About illegitimate children in Rus' (history). Bastards: what happened to the illegitimate children of Russian empresses

Tatyana Smirnova

Exactly a month since my last thread. I live very badly in own house. I became a psycho. What should I do and how should I live? Rhetorical questions...
a bit of background
We were discharged from the hospital 1.5 months ago. On the one hand, the grandmother walks around the apartment with a walker, eats herself, measures her blood pressure and drinks pills. on the other hand, she does not have new household skills (so that she can return home and live there) and the roof goes from time to time ... Or maybe it's my roof going ...
Normally we do not communicate, she does not really ask me about anything. Rather, she is interested ONLY in her questions and I have to procrastinate them endlessly. And endlessly helping her, I never hear gratitude. I do everything around the house, I endlessly communicate with doctors (pressure therapist, urologist for urine, traumatologist and exercise therapy instructor for the leg, neurologist for the head, etc.) and try to return her to normal life. with relatives in conversations, her interests are in 1st place. We live together, a day later my sick dad visits us. But all worries are on me. There is no money for a permanent nurse, one-time nurses do not solve problems.
She is constantly worried about money. It so happened that her pension goes to her savings book, where interest is not charged now. Moreover, the power of attorney is only for my sister, who doesn’t give a damn about her grandmother and she lives in another city. She constantly shakes these books, whines that her money disappears without interest. I can’t do anything, although now I’m trying to transfer her pension to another account, so that at least dad has a power of attorney.
The second thorny issue is her constipation. 18 years ago she had an operation on her intestines and it works "according to its own laws." She has had constipation for weeks, diarrhea for weeks (sorry for the details). She begs about it every day. Constipation more often. she constantly asks for a laxative. I don’t give often, I’m bad, she lives with constipation. breaks diarrhea, I'm also bad, I give too much. Doctors have given up on her for a long time in this matter. She is constantly dissatisfied with food. If she's constipated, it's from food. If diarrhea, then also from food. If she has constipation, then she can pick her * op, then she grabs everywhere with these hands. Moreover, she sometimes injures the rectum with her nails. and it's useless to talk, she can't hear me. But at the same time, we hourly discuss her poop, we have no strength ... She goes to a portable toilet at night, but alas ... she often sits on a closed lid and everything flows past.
Of course, there is no sense in yelling ... And with every scandal, she accuses me that I deceived her. She thought that she would go home and live as before, on her own feet. She says that it is very bad for her to live with me and she wants to end her life. suicide, but cannot, because she already has sins (abortions). Girls, that's what I'm here for...
The last days we have had a terrible scandal, she decided that I was persecuting her with pills. The doctor advised her to drink mexidol and asparks and ginkgo biloba. Rather, they advised me, I informed my grandmother (she agreed), bought it and began to give it to her. She started drinking and said that I should give her an official medical report. She even counted the number of pills in the jar and considered that I had changed them. and in general, I'm lying ... like I hang noodles on her ears, but a miracle does not happen with her recovery. I don’t have patience, I’m screaming, of course, it’s no use ... Today I hid all the pills, I don’t want to treat her anymore, I’m tired ...
Almost every day she winds herself up to a pressure of 180-190, I come and winds me up (where does she get so much strength from?). She's like a hidden home tyrant, and she doesn’t yell and doesn’t insult me, but she constantly takes me out ... When guests come, she’s all such a dandelion granny. I guess no one believes me.
After 2-3 weeks I go to the operation, after 3 weeks my father goes to the operation.
I cannot now deal with the issues of her resettlement, there is no time and energy. I repeat, I can’t financially pull a round-the-clock nurse. Here's what I should do...
how not to go crazy, I have enough problems of my own. I also feel sorry for my dad, he underwent 3 operations in January, he has a very difficult rehabilitation, he is preparing for surgery again, now he is in the hospital with a heart.
I'm a fool, girls, that I started all this from the very beginning ... it is necessary to fight for young lives as a priority, no matter how scary it sounds ... Sorry for the chaotic presentation


Lioness Passionate

I never tire of being surprised, but the truth is with spring irritation. Springaaaa, avitaminoooooz)))
* I was brought up in a Soviet school. And I definitely absorbed that humanity, and I in particular))), is the highest stage of evolution! And for those news to you, the ants recognize themselves in the mirror! I used to only hear about dolphins and monkeys... Well, how can I stop constantly imagining how their men straighten their antennae, and women pick up lipstick?!))) It turned out that ants have the rudiments of self-awareness! (in a boring voice... self-consciousness-consciousness of one's interaction with the objective world and the subjective world, the psyche).
As soon as I exhaled... Bam-and the fish are self-aware! Japanese biologists have discovered that if a doctor wrasse (10 cm long) is stained with indelible paint, it behaves like a dolphin! He tries to examine the stain, and then erase it from himself on corals or stones. If there is no mirror nearby, or if the stain is made with inconspicuous paint, the behavior of the wrasse does not change. That is, a fish, seeing a spot in the mirror, understands that this spot is on it, which means it recognizes itself!))) The fact that self-recognition is available to some kind of fish shocked biologists in earnest. Now they need to either acknowledge that many living things are smarter than we thought they were, or redefine self-recognition.

** My irritation after the release of the film-revelation about M. Jackson. Turned out he was a pedophile! -according to the words of grown children who rested in his castle many years ago ... But even during the life of the "moonwalker", all suspicions were removed from him by the court. Are the children hurt? They tell very convincingly ... But is it necessary to ban his work? No matter how indignant everyone was and divided into "a goat, I would have killed again directly" And "oh, he is a genius, but geniuses can't do that" .... "moon rover" has already written himself into history. Not a single generation grew up on his work ordinary people and pop culture stars. And in this whole story, I am irritated, outraged by the behavior of the parents of the "affected" children. More specifically, mothers. They are the monsters for me! Children under 10 are invited by the star. And these pseudo-mothers are completely blown away by vanity. Touched the glory of the star. And there they gave them houses, paid for travel and accommodation ... And the conditions were ironclad - the children lived separately from their mothers! These children later complained to their mothers and received at least cold indifference ...

*** And a little surprise ... Only recently we were convinced that people of pre-retirement age are hoo strong and it’s too early for them to retire ... When they suddenly adopted a law on alimony. These "spirited" pre-retirees can file child support, siblings, and even ex-husbands. Just lovely!)))

Cheesecake chattering ... Is Jackson guilty for you? Should his music be banned? And how will you eat fish and animals now? They have self-awareness!!! Or do the higher stages of evolution have to eat the lower ones in order to stay at the top?!
P.S. I convinced my son, about 4 years old, that I would not file alimony against him)))



Neuroscientists argue that a new understanding of how the brain works and develops throughout a person's life has serious consequences for society. And although we legally come of age at 18, that's not the age at which we become adults. At 18, the brain is still undergoing changes.
Speaking at an international neuroscience meeting organized by the Oxford Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Peter Jones of the University of Cambridge said: “There is no abrupt transition from childhood to adult life. Therefore, the definition of the age of majority looks more and more absurd.
Professor Daniel Geschwind of the University of California, Los Angeles, emphasized that each person's brain develops individually, and education systems mistakenly focus on groups rather than individuals: “All development trajectories are individual. And it can take decades."
If the antics of twentysomethings seem childish to you, stop worrying. Because we really mature only at the age of 30.
Well, this is good news! It's nice to think that I will soon become not a 30-year-old aunt, but an adult girl


Tata von Spiegel

Hi all.
A question for ladies without a husband / divorced / without a couple and with a child (small and not very). And where do you get the time, energy, opportunities for creating / arranging / maintaining personal life? (I mean a man for the soul / for the body, or for both at once).
Yesterday I thought .... that there is no time ... child / work / repair.


brighter than all planets

Get your shoes here too. Now you will throw them at me. But I must speak up. By family circumstances My mother-in-law moved in. She helps me a little around the house, mostly she sits with the child when we are at work. Cooking, cleaning on me (as you can see, a decent time). Well, okay ... I understand that we are completely different people. We sit silent, no common themes for a conversation. We only talk about the child, what they did, how they played on the street. Her move to us is her husband's idea. I can't help it. Will stay another 3 years with us, and leave. When I got married, all my relatives kept saying that the main thing is not education (my husband did not study at the institute), but most importantly, what kind of person is at heart. I am glad that my husband is smart, a hard worker, he was able to buy an apartment on his own. But living with my mother-in-law, who is also uneducated, I realized that I could not live like this for a long time. I don't know how to endure. Share your experience on how to live with a person with whom you have nothing in common. An excerpt from life: yesterday my husband arrived home late, hungry, I bathed the child. She was sitting in front of the TV set, it didn’t matter that her son came home hungry, they waited for me until I wash the child, I’ll come and set the table. And everything is on me. I can't send her back home. It does not depend on me. Excerpt 2: - Mom, I have strong tone, stomach hurts. Nothing will pass. On cottage cheese, feed the child. Girls, probably just accumulated ... and the fact that I get very tired, everything from cooking to washing the bathroom with this stinky domestos, everything is on me. They do not help in any way, and finally, the fact that we are completely different with her ... how to endure.


Bastards - illegitimate children

Every person on Earth has ancestors, without whom he could not have been born. From time immemorial, people bowed before outstanding relatives and prayed for the lost.And this is not accidental - our life is very closely intertwined with the life of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. They gave us life as a sacred gift and as a burden.

We are links of a single chain, which we have no right to interrupt, otherwise death will triumph over life, the forces of darkness will prevail. The task of people is to continue their race, enrich nature, use and develop all the best that he inherited, because. the meaning of life is to return harmony to the world, the one that was before the invasion of evil.

Each of us should have 126 ancestors in 7 generations. Each generation has a specific goal towards us. Down up:

The 1st generation is ourselves. It is a link between the past and the future.

The 2nd generation is our father and mother. They lay the problem of choice, our social adaptation. This is where the stereotypes of communication with a partner are laid down. It is the parents who create the conditions for the manifestation (or non-manifestation) of hereditary diseases.

3rd generation - two grandmothers, two grandfathers. They pass on to us their abilities and talents, as well as hereditary diseases.

The 4th generation is already 8 people: 4 great-grandfathers and 4 great-grandmothers. This generation either gives a person protection, immunity, a sense of the right choice, or does not give this protection.

5th generation - 16 ancestors. These are our judges. It shows through them Cosmic Law, according to which we receive either reward or retribution.

6th generation - 32 ancestors. Correspond to 32 teeth. These are the ancestors, carriers of the evil, God's grace. So look at the state of your teeth, what kind of relationship do you have with your ancestors. What did they give you and what did you earn yourself.

* 7th generation - 64 ancestors. It is believed that heredity is preserved until the 7th generation. Therefore, in order to choose a life partner, it is extremely important to know your family tree and the tree of your chosen one (chosen one), because with consanguineous marriages, the number of ancestors is reduced, and they cannot provide sufficient protection to the offspring.

As long as the descendants live, so do the ancestors. It is the ancestors that either awaken our natal chart or turn it off. The interaction of the astrogram, with all the ancestors in turn, leaves an imprint on our fate. This is exactly what distinguishes one person from another, born at the same time and in the same place - these are his ancestors.

Ancestors are recorded in every cell of our body, at the DNA level. It is the ancestors that could give a person absolute invulnerability at the level of the physical body, if they were positive. But there are no such heroes now.

Our ancestors, distinguished by their good deeds, have a special influence on our fate. There is such a thing as the evil of the family - this is the protection of the family, its luminosity. The Khvarna of the clan manifests itself through the Khvarna of the month (this information can be found in the Zoroastrian calendar). The ancestor who accumulated this evil is especially important. You need to know at least his name, because. remembering him in prayers, we will sooner be heard by God.

It's sad to talk about illegitimate children. They are called bastards. Our ancestors - children conceived "on the side" do not accept, they push them out. They are considered invaders, as they intercept the luck, health of other legitimate and adopted by their ancestors children. Bastards have more powerful penetrating power in life, they have a stronger potential.

These children are born not according to the plan of God, but according to the plan of the woman to achieve the goal. Or by accident, which is even worse, but both belong to the Dark Forces. Such children deprive the family tree of good luck, well-being and health, and, consequently, the protection of legitimate descendants.

The cuckoo, which the cuckoo throws into the nest of other birds, will definitely push its chicks out of this nest. Isn't that how it is in life?

Don't the mothers of these children behave the same way? Do they think about children married man with whom one consciously associates? Don't they then try by force, in all unthinkable ways, to shove their child - a cuckoo into someone else's nest, into a family, into a financial stream?

Very often this happens, but only on the basis of established legal laws on the rights of the child, on DNA indicators. Do they know what is actually happening invisibly, but really? that the soul is not yet born child already becoming an outcast, a publican? No one has yet canceled the laws of being and will not cancel them. What is conceived in sin will be sin.

I know that someone will disagree with this information, but I just inform. And the sun rises and sets, and it does not depend on the blind. There are certain strict laws, the violation of which is tantamount to entering a red traffic light or an oncoming traffic lane. Everyone has the right to whom where to steer. And some - in other people's families.

Why is everything so strict? Because genetic resources are passed down the lineage. Now we are talking about the violation of this transmission, and not about the quality of the gene pool.

Continuity-energy: Protection of ancestors, knowledge and strength of the Family, the possibility of transferring this knowledge, i.e. forming a powerful connection with your natural egregore, getting his support.

Personal psychophysiological: Possibility of normal, successful development personality (intellectual, moral, creative, psychological, physical) within genetically predisposed boundaries.

Spiritual and sacred: Formation of the spiritual structures of a person, the affinity of his soul (hence the concept kindred spirit), his worldview, a gradual gradual initiation into the secret traditional knowledge of the clan.

But, no matter what happens, such a child must learn the truth about his birth before the age of 16, because. otherwise his life will be fatal and hopeless. After all, a woman, when asked about her father, gives a description - like - she left the pregnant woman, changed her mind about marrying. And what settles and grows in the soul of a child on the basis of untruth? The gulf between him and possible ancestors grows even deeper. And that means fatality in fate.

Only the acquisition of good luck by one's own life can restore the generic "luminosity" and free oneself from the heavy karma of the clan (it can also manifest itself in severe hereditary diseases and in repeated tragic destinies, etc.).

So it turns out that the realization of our destiny depends on our ancestors in the same way as the fate of our descendants on ours. Descendants can forgive your sins, correct your mistakes. Here is another reason why you should raise your children well.

And we, first of all, we have the children we deserve, and no tricks will change that. Of course, there are favorable and not auspicious days and the hours of conception, but they rather determine particular questions, the nuances of fate. Therefore, the parents' complaints about their children, their cruelty and ingratitude, do not make sense: you yourself brought such a child to life and raised it. And that is your duty to live with him. The same applies to children: they are born in that family, in that country and at the time that they are supposed to. However, children have a certain freedom of choice: they can choose their mother.

A child is not a "blank slate", not a soft plasticine from which parents can fashion whatever they want. A person comes to Earth with his personal karma and with the karma of the family, which is now called heredity.

To systematize knowledge about your tree, it is not enough to know all your 126 ancestors. According to your natal chart it is possible to determine which ancestral line, paternal or maternal, dominates your destiny. If in your life the rhythms of the moon have strong influence and you are a lunar, it may be that one of the lines of the parents is practically turned off. But it is the lunaria that are good carriers of heredity.

Up to the fact that the events of their lives are clichéd by their parents. But the outward resemblance to one of the parents does not always show the predominance of the hereditary material that it provides. The moon is the ruler of the relationship between us and our parents.

As for our grandparents, their influence is determined by Mercury. And if in your natal chart this planet is "struck" by bad astro-indicators, then certain difficulties arise in these relationships both on the event and psychosomatic plane. The only advice: communicate more with your grandchildren, because. it is you, as grandparents, who turn them on intellectual ability and the ability to communicate.

In our relationships with partners, invisibly, the ancestors of the 3rd generation, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, take part. Up to the geographical direction in which we need to look for our half. Venus is in charge of this process. Its position in the astrogram will give comprehensive information about our predisposition to harmony.

Mars "manages" the 4th knee, which gives us willpower, assertiveness, endurance, survival. There are 16 deadly sins associated with it. It is this tribe of ancestors with their sins that can give you strong extreme circumstances in life, destroy your Mars. Advice: do not take away strength from your descendants, but build protection for them with your lifestyle.

Jupiter makes contact with the 5th knee. The condition of your teeth shows the relationship with them. Through them your material well-being, power is realized.

And finally, the 7th, the most distant tribe of ancestors, which is involved in shaping our destiny. They are the core of our destiny. Through them the knowledge of good and evil comes to us. For their, figuratively speaking, original sin, we are paying. You can analyze the relationship with them by Saturn in the natal chart.

Here is not funny story. Not funny, but who among us can boast of knowing his family tree?

Water your tree of kind with good Waters (the element of Water is our subconsciousness, our emotions), warm it with your warmth (the element of Fire is creativity, bestowal, children), take care of the soil on which it grows (this is our Earth) and give it more fresh Breath (the movement of juices in the tree is connected with the element of Air, the connection of traditions, the continuity of generations). Then this mighty Tree of Life will grow to Heaven, and harmony will triumph in the World.

If a woman has an unplanned pregnancy and she decides to give birth, does this mean that the child will have difficult psychological problems?

- First of all, the question arises: in our time of contraception, a woman can have an unplanned pregnancy?

- This is a paradox: but what stronger control over fertility, the more unwanted pregnancies. In enlightened America, more than a million illegal abortions are performed every year. And if you believe the statistics, then every sixth girl under the age of twenty becomes pregnant as a result of an extramarital affair.

Apparently, the point is not that people do not know how to prevent conception, and not as contraceptives. The availability and safety of intimate relationships have led to the fact that they began to be perceived as a form of leisure or as a platform where people measure their achievements. And some part of our personality, and the most alive, protests against such a mechanistic attitude towards the most intimate, most spontaneous process. As a result, a girl may, for example, “forget” to take a birth control pill.

I remember one client of mine who, at the age of 20, married an emotionally cold, selfish man. After her divorce from him, she lived alone for several years. Somehow this woman agreed to help her neighbor, a young man, prepare for college. They got intimate relationship and she got pregnant.

What was behind this "surprise"? Most likely, this woman wanted to prove to herself that someone wanted her, because ex-husband rejected her; to compensate for the feeling of emotional poverty - pregnancy would literally fill her.

There are many other reasons that reflect this living rebellion against mechanistic "love". For example, a girl wants to make sure that she is a complete woman. Or prove to your mother that she is already an adult. How to do it? Get pregnant. And she weakens control over the intake of contraceptives.

– An unwanted child is one that is born as a result of unplanned pregnancy?

- Not at all. It happens that a woman would like to give birth later or from another man. But if it happened, she gives life to a child. And he comes into the world quite desirable.

And it happens the other way around: a woman needs a child to keep her husband from leaving the family. Or to improve your health. Or prove to her husband that he is fertile. Will this child be desired?

But even in the most favorable scenario: a woman is married, loves her husband, they have normal living and financial conditions - not always the child that she discovered in herself brings only a feeling of joy.

Carrying a baby has always been difficult. And there is not a single woman who would avoid fear: will she be able to do this, will everything go well? She would not have avoided doubts: did she decide to give birth on time, would this interfere with her career, would it violate some important plans?

Becoming a mother is a transition to a completely new state, and an irreversible one at that. Now your life is forever connected with the child, and sometimes he will be more important to you than you are. Each normal woman understands the responsibility she takes on. In addition, if earlier the weaker sex had no choice: if you become pregnant - you will give birth, now only the woman herself decides whether to give birth to a child or not. And from this, her responsibility increases dramatically.

So doubts, anxieties, fears are always present in any pregnancy - both desired and unwanted.

Does the baby feel it in the womb?

“No one really knows anything about this. If a woman wants to get rid of pregnancy, she even undertakes some folk ways, probably, the fetus feels trouble, discomfort. But do not overestimate the importance of this period. Much more significant is how the relationship between mother and baby will develop when he is born.

- Does a woman automatically turn on the instinct of motherhood when she gives birth? Or it might not happen?

- Yes, and we know such cases when a woman refuses a child, leaving him in the hospital. But much more often it happens that, having allowed him to be born and live nearby, the mother does not accept him emotionally.

The fact is that there is a certain point of no return, after passing which, a woman can no longer accept her child. This is when the mother takes the newborn in her arms and puts it on her breast. If this happens, then between the woman and the baby are established special relationship. The mother who spent the first day with the child will have the ability to intuitively understand him and better respond to his requests. If a woman and a newborn are separated in the first 24 hours, such a connection may not occur. And she will have to learn to understand her child with her head, logic, but not with her heart.

I believe that this moment for the fate of man plays over important role than the desirability or undesirability of his birth.

- It is believed that if the mother did not want a child, he will grow up unsuccessful, anxious, lonely.

- I believe that this is by no means an axiom. I remember such a case from my practice. The woman is married, quite prosperous, already having one child, a girl, became pregnant. She hesitated: whether to leave him, used some folk remedies to get rid of the fetus. Her mother actively dissuaded her from giving birth: “Why breed poverty?” And the woman had an unconscious rebellion against her. She decided to give birth - contrary to what her mother wants.

The most interesting thing is that the girl who was born turned out to be completely different in character from her own. older sister- obedient, flexible, inactive. She was strong-willed, stubborn, courageous. Moreover, when the girl grew up, she saw that her mother was a weak person, poorly adapted to life. And became her support. Now they have a great relationship, much better than with their eldest daughter.

What happened? A child who was born in spite of the mother's attempts to get rid of him already initially has a high vitality. He was tested while still in the womb, and he proved to be very persistent. It was also there that he “decided” to live. And this can ensure success for such a child in the future, because he has tenacity and vitality.

Was Lomonosov, for example, a favorite child? Or Menshikov? Or Catherine, who became the Russian empress? Indeed, in those days, another child is an extra mouth.

“But all these people have succeeded socially. Were they happy in their personal lives? big question. It is said that unwanted children constantly feel rejected and often cannot start a family.

– This is not always the case. Look, for example, at the fate of Agatha Christie's mother. She was given as a child to be raised by her aunt, who married a wealthy American. The girl experienced this very painfully, and all her life she could not recover from the feeling of rejection. And yet she got excellent upbringing and very successfully married the man who loved her all her life. So the patterns: "an unwanted child - an unhappy fate" can not be traced.

On the other hand, you yourself can recall dozens of examples when a beloved, beloved, adored child grows into a weak, selfish personality and manages his life without in the best way. So the desirability of the birth of a child does not guarantee him happy fate.

- If a woman becomes pregnant, but is not sure that she wants to become a mother, what should she do?

- A woman, of course, has the right to decide whose life is more important to her. And if she perceives the child as a threat to her existence, then her choice will be a foregone conclusion.

If she hesitates, then most likely some part of her personality has already said yes. And it means that she wants this child. This woman should know: doubts in such a position are common to everyone. But this is not a sign that you should not give birth. The future scares everyone. But this does not mean that you should try to avoid what fate sends you.

What a woman is afraid of, not daring to give birth - deteriorating health, loss of beauty, stopping career growth, loneliness, poverty - it will catch up with her anyway. Therefore, the best thing to do in this situation is to accept the challenge of fate and say “yes” to the life that has arisen in you.

For two days in a row, the popular singer of the 90s Alexander Serov became the guest of Dmitry Shepelev's show "Actually". Now, after a divorce from his wife, the 63-year-old man lives with a daughter named Michelle: she moved in with her father and supports him. The girl graduated from MGIMO, studies at the second institute and is the pride of her dad.

The divorce from his wife was an unpleasant event for the musician: he discovered that she was cheating on him. Details love relationship the singer will tell on the Saturday air of "The Secret to a Million":

The musician does not hide the fact that he himself led a very riotous lifestyle. On the air of Dmitry Shepelev's show, it turned out that he has an alleged daughter, Alice. Her mother is the poetess Valentina Arishina. “I met her at some concert. And then, quite by accident, something could happen, as is usually the case with musicians. She called him five years later: “Sasha, thank you very much, I don’t need anything from you,” recalls Serov. Now Alice is 29 years old, she lives in Los Angeles, married a Hollywood screenwriter. “Here, I settled myself,” the musician whistled.

Alexander also has another alleged daughter, but he does not intend to recognize her, at least not yet. To prove that she is worthy of her father's attention and love, Christine Tyler, who also lives abroad, did a DNA test on the air "Actually", but the results have not yet been announced. Her mother, Nadezhda Tyler, told her daughter that she had a dad when she was little. The woman showed the girl a poster: "This is your father, he is a singer." Until the age of 14, Nadezhda raised Christine alone, helped by Johan Tiler, her first husband. Mom and daughter moved to him in Germany when the girl was a year old, but after she reached the age of five, they divorced. After learning in a new relationship that he had problems with childbearing, Johan did a DNA test through the court, after which it turned out that this man was not the father of the child. Nadezhda, who had a relationship with Alexander, claims that her daughter was born from him.

Christine Tyler and Michelle

Christine graduated from a university in England with a degree in marketing and international business, lives in China, as it was difficult for her to find work in other countries. "You need to look young man, you are already 28 years old, you need a friend on whose shoulder you could lean. You want contact with my daughter, but we're not ready for that yet. What kind of communication can there be if you live in China? I can arrange a visit, pay my way, but how can I have a conversation with a person I don't know? We are not ready. Michelle is studying, and I have health problems, I'm not in the best condition, ”the supposed father Serov told her.

Secrets of the order of the birth of children and the Law of KIND.

Since ancient times, when a child was born, parents tried different ways determine which path in life fate has prepared for him. Attention was paid not only to the day and month of birth, as it turned out, the order of birth of children in the family was of particular importance. And this is no coincidence.

In the Zoroastrian tradition, the birth of the first two children was associated with the manifestation of world duality. Man, giving birth to the first two children, is likened to Zervan, the Creator of the Universe, the Guardian of Time and Space, the Absolute, who gave birth to the first two creations - Hormazd and Ahriman. As evidenced by the main Zoroastrian myth, one of them was tasked with creating the Upper World Menog, the World of Ideas, while the second one was tasked with creating the Lower World Getig, the Incarnate World. The alignment of forces in the entire universe and its well-being depended on the free choice of these two Twin Brothers.

That is why the first two children were considered special, mysterious. They even had to be brought up in a special way, giving them close attention. It was forbidden to refuse the first two conceived children.

Birth of the first child blocking Ahriman's invasion of our embodied world. It was he, by virtue of his free choice, who chose the path of Darkness, becoming the source of Evil. The first child at proper upbringing helps to work off the primary sin of the universe, acting as a force blocking the manifestation of Evil. By the way the parents relate to the first child, the influence of Ahriman on them and their dependence on the source of Evil is determined. Having abandoned the first child, resorting to abortion, the parents increase the power of Ahriman and aggravate not only the karma of their kind, but also the karma of all mankind, thereby weakening the immunity to evil in their subsequent children. That is why the Zoroastrians recommended not to question the birth of the first child. By the way, according to one of the Zoroastrian myths, Ahriman was the fruit of Zervan's doubts.

The birth of a second child symbolizes the strengthening of the position of Light in our embodied world. Proper upbringing of the second child and his choice in the direction of Good and the forces of Light helps other children to make the right choice and free themselves from the shackles of Evil. By abandoning the second child, the parents, in fact, desecrate the name of Hormazd, the Lord God. Thus, according to the Zoroastrian rules, they block their connection with Heaven and no longer have the right to ask anything from the Light Forces. By abandoning this child, people violate the stability of their kind and its prosperity, since it is the second children that are the source of both visible and invisible help for all their brothers and sisters.

Zoroastrians believed that every married couple should have at least seven children in order to fully complete the program necessary to cleanse the karma of their births. It is no coincidence that the word family is formed by two components: “seven and “I”. Since children are a continuation of their parents, through them a person must embody himself in seven hypostases, in order to thereby be able to completely cleanse his family of karmic burden. Of course, the choice of each of the children can not only help the family, but also increase the load of its problems. And yet his birth gives a chance of purification. It all depends on the upbringing and the experience that these children accumulate.

Birth of a third child V best case symbolizes the embodiment of justice, balance, law, which can through right choice this child will be passed on to the whole family. In the worst case, such children, having subsequently become confused in the concepts of Good and Evil, can bring chaos to the fate of their kind. However, by abandoning the third child, the parents upset the balance of their kind.

Birth fourth child prolongs the life of parents, sisters and brothers. The fourth children are symbolically the keepers of time, acting as a vara (protection) of a kind. The fourth child in itself is the most protected. It can be very difficult to get rid of him, because he is initially under the protection of the clan, as under a protective dome. And if parents, despite all the obstacles, go for an abortion, they thereby not only deprive themselves of the protection of their ancestors, but also remove this protection from all their children.

Birth of the fifth child helps to preserve and increase the evil of the family ( Word hvarna translated from the Avestan language means wealth, kindness, happiness, well-being. For the Zoroastrians, this concept was associated with the fact that a person at birth receives as a gift from God.) , which is associated with the patronage of Heaven, with God's Grace, giving the family higher power and more freedom. The hope of the family was connected with the fifth child among the Zoroastrians, because it was he who was entrusted with the pain of the whole family. This child symbolized the Tree of Life, which nourished the whole family. The destruction of this child deprived the entire family of strength and nourishment, defiled all fravash sort ( fravshi- the spirit of the ancestors continuing the afterlife and acting as its guardian angels).

Birth of the sixth child helps to preserve the wealth and property of the clan, and also strengthens the immunity of members of the clan, their health. By abandoning their sixth child, parents thereby undermine not only their own health, but also the health of their offspring. With such a choice, they could turn away luck in money matters from all members of their kind, deprive them of the ability to attract the wealth of the material world. It was very important to correctly orient and educate the sixth child in relation to material values. His experience and well-being were passed on as a talisman to all members of the family.

Birth of the seventh child but symbolizes gaining access to the secrets of the clan, to its magic and key information. The murder of the seventh child is regarded as cutting down the roots of the clan, it deprived all its members of magical protection. As a rule, the seventh children are associated with the redemption of the family. In the worst case, such a child can become a victim of the family, be the most vulnerable of all relatives. At best, it is he who is given the opportunity to completely cleanse his family.

Every person on Earth has ancestors, without whom he could not have been born. From time immemorial, people bowed before outstanding relatives and prayed for the lost. And this is not accidental - our life is very closely intertwined with the life of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

Influence of descendants and ancestors on ROD
ancestral law

Every person on Earth has ancestors, without whom he could not have been born. From time immemorial, people commemorated their grandparents, went to their graves, told their children and grandchildren about them. So the history of the family was preserved and transmitted. Now, few people can remember all the ancestors up to the 7th generation, and in the old days it was customary to know their entire family tree, and if there was no bad heredity in the family, it was considered revered, especially if there were people in it with hvarna, God's mark.

In Zoroastrianism, the family tree is called the Fravahar. Its roots, Fravashi, the spirits of deceased ancestors, go deep into the past and keep the memory of everything that happened in this family, and the crown and branches are young shoots, descendants, those who multiply and develop Fravahar, this is the future. The more branches, the richer and stronger the roots, the stronger the family and more help descendants will receive. Fravahar is one family tree, to which all people are involved - the ancestors and descendants of a certain kind. Roots different trees, different Fravahars are intertwined, forming a forest - a whole people. Each of us has our own Fravashes, and in due time we will become Fravashes for new generations and will also influence their lives in the same way that our ancestors influence us now.

This genetic chain has been going on since the time when the souls of the Fravashes agreed to incarnate in the material world in the form of people in order to take part in the battle against world evil, and it will end only at the end of time, when evil will be defeated and each person will find his last incorruptible body. According to the Pahlavi text "Bundahishn" ("Creation of the foundations"), Fravashi are the ancestors of mankind, who existed in spiritual world, decided to descend to Earth in a physical body to help Hormazd in the battle against evil. They made a free choice and gave life to mankind as a sacred gift and as a burden, we are links in a single chain of births, which we have no right to interrupt, otherwise death will triumph over life and the insidious Ahriman will triumph. People must continue their race and enrich their nature, using and developing all the best that they inherited in order to return to the world the harmony that was before the invasion of Ahriman. This is the task of mankind, by this people strengthen the roots of their kind, which in turn will help them, since all good thoughts, good words and good deeds will give a bountiful harvest and return a hundredfold to us and to our children and grandchildren. In the same way, everything bad that we do returns, and our grandchildren will have to pay for it.

Solving the problems of the family, we also solve our own problems, and, receiving retribution for the sins of grandmothers, we simultaneously receive retribution for our sins, and by correcting their mistakes, we correct our own.

As long as the descendants are alive, the ancestors are alive. A man who has no descendants, like a snake biting his tail, he is left alone with his sins, and no one can help him correct his mistakes after death. Only the saints were allowed not to have offspring; they pray for all mankind. If the race is interrupted by some person, then all his ancestors until the last resurrection remain without protection. Our Fravashes need us as much as we need them, and by helping them we help ourselves. By strengthening the harmony of this world, we enable our ancestors to help us get what we deserve. Exist different forms impact:
1. the transfer of sins (or merits) is a repetition of the life of ancestors: we face the same problems that they faced, and by solving them, we exacerbate mistakes or find a way to correct them, which makes life easier for future generations;
2. blocking - when a person is not up to his ancestors, he has acute problems of his own karma - this turns on the action of the stars, he solves global problems.
There is also a kind of sickness - this, in other words, is the protection of the kind, its luminosity. What does it mean, Fravashes bestow their offspring best qualities who are in the family and lead him through life, patronize and protect. This happens if there was already a bearer in the family, and he passes the baton to his heir. And then the whole Fravahar protects this person from any evil, the principle of the mirror is turned on, and all his offenders get what they deserve, and the person himself does not make any effort to do this.

But hvarna is never given just like that. Giving protection to their descendants, the ancestors expect from him a certain line of behavior. The life of such a person becomes a ritual, he must live according to the norms that are established by his Fravahar. The evil of the clan manifests itself through the evil of the month. Ancestral totem is the best of the month. The one who has this distinction must correspond to his birth totem: live according to the precepts of his ancestors, continue and develop the work that his ancestors were engaged in. It is a ritual and a person must live in it. If the ritual is broken, then the connection between Heaven and Earth is broken, chaos is introduced into the affairs of the Fravahar, protection is removed, because the hvarna of the ancestors is the hvarna of the priest, and the ancestors are the guides between Heaven and Earth, without them none of our prayers will reach God. By breaking this connection, we destroy our connection with God, that is, we surrender ourselves to the power of Ahriman.

Khvarna - as protection, purification of the family, the forgotten, undying law of tradition is restored. If a person does not have a disease, this does not mean that he will never be able to receive it. By performing the ritual, according to the nature of the totem of his birth month, he can earn the favor of his Fravahara. You need to know what the ancestors were doing, especially one of them who had a hvarna. His name is blessed, sanctified, it attracts grace for posterity, and it is good for them to name one of the children, because this is a generic name, it gives help in good deeds. You also need to remember the one who was one of the worst, who carried misfortunes in life - this name should not be given to children, it will bring grief.
Ancestral birthday and death day special days- days of remembrance. Birthday - setting for the best from them, you need to pray and remember all the best that is associated with them, so that it is embodied in the heirs. On the day of death, they also need to be remembered, but this is the day of correcting the bad, you need to abandon all the bad things that were in these ancestors and not repeat their mistakes.

Each of us should have 126 ancestors in 7 generations, each generation has a specific goal in relation to us, makes its own amendments to our destiny.

1st generation We ourselves are the point between the past and the future.

2nd generation - father and mother - the problem of choice, either rejection or communion. Parents introduce us into society, into the environment. They pass on to us small habits, which are the key basis for entering the genus, the collective. If there is a negative resonance with the parents, then the child develops negative attitudes with society. Through parents, the problem of connecting with a partner is also solved. Dad and mom create a certain lifestyle, the conditions through which hereditary diseases are transmitted to the child (for example: the mother smokes, and the child has asthma, which the grandmother had).
But you should never condemn parents, otherwise their sin can become not only ours, but also our children's. We must pray for them.

3rd generation - 2 grandmothers, 2 grandfathers - this is the carrying of the cross, a fatal program. This is not only retribution for the sins of grandparents, but they also pass on to us their abilities and talents, all the best and all the worst that they had, as well as hereditary diseases.

4th generation - great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, there are 8 of them as 8 cardinal points, each ancestor has its own Ized. This is the creation of vara, protection, choice of direction. This generation either frees a person from protection or gives immunity from evil, helps to make the right choice in life. Here, either protection from the invasion of demons or the opportunity for them to manifest.

5th generation - 16 ancestors - these are our judges - corresponds to 16 good lands. Through them, the Law, the retribution for sins, is manifested. We pay or receive what we deserve.

6th generation - 32 ancestors - 32 Iseds. These are the ancestors - carriers of khvarna. Harmony or disharmony, divine grace or seal, destiny. A person has 32 teeth, each tooth corresponds to one of the Izeds. From time immemorial, it was considered a great sin if someone married their relatives, since common genetics is preserved until the 7th generation. With consanguineous marriages, the number of ancestors is reduced. A person born from such a marriage cannot fully fulfill the role assigned to his Fravahar, receives less protection, less grace. This is also reflected in the teeth, since fewer ancestors mean fewer teeth. A person can no longer get sick of the clan, because the Izedes do not fully protect him, genetics is not complete - the clan is dying. Because of this, there was a degeneration of the villages.

7th generation - 64 ancestors, which corresponds to 64 combinations of triplets in DNA. This is the possibility of change, a magical transition, strength, restructuring, healing, or fate, rock. In the worst case, a complete brake from the ancestors, the impossibility of showing oneself even with the most wonderful horoscope, and vice versa: if the ancestors favor, such a person is given a green wave, help and support in everything, he himself is the creator of his own destiny.
As we can see, our life is very closely intertwined with the life of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. But what about those who do not know their parents? What can they expect from fate?
Illegitimate children in Zoroastrianism have always been unacceptable, because the birth of a new person is already based on a lie, the attraction of a demon to him, all maternal line serves Druji, and on the 4th generation, protection is removed from the sinner. Their grandchildren and great-grandchildren pay, vara is removed, immunity is reduced. To prevent this from happening, the child must definitely find out the truth about his birth before the age of 16, otherwise his life will become fatal and unpromising. If there was a bastard (illegitimate) in the family, then there will no longer be a bad family. You can pray, but the protection is removed, so the children should know who their parents are, no matter how bitter the truth is, this will provide an opportunity to get out of the impasse.

Ancestors are recorded in every cell of our body, at the DNA level. This becomes obvious as soon as we remember a little biology at the level high school.

It is the ancestors that could give a person absolute invulnerability at the level of the physical body, if they were positive. But there are no such heroes now.

Our ancestors, distinguished by their good deeds, have a special influence on our fate. Also, the birth of the clan manifests itself through the month of the month (this information can be found in the Zoroastrian calendar). The totemic animal of your birth communicates with the light source of your family tree. The ancestor who accumulated this evil is especially important. You need to know at least his name, because. remembering him in prayers, we will sooner be heard by God.
It's sad to talk about illegitimate children. The Zoroastrians call them bastards (cf. Ukrainian - baistrya, bastard). Such children deprive the Fravahar of sickness and, consequently, the protection of their descendants. But no matter what happens, the child must learn the truth about his birth before the age of 16, because. otherwise his life will be fatal and hopeless. Only the acquisition by one's own life of hvarna can restore the generic "luminosity" and free oneself from the heavy karma of the clan (it can also manifest itself in severe hereditary diseases and in repeated tragic destinies, etc.).

That. the realization of your destiny depends on the Fravashes, just as the fate of your descendants depends on yours. Descendants can forgive your sins, correct your mistakes. Here is another reason why you should raise your children well.

Let's talk a little about the birth and upbringing of children. First of all, we have the children we deserve, and no amount of trickery will change that. Of course, there are favorable and unfavorable days and hours of conception, but they rather determine private issues, nuances of fate. Therefore, the parents' complaints about their children, their cruelty and ingratitude, do not make sense: you yourself brought such a child to life and raised it. And that is your duty to live with him. The same applies to children: they are born in that family, in that country and at the time that they are supposed to. However, children have a certain freedom of choice: they can choose their mother.

A child is not a "blank slate", not a soft plasticine from which parents can fashion whatever they want. A person comes to Earth with his personal karma and with the karma of the family, which is now called heredity.

Only receiving bad luck will help a person to get rid of the heavy karma of the family and give birth to good children.
And it is not in vain that we often repeat, perhaps not even fully realizing that children are our future.
Summing up the above, a rhetorical question arises by itself: how much have we done to make our future happy?