The wonderful technique of ho'oponopono. Ho'oponopono - technique for changing the world

I am sure that you are already familiar with the Ho'oponopono method, you know its history, how healing occurs, and always remember the magic four phrases:

  • I'm really sorry,
  • Please forgive me,
  • I love you,
  • Thank you, thank you

And you already understand that the cause of events, if they are repeated in your life with enviable frequency, lies only in you and in your attitude to the situation. You don't even need much faith, just repeat these phrases over and over again.
To cleanse yourself of negative programs, in addition to the basic technique, many tools are also used. By this we mean not only physical instruments, but also meditative techniques, drawings, special “ritual actions”, phrases, songs... There are many of them, different instruments are used for different purposes. But what they have in common is that they all perform the function of cleansing and bringing to a state of zero. you will find here.

How to do meditation correctly? Focus your attention on one object throughout the meditation session. This object can be: breath, mantras, visualization, body part, external object, etc. Over time, an increasing ability to maintain the flow of attention on the chosen object is achieved, and meditation becomes stronger. The more and longer you practice meditation, the less you are distracted by something extraneous and these distractions become shorter and shorter. And the depth and stability of attention develops more and more. Do meditation daily, just accept comfortable position, relax, focus on breathing and can if you liked it. meditation to clear the situation in relationships with people - effective method if practiced regularly.

Hoponopono Magical Instruments

Pencil (or Eraser) tool- to help with erasing negative memories. Take new pencil, and may he become your assistant for a long time. There is no need to change it every time! The pencil may not be sharpened; choose one that will back side there was an eraser. Activate the pencil by saying the word "dewdrop". Now you can start tapping. With the side with the eraser, tap the photo (yours or the person you want to clear the situation with). Or write down the problem in a short phrase on paper and tap out what you wrote. If something hurts, hit your body. Do it intuitively and relaxed. Your body will tell you the right decision...

Dewdrop- probably the most powerful and multifunctional tool. In any situation, repeat - dewdrop! Clears everything, activates other tools.

Velcro- picks up and cleanses all negativity

Tutti Frutti: Relax and repeat :) It’s tasty and sweet, it even cures diseases that we may not even know about! Depression and hopelessness from memories, powerful cleansing of generic programs: Tutti-Frutti can do it all!

Milky Way- also repeat the words: Milky Way. If you don't understand and confusing situation, if something bothers you, you need a source of light and inspiration - then - the Milky Way!

Sunflower- this is abundance and harmony in everything, including money. Hang a poster or painting of sunflowers in a visible place. Choose what you like. Or plant them at home (there are decorative options). Or maybe there is a photo of you in sunflowers? Admire and say - Sunflower! This is the best thing that can attract money into your life. Don’t pray to money, don’t beg for it from the Universe, don’t turn it into a cult! Money should be loved and respected as friends and helpers. Ask for forgiveness for your wrong attitude towards money, sunflower is the sunny path to abundance.

Rainbow butterfly- A multifunctional tool that cleans both objects and relationships. It takes away negativity, debts and problems. And it brings love, prosperity on its wings and opens hidden talents. Repeat: Rainbow butterfly! And abundance will be with you :)

Chamomile- an assistant in clearing situations, helps to see the cause and heal the root of the problem. Chamomile - your reaction to people and circumstances will change. This is an appeal to God...

Golden coins- attracts money and changes the attitude towards it. Repeat! :)).Money does not tolerate disrespect, contempt and loans! Be happy with any money that comes to you. Be happy for other people if they are doing well, don’t envy - this is your negative program. Only when you begin to accept any money with gratitude will it begin to come to you in the most unexpected way.

Only 3/4 clean water in a transparent glass cleanses the negativity of your past. The water needs to be changed 2 times a day. If very strong problems- change it more often. You can put a glass of water on a piece of paper where your problems are written down. Try combining meditation with the Ho'oponopono method to clear the situation in your relationships with people.

Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian meditation technique that can be used to cleanse yourself of negativity and change your life. better side. The technique is to repeat four phrases. Let's figure out how to use it correctly.

If you are new to spiritual development and have never practiced meditation, you should start with ho'oponopono. This is a fairly simple method that does not require special training.

Why should you choose Hawaiian meditation:

  1. You can meditate at any time convenient time. It is not necessary to allocate a special place or wait for a calm environment. You can repeat phrases mentally even while traveling on public transport.
  2. You need to remember only four phrases that are easily imprinted in the subconscious. “I'm so sorry,” “Forgive me,” “I love you,” and “I thank you.”
  3. This practice is aimed at cleansing from negativity. And this is where it begins spiritual development. You first “weed out the weeds” of negative emotions, attitudes and beliefs, and then, using other techniques, “sow” positivity in your subconscious.
  4. With ho'oponopono you can get quick results: you will be surprised, but after cleansing yourself of negativity, things will begin to happen in your life very quickly. positive changes for the better.

Meditation technique

To get started, try meditating according to the steps we list below. This is necessary for you to feel the whole essence of the technique, to feel the power of the “Hawaiian spell” on yourself to the fullest. After 2-3 sessions you will be able to switch your consciousness in any situation.

So what to do:

  1. Make sure you have half an hour in which no one will disturb you. Complete privacy required. Turn off sources of extraneous noise: put your phone away, turn off the TV and computer, close the windows so that street sounds do not interfere.
  2. Turn on pleasant music that relaxes you. You can opt for recordings with chants of mantras or sounds of nature. But any calm and unobtrusive melodies are also suitable.
  3. Take a comfortable position in which you feel comfortable while standing still for thirty minutes.
  4. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale slowly, deeply through your mouth. Repeat ten times. This is necessary for you to completely relax.
  5. With each exhalation, feel how your body relaxes, how you let go of all extraneous thoughts, and how your subconscious becomes clear and free. “Plunge” inside yourself, concentrate only on sensations.
  6. Start repeating the four ho'oponopono phrases out loud or silently: “I'm sorry,” “Forgive me,” “Thank you,” “I love you.” Turn to God, the Universe, your own “I” or the person who evokes your strongest feelings. negative emotions.
  7. Repeat the phrases for fifteen minutes. At this time, you may have a desire to cry, scream, and you may experience involuntary body reactions in the form of convulsions and goosebumps. You may feel cold or, conversely, too hot. Do not interfere with this, allow yourself to feel and live all the emotions to the end.
  8. At the end of the meditation, do three again deep breaths and exhale, then slowly open your eyes and gradually return to reality.

The effectiveness of ho'oponopono will depend on how much you can relax, free yourself from any thoughts and look completely within yourself. Be prepared that you won't be able to do this on the first try. But session after session you will be able to enter a meditative state deeper and deeper.

Who should I contact?

The classic version of Hawaiian meditation involves turning to a Higher Power, the Creator. To whom exactly depends on your faith.

But there are other options. Briefly about each:

  • Turning to God helps to “atone” sins and heal negative emotions throughout your family and ancestral system. You heal not only your soul, but also heal all the traumas that have accumulated over centuries.
  • Turning to yourself allows you to reveal and experience all the negative emotions that you have repressed into the depths of your subconscious. This is a colossal job that can even replace working with a psychotherapist. But provided that you learn to dive deeply into a meditative state.
  • Reaching out to people you feel negative emotions towards is a way to truly forgive and accept them. Resentment will no longer destroy you, you will feel more free.
  • Use ho'oponopono in any negative situation. If someone has offended or angered you, immediately begin mentally repeating the four cherished phrases. This will help you not to accumulate bad emotions, but to instantly experience them without harm to your subconscious.

Turn on this video and meditate, repeating after the announcer:

What problems does ho'oponopono solve?

Hawaiian Ho'oponopono meditation helps solve problems such as:

  • Childhood trauma. By turning to your parents in meditation, you learn to forgive them for the grievances they have caused, and are filled with feelings of love, gratitude and sincere acceptance.
  • Repressed negative emotions. During the session, you open old wounds and pull all grievances to the surface of the subconscious. You live them and are healed.
  • Birth injuries. You atone for the sins of your ancestors, healing generic negative scenarios and attitudes.
  • Lack of self-love. The more negativity you work through, the more you are filled with feelings with high energy vibrations: love, gratitude, acceptance. As a result, you learn to love and accept yourself.

Just try it - reviews from practitioners promise magical results. With this simple but very effective meditation you radically change your internal state. And since the world is mirrored, it changes with you, reflecting the positive that will come from you.

Ho'oponopono technique came to us from the exotic Hawaiian Islands: it was with her help that the Hawaiians solved their own problems. Translated from the local language, this word means “to do the right thing” or “to correct a mistake.” It is Ho'oponopono that allows one to destroy, erase and minimize the impact of destructive programs, thanks to which a person feels one with the highest Divine consciousness that exists inside every person, discovers the source of Inspiration and plunges into an inexhaustible flow of Abundance.

The Ho'oponopono technique is most often used to cure even the most seriously ill patients, and the Hawaiians have mastered this method to perfection, sometimes demonstrating real miracles. In 1982, Morrna Nalamaku Simeona told Dr. Hew Len about him. Practicing it, this doctor cured almost all mental patients in a hospital in Hawaii, where he worked as a psychologist. However, they were not used in treatment medications and means of psychotherapy.

Hew Len healed them using mental programs that emphasized the principles of love, repetition and forgiveness. And this gave incredible results: except for two patients, all the others were completely cured and did not pose any threat to society. Not only the patients, but also the hospital staff completely changed their worldview, in which kindness, purity and tolerance began to dominate, and also were cured of what bothered them for a long time. And this, without exaggeration, was a real miracle.

The most important principles of the Ho'oponopono technique

1. You are not given a clear idea of ​​what is happening around you in the Universe. It is physically impossible to be aware of absolutely all the processes occurring within and around you. Your physical shell and brain hemispheres regulate their activity themselves, without your direct participation. There are always countless signals in the atmosphere that are not perceived by humans, the range of which is very wide: from ultrasound to single thoughts. You are not able to perceive the richness of these signals. A person is indeed responsible for creating his own reality, which is embodied right now, but at the same time all this happens on a subconscious level, without actual control of the mind and information about what is really taking place. This is the reason why you can practice positive thinking and still not get what you want. Consciousness and intellect do not have creative power.

2. You are not in control of everything. There is also no doubt that if you do not have the slightest idea of ​​what is happening, any influence on events is completely excluded. This is just a cunning deception of your inner self, which makes you think that the world is capable of obeying your orders. Since the personal Ego is blind and cannot see everything in this moment really happens, you shouldn’t let it determine how best to act or think. You undoubtedly have an alternative, but control of events is not available to the human individual. You are allowed to use your mind to determine what exactly you want to go through in this existence and what trials are suitable for you, but you will have to submit and allow it to be decided for you when, how the desired events will occur and whether they will become a reality at all. The key to everything is humility, acceptance and submission.

3. You can cure everyone with whom you cross paths at a given point in life. Whatever comes your way (it doesn’t even matter how exactly it came into your life), it can be healed only because it is within your sphere of influence). The essence of this phenomenon can be described as follows: if a person is able to feel something, he can heal it. If your problem is embodied in another person and this is causing you anxiety, you can get rid of it simply by healing yourself. In other words, if you are able to notice something, then you already have it. You may be completely unaware of why your life turned out the way it did or why you are being persecuted by certain things. life situations, but you just have to accept it, because you are not aware of what the higher powers have planned for you. The more often you heal what comes your way, the deeper the degree of your purification and the closer you are to the real embodiment of what you sincerely strive for. After all, in this way energy clots are released, which can be used to solve other problems.

4. You alone are entirely responsible for your life experiences. All events that come into your life are not your fault, but only you will have to be 100% responsible for their consequences. At the same time, the theory of personal responsibility includes far more than just what a person says, thinks and how he acts. It also includes what those around you think, do and say in your life. Absolute responsibility for everything that happens in your life means that if your path of life is crossed by a person who has a problem, it will turn out to be your problem. This principle follows entirely from the previous one, according to which you have the gift of healing everything that comes your way. Therefore, you cannot blame anyone or anything for the negativity that has befallen you. You can only accept the burden of responsibility, that is, accept what happens, call it yours and love it. The more and better you heal what comes your way, the closer your connection with eternal source life.

5. To forget about restrictions, repeat a simple phrase more often: “I love you.” The secret key that opens doors for us to the unknowable and unattainable, allowing us to heal and fulfilling our desires is the affirmation “I love you.” When you repeat this with sincere faith into a higher power, it cleanses your soul and relieves you of any restrictions, allowing you to experience the unique beauty of every moment. The essence of the principle is to experience a feeling of love towards everything around you. You need to love the wrinkles on your face, your lazy spouse, your quarrelsome neighbor - everyone. Love releases energy and magically transforms her. The sentence “I love you” is an opportunity to gain full access to the feeling of the Divine essence and passing it through oneself.

6. Intention is secondary to inspiration. Intentions are the children of the mind, and inspiration comes to us from God. There comes a time when we submit and begin to listen to his instructions, instead of demanding and waiting in vain. Intention is a stupid attempt to take the reins of control of your life into your own hands, based on a limited vision of your Self. Inspiration can be compared to a direct message from higher powers; we can only act in accordance with its content. Intentions work, but give only limited results, while inspiration, with the same initial data, transforms our entire life. Think about what you will choose.

About the healing methods given in the work “Life without limits. Secret Hawaiian technique"

  • To find good health, you should be guided in your life and in your relationships with others by the following principles:
  • Nothing exists outside of me; everything is present as thought forms in my mind.
  • The material Universe, like a mirror, reflects my thoughts.
  • Only I am fully responsible for transforming negative thoughts that create harmful reality.
  • I alone am 100% responsible for the birth of my personal physical Universe.
  • If my thoughts are negative, they create a dark, harmful reality.
  • If my thoughts are harmonious and full of love, they create physical reality, where God is Love.

When we restore self-identity with the help of Ho'oponopono, every problem turns from a difficult test into a kind of opportunity, potential. Problems are only reminiscences of our past, allowing us to more often take advantage of opportunities to look at our life and our personality through the eyes of Love and be guided by inspiration.

How to forget about illnesses forever

Communicate with your body. Be sure to say out loud: “I love you. I'm delighted with the way you look. Thank you for having me. If I have offended or offended you in any way, please forgive me.” Forget for a while about the bustle of life and carefully study your physical shell. And let your gaze be filled with adoration and gratitude. “I thank you for the fact that I am in you. I am grateful that I can move in space. Thank you for every beat of my heart and every breath I take.”

Treat your body like a trusted friend, not a slave. Talk to him like you would a baby. Become true comrades with him.

According to Norretranders, every second human organs feelings immerse us in a sea of ​​information consisting of millions and billions of bits. But our brain can only handle 40 bits per second. The rest of the huge number of bits is simply melted down into experience, essentially unusable.

As Hew Len said, we should not worry about what happens to us here and now. We just need to accept everything exactly as it is and blindly trust in a higher power. And here it is important to remember our full responsibility for what happens to us in our mortal life. The doctor calls his work cleansing himself. And it is true. When self-purification occurs, his world is amazed impeccable cleanliness, because it contains this whole world. Everything else outside of it is dreams, illusions and mental projections.

This description brings to mind a little Jung, because external world, which you see, hear and touch, is nothing more than a hidden projection of your inner world. But Hugh Len's concept far exceeded this definition. He says that everything around is only mirror reflection the human personality itself, and only we are responsible for leveling our negative experience through spiritual union with Divine essence. The only way to correct another individual is the phrase “I love you” said to God, which can also be designated by the words Love, Universe and all the others invented by man to name higher powers.

How to fix the situation

There are 4 affirmations that must be repeated constantly when you talk to God: “I am grateful to you,” “I love you,” “I am very sorry,” “Please forgive me for everything.” In short, Ho'oponopono is a very effective way solving problems, but all the processes inside take place within the person himself. Everything about this technique is extremely simple. For the ancient Hawaiians, thought was the germ of a problem, but thought itself was not the cause of the problem. Then what's the matter? It’s just that all our thought forms are burdened with unpleasant memories of situations, people and places we have visited.

Our mind itself is not able to cope with the flow of problems, since it only performs a control function. And managing does not mean forgetting about problems. To free yourself from them forever, you should use the Ho'oponopono technique, then your negative thoughts will be accepted into your bosom high power, cleanses them and neutralizes them negative impact. There is a process of not purifying a place, event or person, but purifying the energy associated with them. This is the first stage of Ho'oponopono.

Then the real miracles begin. The energy is not only neutralized, but also released, due to which additional space appears, called Emptiness in Buddhism. On final stage you let God into you, who fills this emptiness with a blinding light. To use Ho'oponopono, you don't need to know exactly what your mistake or problem is. You just need to determine what is causing your mind, soul or body to suffer. After delineating the problem, we proceed to clear it by saying, “I am very sorry. I'm sorry".

You can learn more about the secrets of Ho'oponopono from the book by D. Vitale, H. Lin “Life without limits. Secret Hawaiian technique"

In tradition North American Indians There is an unusually attractive custom - give-away. On the occasion of important celebrations related to the life of the tribe, or on the occasion important events V personal life Indians donated things to the community that belonged to them personally.

Don't think that this is how they got rid of things of little value. Quite the opposite, they gave away all the best. It happened that they gave literally everything while remaining in a loincloth.

In return, each member of the tribe gave something to the donor. In such communities, prestige was enjoyed not by the one who had, but by the one who gave everything. From our point of view, such views are difficult to understand.


Choose some little things that are important to you. These could be souvenirs associated with someone, with some events, old photographs. Imagine that you need to part with them, let’s say, give them away. How might this make you feel? Could you easily do this?

Depending on the psychological type You can do this easily or, conversely, with great difficulty. Everyone can react differently. The value of a thing is expressed in in this case not materially, but emotionally.

This exercise reveals to us one of the sides of our character: attachment to things. The most valuable things are those that can be both in the physical world and in the subtle one.

Our give-away The Ho'oponopono practice described below will be for you.

These techniques came to us from the Hawaiian kagunas. One of them, Morran Nalamaku Simona, retold it for Europeans. During the training, she said that the more people perform these practices, the less misfortune and illness there will be in a given society. We convey this thought to you.

Ho'oponopono is a technique for balancing energy and harmony in our lives through forgiveness. Thanks to her, we can heal our soul and body.

In this practice, you must adhere to the directions and not change any of its parts. This is especially true for the fragment where you will receive permission to perform it in a special way.

To release negative emotions and memories, first of all, we must become aware of it. We don’t always want to remember them; we often try to banish them from consciousness.

However, in order to start working with them, you first need to see them, acknowledge them and understand that they exist.

So, let's prepare some cards of blank paper. In order, write down according to the proposed scheme all the problems, personalities, objects, cases associated with this group.

If during this work you remember any negative or positive events, write them down too. You don't have to limit yourself to just these names.

In this process, not only specific individuals or events are important, but also events and phenomena that exist in our lives. They, too, can, whether we want it or not, influence our actions, both on the physical and spiritual levels.

Be honest with yourself. Don't show your descriptions to anyone. This is a purification process that is associated only with you and your Younger Personality. Only when you dare to be completely sincere will you receive the trust of your second “I” and a positive effect.

If no event or person associated with this category of problems comes to your mind, write only the name. This way you won't miss anything. Your subconscious will do the rest for you. It will mentally supplement the cards with all the missing elements, consciously or unconsciously forgotten.

We assure you that after you complete this exercise, as you work, you will be reminded of more and more images and events. What at first was completely unrelated to your life can later turn out to be surprisingly important and bring back a lot of memories.

This exercise should be performed until negative emotions completely disappear during the work. Such work can continue for several years. We gain experience almost all our lives, and purifying it also takes a lot of time.

Don't be upset. Everything is as it should be. Thanks to the exercises in this course, it is likely that it will not last very long and will bring positive results.

Be Lucky, Successful, Rich, Loved, Healthy and Happy!

Do you want to study and understand more deeply how the Ho'oponopono method works so that you can consciously apply it in practice for the benefit of YOURSELF and your UNIVERSE?

Everything in life is good, and at the same time something goes wrong... Sound familiar?

You clearly want more, but it’s not clear how to achieve it;
- You are stuck with routine, it seems that one day is exactly like the other;
- There is no required level of mutual understanding with other people;
- Do you feel that something is wrong? life goes on not the way you want;
- Sometimes it seems to you that it is very difficult to work with other people;
- Sometimes it is difficult for you to agree with others or your agreements are violated;
- Everything seems good, but you clearly want more!

Do you find yourself in at least one point? Yes?

I have great news for you: everything can be changed!

Contact us.

Sign up for a Skype meeting Skype: Tatyana Oleinickova and find out how to find a solution to your problem, situation or task. Together we will look at each situation in detail and deal with them.

Skype: Tatyana Oleinickova

[email protected]

Viber: +3 8068-782-79-34

You will understand and experience for yourself the enormous benefits that cleansing can bring.

according to the Ho'oponopono method in all areas of life.

Get answers to questions about the essence of Ho'oponopono in an easy and accessible form:

What does Morrna Nalamaku’s phrase “H’oponopono is the path of complete liberation from the past” mean?
What is the zero state?
What does it mean to trust God/the Universe and how to achieve complete trust?
How God\Universe knows what and how much it attracts (chooses) special person? How does the Higher Mind not confuse us, since we are all created in the image and likeness of the One?
How and what is erased in us when using the Ho'oponopono method?
How to practice the method to get fewer “bumps”?
How not to turn practice into running in circles: from problem to problem?

Get very simple, but highly effective techniques:

on establishing personal relationships;
for rapid transformation of negative emotional states: fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, etc.;
to cleanse the body of energy blocks.
techniques, the use of which facilitates the path of self-knowledge, in particular helps to overcome the most difficult life situations and difficult periods.

There will be an understanding that:

The whole World is You and only You are responsible for it - There are no others in your world.

People often come to me with questions about what to do with their husband, child, neighbor, boss...?

I’ll say right away - you don’t need to do ANYTHING with them.

You can ONLY do it yourself.

Ho'oponopono is an ancient practice of forgiveness and reconciliation that originated in Hawaii. In those places, it is traditionally and now used by shamans, in the process of healing, performing the functions of ministers of worship, or in another way - kahuna. They organize forgiveness practices among all family members of the person who has sought help.

Many Polynesian cultures believe that illness is caused by human mistakes in life. Confession and recognition of one's mistakes and shortcomings is a therapy that prevents the onset of illness or heals it. The patient himself and his family members can confess, and if this is not done in a timely manner, he may die. There is an opinion confirmed by practice that secrecy, concealment of problems and mistakes intensifies the disease. When erroneous actions are recognized and realized, they no longer have power over a person. At the same time, directly performing rituals aimed at liberation from “mistakes”, using, for example, “forgiveness” rituals, can help heal. That is, confession and repentance - a ritual of forgiveness - real way recovery internal balance. Thus, the Hawaiian method of ho'oponopono is practically the easiest way to achieve health if the cause of the disease lies in internal negative blocks.

In 1976, the Hawaiian healer Morna Nalamaku Shimeona began to spread her own version of Ho-o-pono-pono, adapting the ritual for any problem, considering this method as a way psychological assistance a person to himself. As in traditional Hawaiian practice, she also highlights the basic tools of Ho'oponopono: confession, repentance, prayer, forgiveness. However, in her opinion, the root of the problem is negative karma and a person must experience on himself everything that he has done to others.

Wrong actions retain the memory of themselves in the human Soul and are reflected until they are worked out in various incarnations, manifesting themselves as the cause of what is happening. The Law of Karma (Cause and Effect) prevails throughout life. And the goal is to free yourself from this negative experience, work through traumas, removing them from the field of the Soul, purifying the Spirit.

Life Without Limits - Zero State

In 1992, after Simeon's death, her former administrator and student Ihaleakala Hew Len, co-authored with Joe Vitale, wrote a book that, when translated into Russian, sounds like “Life Without Limits”, in the original the title of the book is “Zero State”.

The book tells the story of the use of Ho'oponopono by one Hawaiian doctor who achieved stunning healing results while working with patients in a psychiatric clinic.

Hugh Len brings to the technique new idea"zero state" in which there are no memories, no identification and no restrictions. To achieve results, you need to repeat a certain mantra (more on this below) and take full 100% responsibility for the actions of everyone around you, and not just for yourself. Responsibility for everything heard, seen, touched, felt or otherwise experienced. That is, you should look for the problem in yourself. After all, since something happened in your life, it means you somehow created it and are responsible for it. Everything outside exists as a projection of a person’s inner world, and in order to change the reality around you, you need to change yourself. And if we proceed from the concept of the integrity of the world and the universe, when a person purifies his consciousness, he also purifies the consciousness of others to whom the practice is directed.

Ho'oponopono is also suitable for cleansing territories, space, objects, and events. This is a universal method.

Ho'oponopono practice

By changing thoughts, actions, words according to the Ho'oponopono technique, we release energy in a certain way and launch an important process of purification on the spiritual and energy level. Using this method, a person can almost completely solve many problems and remove those blocks from his subconscious that prevent him from finding happiness and achieving success. The secret of Ho'oponopono lies in just four basic meditation phrases:


Self-authenticity using Ho'oponopono is based on the following principles:

  • Solving problems within the individual.
  • Only you and your “I” are involved.
  • You are alone with yourself.
  • Your repentance to yourself.
  • 100% responsibility.
  • Realization of self-forgiveness.

A person's self-knowledge through Ho'oponopono makes it possible to see any problem as an opportunity, and not as a test. Therefore, situations (problems) are just programs of the past that give people the opportunity to act through awareness and see the world through the eyes of Love.

Ho'oponopono meditation, for clearing a situation that can exist for even several generations, is very simple. It gives a chance to cleanse the Soul by simply addressing the problem: “Please forgive me,” “I love you,” “I’m very sorry,” “Thank you.” In this case, the Love of your heart erases negative memories.

Using Ho'oponopono, there is no point in understanding with the mind what is happening, because at this moment we look at the world through the eyes of the Heart, which means we speak the language of Love. To clear the situation in Ho'oponopono, to resolve the situation and work through the problem, you need to do this meditation several times a day, morning and evening, for several days (minimum 7 days, maximum unlimited). This happens because many of our memories are layered on top of each other and are waiting for their turn to be deleted.

You can start practicing Ho'oponopono at any time. For example, when you are heading to work or driving back home. Practice Hawaiian method to implement it into your life. Use it in any difficult situations, when any problems arise, when they come into your life.

Say the key phrases of this practice, not automatically, but with an open heart. And you will see how negative situations disappear from your life, and more and more harmonious and positive situations begin to surround you.

These phrases activate a certain state within us, our vibrations become higher, because behind them is the power of Love, which can change everything.

“I’m very sorry - because I’m the reason for this situation.
Forgive me - I am very sorry that everything happened like this.
I love you - with all my soul and with all my heart.
I thank you - because thanks to you, I created this situation and now I will change my life for the better.”

When you SINCERELY, with all your Soul, pronounce these phrases, the negative charge is reset and the negative manifestations of your life that work around you cease to act. In ho'oponopono, healings are manifested in this way. Note - this is very important, you don’t have to think about HOW to heal yourself or HOW to improve the situation, everything will happen by itself. Write down these phrases on a piece of paper, in a notepad or on your phone and practice with them for at least 7 days. And you will be convinced of the effectiveness of Hawaiian Ho'oponopono.

If you need the help of a Master Guide in practicing this method and/or enhancing the effect of this method, you can contact the leading consultant on parapsychic issues of the Success Center - Elena Svetlaya. She successfully practices various healing systems, including Ho'oponopono, as well as Reiki, Theta Healing, Rickol Healing and others.

Clairvoyant magician Elena Svetlaya conducts remote diagnostics and healing at a distance and using photographs. In the Elena Svetlaya Success Center, you can carry out diagnostics energy field, clear the field of negativity, restore the field, harmonize energy flows, conduct various effective White rituals to improve health, order protective amulets (evil eye, damage), money amulets, health amulets and other services. Details can be found on the page.

For those who want to improve their health using the practice of Reiki, magician and esoteric healer Elena Svetlaya conducts remote sessions and provides consultations. Elena Svetlaya uses in healing A complex approach- BODY-SOUL-SPIRIT, as a single human system and transfers it, through harmonization and attunement to higher vibrations, including by changing approaches to nutrition and lifestyle. As a result, the diseases recede. At the same time, everyone can learn various techniques self-healing and spiritual harmonization. Psychic abilities and practical experience allow the clairvoyant to provide people with versatile assistance.

You can read more about Elena Svetlaya’s professional specialization.

For the spiritual, energetic and physical healing of people, the Elena Svetlaya Success Center has developed a unique Service No. 7 - esoteric healing.

Service No. 7 – Elena Svetlaya’s original technique, which includes: remote meditations, enchanted foods and objects, various effective rituals on a magical altar with healing stones and enchanted candles, mandatory nutritional recommendations, and much more. The person receives extra energy, necessary for the body for self-healing and self-restoration. From the first sessions, a person’s biofield is significantly strengthened and after completing one to three courses and following all recommendations, as practice shows, most diseases recede. Elena Svetlaya’s technique helps a person in need of healing to achieve the higher vibrations of Soul and Body necessary for this.

To schedule a consultation, you can contact Elena Svetlaya by sending a request to email elena@website, with the subject line “Reiki Healing” or by clicking on the button at the bottom of the article “Sign up for a consultation.” Price Services No. 7 are negotiated individually, depending on the problem and depth of elaboration!

With hope and Faith in the Best,
Your Elena Svetlaya