Is it possible to breastfeed after a caesarean? When is supplementation required? If the stagnation still happened

Establish breastfeeding after caesarean section it is very difficult for a woman. Difficulties can be overcome if experience is taken into account previous generations. A large number of women were able to prove that they can restore normal lactation even after surgical intervention Maybe.

After surgery, it is difficult to breastfeed due to the following negative factors:

  • it is not possible immediately after the birth of the baby to attach it to the chest;
  • he gets a pacifier, which he gets used to very quickly;
  • milk may come late and in insufficient quantity;
  • drugs and medicines that are used during surgery have a bad effect.

Importance of first breastfeeding

For newborns, contact immediately after birth plays an important role. In this case, the baby manages to quickly adapt to external conditions. The process favorably affects further lactation.

Stimulation of the nipples causes a hormonal surge that starts the further process of producing breast milk. Due to this, the uterus contracts and active production is performed.

A caesarean section is a surgical procedure that takes place under general anesthesia. That is why it is impossible to immediately attach the baby to the mother's breast. The extraction process has already been completed, and the surgeon still needs to process the sutures and complete the operation. The situation negatively affects psychological condition child, because it is important for him to immediately be in the hands of his mother. At this moment, the transfer of microflora will take place, which will subsequently play key role when forming immune system. If you had to use general anesthesia, then the woman will be able to move away from him only after a few hours.

Baby's first breastfeeding

Doctors managed to establish that lactation can be fully restored even if the application was not made in the first hours after the baby was born. How to establish breastfeeding after cesarean - feel free to take on problem solving.

After surgery in our maternity hospitals, the baby is applied to the breast for several minutes. Ideally, this period should be at least half an hour. Attention should be paid to both breasts, only in this case, in the future, you will not have to think about artificial feeding.

Danger from using a pacifier

It is very important for a nursing mother that the baby does not receive any artificial food or nipples immediately after birth. This will need to be monitored by staff or relatives. Everything must be done so that the baby can spend at least one hour at the breast. In this case, milk will begin to be actively produced.

If the baby received the first food with the help of a nipple, then in the future he may have problems with the correct grip of the nipple. The woman should help him and direct his mouth to the halo with her hand. It must be sunk as deep as possible.

Problems with incorrect grip can occur even in those children who, after birth, are immediately applied to the breast. The task of a woman is to teach them correct position. Through certain time the baby will no longer need help, as he will understand the basic principle of feeding. He will deftly begin to cope with the task in any position and place.

Medical staff will help the woman to adapt

The nipple is a potential barrier to breastfeeding. With its help, the baby will be able to get food without any effort. In this case, he quickly gets used to the situation, and he no longer has the patience to get milk. naturally. Breastfeeding can be continued even if the baby has been bottle fed for several days. Therefore, it is quite possible to establish breastfeeding after a cesarean section.

The main thing is not to give up the idea and not stop trying:

  • The nipple or bottle should be completely excluded from the child's use. To do this, it is necessary to warn the staff of the maternity hospital and close relatives about the decision and ask them to control the process. A woman can additionally and independently periodically carry out checks.
  • The baby should be allowed to be at the breast indefinitely. Only at first he will quickly get tired. In this case, he needs to give a little break and continue the process.

Supplementation in without fail should be given to premature and weak children. In this case, it is quite difficult for them to suckle the breast for a long time. When they receive insufficient nutrition, babies begin to behave irritably and sleep poorly. With the help of supplementary feeding, you can quickly restore strength. In the future, they will be required to suck breast milk and stimulate its production. The strained composition is recommended to be given with a spoon or pipette. In this case, it will be possible to avoid a negative situation with getting used to the bottle.

If the child was born strong and healthy, then the need for complementary foods disappears by itself. He can only cry from stress. To eliminate it, it is recommended to take the baby in your arms and shake it. In some situations, it is advisable to let him cry to the fullest.

The baby should be comfortable when feeding

Some women mistakenly believe that the baby is crying because of hunger, so when supplementing with formula, he should fall asleep quickly. However, pediatricians agreed that the baby falls asleep after artificial nutrition just because it's hard to digest. It is possible to determine whether the baby is getting enough nutrition by recalculating his urination.

During the first week of life, the baby should not be supplemented if the number of urination per day is:

  • the first 72 hours - two;
  • 3-6 day - four;
  • after 6 - more than six.

With a caesarean section, the woman's body weakens, therefore, in maternity hospital succeeds not for everyone.

The process should not be left at home. Nature has all the necessary mechanisms that will help a woman in feeding her baby. It is important to show only patience and perseverance.

The situation is normalized gradually when a number of rules are followed. It is unlikely that the regime will be developed. However, a woman can try different positions.

An important role is played by the correct capture of the nipple. This kid should be taught by his mother. It is not always possible to do this at the first feeding. However, sooner or later, the nature of the baby will take its toll, and he will learn to eat properly. This reflex is considered innate. In order to open it, you do not need to accustom the baby to the nipple instead of the mother's breast.

A woman may additionally have a question about how to feed if the baby is constantly sleeping? Breastfeeding experts recommend looking at the baby half an hour after he fell asleep. During this period, periodic smacking of the lips can be observed. The process occurs due to the search for the mother's breast. In this case, it is recommended to take the baby in your arms and attach it to your chest. Try not to wake him up while doing this.

Mom must overcome her desire to quickly feed her child with a mixture. After trying the bottle once, the baby may no longer want to use the breast as the main tool for feeding. According to statistics, after cesarean, it is possible to establish lactation within only three days.

Not enough breast milk

Immediately after surgery, a woman may not have enough breast milk. During this period, colostrum is produced, which has the greatest nutritional value. That is why the volume is comparatively smaller.

Lactation may fade if milk is not used for the first few days. If the baby refuses the breast, then it is necessary to pump. In this case, the process will continue, and after rehabilitation it will be possible to breastfeed.

In this case, pumping serves as a signal to the body that breast milk necessary and used by the baby in in large numbers. Immediately after childbirth, you should not pay attention to the volume of breast milk. Pumping is done to stimulate the production of required amount hormones in the body.

Pumping is not necessary at all on the first day. During this period, it is best to rest and gain strength after surgery. After that, pumping will need to be done every two hours. Work on each breast for at least five minutes.

If the child refuses to breastfeed, then it is necessary to maintain lactation through pumping.

In the maternity hospital, a woman should be shown the basic principles of the process. Stimulation can be improved by intermittent pressure on the breast or directly on the nipple. Finger movements should be smooth and end in a halo. The pressure should build up gradually. A woman shouldn't hurt herself.

You can also use a breast pump. Suitable for manual and electric options. When using the latter, an additional simulation of the movements that are made when the baby is sucking is performed.

After the operation, you should drink as much liquid as possible. It will be required to replenish the balance. Drinks should not be abused as they can lead to chest congestion. All questions can be answered in more detail by the attending physician. It will also take into account the characteristics of the woman's body.

How to eliminate stagnation?

If parents have the opportunity to place mother and baby in a separate room, then feeding should be done on demand. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent the stagnation of milk. The process begins to be regulated by internal mechanisms. In just a few days, it is possible to achieve a normal volume that will suit the baby and not adversely affect the health of the mother.

Milk engorgement occurs quite often if the baby is brought exclusively for feeding. To prevent a negative situation, it is recommended to perform additional pumping twice a day. During the process, the emptying of the breast must be carried out to the last drop. In this case, the process of normal lactation will be ensured.

Patience will make the process go smoothly.

There are times when this option does not work. In this case, it is necessary to express milk to the maximum once a day. For subsequent feedings, the standard sample schedule should be used. Pumping should be abandoned even if a woman feels a strong tension in her chest.

It will be possible to refuse pumping only after stabilization of lactation. After that, there should be no discomfort or tension in the chest.

Effect of antibiotics on lactation

Complications can be prevented if you take a course of drugs. They contain antibiotics. That is why the risk of harming the baby's body through breast milk increases. This issue is considered depending on the drugs, as well as the individual health status of the mother. The doctor will be able not only to choose a course of treatment, but also to advise the woman about their intake.

Mommy should also consult with an anesthesiologist. He will talk about the effect of drugs on milk and the lactation process itself.

Staff should ask all questions of interest. Quality service will help prevent a negative situation in the future. Need to find mutual language with the staff who will look after the woman and the child. Remember that it is much easier to agree to a polite request than to a scandal.

If you follow the basic rules, it will be possible to normalize lactation. It is important not to give or accustom the baby to the nipple. In this case, it will be possible to quickly restore the body after a cesarean section and establish breastfeeding.

You will soon become a mother. This pleases you, but upsets one moment, the doctor says that you are better off giving birth by caesarean section.

Probably, many real and future mothers have heard what to fix breast-feeding after a caesarean section is more difficult than after a natural birth.

It certainly is! Moms who have undergone an adaptation period after a cesarean will not let us lie. But, nothing is impossible, every woman, if she sincerely wants to breastfeed her baby, can try to improve lactation after surgery and successfully cope with it.

The main thing is to know what difficulties there may be, how to overcome them, and what are the main recommendations for organizing a breastfeeding after caesarean section .

Peculiarities breastfeeding after caesarean section

Tips for breastfeeding after a caesarean section

For caesarean need indications!

Unfortunately, often women, by hook or by crook, persuade the doctor not because there is real reasons but because they have a strong fear of labor pain.

If a woman has such thoughts about an unreasonable operation, she should start actively preparing for childbirth, go to courses for future parents, talk to those who have undergone natural childbirth and caesarean. Having received enough information, one can understand that the natural process is better than the unnatural one in every sense, therefore, a caesarean section should be performed only if there is .

Early breastfeeding

This is very important factor in the process of setting up. It is believed that with a caesarean section, early attachment should be forgotten. It's not exactly like that! In a baby who was born by caesarean section, the sucking reflex awakens later than in a baby who was born naturally. Therefore, it will be quite normal if the caesarean is applied to the breast within 6 hours after the operation.

To earlier attachment was successfully implemented, arrange for your husband, mother or some other close person. It is he who will be able to be with the child in the first minutes of his life, will help you take care of the baby in the first days and organize breastfeeding.

No bottles!

As you know, if you pass through caesarean section alone with the medical staff, then while you are coming out of anesthesia, most likely, so that the baby does not scream, he will be given a bottle with a mixture or glucose. Of course, this can adversely affect breastfeeding, as well as the immunity of the child, because it is very important that the first meal of the crumbs is colostrum.

Stimulate lactation

If it turns out that you are separated from the baby in the hospital, and he is already formula-fed, do not forget that you have a chance to establish breastfeeding after returning home. To do this, the breasts need to be prepared even in the maternity hospital, at least several times a day, massage the breasts and try to express at least a little milk, the main thing in this process is breast stimulation. Of course, it is better to arrange with the medical staff so that they bring you a baby for breastfeeding.

Feed your baby on demand

After returning from the hospital, even if the child is already on mixtures , offer him the breast as often as possible, arrange for him to have open access to the breast, carry the baby near you, for example, make skin-to-skin contact. All this will help to gradually fully return to breastfeeding.

To feed the baby with formula during the period restoring lactation it is not necessary to use a bottle at all, it is better to use a complementary feeding system at the breast. She allows the baby to receive right amount food and stimulate mother's breasts so that milk is produced better, and you and the baby can establish breastfeeding faster, in addition, the baby learns to suckle properly at the breast.

When the milk begins to arrive in sufficient quantities, it will be possible to refuse the mixture altogether.

The first weeks after childbirth are filled with worries and problems for a woman, and with a caesarean section, they are aggravated by postoperative pain and movement restrictions. In this case, it is important to strike a balance between the needs of the child and the desire of the mother to quickly regain their former beauty and good physical shape.

Can I breastfeed after a caesarean?

There are no restrictions on breastfeeding after a caesarean section. If the operation took place without complications and with standard medicines, then the child can be applied immediately after the woman recovers from anesthesia. International standards recommend doing this as early as one hour after surgery.

If the birth was preceded by natural labor pains, then milk should begin to appear within a few hours after the birth. In this case, next to the woman in labor should be a close person who will help in the process of feeding. Attachment to the chest must be carried out at least 8-10 times a day until its stable production by the mammary glands.

If the caesarean was planned, and it was not preceded by prenatal contractions, then milk begins to be produced 3-7 days after the operation. In such cases, do not avoid feeding artificial mixtures. But even with a temporary lack of milk, the baby must be constantly applied to the breast. This will stimulate lactation and develop the correct reflexes in the baby.

Hello! I'm going to be caesarean with an epidural. How long after a caesarean can you breastfeed your baby? Will it be affected by the drugs that I have in my blood? Larisa, 24 years old.

Good afternoon Larisa! You can feed your baby one hour after birth, if your condition and baby allow it. Children often fall asleep after a caesarean, so the first time you can put the baby to the breast after sleep. If you drink painkillers, then ask your doctor about the feeding regimen.

Postures for feeding newborns with breast milk after cesarean

The soreness of the postoperative suture and the need to provide it with conditions for fusion limits the list comfortable positions for feeding the baby. Although a woman is allowed to sit down immediately after the operation.

The main acceptable postures are:

  1. Lying on my side. Suitable for the first hours after surgery. The woman lies on her side, her legs are pulled up, a small roller is placed under her back, and a pillow is placed under her head. The child lies along the woman's head on the lower elbow or on the bed. Mom's belly with a seam, you can additionally protect with something soft. It is possible to place the child with their feet to the female head.
  2. "From under the hand." The woman sits in a comfortable, relaxed position, fully leaning on her back. 1-2 pillows are placed on the side, on which the child is laid horizontally. His body should be on the side of his mother, his head peeking out from under his arm, and his legs slightly behind the woman's back.
  3. Cradle. This is a classic sitting position with the child horizontally along the female breast. To reduce the load on the seam, the baby is placed on pillows in front of the mother, and his head is placed on the elbow near the nipple. The woman's hand should be as relaxed as possible.
  4. "Over shoulder". This position requires external assistance and is indicated from the first hours after the operation. First, the woman lies down and puts her head on a low pillow. The assistant then positions the baby so that his stomach rests on his mother's shoulder, and his head is located above her chest.

The choice of a particular position is influenced by the woman's complexion, the shape of her breasts, the placement of the nipple and the availability of the necessary furniture and pillows. Therefore, it is advisable to try all the options and choose the position that will be most comfortable for both the baby and the mother.

Good afternoon Tell me, doctor, how to feed a child after a cesarean section in the first hours of life? An operation is coming soon, I want to prepare for it in order to know by the hour and by day how to behave. Natalia, 20 years old.

Good day, Natalia! If you have someone to help, then you can use the “Over the shoulder” position for feeding. In other positions, you will simply be in a lot of pain or there may be unnecessary stress on the seam. Although it all depends on the desire of others to help the child find the breast in your supine position).

Nutrition after caesarean section for a nursing mother

The nutrition of a woman after a caesarean section has significant features only for the first three days. After that, nutrition should become complete in order to ensure sufficient milk production and normal tissue repair after surgery.

On the first day after a caesarean section, you can not eat. It is allowed to drink non-carbonated water, mineral water or diluted 3-4 times fruit juices. Due to the abuse of drinking, the chest may become very engorged and the swelling of the postoperative suture may increase.

Be sure to stimulate the intestines so that the woman does not have to push when going to the toilet. To do this, injections of Prozerin are given, and after half an hour - an enema. Also, stimulating the intestines prevents the formation of adhesions.

Good afternoon And what can you eat after a cesarean section for a nursing mother in the first days and in the first week? And then you need to tell relatives what to bring to the hospital) Alina, 21 years old.

Good afternoon, Alina! On the first day, you can only drink still water or diluted juices. You can read about the set of products on the second and third days in the above article. WITH fourth day a woman can start eating regular food recommended for nursing mothers. However, in the first month, nutrition should still be gentle on the gastrointestinal tract.

From the second day, the use of unleavened broths, yogurts, vegetable and chicken purees is allowed. You can drink tea, various compotes, juices, fruit drinks. It is allowed to use the appropriate baby food. Food should be divided into 7-8 meals so as not to burden the stomach.

From the third day a woman can eat steam cutlets on dietary meat, light soups, yogurts, cereals, baked fruits and boiled vegetables. You can drink almost everything that is allowed for any nursing mother.

Further nutrition is carried out in a sparing mode in accordance with general recommendations for food with HB.

What can a nursing mother eat in the first month after a cesarean?

When, after a caesarean operation, the mother and child safely return home, the main thing is not to be tempted by the usual homemade food. In the first month, a nursing woman should monitor her diet and eat only recommended food. These include:

  1. Milk, low-fat cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, butter.
  2. Vegetables, except strongly aromatic and legumes.
  3. Lean meats.
  4. Soft fruits, excluding citrus fruits.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Eggs.
  7. Porridge, soup.

These products will not lead to a deterioration in the taste of milk and will ensure the content of all necessary substances in it. The following foods should be avoided:

  1. Natural honey.
  2. Canned food.
  3. Mayonnaise and other store-bought sauces.
  4. Marinades and salinity.
  5. Sausages and sausages.
  6. Fried, smoked, spicy.
  7. Chocolate.

The above lists only those products that are undesirable for use by a nursing mother in the first month after a cesarean section. After this period, you can introduce such food into the diet in reasonable quantities. In addition to these products, there is a general list of foods that are not recommended for consumption during lactation.

Hello! My name is Taisiya, 28 years old, two months after cesarean. I want to clean my stomach and improve digestion a little, because after giving birth I sometimes have constipation, I have to drink a laxative. Can I find out when it is possible to download the press after a cesarean section for a nursing mother?

Good afternoon, Tatyana! You can actively download the press no earlier than 4-6 months after childbirth. You should start with gymnastics with minimal amplitudes and efforts. Preliminarily, it is desirable to go to the surgeon and for an ultrasound scan to confirm the good condition of the sutures.

Not enough milk in a nursing mother after cesarean - what to do?

Lucky moms who have no problems with lactation after cesarean. But what to do if the breast does not fill either on the 1st or 3rd day after the operation? Doctors recommend not to wait for problems and start stimulating milk production in the very first hours after childbirth.

For this, the following methods are used:

  1. Every hour, and also after waking up the baby, apply it to the nipple for 1-2 minutes. Even the negative reaction of the child to the lack of milk will be a good incentive to increase its production.
  2. Try to pump several times a day. This will irritate the peripapillary receptors and create an imitation of sucking. You can also use a breast pump for this purpose.
  3. Spend as much time as possible with your child. It is desirable that his lips touch the mammary gland more often.
  4. Drink more fluids, including milk, but only 3-4 days after giving birth.
  5. Massage the nipples several times a day. This should be done gently, without strong pressure.

If a week after the birth there are no signs of active lactation, then this is a reason to contact women's consultation or to specialists-volunteers on GV.

Good afternoon A month has passed since the operation, everything is fine, but the doctors forbid bathing in the bathroom. Can you tell me when it is possible to take a bath after a caesarean section for a nursing mother? Polina, 18 years old.

Good afternoon Polina! After a caesarean section, it is recommended to take a full bath no earlier than 8 weeks after the operation. Before that, it is quite possible to manage with an ordinary shower.

When can I play sports after a cesarean section for a nursing mother?

Women after caesarean just can not play sports. Most physical exercises are accompanied by tension in the abdominal muscles, which in postoperative period leads to severe pain and the probability of seam divergence. Therefore, sports exercises after cesarean should not be practiced for at least 2 months.

Start off physical exercise necessary with light gymnastics, yoga, Pilates, carefully monitoring the sensations in the lower abdomen and regularly examining the surgical suture. The first lessons should not last more than 10 minutes. If negative consequences there is no load, menstruation does not come, then you can increase their duration and intensity.

Going to the gym for full-fledged training is allowed only after examination by a surgeon. Usually, active loads on the abdominal muscles are allowed no earlier than six months after the operation.

Good evening! And when can you twist the hoop after a cesarean section for a nursing mother? I would like to take care of myself, but I'm afraid. The child is already three months old. Valentina, 32 years old.

Good afternoon, Valentina! I would not advise starting physical activity with a hoop. 8 weeks after giving birth, you can do gymnastics, doing circular motions entire torso and thighs. Only after a few days, in the absence of pain and discomfort, you can proceed to use the hoop. But the movements should be as smooth as possible.

Sports activities after caesarean section have a lot of positive aspects:

  1. Reduced back pain from carrying a child.
  2. The muscles of the uterus are strengthened, reducing the risk of problems in subsequent births.
  3. The breast is tightened, reducing its sagging after the cessation of lactation.
  4. The stomach is decreasing.
  5. The fusion of the abdominal muscles is stimulated.
  6. The effects of adhesions are reduced.

There are no negative aspects of playing sports. The main thing is that the exercises do not cause pain and do not take away the mother's time from the baby.

How to lose weight after cesarean for a nursing mother?

With HB, any diet that limits the intake of a sufficient amount is contraindicated nutrients. But there are other ways to lose weight after childbirth.

These include:

  1. Regular sports and gymnastics, starting from the third month after childbirth.
  2. Baby feeding on demand. With milk female body will give all the extra calories that it contains.
  3. Contrast showers, anti-cellulite massage and other slimming physiotherapy.
  4. Eating fresh vegetables, which will delay the onset of hunger after the next meal.
  5. Meals in small portions 5-6 times a day, so as not to fill up at night after daytime worries.

In addition to these methods, emotional unloading contributes to weight loss. To relax and gain strength, you can practice yoga, meditation or visit the nursing club.

Of course, lactation after caesarean section has its own characteristics. But, if the mother is ready for them in advance, she will be able to overcome temporary difficulties and establish breastfeeding.

Problem #1: Early Attachment

For the successful development of lactation, an important role is played by the early attachment of the baby to the breast. In addition to the fact that the mother's touch immediately after the birth of the baby, skin-to-skin contact can mitigate postpartum stress and facilitate the process of adapting the baby to a new world for him, early attachment to the breast has a beneficial effect on the lactation process. Stimulation of the nipples causes a hormonal surge that triggers the milk production process.

At natural childbirth The first attachment of the baby to the breast should occur immediately after the birth of the baby or within the first 30 minutes after the baby is born. When the baby is born and lets out its first cry, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord and places it on the mother's breast, helping to find and capture the nipple.

Opportunity early application to the breast after caesarean section depends on the type of anesthesia used and the well-being of the mother and child. With epidural anesthesia (an anesthetic is injected into the membranes of the spinal cord and the mother is conscious during the operation), the baby can be applied to the breast immediately after birth without waiting for the end of the operation. With general anesthesia, when the mother, after the birth of the baby, is still under the influence of anesthesia and anesthetic, it is impossible to apply the baby to the breast. First breastfeeding after caesarean delivery is most often done after the woman wakes up from anesthesia and is transferred to the recovery room, and it can often be delayed until the woman is transferred to the recovery room. postpartum department. In this case, it often happens that the baby is brought to the mother, and he refuses to suckle the breast.

This is because the process of childbirth for babies with caesarean section is different. There is no phase of passage of the crumbs through the birth canal, which prepares it for entering another habitat. “Caesarian” babies require more time to adapt to new living conditions and overcome postpartum stress. So, babies born naturally “come to their senses” 15–30 minutes after birth, and babies after cesarean section need 1.5–2 hours to do this. And all this time the baby will behave sluggishly, not feeling the desire to attach to his mother's breast.

Numerous studies show that caesareans begin to show sucking activity within the first six hours after birth. And it is during this time period that the baby must be attached to the breast for the first time.

If the sucking activity of the baby is low or absent, it is necessary to offer him a breast for every concern until he begins to suck actively.

Problem #2: Prescribing antibiotics after a caesarean section

Another problem that a mother may face after a caesarean section is the prescription of antibiotics. This is done in order to prevent the development of infectious complications after surgery. Most often, the doctor chooses drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding. This means that these antibiotics either do not pass into milk at all, or minimum quantities and cannot harm the baby.

Sometimes it happens that the condition of the mother after a caesarean section requires the appointment of stronger and incompatible with breastfeeding antibiotics. In this case, doctors for the first 3-4 days prohibit breastfeeding the baby. In this case, a woman must express breast milk to maintain lactation.

Problem #3: Baby's reluctance to breastfeed after bottle feeding

If the mother and baby were not together for the first few days, then, most likely, before getting to know the mother’s breast, the baby was fed with milk formula from a bottle. This can make it difficult for the baby to attach to the breast. The fact is that sucking breasts and nipples on a bottle occurs different ways involving different muscles. When sucking the nipple, the muscles of the cheeks are involved, while sucking the breast, the muscles of the tongue. A child who is getting used to sucking on a pacifier tries to latch onto the breast in the same wrong way. He has a so-called "nipple confusion" and begins to worry and cry.

This problem is solved by a categorical refusal to use pacifiers and bottle nipples, and with every concern of the baby, the mother offers him only the breast. At first, you need to help the baby and teach him how to properly capture the chest. Not only the nipple, but the entire areola should fall into his mouth. If the baby does not have alternative items for sucking, sooner or later he will learn how to properly take his mother's breast and suck milk.

If baby for a long time refuses to breastfeed and needs to be supplemented, it is recommended to give expressed milk or milk formula to the baby from a spoon, cup or syringe (without a needle).

Problem number 4: choosing a position for feeding after a caesarean section

After a caesarean section, due to pressure on the incision in the abdomen, feeding the baby while sitting in the most common “cradle” position can be difficult. In this situation, the breastfeeding mother can use other positions, such as hand feeding or lying down, in which she will not experience discomfort and pain in the area of ​​postoperative suture.

Postures for feeding after caesarean section

Under arm position

In this position, the child is located on the side of the mother, as if looking out from under the armpit. Mom supports the baby's head under the neck, his legs are behind his mother's back. The baby is turned with his tummy to his mother's side, his mouth is at the level of the nipple. For the convenience of feeding, a pillow can be placed under the baby's head.

Lying down

In the “lying on your side” position, you can feed the baby from the lower or from the upper breast. In this position, mother and child lie on their sides, facing each other. Mom's head rests on the pillow, and her shoulders drop to the surface of the bed. The baby's head lies on mother's hand which allows the baby's mouth to be at the level of the nipple. top hand mother gives the baby a breast. When feeding in this position, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the baby should not lie on his back with his head turned to one side.

When feeding a baby lying on its side from the upper breast, the mother can lean on her elbow (the arm gets tired quickly) or lie on a pillow. A pillow should be placed under the child to raise him to chest level.

To reduce possible discomfort when feeding a baby in this position, it is recommended that a nursing mother pull her legs up to her stomach, put a small pillow between her knees, and put a roller from a blanket under her back (or lean on the back of a sofa).

Problem number 5: the need to express milk after a caesarean section

If during the first days the mother and baby are separated and there is no way to breastfeed the baby, the mother will have to resort to pumping to maintain lactation. The process of expressing milk in this situation will imitate the act of sucking a child in his absence and stimulate milk production. It is advisable to start expressing the mother's breasts within the first 6 hours after childbirth and regularly at least 1 time in 2-3 hours, 5-10 minutes for each breast, regardless of the amount of milk. It is necessary to express the breast even if nothing is excreted from the breast at all - after all, the purpose of such pumping is not to get milk, but to give a signal to the body that it is necessary to actively start its production.

At the stage of colostrum extraction, it is better to express with your hands, since a small amount of colostrum does not require long-term pumping. A dangerous misconception is that colostrum is small and can not be expressed. If the colostrum is not removed before milk arrives, this can lead to breast engorgement, which causes soreness, swelling of the breast, and impaired milk flow.

In the future, if the mother has a need to express large volumes of milk for long period time, it makes sense to use a breast pump

Problem number 6: not enough milk after a caesarean section

Sometimes it happens that a woman regularly expresses her breasts, but there is still very little or practically no milk.

In women after a caesarean section, milk comes a little later than in those who gave birth in a natural way. This is due to the lack of activity of the hormone oxytocin. He is responsible for contractions during labor activity and promotes lactation and milk production. During the natural process, impulses are transmitted to the brain and it signals the body what to do. Against the background of surgery, this chain is broken. The body does not immediately respond to the birth of a child. Therefore, the procedure for the formation of lactation may be delayed. In some women, milk appears on the 4th day, in others on the 5-9th day. In this situation, you need to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible. If the mother does not have milk, she must first attach the baby to the breast, and then give supplementary food.

Your baby will stimulate the production of milk with his sucking movements.

Important conditions:

  • What can a mother do to improve breastfeeding in the maternity hospital?
  • agree with the medical staff of the maternity hospital so that the baby is allowed to be with her as soon as possible. The exception is situations when the baby, for health reasons, needs intensive care or something threatens the health of the mother herself.
  • It is important to remember that what earlier kid will be near the mother’s breast, the faster it will be possible to establish breastfeeding;
  • if the baby cannot be breastfed on the first day, arrange for supplementary feeding with a spoon or syringe (without a needle);
  • ask the doctor to choose an antibiotic therapy compatible with breastfeeding;
  • with the help of medical staff, learn how to express breasts with your hands.


Several decades ago, when women after a caesarean section were in intensive care for 2 weeks, and children were brought to them only for feeding, many of them really lost their breast milk. Today, a child is often applied to the breast right in the operating unit, and by the end of the first day after a cesarean section, the woman is already in the general department next to the child. Nipple stimulation and sucking activate the production of prolactin, a hormone responsible for sufficient lactation.

Colostrum and mature milk can really come a couple of days later. There is no harm in this, adequate supplementary feeding, if the child is really hungry, should not be abandoned. The child will retain strength, he will not lose weight. Often milk is late in women who did not receive parenteral nutrition on the first day after surgery, if the woman was given intravenous nutrient solutions, and the operation went without complications, milk will come during. With a large blood loss, breast milk is also delayed. If the mother feels bad, first of all, you need to restore her condition, and then breastfeeding should be established. A hungry, tired, and unwell woman will not be able to breastfeed. In the event that the child is forced to stay in the children's department, you need to use a breast pump: the staff will be able to feed him with expressed milk, and the mother will stimulate lactation.

After transfer to the general ward, hold the baby in your arms more often, apply it to your chest, especially at night. Prolactin is produced more actively at night, reaching peak values ​​at 2-4 am. Try to rest more, sleep when, and do not talk on the phone with relatives. Usage disposable diapers already in the maternity hospital, it allows you to minimize the burden of caring for the child, as a result, he sleeps better and longer, the mother does not need to change diapers every quarter of an hour. If you feel unwell, feel free to take your child to the children's department for a few hours. Feed him before that and lie down to rest.

Teas that stimulate lactation, wearing special underwear for breastfeeding women, often fractional nutrition improve milk flow. Fatty nuts, condensed milk, large quantities butter and others folk methods impair the digestibility of milk, it becomes too fatty, the child may experience bloating. There are special nutrient mixtures for nursing mothers. It's modern medical nutrition, high in protein. It allows the mother to receive high-quality nutrition, which also affects lactation.

Upon arrival home from the maternity hospital, you should continue to drink tea that stimulates lactation, rest more often, leave some household chores for later and involve relatives. If possible, you can use the services of a visiting assistant. Scientists have proven that co-sleeping improves lactation. If you decide to take this advice, practice co-sleeping during the day, place your baby on your chest or stomach, and don't swaddle so your baby can move away from you. Choice comfortable posture for feeding, will allow mom to rest while the baby is eating. Breastfeeding centers operating at polyclinics help women competently adjust lactation. They provide free assistance within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, employees have a medical education and have completed the necessary qualification courses.