Exercises for children to get acquainted with dry sand. Secrets and exercises of sand therapy

Probably each of us in childhood played in the sandbox. We built real sand castles, created sand "cakes" or just made various figures. But few people think about the fact that such a game children express their attitude to the world and hidden emotions. Today, scientists have developed a whole direction, which is called "sand therapy". With its help, you can help not only understand the emotional world of children, but also help adults find themselves.

What is Sand Therapy

This technique is one of the methods of art therapy, so instead of medicines and pills, she uses creative thinking man and his imagination. Working with material such as sand is classified as ways of children's self-knowledge. This material was chosen for therapy not by chance. Man has been using it for centuries for arranging and building. While playing with sand, the patient can experience a whole range of different feelings.

Sand therapy refers to project psychotherapy and is one of its most effective methods. Its founder is considered Carl Gustav Jung, who in the 20th century turned his attention to how playing with sand affects children and adults with mental disorders. He was the first to use this method to correct their behavior. A little later, Jung described it. This method began to be called "Jungian"and today he has occupied his niche in practical psychology.

In the 1940s, Charlotte Buhler developed the "peace test" in Sweden. It was from him that modern game in the sand with a therapeutic effect.

Sand therapy has an undoubted effect, with its help you can achieve positive results in the treatment of certain psychosomatic disorders in young patients. In addition, playing in the sand, children preschool age receive good help for the development of skills and abilities.

What possibilities does this method provide?

Agree, playing in the sand is very pleasant. It gives the baby the following advantages and possibilities:

  1. Calm and Relax. Even if the child will just sprinkle, sift the sand, this will already have a calming effect on him. Try to put your hands into this material yourself and you will notice that the problems disappear.
  2. Development creative ideas and self-expression. Such a game will help the kid express himself, develop imagination and creative thinking. Moreover, if something didn’t work out for the crumbs the first time, on the “sand sheet” you can easily redo everything. And this favorably distinguishes it from paper and paints.
  3. The child can express whatever he feels. It is in the sandbox that the baby can live all his feelings, lay them out without fear. It should be understood that not all children are able to share what is in their hearts, to talk about their experiences. This therapy helps parents understand their child better. Yes, and the child will feel better at heart, because emotions have already been expressed, even in the game.
  4. Fantasy, fine motor skills and speech develop. Thanks to such games, children develop very well. In addition, they help in the development of speaking, so they are often used by speech therapists. During the game, the baby will learn to speak, and the preschooler will already tell what he creates.
  5. Diagnostics various problems . Thanks to such therapy, it is possible to diagnose problems in the development of the baby in time. If you build the game correctly, then parents or a psychologist will be able to see the answers to those questions that interest them, to understand the cause of the baby's anxieties and fears.
  6. Development. Sand is ideal for educational games. Here the child can learn to write, read, talk, distinguish between objects, colors, shapes.
  7. Carrying out soft psychocorrection. Experienced professionals can gently correct the child's behavior in the sand with the help of a regular game in the sand. better side. It also helps solve many psychological problems: phobias, anxieties, fears.

In addition, playing in the sandbox is just a pleasant and interesting pastime that children will definitely enjoy.

What do you need to play in the sandbox

For this type of therapy, you need to take a regular wooden box with a blue or blue bottom. It is important that the crate is waterproof, as the sand can get wet while playing. Please note that the dimensions must correspond to the number of children. For example, for 1-3 children, a box with a size of 50 cm - 70 cm - 8 cm is suitable. It is these dimensions that a child of any age can easily grasp with his eyesight. The bottom is created blue, as it symbolizes the sky or water. In addition, these colors are soothing. It is best that the box is made of wood.

Fill the box two-thirds full of sand. Please note that the material must be clean. Sea or river sand is usually used. Remember that it should be loose and pleasant to the touch. Pick up a small collection of small toys(no more than 8 cm). These can be miniature human characters or dolls, animals, household items, good and evil fairy tale characters, cartoon characters, souvenirs and decorations, natural materials(flowers, branches, leaves).

Many parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to implement all the functions of the sandbox at home. If the mother is not a professional psychologist, then most likely not. After all, it will be difficult for you to explain and interpret the pictures, created by your baby. But you can easily conduct educational or educational games.

Also try to make sure that the baby can easily approach the sandbox. You can put a small chair next to her, because the baby does not have to think about how to get to the sand.

Main classes and programs

If you have already prepared a sandbox and are now thinking about what you can play in it, these recommendations will definitely help you. In kindergartens and special development centers, special programs have already been thought out for sand therapy. For the home, the simplest exercises are suitable.

Play your favorite stories. This is the first thing that comes to mind in a sandbox. You can act out familiar stories or invent your own. So you can help the baby develop his imagination, imagination and thinking. Try to ask questions about the story, which the child must answer while continuing the story on their own. If he has a favorite fairy tale, you can try to play it, but come up with your own ending.

Learn different materials . This is a simple but very important game for the development of the child, for which you will not need anything other than the sand itself. You can study with a crumb the properties of this material (cold, warm, wet, dry, rough, smooth). If you draw in the sand geometric figures, you can explain to the child their differences. If add colorful toys, you can study their colors.

Rain of sand. This a great opportunity start introducing the child to the material. Thanks to this game, the baby will be able to relax, slow down (for energetic children), calm down. Such a leisurely and pleasant game will definitely bring only positive emotions.

Item Guessing. This exercise is very useful, as it develops imagination and tactile sensations. Bury a few small items in the sand and invite the baby to pull them out with eyes closed and then guess what those things are.

Wind game. This exercise is suitable for older children. Give your child a straw. Let him dip one edge of it into the sand, and then blow it.

Learn letters and words. In the sand, any lesson in learning letters and new words will be interesting and exciting. Lay out any word and invite the baby to read it. Then have the child close their eyes while you bury the letters inside. Now the child needs to find them and make a word again.

Construction. This is perhaps the most favorite hobby children and adults. After all, you can build anything in the sandbox - castles, houses, Easter cakes, figurines. The kid can use natural materials or dolls, as well as wet the sand and create shapes from molds. Fantasy is at work here creative thinking.

How sand therapy helps to cope with problems

Most children find it difficult to put into words their feelings, to tell adults what excites or worries them. But if the baby long time devour fears, problems appear: tick, stutter, aggressive behavior. Such diseases among specialists are called psychosomatic. Medical methods do not help in their treatment, but art therapy may well cope. Thanks to the sand and playing with it, children can project their experiences, show inner world pour out my soul. And adults can decipher the behavior of the baby and help him cope with problems.

Emphasis of children's sand therapy

As a rule, each session includes three main stages:

  1. Creating a problem.
  2. Struggle.
  3. Solution of a problem.

At the first stage, the baby gradually experiences his anxiety, freeing himself from it. Psychologists say that the guys often grab the figurines, and then throw them into place, bury, bury, accompanying everything it's emotional cues. But over time, the child develops a certain plot. And this is where the fight kicks in.

IN fairy world it is easier for children to endure their worries, fears, phobias, ailments, aggression, resentment. Therefore, real battles and battles are often played out in the sandbox. Heroes can kill each other, but this is not because the kid is cruel. In this way, he tries to get rid of the tension within himself.

At the final stage, a brave, kind hero always appears who will definitely save everyone. The sand world acquires peace and tranquility. Everything becomes calm and normal. Figures can now live their own ordinary life. Such an ending is the resolution of the conflict that was inside the child. It should be understood that the "game" can last more than one day. Only the baby can determine for himself when the lesson is over.


Although sand therapy is effective and effective method It is not recommended for everyone. There are a number of contraindications:

  1. Attention Deficit Syndrome.
  2. Epilepsy or schizophrenia.
  3. Exacerbated by feelings of anxiety.
  4. Neurosis and obsessions.
  5. Allergy to fine particles or dust.
  6. Skin diseases.
  7. Lung problems.

Please note that children from the age of three are allowed to participate in the special sand therapy.

The possibilities and fantasies of man are endless. We invite you to continue the conversation about art therapy. Today we will consider one of its areas - sand therapy. We will learn its secrets, who and what it is suitable for, and we will also offer specific exercises for children and adults.

Sand therapy for adults and children

What is sand therapy and how can it help a person to solve his difficult situations? Who and how can apply the exercises in the sandbox? About this - in our article.

Sand is a special material, because it, one might say, “comes from childhood”. Who among us has not loved at all early years tinker with Easter cakes and shoulder blades? There are probably few of them, because the sandbox has always been a magnet for kids.

True, we often perceive sand as a free-play environment and underestimate its corrective and therapeutic properties. And we certainly do not always realize that playing in the sand is useful not only for children, but also for adults. What are the benefits of sand therapy?

The origin and essence of sand therapy

Sand therapy is one of the areas of projective psychotherapy. Carl Jung is considered the founder of the method, later his students supported the initiative.

If it were possible to describe the essence of sand therapy in one sentence, it would sound like this: the human subconscious communicates with him in the language of signs and symbols, and they already help us solve our own problems and difficulties in different areas of life and find answers to difficult life questions.

Simply put, on the sandy canvas we relive some moments of our lives, and, as it were, redraw our own “picture” anew, gaining a new sensory experience, which subsequently manifests itself in changes in reality.

Sand paintings that we create with our own hands help to pull out White light unconscious feelings, conflicts and experiences. A sand therapy specialist can look at all this in the client's picture, understand what worries him and how to help him as effectively as possible.

Sand therapy is often used in the practice of many child and "adult" psychologists, fairy tale therapists, art therapists, and kindergarten teachers. But in order to apply its elements and get positive changes in your own life and the lives of children, it is not at all necessary to study and defend a specialist diploma for months and years, although, of course, this is also very useful. But first, you can try the method and apply its elements in practice at home.

Functions of Sand Therapy

By itself, fussing in the sandbox is a very pleasant process. See how the children play! They do not need to be forced to dig in the sand, and even sculpting Easter cakes, pouring, sifting sand soothe and relax both the child and the adult.

In addition, the functions of sand therapy include:

  1. Diagnostic - a sandbox game built in a certain way will help the therapist, parents or the most adult client to see the answers to numerous questions about their inner world or the world of the baby, to understand the real causes of fears and anxieties.
  2. Developing – in the sand you can conduct educational games. Right in the sandbox, you can conduct classes on teaching counting, writing, reading, sorting, etc. All this is well remembered and easily given to the baby, if you “dress” the developmental in a fabulous shape and play it fun. In addition, sand games develop fine motor skills, attention, imagination, figurative thinking of the child, as well as his speech, because in the process he learns to speak, "voice" the characters in the sandbox, to speak coherently.
  3. Correctional- with the help of certain games in the sandbox, you can redirect the child's activities in such a way that his behavior will gradually begin to change for the better.
  4. releasing - in the sand, the baby can freely express his emotions and feelings, release negative experiences. After all, not every kid is able to talk about their feelings out loud. But an attentive mother will definitely notice his difficulties, just watching his games. And the child himself will also feel better after such games, he will be able to live through the emotion and move on without “hanging” on it. By the way, this is true not only for children, but also for adults.
  5. Psychotherapeutic - in the sandbox, we can heal all kinds of difficulties of the baby, his phobias, fears, anxieties, etc. But with this it is best to contact a professional.

Sand therapy at home. How to organize?

Organizing a sandbox at home is not so difficult. You will need:

Rectangular wooden box size 70X50X8 cm, but you can, of course, consider other options. Psychotherapists in their work use a sandbox with blue sides and a bottom. We can take any convenient container - a basin, a tray, a plastic container (it’s convenient if it has a lid, so after the game you can quickly remove and hide the sand).

Actually, sand. It is important that it is clean and safe. Such sand can be purchased at a pet store, but you can also prepare it yourself by thoroughly washing and calcining in the oven. And then you can not be afraid of checking "by the tooth", which in the case of kids will certainly happen, and at the most unexpected moment.

-small toys - models from real life: dolls, toy items, figures of plants, animals, cars, houses, as well as natural materials - sticks, acorns, stones, cones, chestnuts.

- Vodicka. It's optional, but working with dry and wet sand feels different, so why not experiment?

sand games

I offer you several sandbox games for kids and one exercise for adults:

sand rain

Ask the child to put their hands in the sandbox. Sprinkle sand on his palm, and invite him to sprinkle "rain" on your hands too. Kids usually perceive this game with a bang.


Take a straw for juice and invite the baby to gently blow into it, after lowering the other end of the tube into the sand. It is important to be careful and monitor the actions of the child.

Who is hiding here?

Hide a few toys in the sandbox first, and then ask your child to find them. The kids will love this game for sure! And yet, you can ask him to hide the toys from you.

Building new worlds

Invite your child to build a fairy-tale world on the sand, where everything he wants will be: cities and countries, fields, rivers and lakes. Older children can be given the task of building a dream world or a city of the future, and then tell about it in as much detail as possible.

Bridge to the New World - an exercise for adults

Target: harmonization of the state, analysis of values ​​and achievements.

Duration- 20 minutes.

Necessary materials: a tray with sand or semolina.

Execution scheme:

Put your hands on a tray of sand (or semolina). Pour over the material, get to know it. Is it rough or soft? Cool or warm?

Draw a pond on the sandy field, and a bridge across it. Intuitive how it goes.

Consider your bridge. What is he? Where are you in this picture? Try to mentally "travel" through different areas sand picture and feel where and what sensations come.

If you want to change something now, be sure to do it.

Feel what is happening to you now, what new feelings, thoughts, insights have appeared? Write them down.

And then answer the following questions:

  • Do you like your painting?
  • What would you call her?
  • What does your work say? Write down at least three associations.
  • How do you feel when you look at your creation?
  • If a picture could talk, what would it say to you?
  • What two small actions are you ready to do today to build this bridge in new life? Do it!

Be sure to try these sandbox games and sand therapy techniques and let them give you a lot of creativity, energy and joy!

In conclusion, I invite you to admire the wonders of fairy-tale sand paintings that arise in the hands of the master:

Anna Kutyavina,

Professional psychologist and mother.

I offer you a summary of sand therapy classes for children 3-4 years old. This material will be of interest to educators and psychologists of kindergartens, as well as parents of preschoolers. This outline was developed specifically for the lesson within the framework of open doors V kindergarten. The lesson was held in the hall of the kindergarten, so the lesson was attended by four children, and for compactness, small sandboxes were prepared for each child to work with.



Target : to develop the activity and curiosity of children in the process cognitive activity and game.


Educational tasks:

To form children's ideas about the properties of sand;

To form the skills of experimenting with sand;

Enrich children's tactile experience;

Activate the children's vocabulary with new words: “wet”, “sprinkles”, “trickle”.

Development tasks:

Develop kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop speech activity, communication skills, attention, memory.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate the ability to empathize, sympathize;

Cultivate accuracy;

To evoke positive emotions associated with new experiences.


Guys, today we have unusual occupation, we have guests. Let's say hello to the guests. Our guests came to find out how and what interesting things children do in kindergarten. Let's show them our lesson and teach them to do it just as well? Agreed?

1. Exercise "Magic pebble"
Purpose: creation positive attitude, for joint productive work.
To tune in to work and work out very well, we will do the first exercise, it is called the “Magic Stone”. You need to sit on the chairs, put your hands on the tables, palms up, close your eyes and wait for the magic stone to appear on your palm. In order for the pebble to appear faster in your palm, you need to relax, do not move and do not open your eyes. The whole body should be relaxed. Well, everyone has a magic stone in their hand (what is it?) (cold, smooth, blue, transparent), look at your stone, squeeze it in your palm, warm it. Stones possesses great strength that as soon as they touched your palm, you immediately become the smartest, kindest, most attentive, most obedient and everything that you do, you will definitely succeed today! That's how great!

2. Exercise with massage balls
Purpose: to develop manual skill and fine motor skills.
So we have prepared ourselves, and now we need to prepare our pens and fingers for work. So that the hands and fingers are dexterous and skillful, we will give them a massage. We will massage with massage balls.
This ball is not easy,
He's all prickly.
We put between the palms
Let's rub their hands.
We roll it up and down
We develop our hands!

3. Well, now our pens are ready for us to continue the lesson, guess the riddle:
It’s convenient to bake Easter cakes from me, but you can’t eat me.
I am loose, yellow, inedible. Guess who I am? (sand)
Take off the napkins, in front of you is sand.
Do you like to play with sand?
Before we start playing with the sand, let's remember the rules of the game.
You can not take sand in your mouth.
You can not throw sand in your eyes, on the floor.
Sand must not be inhaled.
You need to wash your hands after playing with sand.

The sun is shining brightly
And the kids are inviting
Play in the sand now
Rivers affectionate friend,
It is very interesting,
Fascinating, wonderful.

4. The game "Sensitive hands"
Purpose: development tactile sensitivity, relaxation, activation of interest.
Let's say hello to the sand. Hello sand!
Listen, he greets us very quietly.
Take your magic stone. Dip your hands in the sand, hide it. What do you feel? What sand? (rough - smooth, soft - hard, cold, yellow, dry ...)
Pick up sand in a fist, slowly unclench it and look at a thin stream of sand with your other hand.
Dial a pinch of sand (salt)

5. The game "Unusual traces"
Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity, imagination
“There is a bear” - the child presses the sand with fists with force
bear clumsy
Walking through the forest, top-top-top ...
“Jumping hares” - with the tips of the fingers, the child hits the surface of the sand, moving in different directions.
Little bunnies. Jump jump, jump jump!
They bounce like balls! Jump jump, jump jump!
“A snake is crawling” - with relaxed fingers, the child makes the surface wavy in different directions.
Spectacled snake in the sand
I suddenly lost my glasses.
She crawls in great anguish,
Crawls anywhere.
“Spider bugs are running” - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movements of insects (you can completely immerse your hands in the sand, meet each other under the sand with your hands - “bugs say hello”)

6. The game "Sand hide and seek"
Purpose: development of fine motor skills, imagination.
Look what I have in my hands. Yes, they are fish and they wanted to play with us. The fish love to hide in the sand from the kids. Let's play hide and seek with them. Now you will close your eyes, and they will hide in the sand. After I say “eyes open, the game begins”, you must find them in the sand and not just with your hands, but with brushes, carefully so as not to injure the fish, dig it out.
Well done, the fish really enjoyed playing with you. You tried very hard and the fish are smiling at you, smile back at them.

7. Exercise "Sand drops"
And in our sandbox it rains unusually. Sand!!! Put your palms under this rain!

8. What else can you do with sand? That's right, Cookies!!! We need molds. Let's try!
Why can't we? What kind of sand is needed? Wet! You can pour water into this sand or sprinkle it, but we will do it next time. Now I have prepared another sand for you! Everyone will come to this sandbox and make a cake.
Well done! We had a great time playing in the sand. What did we do today? They left traces, prints, painted, poured, sculpted from sand. Well done!

Look at our palms
They have become wiser!
Thank you, our dear sand,
You helped us all play!
Let's dry our hands and say goodbye to the guests.

Exercise "Good afternoon, Sand grain"

PURPOSE: Relieve stress.

Exercise progress:

On behalf of a grain of sand, he asks the children to "get acquainted with the sand", that is, different ways touch the sand. Every child:

He touches the sand alternately with the fingers of one, then the other hand, then with all fingers at the same time;

At first it is easy, then with tension he squeezes his fists with sand, after which he slowly pours it into the sandbox;

Touches the sand with the whole palm - the inside, then the outside;

Grinds sand between fingers, palms.

For children of older preschool age, the teacher offers to tell about their feelings: “warm - cold”, “pleasant - unpleasant”.

Exercise "Sand rain"


Learn to regulate muscle tension and relaxation;

Introduce the properties of dry sand.

Exercise progress:

The teacher says on behalf of Sand: “In my country, it can rain unusual sand and blow sandy wind. It is very nice. See how it goes. (Shows.) You yourself can arrange such rain and wind. Children slowly and then quickly pour sand from their fist into the sandbox, onto the palm of an adult, onto their own palms.

A grain of sand invites each child to close their eyes and put their palm on the sand, spreading their fingers. An adult pours sand on a finger, and the child names this finger. Then they switch roles.

Breathing exercise "Sand wind"

PURPOSE: to teach the child to regulate the inhalation and exhalation of air.

Exercise progress:

The teacher asks the children to say good wishes to your friends-grains of sand, to give sincere wishes sandy country, "blowing" them into the sand. Children learn to blow through a cocktail straw instead of sucking sand into it.

Older preschool children can be encouraged to blow ditches on the surface of the sand. This exercise can be combined with aromatherapy, when the child, drawing air into the lungs, inhales the sprayed in the room. essential oils, and exhaling - it easily blows on its palms with sand, blows grains of sand into the sandbox.

Exercise "Unusual footprints"

PURPOSE: to develop tactile sensations, imagination.

Exercise progress:

The teacher offers children imitative exercises that leave footprints in the sand, say:

“Cubs are coming” - the child presses the sand with fists and palms with force;

“Jumping hares” - with the fingertips, the child hits the surface of the sand, moving in different directions;

“Snakes are crawling” - the child, with relaxed or tense fingers, leaves a wavy mark on the surface of the sand in different directions;

“Bugs, spiders are running” - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movements of insects (you can completely immerse your hands in the sand, your hands meet - “bugs say hello”);

"Krakozyabra" - children do in the sand different prints, coming up with names for the fantastic animals that left these footprints. After class, a fictional fantastic creature can be drawn and made into an inhabitant of the sand country.

Didactic game exercises

Exercise "Patterns in the sand"

PURPOSE: to consolidate knowledge about sensory standards and patterns.

Exercise progress:

A psychologist with a finger, a palm edge, a brush in the upper part of the sandbox draws various geometric shapes familiar to children, simple or intricate patterns- straight and wavy paths, fences, steps, etc. - and invites the child to draw the same pattern at the bottom of the sandbox, or continue the pattern of an adult. As an option, the teacher can draw a certain pattern on the board and offer to draw it in the sand.

Children can create patterns in the sand, lay them out in a given or planned sequence, as well as certain objects, say, stones, acorns, large buttons, and the like.

The teacher addresses each child on behalf of the Sand: “Today we will decorate our sand house. Look at the patterns in the sand that you can draw. Draw like me. Come up with your own pattern. At the top, the pattern should consist of rings, and at the bottom - of triangles.

Game exercise "Creating a forest and its inhabitants"


Develop tactile sensations auditory memory, creativity

To expand and clarify children's knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants.

Exercise progress:

The teacher addresses the child on behalf of Sand: “Today you will turn into a little wizard who can create something, say, a forest with its inhabitants. But to make the magic happen, you have to say magic words: "Firs, birches, boletus". You must close your eyes. (The child closes his eyes. At this time, the teacher “plants” the sand with trees, flowers, mushrooms.) Open your eyes and see how well and interesting everything turned out!

The teacher draws the child's attention to the fact that Sand grains have wonderful helpers - fingers “Ask your fingers to help you with magic. (The teacher squeezes and unclenches his fingers, “walks” on the sand with them, digs holes, the child does the same himself.) Now say the same magic words as the Grain of Sand, and use magic to create another forest. Remember what animals live in the forest? Invite them to your forest."

If the child said the “magic words” incorrectly, the adult hides some of the toys. The child repeats the magic words again. After “planting the forest”, the teacher introduces a few more words related to the plot for memorization. For example: names of trees, flowers, mushrooms, etc.

Note: in other exercises, the task is the same as in the first exercise. Only the characters, the ways of creating the landscape and the "magic words" change. The number and complexity of words that children are able to remember should be selected in accordance with the age of the children. It is expedient to select the topic of construction so that it corresponds to the topic of the lesson that the teacher conducts in the group.

Indicative topics for the exercises:

We create the sea, rivers, lakes and their inhabitants;

We create a city and its inhabitants;

We create a village and its inhabitants;

space travel, meeting with aliens.

One of the objectives of the exercise "Space travel, meeting with aliens" is the development of imagination and fantasy. Therefore, the teacher encourages any manifestation of fantasy that reveals the inner world of the child. This exercise is diagnostic in work with shy and aggressive children.

Game exercise "We are going to visit"


Learn to navigate the sandy surface;

Develop spatial representations;

Exercise progress:

The teacher addresses the child on behalf of Sand: “We are going to visit the bunny. Where does the bunny live? (The bunny lives in the forest.) Why? (Because it is a wild animal.) In which corner of the sandbox does the forest grow? (In the upper right.) And who else lives in the forest? (Other animals). And how many of them? (They count pictures depicting wild animals.) Who is the bunny friends with? (With a squirrel and a hedgehog.) Who is the bunny afraid of? (Wolf and foxes.) Who lives next to the bunny? (His friends.) What did the bunny treat us to? (Carrot and cabbage.) What do we wish the bunny? (Children express their wishes).

The teacher, through the game while visiting different animals, forms in children spatial representations (or reinforces the concept) “up - down”, “right - left”, “above - below”, “middle”, “corner”. The child, at the direction of the adult, "walks", "jumps", "crawls" on the sand with his fingers, depicting different characters.

Games and exercises to dip your hands in the sand

Some children are afraid of completely immersing their hands in the sand. Such children do not participate in games and exercises to dip their hands in the sand. For other children, sand play and immersion play alternate depending on their desire.

Game exercise "Secret tasks of the mole"


Develop tactile sensations, the ability to relax;

Activate interest in sand games;

Expand children's knowledge about those who live underground.

Exercise progress:

The teacher addresses the child on behalf of the grain of sand: “Today our hands will turn into moles. Like this. (The adult waves his arms and makes them “duck”, showing the child the eyes, nose and two teeth painted on the wrists.) Do you want to turn your hands into moles? To do this, you need to help my mole complete a secret task underground. (At the request of the child, an adult draws a mole on his wrists.) Well? Are we diving? Watch and do like my mole."

The teacher immerses one hand in the sand, moves it, draws the child's attention to changes on the surface of the sand. Then carefully digs out each finger.

Alternatively, all actions can be performed with eyes closed, look for the hands of comrades in the sand, shake them - "moles say hello."

Game exercise "Sand blind man's buff"


Develop tactile sensations visual perception, creative thinking;

Expand and clarify children's knowledge about fairy tales and fairy-tale characters;

Build custom behavior.

Exercise progress:

To play, you must have laminated pictures with illustrations from different fairy tales and images fairy tale characters, they can be made independently by pasting with adhesive tape bright pictures. For sand therapy games with children, we use color pictures with a clear image. On initial stage- with the image of one object or a fairy-tale character with a gradual complication of the depicted. For games with older preschoolers, you can use pictures with black and white or even a silhouette image.

Before the exercise, the psychologist should remember with the child his favorite fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, talk about the reasons for positive and negative attitudes towards various characters.

The teacher addresses the child on behalf of Sand: “Fairy tales and fairy-tale characters like to hide in the sand. Let's play sandman's blind man's blind with them. Close your eyes and say the magic words: "Look at the sand - show a fairy tale from the sand." (An adult buries a picture with an illustration from a fairy tale familiar to the child in the sand, leaving the corner of the image visible.) Open your eyes, take a brush and start looking for a fairy tale in the sand. In order not to frighten away the fairy tale, dig it out slowly, carefully. You have already cleaned part of the picture from the sand. What do you think this story is?

The child gradually digs up the picture until he can name a fairy tale or fairy-tale characters. If the child cannot guess and name the fairy tale with elements of the picture, the teacher changes roles with the child. The child himself buries the picture in the sand, and then the adult digs it out and thinks aloud, analyzes what he sees, teaching the child how to act.

summary of the lesson "Amazing Journey"

Summary of the lesson on the section "Playing with sand"

“Amazing trip”

Seliverstova Natalya Fedorovna, educator, GBDOU No. 35, Kolpino

Purpose: To develop the activity and curiosity of children in the process of cognitive activity and play.


Educational tasks:

To form children's ideas about the properties of sand;

To form the skills of experimenting with sand;

Enrich children's tactile experience;

Activate the vocabulary of children with new words: “wet”, “sprinkles”, “trickle”;

Development tasks:

Develop kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop speech activity, communication skills, attention, memory;

Educational tasks:

Cultivate the ability to empathize, sympathize;

Cultivate accuracy;

To evoke positive emotions associated with new experiences.


Tables and chairs for each child;

A container with water for washing hands, napkins according to the number of children; aprons according to the number of children

Sand trays by number of children:

Toy phone;


Scoops, molds according to the number of children;

Watering can, tray;

Bunnies on a stick according to the number of children;

Organizing time.

(Children enter the group, go to the tables, in front of each child is a tray of sand, covered with a napkin).

Psychological game"Magic Stone"

Purpose: to create a positive mood for joint, productive work. Educator: “Relax, put your hands on the tables, palms up, close your eyes and wait for a magic stone to appear on your palm.

The teacher puts a stone in each palm. In this case, children should not open their eyes and move. The teacher reminds that the whole body must be relaxed. After the children open their eyes and examine their stone. The teacher says: “The stones have such great power that as soon as they touch your palms, you immediately become the kindest, smartest, most attentive, most obedient, and everything you do, you will definitely succeed.”

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, look at what beautiful trays are on the tables in front of you. And what is in them, now guess? I will give you a riddle, and you try to guess it:


It’s convenient for me to bake Easter cakes, but you can’t eat it.

I am loose, yellow, inedible. Guess who I am? (Sand)

Educator: That's right, take off the napkins, there is sand in front of you

Educator: Tell me, guys, do you like to play with the sand? (children's answers, heard phone call)

Educator: Guys, can you hear the phone ringing, let's find out who is calling us! Hello. (talking to rabbit)

Educator: Guys, you and I just got a call from a bunny. He has a birthday today, he learned that we can bake sand cakes, and asks to help him prepare a treat for his guests. Do you want to help the bunny? (children's answers)

Educator: But before we start baking, I suggest playing with the sand a little. When playing with sand, we need to wear an apron to keep our clothes clean (children wear aprons). Let's remember guys

Sand play rules

1. Take care of the grains of sand - do not throw them out of the sandbox. If by chance the sand spills out, show it to an adult and he will help them get back into the sandbox. Do not throw sand out of the sandbox.

2. Sand grains really don't like being taken in the mouth or thrown at other children. You can not take sand in your mouth and throw it at other people.

3. Children should always have clean hands and noses. Played with sand - wash your hands and show your clean palms to the mirror.

The sun is shining brightly
And the kids invite
Play "Sand Yard".
And in our magical sand,
Rivers affectionate friend,
It is very interesting,
Fascinating, wonderful.

Game "Sensitive hands"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity, relaxation, activation of interest.

Educator: Let's say hello to the sand. Dip your hands in the sand. - We feel good and pleasant, we feel the coolness of the sand.

Educator: Guys, what can we say about the sand, what is it like? (children's answers: yellow, dry, cool.) Well done!

Sand was waiting for us today - clean, fresh, golden.

Get in here, my friend: if you want - swarm, but if you want - build.

Hello, sand! »

Purpose: reduction of psychophysical stress.

Equipment: Sandbox.

Game progress:

The teacher asks in different ways to "say hello to the sand."

touches the sand alternately with the fingers of one, then the second hand, then with all fingers at the same time;
easily / with tension compresses the fists with sand, then slowly pours it into the sandbox;
touches the sand with the whole palm - inner, then back side;
rubs sand between fingers, palms.

Game "Unusual footprints"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity, imagination.

Equipment: Sandbox.

Game progress:

Teacher: Now let's show you how.

“The cubs are coming” - the child presses the sand with fists and palms with force.

“Jumping hares” - with the tips of the fingers, the child hits the surface of the sand, moving in different directions.

“Snakes are crawling” - the child makes the surface of the sand wavy (in different directions) with relaxed / tense fingers.

“Spider bugs are running” - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movement of insects (you can completely immerse your hands in the sand, meeting hands with each other under the sand - “bugs say hello”).

Educator: Look what interesting traces turned out.

Game "Sand rain"

Purpose: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation.

Equipment: Sandbox.

Game progress:

Educator: in fairyland there may be an unusual sand shower. It is very nice. You can make it rain yourself. See how it goes. (The child slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, into the palm of an adult, into his own palm.)

Educator: Look how the sand is pouring in a trickle. (Children pour sand from palm to palm)

Educator: Let's all say together what we are doing now: we are pouring; How the sand is pouring: in a trickle, repeat. (repeat kids)

Educator: Guys, think and tell me what else can you do on the sand? (children's statements)

Educator: That's right, in the sand, we can draw.

The teacher invites the children to come to the "Magic Sandbox"

Educator: I want to invite you to draw on the sand with your finger: path, grass, sun. (Children draw) Well done! We had fun playing, and now let's go prepare a treat.

Educator: How much new we learned about sand today: you can leave marks, prints on it; you can draw on it, you can pour it; and from it we will sculpt Easter cakes as a birthday present for a bunny.

Educator: Do you remember the fairy tale "Kolobok"? We'll show you how a grandmother cooked a bun!

Let's warm up our hands.

Finger gymnastics"Kolobok"

Grandmother piled flour (perform smooth movements with the hands towards themselves);

scraped together salt (slowly clench and unclench fists);

salted (collect fingers in a pinch of “salt” first with the right, then with the left, then with both hands);

stirred the dough circular motions in different directions);

blinded a bun (imitate the modeling of a bun);

rolled (perform circular movements with one palm under the other clockwise; counterclockwise);

anointed with oil (stroke with one palm the other);

put hot in the stove (breathe warm air in the palm of your hand);

and put it to cool on the window (blow on the palm of your hand).

Educator: Guys, let's take the molds and prepare treats (children try to make cakes from dry sand, it doesn't work)

Educator: Guys, why don’t you get Easter cakes? What needs to be done so that it can be sculpted from sand? (children guess)

Educator: In our sandy country it sometimes rains, real rivers and lakes appear. Want to see how it goes?

The teacher divides the sand in the sandbox into two parts and shows the child how to moisten the sand:

“The stream is flowing” - the teacher pours water on one part of the sand in a thin stream from a jug.

"The rain is drizzling" - the other part of the sand is moistened through the sprinkler.

An adult draws the attention of children to the changed color and smell of wet sand. Then the child independently moistens the sand (there should be enough water for moistening so as not to overfill the sand).

Educator: And now, you can sculpt a treat

The game "I bake, I bake"

Goal: Development of thinking, motor skills.

Equipment: Sandbox, a set of molds.

Game progress: The child "bakes" cakes from the sand. To do this, wet sand is put into the mold with a scoop and tamped with the back of the scoop. Then turn the mold over, holding the sand, put it on hard surface, knock with a scoop on its bottom and carefully remove the mold. "Kulichek" is ready.

If you throw sand
Next to a broom and a scoop.

Educator: Well done! What beautiful Easter cakes you have turned out, the bunny and his friends will definitely like them! Guys, what do you think, now you can go to visit? (children's answers)

Educator: Look at your hands, they are dirty, what are they like? Right, before we go to visit the bunny, what should we do? we must wash our hands with you so that they become clean. Alyosha! You do not want to help me (children wash their hands, wipe them on napkins, take off their aprons)

If we are dealing with water,
Let's roll up our sleeves boldly.
Spilled water - no problem:
A rag is always at hand.
Apron is a friend: he helped us,
And nobody got wet here.
Educator: Well done!
How fine, clean, smart you all are!
Alyosha is smart
Maxim is handsome
Andryusha - well done!
Maxim is a darling!
All of us are good
All of us are nice.

Educator: Now we can go to visit the bunny.

Physical education:

The children stood in a circle, in a circle.
Fists knock, knock.
We're moving forward, moving forward.
Legs top, top.
We're going back, back
Like this, like this
Let's run, let's run
And they ran to the bunny.

Children, together with the teacher, approach the bunny house. Knock-knock-knock (children knock on the door, a bunny appears)

Educator: Hello bunny, we brought a treat for your forest guests.

Bunny: Hello guys! Thank you very much, you helped me a lot,

Bunny: And I have a surprise for you!

Bunny blinked his eyes
Looking for other bunnies.
See how many of them
Take the bunnies.

(Children take bunnies on sticks and do eye exercises “Bunny”)

Gymnastics for the eyes "Bunny".

Bunny jumped to the right,
Everyone saw a rabbit.
Bunny jumped to the left
Everyone saw a rabbit.
Bunny - to the right, bunny to the left,
Ah, what a brave bunny.
Bunny jumps up and down.
Look at the bunny.
The bunny hid from us.
You don't have to open your eyes.

Educator: Let's say thank you to the bunny for the surprise! (Thank you)

Bunny: I have fun with you guys. Let's play some more!

Educator: Thank you bunny for the invitation, but it's late and it's time for us to go home.

Educator: What else do you need to say when you leave? (Answers children, say goodbye, leave)

We went to the forest lawn,
Raising your legs higher
Left - one, left - one,
Look at us all.
Everyone clapped their hands -
Friendly, have fun!
Our feet are pounding
Louder and faster! (Walking in place.)
Through bushes and hummocks,
Through branches and stumps.
Twirled, twirled