party begins with an invitation. What should the invitation text be? To answer this question, it is necessary to clarify what, in essence, a corporate holiday is and what is its purpose?

In the Soviet Union, corporate events were quite common. The unified policy of production enterprises was to unite the team to implement a common idea. After all, the team often acted as a teacher and guarantor. Production events were structured in this way: a performance by a party worker, and then an amateur concert.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, corporate events were forgotten for for a long time. Today, the traditions of corporate events are being revived again at a new, more modern level, closer to the Western style.

Their goal is to create a friendly atmosphere in the team, bring together superiors and subordinates, increase awareness of the importance of each employee, identify the hidden qualities and abilities of employees in a relaxed atmosphere, stimulate employees and, of course, provide emotional release.

Invitation to a corporate event text and design - a great opportunity strengthen relationships not only with employees, but also with business partners. The reason for a corporate event can be either a professional or calendar holiday, and the boss’s anniversary. Perhaps it will be the anniversary of the creation of the company, or certain successes in business - in a word, anything!

However, the text and design of the invitation will depend on the nature of the celebration and on who it is intended for. All invitees are conditionally divided into following categories: VIP guests, which include sponsors, founders, administration representatives, etc., business partners and employees of the enterprise.

Invitation text on a card

General rules when creating invitation text:

1. First of all, it should be noted that any invitation constitutes Short text, consisting of several concise sentences written in two to three paragraphs.

The first paragraph is an introductory address, after which the reason for the meeting is described. The second paragraph contains information about the nature of the event and its features, indicating the status of the invitee (for example, “for many years you have been one of the leading specialists of the company”). The third paragraph indicates the place and time of the meeting, dress code, if any.

2. Avoid pompous phrases such as “you’re welcome” or “would you be so kind?”

3. You should not indicate in the invitation information about the number of invitees.

4. The text of the invitation should convey the atmosphere of the holiday.

5. The invitation must contain a description of the features of the celebration, for example, the presence carnival mask to take part in the competition.

6. Corporate etiquette requires the presence of an insert indicating detailed diagram travel to the venue of the celebration.

7. The invitation may have an attachment in the form of an RSVP card, which means a request to confirm your arrival, or to notify you of refusal. Contents - contact details - telephone, e-mail, postal address. There may also be a place to add comments and wishes.

8. For honored guests, a personal text is drawn up, which is sent by courier 3-4 weeks before the celebration and provides confirmation.

9. Invitations are delivered personally, by express delivery services, or by our own courier. It is acceptable to send by mail with notification. Do not use e-mail or telephone under any circumstances!

10. Invitations are issued in two ways: a postcard with text on inside, A4 sheet enclosed in an envelope.

Invitation text on sheet

Examples of invitation texts:

For staff:

Dear Tatyana Petrovna!
I am pleased to welcome you on behalf of the Tonus company. For many years you have been an honorary employee, your contribution to the development and prosperity of the common cause cannot be underestimated!

I hasten to inform you that we are organizing for you and your colleagues festive event, dedicated to our professional holiday, "Builder's Day".

Director of JSC "Tonus"
P.S. Tereshchenko

Text for partners:

Dear Sergei Romanovich!
I express my gratitude to you for your many years of cooperation with the Tonus company. I hope that our relations will continue to be beneficial and fruitful. It’s a pleasure to work with you, I hope it’s mutual.

Our professional holiday dedicated to builders, we would like to meet with partners and employees. I am happy to contact you with the wish to join in the celebration of the occasion.

We are waiting for you at the Nikolsky restaurant on August 14 at 19.30. The invitation is valid for one person.

Director of JSC "Tonus"
P.S. Tereshchenko

Our site is regularly updated with interesting and unique materials and articles on preparing and organizing holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, various favorite holidays, corporate events, holiday decoration, tips for guests before the holiday, history and traditions of holidays. If you would like to receive information about this, subscribe to our website's newsletter. We guarantee that your address will not be shared with third parties.

Is there a celebration planned at your company? Whatever its theme (professional or calendar holiday, company birthday, presentation of a new product, opening of a branch or new office, boss’s anniversary), it begins with invitations.

How the best way write an invitation to a corporate event? On the one hand, you need to show originality, interest the guests and make them want to attend the celebration. On the other hand, the invitation to such an event needs to list important information.

Text of the invitation to a corporate event

So, in the text of the invitation to a corporate holiday, you should indicate the date and location of it, the method of transporting guests (by your own transport or, for example, by buses from the office), and the uniform (it can be casual, evening or themed if you are organizing a carnival).

Find out if you can take your spouse and children with you. If invited artists will perform at the party, this can also be mentioned in the text of the invitation to the corporate event.

As for style, variety is allowed here depending on the status of the celebration. The invitation text can be formal or informal, even humorous.

But in any case, the invitation to corporate event needs to be properly presented. It can be sent as SMS by e-mail, place it on postcards, in a wall newspaper or on a bulletin board.

It is not so easy to take into account all the requirements for the texts of invitations to a corporate event. We decided to make this task easier for you and provided sample texts for invitations of this kind so that you can choose the most suitable one as a basis.

Supplement it with a little effort and imagination, and then your invitation to a corporate event will not leave anyone indifferent.

Dear _________________!
We are pleased to inform you that ___(date)___ marks exactly ___ years since the founding of our company.
In honor of this have a wonderful holiday we are organizing a big banquet,
to which we are pleased to invite you!
The festive event is scheduled for ___(date)____ in the entertainment and restaurant complex “____(name)____” (__________(address)___________),
starts at __(time)__ o'clock.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Company employees __________

We invite you to bright holiday, dedicated to the day the birth of our friendly team.
The celebration will take place on ___(date)__ at the restaurant “_________”, starting at __(time)__.
On our company’s birthday, we will gather together to congratulate each other on a productive and successful past year, and also have a pleasant time
time in an atmosphere of fun and celebration.
Be sure to come - let's have a lot of fun!
Close-knit team of the company ____________

An invitation to a corporate event can be laconic and restrained, or it can be quite emotional, especially if we're talking about about the upcoming warm meeting of friends and like-minded people. For example, the text of an invitation to a corporate party in honor of the company’s birthday or New Year may be as follows.

Dear friends!
We are confident that real wealth does not lie in the accumulation of material wealth. It is important to know that there are true friends and partners nearby, proven by time and deeds. Reliable teammates are a fulcrum in moving towards success and overcoming any obstacles.
We will be glad to meet you at the Christmas dinner, which will take place on ___________(date) at the restaurant _____________. We hope that festive evening in the circle of friends, partners and colleagues will be a pleasant and interesting event for you.

Dear Colleagues!
The most valuable thing for our company is our reliable partners and our Friendly team. Collaboration last year contributed to the development of our enterprise. And, of course, we would not have achieved such success without your dedication and desire to develop.
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to holiday party which will start at _________ in the cafe ______________. We will meet New Year in a festive atmosphere, among friends and colleagues.
May the coming year be no less successful than the outgoing one. We wish you and your loved ones happiness, joy, health and prosperity!

An invitation to any kind of corporate event can be sent on behalf of colleagues. But employees will be especially pleased to receive it on behalf of management.

Dear _______________!
I am pleased to welcome you on behalf of ___________________ (company name). You are one of the leading specialists of the company and your contribution to our common cause is truly invaluable.
The year 20... with all the achievements it brought and the difficulties it brought, is almost behind us. It's time to welcome the new 20.. year, which we hope will bring us new opportunities, new achievements, new successes and new ideas.
I hope that surrounded by colleagues you will receive true pleasure from a holiday dedicated to our partners, friends and employees.
We are waiting for you at entertainment complex ___________ by the address ___________. The event is scheduled to start at ________ hours on December 25th.
The invitation is valid for two people.
director of the enterprise___________________

Dear Colleagues!
While working on the latest project, you showed due professionalism and competence, and also put in a lot of effort, which brought amazing results to our company. As a sign of gratitude, we are throwing a small corporate party and invite you to join us.
The holiday will take place on ________________(date) at the address: ____________________. Party start time: 19:00.
We will be glad to see you!
Deputy Director ________________.

Dear Colleagues!
We value the responsibility, dedication and efficiency that our employees possess, but at the same time we understand that proper productivity is impossible without have a nice rest. Therefore, we decided to please our employees and arrange for them small holiday. This Saturday, _________ (date), we invite you to a corporate picnic, where you can relax, chat with colleagues and enjoy the beauty of nature. A transfer will be organized to the venue of the holiday.
Meet at ________ (time) near the main entrance to the office. We hope that you will accept our invitation!
Directorate of the company _________________.

And finally, the text of the invitation to a corporate holiday can be written in poetic form.

We cordially invite you to a wonderful holiday,
Come celebrate, we will be grateful to you!
After all, today is the New Year, the fairy tale begins.
As you know, miracles happen on this day!
Happy New Year, friends, we congratulate you!
Miracles, surprises await you, we promise fun!

The table is set, gifts, candles...
Everything froze in anticipation.
On this warm, wonderful evening
We look forward to your visit.

We invite you with love
Come to us for the New Year.
This New Year's fairy tale
Join us!

I was given the task of writing a letter of invitation to business partners for the anniversary of our organization. Of course, I coped with this task, but my text was seriously revised. I would like to have samples of such letters on hand for the future. Secretary of the head, Arkhangelsk


In modern business communication, there are various situations when partners and colleagues send messages to each other letters of invitation. These can be invitations to special events, ceremonies, work meetings of various levels and scales, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, presentations, corporate parties etc. In addition, letters of invitation can be addressed to regular clients of insurance, medical, and various service organizations. Typically, such letters contain a reminder of the need for regular professional communication and a corresponding invitation.

Etiquette business communication requires a response from the addressee in the form of an expression of gratitude for the invitation received, confirmation of its acceptance, or an explanation of the reasons for refusal.

Letter of invitation to the organization’s anniversary (No. 1)

Dear Pavel Nikolaevich!

I am pleased to inform you that on May 25, 2010, the Vega Instrument-Making Research and Production Association celebrates the 75th anniversary of its founding. Exactly three quarters of a century ago, a small experimental and production laboratory was created at the Polytechnic Institute, which grew into a multidisciplinary instrument-making association, including more than ten scientific, design and production enterprises.

We are pleased to have the opportunity to invite you and representatives of Vympel OJSC, with which PNPO Vega has long-standing fruitful industrial relations, to take part in ceremonial events, which will be held on May 25, 2010 in the premises of the Drama Theater of our city.

We know, dear Pavel Nikolaevich, about your busy work schedule, but we would be very grateful if you could make a welcoming speech at the gala meeting (beginning at 17.00) and take part in a press conference for correspondents of central and local media (starts at 18.00).

We will also be glad to have your presence at festive concert with the participation of Russian pop stars (starts at 18.30) and at a gala banquet after the end of the concert.

In the near future our courier will deliver you 5 invitation cards(each for two persons) with inserts-invitations to the banquet, as well as the concert program.

During the celebration, from 16.30, a free guarded parking lot will be open next to the Drama Theater building. Entry to the parking lot requires invitation cards.

Dear Pavel Nikolaevich! We will be happy to see you and representatives of Vympel OJSC at our holiday!

Instrument-making NPO "Vega" V.A. Zimin

Letter of invitation to a specialist’s anniversary (No. 2)

Dear Leonid Semenovich!

I have the honor to inform you that on February 24, 2010, one of our oldest employees - the chief physician of the Central Clinic of Children's Diseases Nikolai Vasilyevich Dmitriev - turns 60 years old.

You undoubtedly know this wonderful Person and Specialist well, who has devoted himself completely to the cause of preserving the health of children.

As a very young resident, he came to the clinic 36 years ago and during all this time he achieved enormous professional success, won great love and respect from fellow doctors and parents of our young patients.

Today, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Vasilyevich Dmitriev leads current clinical research and projects, personally conducts the most important and complex operations, and actively introduces modern methods of treating childhood diseases.

As a professor at the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the Medical Institute, Nikolai Vasilievich devotes close attention the task of educating a new generation of pediatricians. Many of his students are already successfully working at the clinic.

Dear Leonid Semenovich, the management of our clinic and our hero of the day will be extremely glad to see you at gala evening dedicated to this significant date.

Honoring Nikolai Vasilyevich will take place in the conference hall of the Central Clinic of Children's Diseases on February 24, 2010 at 17.00. The anniversary evening program includes: official part And festive dinner in big banquet hall restaurant "Povolzhye"

Let me also inform you that the evening is expected to be attended by leading experts from many medical institutions our city and other regions of Russia. For all guests of our clinic, Nikolai Vasilyevich will personally give a tour of the new surgical complex, created thanks to the highest professionalism and organizational talent of the hero of the day.

Best regards and Best wishes, Director of the Central Clinic of Children's Diseases,
Dr. med. Sciences, Professor S.V. Kudinov

Letter of invitation to an international conference (No. 3)

Dear Professor Tepler!

It is with great pleasure that I inform you that the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Plasma Physics has finally decided on the dates and place of its holding. As you and I assumed during our last telephone conversation, it will take place in Moscow. The event will take place from February 1st to February 10th next year. Official name- “Experimental methods for studying high-temperature plasma”, which completely coincides with the area of ​​your professional interests.

During the discussion at the last meeting of the Organizing Committee of the possible composition of the Presidium of the conference, I had the honor to propose your candidacy, and it was unanimously supported by all fellow members of the Organizing Committee.

Highly appreciating your outstanding achievements in achieving the modern level of theory and practice in the study of the “fourth state of matter,” the Organizing Committee instructed me to agree with you on the possibility of your delivering the main report at the plenary session on the first day of the conference. In addition, we would like you, as the main speaker, to speak according to the traditional regulations at the final meeting and give your assessment of the work done at the Conference.

Of course, the Organizing Committee will be happy to include in the program all individual and collective reports and messages that you and your employees consider necessary to make at the Conference and discuss with the community of colleagues.

More detailed information I will inform you about organizational issues of the conference in the near future. Official invitation The application will be sent to your institute before the end of January on the Organizing Committee’s letterhead.

If you have any questions, please call me at the phone number you know. I am waiting for your letters to my email address.

I hope to receive a positive response from you in the very near future and see you in Moscow.

With best wishes and friendly greetings,
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Chairman
Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Plasma Physics
O.D. Savelyev

Letter of invitation to a workshop (No. 4)

Dear Stanislav Alekseevich!

In connection with the signing by the Prometheus concern on November 30, 2009 of a contract with a foreign Customer No. IT9706-0247 for the supply in 2010 of two sets of T400 technological equipment for the automated production of metal-ceramic products, in the Concern Export Supply Department from December 22 to December 24 from . A workshop is planned.

Are you ready to gossip and giggle a little? Do you want to try chips, pizza and other goodies? Then come (date and time) to "Pajama Party" , which will last all night! Yes, don't forget to bring your pajamas!
It will be fun!

Dear (friend's name)! It is my pleasure to invite you to the launch party. summer holidays, which will take place (date and time of the event) in the courtyard of my house at (address).

Best regards (name of organizer).

Dear (guest's name)! We invite you to a party that we have decided to dedicate to a successful passing the session . We are waiting for you (date, time) in the cafe (name), located at (address of the establishment).

Dear (names of guests)! We are pleased to inform you that (date and time) will take place in our house at (exact address) culinary party . During the event we will prepare cakes and biscuits, compete in the ability to decorate dishes and answer culinary quiz questions. It will be a lot of fun, come – you won’t regret it!

Dear (guest name). We invite you, as well as your family members, to a football party, which will take place (date and time of the event) at our dacha (location and exact description of how to get there). The holiday program includes swimming in the pool, barbecue and outdoor games. Looking forward to the meeting!

Dear (friend's name)! In connection with the start of the holidays, I decided to throw a small party. I invite you (date and time of the event) to our modest bachelorette party in night club(name of establishment).

(Guest's name)! Finally, I managed to get a job Good work. I'm starting completely new life, full of new discoveries and worries. I want my closest and most devoted friends to celebrate this joyful event with me. Come (time and date) to the party that will take place at my house (address). It will be a lot of fun!

Are you coming to my party?
Come tomorrow at eight!
And with me a gramophone record
Be sure to grab it!

We have a DJ in electro style
The music will start playing!
Will play on vinyl
With the mood in unison!

Stop bothering!
Come to my party!
Do you know the way here?
Let's have some fun here!
Bring your friends with you
It will be more fun together!

Come to my party!
And take your soulmate!
I want to entertain my friends
Let's drive away boredom together!

I'm at your party
I invite you to visit!
It will be fun with us -
I promise that!

Come, but not alone,
Bring your friends!
We will disperse the gray spleen
It's more fun together!

I'm having a party
Coming soon
I invite you, friends,
Show up for it!

There will be music playing
Wines and snacks
Standing on our table!
Let's sit in Russian!

Soon it won’t be an easy holiday for me!
I'm inviting you all to the party, friends!
Come to me with your family, come alone!
It is very important that you come! You are needed!

I invite you to my place
All your friends!
That's how I want to see
Have guests!

You're at the party, friend,
Come with your family!
It will be fun all around!
You are always like your own!

We don’t need much to be happy!
You need happiness, no matter how you look at it!
You, friends, are always very welcome!
With you, joy awakens inside!

We invite you to our place, dear ones!
The party will be for “our own people”.
Come, dear guests!
Let's take a break from everyday life in the city!

The evening is quiet and the evening is so beautiful!
The sounds fade away - silence...
So that that evening is not in vain,
I need good company!

I invite you to visit soon!
Let's chat, let's sit together!
I love evenings like this...
Come, we need you!

Leave all your worries and affairs behind,
I invite you to a party!
Let's have fun together until the morning!
I want to see you at my place!

See, the house is clean!
Not a speck of dust in the house!
So cozy - beautiful!
There will be a party!

I invite you too
Join us this evening!
I will be immensely glad
Let's meet again!