Do unlicensed kindergartens have the right to exist. Own business: a private kindergarten - a business plan from A to Z. How to open a home kindergarten

Russian system preschool education on present stage have certain problems. In particular, this concerns the insufficient number of places for children, especially babies under the age of three, the lack of experienced, qualified employees, as well as the narrow focus of budgetary institutions and, as a result, the low level of education received by pupils.

Many parents, realistically assessing the current situation, prefer private kindergartens to state kindergartens, providing for a differentiated approach to each child, the implementation modern programs preparation for school, etc. For some, the motivation becomes financial question, since not every mother can afford to be on unpaid leave until the child reaches a suitable enrollment in budget garden age. In this regard, the idea of ​​creating your own paid preschool institution can be considered very relevant. We suggest you consider how to open a private kindergarten, and what is needed for this.

Highlights of the "private kindergarten" business

The first thing I would like to draw the attention of entrepreneurs who are looking for an answer to the question of what it takes to open a private kindergarten is that such a business venture requires serious investment. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to draw up a full-fledged project of the enterprise, containing an economic justification, and find sources of financing.

Do not be afraid of competition with the so-called semi-legal or illegal establishments operating without a license and other permits. Acting within the framework of the law and having all the necessary official papers on hand, you will thereby secure the trust of your parents, and this is the main condition successful activity any childcare facility.

The basis for building a business "private kindergarten" are:

  • personnel with pedagogical education and experience of working with children;
  • a room that is suitable in all respects for the stay of children and meets all the standards of fire and sanitary and epidemiological supervision;
  • specially designed and approved educational program;
  • documentation that allows you to carry out activities legally and work in the open - a license for the implementation of the main public educational program preschool education, the conclusion of the SES, employment contracts with teaching staff, etc.

Only by covering all these points, you can count on the fact that your company will be able to successfully compete with budget institutions and will bring good income.

Alternative option organizing a private garden - . Find out about opening a childcare facility.

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Kindergarten staff

What you need to open a private kindergarten is in without fail a team of professionals who know how and love to work with children. Teachers, educators and their assistants should be selected with great care, since they will be the main advertisement of your institution.

Before giving their child into the wrong hands, parents always try to get to know each other, take a closer look at the teacher, evaluate his personal and professional quality. And if you manage to choose the right team of workers, then we can assume that half of the success is provided to you. Grateful and satisfied fathers and mothers will recommend your services to friends and acquaintances, and the kindergarten will quickly gain good fame.

When interviewing prospective employees, pay attention to the following features:

  • the level of education;
  • previous experience work, it is also desirable to have reviews, characteristics;
  • the ability and desire to grow, to learn something new, because education does not stand still, progressive programs for development and preparation for school appear every year;
  • activity and presence creativity;
  • friendliness and personal charm;
  • punctuality and responsibility.

To search for suitable candidates, you can use free classifieds sites or the services of recruiting agencies.

Premises and equipment

The requirements for a private kindergarten, provided for by the "Regulations on Licensing Educational Activities", include a number of conditions, their implementation is directly related to the premises in which the pupils will be.

The premises must be owned by the entrepreneur or rented for purposes that provide for educational and educational activities. On its territory it is necessary to place and equip appropriately a study room, a bedroom, an object for classes physical culture, cabinet for rendering medical care etc.

Important! The perfect place to accommodate a private kindergarten will be a densely populated residential area or city center. It is advisable to choose rooms on the first floors of buildings with a convenient entrance. Place children's institution in the basement or on the basement floor is not allowed.

The kindergarten must be equipped in accordance with state and local regulations and requirements, in accordance with educational standards. Its premises must meet the conditions of safety and protection of the life and health of children. To properly prepare the available space, you need to be guided by federal laws“On Education in the Russian Federation” and “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, as well as regional regulatory legal acts.

Special attention should be given to the choice of furniture. Before you open your own private kindergarten, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the requirements of GOSTs for quality, material of manufacture, size and safety of children's furniture and find bona fide manufacturers.

To open a private garden you will need:

  • children's tables and chairs, the surface of which is resistant to impact detergents;
  • Children's beds;
  • individual lockers with shelves;
  • benches;
  • play furniture and Sports Equipment;
  • staff furniture and office equipment;
  • tableware and kitchen equipment and utensils, etc.

In addition to furniture and equipment, you will also need cleaning supplies, bedding, teaching materials and kits for children's creativity, toys, stationery and all kinds of accessories for child care.

Private Kindergarten Program

One of the most important points in the question of how to organize a private kindergarten is the development of an educational program. The latter is, in fact, a complex of disciplines aimed at the development of children.

Composing syllabus for a private preschool, three main components must be included:

  • general education (study of the surrounding world, speech development, music lessons, physical education, modeling, etc.);
  • spiritual and moral - aimed at raising children in accordance with the culture and traditions of the region;
  • the own component of a private kindergarten is exactly the part that will distinguish your institution from state garden. This includes individual and group lessons aimed at developing certain abilities - choreography, theatrical art, chess, vocals, foreign languages, etc.

To date, there are many techniques developed specifically for use in private gardens. They usually already include educational material, course notes and thematic plans. If you wish, you can purchase one of the ready-made programs, brought into line with the requirements of state educational standards. Their cost varies from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles. depending on saturation and directions of development.

Documentation for opening and operating an institution

Considering private kindergartens as a business, it should be borne in mind that for the full implementation of activities, hiring teachers, obtaining a license, state registration of a legal entity, and not an individual entrepreneur, is desirable.

Therefore, the number of official papers required to open a business includes founding documents LLC (the most suitable shape for conducting such a business) and Certificate of registration of legal entities. faces. The latter can be obtained at the local branch of the Federal Tax Service by providing the established set of documents and paying a state duty in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

And how to get an extract from the unified state. registry and make changes to the documentation, read at this address: . Certificate of state registration of legal faces - what information it contains.

Licensing of a private kindergarten is carried out by the regional executive authority in the field of education. To obtain a permit, an organization must submit to the licensing authority:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • a document confirming that the premises are owned or leased;
  • certificate of material and technical support of educational activities;
  • papers certifying necessary conditions for the safe stay of children, their nutrition, protection of life and health;
  • conclusion of the SES;
  • conformity statement fire safety;
  • a document confirming the fact of payment of the established fee, etc.

The amount of the state duty for the implementation of the licensing procedure is 7,500 rubles. The term for consideration of the application is no more than 60 days.

IN next video the issue of obtaining a license for educational activities is considered in detail:

Private kindergartens as a business - expenses and possible profit

To answer the question of how much it costs to open a private kindergarten, one should take into account the region of activity, the estimated number of pupils, the features of the premises used, and much more.

On average, the opening of a small kindergarten, designed for 2 groups of 20 children, will take about 1.5-2 million rubles. These funds will be used to rent and prepare the premises, arrange all required documents, contracting, advertising, purchasing furniture, equipment, toys, etc. Read about what is currently available and whether it is worth counting on support.

Municipal preschool institutions not enough for everyone. The market does not tolerate emptiness - in response to the shortage, a lot of kindergartens opened by private individuals have appeared. This does not mean that anyone can open a preschool for kids, only strict compliance with the law will allow a private kindergarten to appear, grow and develop.

What do you need to open a private kindergarten?

Three main points when opening your own kindergarten:

  1. Obtaining permits - legal entity, license, certificates.
  2. Appropriate room.
  3. Personnel selection.

Let's consider these points in more detail.

Required documents

  • Room lease agreement.
  • Certificate of tax registration as a non-profit organization or individual entrepreneur.
  • Confirmation of registration in off-budget funds, state statistics bodies.
  • Conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision on the compliance of the premises with sanitary and hygienic requirements.
  • Conclusion of the fire service (Ministry of Emergency Situations) that the premises meet the requirements for educational preschool institutions.
  • Charter of a non-profit organization.
  • Documents confirming compliance with the requirements teaching materials and development programs.
  • Information in the form of a certificate on the available staff and the number of children.
  • Copies of concluded contracts for the maintenance of the premises, cleaning the territory, conducting inspections of gas equipment (if available), an agreement with a laundry, plumber, electrician.
  • An agreement on the installation and maintenance of an alarm button and a log of its checks.
  • Agreement with an organization dealing with the acceptance and disposal of mercury lamps.
  • A contract has been concluded with an organization dealing with the disposal of food waste and the installation of a separate container for collecting food waste.

Stages of activity registration

  1. The law "On Education" classifies the work of a non-state kindergarten as an educational one. Respectively, this law is the fundamental document regulating the activities of its own kindergarten. You need to start with a detailed study of this law.
  2. The next step is the opening of a legal entity. According to the same law "On Education", commercial forms of a legal entity, such as LLC, OJSC, CJSC, cannot conduct educational activities. Accordingly, you will have to draw up a non-profit organization. This is done by the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the registration period is prescribed in the "Law on Education" and is one month. In fact, it may take longer, about which the Fed is obliged to inform in writing.
  3. When a legal entity is open, you need to acquire the required permits and go through approvals. You also need a legal address. In the event that a suitable (and meeting the requirements) area is owned or already rented, it is possible to register a legal address there. If suitable square meters not yet, the legal address is registered at the place of residence of the head, the law does not prohibit this.
  4. In addition, the registered legal person must be registered with Pension Fund, the FSS, the state statistics agency and the MHIF. When the legal entity is open and all the necessary permits are obtained, the legal entity the person must be registered with the tax authority. It is best to choose a simplified taxation, under the item “income”, as this will allow you to count on some benefits, which will reduce taxes and deductions.
  5. Any private kindergarten needs a checking account to receive payments from parents for the education of children. You must immediately notify the tax office about opening a current account. If they plan to accept payment in cash, it is necessary to install a cash register registered with the tax authority, which, by the way, will also be expensive.
  6. You can go through all of the above steps on your own, or you can contact a law firm specializing in registration services. Of course, the company will take money from you for support and opening, but you will save your time by focusing on solving other issues.

The work of a private kindergarten, that is, the implementation of educational activities without a license, threatens with punishment, up to a criminal one.

The SanPin norms provide for the following requirements for a non-state kindergarten:

  • From 6 square meters per child.
  • Separate (separate) rooms for sleep, games, food, extra classes.
  • Manager's office (separate).
  • Equipped medical office with all medicines and facilities.
  • Food unit (separate).
  • Toilets with washbasins, towels, lockable cabinets for storing cleaning equipment and detergents.
  • Dressing room with lockers outerwear(separate).

In all these rooms there must be a fire alarm, the temperature is not lower than +22 degrees. In addition, they should be well ventilated, and the walls should be painted with moisture-resistant paint.

Staff for a non-state kindergarten

Approvals have been passed, permits have been received, a license has been issued, the premises have been brought into full compliance with SanPin. It is necessary to move on to the selection of employees. The list of necessary staff for your own kindergarten is as follows:

  • Head.
  • Educators (two teachers per group of 15 children).
  • Cook.
  • Physician or healthcare professional.
  • Babysitters.

All employees must not only have specialized education and work experience, but also love children. In addition, if a non-state kindergarten offers children and their parents additional educationforeign language, musical or visual extracurricular activities, sports club or decoupage art, visiting teachers will be required who can work part-time at certain times.

Business plan

  • Opening a legal entity - form - a non-profit organization, opening a bank account, registering with a tax authority.
  • Collection of necessary documents, obtaining a license: constituent documents, an application for a license, training and development programs, lease agreements, garbage disposal, maintenance of the premises and adjacent territory, documents confirming the qualifications of the manager.
  • Selection of a suitable room - the room must meet the requirements.
  • Major or cosmetic repairs of the premises - it may be necessary to change window openings, equipment for a catering unit and a bathroom, additional entrance doors.
  • Purchase necessary equipment- hoods, air conditioners, ventilation and fire alarm systems.
  • Purchase of children's furniture, toys, stationery, developing games, dishes.
  • Passage of acceptance commissions - firefighters, Sanepidnadzor.
  • Recruitment and employment registration - search for employees with work experience, health books, hiring in the prescribed manner.
  • Launching a private kindergarten into work - purchasing products, carrying out the necessary advertising campaign, kindergarten website, groups in social networks.
  • The first visitors - the conclusion of contracts with parents, the acceptance of parental fees.

How much does it cost to open a private kindergarten?

It is impossible to give a general figure, much depends on specific case. If the property has suitable premises, for example, a multi-room apartment on the ground floor transferred to a non-residential fund, the amount will be one, if there is a possibility of a profitable lease of such premises - another, and if a private kindergarten opens from scratch - the amount will be third.

  • Firstly, premises in municipal or state ownership are leased much cheaper than commercial real estate.
  • Secondly, equipping the premises with the fire and security alarm system required by law is not a cheap pleasure. In this case, you can look at the premises already equipped with it.

Here are some examples of mandatory expenses:

  • Sanepidnadzor tests - for radiation, water quality and illumination will cost about 20,000 rubles.
  • The state duty for obtaining a license for educational activities costs about 3,000 rubles.
  • Utility bills, depending on the size of the room, will cost 10,000 - 50,000 rubles. Tariffs and payments are the same for everyone, and you should not count on benefits here.

In addition, one should not forget that the rented premises will most likely require repair, redevelopment, the installation of a sanitary unit and a catering unit, possibly an increase in window openings and equipment for another exit. All this will also require money.

Another expense item is the purchase of furniture for kids and equipping a private kindergarten with everything necessary - toys, dishes, cleaning and hygiene products, and 1,000 other little things.

And finally, without which the operation of a private kindergarten is impossible - advertising. Of course, the best advertisement for a small private kindergarten is word of mouth and satisfied funny kids on a walk. But if the room has 500 square meters, and the kindergarten is already on a district scale, then payback and the availability of working capital are important here, so in this case you cannot do without a well-planned advertising campaign and an Internet site. And that also costs money.

Summing up, we can estimate that if there is a room, the cost of opening a private kindergarten will cost at least 1,000,000 rubles.

Is it profitable to open a private kindergarten?

It is profitable to do business if you have a head on your shoulders. Competition in private kindergartens is usually low. Despite the fact that a private kindergarten is a long-term business, designed for more than one year, you should not expect instant profits from it.

It’s great if, thanks to an accurate and scrupulous calculation, in the first month of work, private kindergarten will not require additional costs. Not bad if in 3 months it will go to zero, that is, the costs will be covered by income.

But if month after month you have to run to borrow from friends and relatives, or worse than that, to apply for a bank loan in order to give teachers a salary or pay rent, this is an occasion not only to think about what exactly is going wrong, but also to urgently take action. Such a business is likely to drag its unlucky owner to the bottom.

The most common mistake when opening a private kindergarten is choosing the wrong location. It makes no sense to open a private kindergarten in the old district of the city, in which state kindergartens are already located, and their commercial competitors “sit” nearby. But the kindergarten, opened in a recently built area of ​​the city, will definitely find its little visitors.

In addition, competent “selling” of kindergarten services to parents is important, because it is they who ultimately bring money to a private kindergarten for their children.

Now education and comprehensive additional development is becoming fashionable, and a private kindergarten that offers an interesting development program according to the system of an eminent teacher or has a clearly defined focus - creative, environmental, sports or language, will compare favorably not only with state kindergartens, but also with other private kindergartens and preschool institutions.

Private kindergarten at home

As it becomes clear, opening a private kindergarten is a troublesome and difficult event, requiring considerable financial investments. Those who, for one reason or another, are not ready for this, may consider an alternative - a private kindergarten at home.

It differs in that no license is required to open it. Usually this type of kindergarten is located in an apartment, there is no division into groups, and the number of children is limited. The function of such a kindergarten is to look after the kids while the parents are at work. Often, private kindergartens at home, or family kindergartens, are opened by mothers on maternity leave.

It is important to remember that the absence of the need to obtain a license to operate a home kindergarten does not exempt from the need to obtain other permits. In addition, you will have to register a legal entity in any case, otherwise the collection of fees from parents will be interpreted as illegal entrepreneurial activity and tax evasion.

TO pluses home kindergarten include:

  • A small number of children, which implies individual child care, will be easier to keep track of.
  • Practically home furnishings. Children will be less capricious, and it will be easier for you to cope with them.


  • The inability to offer parents additional education and developmental programs, as a result, less earnings.
  • The almost universal lack of pedagogical education among the owners of a kindergarten at home.
  • Not enough space to play.

When opening a kindergarten at home, remember that not all neighbors may be positive about this. Possible conflict situations or complaints.

How to equip a private kindergarten at home (video)

In this video, the owner of a private kindergarten at home shows how she equipped the kitchen, bathroom and game room in your garden home.

The idea of ​​opening a kindergarten is quite popular. But love for children alone is not enough, opening a private kindergarten is an expensive occupation, and it will not pay off in a year or two. You can try your hand at home kindergarten. If you approach the opening of a kindergarten with responsibility and put a piece of your soul into its work, the kindergarten will be successful.

In contact with

Every day it becomes more and more difficult to get a job in a state kindergarten. Huge queues and large contributions simply do not allow many families to send their child to preschool.

In addition, some kindergartens provide poor quality services, for example, old school teachers cannot give the new generation the required knowledge, and worn equipment and furniture can become dangerous for kids.

All this provoked a wave of organization of private kindergartens. Many parents with great pleasure give their kids there and consider such upbringing to be worthy. If you love children and want to make money on top of everything, you can independently organize a private kindergarten, the business plan of which will be discussed in this article.

Possible options

In such a business, there are two ways to develop:

  • a part-time job that involves looking after your child and other kids;
  • organization of a specific commercial project that requires design and a special room.

In the first option, you will have to look after the children yourself at home, but you will need to make a lot of effort. In the second option, you can hire qualified teachers who will perform their duties. Let's dwell on this in more detail.


  1. You can earn money without leaving your home.
  2. Your child will be supervised, you will be able to independently adjust the education program, etc. In addition, you can be sure of the quality of food, since their purchase also lies on your shoulders.
  3. This business is quite in demand, requires low cost and carries no risks.
  4. The minimum documentation required to start a business is a license to labor activity and contracts signed with parents.

Possible problems

  1. If the kindergarten is not organized in a private house, there will be a problem with the territory for creating a playground.
  2. Relations with neighbors can be complicated, but if you have enough patience and sociability, then everything can be solved.
  3. You must have a substitute so that in case of illness or during force majeure, someone can take your post.

Room selection

It’s worth starting with a visit to the communal property department in the administration. There you will receive a list that will record all the instances that you need to go through to obtain permission to organize a kindergarten. To select a room, you need to pay attention to special requirements.

According to the state standard, for each child who will go to kindergarten, there should be more than 6 m 2 of area. The building should have a dressing room and equipped rooms for sleeping and playing. The floor must be insulated, and the ceiling height must be more than 3 m. Your task is to find a room that will meet all these conditions, only then you can open a private kindergarten, the business plan of which will be discussed below.

Required documents

Many people are interested in questions: how to open a home kindergarten, where exactly to start a business? To obtain permission, you need to go to the SES, where you will be required to provide the following documents:

  • diplomas of employees;
  • receipt of payment for the permit;
  • photo of the institution (rarely).

When the SES receives your application, a commission will be organized that will conduct an inspection and issue a verdict, that is, give its consent or refuse to organize a kindergarten. Next, you will need to go through the accreditation procedure and obtain a license. The Department of Education will require the following documents from you:

  • copies of all constituent documents;
  • home kindergarten business plan;
  • programs that will be used to educate and educate children;
  • premises lease agreement;
  • full documentation on personnel, material and educational and methodological support;
  • permission of the sanitary-epidemiological station.

The committee will have 1.5 months to consider your application. You should understand that if at least one document is not available or it is executed incorrectly, then the license will not be seen.

Kindergarten business plan

Without it, you will not be able to open your institution. You can write it yourself or take the help of a specialist. Consider a private kindergarten whose business plan, in brief, is as follows. Let's make a reservation that the kindergarten is located in Moscow. The area of ​​the establishment is 500 m 2 . Staff - 20 people, kids - 40.

To get started, you will need to spend money on:

  • repairs - at least 100 thousand rubles;
  • installation / maintenance (annual) of fire-fighting equipment - somewhere around 45-110 thousand rubles;
  • security - about 1 million rubles annually;
  • furniture and other equipment - at least 5 million rubles.

Every month you need to lay out money for current expenses:

  • building rent - about 520 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - approximately 85 thousand rubles;
  • meals (for children and employees) - approximately 210 thousand rubles;
  • consumables - about 60 thousand rubles;
  • salary - somewhere around 1.1 million rubles;
  • advertising - from 100 thousand rubles.

A private kindergarten, whose business plan you can draw up after some research, should generate income:

  • entrance fee for each child - 70 thousand rubles;
  • monthly fee for one baby - about 25 thousand rubles;
  • other additional income, for example, individual sessions etc. - about 400 thousand rubles annually.

Another option for organizing an enterprise

A great home business for young mothers is a kindergarten that needs to be registered as an individual entrepreneur. But this version of the enterprise, one might say, is balancing on the verge of legality, since it is almost impossible to bring the apartment in full compliance with all the requirements. In addition, the profit from such a business will be small, since you will not be able to take more than 6 children.

Taxation of a private kindergarten should be simplified. When choosing an object, it is recommended to take into account the costs that are needed to organize work, so in the first year it is better to apply for income reduced by the amount of expenses. After that, you can change the object depending on the progress of your affairs.

Room decoration

Let's start with what you need to open a private kindergarten, what furniture and equipment you need to stock up on. To get started, order tables, chairs, beds, cabinets and shelves at the factory. Make sure your furniture items are safe and environmentally friendly. If there are private masters in the city, then it is better to contact them, as in this case it will be possible to save money.

It is necessary to purchase bedding, dishes, stationery, books, toys and other household items. If you don't have the money for this, arrange charity event and ask people to donate good things they don't need. In this case, you will be able to collect a sufficient number of toys and books for the first time.