What bouquets are customary to give for the New Year? The most “winter” flowers. Is it possible to give flowers for the New Year?

When asked if it is possible to give flowers to New Year? if so, which ones are better given by the author Enony fucker the best answer is All men know that a woman of any age can be pleased with a bouquet of flowers. But not everyone knows that there is a unique system of customs related to what flowers can be given to whom. Some people strictly adhere to this "etiquette". We advise you to simply take note of this. Decide which rules to follow, guided by your own logic, because some of these customs can be considered simply superstitions.
Bouquet colors
You also need to be careful with red. Red flowers can be given to a friend or relative whom we love dearly. But dark red is considered the color of passion (than brighter color, those stronger feeling), it is given only to loved ones.
Therefore, when choosing a bouquet, for example, for your employee, it is better to focus on halftones.
Pink flowers are given to people of any age and gender for any occasion. Such a bouquet says: “I treat you well!” Variegated flowers are also universal. Everyone likes them. Feel free to give them - they lift your spirits and make you smile.
White garden flowers are given as special gifts special occasions, such as a wedding. And white field and forest flowers (chamomile, snowdrop, lily of the valley) are best given to young girls for any holiday. This is a symbol of youth and purity. God forbid you present a bouquet of white lilies to an elderly lady - she may have difficult associations, because such bouquets are usually seen off on their last journey. And you shouldn’t come to the hospital with white flowers, such “color therapy” will not benefit the patient. Flowers are more appropriate here delicate shades odorless (imagine that your bouquet will stand for more than one day at the bedside of a sick person) and small in size. And no matter how much the patient likes the bouquet, after discharge it should be presented to the sister or doctor, and under no circumstances should it be taken home from the hospital.
Yellow flowers(but not roses!) It is appropriate to give to a girl if a young man wants to part with her gracefully. Of course, on March 8th, you can give a traditional bouquet of mimosa or daffodils to relatives, teachers or just acquaintances. But for my beloved would be better suited bouquet of scarlet tulips. It is customary to give yellow flowers to actors and artistic people - this is a symbol of sunshine and success. "Tea roses" (from pale lemon to dark brown) are more suitable for women." elegant age"The French call the age from 35 this way.
Lilac and blue flowers They are given to people whose originality they want to emphasize. The bouquet says: "I appreciate your sophistication!"
Now there are many flowers of exotic colors - from black to green. You should not collect a bouquet of one tone from them; it is better to vary the colors. Don't forget that green is a symbol of hope, a wish to hold on, and black is a sign of the sadness of your heart. Try to make a “bouquet with meaning” from these flowers.
Bouquets for men
Such bouquets are a symbol of independence, success, an attribute of victory. Use a range of solid colors: white, red, dark green.
According to experts, in order to please a man, you don’t need to strive for a lot of variety in your bouquet. A “rich” bouquet does not mean good. It can be one flower, which is played out symbolically. Say, one protea that resembles a monarch's scepter might work better than a million scarlet roses. In addition to bouquets of cut flowers, florists offer arrangements - complex designs that can use glass vessels, baskets, and metal frames. When decorating offices with floral arrangements, it is recommended to pay attention to the interior. In modern rooms, where the style should be stricter, exotic plants look good: proteas, strelitzia, heliconia, anthuriums - strict, cold. In classic old buildings you can afford a little luxury: roses, lilies, climbing plants, for example decorative grapes.

In Russia there is a tradition of visiting on New Year's Eve, and visiting friends on a holiday without a gift is not customary. Most Russians look in stores for souvenirs, interior decoration items, or anything else that should please the owners. We invite you to pay attention to such a gift as a New Year's bouquet.

This beauty will support festive mood in the house all holidays. The undeniable advantages are symbolism, originality, effectiveness, unique design, stunning festive scent - spruce, tangerine, cinnamon or ginger (depending on the filling of the bouquet you choose).

What types of New Year's bouquets are there?

In Russia, the idea of ​​​​creating New Year's bouquets began to develop not so long ago, so for now they can be considered exclusive. The most convenient way to look for New Year's bouquets is on the Internet. This miracle will not appear on the shelves sooner last week December, because cut flowers do not last long. So, what do florists offer us for New Year and Christmas?

  1. Bouquets made of sweets or with their participation.
  2. Bouquets with symbols of the New Year are fir branches, New Year's toys, cones, cotton flowers - they are soft, white and fluffy, associated with snow, etc.
  3. Bouquets with New Year's flowers.
  4. Bouquets with a candle can be used to decorate a holiday table.
  5. Bouquets in boxes, baskets.
  6. Bouquets with winter fruits - tangerines, apples.
  7. Classic bouquets with flowers that will perfectly fit into the atmosphere of a festive evening.
  8. New Year's compositions for the festive table.
  9. Bouquets with soft toys.

New Year's bouquet with sweets and champagne

Thus, we see that the choice is very large. You can choose a New Year's bouquet for parents, friends, lovers, relatives, as well as to decorate your apartment or house. We will tell you about some of them in more detail.

Bouquets with New Year's decorative elements

For creating winter bouquets florists most often use branches of spruce, pine or cedar, large scarlet or snow-white roses, lilies, alstrometria, amaryllius, chrysanthemums, carnations, and orchids. Among the additional decorative elements- cones, Christmas decorations, exotic fruits, cinnamon sticks, dried orange rings, candles, golden lace serpentine, artificial snow. New Year's bouquets differ in color. The basic color combinations of this holiday are green-red-gold and green-blue-white. Each of the shades has its own symbolism and associations.

    Green - Christmas tree, continuity of traditions;

    White and blue - snow, ice and frost;

    Red - Christmas star, love, warmth of the family hearth.

New Year's bouquet for a girl

An example of a romantic New Year's bouquet with three red roses

A New Year's bouquet for your beloved should be romantic. An orchid can emphasize not only the solemnity of the moment, but also add tenderness and romance to a relationship. Red roses will harmonize well with the festive surroundings and look great against the backdrop of an elegant spruce tree and glasses of champagne. On this holiday it is better to give bright bouquets in New Year's colors. Gold and silver jewelry will be a definite plus.

Flower arrangements for the festive table

This table composition with natural spruce branches and cotton flowers will help create Christmas mood

A good idea for a New Year's gift would be a bouquet or wreath for decoration. festive table. It will be a spectacular addition to the festive decor and elegant Christmas tree. You can assemble a simple one yourself New Year's composition from spruce branches, Christmas balls, cones, tangerines or use the masterpieces of professional florists. A New Year's bouquet on the table is designed not only to delight guests with its appearance, it can also create a festive atmosphere with the help of its aroma. To do this, choose bouquets with fresh spruce branches, tangerines or cinnamon sticks. The effect of such aromatherapy will be amazing.

Give joy to your loved ones and friends. To do this, there is no need to rack your brains over questions about what to buy for them, what might be useful in the house - they already know this themselves. Give beauty and holiday mood - this will be the best gift. It will be remembered for a long time, and will not gather dust in the attic all year.

Flowers are playing vital role in New Year celebrations around the world. Fresh flowers are not only a symbol of life and new beginnings, they are also associated with a large number of New Year's traditions. In different cultures they symbolize different concepts, which are undoubtedly important to consider when choosing a New Year's bouquet for foreign friends, international partners or clients.

Photo: www.tOrange.biz Valdemar Fishmen

Hot New Year in Brazil: roses and gladioli

The most popular New Year's flowers in Brazil are white roses and gladioli. This tradition is primarily associated with the celebration dedicated to the sea goddess Lemanya. Like many other Brazilian holidays, this festival is a truly mesmerizing spectacle. At sunset, thousands of people dressed in snow-white robes gather on the beaches with large wicker baskets filled with white flowers, sweets and other offerings for the goddess. According to a long-standing tradition, people throw white roses, gladioli and sweets into the sea, making a wish. It is believed that if the offerings float out to sea and do not return back to shore, Lemanya has accepted them and all wishes will be fulfilled in the coming year.

To wish good luck and happiness in the New Year to your friends and colleagues in Brazil, feel free to choose a snow-white bouquet of roses or gladioli. After all, he will become not only beautiful, but also a meaningful gift for your recipient.

Photo: curiously_unique

Chinese New Year: chrysanthemums and orchids

As you know, the Chinese celebrate New Year lunar calendar, the date of which falls at the end of January - beginning of February. Flowers play a paramount role in Chinese culture and Chinese New Year is no exception. One of its main symbols, bringing good luck and prosperity, are beautiful orchids, chrysanthemums, azalea and bamboo. The presence of these flowers in the house during the Chinese New Year celebration is the main guarantee of family prosperity in the coming year. These traditions are also observed at work. It is also customary to decorate offices with flowers, because the superstitious Chinese firmly believe in the power of yellow and red chrysanthemums to bring wealth, prosperity and longevity. Prosperity and purity are symbolized by orchids in pots. And, of course, what home or office would be without beautiful branchy bamboo branches that attract good luck not only during the holiday, but throughout the year.

Chinese gift etiquette is very different from the one we accept and involves many nuances that are important to consider, especially when choosing gifts for business partners. Nevertheless, fresh flowers- this is one of the few surprises that will always be appropriate and received with gratitude in both official and informal settings.

Photo: Carolyn Jewel

New Year in Vietnam: peach branches and tangerines

The most important holiday of the year for the Vietnamese is Tet, or Lunar New Year. There is a lot associated with this holiday ancient customs and symbols, among which flowers play one of the most important roles.

Peach branches of all shapes and sizes with bright pink buds are the most typical flowers of the Vietnamese New Year and their traditional symbol. Delicate flowers peach, reminiscent of virgin beauty young girls, act as New Year's decoration, bringing prosperity and abundance to the owners of the house. Bright yellow apricot flowers are another traditional New Year's flowers in Vietnam, which are often perceived as a New Year's wish for unmarried girls find your soulmate.

There is no tradition of decorating in Vietnam. christmas tree, but in many houses they put decorative tangerine trees, hung with orange fruits, symbolizing well-being and prosperity, yellow marigolds - a symbol of longevity - and a variety of talismans for good luck.

To wish your friends and family in Vietnam not only a happy but also a sweet New Year, send them a fruit basket with tangerines and bright flower arrangement, which will decorate and delight both during the holiday and after.

New Year in the USA: edible bouquets

Although the United States does not have one traditional New Year's flower, bouquets for the New Year often have their own specifics. IN Lately Edible bouquets are becoming increasingly popular not only for their taste, but also for their ability to surprise recipients with their originality. Created by experienced florists from fruits, vegetables, chocolate, sweets and fresh flowers, you want to eat these edible works of art only with your eyes, but, believe me, they are in no way inferior in taste to a good fruit or gift basket.

Flowers in pots - another one popular gift for the New Year in the USA. Original and unpretentious succulents, spices V stylish eco containers, exotic bonsai promise to delight for a long time and bring a lot of benefits (you can read about how flowers affect mood and productivity).

And if until now you may not have even considered flowers as a gift for the New Year, we hope that we were able to change your mind. Now, when buying a gift abroad for relatives or colleagues, you can safely choose a classic bouquet of roses, a potted plant or an original edible bouquet and be absolutely sure that this surprise will be welcome and absolutely appropriate.

— Well, are you ready to start holiday shopping? On our website you will find flowers and gifts for every taste and budget.

— Do you need help choosing a bouquet? Read how to choose the perfect bouquet of roses for any recipient.

— And, of course, don’t forget to share your new knowledge with your friends!

What flowers can be given for the New Year, is it necessary to do this and what compositions are suitable for this holiday?

In Russia there is no tradition of giving flowers for the New Year. However, who wouldn't love a bouquet of gorgeous, fragrant flowers this winter holiday?

It is worth considering that it is better to give a composition in a pre-New Year theme. They can take part in it paper snowflakes, figures of Father Frost and Snow Maiden, as well as artificial snow.

Indoor flowers for the New Year

Indoor flowers are beautiful both in summer and winter, so they will be an extremely appropriate gift:

  • The Christmas star is very suitable as a gift for the New Year, because its name alone gives the feeling of the upcoming holiday. This plant is associated with a legend about a young man who wanted to give Christ a flower, but he did not have enough money. And he found it under the snow. When the child brought this plant to the temple, it bloomed with delightful bright scarlet flowers. But it should be borne in mind that the Christmas star cannot be kept in the cold for a long time, and it will have to be carefully wrapped so that it does not wither.
  • Hippeastrum - this flower is usually presented as a New Year's gift, because it is loved throughout Russia. This plant looks a bit like a lily. It can be seen on old pictures or postcards.
  • Decembrist - as a rule, this flower blooms at the end of November or at the end of January. Another name for the plant is zygocactus. Decembrist is unpretentious in care, like all cacti. But during the flowering process, do not touch the petals, because the plant is very fragile.
  • Hellebore - when Christ was born, people carried many various gifts. And for each subsequent birthday of Christ, they gave away the most valuable things. But the poor shepherdess had nothing, and the Angel who saw this situation threw the white delicate flower right at her feet. This is exactly what she presented as a gift.

What bouquet can you give for the New Year?

A great option would be a gift of roses, because this plant is considered universal and always looks aesthetically pleasing. An appropriate gift for the New Year would be a bouquet of white orchids, pink roses- they will look very bright and festive.

An excellent option would be a bouquet of cream roses and red amaryllis.

You can add not only decorative items to the composition, but also real fruits: tangerines, apples, pineapple. An excellent addition - New Year's cookies, gingerbread or candies - for tea drinking New Year's table and just a pleasant surprise.

What bouquet to give women for the New Year?

What a bouquet of fresh flowers will become a great gift for a woman for the New Year, don’t even hesitate! You can give flowers such as roses, gerberas, callas, daffodils, Christmas stars, hellebores, Decembrists, hippeastrums. But it must be a thematic composition, so the floral gift will look elegant and especially appropriate.

The following combinations of shades look interesting in compositions and bouquets:

  • red, green, golden;
  • white, blue, greenish yellow;
  • blue, white, purple, red.

It is important to consider that each shade has its own symbolism. Eg:

  • Green - symbolizes spruce.
  • Blue, light blue and white - snow drifts, ice lace on the windows made by frost.
  • Red - symbolizes the star that we usually see on decorated Christmas trees.

To create a New Year's bouquet, experts use spruce branches, large white or red roses, lilies and many other flowers. They are decorated with various decorative toys, fruits, sweets or small figures depicting the symbol of the year.

Women will especially be pleased with New Year's baskets with flowers, spruce branches, tinsel, fruits and sweets. In this variety of gifts it is easy to hide the most main gift, which will be the culmination of the entire celebration.

Agree that it is on the New Year that everyone expects the fulfillment of their deepest desires. So why not do it, for example, like this in a refined way proposal to your girlfriend? Or give your wife a certificate for a visit to the spa she has been dreaming about for so long? Imagine and give your loved one a truly magnificent surprise, decorated with fragrant flora.

Do you want to give to a loved one floral arrangement or bouquet for the New Year? Great! Then find out the preferences and tastes of this person, and then contact professional florists- and you will present an unexpected and pleasant surprise to a woman on this wonderful, magical holiday.

Giving gifts is a way to show your warm feelings to family and friends. Moreover, it is approaching great occasion- New Year. It's great if the choice fell on indoor flowers. Living plants lift your spirits and bring a festive atmosphere to your home.


IN European countries on new year holidays give symbols of the Christmas miracle. For example, poinsettia is a shrub associated with a wonderful legend.

Poinsettia, or beautiful euphorbia - one of best gifts At Christmas

On Christmas Eve, in a village in Mexico, people were making gifts for Jesus. Little Maria accidentally ruined the craft and did not have time to make a new one. On Christmas Eve, people crowded around the church, showing each other the gifts they had prepared. Only Maria had nothing to show and she wandered away in tears. Suddenly over the road she saw bright star. A voice from heaven said: “Don’t cry, child! Jesus will accept any gift you give if it is given with all your heart. Your love will make it special." The girl picked twigs from the nearest bush and rushed to the church. When she entered, bright red flowers, like stars, bloomed on the plucked shoots. Loving God the girl's heart performed a miracle. Since then, this shrub has been nicknamed the Christmas star.

White and red poinsettias go well together

The Christmas star is given to loved ones. Unusual view It is given by bright bracts, the flowers themselves are small and inconspicuous. The freshness of a plant is determined by the pollen on the crown. If it's not there, everything is fine. Flowering lasts from December to March, then the poinsettia falls off and goes into a dormant period until autumn.

The shrub does not tolerate drafts and cold. When transporting from the store in winter, it is wrapped in paper to prevent the leaves from freezing.

At the end of flowering, the poinsettia is cut to 10 cm in height, transplanted into fresh soil and put in a cool, shaded place, watering occasionally.

Photo gallery: colorful poinsettia

IN wildlife poinsettia is a tall shrub up to 3 m in height. There are many varieties of poinsettia with unusual colors. One of the most popular Christmas varieties of poinsettia in the West is Jingle bell rock. White poinsettia looks very elegant. Yellow poinsettias look good paired with red ones. Poinsettia with bracts. different colors- a fantastic sight. Poinsettias with an orange color are rarely seen on sale. The latest novelty of breeders is poinsettia with intricately curved bracts.

Christmas cactus

Decembrist, or Schlumbergera, also blooms when others are resting. This epiphytic cactus is popularly called Rozhdestvennik, or Varvarina Krasa. It blooms on December 17 - the Day of Remembrance of St. Barbara. This plant is decorative in both winter and summer. The Decembrist is a symbol of beauty and wisdom; it is presented to beloved women. Graceful tubular cactus flowers come in a variety of colors. The plants are unpretentious, but do not like rearrangements during budding.

In winter, the Christmas tree is decorated with dozens of flowers

Photo gallery: the whole Christmas palette

Decembrist is bought in Schlumbergera buds forms flowers at the tips of the shoots. Most often, Christmas trees are found with pink flowers Schlumbergera Kris kringle has scarlet flowers Schlumbergera Livia blooms so profusely that the leaves are not visible. The Decembrist with white flowers fascinates with its beauty. The rarest Decembrists are yellow and orange. On New Year's holidays the variety Christmas Fantasy is often given as a gift.


The stronger sex also needs the inspiring energy of flowers. Good gift for a beloved man - hippeastrum, translated from Greek - star rider. This bulbous plant impresses with its exquisite funnel-shaped flowers. It symbolizes an unbridled flight of fantasy and is suitable for men engaged in intellectual work.

Hippeastrum comes from the American tropics

Water the plant along the edge of the pot, being careful not to get it on the bulb. When the leaves wither, a period of dormancy will begin. The pot with hippeastrum is transferred to a dark, cool place for 1.5–3 months and watered once every 3 weeks.

A period of rest is necessary for bulbous plants to bloom again.

Photo gallery: varieties of hippeastrum

Hippeastrum variety "98–60" has an interesting two-color flower
The real king is the white hippeastrum Alfresco with double flowers. The rich red hippeastrum Magnum has an arrow height of 30–35 cm. The Aphrodite variety has a very delicate flower with pink streaks
If needed unusual flower for a bright personality, choose hippeastrum Papilio
Hippeastrum Black Pearl has dark cherry petals with almost black veins. Hippeastrum Rio Negro has light green stripes on its petals


Always in demand houseplants, symbolizing happiness and harmony. On New Year's Day they are brought into the house by cyclamen, whose leaves are shaped like hearts.

The heart-shaped leaves of cyclamen often have an interesting silvery pattern.

Above them, like butterflies, pink, scarlet, white or purple flowers. This budget gift, which you can make your friends and acquaintances happy. Most often, hybrids of Persian cyclamen are sold in stores.

Many hybrid varieties of cyclamen with a variety of flower colors have been developed.

The corm plant blooms for 4 weeks, then enters a dormant period. Some varieties even shed their leaves. To extend the life of cyclamen, keep it in a cool room at a temperature of + 13–15 o C.

With excessive watering, the cyclamen corm rots


Friends and relatives will be happy if instead of a cut down Christmas tree you present them with an original indoor flower. The tops of plants of the bromeliad family are crowned with bright inflorescences that resemble fancy cones, candles and stars.


Some epiphytes bloom once in a lifetime, but unforgettably. These plants include striped echmea, which protects owners from apathy and melancholy. It is difficult not to freeze in admiration at the sight of bright pink and blue sepals in a huge star-shaped inflorescence.

Aechmea's homeland is Central and South America

Ekhmeya loves wet air, so the pot is placed in a tray with pebbles, at the bottom of which water is poured. After flowering for several months, the exotic plant slowly fades away.

Be careful, the juice of aechmea leaves is irritating to the skin.


An elevated festive mood is guaranteed to those who receive a fireworks plant as a gift. Evergreen guzmania with bright bracts tones and invigorates those around you.

When increasing green mass Guzmania will turn over a plastic pot, so it is placed in a heavy pot

If the plant seems too bulky, choose dwarf varieties.

Dwarf Guzmanias are easier to transport

After flowering for 17 weeks, the main trunk withers. The life of the plant is extended by rooting its shoots.

Table: maintenance of New Year's indoor plants

Plant Virulence Flowering period Lighting Watering Air humidity
Poinsettia Milky sap and pollen are poisonous, not suitable for allergy sufferers 2–4 months, usually from December to March Diffused, partial shade Abundant, but as the soil dries out High
Schlumberger No 3–4 months, from November to February Partial shade, direct sun is destructive Abundant in winter, moderate in summer High
Hippeastrum Only the onion is poisonous Lasts a month (the timing depends on the date of planting the bulb), then the above-ground part gradually dries out Blooms better in direct sun Moderate Medium, no need to spray
Cyclamen Yes 30 days Diffused, east and west windows Scanty, only through the pallet High, but flowers cannot be sprayed
Aechmea, Guzmania Yes 3–4 months Scattered Moderate, warm water High

My New Year's gifts

My family doesn’t usually present plants for the New Year, but as a florist, sometimes I get something special. Most impressive New Year's gift- striped echmea. Its enchanting flower blooms slowly and pleases for 3 months. The leaves decorated with silver are also incredibly beautiful. winter pattern. She lived until the summer, then disappeared. Now I know that the plant could have been saved by planting the babies. In 4 years they would also bloom.
Most unusual gift, which I got - decorative nightshade, or solanum. This low shrub resembles a decorated Christmas tree. In winter, it is strewn with red-orange round berries. But be careful, you can’t eat them because they are poisonous.

Nightshade berries are poisonous

Even in winter, it’s possible to please your beloved relatives and friends with bright indoor flowers. When purchasing, preference is given to specimens that look decorative or bloom in winter. However, many winter-flowering plants are poisonous, so keep this in mind when choosing a gift for a family with children.