Anti-aging make-up for different ages. Anti-aging makeup, the secrets of creating anti-age make up

The beginning of growing up for many young girls is associated with the fact that the mother finally allows the use of decorative cosmetics. Someone is limited only to mascara and lip gloss, while someone goes into battle with the entire arsenal of makeup artists. As a result, a lady of indeterminate age turns out from a young charming girl. The inability to use cosmetics may not go away over the years, but after 30, you need to be especially careful about applying makeup in order to give freshness to your face, and not add yourself an extra 5 years of age. Yes, a beautiful and correct make-up is really an art, but you don’t have to go to makeup artist courses to learn all the secrets of makeup. Especially for you, we have collected the basic principles of make-up for various areas of the face: what should be done for anti-aging makeup and what techniques should be avoided.

1. Face makeup: foundation

What ages: too thick layer foundation is able to create the opposite effect to the desired one, instead of masking the flaws, you will emphasize them even more. Besides, a large number of tonal means clog the pores of the face, which leads to premature aging of the skin.

What is young: a light translucent tone, the texture of which blends perfectly with the complexion. Minor flaws can be point-corrected with a concealer, and for a general tone, choose depending on the season or light tonal mousse or moisturizing base.

2. Face makeup: powder

What ages: too matte texture. Mattifying powder is contraindicated for girls with dry skin: it contributes to even more peeling and cracking, and wrinkles are even more visible. Use mattifying powder only in summer and if you have oily skin.

What is young: natural glow skin. Of course, we are not talking about a greasy glossy shine, but about an even glow. healthy skin. Use this easy loose powder, which does not give a feeling of tightness, but only removes excess shine.

3. Face makeup: blush

What ages: matte dark blush brown shades applied along the hollow of the cheekbones. This technique very well models the shape of the face, emphasizes the cheekbones, but invariably makes the face a little older.

What is young: fresh blush on the convex part of the cheekbones. The so-called "apples" of the cheeks should be emphasized with a refreshing blush. shades of pink with a slight glow - this will create the effect of a youthful frosty blush.

4. Eye makeup: eye shadow

What ages: too matte shadows that can disadvantageously emphasize the wrinkles on the eyelids. Use matte eyeshadows mixed with shimmery eyeshadows for an expressive look.

What is young: shadows with a shimmery, wet or radiant sheen. However, do not overdo it with mother-of-pearl and sparkles, your makeup should not blind the eyes of others, but be natural.

5. Eye makeup: eyeliner and eyeliner

What ages: a kayal lined with a dark pencil and lower eyeliner almost always create the effect of deep-set tired eyes. This makeup is only suitable for owners of large slightly protruding eyes.

What is young: kajal, summed up with a light pencil, makes the look more open and fresh, visually enlarges the eyes. Add to this the summed upper eyelid with a playful upward arrow - and your eyes will shine with mischievous youth!

6. Eye makeup: mascara

What ages: short sparse eyelashes, of course, will not decorate any girl! In addition, unhealthy eyelashes give the impression that your age is somewhat Furthermore that is indicated in the passport. Therefore, if you have problems with eyelashes, then first of all take care of their treatment: do oil masks, buy special beauty vitamins, watch your diet. Do not abuse eyelash extensions, which invariably make them weak!

What is young: thick underlined upper eyelashes. Yes Yes, lower lashes you can not paint with ink at all, so you will emphasize the upper ones even more. Use high-quality mascara with the effect of false eyelashes to touch everyone with flapping doll-like lashes. By the way, if by nature you have very light eyelashes, then make a choice in favor of brown, not black mascara, to look more natural and younger.

7. Lip makeup: contour, lipstick and gloss

What ages: too much sharp lines contour, a thick contour that goes far beyond your natural lip contour - it seems that you are already an elderly lady who has made an injection for lip plumpness. Too matte lipstick and too much lip gloss can also play a cruel joke in the form of accentuated wrinkles and folds on the lips. If you want to look younger, forget also about dark shades of lipstick.

What is young: smooth shaded lip contour, lipstick with a radiant wet shine, gentle and natural shades of lipstick. You can create an effect full lips and without excess makeup, it is enough to apply a lip gloss slightly lighter than the tone of the lipstick in the center lower lip.

Now you know the little tricks for creating a fresh, youthful make-up. Try them yourself and make sure that looking great is not so difficult.

Makeup gives confidence due to the fact that it allows you to emphasize the dignity of appearance and even out skin tone. However, have you noticed that sometimes makeup makes you look older?

No one is immune from make-up mistakes that age! To help you warn them, we've put together a list of the 10 most common makeup mistakes that add years to your age. From this, we think, it is more than clear how to do makeup to look younger.

Mistake 1. Too much foundation

Wanting to give the skin a matte look, many of us apply too much foundation on our face. If you choose the wrong foundation shade and apply it in a thick layer, then in this way you will be able to emphasize wrinkles and make yourself look older.

To avoid this, professional makeup artists recommend avoiding the use foundation creams dense texture. Instead, use liquid tonal foundations, BB creams with light-reflecting particles - they will emphasize the beauty and youth of the skin, while not overloading it.

Mistake 2. Make spider legs out of the lower eyelashes

Barely touching the lower lashes with a brush of mascara, you can emphasize the expressiveness of the look and look younger.

On the other hand, a thick layer of mascara on the lower lashes will draw attention to the wrinkles around the eyes. Even if these are fine wrinkles, heavily painted lower lashes will make them look even deeper and make you look older.

Mistake 3. Wrong shade of lipstick

There is no doubt - lipstick can incredibly complement the image! This season, experiment more boldly with rich shades, but do not forget - if your lips are naturally thin, dark tones lipsticks are not suitable, as they visually reduce and age the lips.

If you want to make them a little fuller, lipstick can help with this - just make the lip contour a little higher than natural. However, too high a contour is not young, but looks ridiculous.

Mistake 4. Incorrect use of dark shadows

Please note: covering the entire lower eyelid with dark shadows visually ages you.

Dark shades need to slightly emphasize the outer corner upper eyelid or lash line. A slight underlining of the eyelash growth line, on the contrary, rejuvenates.

Mistake 5. Applying a thick layer of eyeliner on the bottom

Dark eyeliner on the lower eyelid visually narrows the eyes and does not look younger.

To achieve the opposite effect, use bright hues kayala on the lower eyelid to complete the eye makeup - this will help make the look younger and more open.

Mistake 6. Dark blush on the "apples" of the cheeks

Very aging choice of dark and intense shades! pay attention to gentle tones- pale pink and peach.

To make up and look a little younger, try to apply blush on the upper cheek area, but in no case on the central area. Emphasizing the "apples" of the cheeks is justified only if you are very young. But as you get older, you have to accept changes in the configuration of the face - it kind of slides down. Instead of aging yourself with make-up, emphasizing the central zone of the cheeks, try to apply blush closer to the cheekbones, moving away from the nose as much as possible. Natural soft shades will make the face look young and give the image of romance. In addition, emphasizing the cheekbones with blush allows you to visually tighten your face.

Mistake 7. Excessive emphasis on the eyebrows

The use of dark intense shades in eyebrow makeup gives the face a rough look and ages, adds years.

To avoid this effect, it is better to use cosmetics one tone lighter than the natural shade of the eyebrows, and only slightly correct the shape, without going too far beyond the growth contours.

Mistake 8. Not using corrector

Bruising under the eyes is a common problem. The older a person becomes, the more expressive this lack of appearance becomes. Abuse of the corrector ages even more, emphasizes wrinkles and circles under the eyes, but on the other hand, correct application This makeup product works wonders!

Try to apply the corrector directly to dark areas and carefully distribute the product on the skin under the eyes - this significantly rejuvenates and refreshes the image.

Mistake 9. Do not shade the applied lip contour

Yes, lip liner helps in creating the perfect make-up. However, try not to overdo it in trying to emphasize the natural contour of the lips, because bold contours always age.

Always blend it towards the center of the lips, otherwise you will get the effect of "mustache", or do not use it at all.

Mistake 10. Powder in a thick layer and all over the face

Powder allows you to mask the imperfections of the skin, but only in case of its moderate use. A thick layer of it on the face can, on the contrary, become an additional problem, emphasizing the wrinkles that age you and drying your skin.

Usage light mineral powder rejuvenates and allows you to fight with bold effect in the T-zone. It is not recommended to apply powder around the eye area, as this can accentuate wrinkles and give the skin a dry effect.

Using our tips, you can easily understand how to make proper makeup and look younger. Well, for the most curious - a visual video:

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What is the effect of anti-aging makeup? Thanks to him it is possible without participation plastic surgery look natural and young. Of course, in severe cases, you will have to turn to plastic surgeon, but it is better to wait with this.

The purpose of anti-aging makeup is only in visual effect. If you choose the right tone of cosmetics and correctly mask the flaws, you can change any woman almost beyond recognition. But in most cases, women do the opposite, adding an extra five or six years to themselves with incorrectly applied cosmetics. That is why it is desirable for every woman after 35 to know how and how to properly apply makeup that hides age-related changes.

What rejuvenates and what, on the contrary, ages

Before applying cosmetical tools on your face, you need to figure out what will have a rejuvenating effect, and what is highly undesirable to use. In any case, you need to start with skin care, regardless of your age. If you do not deal with it systematically, after a while it will look tired, and then no kind of makeup will change this state.

In this regard, facial care after 35 years should be daily, which should include peeling, applying a cream enriched with vitamins A and E to the skin, hyaluronic acid and collagen.


Usually a woman's age can be determined by her eyes. Age changes give swollen eyelids, slight swelling, dark circles, wrinkles. All these unwanted manifestations of age can be hidden under cosmetics, but it is also important to organize proper sleep and food. Often, puffiness of the eyes appears during an incorrectly adopted posture during a night's rest, which must be changed. The rest can be hidden from others under anti-aging makeup.


They are also capable of issuing female age. With age, the lips lose their former elasticity and splendor, gradually turning into a thin strip with pubescent corners. For many women, this process occurs unevenly: one lip is pulled inward, and against its background the second seems too large. In this situation, only injections and fillers can correct the situation, but anti-aging makeup will also help hide some signs of time.

Forbidden cosmetics

Before applying anti-aging cosmetics, you need to learn what is undesirable to do:

  • use black eyeliner;
  • apply black mascara with a voluminous effect;
  • make too thin eyebrows;
  • use a wide eyebrow tattoo;
  • exclude bright lipsticks and matte dark shadows;
  • apply bright blush;
  • apply foundation and concealer in an unnatural dark or light tone;
  • use a bright contour pencil;
  • draw arrows on the lower eyelid;
  • apply youth make-up.

Does your makeup make you look younger or older? Let's figure it out together.

So how do you do beautiful make-up and look younger? It's very simple, avoid the following mistakes and follow the tips for proper use decorative cosmetics.

Foundation (foundation)

Makes older: A thick layer of foundation with a dense texture makes you look older. The fact is that a too dense base layer clogs even into small wrinkles, making them more noticeable. In addition, the effect of a mask appears on the face, which looks completely unnatural. An example of this mistake you can see below in the photo of Kim Kardashian (left).

Makes You Younger: Foundation products with a light liquid texture, which contain light-reflecting particles. Such light base on the skin looks natural and almost invisible, plus moisturizes the skin. And reflective particles make the skin seem to glow from the inside, allowing you to look younger and fresher. good example correct use foundation is a photo of Jennifer Aniston (right).

Naturally, tonal products should be correctly matched to your skin tone.

Advice: If you have very dry skin, then before using your foundation… add a little of your moisturizer to it.


Makes older: Dark shades of blush on the cheekbones. Pronounced cheekbones make the face more refined, but, alas, this also gives age.

If you intentionally want to look older, for whatever reason, you can use this technique. Namely, to emphasize the cheekbones with the help of dark blush applied to the area under the cheekbones, as Victoria Beckham does.

If you have a face round shape, and you want to visually stretch it, you can also use this technique visual correction round face.

Makes You Younger: Light shimmery blush. Some people have a natural blush, but most still have to use blush to achieve desired effect. How to choose and apply blush to look younger? Opt for refreshing shades of blush, such as pink or peach (depending on your color type). Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks.

Lipstick, eye shadow and their texture (Texture of lipstick and eye shadow)

Makes older: Lipstick and eye shadow matte texture. Always remember that matte textures And dark shades decorative cosmetics deprive volume, create the effect of dry skin and emphasize wrinkles, which visually adds age. However, do not go to extremes, as excessive shine emphasizes skin irregularities.

Makes You Younger: Lipstick with the effect of wet lips and silk eyeshadow (i.e. eyeshadow with mother of pearl). These decorative cosmetics look more natural on the skin due to the presence of reflective particles, which scatter light and visually soften wrinkles. In addition, satin-textured shadows make your eyes look deeper and more radiant, while lipstick with the effect of wet lips will give your lips extra volume.

For example, I took photos of the singer Lily Allen. Who would have thought that both photos are of the same girl, and not a mother and daughter!


Makes older: Black eyeliner all around the eye. This makes the eyes visually smaller, the redness of the eyes is more noticeable and, as a result, the look turns out to be tired. Eyeliner, of course, can make the look more expressive and sexy, but you need to know how to apply it correctly.

Makes You Younger: Eyeliner matched to your eye color. For example, if you have blue or grey eyes, then choose an eyeliner in dark dark blue or dark gray if you have Brown eyes, then dark brown and black eyeliner is suitable for you, for green eye fit dark green eyeliner. Also, to make your look younger:

  1. Do not apply eyeliner inner corners eye (i.e. the line should start from the outer corner and “disappear”, approaching the inner corner of the eye.
  2. Wear some white mother-of-pearl shadows with a light texture in the inner corners of the eyes - this will make your look more expressive and youthful.

For example, two photos of actress Sarah Jessica Parker. In the photo on the left with intense eyeliner, she looks older, and her eyes visually appear smaller. While in the photo on the right, where the eyeliner is done following the above guidelines, her eyes are more open, clear, and she looks visibly younger.

Lip gloss

Makes older: Too much gloss on the lips as it accentuates the wrinkles around the lips + the gloss can extend beyond the contours of the lips.

Makes You Younger: Lip gloss applied to the middle of the lower lip. This will be enough to visually give the lips volume, while the lip makeup will look more natural and last longer.

For example, in the following photo, Kim Kardashian (left) used too much lip gloss, as well as foundation. But Jennifer Lopez (on the right), on the contrary, knows very well how much lip gloss should be applied to give her lips volume and at the same time not look vulgar. By the way, Kim Kardashian is 31 years old, and Jennifer Lopez is 43, the age difference is noticeable, and which of them looks older is a big question!

So, let's sum up.
Makeup moments that make you look older:

  • Dark lipstick, brown lipstick.
  • Pale chalky complexion without blush, thick layer of foundation (base), too dark blush applied to the area under the cheekbones.
  • Too intense eyeliner with a black pencil.
  • Excessive use of lip gloss.
  • Decorative cosmetics with matte textures.

Makeup tricks that make you look younger:

  • Decorative cosmetics with light silk textures and reflective particles.
  • Light white pearl shadows in the inner corners of the eyes and under the eyebrows, correctly applied eyeliner.
  • Delicate pink, peach or coral shades blush (the choice of shade of blush depends on the color type of appearance).

Following these simple rules, your makeup will always emphasize your beauty and you will look more natural and younger.

Be beautiful and love yourself, yours truly, Helen Belliani

With the help of makeup, you can advantageously emphasize the advantages and hide the imperfections of the face. But do not forget that some cosmetics can age. Trying to get perfect appearance, you can choose the wrong tricks that age.

Use these tips to give your makeup a fresher, younger look.

1. Blush

Aging: visibly darkened cheekbones

A striking example is the cheekbones of Victoria Beckham. popular star loves to emphasize cheekbones with matte brown blush. This gives the face a more refined look, but also adds a few years.

Young: refreshing light translucent shade

This trick is often used by celebrities. For example, Sarah Jessica Parker often uses this technique. A slight blush on the cheeks gives the image the freshness of youth.

2. Foundation

Ageing: thick layer of foundation

Many celebrities like to pretty toned their face. Kim Kardashian is especially guilty of this technique. Trying to make your face flawless, don't get too carried away foundation, concealers and other similar means. Too thick a layer of foundation will only accentuate wrinkles and make the face look like a lifeless mask.

Young: transparent light tone of the face

Certainly, beautiful skin With even tone always looks good, so foundation should be used, but very carefully. If you want to look fresher and more youthful, ditch heavy foundations in favor of a lightweight moisturizer or BB cream. Let him not be able to perfectly hide all the flaws, but the face will look fresher and more natural.

3. Eyebrows

Ageing: thin eyebrows

Some ladies still follow the old trend and pluck their eyebrows with a “thread”. First, it has long been out of fashion. Secondly, it almost always adds a couple of extra years.

Young: wide natural eyebrows

Natural is in fashion today. wide eyebrows. Correct the growth line with tweezers and use transparent gels for eyebrow care. If your eyebrows are too pale, you should not “draw” them with a too dark pencil.

It is better to use a thin brush and eyebrow shadow. Fill in the gaps between the hairs and lightly paint on the tip. Choose a color that is a shade darker or close to your natural color.

To make eyebrows more voluminous and spectacular, as, for example, by Jennifer Connelly, dip the brush into the powder and apply to the hairs, and then lightly tint the eyebrows again with shadow.

4. Lipstick

Ageing: dark matte lipstick

Lips painted thick matte lipstick, especially dark ones, make a woman older. Remember: matte textures and dark shades age.

Youthful: lips of natural shades with a slight sheen

If you want to look younger, use a moisturizing lip gloss with a soft, satiny texture and a pleasant natural shade. This will give the lips volume and freshness.

5. Eyeliner

Ageing: emphasis on the lower eyelid

Any noticeable makeup (eye shadow, pencil or eyeliner) on the lower eyelid focuses on the imperfections of the skin under the eyes and makes the face look tired.

Young: emphasis on the upper eyelid

A good technique is to emphasize the upper eyelid with eyeliner and not tint the lower eyelid and lower eyelashes at all.

6. Lip contour

Ageing: sharp clear contours

Clear lip contours drawn in pencil, especially in combination with bright or dark lipstick always getting old. This makes the lips more pursed and emphasizes imperfections.

Young: smooth shading

To look younger, use smooth contour shading or apply lipstick with a brush without any contour pencil to give your lips a more natural look.