Girls in France are beautiful. The most common myths about French women

Sergey Anashkevich writes: May all women forgive me for this post. I wanted to write it after my first trip to France, but somehow it didn't work out. French women. One of my biggest disappointments in this beautiful country.

I don’t know how it is for anyone, but for me France has always been associated with beauty, haute couture, sophistication, style and beautiful women. But with beautiful women there is a real problem. No, of course they meet from time to time, but compared to how many beautiful ones we have, they simply don’t exist here ...

These thoughts came to me in Chamonix, these thoughts came to me in Normandy, then in Languedoc, Camargue, Provence, Cote d'Azur. During our April trip to the Languedoc region, I specifically tried to make a selection of cute and pretty girls to please my male readers. Guys, sorry, it didn't work. We have what we have. Sadly, here they are typical French women...

2. I will not judge the style, manner of dressing and appearance I don't understand anything in the world of women's fashion.
I will only say that I personally do not like the way modern French women dress and look.

3. Housewife on the balcony. She must have been beautiful once...

4. This girl is still far from being a housewife, but...


6. Despite the fact that there is just a crazy boom in healthy lifestyles in Europe, a huge number of people run in the mornings different ages- from young to retired, there are just a huge number of overweight women




10. Daughter... Not for lovigin mother raised a flower

11. But, in fairness, not all are full. Many, as I said, are actively involved in sports.

12. Like us, everyone is on their phones.



15. To be honest, in our country I rarely see women who would walk and smoke on the go.

16. Lady with dogs

17. Experts in women's fashion are called to the post ....

18. These two ladies very persistently tried to glue Lovygin and me together. I had to hastily retreat from sin away

19. Completely unexpectedly met a girl in a patriotic Belarusian tracksuit and two more, wrapped in one coat for two

20. Wai notes?

21. Danish blogger. Ask how did I know? Our guides suggested As it turned out, right in front of our group, a group of Danish bloggers headed by this girl arrived in this town.
It's good that I don't live in Denmark

22. How much busts?



25. I saw this girl in some domestic series ...

26. A few photos from Marseilles... Everything is sad here, active migration from the countries of North Africa is affecting.

27. French woman, like a frame from a movie of the 60s

28. In general, in the end, most of our attention was attracted by this woman, proudly reclining in the small town of Sete.


Here they are, beautiful French women.
IN Once again I am convinced that we have the most beautiful girls and I am happy that I do not live in some France or, God forbid, Denmark)

We all know such famous names as Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, Pierre Cardin, and this list can be continued with more than a dozen names. Numerous media outlets juicy talk about Paris Fashion Week, and classic French films showcase elegant beauties. But in reality, ordinary French women are quite far from the ideal we have created, but their wardrobe often depends on age.

For example, young girls trying desperately to draw attention to themselves, so they are more than using bright makeup, tight and open clothes, and also experimenting with hair color. But often it looks tasteless, firstly, because girls simply don’t know how to take care of themselves, leaving peeling nail polish and messy hair, and secondly, they all dress in the same budget stores, which is why they very often look “like a blueprint”, blindly following fashion trends. Unfortunately, the same styles do not suit girls with different figure, however, young French women prefer to ignore this fact, unable to emphasize the merits and hide the flaws.

It would seem that in middle age this problem should disappear, but no matter how, because here we are waiting for a real fashion paradox. Yes, French women visit beauty salons by the age of 30, try to take care of their appearance, but in the end go to extremes: some of them dress completely nondescript (and most of them), and someone is too extravagant in their choice of wardrobe. The first category of French women practically does not use decorative cosmetics except for some important celebrations. They buy quality clothes and shoes expensive brands, appreciate comfort and convenience and will never stand on high heels. These are usually married French women. Singles are more likely to belong to the second category of extravagant madams. They have created their own "style" and truly believe in their elegance. Such women never leaf through fashion magazines and with a calm soul they wear what was in trend 15 years ago.

But who can really be envied is French women after 50 years. Most of them are very fit (in dance schools and fitness clubs, they are the main ones), elegant and well-groomed. Women of this age will never put on old women's clothes, and as long as their figure allows them, youth things will hang in the closet. However, French women perfectly feel the edge of age, so you will never meet a grandmother in a miniskirt on the street. When I first came to France, I was desperately trying to find this French standard of fashion and style. In tourist Paris, disappointment awaited me, but one day on the outskirts of Dijon, at a stop in a tiny village, a bus was illuminated by a Woman with capital letter this word. She was about ninety years old, but never in my life have I met such a well-groomed and elegant representative of the beautiful half of humanity. This French lady had a perfect hairdo light makeup, clear nail polish on the nails, a long cloak of the correct beige colour and stylish shoes with a small heel. How did she talk to her friend? In short, the whole trip I could not take my eyes off her. I really like that French women of age do not forget about their appearance and look great. At the same time, they are not afraid of color and very stylishly select makeup, manicure, shoes and clothes, especially focusing their attention on details.

I used to think that every French woman goes through all the 3 stages I described above, but now it seems to me that it’s not about age, but about the difference in generations: if you looked after yourself at 18, then you will do the same at 30 and 60. In any case, this question remains open, and now we will move from the outer shell to the character of French women, about which everyone knows much less.

Why are they so different from us Russians? Neither a taut figure in advanced years, nor natural makeup... Only now I realized that it is the look that makes them so special, and the eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the soul. French women look at others very confidently and tenaciously, they have some kind of inner strength, the very core that they talk about so much, but no one has seen it. I won’t say that everyone has, but many French women have smart faces and deep inquisitive eyes. But along with this energy and intelligence, there is a certain coldness in them, as if the ice of the snow queen accidentally clouded their vision. In fact, French women are such " snow queens with perfect manners and a smiling face. They always keep those around them at a distance, and it is easy to mistake the unusual benevolence for us for a manifestation of friendship or at least sympathy, but in reality, representatives of the most romantic nation are in no hurry to let strangers into their territory.

French women suffer from inflated self-esteem, are often obsessed with themselves, and therefore often fall into depression, not saving on sessions with a psychotherapist. Their excessive closeness and coldness in the end do not always play into the hands, but rather lead to frustration and loss of the meaning of life.

Residents of France are quite emancipated, therefore they fully share all rights and obligations with men. For example, in a restaurant with a gentleman, they always pay for themselves, or they can completely cover the entire bill. The same is true in family life: cooking, cleaning, washing, as well as babysitting are shared in half with her husband. A French woman would never put on an apron, and in general all household duties are carried out slightly through her fingers.

By the way, about marriage. French women do not seek to impress a man with cosmetics and clothes, considering this a humiliating relic. They do not bind themselves by family ties until the age of 35, before that being in a dubious and often unsuccessful relationship. But after this figure, their life is switched on to fast forward: new meeting, pregnancy, wedding ... So in six months they make up for all 10 years. It is not surprising that such a choice is often hasty, and marriages break up after 2-3 years. French women get out of the decree very quickly: literally 3 months after the birth of a child, they are already waiting at the workplace. Indeed, French women devote a lot of time to their careers, unfortunately, often to the detriment of communicating with children. But, nevertheless, if the marriage was successful, French mothers do not stop at one baby. At least two, or even three, and five give birth - it all depends on the religiosity of the family and material wealth.

Perhaps you have met French women with radically opposite character traits, so my article represents only a certain collective image. In any case, to understand a Frenchwoman, she must be born.

May 21, 2014 at 2:41 pm

Hello everyone! French women theme Lately for me it became especially acute. Especially a few last days. I have been in France for three years and have already realized that the local ladies have no taste for clothes and in general they are very different from our women, in my opinion, in the worst side. And if at first I lamented that I most likely would never become a real Frenchwoman (it doesn’t matter with my language either and the accent will still remain for the rest of my life, even if I learn the language at five someday), now, having got to know the French women better, I realized that I don’t want to be like them in any way. This Saturday my husband and I were at the wedding of his friends. All the French women, like at my wedding, came dressed in the same gray or gray robes described above. brownish color, unironed, that is, they were such a strange pale mass that I somehow didn’t even make out their faces, didn’t perceive them. But I immediately spoke to the wife of my husband's friend, who also came dressed like that. I asked: well, wouldn't it be nice to wear something bright, summery, cheerful, etc.? (I myself invited in bright blue dress made of fake silk that shone in the sun) and everyone was looking at me. So the wife of a friend of her husband answered me that it was indecent to dress brightly. You must be dressed modestly. Well, I stepped aside with the stroller (my son is three months old). Then my husband took us home about an hour later, because it was uncomfortable with the child in a noisy society, and in general I don’t know these people and it’s difficult with the language, I only understand if they speak to me slowly, and my friends are not mine, but my husband. The next day, my husband tells me that when the guests played the game find something there, it was necessary to find a bra. There was no bra and it was necessary that he appeared. Then the young woman poked around under her dress and pulled out her bra and… immediately showed it to my husband with an enticing smile!!! That is, such a contradiction: dress modestly, but behave immodestly! I would even say a worse word. I don't understand! And at the table, in the presence of strangers, French men often talk about how they protect themselves when they had their last m…….e, even about what positions they prefer in bed. She herself heard more than once and left the table from moral discomfort. My husband also explained to them that it shocked me that this is not accepted in our country. I mean, I can't understand French women! They generally annoy me. So the norm for them is to dress more modestly, and behave more foully, try to seduce married man who has a small child.
My husband and I want to have a second child soon, and now I have decided that if a girl is born, I will give her the original Russian name so that she looks as little as possible like these grisettes prostitute. I am also going to educate her more in our Russian framework and traditions.
But I am very satisfied with French men. In my understanding, this is precisely the image of a real man who takes care of his family and looks nice and charming and reliable. It's a shame they're raising their own daughters in such a weird way.

Why do men like girls from France? You can, of course, say that French women are beautiful and sexy, but this can be said about women from many countries of the world, especially since everyone has their own concept of beauty. So the point here, most likely, is that the women of France are remembered. And they are remembered due to the fact that they look unusual and do not follow stereotypes, but they themselves choose their appearance and behavior. Let's talk about those differences. french girls that immediately draw attention to themselves. And which, of course, greatly contribute to the fact that men from all over the world come to live in France. And some would even decide come to France for permanent residence.

  • Femininity. French women really look like women. The reason is that the French woman always remembers what gender she belongs to and tries to match it. Women in Paris are not used to wearing trousers - it's more men's clothing. Almost all of them wear dresses and skirts. This alone can surprise and interest a foreigner who has arrived. In other countries, such as the US, unisex trends are so strong that office workers, for example, all wear the same suit, pants, and tie, and gender doesn't matter. Everything would be fine, but then what about femininity? In France, a girl is brought up from the very beginning so that she is aware not only of her gender, but also that she lives in France, which means she must comply. In addition to clothes, there is one more thing that is very pleasing foreign men in French women, namely manners. The ability to take a glass, put on shoes, walk down the street in such a way that femininity and charm are felt in the simplest and most ordinary actions - this is what distinguishes French girls from all others. France is one of the few countries where girls have not yet absorbed the spirit of unisex and gender equality to the extent that they lose themselves. And because it is such a reserve, where men go to find real girl of your dreams, which can really make a man feel his masculinity.
  • Naturalness. French women do not seek to paint over all those unique features that nature has endowed them with. In other European or American women, this desire is represented in strong degree, and even too strong. As they say, if I have curly hair, I will straighten them, and if they are straight, I will curl them. French women do not do this, they, on the contrary, strive to develop and strengthen all the virtues that nature has awarded them. They will not artificially build up and increase anything, instead, on the contrary, they will become in the very best light show what is - and look for someone who will appreciate it.

As for the shortcomings, they also easily become advantages. Scars, moles, freckles - and here nothing is obscured, but becomes a way to give additional originality to the image. And in any case, the Frenchwoman feels confident the way she is, her head is not filled with the fact that this should be increased, but this should be tightened up, she concentrates on showing all her best features. Also, French girls will take care to always dress stylishly and sexy. It's not just about the first date. What is much more important is French women it’s in the blood, even after being married for five years, she will never put on an old bathrobe after a shower, but will come out in an attractive underwear. Instead of old holey slippers, she will even walk around the apartment in stylish sandals. In other words, wherever and whenever you see her, she will always be irresistible. It is the ability to do all this automatically, even when she does not set herself a conscious goal to attract or seduce someone, that makes a French girl such a valuable find for those who come to live in France.

French girl lifestyle

Of course, French girls also do a lot to be beautiful. For example, healthy lifestyle life. This applies not only to the rejection bad habits, but also to ensure that you eat only fresh products, and most importantly - natural. France in general is a kind of heavenly place where fast food has not yet reached on a large scale, so they are trying to produce and eat only healthy food. Of course, French buns, croissants and desserts are somewhat high in calories, but they are all made from the most best products. Perhaps for this reason, French women (and French men too) are almost always slender and fit. Even a dozen fresh buns with a sweet filling made from natural berries will be absorbed by the body better and will not lead to such an accumulation. excess weight bodies like trans fats different kind dyes and flavors, sweeteners and flavor enhancers that litter the body, not always knowing how to process all this at all. French women usually eat very little, but they love variety in food and are most often able to cook many different dishes. delicious meals. This is doubly valuable for a person who has decided come to France for permanent residence and connect your life with a representative of the French nation.

When it comes to health, most French women give it increased attention. Again, the influence civilized Europe where constant trips to the doctor are not unusual. This is also due to the fact that in France, going to the doctor can be free for those who have bought it. In other words, having such a policy, you can freely visit the doctor as often as you want, and all costs will be fully reimbursed to you by the state. Thanks to this, many French girls turn to medical professionals not only in connection with serious illnesses, nothing prevents them from visiting a doctor on the condition of the skin and hair, as well as consulting about healthy eating and so on. So the Frenchwoman manages to keep her youth, health and beauty much longer.

First date with a French woman

It is always very interesting, because French girls already on the first date show exactly their original features, and do not try to demonstrate their external attractiveness as much as possible. Most girls dress predictably for dates: longer heels, shorter skirts. The French woman will not have any of this, she will dress not in such a way as to meet the needs, but in the way she likes herself. There is a choice here - from petite cute girls to strong and self-confident women. In general, the use of external appearance in order to express one's inner peace, life position is an order of magnitude higher than just trying to dress beautifully and impress men.

Thus, going on a first date, you will never be able to predict what the girl will look like. That's why dating in France is always exciting.

Since all French people, regardless of gender, like to go to cafes, you will not have any difficulties with how to spend a first date. However, you need to keep in mind that for a French girl there is a big difference between different cafes and restaurants. Therefore, it would be best if you choose in advance a cafe or restaurant where you would like to invite her. Just as clothes are an expression of a girl's inner world, so the cafe where you invite her is an expression of your own inner world, so try to really like this place. By the way, almost every Frenchman has his favorite places - cafes, shops, restaurants. Be sure to find some for yourself too, so it will be much easier for you to choose where to go on a date, and you will also be able to support such topics in a conversation. The French are very fond of talking about their favorite places, about their favorite dishes, this lovely theme to talk, especially at first.

Almost everyone who comes, the question arises as to whether it is worth paying for a girl on a date if it takes place in a cafe. Here everything is European-style free and depends on how you agree. In principle, in most cases, everyone pays for himself, and you are not obliged to pay for what you ordered not for yourself. But if you want, you can pay. In general, the best option is to first agree this moment, perhaps even before the start of dinner, so that later there would be no problems and doubts.

Despite their slender appearance, almost all girls in France have a sweet tooth and love various sweet desserts, such as melting chocolate cakes with a semi-liquid filling, all sorts of soufflés. You will find all this in large quantities in any cafe if you come to live in France. All this French sweet life"in the form of a large number of culinary masterpieces literally everywhere - this is another reason why many people come. Indeed, France is a country with the highest level culinary culture, so if you stay here, you will surely become a gourmet too.

How to take care of a French woman

French girls are very romantic and, of course, they want to see strong man despite all the propaganda of equality of rights. However, in the worldview of a French girl, it is important not only that a man earn money, but also that he can do something around the house, including cooking delicious food. This does not mean that it is the man who should take over the preparation of food for every day of the year, usually it is still female care. But the very fact that a man is able to cook dinner himself, set the table himself and simply invite a girl for him - this will not leave indifferent any of the fair sex from France, this good way for a man to show himself, which is worth using.

If almost any girl in France agrees to go to a cafe with you, then going home to her or to you is more difficult. In France, it is usually understood that if you invite a girl to your place or stay at her place, then you intend to seduce her. At least they should try. Even if you have repeatedly promised that you do not intend to do anything of the kind. It is not even known what is worse - to take some action that is not expected of you, or, on the contrary, to do nothing when something is expected. Here you can rely only on your intuition, and a little more on common sense.

In general, for many men, communication with French women is a real rest for the soul and heart. Most of them have a good mind and are able to support even the most complex and intelligent conversations.

Naturally, in order to have such conversations, you will have to learn French. However, it is in any case useful to anyone who is going to come to France for permanent residence. You also need to think about a number of other important points:

  • obtaining a visa to France. It is needed so that you can, in principle, legally enter the territory of this country. And especially if you plan to live in France for a long time in the future or even stay here forever.
  • . We have already said that under such a policy you can get medical care absolutely free of charge if you suddenly need it. Therefore, it is worth putting some effort into ensuring that you have such a policy and do not have to spend money on medical care out of your own pocket. By the way, it is many times more expensive, so it is much more practical to get a medical policy in France in advance and come here without worrying about anything.

If you are traveling to France for the first time, then you may have more questions regarding living in this country:

  • housing in France - where to find it, so that you can easily settle in exactly the area of ​​France where you would like.
  • opening a bank account in France. Such an account is absolutely necessary so that you can use it as a source of your income when you live in France.

It may also occur a large number of other problems that require your solution. In order not to do all this on your own, you can always contact the company Cofrance and get expert help. This is one of the best options for those who decide come to France for permanent residence.

As for French girls, you can easily meet them anywhere. In France there are no such strong barriers between strangers, you can always approach anyone you like or are interested in and strike up a conversation. Therefore, France is one of best countries in this sense, and living in France is an excellent choice for a person who shares European values ​​​​and wants to settle in a country where he can fully feel free and comfortable. And what kind of country is France to the fullest.

If you look closely, the women of each nation are somewhat different, or rather, have their own distinctive features. Slavic girls, despite hard work, have always been pretty. Their simplicity draws attention. German women are famous for their delicate physique and tightly braided hair. In England, women prefer strict classic style. As for the French women, this is a different story. They bring together charm, lightness, elegance and charm.

You can talk about the weaker sex forever. After all, every woman is unique and inimitable. her manners, character, behavior are one single image that drives men so crazy.

What are French women like?

It is hard to imagine that a girl from France did not love life. The girls of this country are unfamiliar with depression or hysteria. They love to express themselves and be active. The weaker sex here is famous for its recklessness in actions. They do what they want.

IN difficult situations French women do not fight in despair, but continue to behave calmly and easily. French women do not like to open their problems in front of everyone. another interesting point is that the girls are always ready to start again. They can easily forget old grievances and worries. This also applies to older women. French blood boils in the heart of every girl, regardless of age. This can be said to be the reason frequent shift image.

Girls love dynamics, movement. It depends on their mood. Even a washed head can be a deliverance from bad thoughts. They take everything very simply.

This ease may seem strange and even depressing to us, but for them it is a way of life.

If you look at modern French women, you can see one negative thing. They like to work more than stay at home with children.

Their ardent pursuit of the new all the time manifests itself in a successful career.

What does food mean to French women?

The issue of cooking in France is very interesting. Local women believe that a small snack is huge thighs for the rest of their lives. Therefore, you will have to work hard to find at least one chubby Frenchwoman. Slimness is the standard of beauty.

Because of these beliefs, most women do not know how to cook at all. Although if we talk about dinner, then everyone treats him with great respect. This has been the case since the Middle Ages. All friends and relatives necessarily spend time at the table, talking about life.

French women are characterized by the fact that they know how to enjoy life. And that includes the love of food. Women do not like to limit themselves to their favorite treats. They prefer tasty and refined food.

French women enjoy not the quantity of what they eat, but the taste itself. Such a vision helps them not only always be slim, but also happy.

Taste in France develops from childhood. Their cuisine is unique in every detail. Subtle aromas and flavors enable French women not only to eat up, but also to feel the difference between products, to understand the “language of food”.

Portions during french cuisine very small. In one meal, they can try many dishes, but in total there will not be so much food.

French women reject fat-free or unsweetened foods. On their tables are always only natural products. They don't eat standing up or at the computer. They don't eat on the go.

In France, food is a kind of cult. Women often drink dry wine, but only during dinner and not more than one glass. They do not have diets, as this only spoils the mood.

In general, girls in France know the measure in everything, so they are not afraid to get better.

The character of French women

The character of any French woman can be described in one word - self-respect. If a man did not pay attention to a girl, then she already feels humiliated and offended. The fact is that France is famous for its gallant men. Girls are not used to being treated differently.

French women never stoop to scandal in public place. Even if they raise their voice, they never use obscene language.

Politeness comes first. Women love to smile and be a little frivolous. They are always ready to help, to regret. But there are also disadvantages. French women are not punctual and do not hold back emotions well. If a person of a different nationality communicates with them, then, most likely, he will take them for unceremonious persons.

How girls dress in France

We all know that Paris is famous for its fashion, but in the whole country it is difficult to find colorful dresses, pairs of perfumes or bright makeup. Girls do not use false eyelashes, do not build up nails.

All fashion news immediately after the shows, they flew to other countries, and French women prefer gray, brown and brown colors.

All young girls are dressed the same. There is a huge scarf around the neck. In the hands of a bag that looks like a sack. From clothes you can often find jeans, leggings, ballet flats, shirts.

Hair always natural color and collected in a tight ponytail. Older women love classic clothes: plain skirts and trousers short haircuts, inconspicuous decorations.

It is believed that if you can immediately determine the brand of clothing, then this is a bad form. They have a developed sense of proportion. French women attract with their simplicity and naturalness. They have a duty to always be beautiful.

French women and love

Many believe that French women are already born with the ability to flirt. This is not just a manner of communication, but a vital necessity. Every girl sharpens her skills from a young age.

They flirt anywhere and with anyone. It doesn’t even matter to them that a person has a family or a girlfriend. French women are not afraid to approach in a public place. If they like someone, then they immediately go into battle and do not think about the consequences.

Women do not wait for proposals from men. For them, the main role is played by the passion of the relationship. Even if it's just one night, it's enough for them.

And here's another one interesting fact. The most beautiful French women were named Michel Mercier, Catherine Deneuve and Eva Green.

And the conclusion is that French women love themselves so much that they attract the attention of the whole world.

French girls - charm, lightness, elegance - VIDEO

Listen to a beautiful song performed by a young French singer and dancer Alizée (fr. Alizée Jacotey)

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