Evening gymnastics. Hip exercises. Develop a meal plan

The classic daily workout is a set of exercises after waking up before eating. They help reduce appetite and in a short period of time throw off excess pounds. And all this thanks to daily fitness. It is believed that a 15-minute workout is enough in the morning, because in the morning the body is tuned for energy consumption. For those who are in a hurry to work in the morning and cannot find time for gymnastics, effective evening exercises for weight loss at home are recommended. It is easier to perform after it night sleep becomes stronger.

What exercises should be done to lose weight

It is important to understand that training, especially in the evening, will not bring lightning-fast results. It is necessary to reduce the number of calories consumed, increase energy expenditure through sports in order to lose weight, tighten the figure. Changes must be gradual, otherwise the body, sensing danger, will begin to put everything in reserve.. Effective for weight loss will be regular light evening charger. Do not immediately overload the body. This will lead to strong krepatura, and with intense exercise, appetite may wake up.

How long should evening exercises last

Experts say that for beginners, in order to maintain fitness, it is worth exercising for 40 minutes 3-4 times a week. The most difficult stage is the beginning of training for weight loss, but gradually they become part of the daily routine. Turn on your favorite music, which will be energetic in the first half of the session, and soothing in the end. If exercise for weight loss in the evening awakens appetite, it is recommended to reduce the duration of gymnastics. By following these guidelines, you can achieve the following results:

  • accelerate metabolism, improve metabolism;
  • relieve fatigue after a busy day;
  • after sitting position exercises before going to bed for weight loss will help straighten the spine, relieve back pain;
  • improve psycho-emotional state, normalize work nervous system;
  • relax the main muscle groups with a simple exercise for weight loss;
  • stabilize the work of the cardiovascular, respiratory system;
  • keep the body in good shape;
  • improve health, achieve the desired physical shape.

Charging at night for weight loss

Systematic is important! Even if you feel tired in the evening, there is no desire to do exercises for weight loss, it is important to pull yourself together and do at least a few exercises. "Owls" is better not to change their lifestyle, otherwise the morning will turn into hell. It is necessary that evening exercises for weight loss become a habit. A light set of exercises should include physical activity on those muscles that were little involved during the day. Perform the following elements regularly, then in a month the result will be noticeable:

  • warm-up of hands, neck, feet, back, legs;
  • strength evening workouts for weight loss (squats, lunges with dumbbells);
  • gluteal bridge - aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs, priests, back;
  • exercises on the press, oblique abdominal muscles;
  • finish your plank, stretching and warm shower;
  • you should not eat before bed, otherwise exercising in the evening for weight loss will help build muscle mass, and not burn fat.

For the stomach

Place your feet on a sofa or chair at a 90° angle and do 15 sit-ups to your knees in 2-3 sets. An effective exercise for an elastic press is scissors: you need to lie on your back, raise your straight legs above the floor at an angle of 45 ° and alternately cross them. First the top right, then the left. So you need to do 15 times in 3 sets. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and perform tilts with a turn to each. Evening workout for weight loss should consist of a set of alternating exercises for all problem areas. Perform 10-15 repetitions in two or three sets, rest interval - 15 seconds:

  • in the prone position, bend the legs at the knees, raise the torso, alternately turning the body to the right and left;
  • raise the legs brought together to an angle of 45 °, the lower back is pressed to the floor, lower the legs;
  • reverse plank: we rest our feet on the floor, stand on even hands face up, hold the body in a line, pulling in the stomach, buttocks for 1.5 minutes; do one approach, increasing the time every 5 workouts by 10 seconds;
  • lying on your stomach, tear your legs and arms off the floor at the same time; try to imitate swimming in water;
  • from a position on your side, rest your elbow on the mat, cross your legs, raise your pelvis and lower it.

For hands

With age, the skin begins to sag, this is noticeable in women on the hands. Do not forget about training the muscles of the upper body to avoid this. It is not necessary to do a special evening exercise for weight loss for the hands. You can add the use of dumbbells weighing 2 kg or a bottle of water when squatting. Push-ups and weight lifting above the body in the prone position will be useful. Each exercise must be performed 15 times in 3 sets.

For legs

This area is a problem for many women. It is recommended to perform squats so that the legs are slender: place them shoulder-width apart, perform the movement as if there is a chair behind. Buttocks should be parallel to the floor. Lunges will be effective: the right leg is alternately put forward, then the left leg, so that the thigh forms an angle of 90 ° with the lower leg. It is necessary to do 15 lunges on each leg. Bounce on your toes, standing upright, for 30 seconds. Such evening exercises will form a beautiful silhouette.


For hips

The reverse bridge helps to bring them into tone. You need to lie on your back, bend your knees, raise your pelvis, hands on the floor or hold on to your ankles, shoulders pressed to the mat. Hold the body for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time. A fat-burning exercise for the buttocks will be squatting on spread legs so that the line of the hips forms the letter “P” with the right and left lower legs - 15 times, 3 repetitions. Perform lunges with a swing back: the right leg is a step forward, the weight is transferred to it, the left leg is parallel to the floor. Then the sides change. For each leg - 15 lunges, 3 reps.


Gymnastics for weight loss Sport

It would seem that it is difficult to exercise for weight loss? 10 minutes of training in the morning, half an hour in the evening. Exercises on desired groups muscles. And regularity. That's all! However, the matter is not so simple. Age, time of day, and even gender all matter when designing a workout program. In this article you will find seven different complexes for any occasion. width="1">

Charging fast

For weight loss, it is not necessary to “hang out” for long hours in a fitness club, dragging a tired body from one simulator to another with the last effort. Enough and 10 minutes twice a day! Incorporate the exercises below into your morning and evening schedule. You will stretch your muscles, provide mobility to your joints, and if you take a good pace, you will burn a lot of calories.

1. We work out the neck. Perform turns, tilts and head rotations in all directions for 2 minutes.

2. Shoulder girdle. Spread your straight arms wide apart and cross them in front of your chest. Bend your elbows, placing your fingers on your collarbones, and make circular movements with your hands, trying to feel how the muscles of the shoulders work. Finish the warm-up with wide strokes. Imagine as if you are swimming with a breaststroke! All in 2 minutes.

3. Sides and lower back. Start with deep bends to each leg (try to touch the floor with your palms). Then do a few side bends. And finally, move on to turning the whole body to the right and left. At the same time, the hands remain at the waist, the lower part of the body is motionless. 2 minutes.

4. Hips and stomach. Standing straight, alternately raise and take your knee forward and to the side. Keep your palms on your belt, keep your back straight. From the same position, perform several squats. For each exercise - 1 minute.

5. Finish with walking - first normal, then on toes, heels, inside and outside feet. Stop. While inhaling, gently raise your hands up and sharply throw them down as you exhale. Here's the whole exercise for weight loss! Quickly, simply and will not require you to "super efforts". Remember two indispensable conditions: a good pace and at least two repetitions of the complex per day.

Charging in the morning

No weight loss of great importance lesson time. This is purely a matter of taste and your habits. But the morning is traditionally considered best time for charging: there is still plenty of strength and energy, it will not hurt to cheer up before a long day at work. And in the evening, usually everyone has a lot of other important things to do: shopping, cooking, finally meeting friends ... So it would be quite logical to devote morning hours to training. Just remember that this complex should not be too long. And don't turn in morning exercises strength exercises: the body has not yet entered the working rhythm and is not ready for them.

1. Warm up (3-5 minutes). Standing straight, feet together, rotate the knees. With your feet shoulder-width apart, rotate your pelvis first in one direction, then in the other direction. Do a few side bends. And complete the warm-up with circular movements of the shoulders and head.

2. Start the main part of the exercise with squats. Keep your hands on your waist, but if you find it difficult to keep your balance, stretch them forward as you bend your knees.

3. Lunges. Hands on the waist, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a wide step forward with one foot, lowering the other knee to the floor. Don't rely on it! Straighten up and switch legs.

4. Lunges to the side. From the same position, move your right leg to the side and bend it at the knee, shifting the weight to the right. Left leg is straight. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

5. Lie on your back. Knees bent, palms on the back of the head. Raise the body, trying to reach the elbow of the left hand to the right knee and vice versa.

6. In the prone position, arms along the torso. Raise your legs, trying to lift your pelvis off the floor.

Determine the number of repetitions in each case for yourself. But there must be at least 20 of them! Having finished the whole complex, vigorously shake your arms and legs, stretch your whole body.

Morning exercises for weight loss: video - instructions

Another good set of exercises that can warm up all your muscles in the morning. If the sports form does not yet allow you to keep up with the coach, do not worry. May you do fewer reps! But they did not spend this time with a sandwich on the couch. So, the process of losing weight has already begun.

If you are a “classic owl”, morning exercises are contraindicated for you. No, you can always change the habits of your body. But why? After all, evening workouts are in no way inferior to morning workouts. Moreover, they help relieve daily negativity, relieve fatigue and improve emotional background. So there is no reason to drag yourself out of bed a precious half an hour early. You will "finish" your exercises before bed!

Do not be afraid that the body is already exhausted by daily stress. These are different types of activities, and you just need to force those muscles to contract that have not worked hard during the day.

Evening exercise for weight loss: video

Don't be put off by the slow pace. Your the main task- learn how to correctly and thoughtfully perform all the exercises of the complex.

Anita Lutsenko Complex

Charging for weight loss by Ukrainian trainer Anita is an excellent solution for those who are ready to exercise intensively, but cannot spend a lot of time on exercises. Her interval training will take only half an hour, and you will see the first results in a month! True, it will not work half-heartedly. Interval training - crossfit - involves full return.

Your exercises:

Anita does 15 reps for each exercise. Wring out 15 times - go to squats. Finished? Get on the press here. And this exercise is over? Without delay, we begin to jump, and then the time for push-ups came up again. And so exactly half an hour. Breaks are minimal. And you can do without them at all - and it’s completely wonderful! The beauty of CrossFit is that it doesn't just burn tons of calories. The process of splitting fat goes on for another 5-6 hours after training! If at the same time you observe a minimal diet and drink plenty of water, the results will amaze you.

Charging for the lazy

For weight loss, hundreds of different methods and exercises have been invented. It’s only a pity that they turn out to be useless if your native, but lazy body, by hook or by crook, clings to the sofa, and the sight of sneakers and a jump rope starts an acute attack of depression… However, there is a way out! You can support your body, disperse blood and lymph, and even slightly disturb the fat that is conveniently located at the waist, even in the event of an irresistible attack of laziness! Work out right on the couch.

1. Inhale deeply and exhale, trying to push all the air out of the lungs. Pull in your stomach and hold for 15 seconds.

2. Lying on your back, go on a "virtual journey": bend and unbend your legs, simulating walking. Time is not limited, "walk" as long as you have enough patience and strength.

3. Warm up the joints: ankles, knees, hands, elbows, neck - rotate everything you can, 15 times in each direction.

4. Raise your arms and legs up and shake them slightly.

5. Lying on your back, do leg raises to strengthen your abs and thighs. When your feet are at their highest point, bend your knees and lower your hips first to the right and then to the left. 10-15 times.

Of course, weight loss for the lazy will not give such an effect as jogging and interval training. But it will help to maintain yourself in a minimally normal physical shape and tighten some of the muscles of the body. And at the same time, it will make it easier for you to transition to more serious workouts, if you want.

Exercise for weight loss for men

You might think that there is no fundamental difference between exercises for men and women. In fact, won’t a man lose weight by diligently performing a “not his” complex? No doubt she will lose weight. But there is some truth in the division of training on the basis of "sex".

Fat in men is distributed somewhat differently. If the ladies he first attacks lower part abdomen, in the representatives of the stronger sex overweight are deposited more in its upper part. And what is most offensive of all - it is easier for men to get rid of it! After all, the volumetric forms of women are laid down by nature itself. These are nutrients, and energy for carrying a baby, and a kind of protection for him ... It is not easy for women to argue with nature and drive excess from problem areas. While removing the belly of a man is much easier. It is worth arming yourself with a good diet and exercises to burn calories, and the figure will begin to change before your eyes!

Your workout must include:

For weight loss, this complex will be enough. More complex tasks (coveted abs or powerful biceps) will require a more serious approach and a separate training program. But she will be on your shoulder if you wish.

Exercise for weight loss for children

Obesity in children and the fight against it is a separate topic for conversation. It is too early to load fragile children's bones with strength exercises. Choosing a serious diet is unacceptable: until the end adolescence The child's body grows and develops, requiring good nutrition.

It doesn’t cost anything to interest kids in exercises that include elements of aerobics. Jumps, jumps, somersaults and swings with arms and legs are 100% suitable for the guys. Children will especially enjoy the energetic exercise accompanied by music. For the smallest weight loss, songs from familiar cartoons, children's songs and movie soundtracks will be the best choice.

And to get your child interested useful gymnastics start exercising with him! The kid will gladly join the fun, and you will lose a hundred or two calories, which is also not bad.

1. Start exercising by walking. Slowly, faster, at a normal pace. With and without high knee lift.

2. Jump in place, swing your arms and legs to the music. Add dance elements to the exercise. Most importantly, encourage your child to improvise!

3. Do deep and energetic lunges.

4. Squat around the room. It will not be easy for you to do this, but the child will like the new fun.

5. At the end, do not forget to invite the baby to stretch and "reach for the sun" to perform a light stretch.

Remember that explaining to the baby that "physical education is useful" does not make sense. Your efforts will only be crowned with success when you manage to turn into funny game his exercises for weight loss.

Video for children: fun gymnastics

In addition to the charging options presented in this article, there are a considerable number of other complexes. We can safely say that their number is infinite, so finding something that will be interesting for you will not be difficult. Come up with another program. Get a disc with well-written recommendations from a well-known trainer. Find online exercises for weight loss on the Internet. The main and only real difficulty that you will face is to deal with your own unwillingness to do anything with overweight. Everything else is easily overcome.


Stereotypes are not a hindrance

From childhood, we are taught that morning exercise is the key to Have a good day, a long-term charge of vivacity. Of course it is. But evening exercises, about which in question, is an important stage in the life of the organism, especially in people-owls. And since physical exercises are performed to increase tone, invigorate and psycho-emotional unloading, then evening exercises after work- exactly what you need.

And even if you don’t sit at work, but do physical activity, then evening exercises will be very useful for you. After all, performing physical evening exercises, in contrast to the loads for the working day, they will be involved in exercise all muscle groups.

This will allow relax the body generally, relieve stress from certain parts of the body get emotional relief and long-awaited rest.

And do not think that your lying down with a book or close communication with the TV will be a better and more productive rest than evening exercises. Should not be tuned in felt slippers and a glass of tea with a cake for the night as trouble-free tools that relieve fatigue and moral stress of the working day.

Force yourself and your the body to actively engage in physical activity and you will see how much more enjoyable your holiday will be.

Everyone who chooses a set of exercises for evening exercises “for themselves” should not forget about the general rules, the implementation of which is strictly mandatory, the hudeem-bez-problem.ru portal warns. Here are some of the recommendations to follow.

  • Any physical activities are held before meals(breakfast, dinner). After evening exercises, you can eat no earlier than 20 minutes later.
  • The duration of evening physical activity should not exceed a quarter of an hour.
  • Optimal frequency of charging in the evening - no more than 4 times a week.
  • Control general condition organism. If pain is felt discomfort, moral fatigue - you should either refuse for a while, or change the charging mode.

  • Get rid of pain in the neck, back. physical fatigue, psychological stress.
  • Improve the functioning of the digestive organs internal organs. Stabilize appetite, dull the feeling of hunger.
  • Tune in to positive life, success. Improve tone, mood.
  • Improve the sexual component of your life.


Morning Exercise: Testing Your Determination

In fact, there is no lack of time, there is a banal "I'm too lazy" and "sleep for another five minutes." If you do not believe in the power of morning exercises, think for yourself what burns your fat more efficiently: lying in bed or even a little, but still exercise stress? That's the same.

By the way, during sleep, your body spends approximately 50 kcal per hour. Sedentary work in the office burns twice as much - about 100 kcal per hour, and a vigorous walk at a speed of 5 km / h per hour will burn 250 kilocalories.

Morning “sips” in bed are also some kind of exercise, after which the body is filled with strength and energy. Pay attention to your pets, you probably noticed that after sleep they will certainly stretch and repeat this repeatedly throughout the day. Animals do this instinctively, and the reason is that during sleep, normal blood flow is disturbed, and the blood must be dispersed, saturate the body with oxygen, speed up metabolism and wake up the brain.

Similarly, charging affects a person in the morning, however, to a much greater extent, because it not only gives the body a boost of strength and vigor, but also helps to lose weight and tighten up. Of course, doing crazy cardio and giving a strong load in the morning is not worth it. Firstly, it has long been known that the greatest productivity occurs 2–3 hours after waking up and morning exercises definitely do not fall into this interval. Secondly, the body is less elastic in the morning and first you need to knead and stretch it well, and this takes certain time, which in the morning is usually not very much. If you do not have breakfast, then the amount of energy in the body will not be sufficient for heavy loads, and if you eat, you need to wait until the food is digested and “fuel” enters the body, which is also not suitable for us. Therefore, a short load of medium intensity is best suited.

But what, besides cheerfulness, does morning exercises give us?

  • your metabolism speeds up and you burn more calories overall throughout the day;
  • morning exercises discipline, make you more persistent and self-confident;
  • physical activity stimulates thought processes;
  • the body becomes stronger and fit;
  • with sweat, accumulated toxins and toxins leave the body.

In addition, the undoubted advantage of charging is that it has practically no contraindications, since you can choose the exercises and the level of their complexity for yourself. If you can't jump, squat, if you can't squat, bend or twist. Of course, if you know about your problems - for example, with joints, heart, spine, it is better to consult your doctor, he will definitely tell you the exercises that will benefit you, and which ones are better to refrain from.

However, there are a number of diseases in which it is better to refrain from performing any exercises (let's face it, it's unlikely that anyone will think of it):

  • those diseases in which body temperature rises;
  • malignant tumors;
  • high / low pressure;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • bleeding;
  • kidney disease.

Results that can be obtained by regularly performing morning exercises, can be very different. It all depends on the intensity of the exercise and the initial weight of the person. With regular exercise of moderate intensity, a person with a large weight can easily “lose” a kilogram per week. However, it is important to remember that a miracle will not happen if you do not follow your diet. If possible, you need to limit the intake of fast carbohydrates into the body and place more emphasis on eating foods rich in protein, vegetables and fruits.

Where to begin?

Doing exercises immediately after you jumped up (or slid) out of bed is not worth it. First you need to drink a glass warm water, better with a couple of slices of lemon. This helps to wake up the body and "start" the metabolism.

In addition, you can and should drink water before, during and after training (of course, if you feel like it, you should not do this by force, be guided by your thirst). Recommendations from the category “you can’t drink water during training” sound at least strange in relation to a creature that is 80% liquid.

Moderate-intensity morning exercises performed on an empty stomach are the most effective in terms of fat burning due to low level glycogen in the body. Without access to glycogen stores, the body begins to break down your strategic reserves in the form of deposits on the sides, thereby activating and accelerating fat metabolism.

Our body has two types of energy reserves: short-term (this is glycogen, the "fuel" for the body in quick access, but very limited quantity) and long-term (here we are talking about the hated fat, which is so difficult to get to). The body always consumes glycogen first, and only after its depletion, the energy obtained by splitting fat reserves comes into play.

Our goal is to get to long-term reserves and burn them. And it is in the morning, before breakfast, when the bins with glycogen are still empty, that this can be done most effectively.

If your training consists of various jumps and similar exercises, you should not do this barefoot, do it in sneakers.

Be sure to follow correct technique performing exercises. It is worth increasing the pace of the exercise and the number of repetitions only if you are convinced that you are doing the exercise correctly.

Eat breakfast and wash after your workout.

We do at home

It is best to start a workout, as mentioned above, with morning “pulls” in bed, turning into a light workout. So you can prepare the body for more serious stress.

Video: morning exercises in bed

After that, you can proceed to more active actions.

In fact, your morning exercises can look like anything, absolutely any activity will bring results. For example, for starters, it could be like this:

  1. Tilts of the body forward, right, left, back - 10 repetitions each.
  2. Squats - 10 times, three sets, rest between sets 30 seconds.
  3. Plank - start with 10 seconds. Gradually increase the duration. Believe me, you yourself will enjoy setting a new record every day, overcoming yourself.
  4. Lunges with squats (weight is transferred to the supporting leg) - 10 times for each leg, 2 sets, rest between sets 30 seconds.

In total, these exercises will take no more than ten minutes. In addition, it is not at all necessary to do them in the morning. Squats and lunges, like tilts, can be repeated periodically throughout the day. Believe me, your buttocks will benefit from this.

If you want to "pump" a certain area, you can concentrate on exercises aimed at specific muscle groups.

Video: "Cheerful morning", morning exercises for weight loss

Exercises for the abdomen

As you might guess, abdominal exercises consist of exercises for the press. For weight loss in the abdomen, it is best to perform the following exercises.


Starting position - lying on your back, knees bent. Clasp your hands behind your head, spread your elbows. As you exhale, lift upper part torso to the knees, lower as you inhale. Only the shoulder blades can be torn off the floor. Do not press your hands on the back of your head and neck!

Leg raise

Starting position - lying on your back, lower back tightly pressed, arms along the body. The legs are raised at a right angle to the body. Gently lower your legs down, freeze for a few seconds, without touching the floor with your heels, return to the starting position. Make sure that your lower back is pressed against the floor at all times.


The plank exercise needs no introduction. You can do it with straight arms or elbows, whichever you prefer. Try to stay in it as long as possible, for this, take a stopwatch and note the time. Try to increase the exercise time every day, at least by a few seconds. Make sure that the lumbar region is flat, the legs are straight, and the entire body forms a straight line. Tighten your abs and glutes.

Also, the side and back bars are perfect for the press.

Video: abdominal exercises

Exercises for the legs, buttocks and thighs

Exercises for the hips, buttocks and legs are very diverse. The main thing is that most of them can be performed at home, because they do not need special equipment. The main thing is to follow the correct execution technique, especially when squatting.

Squats are basic exercises, which means that several groups of muscles and joints are involved in the process of their implementation. The back should be bent, the heels should not be torn off the floor. The knees should not go beyond the line of the foot, "fall" inward, "walk". The gaze is directed upwards, the pelvis is laid back.

Video: a set of exercises for the buttocks, hips and legs

Exercises for arms, chest and back

Push-ups help strengthen the arms and chest, develop strength and endurance. A wide range of variations helps to work out different groups muscles. In addition, like the plank, push-ups help build a strong muscular frame for your entire body.

The advantage of push-ups also lies in the fact that there are a huge number of options for simplifying and complicating a seemingly ordinary exercise. If you are unable to complete classic version, for starters, you can do push-ups from a table, a sofa, or from your knees.

Classic push-ups - this is an emphasis lying on the hands and feet, while the hands are located slightly wider than the shoulders. If you want to load the triceps more, bring your arms together a little narrower, if you want to focus on the muscles of the chest, you should spread your arms wider.

Push-ups, of course, arm exercises are not limited. And contrary to popular belief, for a full-fledged hand workout, you do not need to have special equipment at home.

Video: arms slimming exercises

Evening exercise for weight loss

Evening exercises in terms of general recommendations are not much different from morning exercises. It is not recommended to exercise on a full stomach, it is better to have dinner after. A great way to end the day and lose those extra pounds is an evening jog or even a walk.

The main difference between evening exercises and morning exercises lies in its intensity: if in the morning we have to wake up our body, then in the evening, on the contrary, it is important not to overexert, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep. Evening exercise helps to relax the body as a whole, relieve physical and emotional stress.

Video: evening exercises

Charging is a sport for everyone

Of course, charging provides positive influence on the body, but it is important to choose a set of exercises that is right for you, taking into account age, gender, weight and health status.

Morning exercises for children

An important rule of exercise for children: it must take place in a game format, otherwise the child will not get any pleasure from the process, and will abandon everything as soon as possible. All exercises should be done smoothly and under the supervision of parents.

A set of exercises for morning exercises may look like this:

  1. Slopes in different sides. Feet slightly wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. 5 slopes in each direction.
  2. Leaning forward. Try to touch the floor without bending your knees. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Fold on the floor. Approximately the same as leaning forward: sitting on the floor and without bending your knees, touch your socks with your fingers 10 times.
  4. Squats - 20 sets of 10-15 reps.
  5. Try to keep your balance by standing on one leg. You can start with 15 seconds, gradually increasing the time.
  6. "Boat". Lying on your stomach and stretching your arms forward, simultaneously tear your arms and legs off the floor. Freeze for a few seconds, lower your arms and legs, repeat 10 times.

Video: charging for children

Who is a little over 50

Charging for the elderly should not contain jumps, pushes, jerks. It should be done at a calm pace, in a well-ventilated area and in comfortable clothing.

It is important to remember that age affects all body systems, so the load and intensity should be moderate in general. You should control the pulse rate, and if you experience pain, dizziness, deterioration of health, stop immediately.

Video: charging for the elderly

Note to expectant mothers

Physical exercises are recommended to be performed at any stage of pregnancy - unless, of course, there are specific contraindications, this is an individual phenomenon. Thanks to exercise, you can keep yourself in shape and prevent the formation of stretch marks, and breathing exercises will help make childbirth easier. All movements should be smooth, without sharp turns, tilts, lifting weights.

Video: Charging for expectant mothers

However, there are a number of contraindications in which expectant mothers should not do exercises:

  • toxicosis accompanied by vomiting;
  • threatened miscarriage, or miscarriage during a previous pregnancy;
  • the uterus is in good shape;
  • too much low position placenta;
  • stomach ache;
  • colds or any other diseases (for example, diabetes).

Morning exercises for men

Men, too, should not ignore the benefits of morning exercises.

Video: morning exercises for men

Video: morning exercises for men: A. Mamatov's technique

In addition to the above, there are many alternative ways put your body in order with the help of charging. These include, for example, dance exercises. In addition to burning calories and strengthening muscles, you will get good mood for all day. However, remember that if there is a large excess weight, exercises containing jumps are not recommended.


Types of evening exercises

All people live individually biological clock. Depends on suitable look evening exercise. "Larks" are usually cheerful in the morning and will probably prefer morning exercises and a morning run to evening hours in gym. In the evenings, this type of people collapses from fatigue, and as an evening exercise, a light relaxing set of exercises may suit them. "Owls" on the contrary in the morning are not up to sports. But in the evening they are full of strength and inspiration. Their evening exercise can be a strength training on simulators, a full-fledged collective occupation fitness, etc.

Goals of evening exercise

Fitness classes in the evening are not much inferior in effectiveness to sports training at any other time of the day. Like any physical activity Evening exercise promotes weight loss because it leads to calorie consumption. Depending on the goals that you set for yourself and according to the load you choose, evening exercises can help you gain muscle tone or just maintain an existing form. In addition, evening exercises have the following unique advantages:

  • unloads the nervous system, restores mental balance and relieves stress that could be received during the day, which is an excellent alternative to drug antidepressants;
  • relieves fatigue that could accumulate during a busy working day;
  • helps get rid of increased appetite, which tends to play out in the evening;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • relieves back pain by gently stretching the spine After all, the back in the evenings worries because the distance between the vertebrae decreases during the day, and they put pressure on the roots of the spinal cord. Special exercises in the evening, stretching the spine relieves back discomfort and sometimes even successfully replaces painkillers.
  • serves as a gentle transition from daytime work at work to a more relaxed home environment.

Features of evening exercise

There is not much free time in the evening, so it will not be easy to fit exercise into your evening schedule. Moreover, it is impossible to play sports on a full stomach. This means that the training should take place at such a time that at its completion there is at least a quarter of an hour left before dinner. Another option is to do evening exercises after 45 minutes after dinner. If you have the opportunity to choose between these two options, then it is better to exercise before dinner. In this case, evening exercises will burn fat. If you work out after dinner, then the lion's share of the workout will be carried out due to the energy from the food you just received.

The duration should be adjusted depending on your well-being. Even if you are very tired, do not skip the evening workout. Better shorten it. Surely the lesson will invigorate and distract you from worries.

Examples of exercises for evening exercises

As an evening physical activity perfect for a run. Before such a cardio workout, be sure to warm up. It should also be taken into account that the most health effect running has when its duration does not exceed 30-40 minutes. In this case, the first third of the workout should be run at a slow pace, during the second third it should be accelerated, the final stage is also better to run at a moderate pace.

Jogging as an evening exercise is best done not every evening, but 2-3 times a week. On other days in the evening, you can perform exercises for the back and to restore the nervous system. When performing exercises for the spine, it is important to remember that jerks are not allowed here. All movements should be smooth and performed at a slow pace.

Below are examples of such exercises.

Exercise 1

Initial position. I'm on all fours.

From the described starting position, while inhaling, we bend our back down, as a cat does when it stretches after sleep. Feel how the spine stretches from the coccyx to the cervical region. On exhalation, we round the back, draw in the stomach, as a cat does when it bristles. The chin should be pressed to the chest.

Exercise 2

Initial position. Lying on your back, straight arms are raised up and placed on the floor, being a continuation of the body.

From the described starting position, while inhaling, we bend the right leg at the knee, clasp it with our hands and press the thigh to the body. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. After 8 repetitions, do the same with the left foot.

Exercise 3

Initial position. Same as in exercise 2. Pull out at the same time left hand and leg in opposite directions. We repeat the same for the right side.

Exercise 4

Initial position. We stand next to the chair, lying sideways to its back and holding on to it with our left hand. On inhalation, bend the knee of the right leg, grab it right hand. We stretch our head to the knee. We fix the position and return to the starting position. We do the same in mirror image.

Exercise 5

Starting position We stand straight, fix our gaze on a point in front of us.

From the described starting position, slowly bend the right leg at the knee and place its foot on the inner surface of the thigh of the left leg. We fix the position, exhale, then while inhaling we raise straight arms up and close our palms above our heads. We fix the position and return to the starting position. We do the same in mirror image.

It may be difficult for someone at first to find 15 minutes for such a charge in the evening. But having tried it at least once, you will understand that in fact it does not steal, but saves you time in the evenings, as it gives you a charge of vivacity and enthusiasm!

See also

  • yoga for back pain
  • How to do fitness
  • Meditation
  • Best time of day for fitness
  • Fitness at home

No miraculous recipes and debilitating diets. We act according to science: we select effective complexes exercises (charging) for weight loss at home, the right products and do not give ourselves concessions. So we get a noticeable result and can keep it for a long time.

Workouts and nutrition at home: how to eat if the goal is to lose weight on the sides, abdomen, hips and tighten the body?

Whether we like it or not, losing weight locally will not work. The fair sex is genetically designed to have a supply of nutrients in the abdomen, sides, hips and buttocks. For this problem area is often called the "lifeline". Outwardly, by the way, it is also similar.

Fighting the "lifeline" with restrictive diets is useless. Adipose tissue, deposited by the body "for a rainy day", in the conditions of a sharp decrease in calorie intake, is consumed extremely slowly. With a sharp restriction of nutrition and lack of training, muscles can be the first to go into the furnace. By losing muscle tissue, we slow down our metabolism, which leads to two adverse effects:

  • weight loss itself during a reduction (restrictive) diet slows down sharply, we lose motivation and thereby increase the likelihood of breakdowns with bouts of gluttony;
  • rapid weight gain after the end of the diet, a set of more kilograms compared to what it was before the start of weight loss.

Remember the joke “I lost consciousness, woke up in the kitchen when I was eating borscht with chocolate”? Here. This is a classic manifestation of bouts of gluttony, which are designed to save us during periods of forced starvation.

Proper nutrition for beginners

What to do? Make a diet taking into account the needs of the body, focus on protein foods, limiting the amount of fat and carbohydrates consumed. We replace easily digestible carbohydrates with hard-to-digest carbohydrates (no sugar and rolls, but brown rice, buckwheat and legumes are the very thing).

Entering the path proper nutrition, it will not be superfluous to get the support of like-minded people who are aimed at lifting the body. For example, in in social networks there are enough groups that unite followers of proper nutrition. The influence of like-minded people should not be underestimated. Your whole environment, the people around you are interested in stability. In this regard, often those who decide to lose weight are forced to endure pressure during joint meals or simply hear comments about the hopelessness of their enterprise. Everything becomes easier when you communicate with someone who has already lost weight and, perhaps, “hooked” his relatives on proper nutrition.

Also, in groups and forums, a huge number of recipes for delicious dietary first and second courses, as well as desserts that do not harm the figure, have been collected. Don't you know that losing weight can be delicious? Are you still sure that your husband, children and other family members will not eat healthy diet meals with you? In fact, weight loss is a great opportunity try new things and diversify your menu. Use it.

Workouts at home

What gives us regular training and exercises at home:

  • an increase in muscle mass, which helps to accelerate metabolism and speed up fat burning;
  • directional change in the silhouette and proportions of the body.

What Happens When We Exercise While on Tight Restrictive Diets? The body does not have the resources to build muscle, since all its efforts are aimed at surviving in difficult conditions.

We artificially drive ourselves into a state of stress, which disrupts all life processes. There is little benefit, only a feeling of fatigue and hopelessness from the fact that the efforts made do not lead to anything.

That is why we recommend during weight loss and active classes sports do not get involved in reducing calorie intake. A slight deficit of fats and the absence of easily digestible carbohydrates can do wonders for our body, provide rapid results and a stable weight after the diet is over.

How and from what exercises will we build workouts that can be performed at home? We offer you several programs that will suit both beginners and those with some experience in fitness. In each of the programs there is an opportunity to regulate and increase the load. This means that apart from ideal proportions body, you can additionally develop endurance, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and increase coordination of movements.

The emphasis in each of the programs will be placed on problem areas of the body, which will help to quickly get rid of body fat, make the waist narrower, slimmer hips, and, if desired, also increase the volume of the buttocks.

Morning exercise for weight loss

We will conduct training in the morning according to the standard for sports activities plan:

  • warm-up
  • performing the main set of exercises
  • hitch and stretch

As a warm-up, running in place, leg swings and others are suitable. active movements, the purpose of which is to prepare the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems for the load. The criterion for the effectiveness of the warm-up can be considered a significant increase in heart rate, a rush of blood to the face and limbs, which is accompanied by a feeling of warmth, and when exercising in a warm and humid room, the appearance of perspiration.

Glute Bridge

Very effective exercise for training the gluteal muscles. His obvious advantage is that even beginners can do it without the risk of breaking the technique and hurting themselves. The movement is quite simple and natural, which eliminates the possibility of errors.

A simple but very effective exercise for training the gluteal muscles

The gluteal bridge is performed as follows:

  1. Starting position - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees and spread apart shoulder-width apart, arms extended along the body or spread out to the sides.
  2. Straining the buttocks, we raise the body in such a way that the buttocks, lower back and part of the back up to the shoulder blades come off the floor and form a straight line with the hips, while the shoulders, neck and head continue to lie on the floor.
  3. We linger at the highest point of the ascent for 3-5 seconds, additionally straining the buttocks, then return to the starting position.

For starters, it will be enough to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions. In the future, the number of repetitions can be increased. You can also complicate the task by using weights, such as a barbell or dumbbells.

Another option for an “advanced” glute bridge can be considered an exercise that is performed with the legs standing on a support, for example, on a bench.

Straight leg raise

This exercise can be done in two different variations: lying and hanging on the bar. Both modifications are aimed at intensive study of the muscles of the lower part of the abdominal press. The variant from the prone position is technically and physically easier to perform. But the second option is more suitable for experienced athletes and people in good physical shape.

Lifting straight legs from a prone position is performed as follows:

  1. We are located on the floor face up, stretch our arms along the body.
  2. Raise straight legs up to vertical position, we pull socks on ourselves.
  3. While inhaling, we lower our legs down, but do not put them on the floor, we hold them at a height of 5-15 cm above the floor.
  4. As you exhale, return your legs to the starting position.
  5. Make sure that the lower back is always “glued” to the floor.

The lower you lower your legs, the more tense your abdominal muscles. You can start from a high enough starting position so as not to strain the muscles of the upper back and neck unnecessarily. As strength grows, the legs can be lowered lower and lower.

Lifting straight legs in the hang on the crossbar do this:

  1. We grab the crossbar with our hands and hang on it so that our legs do not touch the floor.
  2. As you exhale, raise your straight legs so that they form a right angle with the body.
  3. Hold the legs in this position for 3-5 seconds.
  4. While inhaling, slowly return the legs to the starting position.

Those who want quick results, can add another stage of the exercise. It involves raising the legs to the level of the crossbar. It is difficult, but it is quite possible with regular training. So the middle third of the abdominal press, the front surfaces of the thighs, and the shoulder girdle are connected to the work.

We start with 3 sets of 10 reps. Then you can increase the number of repetitions.

Exercise "scissors"

This exercise engages the abdominal muscles and the front of the thigh.

Exercise "scissors" is performed as follows:

  1. We lay down on our back, stretch our arms along the body, brushes can be placed under the buttocks.
  2. Raise your legs above the floor, press your lower back tightly against the mat.
  3. We alternately spread our legs to the sides and cross them, imitating the movement of scissors.

To begin with, you can perform 30 repetitions in 3 sets.

Twisting "elbow to knee"

Let's add loads to the muscles of the press and hips.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, hands at the back of the head, legs bent at the knees and spread apart shoulder width apart.
  2. On the exhale, we begin to reach with the elbow to the knee of the opposite leg, which we tear off the floor.
  3. Ideally, the elbow and knee should lightly touch.
  4. On an inhale, we lower ourselves to the starting position.
  5. We repeat the movement for the other side.

During the movement, only one shoulder should come off the floor. Do not pull yourself over the head, trying to make the task easier. The movement should be performed not due to the muscular effort of the arms, but due to the work of the muscles of the abdomen and legs.

dynamic bar

Exercise for those who are good at it static bar. For beginners, it is better to first train enough endurance.

The dynamic bar is performed as follows (more details are presented in the video):

  1. Get into a plank position with an emphasis on your forearms. The stomach is tightened, the buttocks are tense. The wrists are under the shoulder joints.
  2. As you exhale, we rise to a position with emphasis on the palms - the classic bar.

We perform 10 repetitions in 3 sets.

Video: Technique for performing a plank with moving hands

Exercise "vacuum"

"Vacuum" - what you need in the formation of a perfectly flat stomach. This exercise can be used as a cool down.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Doing the best deep breath.
  2. We draw in the stomach and begin to exhale.
  3. We squeeze the air out of the lungs as much as possible, feeling how, following the rising diaphragm in the direction chest"sucked" internal organs.
  4. We hold our breath for a few seconds.
  5. Take a deep breath and relax.

The number of repetitions is 3–5.

To begin with, it is better to perform the exercise in a supine position. This is the easiest way to achieve a feeling of vacuum. Then you can do the exercise in a standing position.

Evening exercise before bed

What exercises can you do before bed? Here is another exercise program to work out problem areas. The names "morning" and "evening" do not mean at all that you need to do two workouts a day. It is assumed that you are in different days, be sure to observe the intervals between workouts sufficient for muscle recovery.

Ideal to train every other day. This is the minimum period of time sufficient to give the loaded muscles the opportunity to recover and gain mass.

By the way, girls should not be afraid of the appearance of excessive muscle relief: men’s natural hormonal “cocktail” helps in building mass. All photos of muscular fitness beauties, whose figures are beginning to look like men, indicate the use of drugs that affect the growth of muscle tissue (steroids and other "chemistry"). If you haven’t noticed anything like that in the reception, then you shouldn’t be afraid of the “oblique fathom in the shoulders”.


There are many options for this exercise. Allocate squats:

  • with own weight;
  • with weighting (with dumbbells or a barbell);
  • using an elastic band.

Let's look at each of the options so that you can, moving from simple to complex, increase the load as your endurance and muscle strength increase.

Classic squats are performed as follows:

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward with palms down or lowered along the body, elbows are soft.
  2. On an inhale, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. We control that the knees do not go beyond the tips of the fingers. The body moves forward slightly.
  3. We linger at the bottom of the squat for a couple of seconds, we note how the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh have tightened.
  4. To maintain balance, when doing a squat, you can stretch your arms forward.
  5. On exhalation, we return to the starting position.

A little more difficult compared to regular squats is an exercise with an elastic band. Its length should be sufficient to be able to put your feet shoulder-width apart. The tape is located approximately at the level of the middle of the legs or at the level of the knees. The band squat itself is performed in exactly the same way as a regular squat.

The rubber band gives additional load due to the fact that it requires additional effort to stretch it between the legs.

The use of free weights allows you to significantly increase the load on the muscles of the lower torso and legs. You can start with dumbbells or a plate from the barbell, then take the neck from the barbell, and then a barbell with enough weight. It is important to remember that the greater the weight, the more stringent the requirements for the technique of performing movements, as the risk of damaging the knee joints increases.

The number of repetitions in doing squats is not an end in itself. Don't try to do a large number of repetitions for a limited period of time. The important thing here is the smoothness and thoroughness of the movements. Only a deep squat with tension in the buttocks, which is performed as if you would like to sit on the edge of a chair that is too far behind you, can give an optimal load on the muscles of the buttocks and provide perfect shape this part of the body.


A good workout for the muscles of the legs and at the same time for the cardiovascular system, since moving forward while performing lunges is a serious load.

Lunges can be done both forward and sideways. If there is not enough space to perform the movements, a treadmill can be used. This will additionally set the speed of movement and will not allow you to slow down when the load begins to affect.

Forward squat technique involves:

  1. Performing a sweeping step forward from a standing position. The movement is made on inspiration.
  2. The step should be so wide that when lowering the torso, the leg that stands behind could almost touch the floor with the knee. The front leg should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. While moving, keep the body perfectly straight.
  4. To take the next step, as you exhale, rise to the starting position and repeat the movement.

When ordinary lunges no longer seem difficult, you can take dumbbells, a neck from a barbell, and then a barbell with pancakes. The use of free weights will allow short time achieve the perfect shape of the legs.

Classic crunches

A standard and very popular abdominal exercise.

  1. We lie down on our back, join our hands in a lock at the back of the head, bend our knees apart shoulder-width apart and put our feet on the floor.
  2. On exhalation, we tear off the head, neck and shoulders from the mat due to the muscular effort of the press.
  3. We perform contractions of the abdominal muscles in such a way that the upper body rises towards the legs and does not fall completely to the floor.
  4. On inspiration, we return to the starting position.

Video: Twisting technique, analysis of the main mistakes

The height of the hull can vary significantly. Significant amplitude movements contribute to a deep study of the middle part of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Small and frequent lifts put a load on the lower third of the rectus abdominis.

The number of repetitions is determined by the amplitude of movements. You can start with 30 repetitions, divided into 3 sets, and then increase the number of repetitions.

Exercise "bicycle"

A great exercise that immediately engages most of the abdominal muscles.

How the classic version of the "bicycle" is performed:

  1. Starting position - lying on the floor, hands clasped at the back of the head, legs bent at the knee and hip joints so that the feet do not touch the floor.
  2. Raise your shoulders and upper third of your back off the floor.
  3. We begin to alternately stretch our elbow to the opposite knee, while moving our legs as if we are pedaling.
  4. While one leg stretches to the elbow with the knee, the second must be straightened and kept at some distance from the floor.

We start with 10 repetitions in 3 sets.

Lying hyperextension

We form the ideal shape of the back, get rid of fat "rollers" in the lumbar region.

Hyperextension is performed as follows:

  1. We lie down on the floor face down, stretch our arms in front of us or remove our palms behind our heads.
  2. As you exhale, we simultaneously tear off the arms, upper body and legs from the floor.
  3. We hold this position for 3-5 seconds.
  4. Without releasing muscle tension, we return to the starting position.

We start with 10 repetitions.

We start with 10 reps and 3 sets. Then the number of repetitions can be varied depending on the endurance and goals of the training.

Fast charging with hula hoop

It is unlikely that hula hoop classes can be considered an independent type of training; rather, they are of an auxiliary nature. While underestimating the capabilities of the hoop in shaping thin waist not worth it. Intensive massage of problem areas can work wonders, provided that other conditions for effective weight loss are met.

Video: Training with different types of hoops

You should not start training with a very heavy hula hoop, as it will simply fall down without having time to really unwind. To begin with, a hoop weighing 800–1200 g will suffice.

Pay attention to the massage "pimples" on inside hoop. For beginners, models with soft rubber massage protrusions are suitable. And even to use such models at first, you may need a special wide belt, which somewhat softens the effect of "pimples" on the skin of the abdomen and reduces discomfort.

We begin to twist the hoop from a time that is comfortable for you, gradually bring the training time to 15-20 minutes.

Rope exercises

Jumping rope is an excellent cardio workout, during which the load goes to all significant muscle groups. The legs, back, stomach, arms and shoulder girdle are involved.

For beginners, it’s better to take a regular rope and not chase “professional” weighted models. It is better to start training from 1-3 minutes, depending on the state of health and the pace of movements. In the future, the duration of the lesson can be increased to 15-20 minutes, and then begin to gradually increase the speed of movements.

Video: Jump Rope Exercises

If you set a goal, then a 15-minute workout with a rope can be diversified by performing exercises to develop balance and coordination of movements.

Hula hoop and rope exercises can be used as a warm-up or for simple workouts on rest days after completing the main sets of exercises (morning and evening).

As you can see, keeping yourself in shape with the proper level of motivation is not difficult. We select a diet, choose a suitable training program, and after several weeks of regular work on ourselves, we note in the mirror dramatic changes in figure, well-being and mood. Here, as they say, the road will be mastered by the walking one.

Despite the fact that high physical activity less than 2 hours before bedtime can provoke insomnia, not all exercises are at risk. Skip the long jog, powerlifting, or grueling group step aerobics workout in the evening and replace high-impact strenuous movements with smooth muscle stretching and balance and breath alignment exercises. A small warm-up with minimal energy expenditure will relax the body and set you up for a sound sleep.


Not all exercises from this popular training system aimed at strengthening the muscular corset are suitable for performing before bedtime. However, gentle, unhurried bends can be very useful: they will help relieve tension in the lumbar zone (especially important for those who work while sitting) and they can be easily performed by a person with any level of physical fitness.

1. Tilts down

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms out in front of you and slowly lean forward with a straight back. As soon as you bend as low as you can, relax your arms and try to touch your palms (or your fingertips if you've just started doing these stretches) on the floor. Lock the body in this position for 5-10 seconds, then slowly rise, keeping your back straight. You must return to the starting position with your arms extended forward. Do 5-7 tilts.

In order to keep the correct rhythm of the exercise and not unbend your back too quickly, try to count to yourself: bend over for 5 counts, stay in this position for up to 10 seconds and straighten your back, also counting to 5.

2. Tilts to the sides

Complete the exercises to relax the lower back with gentle tilts to the left and right. Place your hands on your belt and perform 10 alternate slow tilts to the sides, trying not to tilt the body forward .. Bend over and return to the starting position also for 5 counts.


A type of physical activity that is unambiguously recommended by all somnologists in the world. Simple asanas allow you to relax your muscles, relieve nervous tension after a long day at work, and even defeat insomnia. an important plus - most asanas can be performed while lying in bed.

1. Marjariasana (stretching cat pose)

Get on all fours and rest your hands on the floor, placing your palms strictly under the shoulder joints. Bent knees should be under hip joints at a distance of 15 cm from each other (it is allowed to perform the exercise with the knees together), the feet are directed upwards. Take a deep breath and arch your lumbar spine, pulling your belly toward the floor. Pull the top of your head up, but do not throw your head back, your gaze should be directed straight ahead. Lock in this position for 5 seconds, then exhale smoothly, tilt your head to your chest, and “hunch” your back. Do 10-15 repetitions.

2. Vrikshasana (tree pose)

An extremely effective exercise for improving overall coordination of movements. Beginners can do it with their backs against the wall, as it will not be easy for an unprepared person to maintain balance for a long time.

Stand straight, bend one of the legs at the knee, then take it to the side and rest the foot of the bent leg against the supporting knee. Bring your palms together with your fingers up at chest level. Breathe evenly, try to gently reach up with your whole body. Stay in this position for as long as possible (but no more than 1-1.5 minutes), then change the supporting leg.

3. Balasana (child pose)

Often performed at the end of a full yoga workout, as it allows you to relax all muscle groups and even out the pulse.

Get on all fours, lean back and lower your buttocks onto your heels. Spread your knees wide, tilt your body forward and touch your head to the floor, while your arms should be extended forward. Stay in this position for 3-5 minutes.

Balance exercises

They are performed smoothly, require minimal energy consumption, help to concentrate on the sensations of the body - what you need before going to bed.

1. Archer Stance

A simple exercise of the popular Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi allows you to increase muscle flexibility and strengthen joints.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back and stretch your arms out in front of you. Take a wide step-lunge forward, so that the knee is bentth (the patella should be located exactly above the ankle), and the second leg remained extended back and rested on the toe. At the same time, raise your arms above your head and place your palms together. Stretch your fingertips towards the ceiling, trying to breathe as deeply as possible. Lock the body in this position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position and lunge with the other leg.

2. Stand on one leg

Orthopedists recommend performing this simple stance in the morning and evening gymnastics classes - required amount repetitions will take you only 3 minutes, but an elementary exercise will help you quickly and effectively strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Stand straight with your feet together and evenly distribute your body weight on both feet. Put your hands on your belt. Raise your left leg straight in front of you as high as you can and bend it at the knee. Do not touch the supporting knee with the foot of the raised leg. Try to stand straight and not open your hands from the belt, keeping your balance. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then slowly lower your leg and repeat with your right leg. Do 3 reps for each leg.

3. Movement of body weight

Another exercise to transfer body weight to one of the legs. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, then transfer the body weight to the right leg, lifting the left leg off the floor by 5-10 cm. Stay in this position for 15-30 seconds, then lower the left leg to the floor and transfer the body weight to it. Do 3 sets for each leg.

Breathing exercises

Effective not only in the fight against respiratory diseases, but also with insomnia. Thus, the well-known American specialist in alternative medicine, Andrew Weil, called breathing exercises the main tool for healing sleep disorders caused by both psychological stress and physiological ailments. According to the MD of Harvard University, in order to obtain the first results, it is necessary to perform breathing exercises at bedtime daily for two months.

1. Technique "4-7-8"

A popular "quick sleep" technique. Exhale with noise through your mouth (you can purse your lips to make a noisy “hissing” sound), trying to completely empty your lungs, then slowly inhale through your nose, mentally counting to 4. Hold your breath for 7 counts, then exhale with noise through your mouth, counting to 8 .Repeat the cycle 3 times.

2. Technique - "antistress"

Inhale deeply and exhale slowly with a noise, trying to make the sounds "ssss" or "shhhhhhh" as if you are releasing air from a deflating hot air balloon. As you exhale, imagine that, together with the air, you are releasing from the inside all the negative emotions and experiences that have accumulated during the day.


For those who cannot be torn off the pillow in the morning, there is no need to talk about it. We offer such "owls" evening complex exercises for weight loss.

“This is also a variant of functional training,” says Marina Starostina, coach of the personal training studio of the Planet Fitness club chain.“But this time we will combine the exercises in pairs. Complete 12-15 reps the first exercise, then the same number of repetitions of the second. In general, you need to do 3-4 sets each pair.

For this complex you will need: mat, expander, dishcloths or plastic plates that slide well on the floor.

1. Squats with an expander

Take the edges of the expander in your palms and stand in the middle of the expander, placing your feet shoulder-width apart. Pulling your pelvis back, squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. The knees should not go beyond the edges of the socks. Standing up, press your arms up. While squatting, inhale, straighten as you exhale.

3. Body twist pull

Throw the expander over door handle or other support, grasp the ends and stand at such a distance from the door that when outstretched arms expander was stretched. Keep your palms with the handles of the expander together, fist to fist. Lunge back with your right foot, twisting your body to the left and increasing the tension of the projectile. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.

5. Triceps push-up

Get into a kneeling push-up position with a narrow stance: feet together, palms under your shoulders, place them on rags sliding on the floor. Perform a push-up, directing your elbows back along the body. Returning to the starting position, slide your right hand forward and at the same time stretch your left leg back. The next time you push up, do the same movement with your left hand and right foot.

7. "Swimming"

Lie on your stomach, straighten your legs, lift them off the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows, put your palms on sliding rags at shoulder level. Raise your torso by sliding your arms forward across the floor and across the circle to the sides, while spreading your legs to the sides so that your body assumes the position of a star. At the same time, keep your hips on weight. Return to the starting position by joining your legs again and completing the circle with your arms.