How to make a paper snowflake easily. Draw a pattern on a snowflake. #7 Giant snowflake made from popsicle sticks

On the eve of the New Year holidays, everyone wants the house to be extraordinarily beautiful, cozy and fabulous. Therefore, it's time to think about what you can do to achieve your desired goal. A good option decorating the room before the New Year holidays will include window decoration unusual drawings, festive motives, which will bring a pre-holiday mood and a New Year's fairy tale into the usual decor of the room.

And you don’t need to think that all home decorations can only be purchased in a store, spending a fairly impressive amount of money. It would be much better, united as a family, to do various decorations for home and Christmas tree yourself. You can set aside a specific day for such an activity, for example, when you plan to install New Year's beauty ate. And don’t forget that this is the most exciting activity!

The simplest thing you can do with your own hands is to cut it out and attach it to different places snowflakes. Everyone remembers how they cut them out in the garden before the holidays as a child. Today, having become parents, you can spend time with your child with benefit and pleasure, cutting out beautiful snow-white snowflakes from paper with your own hands. Kids always take part in such events with great joy.

Teaching your child to cut out a snowflake yourself is not at all difficult. To do this you need to prepare necessary tool and paper. You can use napkins as a base, colored paper or just a white sheet from an album.

The thickness of the sheet is not particularly important. But you need to know that thin sheets make the most delicate and airy snowflakes. And paper that is too thick will be difficult to cut.

You will also need a pencil and sharp scissors. After the pattern for the future snowflake is selected, the paper is folded as shown in the photo. The more folds you make, the more interesting and delicate the snowflake will turn out to be.

The size of the future decoration depends on how large sizes a sheet is initially selected. In this case, the choice is influenced only by the desire to have a large or small snowflake.

Once the design is on the paper, we begin cutting. This process requires special care and precision. Under no circumstances should you cut off the edges of the paper at the folds, as the snowflake may simply fall apart.

Children really enjoy this process. After all, in the end you will get a beauty with your own hands, which will be so nice to decorate a Christmas tree, windows or walls in a room.

It should be noted that such a seemingly simple activity as cutting out snowflakes from paper with your own hands is an excellent opportunity to develop a child’s imagination, sense of beauty and artistic taste.

You can and should develop your child’s abilities at home, but various clubs in the garden and school will only help raise the level and hone the child’s talents.

Besides simple cutting From paper, a child can be interested in making volumetric models snowflakes. Such decorations are designed for older children and adults. But that doesn’t make them any less interesting or beautiful.

The same openwork snowflakes made of paper are taken as a basis, the design is transferred, for example, to polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. Using a sharp knife, all the necessary elements are cut out, and the result is unusually beautiful, voluminous snowflakes.

They can be left white, but if you connect the kids and all together paint them with bright colors, then such decorative elements will simply surprise with their unusual design. And the time spent creating them will unite all family members. The result of your work will be unique.

Do-it-yourself volumetric paper snowflakes

In this master class we will make such a heart with a snowflake. It can be used as a bag for small gift or just like Christmas tree toy with your own hands.

First you need to print out this diagram.

We transfer the diagram onto paper and cut it out.

The result is two identical blanks.

To fasten them together, we make cuts - on one side from the top to half the snowflake, on the other - from the bottom to half the snowflake.

Assembling the finished one three-dimensional snowflake, thrusting into each other.

Attach the handle.

Your DIY paper snowflake is ready!

How to make a 3-D snowflake with your own hands

Modern technologies have achieved such, it would seem, simple activity like creating a snowflake. As the name suggests, 3-D snowflakes are a more complex, but very effective technique, thanks to which the manufactured decor is distinguished by a special elegance of lines and rather unusual shapes.

What might you need to make a snowflake with a 3D effect?

Prepare a square sheet of paper desired color, pencil and ruler, scissors or sharp paper knife, glue. The work of making 3-D snowflakes is very painstaking and requires a lot of patience.

The first step is to draw a sheet of paper into squares. We will need 6 identical squares. Then the following diagram is applied. It can be printed.

Fold the square in half diagonally and transfer the diagram as shown in the figure. Fold in half again.

The next step is to cut parallel lines. The cuts should be made in such a way that they are directed towards each other, but do not converge completely.

We connect and glue the corners of the first small square.

Then we turn it over and glue the corners of the next square.

And so on in order until all the corners are glued together.

To make the snowflake voluminous, you need to very carefully glue the corners of all the squares. The result is six snowflakes, which, when glued together, form a three-dimensional 3-D figure.

We connect the corners of all the blanks together.

In order for the figure to keep its shape and not fall apart, you need to additionally glue the sides of the snowflake.

That's all, our 3-D paper snowflake is ready!

By coming up with various patterns, painting the figure with paints and even decorating with beads, you can not only create a very beautiful Christmas decoration, but also help develop the child’s imagination and sense of style.

Paper snowflakes - kirigami instructions

Snowflakes - kirigami is a fairly simple way to quickly and easily special effort make a lot beautiful jewelry. The highlight of this type of snowflakes is the selection of paper. For snowflakes - kirigami you need bright colored paper.

It can be colored only on one side, but you can choose the paper rich colors on both sides.

Take an A4 sheet and fold it as shown in the photo.

Cut out a square and fold it in half diagonally.

Fold it two more times.

Then we print out and transfer this diagram to the finished workpiece.

The next stage is to cut out patterns on the workpiece using nail scissors.

After carefully cutting out the snowflake, unfold it.

Fold the resulting corners as in the photo.

A snowflake can be decorated with stasis, beads, and Christmas tree tinsel, and then it will become the central decoration of your New Year’s home.

2 more options for DIY kirigami snowflakes:

The light, airy figurine of a ballerina is very beautiful. If you combine two types of a beautiful snowflake and a ballerina figurine, the effect can exceed all expectations.

It takes a lot of time to make this type of decoration. But the work of cutting it out is quite simple, even a child can do it. It’s not just single figures that look very impressive, but a whole garland of graceful ballerinas.

What you need to prepare for work:

  • template of a dancing ballerina figure;
  • thin white paper for a ballerina's tutu. Multi-layer paper napkins work very well;
  • thin white cardboard;
  • scissors.

Select a ballerina figurine template. On the Internet you can find a large number of options. Simply copy the selected template into a text document, format and print. But it’s much more interesting to draw a sketch yourself. Transfer the template to cardboard and cut it out.

It is very important that the cardboard is white on both sides, since the snowflake is voluminous and clearly visible from any side. The size of the figurine is optional. There are no restrictions in this matter.

For many years, the paper snowflake has remained the most popular and most affordable New Year's decoration. They are cut out in kindergarten, and at school. Shops, offices and apartments are decorated with snowflakes. In order to make this patterned miracle, you need a little: paper, scissors and patience. You can’t create truly beautiful snowflakes at once. But there is no need to be afraid. We will tell and show how to easily and quickly make amazingly beautiful, openwork and unusual snowflakes.

Making a paper blank

First, we fold the paper from which we will cut out snowflakes. The diagram in the photo will tell you how to do this correctly.

When we have made paper blanks for making snowflakes, the most interesting part comes - applying the design. You can come up with your own drawing, or you can download diagrams from the Internet. We also publish a number of schemes that will help you make real beautiful snowflake. The most important thing is to make sure that the lines do not reach opposite sides of the workpiece, otherwise the snowflake will not work.

When you have applied the design, cut off the excess with sharp scissors. Small parts remove with nail scissors or a stationery knife.

Snowflake with a plot

IN Lately Unusual snowflakes with figures of animals and people are gaining popularity. Snowflakes where you can see the real plot. Take these pictures as an example and come up with your own.

What kind of paper should you cut snowflakes from?

Any kind, as long as it is easy to cut. You can decorate your home with snowflakes made of gold or silver paper. You can use colored or translucent paper. And some people prefer to create using old newspapers and magazines.

Ballerinas on the window

By the way, ballerina snowflakes have not lost their relevance for many years. From such figures you can assemble a real garland. In this case, you will have to cut out the silhouette of the dancer (preferably from cardboard) and a snowflake, which will be put on the figurine as a skirt.


Volumetric snowflakes

Volumetric snowflakes look unusual and very elegant. They are also quite easy and quick to make. A good example- in this video.

New Year very close and in this life hack we will analyze 140 various schemes, and just. You will also find several video lessons that will help you better understand all the nuances.

Most likely, each of you approximately knows how to do round snowflake from paper(white or color), but since we need them only on New Year’s holidays, the subtleties of production are beyond whole year are forgotten, so it’s easier to Google it at the right time and get to our website to remember everything. I think this is what most of you do, but this article will also be useful for those who want to find something new, something interesting and grandiose, for example, here you will find in the form of deer or cats. And so, let's get to the heart of the matter.

How to make a simple paper snowflake

First, let's look at the types of bases for future jewelry and start with the most standard one. Try it make a beautiful paper snowflake step by step and you will definitely succeed.

  • The first thing you need to do is take an A4 piece of paper and cut a square out of it. To do this, take one corner and pull it to the opposite edge, and then bend it, as shown in the figure.
  • We cut off the excess and get a perfect square.Now let's bend it back

  • Then again

  • We turn the resulting triangle upside down, and pull the left edge towards the middle (even a little further)

  • Now we overlap the right one.

  • It's important that the edges end up flush and not protruding from each other, so try it on before making the final fold.

  • We turn the resulting figure over and cut it according to the level of the formed strip.

Second base make New Year's snowflakes out of paper just as simply, the first two steps will be the same, but then, after the formation of the square, there will be differences.

  • Prepare a pair in advance by folding it from one corner of the square to the other.

  • Now fold the triangle and place it with the top down.

  • Fold the right edge as shown in the picture.

  • We turn it over and do the same procedure with the second edge. The main thing is that everything is symmetrical.

  • Bend the figure in half.

  • The drawing must be applied along the edge where it is located inner corner, otherwise you won't succeed make the most beautiful paper snowflake for the window, because it will simply fall apart.

The last third diagram of the basis in order to how to make an origami snowflake out of paper (sheet) begins like the previous two:

  • From the square.

  • Then we bend the triangle.

  • Fold it again.

  • Once again.

  • Now we drag the vertex of the triangle to the opposite edge. The top of this figure should have several tails, and the bottom should be solid.

  • Cut off the top and base in order to ready to make a snowflake from A4 paper.

Now that we have sorted out all the types of basics, we move on to their design, and for this we have prepared as many as 140 different schemes. You will not see such quantity anywhere in one place. It remains to be reminded that if you want make a small paper snowflake(color for example), and not a large one, then just take a piece of paper of a smaller format, and all other actions are similar.

140 instructions on how to make a paper snowflake

We have collected the most large collection schemes from all over the world. Here you can find options how to make a regular paper snowflake, how to do it step by step openwork snowflake or hexagonal. There's something for every taste ideal type for the holiday.

These are not all of them, you can check out the rest on the Pinterest board.

Now you know how to make a large paper snowflake step by step, but if you like to watch a video reviewer, then especially for you we have selected the most best videos with instructions for creation and now you can watch:

How to make a paper nezhinka video

How to make a beautiful paper snowflake video

Dear friends! It's time to prepare for the New Year! Everyone starts buying all kinds of decorations, garlands, Christmas trees. But almost every house is decorated with snowflakes - a symbol of winter and the New Year. So I'll write a few simple ways how to make a paper snowflake with your own hands. This activity will be especially interesting for children. I remember that when I was a child, my brothers and I also cut out many different snowflakes from paper every year and hung them on the window. These snowflakes bring an atmosphere of celebration and fairy tales to your home.

Therefore, pick up paper, scissors, pencil, turn on your imagination and get down to business!

Paper snowflake using the kirigami technique step by step.

Snowflakes using the kirigami technique turn out very beautiful, and they are very easy to make. At first, such a snowflake is made like an ordinary one, only some elements are not cut out, but cuts are made, which are then folded.

But it's better to see everything with your own eyes. Therefore, look at the photo below on how to make a paper snowflake step by step.

How to fold a sheet of paper to cut out a snowflake.

To create a snowflake you will need a square sheet of paper. It can be made from rectangular sheet in the manner shown in the photo below.

To make the snowflake even, you need to make such a blank. On a piece of paper, draw two perpendicular lines and two 60 degree angles. For this you will need a protractor.

Now we place a square folded diagonally on our workpiece.

We bend one corner along the drawn line on the workpiece.

And bend the second corner in the same way. It turns out to be such a crown :)

We bend our figure in half. This is the folded future snowflake.

A method for creating a snowflake.

Now you need to draw the pattern you want. There are no restrictions here. Just don’t make the cuts too close on the fold so that the snowflake doesn’t tear.

Patterns for snowflakes in this technique require the presence of lines for cutting.

Cut out your beautiful snowflake.

We unfold it and get this unfinished snowflake.

Now fold the cut triangles.

It turns out like this.

And also bend the triangles in the middle of the snowflake. This will be the final version.

But if you have the desire and time, then you can decorate the snowflake with sparkles, small pompoms, or draw an original pattern on it with paints or felt-tip pens. Then you will get a one and only snowflake!

Here is another version of the kirigami snowflake pattern. We cut and bend the corners, as in the previous version.

The result is such a miracle!

And one more pattern 😉 We do everything the same as before. We draw, cut, unfold, bend.

This is how the third snowflake turned out.

We make a regular 6-pointed snowflake.

These are snowflakes from our childhood. To cut them out, you need to fold a square sheet of paper as shown at the beginning of the article. Then we draw the pattern. The pattern can be anything. As children, we didn’t even draw it in advance, we just cut it out as we wanted. It turned out differently, sometimes better, sometimes worse. And they competed to see who could make the most beautiful snowflake.

For example, I made one such snowflake.

I cut out the designed pattern.

And this is what happened.

How to cut an 8-pointed snowflake from paper.

This option is more complicated than the previous one in that the paper is folded into more layers and becomes thicker. Cutting such a snowflake is quite difficult, especially if you want to make some curls. You can try cutting with a utility knife. I didn’t have one, I had to do everything with nail scissors and put in quite a lot of effort. Or, if available, use tissue paper.

To create an eight-pointed snowflake, you again need a square sheet of paper. We bend it in half diagonally, we get a triangle.

Fold it in half one more time.

And bend the triangle in half one more time.

Now fold the short side towards the long side, as in the photo.

And cut off the extra little triangle at the bottom.

Apply the desired pattern and cut out the snowflake. As before, do not draw notches too close to each other on the fold, otherwise the snowflake will tear.

Expand and evaluate your work.

Here is another version of the pattern.

It turns out like a snowflake.

And the third scheme is this.

Here's the finished version.

How to make a three-dimensional snowflake out of paper: master class.

This snowflake looks quite impressive. It won't be difficult to do it. To create such a voluminous snowflake you will need paper, maybe colored paper, scissors, a ruler, pencil and glue.

Like all previous snowflakes, this snowflake is made from a square. The square must be folded in half diagonally to form a triangle.

Now on this triangle, using a ruler, draw lines parallel to the sides. Do not connect the lines to each other, otherwise the workpiece will simply fall apart. It is convenient to draw such lines using a triangle.

I outlined the lines with a red felt-tip pen so that it was clearly visible how to draw them. Once the lines are drawn, you need to cut the triangle along them.

Now we unfold our square with cut lines. Take two triangles in the middle and glue them together at the corners.

Turn the workpiece over and glue the corners of the next two cut triangles.

Turn the workpiece over again and glue the third row of triangles.

We turn the shape over one last time and glue the last corners. It turns out to be such a voluminous figure.

For our snowflake you need to make 6 such curls. You can do them all different colors, you will get a multi-colored snowflake!

All that remains is to glue our figures in the middle. First glue three pieces together. Can be connected with a stapler.

Then glue the remaining 3 parts. The snowflake is almost ready.

In order for the snowflake to keep its shape, glue the rays together at the points of contact. And if you wish, you can glue a paper loop, using which you can hang the snowflake on the Christmas tree.

Volumetric snowflake made of paper strips.

Prepare paper, glue, scissors and a ruler for work.

To create this snowflake you need to cut 12 strips. You can change the length and width depending on what size snowflake you need. I cut strips 20 cm long and 1 cm wide.

Now glue the two strips in the middle.

Glue two more next to each other vertical stripes and two horizontal ones. Intertwine the strips together before doing this. It turns out to be a square in the center.

Glue the corners of the outer strips together as shown in the photo. This will be the first half of our snowflake.

Make the other half of the snowflake in the same way.

All that remains is to connect the two halves together. Place two parts on top of each other so that the rays of one coincide with the petal of the other. Glue the strips where they touch.

So this wonderful snowflake is ready. If you want, you can glue it in the middle, it will look like a flower.

That's all! Snowflakes are ready, the spirit of the New Year is in the home. What to cook for festive table for the New Year you will find out from.

I wish that your snowflakes turn out beautiful and elegant. Best wishes!

New Year is approaching. One of the most interesting and fun family holidays. In many children's institutions the premises are decorated various crafts, including paper snowflakes.

Did you know that among the many snowflakes, it is impossible to find at least two absolutely identical?!

This is true, at least that's what scientists say. Each snowflake is unique! They can be different in size, but they always have only 6 rays. Just imagine what miracles nature creates. You and I already know what can be made from New Year's snowflakes. Now let's try to learn how to cut out very beautiful snowflakes from paper according to a pattern that will be understandable even to very young children.

But how to make a paper snowflake with your own hands? Is it difficult? And how much paper do you need to make such a snowflake yourself?

What you will need:
- scissors
- a sheet of thin paper.

To make a snowflake, you need thin paper, since during its manufacture you have to often bend the paper, and then make small cuts and cuts with scissors, which a child will find quite difficult. Even for an adult, it can sometimes be difficult to physically cut through a dense stack of sheets of paper.

You can even use a kitchen napkin to make a snowflake - then the snowflake will be light and have a slight texture.

Ideally, our paper snowflake should have a lot of voids, then it will look more sophisticated and interesting. After you read our article, you can easily cut out beautiful paper snowflakes with your children! If you follow all the tips outlined in this article, you will soon have the most beautiful paper snowflakes at home. Your child will really like this activity.

Beautiful paper snowflakes will become good decoration at home for the New Year. They will create a snow-white atmosphere in the apartment, winter's tale. And just by cutting out paper snowflakes of various shapes, you can have fun, because this is an exciting activity and you should also get your children interested in it. If you don’t know how to cut snowflakes out of paper, or have forgotten how to do it, then this is not a problem. Next you will see that everything is very simple. Even a child can handle this. For the New Year's holiday, we invite you to make a lot of snowflakes and, moreover, in different shapes.

How to make a paper snowflake with your own hands

In our opinion, the easiest way to cut snowflakes from paper is as follows.

1. Place a plate (or any other item) on a sheet of paper round shape) suitable size(the diameter of the plate depends on what size snowflake you need - small, medium or large). Circle it with a simple pencil and cut out the resulting circle.

2. Fold the circle in half.

3. Fold the resulting half circle in half again.

4. The resulting quarter circle must be folded in half again. This should make 1/8 of a circle.

5. Using a simple pencil, draw jagged edges on both sides of the 1/8 circle.

6. Cut out the snowflake as shown in the picture.

7. Expand the circle. The snowflake is ready! If desired, you can iron it with an iron to make it even.

Note: to make snowflakes, it is better to use paper as thin as possible. How thinner paper, the easier it is to cut snowflakes from paper. Small snowflakes are convenient to cut out from coffee filters. They are round in shape and thin.

How to make a paper snowflake with your own hands photo

1. Prepare a square sheet of paper and fold it in half, diagonally.

2. Fold the resulting triangle in half again.

3. Notice how the new triangle forms. This is done by eye. The main thing is that one side of the triangle touches the opposite fold.

4. Cut bottom part shapes and you can draw an outline along which you will further cut

Schemes of snowflakes from paper for cutting

Here are some pattern options.

How to make a paper snowflake with your own hands photo step by step

To make a paper snowflake you will need a sheet of paper. You can use regular white paper, as well as decorative or colored. Trusting your imagination, you can combine and combine paper snowflakes with each other, getting new unusual patterns and compositions.

Fold a sheet of paper several times. Then, looking at the diagrams below, cut out the patterns. You can cut it by eye, or you can draw a pattern with a pencil and then cut it along the finished contour.

Cutting snowflakes out of paper is a fun activity for both adults and children. Gather the whole family at one large table and, over a lively conversation, create and create, cut out white paper beauties - snowflakes.

How to make a picture of snowflakes on a window (photo)

How to make a ballerina snowflake? (video)

Snowflakes-ballerinas, New Year's decoration, mobile. Ballerinas rotate with any air movement, as if they are spinning in a dance!

A voluminous snowflake looks much more impressive than a regular one, and creating it is also simple (a little more difficult). Similar fabulous 3D snowflakes can be hung in rooms, as well as on the tree itself to create an atmosphere New Year's holiday. You will need: 6 square sheets paper, glue, scissors, stapler, inspiration and free time(15 minutes will be enough). A voluminous snowflake, if desired, can be made multi-colored, using to create it individual elements colored paper. But before you learn how to create three-dimensional snowflakes without instructions, it is better to use plain white paper (practice on it first). And a snow-white voluminous snowflake will always be in fashion.

1. First we make 6 such square blanks for the future snowflake. You can download these blanks for small or large snowfields, and then print them on a printer. If you create big snowflake, then it is better to use high-density paper - this is necessary so that the snowflake can keep its shape. Fold each square in half diagonally and use scissors to make cuts, moving from the fold to the center line.

2. Open the square with the cuts, which was folded diagonally, and place it in front of us as shown in the picture. We twist the first row of strips into a tube and fasten them with glue.

3. We turn the snowflake over to the other side and begin to work with the next two strips: we also connect them and fasten them with glue. We continue to work in the same spirit: we turn the snowflake over and fasten the remaining strips together. As a result of these actions, we should have a twisted, fancy element like this.

4. We have created one of the rays for our volumetric snowflake, and we need to make six of them! Therefore, we do the same with the other 5 blanks. We connect three rays of a snowflake in the middle with a stapler. Similarly, we connect the remaining three rays of the snowflake. Next, we connect these two large parts together.

5. Our beautiful three-dimensional snowflake is almost ready! You just need to use glue to connect the snowflake in those places where the rays touch each other. This is necessary so that the snowflake holds its shape properly.

So we made a three-dimensional snowflake out of paper! What great fellows we are! Now you can make it in color!

How to make a paper snowflake with your own hands video

Beautiful DIY kirigami paper snowflakes

Kirigami is a type of origami in which, in the process of making a figure, you are allowed to use scissors and cut paper with them. The method of cutting out kirigami snowflakes is not very different from making simple paper snowflakes, but the result is much more interesting and creative.

First, you create this template, using which anyone, even a child, can make a six-pointed kirigami snowflake. To do this, we construct an angle of 60 degrees on a piece of paper. A protractor will come to our aid in constructing an angle.

We fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally and place the blank on the template as follows:

We bend the corners of the triangle as shown in the picture:

You can draw the lines of future cuts on the workpiece with a simple pencil, and then use an eraser to erase these lines, or attach a pre-printed and prepared template to the workpiece and cut out according to it. If at this stage the workpiece is folded in half again, then to cut out a snowflake you can use simple nail scissors rather than a stationery knife. In this case, even a child can be entrusted with the work of cutting out snowflakes.

How to make a snowflake from paper strips photo

You will need:

- thick paper of any color;
- scissors;
- glue.

1. Cut 12 strips of paper 1cm wide and 20cm long.

* You can slightly increase the size of the strips - width 1.5cm, length 30cm.

2. Fold the two strips crosswise in the middle and glue them together as shown in the picture.

3. Add 2 more strips vertically and horizontally, intertwine them and attach them together.

4. Glue the corner strips together as shown in the picture. We get this figure, which represents half a snowflake. Using the same technology, prepare the other half of the snowflake.

5. Now it’s time to glue the halves together. To do this, you need to rotate each one 45 degrees. Glue the loose strips to the corresponding corners of the petals (see picture).

* You can glue the halves in the middle so that the snowflake looks like a flower.

How to make a 3D paper snowflake step by step

Such a beautiful snowflake is easy to make with your children.

To make a voluminous paper snowflake you will need: A4 or A5 paper, scissors, glue and a New Year's mood.

1. Fold an A4 sheet in half and cut it, or immediately take 2 A5 sheets.

2. We fold each sheet diagonally (see photo below), cutting off the excess, we get 2 squares.

3. Without unfolding, fold the resulting squares in half again diagonally.

4. Cut out the petals.

5. We make 2 cuts in each petal, slightly short of the fold.

6. Unfold the workpiece.

7. Glue the middle part to the middle.

8. Repeat with the remaining petals.

9. We do the same with the second workpiece.

10. All that remains is to glue the blanks together with their back sides crosswise and the voluminous double-sided snowflake is ready.

11. To decorate the walls you can make something like this winter flower, first gluing the blanks in the center crosswise, and then collecting the middle parts of the petals towards the center.