Hawaiian ho'oponopono system. Ho'oponopono meditation to clear the situation in relationships with people

One day a man asked Morrna, the man who adapted Ho'oponopono into modern style, is it worth marrying this girl? Morrna replied that she was standing.

A few years later, he came to Morrna again, already divorced, and said, “You said that you can get married.” See how it all turned out! And she: “Have you cleansed yourself?”

So it turns out that all those people whom we consider our other halves are the most necessary and important people! with whom we share a huge number of programs!!!

And that, in my opinion, was a great idea. You live with a person, look at him as if in a mirror and work on yourself. Well, who doesn’t have irritation, resentment in family life. As they say, this is an everyday matter. A loved one only pushes our buttons to show us what else in you needs to be released.

That's what I was thinking the other day. But did God create us so that we would not be pleased with each other? No. There is only one answer - something happened at some point that we introduced into ourselves a program of pain and resentment in a relationship with a loved one.

A long time ago, even before ho’oponopono, in one of the films about love, the phrase “If you love a person, let him go, if it’s yours, he will return.” A truly Ho'oponopon phrase!

There is no need to hide that in a problematic relationship, then one, or even both, tries to save the relationship. Hold, glue what you can. It’s good if both partners have a desire, but when one tries and the other doesn’t? Hmm... A difficult and painful situation.

From a Ho'oponopono point of view, this is an attachment program. And we all know that it really hurts when one doesn’t value the relationship. And mental anguish, tears and snot are just around the corner.

In such situations, “I love you or I don’t love you,” it is very difficult to keep your mouth shut and contain the conflict. However, it is better to do it anyway. And it is best to talk to a person when he is sleeping. Yes, yes, it is better to tell a person everything when the conscious mind is asleep. We know that the conscious will begin to argue and swear. And the subconscious is the Inner Child. It turns out that the conversation will take place with the Inner Child of your loved one.

I would have said To the Inner Child, for example, my husband, how I love him, how glad I am that I have him in my life, that I thank him for everything he does for me and just gratitude for the fact that he is who he is. The main thing is to do this regularly.

From my practice, relationships become much better, full of love and understanding.

And what? I think this is a wonderful way to resolve conflicts and difficult relationships.

And in situations of being together or not being together, it’s better to clear yourself and not expect anything. Of course, everything will be just as wonderful for you and your half. And most importantly, there is no need to cling. The clues are exactly what we all need to work on. We all cling not only in relationships with loved ones, but also to bad habits, money, etc.

I love you!
Thank you

(This article was inspired by the ho-oponopono seminar “The Easiest Path” held by Meabel Katz in Tel Aviv on 12/11/12)

A person’s visible life: situations, meetings, relationships, problems, from personal to social and to a global scale, is a reflection of his internal state. An endless carousel of thoughts in the head creates this world, perceived by a person with the help of the senses. Life is programmed by the subconscious. You can change your life by changing the program of your subconscious. A word, a thought are files, computer database programs of a person’s life. These are our inherent beliefs, attitudes, and memories. They are repeated, such files develop the habit of reacting according to the information they contain. It turns out vicious circle. A situation arises. We in the usual way we react: we deny, we get angry, we get irritated. We accumulate experience of denial, anger, irritation. The situation repeats itself, we react in our usual way. A stable response system is created, supported by us consciously and unconsciously.
Replica from the hall:
– I have problems, I can’t find a job, I’m depressed.
Reply to Meabel Katz:
You can continue to complain about life, get sick, be depressed and you can get out of it. You have a choice. Start cleaning.
Say the phrases: I love you, I'm sorry, forgive me, thank you, I am ME.
when we speak I love you, the destructive program is erased and the program for creating a new reality is launched. Let's say we are working on a document on the computer, then we decide to delete it. We press the button delete and this document ceases to exist in the computer database. when we speak I love you in a situation in which we previously reacted differently or which was ignored, we press the button delete and erase the destructive program of rejection, denial, lies, hatred in our computer of life. Words I love you, thank you, I'm sorry, forgive me- have strength delete destructive attitudes, beliefs and create positive reality every day. When deleting a file or program on a computer, do we understand exactly how the computer does it? We press the button delete automatically and within a few seconds the file is deleted. Our consciousness is not involved in deleting the file. We perform an action - press a button delete and the file ceases to exist. A similar system works in Ho-oponopono. We are not given the opportunity to understand the processes of the universe in its entirety. The capabilities of our intellect are limited in comparison with the information flows and processes occurring in the Universe and in us. We are not given the opportunity to comprehend the divine plan of what is happening in our computer of life. We are given the opportunity to press a button. delete, eliminate the previously created destructive program and launch a program for creating a new reality.
In Ho-oponopono we constantly clean up everything that is perceived as disharmony, because... The source of disharmony in the surrounding world is within us. We mentally repeat one or more phrases of our choice: I love you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thank you, I'm me. Every word changes a destructive program to a positive one.
I love you .
Reply from the audience:
– I have problems with my son, he refuses to go to school, it’s impossible to talk to him, I don’t know what to do.
Meabel Katz's response:
Clean. Your child's actions reflect one of your painful programs. He was born to you to show you something very important to you. Talk to your children while they sleep. In the evening, when he falls asleep, sit down next to his bed and say I love you, I am grateful to you for being in my life. Accept your child the way he came to you, and he will no longer have the need to resist you and prove something. Practice accepting your baby while he sleeps. Most likely, his attitude towards you and towards the school will change.
I am me.
Collocation I am me returns a person’s attention from the outside world to himself. I am me- a way to shift attention to yourself. Repeat to yourself I am me, You will become less distracted by extraneous events, you will enter a state Here and now, you will gradually begin to feel your body from the inside, which will lead you to a state of peace.
Life story:
A nine-year-old girl can’t sleep, she’s worried, she’s worried about what will happen at school tomorrow:
- Mom, mom, I’m worried, what will happen?
- repeat the magic words I am me.
I am me, I am me, I am my worries, mom!
- when you say I am me, your worries leave you.
I am me, I am me, I am me, I am me, - the girl fell silent. After a while she fell asleep peacefully.
I regret.
Everything that happens around me is related to my unconscious inner world. External world it is so because programs for its creation work inside me. When I speak I regret that my internal programs create such a world - I break my unconscious contract with the destructive program. I regret- means that I let go of my delusions, fears and traumas that launch destructive programs inside me.
A wonderful key to Ho-oponopono is the phrase Hawai'i, which translated from Hawaiian means the breath and water of God (Creator, Divine). When you find it difficult to say the magic words I love you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thank you, say Hawai'i. Collocation Hawai'i also erases the destructive program and launches a positive one. Collocation practice Hawai'i shows amazing results. I have experience working with so-called Hawaiian fears, fears that need to be pronounced in the ancient Hawaiian language for healing. Voicing fears in ancient Hawaiian is similar in many ways to Hawai'i.
Reply from the audience:
- I have Small child, he draws on the walls. My wife yells at him. She's angry. I look at all this and get irritated and angry at both my wife and child. What should I do?
Meabel Katz's response:
Clean. At the moment when you become a participant in the situation, mentally repeat healing phrases. Choose what suits you and repeat.
While speaking magic words I love you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, thank you Your attention switches, you consciously leave the situation and become outside observers. By observing the situation, you preserve it; your non-interference contributes to the fading of the conflict. By being there and repeating the magic words, you erase your programs that caused this situation in your life.
Reply from the audience:
– I don’t have so much time to repeat thank you – thank you – thank you all day long, it’s boring...
Meabel Katz's response:
You reason, start cleaning.
In my experience Ho technique - oponopono becomes effective with practice. Everything looks very simple. Magic words- phrases known to everyone. The difficulty is to start repeating these simple phrases at times of stress, when you begin to get drawn into negative emotional situations. The difficulty is to turn off the mind, discard doubts and rational beliefs; it is important to say the magic words mentally. When you press the button delete You have no understanding of how a file is deleted on a computer and at the same time you know that this is really so.
Magic words work whether you believe in them or not. Say these words mentally, let the healing vibration of magic words into your life.
Magic words work a thousand times more powerful when you believe in them.
Words are part of you, faith in them is faith in yourself, in your strength.
You create a program for your life.

There are a huge number of techniques in the world that help make positive adjustments in your life. IN Lately A practice called “hooponopono” has become widespread. Anyone can use it, following simple rules.

What is Ho'oponopono?

The Hawaiian method that helps you find harmony within yourself and achieve success in all aspects of life is called ho'oponopono. At regular use a person can achieve growth and enlightenment. Translated from Hawaiian, this name means “to correct a mistake.” The Hawaiian technique of ho'oponopono is based on four phrases that purify the soul and mind.

  1. "I love you". Such words help a person through love to come to the truth. They also increase self-esteem and teach you to love yourself.
  2. "I'm really sorry". By saying this phrase, a person expresses regret about the negative thoughts and actions that caused the launch of unfavorable programs.
  3. "I'm sorry". Such words in the Ho'oponopono method represent repentance and a plea for forgiveness for past actions and thoughts. When pronouncing them, you can feel freedom.
  4. "Thank you". The phrase is intended to express gratitude to the Universe and To higher powers for what a person has.

Philosophy of Ho'oponopono

Regular practices give a person a chance to cope with various problems, for example, get rid of a pessimistic view of the world, conflict situations And . Ho'oponopono is produced in humans positive reactions to life’s difficulties, and helps to heal the spirit, and with it the body. The Hawaiian method gives a person a chance to find guidance in life and achieve harmony in himself. You can get all this by clearing memory of garbage. Known basic principles of ho'oponopono:

  1. The physical Universe is embodied in human thoughts.
  2. If you think positively, then you can create a reality based on love.
  3. Each person bears full responsibility for his life and for what happens around him.
  4. Negative thinking only attracts problems.
  5. Nothing in life exists separately from a person, since these are the results of his thoughts.

How to practice ho'oponopono?

To use the Hawaiian method, you do not need to create certain conditions, because everything is simple. The practice of ho'oponopono allows the use of some available items:

  1. Coins help change a person's attitude towards finance. You need to talk to them, be sure to ask for forgiveness.
  2. The flower is used to appeal to divine powers. Turn to him for love. The plant will good companion on the path to self-purification.
  3. A drop of dew counts a powerful tool to cleanse yourself of negativity.
  4. A butterfly helps remove negativity and find the right way to perfection.
  5. A pencil with an eraser is used to erase negative memories.
  6. The sunflower is a symbol of abundance and harmony, including in the material sphere.

Ho'oponopono conversation with money

Many people have problems related to finances. To deal with them, they are often used various conspiracies, rituals and meditative techniques, which include ho'oponopono. The method involves the formation correct attitude to money, creating positive energy and using verbal formulas. There are special instructions on how to properly practice ho'oponopono for money:

  1. A person must understand that money is nothing more than a means to achieve goals. It is important to treat them with gratitude.
  2. It is important to stop having fears related to finances. Many people are afraid of losing their job or money, which creates an internal block that prevents them from interacting with cash flow. It is important to accept your fears and live happily.
  3. The ho'oponopono method for attracting money involves composing a phrase to appeal to money, which will express gratitude, regret, a request for forgiveness and love. For example: “Money coming into my life, thank you for that. I'm sorry for my fear of losing you, forgive me for that. I truly love you."

Ho'oponopono cleansing of negativity

  1. A new and unsharpened pencil must be activated with the word “dew.” It should be used periodically and for each session new pencil no need to buy.
  2. To cleanse yourself of negativity, you need to tap a pencil on an object or your body, mentally repeating the activation word to enhance the effect.
  3. It is important to imagine how everything negative is erased. This technique provides a chance to carry out deep cleansing, even affecting previous generations.

Ho'oponopono - how to get your loved one back?

The technique helps to cope with various problems, including those related to personal life. To do this you need to use general algorithm action, which includes several principles.

  1. The Hawaiian system of ho'oponopono forces a person to analyze his own condition in order to understand what caused his lover to leave. Often, internal blocks that arise as a result of fears or resentments are to blame.
  2. You need to forgive yourself and your lover who left. The situation must be reset.
  3. Finally, the ho'oponopono method involves the formation of a special code phrase, which will include four main components: a request for forgiveness, regret, gratitude and recognition.

How to improve the health of ho'oponopono?

If you have various diseases, in addition to the main treatment prescribed by your doctor, you can use additional ways to speed up the healing process. The ho'oponopono method for curing diseases involves going through certain steps:

  1. It is necessary to remember when the disease was caused, since it is always based on some kind of stress or other irritating factor. It is believed that heart problems occur in people who showed indifference to others, or, conversely, forgot about themselves, paying attention to others.
  2. Let go of the situation, forgive yourself and other people responsible for the current situation. After this you should feel comfortable.
  3. The ho'oponopono method involves composing a special verbal form, focusing on four important principles. Repeat the text until the problem goes away.

Ho'oponopono for marriage

Many girls worry that their partner does not propose marriage, and often internal blocks and negative energy. The Ho'oponopono technique helps change relationships with a loved one for the better.

  1. First you need to get rid of negative thoughts, emotions and fears.
  2. Mentally ask your loved one to forgive for possible offenses and forgive him yourself.
  3. Ho'oponopono for women who want to, includes a conversation with a loved one and it is better to do this when he is sleeping, since in this state the unconscious part comes first, which will easily perceive information.
  4. Say a code phrase to get your lover to propose, remembering to include the four main components discussed earlier.

Ho'oponopono for weight loss

Specialists Hawaiian method present excess weight in the form of a negative program that you can get rid of. To do this, you need to work on self-esteem and start loving yourself. Eat certain rules how to lose weight with ho'oponopono.

  1. It is necessary to remember when the weight began to increase, since it almost always becomes a reaction to numerous stresses and negative memories.
  2. It is important to throw off the burden of the past by analyzing the situation and understanding what conclusions were made.
  3. The next stage of the Ho'oponopono method involves having a conversation with your body. Say that you consider yourself beautiful man, thank your appearance and ask your body for forgiveness for not giving it the opportunity.
  4. Learn to treat food correctly, perceiving it as fuel for the body.

Ho'oponopono - prayer for everyone

The Hawaiian method offers not only meditation, but also a prayer text that is used in different situations. It is recommended to read it after you already have an understanding of what ho'oponopono is and how to use it correctly. The sacred text was proposed by the Hawaiian shaman Morrna. The incoming ho'oponopono prayer can be said during the day, but if this is not possible, then read it at least in the morning and before bed.

Why doesn't ho'oponopono work?

You can find reviews from people who claim that such meditative practices do not produce any results. The explanation for this is quite banal and lies in misuse existing method and non-compliance existing rules. Ho'oponopono and faith are two inseparable things that activate energy. Many people count on quick results, so they skip important stages preparation and cleansing of the body. It is important to follow all the rules flawlessly.

Ho'oponopono and Orthodoxy

Among people who regularly use techniques for cleansing negativity, there are many believers different religions. Pronouncing affirmations and self-hypnosis cannot become an obstacle to faith. Experts say that the method is beyond understanding and in no way interferes with going to church and saying prayers. Many practitioners claim that ho'oponopono and Christianity have much in common; during meditation, they often see saints next to them, who are helpers of all believers.

How to change your life or what is the Ho'oponopono method, which has helped millions of people become happy!

“I live and create in the special light of the Lord”

Michelangelo Buanarroti

You say them in order to cleanse yourself. Not so that God can forgive, but to cleanse himself.

Speak "Thank you".

By radiating love to God, you will be able to feel and accept God's love. You can be cleansed through these words.

Believe me, changes will not keep you waiting.

Thoughts will become clearer, new ones will appear interesting ideas that you want to bring to life, and you will definitely be able to do it, because God will always be with you.

If it is true that thoughts come to us from the subconscious even before we understand it, then what’s wrong, that these will be bright thoughts that we will like, that we most wanted and were waiting for!

If a problem arises along the way, just repeat to yourself: “I'm so sorry,” “Please forgive me,” “Thank you,” and “I love you” are life-changing words!

And if everything is fine and there are no problems, just sometimes repeat these four magic phrases to yourself.

Speaking "I'm really sorry", we apologize for allowing infiltration negative experience into our memory, into our consciousness, which was the cause of this problem. "Please forgive me". We, as it were, ask for forgiveness from ourselves in order to cleanse ourselves of this experience and let in divine love into your soul.

“Thank you, thank you.” You thank God for the opportunity to cleanse yourself and open yourself to his love. "I love you" like the main key that opens the doors of your heart.

God loves us very much and has already forgiven us.

And we must open ourselves to him, purifying ourselves.

Give thanks for the problems you face, because they provide an opportunity to cleanse yourself of what caused it within us. It arose because something inside like a magnet attracted it into your life.

If you meet people on your way who are having a very hard time, then cleanse yourself with these four phrases. After all, this is what is happening in you, manifested as life experience in the form of the suffering of this person. After all, our happiness is inside us, and not outside (about this).

If you are annoyed by your acquaintance or work colleague, it means that this is probably inherent in you too. Just repeat these words to yourself and you will be cleansed, and the irritation will pass, since there will no longer be the reasons that caused it. (Highly recommend - ?)

When asking God for help, ask for forgiveness for what happens in us. Address what is happening within ourselves. Nothing exists outside of us. Heal yourself, heal your neighbor.

Ask for your healing and everyone around you will feel better.

By purifying yourself you create new world where you will live

As you can see, everything is extremely simple, but simplicity is the truth. Faith is a very subjective and abstract concept. You can believe in anything, and in the sea of ​​information you can easily find confirmation of even the most seemingly impossible things.

But there is something that you don’t need to prove or explain to anyone. This is every person's need for love. And if we all loved everyone around us and everything around us, then heaven would reign on Earth. Is it possible? I don't know. But I am absolutely sure of one thing: everyone should start with themselves. The world begins with me. Don't try to fix everything around you and all the people around you. Cleanse yourself and your soul and this will be the best thing you can do.

Where this ancient Hawaiian teaching came from I have no idea. But I don't want to know. I love what it teaches. And if these are the beautiful four phrases: “I love you,” “Thank you,” “I’m so sorry,” “Please forgive me,” then just great. Everything that teaches us to love comes from God, who loves you right now in this moment and will always love you.

Just repeat these words every day and your life will begin to change. If you are able to repeat them easily and naturally, then this already says a lot about you.

I love you!

If you are interested in the topic of life after death, then be sure to read two articles and express your opinion:


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There are two ways to live. You can live as if miracles don't happen.
And you can live as if everything in this world is a miracle.
Albert Einstein

Joe Vitale is the author of books on wish fulfillment techniques and other New Age techniques. For example, his books such as “The Key” or “The Attraction Factor” are widely popular. He became known to most after starring in the interview film “The Secret.” I want to talk about one of the most interesting methods of Joe Vitale, which he borrowed from the shamanic practices of the indigenous peoples of Hawaii, the so-called “Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness” or Ho’oponopono.

Ho'oponono means "to bring order" in the native Hawaiian language. It looks like this.

Let’s say you are surrounded by a world that you not only don’t like, but that being in it is very uncomfortable, even to the point of a vital threat - a threat to your life and health. This situation is extreme, when, in fact, the Ho’oponono technique was first used by a “Western” person.

And then you have not just a desire, but a concentrated intention to change the world around you, to change the situation. Native Hawaiians call this “heal, cure the world,” quite in the spirit of shamanism - the shaman only heals, he is a healer.

So how will we heal the world? Should we pour aspirin down his throat, like a whale, so that he doesn’t sneeze and capsize our boat? No, comrades, you don’t have enough money to buy that much aspirin! Leave this idea.

In order to heal the world, the ho'oponono technique suggests healing oneself. No no no! This is not at all about a complacent desire to “change your attitude to the problem” and other blah blah blah, which is very annoying. We are talking about magic, about sorcery, about a specific technique.

Let me give you a living example from Joe Vitale. The first educated person (with higher medical education and clinical practice) applied the ho'oponono technique like this. He was transferred to work in a hospital for the seriously mentally ill. It was something like a closed mental hospital zone, where the most terrible and absolutely hopeless, from the point of view of medicine and society, people end up. Atmosphere on new job was suffocating, the medical staff were afraid of their patients, the staff turnover was almost obscene. Patients were either chained to beds or moved through corridors in handcuffs, under heavy guard.

Having started work, the new psychiatrist did not call in a single patient and did not begin to review the previous medicinal methods treatment. To be honest, he had no time for patients. He sat in his office and frantically thought: “How did you, my dear, come to live like this? Why did fate place you in this pleasant place? Why did you create SUCH a world around you?”

And so the doctor began to heal. He took it in his hands medical records his new patients and worked... on himself. The doctor himself described this process in these words:

“I was just healing the parts of me that created them.”

And so, as the psychiatrist sat locked in his office and worked on himself, the patients began to get better. A miracle happened: those who, due to their violence, walked around in handcuffs, began to move freely around the hospital building, those who were on the strongest medications stopped receiving them, as they no longer needed them, and those who could have been discharged were discharged compensated. And four years later, all the patients of this small department were compensated and the department itself was closed. This mass healing was known widely and narrow circles, and Joe Vitale also learned about the miracle doctor. He interviewed him and asked him to reveal the principles of this technique in more detail.

The technique turned out to be simple, like all ingenious things. The first thing you need to understand (and what the doctor did): you and no one else are responsible for everything that happens in your life, in other words:

The whole world was created by you!

There is nothing that is outside. And this is not the primitive solipsism of an egoist-egocentric - it is much deeper, it holism - philosophy of the Whole. No man is - Island. We are all just part of a single and endless Continent. So don't ask for whom the bell tolls, it always tolls for you.

Here's what Joe Vitale writes about this: “If you want improve your life, you need cure own life. If you want to cure someone—even a crazy person—you can do it if you cure yourself.”

And, finally, the most important thing: what did the psychiatrist say when looking at the patients’ charts, what does the mantra of the ho’oponopono technique sound like?

It consists of four short phrases:

  1. I love you
  2. I am sorry
  3. Please forgive me
  4. Thank you

When translated into Russian, the elusive semantic line of difference between one “forgive me” is lost I am sorry and the second “forgive me” Please forgive me.

“I am sorry” is translated into Russian as “I’m very sorry.” Not a very appropriate phrase for meditative prayer. A more accurate translation would be “I repent” or simply “I repent, repent, repent”... Then everything falls into place: I repent, Forgive me.

You can pronounce these mantras both in Russian and in English language. However, the hackneyed phrase (and not only this one) “I am sorry”, which the office plankton likes to shove in here and there, can distract thoughts from meditation, turning it into a banal set of cliched phrases. Therefore, Ho'oponopono meditation can and should still be done in one's own language. native language.

Among other things, the Hawaiian doctor Ihaliakala Hew Len himself literally says the following: “there is no reason to say I am sorry. Just the I love you and Thank you(to the Divine) is all needed!

So, no need to apologize. To contact the Universe, just two phrases are enough:

  1. I love you!
  2. Thank you! (Thank you!)

The ho'oponopono technique works as a cleansing of those attitudes that block our progress towards happiness and harmony on a subconscious level. “Ho”o” - “reason”, “ponopono” - “improvement”. The “reason” that with our thoughts we have created a world-prison for ourselves is our thoughts. “Improvement” is the process of improving these thoughts in active “thinking” ”, in the healing repetition of new thoughts.

These simple phrases need to be addressed 1) to yourself and 2) to those people and situations that “create” for us a world that looks like a prison.

But before you start chanting any mantras, I want to warn you, in the words of Joe Vitale himself, from making a mistake that could be fatal:

“The answer to their prayers is what they feel rather than what they say. Most people pray out of desperation... Which means they will get what they feel - more desperation!”

Therefore, when pronouncing any meditation phrase, including hooponopono meditation, think about the meaning of what you are talking about. Let it be slow and little by little at first, but it will be correct. Like a play played on musical instrument with the timid fingers of a student.

This is the most important and undeniable idea in this whole “story about the Hawaiian natives.”

If you want to “cure” someone or something (even a crazy person), you can only do it if you cure yourself first.

Here's an obvious example. Let's say you are attacked by bees. Of course, we immediately say that these are “bad” bees. But if we find out the reason for their malicious interest in you, then the matter takes a different turn. Bees don't like perfume, and you sprayed yourself with it. Stop wearing perfume and the bees will stop noticing you.

Everything in life is much more subtle than the story about bees, so psychological maps are needed to unravel what the secret is.

Continuing with the example of the lady who for some reason smells like all the harsh synthetic scents in July, we can conclude: our hypothetical lady is in great need of a heart-to-heart conversation... with herself!

1. She needs to sincerely and motherly love herself for something like this... (and not stuff her “ridiculous self” with artificial perfume).

2. She also needs, with tears of relief, to repent of something she did wrong before herself, to admit her long-standing wrong, mistake, stubbornness in something in relation to the world and people - because it happens to everyone.

3. She needs to ask herself for forgiveness for the harm that she causes to herself.

4. And finally, she needs to rationally thank herself for something good and valuable that she has and that she has done and can still do. A reason to be proud of yourself. And these are not provocative perfumes, but something better.

First part of the layout. Working to Heal Me

Now you will consciously say these 4 phrases, addressing yourself:

- I love you,

– I am sorry,

- Please forgive me,

- Thank you.

Think about the meaning and content of what you are talking about, and don’t repeat it like a parrot mantra. And for this we need cards that will fill every phrase with meaning and weight.

We work with spontaneous cards "1000 Lives". There are 4 Positions in the layout.


I love myself sincerely and motherly because I...


I admit that I was wrong in relation to the world and people when I... Now I don’t need it and I don’t want to do it anymore.


I admit that I have harmed myself by thinking and doing...

I apologize to myself for this stupidity and will not cause such harm to myself again!


Finally, I am proud of myself like a father and value myself for a number of my undoubted valuable qualities and abilities, as well as the actions I perform, namely...

Second Part of the Layout. Work on healing the Other (Problematic).

However, the “crazy people” still haven’t stopped bothering us, and they also need to be “treated.”

But we address any Other People briefly and with only two mega-replicas (they are enough if you work properly - with yourself).

1. I love you!

2. Thank you!

As you remember, these phrases must be repeated despite everything that happens. But they, too, need to be filled with Meaning, and not chanted like a fool with a mantra he doesn’t understand. And cards will help us again in finding meaning, but now – spontaneous cards “1000 Roads”.

There are 2 Positions in the layout.


I love you!

Why? How can I do this? What should I try to see in you?..


Thank you!

For what? What do I get thanks to you?

Psychological cards “1000 ideas”, “1000 lives” and “1000 roads”, as well as guides to working with decks, books with exercises and layouts can be purchased in our