The man said that he would not marry. Find someone who is ready for a relationship. Fear of losing opportunity

Men who refuse to join legal marriage, nowadays there are a lot. Statistics show that the age of men getting married has increased by 10 years. Nowadays, on average, men are ready to enter into serious relationship at 30-35 years old. Psychologists even managed to deduce new term for such men - anti-marriage syndrome.

Before looking for the answer to the question a man doesn’t want to marry, what to do, let’s look at several types of men who, according to psychologists, may never marry a woman.

A man doesn’t want to get married, what to do - types of men who are afraid of marriage

Nowadays, a stamp in a passport no longer gives any guarantee that your chosen one will be with you all his life. Women, just like men, prefer civil marriage, that is, cohabitation. However, this trend is much less noticeable among women. Let's find out if your man belongs to the typology below of men who do not want to get married.
“A man doesn’t want to get married, what should I do?”

Type 1 of men – life is an adventure

People call such men revelers. His need for a family comes last. Such men do not establish strong connections with women, they do not become attached to places and people. The decision not to get married is made consciously. The word routine and everyday life scares him. Such men believe that the family will not give them anything new. And the thought of living with one the only girl they are not inspired to run to the registry office. And children, in general, will not inspire them to take this step either.

These men are very insidious, they attract women to themselves with their strength and independence. But they need a lot of freedom and personal space. At close communication It becomes clear that they are egoists who rely only on their own strengths.

You will not be able to re-educate such a man, especially if he is not yet 40 years old. Perhaps by the age of 50 he will understand that it would be nice to start a family.

Type 2 of men - disappointed

This man has a negative experience of starting a family, and is afraid to step on the same rake again. He developed a stereotype that a mark in a passport does not strengthen a marriage, but, on the contrary, spoils the relationship.

If you meet such a man, do not try to prove him otherwise. You don't owe him anything.

If you want to marry this particular man, you should let everything take its course. You can't prove to him that you are better ex-wife and you will not betray him. All you can do is surround him with your attention and love. But don’t wait forever; if he continues to refuse, give him a choice.

Type 3 of men - indecisive

This category is headed by all men who do not want to get married and are not included in the previous two. His condition suggests that he is not completely convinced that you are the most best woman in the world. He loves you, but something prevents him from making a choice in your favor. Perhaps he is afraid of missing out on something better.

In such a situation, 2-3 years of relationship is enough for this type of man to decide. If the years go by and a man does not want to get married, it means that he is afraid to take responsibility for your happiness together. Reasons like we don’t have money for a wedding right now or we need to buy an apartment first are all excuses.

A man doesn’t want to get married, what to do - What are men who don’t want to get married afraid of?

« The man doesn't want to get married»

Why a man doesn’t want to get married, avoids talking about the wedding - every girl needs to know this in order to get married successfully .

According to psychologists, there are 3 main reasons why a man does not want to get married.

First reason– this is the fear of leaving a free bachelor life forever. A man, weighing all the pros and cons of marriage, comes to the conclusion that he does not want to give up night fishing with friends, communicating with them for the sake of a washed shirt, clean underwear and regular meals. Give your man the confidence that you are not going to take away all his dreams, time and interests. Perhaps after this conversation, you will hear the cherished proposal.

The second reason– this is the fear of losing financial sovereignty. A man does not want to get married because he is not happy with control, and even more so with control over him wages. Maybe you wonder too much financial side your life together. For a woman in this situation, the right decision will be to achieve financial independence from a man. This will help the financial issue not become a subject that influences the man not to want to get married.

Third reason– negative past experience. If your man had a lady (mother, grandmother, neighbor, first love) who negatively influenced his life, then his reluctance to marry seems quite logical. The man is afraid to step into the same river a second time. As a rule, such men have low self-esteem and high degree self-doubt. In this situation, there may be a second reason for the fear of marriage; he is sure that no relationship can surpass the past (as a rule, the so-called “mama’s boys” have such fears). This is a difficult case that requires working through all the accumulated fears and anxieties of a man (with the help of a specialist).

What other reasons could there be why a man does not want to get married?

The reason is you. Perhaps you are too categorical in your statements, criticize his achievements or say offensive phrases. A man may not show that you have offended him, but he will also not be in a hurry to propose to you. Watch your statements. Use the “I” message in conversations (“I feel that...” “I’m worried that...” rather than “you should and must...”)
You are asking the impossible from a man. You lack attention, you demand it, and the man begins to avoid you. Learn to feel the golden edge that does not alienate a man. The man himself must want to get closer. Our girls, seeing a guy, decide that he will be their husband, and begin to actively pursue and woo him. But a man wants to make decisions himself - this is inherent in him by nature.
The third option is when a man does everything for the sake of a woman, but she begins to demand an offer from him. The girl seems to suit him, the only thing that becomes an obstacle is that he has lost the opportunity to win her. And all because she starts any conversation with the words: “when will we get married?” He will continue to defend his right to manhood.
The reason why a man does not want to get married may be a contradiction like “I want to propose to her, but I can’t.” This may be due to a certain faith, nationality, parental rules.

A man doesn’t want to get married, what to do - how to push a man towards marriage?

« The man doesn't propose marriage»

According to statistics, the most favorable period for an offer, the offer is made after 1 – 2.5 years of joint relationship. Why? Psychologists say that this is the most favorable time for marriage. The likelihood of a strong union increases. The couple already has information about the partner’s habits, norms of behavior and enough passion to solve joint problems.

If you have just met a man and are already planning a wedding, you are unlikely to have time to get to know him in various ways. life situations. In the future, due to such haste, conflicts arise among couples.

It is more likely that a marriage proposal will occur in couples who have not lived together. If the couple has experience cohabitation, a man will not rush to the registry office, because he already receives all the delights of life together and painting does not stimulate him.

There are other cases when a man is not ready for intimacy. The woman begins to gradually move towards him herself. Inadvertently leaves toothbrush, sweater, jeans, cosmetics... This option may work and the man will ask you to marry him.

But if you do not live in the same territory, and this continues for more than one year, and conversations about marriage are not accepted by the man, then the man does not expect a long life together with you.

To push him to take this step, you should ask the question: “how do you see yourself after three years?” If he starts talking only about himself, and doesn’t even remember you, then ask another question: “If I understand correctly, I’m not there? I'm not putting any pressure on you, but I'm worried about my future and I need to think about it too. Of course, this is the business of each of us.” Calmly clarifying the situation will not ruin your relationship if the man takes you seriously. If he is playing for time and refuses to specify the situation on his part, you probably won’t get anything from him. Remember that years fly by quickly and if you realize that you want a family and children, do not hesitate to find out what plans your other half has for you. Otherwise, you may be left with nothing.

How else can you push a man who doesn’t want to propose marriage? You can move him away from you a little, start spending more time on yourself and your hobbies. Perhaps the man’s anxiety will push him to do this. If he is serious, he will be ready to do anything to keep you with him.

When a man does not show interest in marriage, but does not leave, you should try to take a wait-and-see approach. We have already said that a man is ready for marriage closer to 30 - 40 years old. If you put pressure on him and demand, he, of course, can and will agree to the marriage, but will it be his decision and why do you need such a marriage.

A man doesn’t want to get married, what to do - psychology

If a man doesn’t want to get married, what can you do: 9 ways to let him know that you are ready for marriage + discussion: PROS and CONS of a proposal from a girl.

Vlad and I have been dating for a long time. On January 5, 2011, our first meeting took place. It was a beautiful snowy evening, the beginning of a new year, the beginning of a new life. I was without a hat so that snowflakes would remain romantically on my curls. And Vladik was crazy about me.

Everything developed rapidly, as it should be with young lovebirds. We drank liters of coffee in the cutest coffee shops, watched all the new movies, kissed at every traffic light and were best friends.

6 years have passed. No, a sad story like: “And now everything has changed. We watch TV together and pee without closing the door” will not happen. Our relationship is stable, sex is regular and not boring. We've been living in the same apartment for 3 years and even managed to re-glue the wallpaper together!

Vlad does not propose to marry me. I won’t lie to you - I’ve been ready to move to the next stage of the relationship for a long time. I’ve already hinted, and we went to several weddings. Ah, that moment when: “Well, guys, you’re next!” I blush, and Vlad hastily finishes his champagne with a crooked smile.

One evening, when Vlad left on a business trip, I gathered my friends. The matter was urgent and could not tolerate delay.

The question on the agenda for the evening is: what to do if a man doesn’t want to get married? Is it worth continuing the relationship? How to let him know that you are ready to get married? And is it possible to propose yourself (spicy, right?)

I carefully translated all our discussions into written format in my notebook. Catch it below. You might find the 101 wisdom of my drunk friends useful.

What to do if a man doesn’t want to get married: 9 ways to let him know that you’re ready for marriage

Method number 1. Don't live with him before marriage!

“What a shame you came together then! And I already said that he definitely wouldn’t want to get married!” — Margot was angry, shaking her finger. I nodded, remembering our crazy passion and desire to be together as often as possible. And intimate matters had to be resolved, bypassing the flophouses and empty apartments of friends.

If your man doesn’t want to get married and simply suggests moving in together, I advise you to refuse.

I don’t know what’s going on in a man’s head. But my bitter experience shows that he is just so comfortable. Why would a man marry if you are already nearby?

Method number 2. The less we love a man, the more...

As Yulechka said, my second mistake was that I gave myself to him completely and without looking back. For 3 whole years, Vlad replaced everyone for me. Was mine best friend, my husband and brother, mentor, trainer and nutritionist. In short, everyone. Sound familiar?

What if we increase the distance between you for a while? Start spending more time with friends, working out, going to your mom’s for a cup of coffee more often, etc. And, by the way, your student friends invited you to go on a hike. Why not?

By distancing yourself a little from your man, you seem to let him know that he is not the only wonderful event in your life. And with this trick, you give him time to take a break from himself, collect his thoughts and understand that he still wants to get married.

Method number 3. Become everything to him.

Don’t forget that you may have the opposite situation. Perhaps you yourself are the reason that your man does not want to get married.

Remember when you last time did you really care about him? Did you cook? Is your house clean? You are well-groomed and in in a great mood? Are you in a hurry after work to see your loved one, and not to the girls? You don’t have to answer me, answer yourself honestly.

This was the case with my friend Ksyusha. She told us about Volodya, with whom she lived for 3 years, without ever receiving an offer to marry. “I just needed to become more gentle and homely, and not jump around with my colleagues in the bar!” — Ksyukha lamented.

If you frankly understand that a man does not want to get married because of your behavior, change urgently. Arrange for him more often romantic evenings, meet him in underwear, create incredible dishes, be interested in all his problems. Let him see that you love him and that you will become a good wife.
In the end, what is interesting about those clubs?

Method number 4. Variety!

By the middle of the evening, the girls and I came to the following conclusion: if a man doesn’t want to get married, perhaps he’s been dragged down by everyday life?

It turns out that everyday life can be a drag not only for women. Perhaps everything is too calm, stable and smooth for you? Everything is according to the rules, so to speak. Therefore, a man may doubt: does he want such a life forever?

Your task now is to add variety to your everyday life. A great way is to go somewhere together. Discover new town, shake yourself well.

What if a man doesn’t want to get married because he’s boring? sex life? Well, you know what to do. The intimate goods store is yours best friend in this case. Don't be afraid to be cheeky. Men love to see initiative and passion in their woman.

Method number 5. Not confident in... yourself.

“What if Vlad is just afraid that you don’t want to get married?” - Irusya exclaimed towards the end of the glass.

But really, let’s not forget that a man is also a person. And he gets scared.

What if your man doesn’t “don’t want” to get married, but simply doubts that you will accept his proposal?

Think carefully: have you compared him with your ex (even by accident, even in half a word)? Did she throw out remarks like: “I believe that you can get married after a man has a house, millions of dollars and a yacht”? Did you talk about your reluctance to get married at all? Somewhere your past phrases may be a stick in your wheels.

If you find a sin, correct it. After all, your man is truly the best and most beloved! So tell him this.

Repeat often that you have never loved anyone so much. That you trust him. That you are his support and support, and it doesn’t matter to you how much he earns. That you accept him with all his shortcomings, and together you can do anything, even move mountains.

Method number 6. Shall we play?

Another method was suggested to me by the same Margosha.

“And you make him jealous!” - my friend whispered boldly.

If a man doesn't want to get married, will he become more active, suspecting that you might be dating another man? The question is controversial, but in war, as in war.

Think, ideal option there will be frequent visits to places where you will look the best way. It’s great if at a corporate party where you bring your man, a handsome colleague invites you to dance.

But don't overdo it with games! Chatting on Facebook and texting on your phone can lead to serious scandals. And the desire to get married may never appear.

Method number 7. Take a break.

If a man doesn’t want to get married, you regularly hear phrases that he doesn’t want to lose his single status - think about it. Do you need a relationship without prospects?

Vladik was not noticed in this way. But still, a man’s reluctance to marry - serious reason for a break in the relationship.

Be honest about your reason for taking a break. Don't be hysterical, don't scream, talk to him openly and sincerely. Share your feelings and maybe it will break the ice. And the marriage proposal will not take long to arrive.

Method number 8. Heavy artillery.

How do you like the idea of ​​becoming friends with his mother? She will definitely find the key to her son’s heart. And he will clearly explain to him why it is worth marrying you in this particular period of time.

And also from intimate conversations with her, you can find out what reasons force him to postpone the decision to get married. Perhaps he saw the unsuccessful example of his mother and father before his eyes? Or he has already proposed in the past, but the girl refused him.

The main thing is not to nag a man together or even in turn. Hide your saw and obediently await developments.

Method number 9. Or maybe by yourself?


Ardent adherents of rock-solid traditions should not read. You may feel sick, have a rash, and have watery eyes.

We have Eliza in our company. Eliza is a feminist, which does not prevent her from being a member happy marriage and have a beautiful firstborn.

She proposed to Slava herself. Just one wonderful evening, drowning in Slavik’s arms, Eliza whispered: “I want to become your wife. Shall we get married? The guy answered “Yes” and everyone cried.

The method, frankly speaking, is not for everyone. But if you realize that it will come in handy in your couple, you can try it. If you think that a woman should not wait like a product lying around on a shelf, speak directly about your desire.

Discussion: PROS and CONS of a proposal from a girl

Discussing Method No. 9, the girls and I split into two camps. Some argued that if a man does not want to get married, he should just wait. Or leave.

Others (there were a minority) defended the idea that men had long ceased to be merchants in the slave market. And that a woman can make her own choice, can take what she wants. And if you don’t receive this, leave.

I sat, frozen, with a cocktail straw in my teeth, and quickly made notes in a notepad. Interesting? Read below.

1) AGAINST the proposal from the girl.

  1. If a man doesn’t propose, it means he simply doesn’t want to get married. Rejection hurts you.
  2. You are depriving yourself of the opportunity to romantic confessions on the knees, beautiful ring and stories that you will tell your children with tears (if the man even decides to marry you, of course).
  3. Your man may consider himself weak. It’s like taking away his right to leadership, the palm. It can be a big blow to self-esteem. And then you have to live with him.
  4. If you propose marriage to a man, then there is a chance that you will also make all the important decisions in your family. Do you need it?
  5. And finally, you can provoke a breakup with this. A man simply will not understand such an act on your part (especially if he has very traditional views).

So what should a woman do if a man doesn’t propose?

The famous psychologist Oleg Torsunov answers this question:

2) FOR a proposal from a girl.

  1. You will save your time. If you feel that you are ready for a family, but your man does not want to get married yet, this time may never come.

IMPORTANT! If you put the question bluntly, you need to be prepared to break if a refusal follows.

As you can see, our group was able to come up with only 1 reason why a girl’s decision to propose to a man is justified. If you are interested in this topic, grab a pen, a notepad and write down your PROS and CONS. I would be very interested to read!

Well, our evening has come to an end. We covered so many topics, but the main one: “What if a man doesn’t want to get married?” it remained not completely closed. My decision was the following: to gently let Vlad know that I was ready to become his wife.

How will it end? Don't know. One can only hope that soon all my friends will be walking at my wedding!

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Valeria Zhilyaeva June 27, 2018

Mutual love, common interests, complete harmony and everything seems to be fine, but there is one “but” in the relationship - the guy does not want to get married. Modern morals are such that a situation where a young man does not propose marriage, but a couple meets or even lives together, is absolutely normal. However, almost all girls I want to create full family and give birth to a child. Let's figure out why a man postpones the wedding, how to understand his intentions, and what a woman should do.

Men are very creative and can use various excuses to avoid getting married. Sometimes a hint of a wedding from a girl is perceived by them as an encroachment on precious freedom. Nevertheless, men still get married. Why are they doing that?

Why do men get married and why do women want to get married?

To understand why a man doesn’t want to get married, let’s answer the question why the stronger sex gets married at all. Of course, everyone has their own motivating factor. However, the most common causes can be deduced.

Most men marry reluctantly, but still agree to marriage

So why do men get married? Psychology says that the main reasons for getting married are:

  1. Sex. Availability permanent partner– a common reason for marriage among men.
  2. Self-affirmation. The desire to assert oneself in the role of a leader is often motivating. However, a surprise awaits many men after the registry office - not all women meekly occupy a subordinate position.
  3. Life. Household chores depress a man, so he finds an assistant who will do this for him.
  4. Fear of loneliness. Marriage promises a man that there will always be someone to take care of him. He is afraid of losing the woman he loves, so he “claims his rights to her.”
  5. “Because it’s necessary”. In this case the man is walking in response to society. Marriages by chance can be included in this category.
  6. By calculation. For some reason, a stereotype has developed that creating a family of convenience is more typical for women. However, men are not averse to receiving money as a dowry, social status, promotion, etc.

The situation when a man loves but does not want to get married is also quite common. In such cases, a family is created because the woman wanted it that way. Living in the so-called civil marriage, young man it doesn't matter what it's called. He will go to the registry office only if the girl insists on it.

Why a man doesn't want to get married

Of course, it also happens that a man wants a child, a family and cannot imagine life without his chosen one. Love marriages, fortunately, also happen.

Why do girls want to get married? Psychology speaks about the following reasons:

  1. Love for a man and the desire to live with him all my life.
  2. The desire to obtain the status of a wife.
  3. Pressure from society.
  4. The desire to have a child.
  5. Good relations with the relatives of the future husband, counting on their help.
  6. Receiving support and help in solving problems, the desire to have an ally.
  7. The desire for financial well-being.
  8. The desire to prove to the ex that “they have lost a lot.”

In the end a girl can just want home comfort, family holidays and traditions. But, alas, stories in the spirit of “we’ve been living together for 2 years, but he’s not asking us to get married” or “we’ve been dating for 2 years, he’s not asking us to get married, we’re not living together” are quite common. What signs indicate that a man is not planning to go to the registry office and why did he decide so? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do girls want to get married?

Why doesn't a man want to get married?

Modern reasons for abandoning marriage are very diverse. The first thing girls need to remember is that it doesn’t mean that a man doesn’t love you if he doesn’t ask you to marry you. Many guys are afraid that after a stamp appears in their passport relationships will change fundamentally, but this is not the only reason.

Cohabitation has become widespread, so marriage has become unnecessary for men

Now many people live together without getting married. The psychology of a man is such that he believes that it is not at all necessary to go to the registry office - after all, he already has everything what family life gives. Women are fundamentally not happy with this situation.

Reasons for a man's refusal to marry

There are several reasons for this state of affairs. Here are the most common:

  1. Financial insolvency. Starting a family entails the responsibility to provide for it, and a bachelor is not always ready for this.
  2. Love for freedom. “Marriage is voluntary slavery,” men believe and are in no hurry to put on shackles.
  3. Parental disagreement. Parental prohibitions often conceal banal dislike for a potential daughter-in-law and suspicions of her prudence.
  4. Fear. Starting a family entails responsibility for your wife and children. This prospect is frightening.
  5. Negative experience . The man fears that the unfavorable experience of previous relationships will repeat again, so he is in no hurry to enter into a second marriage.
  6. Greed. Common reason wealthy men.

Young people believe that a stamp in a passport limits their freedom. While they live in a civil marriage, psychologically there is feeling of "escape routes". Even if he doesn’t plan to use them, having the choice to “leave or stay” is reassuring.

Cohabitation does not oblige you to anything - the man can leave

Let’s also not exclude a not entirely pleasant reason - he disappointed in the chosen one. While he was in love, the guy was interested, but over time he realized that this girl would never become his wife. Only he doesn’t have the courage to tell her about it.

Or perhaps everything is much simpler. It may well be that he is a naturally shy person and is afraid to propose for fear of being rejected.

A woman often does not understand what lies behind her chosen one’s reluctance to marry. She thinks something like this: “We’ve been dating for a year. We recently started living together. Love each other. What else does he need?

The woman does not understand why the man does not marry

How to make a man marry you?

You can lead almost any guy to marriage, if, of course, he has any feelings for the girl. First of all, no need to rush. Usually a man does not ask for marriage, because he needs to get used to this idea, because marriage is not an easy matter.

You have to be wise, prudent and not rush things

Quite often, a woman remains lonely because of incorrect behavior that repels a man. You won't be able to push a guy to get married if you:

  • are overly demanding of their partner;
  • picky;
  • actively argue, obsessively trying to convince your opponent that your point of view is the only correct one;
  • humiliate a man;
  • You are not acting feminine.

What to do if you recognize yourself in this description? Urgently reconsider the line of conduct and character.

How to behave so that a man wants to get married? First of all need to calm down. It will not be possible to persuade a guy with hysterics, tears and screams.

Is it possible to remind yourself of marriage? You can give hints, but you shouldn’t constantly ask when he’s going to propose, just like he will and pester you with talk about the wedding. A man must accept this himself responsible and important decision. It will not be possible to persuade him by deception or other means.

There is no need to create scandals to push for a wedding

Remember that there is no universal phrase that any man can use. Each story is individual, and only you know how to bring your relationship to marriage with your chosen one.

  1. Create for a man comfortable conditions . Show concern for him, empathize and rejoice with him, share his interests.
  2. Don't play the role of wife until you are. Even if you live together, keep your distance. For example, do not wash his things, do not do the cleaning without his participation, cook less often, etc. If a man receives everything from a woman before marriage, he does not have to marry.
  3. Don't settle for cohabitation. If you want to test whether you can live together, then set a deadline for the marriage demo to end.
  4. “Warm up” his excitement. Be late for dates, reschedule meetings, be mysterious and different. The main thing here is not to overdo it.
  5. Meet his loved ones. Find an approach to everyone and create a favorable impression of yourself. Never speak ill of his acquaintances.
  6. Stay interesting. Don't focus on relationships. Continue your education, build a career, develop.

A man wants to see not only a lover, but also a girlfriend, a loyal ally, and a partner nearby. It's important for him to feel reliable shoulder near.

Become a man's friend

Don't put pressure on a man or try to force him. Be patient and take our advice into account.

Understanding the reason why a man is in no hurry to get married is sometimes difficult. Perhaps over time he will decide to take this serious step.

Your friend has only had a month since meeting her guy, and now they are already going to order wedding dress. My sister is moving in with her boyfriend in a week and also heard from him yesterday cherished words: “Sunny, when will we get married?” And only you feel like a loser, increasingly wondering why men don’t want to get married: the length of your relationship will soon be equal to three years, and your loved one himself doesn’t start any conversations about the wedding and ignores your hints, joking: “More than I love you, love is impossible. The stamp won’t change anything.”

You are afraid to give your boyfriend an ultimatum, because you are so afraid of losing him, and at the same time you worry: “Why is this so, all your friends are already ringed, and only I am a girl of marriageable age. Why am I worse, well, why?” You don’t dare ask your friend about this, because she will understand that you envy her in your heart.

Trying to find the answer, you stand in front of the mirror for an hour, looking for flaws in your appearance: “Here is a wrinkle on your forehead, and here is a pimple on your nose. Well, who would marry such a pimply woman?” And you are also confident that if you were the owner of luxurious blond curls, like your friend, and bright blue eyes, like your sister, men would line up to get the key to your heart.

But do not rush to find flaws in your appearance, character or education. How many smart and beautiful women have the same problem as you - how to get married. They've been trying to solve it for years, but they don't get it. desired result. So maybe the problem is not with you, but with modern men?

Of course, we cannot speak for all men at once. And if your neighbor does not get married only because he is not ready to take responsibility for the family even in his forties, but wants to live easily and carefree, then it is not a fact that this is precisely the reason that is stopping your boyfriend. So now you will find out ten reasons why guys don't want to get married.

1. Negative parental experiences

If a guy grew up in a complete family and every other day he watched his parents quarrel, and even worse - scandals and fights, he might get the impression that in family life there is nothing good. This is even more likely when he was raised by one mother, who constantly insisted that “all men are assholes” (of course, except for her beloved son) and that a happy family is something bordering on fantasy. It should be recognized that among people who have been married for a long time there are very few examples of harmonious families worthy of emulation. But there are hundreds of unsuccessful marriages. Perhaps your boyfriend doesn't want to be one hundred and first.

2. Your failed marriage

If you meet a man over thirty, then, as a rule, he has already had experience in family life. Some men quickly get married and get divorced just as easily, then again call their next beloved to the registry office. For others, their own divorce can become such a difficult test that they promise themselves: “Never set foot in the registry office again.” No, this does not mean that they become monks. This type men do not deny themselves intimate joys, but when the conversation comes about the ill-fated stamp, they simply run away. Enough is enough, they have already made a mistake once, and they are not going to repeat it again.

3. The habit of being single

If a man has his own living space, his chances of success with the opposite sex immediately increase several times. This is especially true for megacities, where the housing problem forces out-of-town girls to quickly resolve the issue of the official status of their spouse. Well, or at least move in with him so as not to pay huge sums for rent. So, a very large percentage of these men do not need a girl living with them, even if she does not insist on a stamp. After all, he won’t be able to invite friends to drink beer and throw socks around without receiving lectures from his missus.

4. Desire for variety in relationships

In this matter, men are very different. True, in our time there are not so often stories of Romeo and Juliet, when he and she are each other’s first. Polygamy masculine nature makes them look for girls again and again. It’s impossible to stop at just one: “What if I find something more beautiful? Maybe her borscht will be tastier?” So they flutter from skirt to skirt, not concerned about that problem biological clock, which ticks girls' minds and forces them to hurry up in finding their betrothed. No, it’s different for men, they can be eligible bachelors both at forty and at fifty, while women at that age can only nurse their great-nephews.

5. Reluctance to take responsibility

Modern men love to frown and express indignation when they hear the phrase: “Are you ready to provide for your family?” Yes, they know that women now work on an equal basis with them, and some businesswomen earn many times more than them. And yet, they are aware that when a child is born, any woman wants to feel care and support. Being responsible people modern men doubt whether they can cope with the heavy burden called “ family welfare" And the prospect of not sleeping at night because of the screaming of the baby does not make them happy, even if this screaming toddler is their own son.

6. Feelings are not strong enough

If you hear that there is no love and today everyone is looking for a partner of convenience, do not believe it. Fortunately, even in our turbulent times there are things that are not bought or sold. Real love- among them. Men still dream of meeting companions who will love them regardless of their salary, their own living space or bank account. A fairly common situation is when a man seems to be building a relationship, but at the same time, is thinking about finding another companion. Does he think you're not good enough for him? Then you don’t need such a “groom”!

7. The desire to create a foundation for marriage

Maybe your man has already lived with his parents in a dorm with one kitchen and twenty rooms. Now he considers it an undeniable truth that a lot needs to be achieved to get married. A decent job, an apartment, a car - all this will not come in one day, unless your companion is the son of a millionaire. So it turns out that there is a good excuse: “When I earn money for an apartment, we’ll submit an application.” Separate housing, of course, is great, but they also live in dormitories happy families. Maybe your boyfriend is just leading you by the nose, hiding behind the good intentions of being a breadwinner and breadwinner?

8. Fear of paying child support

There are also many men who are afraid that they may be used as biological father, and then also force you to give part of your salary for many years to support the baby. They are wary of bitches who only dream of tricking them. These men will put off getting married until the last moment, preferring to live with their partner in a civil marriage.

9. “All the pleasures without a stamp”

The powerful incentive that used to make men immediately run for a ring and propose has now been lost. I think you understand what I mean we're talking about. Nowadays, a girl's preservation of virginity before marriage will cause surprise rather than admiration. And even if a girl was brought up in strictness, she still gives in on delicate issues, because she is afraid of a break in the relationship. Accordingly, nothing changes for a man after registration. Hot breakfast - that's how it used to be. And intimacy, as they say, becomes insipid and boring in marriage. Why deprive yourself of pleasure?

10. Changing public standards

When a man is about to get married, he looks at his immediate circle: friends, colleagues, neighbors. If all his friends are already raising toddlers, then he also has an incentive to move faster and urgently look for a bride. If peers say that you can still go for a walk, and parents ask you not to rush (“After all, this is such a responsibility”), then there is no incentive for the stamp. So it turns out that forty-year-old grooms say solemnly: “I still have everything ahead of me. It’s you, women, who need to fight for us - there are very few of us left!”

Indeed, the situation is not very good - the guys are not eager to get married. Today it is not a man who is trying to win his chosen one, to show all his best qualities and make an offer. On the contrary, the role of the asking party is given to the girl, who is forced to ask: “Well, when will we get married?” Just before asking this question, you should think: “Does he really love me?” If the answer is negative or in doubt, you simply do not need this stamp.