What disorders can black stools indicate during pregnancy? Green feces in adults and pregnant women: causes, treatment tactics

Expectant mothers' concern for their health is justified, because everything that happens in their body affects the child. One of the "surprises" digestive system, which causes alarm - black feces. What is associated with this phenomenon, how much does it threaten one’s well-being? Modern medicine knows the answers to questions on a rather sensitive topic.

Reasons for changes in stool color during pregnancy

The reasons for dark, almost black coloring of stool during pregnancy vary. In some cases, you should immediately rush to a gastroenterologist, especially if you have a history of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. However, more often you just need to remember what foods were in your diet the day before.

Doctors reassure: almost always this phenomenon can be eliminated by selecting correct menu. However, if the stool turns black, you should definitely find out the reason. Situations that can be dangerous:

  • varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • neoplasms;
  • injuries to the mucous membrane of the digestive system due to rough food.

Hormonal changes in the body

The first trimester is characterized by complete restructuring in the female body. From now on, everything that happens to the expectant mother in labor is related to the protection of the fetus and is aimed at its harmonious development. It’s not easy for women, because often at the beginning of pregnancy they suffer from moderate or severe toxicosis. It is associated with sudden vomiting, heartburn, decreased appetite, constipation or diarrhea.

Black-colored feces are often added to this list. Doctors attribute this to hormonal changes, which does not require medical intervention. However, there are situations when, with such a phenomenon to the expectant mother It is best to be under the supervision of reliable specialists.


Often the stool takes on an unnatural color due to the food that was in the diet the day before. If you detect black feces, you should remember what foods could cause the unusual phenomenon. Repainting the intestinal contents:

  • drinks – coffee, sparkling waters, powdered red wines;
  • meat products – blood sausage, beef liver;
  • fruits - blackberries, blueberries, blueberries, pomegranate, dark grapes, chokeberry, prunes;
  • vegetables - beets, tomatoes.

The above food contains pigments that are only partially absorbed by the intestines. The rest is excreted undigested, causing the stool to have an unusual dark shade. If you exclude these foods from your diet, everything will soon return to normal.

Certain medications

The cause of anxiety about black stool in a pregnant woman is often the medications prescribed by the doctor. Usually a specialist warns about this, also read about side effect can be found in the instructions for the medications. The following have the ability to give intestinal contents a black color:

  • Activated carbon;
  • multivitamins;
  • products with iron, bismuth;
  • long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Activated charcoal is taken by expectant mothers in the hope of reducing the symptoms of toxicosis. Absorbing components are removed using digestive tract in full, giving feces an unnatural color.

Dark stool is often observed during pregnancy due to taking the drug Elevit Pronatal. This multivitamin complex contains iron, which is not completely broken down in the digestive tract. Its remains are passed out in feces. Black stools when taking any anti-anemia drug are normal during pregnancy.

It happens that in the first trimester of pregnancy the expectant mother took certain vitamins, but stopped taking them. Some time after resuming the course in the second trimester, she was alerted by black feces. There is nothing to worry about in this case. At first, the body completely absorbed the iron, but it became saturated, and now some of it is excreted with undigested food. You should take the course of vitamins to the end.

What does it mean if the stool is green?

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What color should a pregnant woman's stool normally be? Like any person - brown. A slight change in color (darker or lighter) is acceptable as the liver is under stress.

Possible reasons different colors stools are listed below:

  • Light. Excessively light-colored stools indicate impaired fermentation and insufficient bile production. They are observed with hepatitis, the presence of stones in the bile ducts. In pregnant women, this phenomenon occurs as a result of consuming dairy and plant products.
  • Green. It is observed when eating mainly plant foods rich in chlorophyll (colors the stool green). Other, more serious situations are intoxication, tumors, inflammatory processes in the intestines. Green stool can be observed with an intestinal infection, which should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. Black- green feces– evidence of intestinal dysbiosis, the death of beneficial microflora in it.
  • Red. Observed after eating foods with a high content of bright coloring pigments. It can also be caused by internal intestinal bleeding.
  • Yellow. Characteristic of celiac disease (atrophy of the mucous membrane of the small intestine), pathologies of the pancreas.

When to see a doctor?

You should consult a doctor if the change in the color of your stool is not due to the reasons mentioned above. In this case, the expectant mother experiences general malaise, diarrhea, a fever, or is suspected of intestinal bleeding.

It is important to establish why changes occur in order to distinguish normal phenomenon from pathology that requires help. The patient’s complaints, as well as information about the progress of pregnancy, will help the doctor (general practitioner or gastroenterologist) make a diagnosis. Taken into account:

  • gestation period;
  • gestosis (after 30 weeks);
  • frequency and consistency of bowel movements;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • woman's diet for the last 2-3 days.

The information will help the doctor in choosing diagnostic methods. It is likely that a blood test, coprogram, ultrasound, and stool test for Gregersen's reaction will be prescribed.

What to do if the color of the stool has changed?

Correction of changes in the shade of stool involves the use of traditional and traditional medicine, homeopathy. Rest, absence is required physical activity, a diet based on easily digestible foods.

Nutrition should be structured according to this scheme:

  • absence of sour, smoked, salty dishes;
  • The preferred heat treatment is cooking;
  • menu based on low-calorie products - for example, boiled potatoes, semolina and buckwheat porridge, yogurt 1.5%;
  • refusal of baking, wheat bread, sweets;
  • drinks – weak tea, clean water;
  • absence of legumes, protein should be obtained from steamed fish and chicken.

If an intestinal infection is confirmed, which is usually characterized by green chair, immediate treatment is required. Its basis is antibacterial drugs, sorbents and probiotics to restore intestinal microflora. Medicines are selected taking into account the course of pregnancy; they should not affect the development of the fetus.

Therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Sample program treatment:

  • Antibiotic Cephelim. The drug is administered intramuscularly, the course is 1 week. Among the side effects for the expectant mother - headache, allergies, digestive dysfunction.
  • Smecta sorbent. The contents of the sachets are dissolved in water and taken for 5-7 days. The drug is not prescribed for intestinal obstruction and individual intolerance.
  • Probiotic Linex. Restores intestinal microflora. Reception is indicated in capsules, duration – 3-7 days.

Treatment of black stool traditional methods must be approved by a doctor. An infusion of flowers helps improve digestion. pharmaceutical chamomile(3 tablespoons of raw materials per liter of water). You can drink it instead of tea three times a day, 100 ml, sweetened with honey. Sage is used for the same purpose. From homeopathy used for intestinal inflammation rectal suppositories Viburkol, drops Nux vomica-Gomaccord.

Noticing changes in the color of stool during pregnancy, women begin to worry and even get seriously scared, thinking that this is a symptom dangerous disease. From this article you will learn why the color of feces changes in pregnant women, whether this poses a health threat, and when it’s time to sound the alarm.

Pregnancy starts the process of restructuring the body's functioning, which begins preparation for bearing a child. Due to revolutionary changes, a pregnant woman may change the color and consistency of feces.

Reasons for changes in stool color during pregnancy

The foods a woman eats also greatly affect the character of her feces. When a woman puts a lot of leafy green vegetables on her menu, green feces appear during pregnancy. And significant amounts of dark-colored berries (currants, blueberries) and organ meats with blood in the menu will give the stool a dark tint.

Medicines can also change the color of stool. Taking activated carbon, which helps with intoxication due to poor-quality food, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning, causes a change in the color of the stool to black. During pregnancy, you need to be especially careful when choosing medications, since the body's reaction can be unpredictable even to familiar medications. For example, activated carbon removes not only toxins, but also useful material, which can have a bad effect on the development of pregnancy. Dark feces during pregnancy can occur as a result of taking special vitamins for expecting babies and nursing women: they contain an increased dosage of iron. The microelement is responsible for maintaining normal hemoglobin levels in the blood, and during pregnancy the need female body in gland it doubles. Iron that enters the body along with vitamins does not completely enter the bloodstream, since the body can absorb no more than 2 milligrams per day. Excess microelement is utilized and then excreted from the body along with feces, so its color becomes dark.

Orange feces during pregnancy is determined by food and certain medications. If the menu is rich in vegetables and fruits, yellow and orange flowers- mangoes, apricots, pumpkin, carrots - the stool turns orange. Beta-kerotene supplements and rifampicin-based medications provide the same effect.

So-called "sheep feces" during pregnancy, when the feces are very dense and are excreted in small round fragments, this indicates a spastic form of constipation. This is due to intestinal hypertonicity and slower peristalsis.

When is it time to worry?

There are also more threatening reasons for such changes, when special treatment will be required to change the color of stool during pregnancy. Stool changes character due to liver dysfunction, infections, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, colitis. Let's look at this in more detail. Liver diseases (hepatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fibrosis) change the color of stool to green. Dysbacteriosis causes digestive disorders, and fermentation and putrefaction processes rapidly develop inside the intestines, ultimately giving the stool green color. The pathogenesis of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is similar to the processes that accompany dysbacteriosis. They are accompanied by heat, acute abdominal pain, loose stool, nausea and vomiting. Inflammation of the intestines - colitis - is also characteristic green feces. A complex form of the disease can even cause discharge of pus and blood that comes out along with the stool. This disease can cause serious harm and even death to a pregnant woman and her baby.

Light feces during pregnancy appears as if completely harmless reasons(a menu rich in dairy products or products of plant origin), this may be a manifestation of pathology. Infections such as hepatitis or pancreatitis disrupt the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Because of this, too little bile is produced and the stool becomes light-colored. More white feces during pregnancy, it can signal dysfunction of the digestive system and disruption of intestinal cleansing processes. Very light yellow feces may mean a violation of the function of bile separation caused by existing stones and tumor formations.

In some cases, when hormonal imbalance or due to physical inactivity (for example, restriction physical activity due to the threat of pregnancy loss), pregnant women experience constipation. When the intestines have not been emptied for a long time, their contents are diluted by mucus, which is produced due to irritation of the intestinal mucosa. After the stool returns to normal, mucus production stops. Inflammation of the intestines can also cause mucus in the stool. This is how colitis, enteritis, proctitis and other diseases manifest themselves.

When the liver is not able to fully cope with its role in processing hemoglobin, iron compounds end up in the duodenum and the stool becomes black. Black feces may appear as a result of internal bleeding. Stomach or duodenal ulcers, cancerous tumors of the digestive system cause constant slight bleeding. A bloody issues, entering the gastrointestinal tract, color feces.

The reliability of the prognosis of the disease depends entirely on the correct diagnosis. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to do a blood and stool test and gastroscopy to detect damaged tissue. Based on the results, conservative or surgical treatment. In any case, the patient will need to adhere to a strict diet and stay in bed.

Stool analysis during pregnancy

Stool analysis during pregnancy is part of the mandatory examination when registering. When diagnosing changes in stool color during pregnancy, it is important to understand that any deviations from normal previous indicators should never be ignored. It will help to identify the cause of the disorder differential diagnosis and additional instrumental methods.

Instrumental diagnostics of feces is usually carried out in three directions:

  1. A general analysis of feces is the basis for the final assessment of the functioning of the digestive organs. The test results reveal signs of intestinal inflammation and detect some types of protozoa that cause these problems.
  2. Research on occult blood detects polyps, ulcers and neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The microbial composition of feces determines the pathogens intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis.

Drugs to treat stool color changes during pregnancy

If changes in the color of stool are detected, the attending physician, based on the test results, prescribes therapy. During the treatment period, stool is examined at least twice more. Antibacterial drugs are usually prescribed to remove toxic substances from the body:

  1. Smecta is a drug in powder form. This medicine is prescribed to pregnant women whose black stool is accompanied by constipation. The drug perfectly relieves irritation and regenerates the walls of the intestines and stomach, absorbs harmful substances, creates a barrier, thereby protecting the gastrointestinal tract from the effects of aggressive factors. Smecta is harmless and safe for pregnant women: the drug does not enter the bloodstream and only works inside the gastrointestinal tract. The course of treatment and dosage is prescribed individually. Smecta can help in the first weeks of pregnancy. From the second trimester, due to the enlargement of the uterus, pressure on the intestines increases. Therefore on later It is most likely undesirable to take the drug during pregnancy. The average dosage of the drug for pregnant women is three packets per day. Between taking smecta and other medications or food, you need to take a break of at least two hours.
  2. Activated carbon is a natural sorbent. Usually prescribed to pregnant women with black and liquid stool. The mechanism of action of activated carbon is that it absorbs poisons, toxins, waste products and removes them from the body. Charcoal acts gently in the intestines and is excreted in a natural way in eight to ten hours. In addition, the drug helps pregnant women get rid of heartburn. It must be remembered that charcoal is contraindicated for constipation. They should not try to relieve symptoms of intoxication or infection: in serious cases, adequate treatment is necessary. You can take activated carbon once, because long-term use removes microelements and vitamins from the body. For the same reason, it can weaken the effect of other medications. If the expectant mother takes vitamins, they need to be given the opportunity to be absorbed, so activated charcoal can only be drunk after a few hours.
  3. Regidron is a drug in powder form designed to restore the acid-base balance. The drug is effective for early toxicosis pregnant women, when the body loses electrolytes due to vomiting or diarrhea, and food and liquid are not absorbed. Therefore, weight loss and metabolic disorders occur. Regidron has no contraindications for use during pregnancy. When a pregnant woman has black stool with mucous discharge, Regidron is usually also prescribed. If Regidron does not solve the problem, then the expectant mother undergoes treatment in a hospital, where she is administered medications through IVs.
  4. Imodium has excellent antidiarrheal effects. Relevant for an expectant mother whose stool has acquired a liquid green, black or unusual consistency light color. Imodium acts gently, quickly and only inside the intestines. Discharged after 12 hours naturally. Imodium is prescribed together with Smecta when mucus is found in the expectant mother's stool. The manufacturer claims that tests of the drug did not reveal any negative effects on the baby in the womb. Imodium does not cause changes in gene structure and does not contain toxic substances. However, the manufacturer warns that in the later stages, Imodium can only be taken with the approval of a doctor.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy is used as an alternative to medications that may be harmful to the fetus. Physiotherapy should help the pregnant woman and at the same time not harm her baby. During the gestation period, acupuncture, some types of electrophoresis and electrorelaxation can be used. Most other physiotherapeutic methods are contraindicated, as they can cause uterine contractions, increase the sensitivity of the body and adversely affect the child. Since approved physiotherapeutic treatments may have little effect on the change in stool color during pregnancy, they are used in some cases.


The use of homeopathic medicines is practically excluded side effects. In addition, the concentration of the active substance in them is low, so they are safe for pregnant women. Homeopathy can help reverse unwanted changes in the color or consistency of stool.

Opium12 is effective for constipation, which is associated with a forced sedentary lifestyle, which provokes intestinal sluggishness.

With constipation, toxins poison the body. If constipation continues for a long time, the pregnant woman is at risk due to complications from Bacillus coli infection. Several doses of homeopathic medicines Nux vomica, Opium, Alumina will help restore intestinal function, subject to certain rules nutrition.

Collision D6 is indicated for “sheep” feces. The drug will also help with hemorrhoids and swelling of the lower extremities.

NuxvomikadD12 will cope with toxicosis, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and constipation.

Robinia pseudoacacia D6 and Bismutum subnictricum D12 are indicated for pregnant women for heartburn.

Sepia D12 will help cope with morning sickness due to toxicosis.

Ipecac D12 is intended for pregnant women for whom nausea is relentless, and especially severe in the evening and at night.

Colchicum D12 helps overcome nausea, hypersensitivity to various aromas, chills and stomach pain.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is fraught with serious complications. If the problem is not dealt with quickly, it can cause a miscarriage. In this case, homeopathic remedies Aloe, Podophyllum or Mercurius will help.

In addition to medications, the expectant mother is always prescribed a diet and plenty of fluids to remove toxins.

The menu must include porridge without sugar and salt, boiled in water, and dairy products with reduced fat content. Absolutely limit fried, fatty and smoked foods.

They also have healing properties herbal infusions based on chamomile or St. John's wort, black and green tea.

Herbal treatment

When the color of stool changes, pregnant women can come to the aid of the recipes that our grandmothers used.

For example, when frequent constipation with mucus, you can brew senna grass or buckthorn bark (pour 1 teaspoon with a glass of boiling water) and drink the decoction before bed.

If you drink an infusion of oak leaves or partitions during the day walnuts(1 tablespoon per 2 glasses of water), this will help overcome diarrhea with mucus.

If you prepare an infusion by taking one teaspoon of dry herbs of calendula, chamomile, yarrow and pouring them with one glass of water, you can help the body cope with bloating, diarrhea, and fermentation in the intestines.

An infusion of golden mustache will help with dysbacteriosis. It is necessary to fill 2 or 3 leaves 15-20 cm long with one liter hot water and drink 100 ml two or three times a day.

Folk recipes

Safe and available recipes traditional medicine. The recipes do not require much effort, but can gently and effectively alleviate the condition of the expectant mother.

For example, if you add dried apples or cherries to it when brewing tea, you can facilitate the natural cleansing of the intestines. You can also use flax seeds to prevent constipation. You need to add one teaspoon flaxseeds 20 ml of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Without straining, drink the entire infusion overnight.

For mild intoxication or chronic intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea, ethnoscience gives very simple recipes. As a sorbent, you can prepare a solution with potato starch. To do this, 1 teaspoon of starch needs to be diluted in 125 ml cold water. Drink the solution 1 or 2 times a day.

A decoction of pear or boiled pieces will help if the stool is liquid and green or dark in color.

Mucous decoctions from oatmeal or barley. 50 g of flakes (or grains) are poured into 0.5 liters of cold water, allowed to brew for 4 hours, then cooked until thickened over low heat, stirring constantly. Take 1-2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day.

A pregnant woman who notices changes in her stool must report this to the doctor who is monitoring her. Most likely, the reason for this is quite harmless. But there is a risk that this is a symptom of a dangerous disease. Based on the test results, the doctor will be able to draw the right conclusion. As you found out, a change in the color of stool can also indicate developing pathologies, and about changing the diet, so the well-being of the expectant mother is decisive.

During pregnancy, changes occur in a woman's body. Most of them are considered normal. But there are manifestations that require medical intervention. One of the most common disorders that makes every pregnant woman worry is during pregnancy. Why the color of stool changes in pregnant women, and what this signals, is described in the article.

Reorganization of the body

From the moment of conception, processes begin in a woman’s body aimed at the development of the fetus. A pregnant woman feels a deterioration in her health and observes problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In the first months of pregnancy, existing diseases of the digestive system may worsen or new diseases may arise. This may result in changes in the consistency and color of stool.

Much depends on the nutrition of a pregnant woman. Eating fried, salted, smoked foods can lead to a number of complications in the functioning of the stomach and pancreas.

Dark stool during pregnancy early stages also happens due to hormonal changes. A woman's body produces large amounts of the hormone progesterone, which affects all organs, causing them to function differently. Therefore, dark stool during pregnancy does not always indicate illness. In many cases, this change is normal and does not require medical intervention.

In addition to darkening of the stool, a woman’s frequency of urination, pulse, blood pressure, hemoglobin level and even psychological state change.

Other causes of stool color change

Very often, darkening of stool is normal and occurs as a result of hormonal activity of the body. Also, dark-colored stool during pregnancy occurs due to taking certain medications or synthetic vitamins. Manufacturers of drugs always indicate in the instructions the effect of the components on organs of different systems.

Sometimes pregnant women can drink activated charcoal during indigestion. This natural sorbent is approved for pregnant women, but under its influence a change in the color of the stool may be observed. In this case, there is no reason to worry.

Dark stool is also observed during pregnancy if a woman has eaten foods containing dark pigments. Organic dyes are not absorbed by the body and are released along with feces, giving it dark color.

If, apart from changes in stool, no other disturbances are noticed and the pregnant woman’s health is normal, there is no need to panic. Doctors recommend that such women monitor their health for several days. If there is no change during this time, you should visit a doctor.

Foods that change the color of stool

During pregnancy, this may result from consuming the following foods:

  1. Berries (blueberries, currants).
  2. Some fruits (blue grapes, pomegranate).
  3. Prunes.
  4. Dark-colored vegetables (beets, tomatoes).
  5. Offal (blood, liver).
  6. Drinks (red wine, dark grape juices, coffee).

If a pregnant woman consumed any of the listed foods the day before, she is most likely healthy. The darkening of the stool occurred under the influence of coloring pigments, which the body removed along with digested food.

Effect of medications

Often women experience changes in stool after taking medications. Darkening of stool can be caused by the following medications:

  1. Iron preparations (“Ferrum-Lek”, “Sorbifer”, “Tardiferon”).
  2. Multivitamins that contain iron (Elevit, Vitrum).
  3. Sorbents (activated carbon).
  4. Preparations containing bismuth (“De-Nol”).
  5. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Aspirin).

Most women experience a decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy. Therefore, doctors prescribe them drugs to provide the body with required quantity gland. Taking such medications is the most common cause of black stool.

Before prescribing an iron supplement, the therapist should talk about possible changes stool so that the woman reacts calmly to dark feces.

Alarm Signals

Sometimes it can be a symptom of a disease. It may indicate bleeding in the digestive system. Pregnant women who have previously had a stomach or duodenal ulcer are at risk. In such women, dark stool during pregnancy may indicate internal bleeding caused by an open ulcer. But in this case, not only the color, but also the consistency of the stool changes.

Other symptoms possible problems with health:

  • deterioration of health;
  • pallor;
  • cold sweat.

If, in addition to darkening of the stool, a woman experiences the listed symptoms, she should seek medical help.

If the stool is green

During pregnancy, it indicates a change in the woman’s diet. Mostly, green stool coloration is associated with a certain diet. Many pregnant women take extra care of their health and consume excessive amounts of green leafy vegetables. Broccoli, spinach, and lettuce contain a green pigment that gives stool the appropriate color.

Also, the cause of feces can be complexes of vitamins and minerals. Such preparations contain large quantities of various microelements, the undigested part of which turns the stool green.

Prevention of stool disorders

In most cases, a change in stool color is not a symptom of illness. Most often, darkening of the stool is caused by dietary disorders.

In order for the gastrointestinal tract to function normally, doctors advise pregnant women to monitor the intake of different foods, correctly compile a daily diet and carefully monitor the body’s reaction to medications.

In some cases, dark-colored stool during pregnancy is associated with diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, women who have previously had gastrointestinal diseases should closely monitor their health and be monitored by a therapist throughout their pregnancy. To prevent complications, your doctor may prescribe prophylactic medications.

Dark stool caused by taking an iron supplement is not a reason to stop taking it. Iron deficiency can lead to the development intrauterine pathologies and even call premature birth. In this case, it is recommended to discuss everything with your doctor exciting questions to respond normally to changes in the body.

If darkening of the stool is caused by a disease, treatment should be taken seriously. Illnesses of a pregnant woman can negatively affect the fetus.

Every woman wants her pregnancy to be easy, and all processes to be within the physiological norm. But sometimes she still has to be nervous because of various unpleasant sensations or symptoms that were not there before. In this case, many tend to think about some kind of pathology that may pose a danger to the pregnant woman or fetus. But this is not always the case.

Often women notice changes in stool during pregnancy. It may become more liquid or, conversely, become constipated. It is important to pay attention to the color of the stool, since black stool is often observed during pregnancy. What causes such changes and whether it is possible to talk about physiological processes in this case - only a doctor can answer such questions. And for a woman, it is important not to draw premature conclusions at the first appearance of dark stool.


Changes in the color of stool are mediated by many factors. Seeing dark feces, some people think about disruption of the digestive system, considering this a sign of some kind of pathology. But not always such a symptom can be considered in the context of diseases. Very often, the color of feces is explained by completely physiological processes. Thus, it may change under the influence of the following factors:

  • Nature of nutrition.
  • Taking medications.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Hemolytic anemia.
  • Infectious diseases.

To find out why a woman’s stool color has changed, it is necessary to consider the possibility of all conditions, conduct a medical examination and support it with additional research. Only after this can a final conclusion be made about the cause of this phenomenon during pregnancy.

If dark stool appears, then you should not immediately sound the alarm - you need to calmly assess the condition of the body.


Changes in stool during pregnancy may have different character. This is just one of the symptoms, but quite an important one. Features of bowel movements can say a lot about the functioning of the digestive system. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account any of the accompanying manifestations, even those to which the woman does not pay attention.

Detailing of complaints is an important component of the initial examination, which must be remembered during a medical examination. Depending on the suspected condition, various symptoms may be present, and their severity directly depends on the extent of the changes.

Nutritional nature

The color of the stool can vary significantly depending on what a person ate during the previous three days. Even with a normal diet, the stool may be dark brown in color. And it turns black when eaten large quantity such products:

  • Beet.
  • Black currant.
  • Red grapes.
  • Prunes.
  • Grenades.

The same effect will occur if you drink juice with the indicated ingredients. In this case, you should not worry about black feces, because such a phenomenon is completely normal. However, it should be added that this will only happen when there are no other symptoms. To finally verify the physiological nature of the stool, you need to stop consuming coloring products and observe the color change.

If black stools appear, you should first think about whether there is a connection with the nature of the food consumed.

Taking medications

Some medications a woman takes may also turn her stool dark or black. Most often, this phenomenon is observed when prescribing iron, activated carbon or bismuth. However, the latter, which include, for example, De-Nol, is a medicine recommended for the treatment peptic ulcer– Contraindicated during pregnancy.

As for iron-containing medications, their use in many cases is even necessary. This is due to the high incidence of anemia during pregnancy. Therefore, if the doctor recommended taking them, then the appearance of dark-colored stool is a normal phenomenon that should not be alarmed. Also, a pregnant woman should remember if she has taken activated charcoal due to some kind of intestinal disorder, since it usually produces black stools. The color of stool returns to normal after discontinuation of the medications.

Gastrointestinal bleeding

Along with physiological reasons, black stools may appear due to serious problems with health. Similar symptom should alert you to the possibility of bleeding from the upper parts of the digestive tract - the esophagus and stomach. This situation is considered as a complication various diseases: peptic ulcer, portal hypertension, gastric cancer, Mallory-Weiss syndrome. In this case, along with black feces (melena), there will be other symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting "coffee grounds".
  • Abdominal pain that may improve as bleeding begins.
  • General weakness.
  • Pale skin.
  • Dizziness.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Reduced pressure.

This situation is mainly characteristic of the chronic course of diseases, so the woman probably noted certain symptoms in the past, which should also be brought to the attention of the doctor.

If physiological reasons If there is no black stool, then it is necessary to exclude gastrointestinal bleeding. This dangerous condition requiring emergency assistance.

Hemolytic anemia

Intense coloration of stool also occurs in diseases that are accompanied by hemolytic anemia. True, the stool will not be black, but dark brown color. This situation can occur with sickle cell anemia, microspherocytosis, thalassemia, exposure to hemolytic poisons, after a blood transfusion or snake bites. Most often this is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Jaundice with a lemon tint.
  • Fecal hypercholia.
  • Dark urine.
  • Enlarged liver and spleen.
  • General weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Dyspnea.

Intense hemolysis is dangerous because destroyed red blood cells do not have time to be utilized in the spleen and can clog the “kidney filter.” This leads to oligoanuria, when too little urine is excreted, and acute kidney failure.

Hemolytic anemia also occurs among pregnant women, so you should keep in mind this cause of dark stool.

Infectious diseases

Changes in the color of stool may be a consequence of infectious diseases of the digestive system. This is most often observed with salmonellosis, dysentery or amoebiasis. IN similar situations A woman will be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain of various locations.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Flatulence.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Fever.
  • Malaise.

When palpating the abdomen, rumbling and pain in the large or small intestine are noted. Possible frequent urge to the toilet with a small amount of feces. In this case, the stool contains pathological impurities: mucus, blood or pus. Based on the nature of the stool, one can assume the type of infection:

  • Dark green color – with salmonellosis.
  • With streaks of blood - for dysentery.
  • In the form of “raspberry jelly” – for amoebiasis.

If you do not consult a doctor in time, it is possible dangerous complications: infectious-toxic shock or severe dehydration.

Particular care should be taken when infectious diseases during pregnancy, as the fetus may also be harmed.


If black stool appears, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination, which can confirm or refute the preliminary conclusion made during the clinical examination. In this case, various laboratory and instrumental methods are used. These include the following:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Biochemical blood test (liver tests, coagulogram, acute phase indicators).
  • Coprogram.
  • Bacteriological analysis of stool.
  • Fibrogastroscopy.
  • Ultrasonography.
  • Sigmoidoscopy.

If the results of a diagnostic examination reveal changes that confirm the assumption of pathological reasons dark stool, treatment must be started immediately. In some cases, the examination is carried out against the background of emergency measures.

Therefore, if during pregnancy, along with a black tint to the stool, other alarming symptoms, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely provision of qualified assistance will protect the woman from dangerous complications.

Faced with such delicate issue, many expectant mothers are embarrassed to ask questions to the doctor, considering them stupid and inappropriate for discussion. This is how unnecessary doubts, fears and worries are born, which are completely unnecessary. So what is the norm, and what is a reason to see a doctor as soon as possible?

Why is stool abnormal during pregnancy?

A woman, under whose heart a child grows and develops, experiences serious hormonal changes. Because of this, not only the color of stool may change, but also its structure. Constipation- a fairly common problem among expectant mothers. There are several reasons for this:

  • Increased progesterone levels: under the influence of this hormone, the smooth muscles of the intestine relax and, as a result, feces moving more slowly.
  • Enlarged uterus- growing in size, the uterus complicates digestion and puts pressure on the intestines.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary work and lack of minimal physical activity significantly slow down intestinal motility.
  • Insufficient fiber content in the diet. Fiber is dietary fiber that absorbs intestinal contents and promotes fecal mass.

Reference! If you suffer from constipation, add more sources of fiber to your diet: fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and bran.

  • Diarrhea, this is another common pregnancy companion. Loose stools can be caused by:
  • Toxicosis. Up to 1.5 months, diarrhea, as well as nausea, can be one of the symptoms of toxicosis. If loose stools are accompanied by pain and severe cramps, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Belly growth. The uterus, increasing in size, can put pressure on the intestines, causing diarrhea. In addition, if a woman suffered from chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, then during gestation they can become acute.
  • Stress. Most pregnant women have extremely unstable emotional background, which can lead to the development of nervous diarrhea.

Important! If diarrhea is accompanied by fever, acute pain and fever - consult a doctor immediately. It is likely that you have been poisoned by spoiled food, and this can be extremely Negative consequences for the fetus.

What do changes in the color of stool during pregnancy indicate?

After conceiving a baby, a woman’s body begins to rebuild. This process causes many systems to function differently, including the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, the color of feces also changes. The stool may be light brown, green, red, or even black. Let's take a closer look at each case.

- light stool

Defecation light shades arise due to the consumption of large quantities of “colorless” foods of plant or animal origin (potatoes, turnips, white meat, etc.). And also the intensity of the color of stool can be affected by some medicines and vitamin and mineral supplements.

In more rare cases, light-colored stool is a consequence of exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal disease due to pressure from the uterus (stones in the bile ducts, neoplasms in the pancreas).

- green feces

Having learned about your interesting position, many mothers are beginning to lean on green vegetables, fruits and leafy greens to provide their growing baby with vitamins and microelements. After such a “green” lunch, the stool may also turn greenish. This is a completely normal and harmless phenomenon.

Among other things, green or yellow-green feces can be a signal from the body about intoxication, inflammatory processes in the intestines or the development of celiac disease.

- red feces

Red stools in most cases are the result of eating a large amount of coloring foods (beets, tomatoes, pomegranates, red currants), their derivatives, as well as artificial food colors.

Feces with bloody spots or clots are a sign of bleeding in the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract. If you notice this symptom, consult a doctor immediately.

- black feces

In most cases, black stool appears due to the use of certain products food: beef liver, blood sausage, blueberries, black currant etc.

Medicines also play an important role: for example, licorice root or activated carbon, drunk the day before, can cause stool to turn black.

Note! Activated carbon washes out not only waste and toxins, but also beneficial substances and necessary moisture. Do not abuse it during pregnancy.

Another common reason dark stool- taking food supplements high in iron. In most cases, vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women contain iron in excess of the norm: this allows you to compensate for the deficiency of the substance and avoid anemia. Undigested residues are excreted along with waste products, turning the stool dark.

Among other things, black stool can be a sign of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This disease is accompanied by a severe deterioration in health (abdominal pain, attacks of vomiting and nausea). This condition requires immediate medical intervention.

What type of stool is normal during pregnancy?

Usually a chair healthy person has a brown color. The color of feces may vary depending on diet, hormonal levels, medications taken and health conditions.

If the color of the stool changes sharply for no apparent reason, and this phenomenon persists for several days, contact the clinic. Timely diagnosis will help you avoid life-threatening conditions for your baby.

Is dark stool so dangerous?

If you know for sure that dark stool- a consequence of a peculiar diet or taking medications - then there is no need to worry. If, along with black feces, you experience one or more symptoms from the following list, immediately call an ambulance:

  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • constant anemia;
  • diarrhea;
  • severe weakness;
  • pale skin;
  • fainting state;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • low blood pressure.

If you are suffering from the following symptoms, your doctor will refer you for an EGD to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Important! Black, bloody feces are serious reason for emergency treatment to the hospital. Thus, the body can signal not only about problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but also about intrauterine fetal death.


Pregnancy is a state in which any, even minor, change in your usual state of health can mean something. If something bothers you, do not hesitate to ask your gynecologist questions. It’s better to play it safe and hear the doctor’s verdict in a timely manner.

Especially for- Elena Kichak