Cotton satin. Description quality characteristics. Classification by staining method

This is not a lipstick that contains a certain ingredient or requires application in a certain way, but cosmetic product, which gives a certain visual effect on lips after application. Its name comes from the name of the fabric "satin", which was originally made from pure cotton, and later synthetic additives were added to it.

Satin has a dense structure, but at present it is not easy to find pure (that is, without synthetics) satin, so for many fashionistas its appearance is a real mystery. Real satin does not shine, but shines with a soft and uniform glossy shine. Despite its density, it is not at all hard to the touch, but soft and smooth. Products made of satin are usually devoid of unnecessary bells and whistles, on the contrary, they are distinguished by simplicity and restraint, which is characteristic of especially expensive things.

Almost the same can be said about satin lipstick. It is usually rich in pigments and has excellent coverage. This lipstick is very different from matte, although it also reflects light. The main difference is that reflecting the light, this lipstick does not shine, but it shines and therefore attracts maximum attention. It is quite expensive, but many experts argue that it is much more profitable to buy one such lipstick than several cheap ones.

How to keep makeup for a long time

Women have to paint their lips several times a day, but they rarely pay attention to how well they do it. Many people think that it is enough to shape the lips. contour pencil and smear them with gloss or lipstick several times. However, in this case, as a rule, after a few hours nothing will remain of the lipstick, except for the spreading contour line and traces in the corners of the lips, which looks very strange and sloppy.

Satin lipstick is not too resistant, so several times a day, especially if used at the same time fatty foods, it needs to be updated. Every woman who wants to keep her makeup as long as possible should know a few rules for applying makeup that will help them not worry about the appearance of their lips for at least a few hours. First of all, you should remember the need for regular cleansing of the lips. Experienced experts recommend doing it every night, and immediately before applying lipstick, thoroughly clean the lips with a moistened tonic. cotton pad or special foam for the face.

What to do if lips are chapped or flaky

Licking lips in the cold is a habit of so many people, and satin lipstick requires that the lips have a perfectly even surface, as it draws attention to their smallest defects. Both weathered and sun-chapped lips covered with satin lipstick look very ugly. First you need to make their surface not only clean, but also smooth.

The easiest way to deal with such a problem is with peeling using special means. However, it should be borne in mind that facial products are not suitable for peeling delicate skin on the lips: the cleansing abrasive particles in such products are a bit harsh and will make the appearance of damaged skin even more unaesthetic. For this purpose, special lip scrubs are required, containing soft nylon or cellulose granules that gently exfoliate dead and damaged particles from the surface of the lips. If such a peeling cannot cope with a too dense crust on the lips, it should be softened with a lanolin-based cream and only then try peeling.

The secrets of proper makeup

Satin or matte lipsticks usually used to create daytime images. Pearlescent lipstick, like any other. if it is dyed purple, for daytime makeup is not suitable, because in sunlight it gives the lips an unsightly, “dead” look. A contour pencil for daytime makeup is also not used, as it deprives the appearance of naturalness.

Sometimes lips with satin lipstick applied daylight look dry. You don't need to apply gloss to deal with this, it's much better to use regular Vaseline, which will give the lips a naturally hydrated look. If there is any doubt that the lipstick will last on the lips for a sufficiently long time, cosmetologists recommend lightly powdering them.

In order for the lipstick to lay down neatly and evenly, and not gather in the corners of the lips, it is recommended to apply it with a special brush in the direction from the middle to the edges.

In case lipstick with a satin texture will be used for evening make-up, a contour pencil will be a must. Lipstick should have a deep, saturated color. To keep lipstick longer, lightly paint over the entire surface of the lips with a contour pencil, and not just outline. You need to paint over with vertical strokes inward. The contour begins to draw from the middle upper lip, but do not bring the line to the very corners to leave the opportunity to correct random errors.

(and not only) often use a material such as satin. What kind of fabric is it, what are its main advantages and disadvantages - read about all this below. After all, a noble appearance and acceptable price only expand the circle of fans of bed linen from this material.

Satin - what is this fabric?

This material was first invented in China. Its name comes from the old Arabic name for Quanzhou harbor. Merchants came here to buy this material. Merchants were struck by the appearance of the fabric. After all, with its brilliance, it resembled an atlas, but it was cheaper.

So, satin - what is this fabric? The above material is made from cotton fibers, which are twisted together and intertwined with a special double weave.

For production, both natural and synthetic threads can be used. Twisting them is used in order to give the fabric more shine. The more the thread is twisted, the more the material resembles silk. At the same time, the fabric remains quite thin and dense.

It should be noted that satin is used for the production of a variety of products:

  • bed linen;
  • men's shirts;
  • used as a lining;
  • women's dresses.

Types of satin

There are several types of the above material. This is bleached satin (white color), one-colored (monochrome fabric of any color except white), printed (has a complex pattern).

Fabric satin for bed linen is called mako-satin. The latter is made from thin cotton threads, which do not contain any extra impurities at all. Also, in its production, special weaving is used: 50 threads in the longitudinal and 31 threads in the pepper direction per square centimeter. Thanks to this method of weaving, bedding fabrics are very airy and smooth, like wool. This satin, it should be noted, has double the strength.

Jacquard material is another type of this material. It is distinguished by the presence of a woven pattern or pattern. This fabric is made on special machines, which were first invented in France by the famous weaver J. M. Jacquard.

Advantages and disadvantages of satin

So, satin - what is this fabric? The main advantages of the above matter:

  • strength;
  • excellent gloss;
  • wonderful presentable appearance;
  • durability;
  • smoothness;
  • keeps warm well winter time.

Bed linen from this material does not wrinkle at all. In addition, it has a silky noble sheen, while it is much cheaper than such a silk product. Bed sheets made of satin does not slip on the mattress, because from the inside it has a matte and slightly rough surface. This is what it consists main feature given matter.

But, like all fabrics, satin also has its drawbacks. If for the production of bed linen a special type of this material was used - gloss, then it will not be comfortable to sleep on it due to slipperiness. IN summer time It is not recommended to use products for sleeping from the above matter.

Satin Care

Satin products can be washed in the machine only at 30 degrees Celsius. It is strictly forbidden to use special bleach or powders with its addition.

It is also not recommended to subject satin products to squeezing in washing machines.

It is necessary to dry bed linen from this matter in places where direct sunlight is not available. It must be ironed only at low temperatures.

But since satin bedding is practically wrinkle-free, you can safely sleep on it all week and it will look great. It is enough just to shake the blanket and straighten the cold, so that the bed looks neat and fresh, as if it had just been made.

Satin fabric: reviews

Many buyers claim that bedding made from the above material is quite pleasant to the touch, does not cause allergies at all, and is quite durable. Women write that these products can be washed more than 200 times, but they still retain their shape, shine, and pattern well. Consumers have been using satin bedding for several years and are very satisfied with its quality and performance.

In addition, customer feedback claims that the above material with excellent presentable has a rather low cost. Its price is much lower than silk.

Some consumers note that it is completely uncomfortable to sleep on satin bedding in the summer. People complain that it is hot and slippery to sleep on, so it is not very comfortable.

Sateen is ideal for the production of bed linen. Remarkable gloss, smoothness, easy care, durability, practicality, pleasantness to the touch, strength, excellent thermal properties - all these are the main advantages of the above matter.

Satin is a dense cotton fabric, durable, wear-resistant and very beautiful. Its softness and brilliance are often compared to silk, and its affordable cost allows you to significantly expand its scope. Satin is readily used for sewing bed linen, curtains, bedspreads and, of course, clothes. The fabric is not only beautiful, but also has other valuable qualities: it does not shrink when washed, does not lose the brightness of colors, and does not cause irritation.

Satin is most often called cotton fabric with a special weaving of threads. In fact, satin is the way of weaving. Two threads are used for this: denser for the warp, and thin twisted for front side. For four warp threads, there is one from the front.

Description quality characteristics

Sateen differs from plain weave by elongated overlaps of threads along the front surface. In this case, the front side is smooth, and the wrong side is rough and dense. The sheen of the fabric is provided by twisted thread: the stronger the thread is twisted, the brighter the sheen.

Fabrication of matter

The fabric that became known in Europe as satin was indeed one of the varieties of silk. It was made in China and used silk threads for weaving.

In 1850, a technology appeared in which cotton was used instead of silk threads. Today, canvases are produced, where, along with cotton, there are artificial fibers.

To increase the strength of the fabric and the quality of dyeing, the manufacturing process includes the stage of mercerization - sequential treatment with alkali and acid.

At the same time, the fibers swell, small villi stick or are removed. The thread becomes strong and smooth and does not shed after dyeing.

Mercerization increases the cost of the canvas. Inexpensive satin is subjected to hot stamping: the front surface is, as it were, pressed in and becomes smooth. But this effect is short-lived, and the fabric loses its luster after 10 washes.


The consumer qualities and appearance of satin largely depend on the density, or rather, on the number of interlaced threads per 1 sq. cm:

  • Ordinary- from 85 to 130 threads, used for sewing bed linen. This category includes both calendered - embossed canvas, and mercerized. The latter is smoother, no spools.
  • Printed- the number of threads ranges from 85 to 170. The pattern on the fabric is formed by colored threads in the canvas and has no end. Most often used for sewing bed sets.
  • Printed or coupon satin has the same density of weaving - up to 170 threads, but the ornament is applied directly to the fabric. This method allows you to select a pattern for the product: especially for pillowcases, sheets.
  • Jacquard- the number of threads is in the range of 170–220. The canvas is double-sided, that is, it does not have a front and back side. The pattern is formed during the manufacture of the fabric. The woven elements are shiny, somewhat below the background level, the background itself is matte. Read the detailed characteristics of jacquard fabric.
  • Mako satin- the most dense fabric. The number of threads is not less than 220. At the same time, the thinnest cotton fibers are selected. The resulting matter is strong, but very thin, airy.

General properties of satin

The weaving method, raw materials and fiber processing give the finished canvases various properties. But there are also common qualities that allow us to call a group of fabrics satin.

  • Hygroscopicity- the ability of matter to absorb and remove moisture. The fabric absorbs sweat from the skin and cools it.
  • Low thermal conductivity- matter keeps the body temperature, so in summer it is cool in a satin dress, and in winter it is cozy in a blouse.
  • Ease- the material is thin and soft, perfect for children's clothing.
  • wear resistance- on average, a set of satin linen is designed for 200-250 washes. Only after that the canvas begins to lose its gloss.
  • Matter does not collapse, the resulting folds are light, the fabric is perfect for draperies.
  • Does not cause irritation or allergic reactions(applies to cotton and silk satin, but not to fabrics made of artificial fibers).

The disadvantages of matter include the complexity of processing: the edge crumbles, which makes it difficult to cut and process the edge. Some people are annoyed by the smoothness of satin sheets: it is more comfortable to sleep on them in cotton pajamas.

Types of satin

The density and method of processing raw materials do not explain the whole variety of fabrics. Combinations of different threads, coloring features and even characteristic patterns that have become widespread have formed the classification of satins according to their appearance.

Pattern Classification

Classification by fiber origin

Fabrics made from threads of different origins or their combinations are noticeably different. The following groups are distinguished:

  • cotton satin- made only from cotton fibers. In this case, the density of weaving can be different, as well as the pre-treatment of raw materials;
  • mixed- In addition to cotton, synthetic fibers are used, usually polyester. The additive reduces the cost of the fabric, but increases wear resistance;
  • satin double- a combination of cotton and viscose threads, used as a lining fabric;
  • satin satin- or silk, fully combines the properties of silk and cotton: cotton fibers are used for the wrong side in the manufacture, and silk fibers are used for the front side. The wrong side comes out matte, grainy, and the front side shines with an expensive silk sheen. From the fabric sew the most smart clothes, as well as curtains, curtains, tablecloths;
  • crepe satin- differs from satin in that both natural and artificial silk are used.

Classification by purpose

It is quite difficult to divide fabrics on this basis, since the classes are formed by a combination of the method of weaving threads and yarn.

  • Staple satin- staple fabric is formed from fibers with a length of no more than 40–50 cm. If cotton twisted threads are used in combination with 40% to 50% lavsan, the material is called staple satin.
  • Corset- this includes matters with a high density of weaving.
  • Clothes- a fabric that can be used for tailoring. Coupon, for example, is not suitable for this.
  • curtain– the most decorative types satin: jacquard, crepe, silk and so on.

Satin and other fabrics

In appearance, they are difficult to distinguish. However, the methods of weaving the threads are different, which affects the properties of the material. Material properties are just as important as color or pattern.

In appearance, it can be difficult to distinguish one fabric from another, while their qualities are different.

  • Atlas- even if both materials are made of silk threads, their weaving is different. Satin fabric tends to elongate the threads only on the front side, satin - both on the front and on the wrong side. Thanks to weaving, the satin has both high strength and airiness.
  • Percale- has the usual plain weave, more hygroscopic, low gloss.
  • Coarse calico- linen weaving, the threads are short, thin. Matter quickly burns out, short-lived, but due to its softness it is suitable for children's clothing - diapers and vests, where wear resistance is not important. For older children, satin is preferable: it can be washed many times without losing brightness. You can familiarize yourself with the composition of the calico fabric.
  • Ranforce. Ranfors is coarse calico, but with a large number of threads per 1 sq. see. The fabric is denser and lasts longer. Satin is more expensive, but also much more durable.

Fabric cost

How much does satin cost? The price of matter is calculated on the basis of a mass of factors, of which far from all relate to quality characteristics.

  • Manufacturer- satin is produced in huge quantities and by many enterprises, to distinguish from the mass famous brands almost impossible. The cost is affected not so much by the manufacturer as by its location. The cost of imported fabric will in any case be higher, since it includes not only manufacturing, but also transportation and customs clearance.
  • Variety- the price of the product depends on the density and characteristics of weaving. The cost of ordinary or printed satin is 85 rubles and more, two-color jacquard - from 197 rubles. Crepe satin and satin are even more expensive - from 280-300 rubles. per metre.
  • Pattern- a popular or fashionable pattern can significantly increase the price. This trend is clearly visible in bed linen: the cost of a set with fashionable cars from a cartoon is higher than with a traditional floral ornament.

The beauty industry market includes more than a dozen lipstick textures. Among them there are popular matte tones, glossy, mother-of-pearl glosses and lip balms. Not so long ago, satin lipstick appeared. The name of the cosmetic comes from special effect which leaves lips smooth and softly radiant.

Such lipsticks resemble fabric in structure - satin, made of cotton fiber with a silky front surface. The fabric is quite thick and shiny. A satin lip product has similar qualities, but this does not mean the presence of special elements in the composition.

Despite the application density, cosmetic product soft, smooth texture with good coverage, contrasting pigment. Unlike matte, satin does not shine, but softly shines, reflecting light without glare.

Inner glow is achieved by shimmering particles contained in a creamy texture. Another feature of cosmetics is the ability to retain color pigment when applied to the skin, the saturation of the tone is not lost.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cosmetics have pros and cons. The advantages include:

  1. In most cases, the composition of the coating is enriched with nutrients (oils, vitamins A, E) that moisturize the skin and protect it from external irritants.
  2. A pleasant consistency allows you to even out the surface of the lips, smooth out fine wrinkles, microcracks.
  3. A wide palette of satin line provides an opportunity to choose the color for every taste.

There are also negative qualities:

  1. Not all satin tones are permanent. As a result, the color will need to be renewed after each meal.
  2. There is an opinion about the discrepancy between some shades in the catalog with real tones.
  3. Some colors can emphasize skin imperfections (peeling and unevenness) and flow into the folds and corners of the lips.

Manufacturers Overview

satin lipstick presented by various manufacturers in a wide range from expensive to budget options.

  • Faberlic brand lipsticks are the most popular. The radiance in color series contains big choice tones: from natural shades to eccentrically juicy. The composition of cosmetics includes shea butter, vitamins, which allow you to eliminate dry lips and apply the product in an even layer without rolling, wicking. Dense consistency hides irregularities, and the color pigment lasts from 4 to 8 hours. The lipstick smells pleasantly of berries or caramel, it is perfectly pigmented. Inexpensive price- about 300 rubles and good quality distinguishes the product from competitors.
  • Emphasize the sense of taste lipstick SATIN LIPSTICK FANTASIA Italian brand L'arte. The cosmetic product will give good pigmentation, intense lasting color in classic variation shades: from natural to deep grape tones. Easy application will provide a delicate satin finish, softness, hydration of the lips, due to the presence of candillilla and carnauba wax in the composition. The cost of a copy is from 695 rubles.
  • A popular series of satin textures from famous company Lumene called Raspberry Miracle. Attractive tubes lilac color with a company logo on the cap contain a variety of tones. The dense yet delicate texture creates a uniform contour, while the Arctic cloudberry seed oil extracts and wax provide protective covering and care. The product nourishes, softens the skin, is practically not felt on the lips. Unit price from 400 rubles.

Expensive options are represented by the brands Chanel, Dior Rouge in new collection from 26 tones.

How to use in makeup

A high-end make-up includes a composition created with makeup and hair. In order for the image to look harmonious, it is required to observe the balance of color, the rules for applying cosmetics.

Before you make up your lips, cleanse the skin by applying a tonic or cosmetic product for the face. The satin finish will lie flat if the surface is clean and even. Rough, cracked skin under the influence of the sun, wind will create an unsightly appearance. The problem is eliminated with the help of scrubs containing fine abrasive granules that allow you to exfoliate dead particles.

If the surface of the lips looks too dry, you can slightly moisten the epidermis by applying a small amount of petroleum jelly. Satin and matte type lipsticks are mainly used in daytime makeup, trying to avoid outline underlining. Otherwise, the image will turn out unnatural. Mother-of-pearl, bright purple color is not recommended for use in daytime makeup. In this case, sunlight will give the shade a repulsively "lifeless" look.

It is important to consider what color hair and skin tone. Blondes with bright eyes Suitable shades of pink. Girls with fair skin warm tones are recommended - sand, apricot, coral. For brunettes, burgundy, brown, wine, eggplant and purple will be suitable.

Application rules are as follows:

  1. The tool is applied with a brush, heading from the center to the edges of the lips, to avoid unevenness, flow of paint into the corners.
  2. The pigment will last longer if you lightly powder the surface.
  3. A contour pencil is used in the case of evening make-up. Start drawing from the upper lip from the center, not leading to the corners.
  4. In conclusion, use the main coating of a bright color.

The choice of satin-type lipstick will depend on the direction of the makeup - use for day or night events. In other cases, preference is given depending on price and quality.

Satin is a unique fabric that resembles silk fibers in appearance, and is not inferior in quality to cotton. It was known in antiquity, but became popular only in the last century. Today, satin is recognized as one of the highest quality fabrics, from which not only expensive clothes, but also bed sets, curtains and much more.

Satin is an ideal fabric for many types of garments, from clothing to bedding.

The front side of the fabric is smooth and shiny, and the wrong side is matte and dense. These characteristics depend on the manufacturing technology: the stronger the threads are twisted together, the more the textile shines.

Feature of satin weaving: the front twisted thread is woven into every fourth purl

This fabric has several distinctive features. The first is the lightness and smoothness of the satin fabric, which is preserved long time due to high wear resistance. The first noticeable changes in the structure and appearance of satin appear only by the 300th wash.

Snow-white satin with a very beautiful and interesting jacquard pattern in oriental style

In addition, satin is completely safe for health. It does not cause skin irritation and allergic reactions, so it can be used for covering cribs. It is pleasant to sleep on it not only in winter, but also in summer. After all, it has the property of low thermal conductivity, which helps to maintain comfortable temperature In any weather.

As a rule, satin is made from high-quality cotton. However, there are cases when elastane is also added to it. If 100% cotton in a fabric composition is important, it is necessary to carefully examine the composition for the presence of excess impurities.

Mint tiger print cotton satin

It should be noted that products made of cotton practically do not wrinkle, wash well, retain their marketable appearance for a long time and, most importantly, shine. All this is achieved thanks to cotton yarn and special thread loading.

Which is better: calico or satin? what bedding is best?

Coarse calico and satin are different different ways weaving cotton threads

Today, the bedding market offers both coarse calico and satin. And both are in high demand. However, satin is considered to be of better quality. It is recognized as the most durable, durable and beautiful. Therefore, in terms of appearance and performance wins satin.

But why then do most housewives prefer coarse calico? This is due to the high cost of satin sets. Therefore, it is better to choose bedding sets based on your own wishes and wallet.

How to choose satin bedding

Satin is considered an almost ideal material for bed linen.

It must be chosen carefully. Often, manufacturers save on the manufacture of bed sets. Therefore, it turns out to be of poor quality and cheap, but they take a lot of money for it.

First you need to carefully study the composition of the kit. Quality bedding will be 100% cotton. Next, you need to read the density of satin.

Through high-density satin, even daylight breaks through with great difficulty

The minimum indicator for bedding is 120 threads per 1 square centimeter, the larger it is, the better. The next step is to check for gaps. If you can clearly see through the fabric, then the satin has a poor density. The less you see through the fabric, the better it is.

Advantages and disadvantages of satin bedding

The main advantages of satin include:

  • lack of creasing;
  • beautiful silky sheen;
  • high wear resistance;
  • lack of allergens;
  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • low thermal conductivity.

The main and significant disadvantage of satin products is the high cost. Some consumers also note that they are uncomfortable with the smooth (front) side of the fabric.

Such material gives comfort not only in the hot summer, but also in the winter season.

Mako-satin bed linen

Mako satin bed linen with a bright rich pattern

This satin is known mainly for the manufacture of expensive textiles. According to the reviews of people who have already purchased such a set, it becomes clear that to the touch it is no different from natural silk. At the same time, it surpasses it in softness.

Thanks to the special weaving of the threads, all kinds of three-dimensional pictures. That is why in many stores you can find kits with three-dimensional drawings.

Satin jacquard and stripe satin

Stripe satin, jacquard satin and silk satin in comparison

Satin jacquard is one of the types of satin, which differs from the classic satin print. The relief effect is achieved through the use of a special machine and a special technique for applying paint. Using this method, a convex pattern appears on the smooth surface of satin - a jacquard relief.

The main distinguishing detail of the fabric is its external density and at the same time high breathability.

The main feature of such bed linen is that it does not have a front side. That is, both sides of the sheet or duvet cover look beautiful and original.

Stripe is translated from English as a strip. Stripe satin is a unique fabric with the effect of stripes of various colors. It is obtained using a special jacquard weave and fibers dyed natural paints in pastel colors.

For the manufacture of stripe satin, soft bright hues and correct geometric figures and patterns

Satin baby bedding provides comfort at any time of the year

When it comes to children, parents always try to give them the best, and bedding is no exception. Just such are children's satin bedding sets. Firstly, they are durable and wear-resistant, and secondly, they are very beautiful and bright. Therefore, any parent will be able to choose the kit that his child will like.

Many pediatricians specifically recommend buying satin bedding. After all, it is more than others suitable for children's skin. The fact is that it has the ability to absorb moisture that forms on the body during sleep. Therefore, during sleep, the baby will not sweat, which means that nothing will disturb his sleep.

Satin baby bedding set with funny animals

Some children's bed sets have special processing information on the label. For example, about mercerization - treatment with a composition that protects it from fading, loss of strength and gloss. There is no need to be afraid of this, since the solution is completely safe for the child.

Poplin as bedding material

Poplin is a double-sided fabric that is made by traditional plain weaving, but from threads of different calibers.

Poplin - double sided material resembling silk. Its main difference is a special technology of weaving with longitudinal and transverse threads of various densities. With the help of this, a fabric with a special texture is obtained - scars of different sizes.

Today you can find poplin not only from natural cotton but also synthetic. It can be bleached or dyed different ways. In addition to the bed industry, this fabric is also used for sewing shirts, dresses, tablecloths, and curtains.

Bed linen material classification

There are several classifications of satin according to the features of drawing, the origin of the fibers and the purpose.

By applying a print, satin is of the following types.

Satin is also divided into types according to the origin of the fibers. If earlier satin was made only from cotton, today it is made from the most different types material.

Also, satin can be divided into 4 classes according to the application:

  • staple;
  • corset;
  • curtain;
  • wardrobe.

Clothes satin is used more than others for bedding.

printed satin

Printed Satin Family Bedding Set

Printed satin is also called coupon fabric. Its main difference from the usual material is that the print is applied to the size of the pillowcases and duvet cover. Thanks to this, the fabric looks beautiful and finished. At the same time, she is in without fail undergoes processing - mercerization.

Silk satin

Silk-Satin Stretch in cherry color is perfect for clothes and for bed

This type of satin belongs to expensive fabrics for bedding. It is made from two different fabrics - 100% cotton and silk threads. The weaving density of the threads of such a fabric is 170-200 threads per 1 square centimeter.

Satin Care

Satin linen is classified as noble, so the first wash is done at a temperature of 40 ° C, and subsequent - at 60 ° C

Satin bed linen does not lose its visual appeal even after 300 washings, but only subject to certain rules.

  • Bed linen should be washed in washing machine at 30-40 degrees with a soft powder without the content of bleaching and other agents.
  • It is better to wring out the material with your hands, and drying in a place inaccessible to direct sun rays place.
  • You can iron satin products only with reverse side at the lowest iron temperature.

Thanks to these simple rules, dear bed linen sets will please the eye of the whole family for a long time, remaining new and attractive for a long time.

Video: What is stripe satin and how to distinguish it from other fabrics?