Is it possible to remove streaks from clothes? Removing a streak from clothing. How to wipe touches from clothes: substances that can be used to remove traces of concealer

Having discovered a concealer stain on my favorite sweater, I was upset, but decided to use everything possible ways to get rid of contamination. In the end I found the right approach. I’ll be happy to share with you how and how to remove putty from clothes without ruining the fabric.

First aid

The proofreader is used to correct errors in the text. There are many types of such products that differ in the composition of the correction fluid. When removing a stain, it is very important to find out the composition in order to effectively remove the putty from clothing.

Let’s decide what needs to be done with the stain, first of all, taking into account its composition:

Image Composition and recommendations for its removal from clothing

Type 1. Roller tape

Removing stains from such a corrector is quite simple: make a weak soap solution and soak your clothes in it for 30 minutes. The tape will soften and come off easily.

View 2. On water based

Wet the soap and gently rub the stain. Then rinse with water.

Sometimes it is enough just to wet the stain, the corrector will quickly dissolve and disappear.

Type 3. Alcohol based

Alcohol-based corrector can be removed using any alcohol-containing product. Moisten cotton pad liquid and rub the stain.

View 4. On oil based

Cleaning concealer from fabric that contains oil is more difficult. You should either use ammonia and machine wash it, or a special putty solvent.

Oil correction fluids are considered to be of the highest quality, so their price is quite high.

The right approach

If you couldn’t quickly wash the concealer from your clothes or the stain has already become embedded in the fibers, try more aggressive methods. Here you will need:

  • Nail file;
  • Clean cloth;
  • Water;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Ammonia;
  • Chemical solvent.

Option 1. Loyal cleaning

The ingrained concealer is difficult to remove. The proposed instructions will help if all the methods listed above did not have any effect on the stain:

  1. Gently rub the dried putty with a nail file;

The photo shows a file with a soft abrasive coating.
  1. Place the item on a flat surface, placing a clean cloth under the wrong side;
  2. Dampen a cotton pad into any alcohol-containing liquid and wipe the stain;

  1. To remove stains, wash your clothes in a washing machine.

  1. Check the result. Dry the item in a ventilated place.

Option 2. Chemical cleaning

Now let’s figure out how to remove concealer from clothes that contain oil. Since such stains are the worst to clean with your own hands, we will use chemicals:

Image Tools and instructions

Method 1. Ammonia

Make a solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Generously soak a cotton pad in the mixture and rub the contaminated area. Leave the item for 30 minutes and rinse under running water.

Method 2. Solvent

Soak a cotton swab in solvent and treat the stain. After 30 minutes, repeat the procedure. If the putty has leaked onto the reverse side, then it should be treated as well.

Suitable solvents include white spirit, nail polish remover without acetone, or kerosene.

Using these methods, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Test on an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric. If clothes are made from delicate materials, then exposure to such agents may cause them to deteriorate.
  2. Do not try to rub the product as deeply into the fibers as possible., usually the putty hardens on the surface of the fabric.

  1. After processing Clothes must be washed in a washing machine.
  2. Expensive items should be taken to dry cleaning to prevent their damage.


At home you can even remove difficult spot, left by the proofreader. The main thing is not to put off cleaning; the fresher the contamination, the easier it is to remove it. The video in this article will demonstrate what to do if there is a concealer stain on your clothes. And in the comments you can ask any question on this topic.

The proofreader is a very popular tool among the population who uses paper media. Its analogues first appeared in the 50s of the twentieth century. Over the years, they have undergone enormous changes that seem insignificant at first glance.

This office putty has been used by office workers and government agencies for quite some time. It is easy to use and allows you to get rid of mistakes made in documents and notebooks. However, if you use the corrector carelessly, stains may appear on your clothes, which are not easy to remove. Schoolchildren, students, and office workers often face the problem of cleaning things.

As practice shows, this can be done, the main thing is to start doing this as quickly as possible from the moment of contamination.

Features of the composition

To determine what cleaning action to take, you need to know which chemical composition has a corrector. It is impossible to completely determine it, since it is usually a manufacturer's secret. There are chemical compounds that are present in any corrective composition, regardless of the company. These include calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide or highly refined gasoline.

The most important criterion is the base, the composition of which is always indicated.


The simplest and most environmentally friendly type of “touch”. It uses water as a solvent, so correctors are afraid of low temperatures. They are safe for children and allergy sufferers because they are odorless and non-flammable. Water samples are suitable for paper of any quality. If the solution thickens, it can be diluted with water and used again. Users note it as a disadvantage for a long time It dries in about 1 minute.


Alcohol based corrector more effective than the first because it dries faster. The solvent is alcohol, which makes it resistant to low temperatures. However, the "stroke" is highly flammable and has pungent odor, therefore, it must be used with caution.

When thickening, the corrector can be diluted only with solvents from a similar company.


Oil emulsion combines the advantages of the first two types of correctors. It is rarely found in domestic stores and is more expensive.

Liquid and dry

There is a division of corrective products according to their structure into liquid and dry.

The first group includes the following:

  • Correction fluids. They are released in the form plastic bottle, the lid of which is equipped with a brush or applicator. Today, this type of corrector can be considered obsolete, since manufacturers offer more convenient forms.

Inside any liquid corrector there should be a shaker ball, which, when the body is shaken, mixes the composition, making it homogeneous.

  • In the form of a pencil or pen. In this case, the rod is not filled with ink, but with correction fluid. The principle of operation is that when you press on the body, which is usually made of soft plastic, a correction agent enters the resulting void. Advantage – ergonomics and accuracy in correction small parts, the disadvantage is difficulties when working with large text. In addition, users note littering of the writing unit, since the “stroke” dries out and clogs it. The instructions advise not to forget to close it with a protective cap.
  • Dry type correctors include rollerballs. A special twisted tape is placed in a convenient plastic case, which is applied when the roller is passed over the surface of the sheet with pressure. The width of the mark varies from 4 to 6 mm. The composition adheres tightly to the paper and is almost invisible. The advantages are the ability to write immediately, the absence of spilling and freezing, good coverage ink. Typically, the chemical composition of the tape provides practical whiteness, continuity and strength. The disadvantage of a dry “stroke” is the breakage of the correction tape if the product is used improperly.

How to scrub at home?

The first rule when you get concealer on your clothes is don’t panic and don’t rub the stain with anything you get. Fresh trail you need to blot with a dry cloth, moving from the edge to the center. While the stain dries, you can study the composition and decide on a method for removing it.

If the contamination comes from a tape roller, then the item should be soaked briefly in soapy warm water. The tape will become soggy and easy to remove. Afterwards, the area should be cleaned with a brush and washed.

Water-based putty is the easiest to remove from clothes. It is enough to place a handkerchief under the stain so that the stain does not spread to the sides, and rub with laundry soap. The main thing is not to rub too hard. Leave it in this form for a few minutes so that the soap components destroy the elements that make up the corrector. There is no need to completely immerse the item in water. Subsequently, the item should be washed in washing machine at maximum speed or manually.

As surgical intervention experts also advise using a stain remover. To do this, you need to apply it to the contaminated area and leave it for 1-2 minutes, then load it into the automatic machine and add another 100-150 ml to the drum with the laundry. Wash at a water temperature no higher than 30-35 degrees.

Even if you don’t have soap or powder at hand, don’t despair. In the case of a water corrector, shampoo or dishwashing detergent will be useful.

All of these processing methods are suitable for any type of fabric.

To dissolve the alcohol corrector, you can either purchase a special liquid “Antishtrich” or use any other that contains alcohol: vodka, cologne, tonic. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • You need to wait until the stain dries.

  • Then clean it off your pants or jeans with a nail file, brush or any other hard object. These steps will prevent the stain from growing larger.
  • The thing is placed on hard surface, which is pre-covered with a clean towel or cloth. The main thing is that this lining does not fade. The area around the stained area should be carefully moistened with water, which will preserve the boundaries of the stain without enlarging it. Then use a piece of clean cloth or a cotton swab to treat the stain. alcohol solution, moving from the edges to the middle. You can't put too much pressure on it. After 15 minutes, the procedure should be repeated.
  • Finally, the item will need to be washed in the washing machine.

Treatment with the anti-stroke agent is similar. After removing hard dried traces, the dirt is covered with a special substance, and after some time it is blotted with a clean napkin.

Do not treat clothes with perfume or eau de toilette. Firstly, they have a persistent odor that is difficult to get rid of. Secondly, they contain little alcohol, so the effect may be weak.

To remove an oil-based “touch” from trousers or a jacket, you will have to suffer, since removing such stains is similar to removing emulsion paint from surfaces. The easiest way is to take the item to the dry cleaner.

At home, before removal, dried residues are removed with a brush or nail file. Pre-soaking is contraindicated. Then you can use chemical developed for these purposes.

Easiest to apply ammonia solution. To do this, mix water with ammonia in a 2:1 ratio and wipe the stain with it using cotton pads or clean cloth. This should be done from the wrong side of the product, placing front side napkins. After 15-20 minutes, the item is washed in running water. At the end of treatment, clothes should be washed in the machine as normal.

Some advise using nail polish remover or other household chemicals. In any of the proposed options, the stain is treated from the reverse side, having first checked the reaction of the material to the solvent.

Difficult stains can rarely be overcome with improvised methods. They resort to household chemicals only if the above methods did not help or if it was not possible to quickly clean the clothes.

Many solvents, such as white spirit, kerosene or acetone, can damage fabric fibers. To remove contamination, it must be treated on both sides, without rubbing into the material. Subsequently, the item needs to be washed, possibly several times. Because it remains strong smell, it is recommended to ventilate the fabric fresh air. It should be remembered that all these chemicals are highly flammable, so following proper precautions fire safety extremely important.

Products for use at home:

  • Soap and washing powder suitable only in the most simple cases with stains from water correctors.
  • Ammonia or ammonia used for contamination resulting from alcohol or oil correction fluids. To do this, prepare a solution in which a swab is moistened and applied to the stain.
  • Gasoline must be purified. You buy this kind in the store, not at gas stations. It is not suitable for synthetic clothing, because it dissolves fibers. It is important to remember that gasoline has specific smell, which is difficult to get rid of.

  • Denatured alcohol is used to remove stains from alcohol corrector. Users report excellent results after use.
  • Vodka or other strong, colorless alcoholic drink After application for 15-20 minutes, it will remove minor stains from the alcohol-based “stroke”.
  • Special products for eliminating the effects left on clothing are sold in office supply stores. The main thing is to follow the instructions correctly.

From different types of fabric

To a large extent, the ability to remove traces from a corrector depends on its composition. However, the material from which the damaged clothing was made is also important factor. No wonder such delicate fabrics, like velvet, silk and satin, it is recommended to immediately take it to the dry cleaner so as not to spoil the product. During cleaning, the surface or the fibers themselves may be damaged, and snags may appear.

Schoolchildren, students, and office workers quite often deal with such a thing as a proofreader. Rough handling can cause streak marks that are not easy to remove. For this reason, many people are interested in how to remove streak stains as quickly and efficiently as possible without harming their clothes. It is absolutely not necessary to refuse to wear clothes stained with concealer or to throw them away altogether - there are many effective ways to remove streak stains without loss. If you don’t know how to remove a stroke stain, don’t be disappointed ahead of time - this manual on how to remove concealer stains from clothes will help you understand what methods and recipes to use.

5 Useful Rules for Removing a Stroke

You may have a rough idea of ​​how to remove concealer from clothes, and even then, a guide on how to remove putty can help you. It’s also a good idea to remember the rules that will help you cope with any stains resulting from working with the corrector:

  • Before removing putty from jeans or other clothing, blot the stain with a napkin or paper before the stain dries completely. This will make it much easier to remove the stain later.
  • To increase the efficiency of washing, before washing a streak from clothing, soak the item in warm water for 10-15 minutes. This will especially help if you want to remove a dried stain.
  • Don't rub fresh stain- this way you will only increase its area and help penetrate deep into the tissue.
  • Before removing a streak stain from clothing with a caustic or aggressive substance, check the fabric’s reaction to the chosen product. To do this, apply a little product to an inconspicuous place. Restoring damaged clothing will be more difficult than washing concealer, so be careful.
  • How to remove a putty stain quickly and without a trace? Treat dirt from the inside out.

Now that you know useful tips for removing streaks, you can begin to figure out how to remove concealer stains and what specific products can be used to quickly achieve your goal.

Ways to remove stroke stains from clothes

Before you remove a stroke stain, it is very important to find out what kind of corrector it was left with. The fact is that correctors come in several bases - water, emulsion and alcohol. The question of how to remove a stain from a water-based stroke is usually not worth it, because to do this, it is enough to soak the clothes in water and wait until the stain is completely dissolved in it. You will have to fight with an emulsion or alcohol touch, and you need to do it correctly. How to remove putty from clothes without risk? Try the recipes:

  • Powder. If you don’t know how to remove a putty stain, use regular laundry detergent. Please note that this method of removing putty stains is only suitable if the stroke is water-based - in other cases positive result not guaranteed. Wash the clothes in a washing machine or container with added powder, then dry - the stain will definitely disappear.
  • Ammonia. How to remove stains from alcohol-based putty? This actual question, the solution to which is simpler than it seems. Take a container of suitable volume and pour warm water into it. You need to dissolve a small amount of ammonia in it and stir it thoroughly. Before washing the concealer from your clothes, soak a cotton swab in the prepared solution and apply it to the stain. It is enough to hold the tampon for 10-15 minutes, then wash and dry the items thoroughly.
  • Petrol. Before you wash concealer from clothes using gasoline, make sure that the gasoline is purified—you should buy it at a hardware store, not at a gas station. Also, do not forget, before washing the concealer, make sure that the clothes are not made of synthetics - they simply will not withstand such a procedure. If everything is fine, soak cotton wool in clean gasoline and apply it to the streak stain. Let it sit for a few minutes and put the clothes in the washing machine.
  • Denatured alcohol. How to wash concealer from trousers if you don’t have gasoline on hand? Denatured alcohol can be used for such purposes. You need to fold several layers of gauze and then place it under the stain from the inside of the clothing. The surface of the stain is treated from above with cotton wool soaked in denatured alcohol. When the stain is completely removed, the clothes should be washed and dried thoroughly.
  • Special tool. Not many people who are interested in how to remove strokes know about the existence of special liquids that can be bought at an office supply store. They are specially designed for removing concealer from various surfaces, including clothing. Follow the instructions.
  • Solvent. How to remove putty from clothes if there is no opportunity or desire to spend money on a special product? You can use a product similar in principle of action - White Spirit or any other similar solvent. Just don't use solvents if you have synthetics.
  • Vodka. If you know how to remove concealer stains on clothes, but have nothing at hand, you can use vodka or other strong alcohol without color. Apply a little alcohol to the stain, then wait for 15-20 minutes and wash the treated clothing in the washing machine.

Of course, there are others no less effective ways how to wash concealer from jeans and other clothes. You can try both these tips and experiment with other recommendations for removing a stain on clothes from a stroke. In any case, experimenting is better than throwing away clothes right away. Use only proven methods of how and what you can use to remove stains from clothes, so as not to risk it!

Exist different kinds correctors that differ in their basis. You can find out by reading the composition, which must be indicated on the bottle. You can simply smell the bottle - this also helps, you are unlikely to confuse the smell of acetone or alcohol. Water-based corrector is removed with water, alcohol-based corrector is cleaned with alcohol (cologne will also work), if the base is acetone, try nail polish remover, white spirit, acetone.

Before you try to wash off the concealer with strong detergents, do some kind of training. Apply the corrector to the item you don’t need and try to wash it. As soon as you find out which product is suitable, start removing the corrector from the thing on which it accidentally came into contact. And even in this case, it is better to first drop a drop of the product on the item being cleaned and see - because strong products can damage the color of the item, ruin, for example, synthetic fabric, .

Try using a special liquid for diluting correction products, which is sold in office supply stores, to remove the corrector. If its base is the same as the one on which the corrector was made, the stains will be able to be wiped off.

If chemical agents do not help to wash off the corrector, all that remains is to use mechanical ones - some correctors do not dissolve in alcohol and solvent, but can be easily scrubbed off with a brush or scraper. This is a painstaking task, it will take a long time to clean, but there is simply no other way out. Carefully clean off any particles of corrector that have become embedded in the surface of the item, being careful not to damage the item itself. Sponges, brushes, and scrapers are suitable, depending on whether the corrective agent needs to be removed from the surface.


  • how to clean putty

Putty between tile joints – important stage repair work: well-done grout will mask all defects, and poorly done grout will smear even the most impeccable tile laying. But even if the grout was done professionally, it must be properly washed off the tiles.

You will need

  • - grater;
  • - sponge;
  • - container with water;
  • - abrasive grater;
  • - dry grout or sawdust;
  • - rags.


Dry scrape off the excess: you will need a grater for this. Place the grater at right angles to the surface of which you will clean. Remove any remaining putty using a smooth motion, moving the float diagonally towards the adjacent seam. After such cleaning, give the grout applied to the tile joints time to dry.

Wet the sponge in water and squeeze it thoroughly. Then run a damp sponge over the surface that was coated with putty. If there is grout behind the sponge, it means you need to wait a little longer for it to dry, as it has not set well enough. Clean the tile surface from smudges when you are sure that the grout in the joints does not smear when it comes into contact with a damp sponge, but remains in place.

If a lot of time has passed since the seams were processed and it has dried to the surface of the tile, then use a special abrasive float to remove it. This grater will do an excellent job of cleaning dried putty and, unlike other graters, will not scratch the surface of the tile. After you have gone over the surface of the tile with an abrasive float, wipe with a damp sponge.

There are other methods you can use to clean the putty. For example, sprinkle dry grout or sawdust over the putty-treated seams: this will remove excess moisture. Then use a well-wrung-out cloth to treat the surface of the ceramic tiles.


When cleaning the surface of ceramic tiles from putty, use as much as possible less water, since it can weaken the grout in the joints that has not completely dried.

Helpful advice

If during dry cleaning you accidentally remove grout from a joint with the edge of a float, do not worry: apply putty and level the surface of the joint using a float.

This problem is also relevant for young fashionistas and real men. For example: she is doing a manicure, and her favorite cat is playing nearby. One jump and your new jeans and sofa are irrevocably ruined. He removed a sticker from car headlights and doesn’t know how to get rid of the tint varnish. After all, the solvent can cause the headlights to become cloudy and lose appearance. He and she are making repairs, and the varnish from the frame gets onto the glass. How can you avoid scratching it when washing off the varnish? Today we will fight varnish stains in all its forms.


Repeat this procedure once an hour until the varnish creeps. Then wipe. This method is used by aircraft modellers and claims that it does not deteriorate.

If you want to remove stains left by varnish on, do the following. Take solvent and a sharp chisel. Wet the glass and remove the varnish with a chisel. Then wipe again with solvent and wipe the glass dry with newspaper. True, this procedure is not quick.

Here's a little more about nail polish removal various surfaces. Remove fresh stains with turpentine, gasoline, benzene, kerosene. Carefully remove the crust from hardened stains with a knife, being careful not to damage the fabric. Then wipe with solvent and rinse with water. Repeat this procedure.

You can use a mixture of gasoline with acetone or turpentine in equal parts. Moisten the stain with this mixture, and after half an hour, wipe with a cloth moistened with the same mixture.

Lubricate stains on white fabric for several hours with a paste made from equal parts of turpentine, ammonia and chalk powder. Then wipe with a cloth dampened with acetone, gasoline or turpentine.

The most common problem schoolchildren and office workers - stains on clothes from corrector. It can spill on things at any time and leave a mark that spoils the appearance.

How to remove concealer from clothes? The choice of methods for cleaning fabric should depend on the base of the stationery putty. It can be aqueous, alcoholic, or solvent-based. There is also a stroke corrector, there are other methods to clean it.

Water based

A clerical incident can happen to anyone. Don't blame yourself or your child for what happened. After all, there are many ways to clean white marks from clothes.

The water-based corrector is easily washed off from fabric. You don't even have to make an effort to remove the stains.


Most easy way- use of laundry soap. This method can even be used at work or school. The main thing is to try not to wet a large area of ​​the fabric.

How to wash concealer from clothes:

  1. Wet the stained area with water, covering a small area around the stain.
  2. Take laundry soap or regular (it's always available in school and work bathrooms), treat the streak stain.
  3. Rub the product in with your finger, do not rub, otherwise the stain will increase.
  4. All that remains is to wash the soap off the fabric.

Laundry soap removes this contamination better. If it is not possible to get rid of the corrector from your clothes right away, you can use this method at home when it dries a little.

Dish gel

Gel is used as a cleaning composition. The best in this situation are detergents from Amway and Fairy.

How to remove putty from clothes?

Cleaning compositions are applied to the moistened, dirty area. Leave it for a while. No need to rub. Then you need to carefully wash the product.

After removing the putty from things, they are sent to an automatic device to remove the resulting stains.

Alcohol and oil

If there is no laundry soap in the house, use medical alcohol or oil. Powder will also come in handy.

How to clean putty at home quickly?

If you are using rubbing alcohol, soak a swab in it and apply it to the problem area. Just check the reaction of the material to this substance first.

The oil can be used on any fabric, even delicate ones. Generously pour it over the dirt and leave for 10-30 minutes.

First, rinse off any remaining product with your hands, then the items can be washed without any problems by hand or using a machine.

Alcohol (emulsion)

It is more difficult to remove alcohol-based concealer from hands and clothes. It is useless to use dishwashing gel or laundry soap here. More effective substances are needed.

How to remove concealer from clothes?

Ammonia or methylated alcohol, kerosene or gasoline, and paint solvents will help remove putty stains.

This tool is truly universal. It can remove stains of grease, paint, and clean blood from fabric.

In addition, it is effective in removing concealer stains from plastic, clothes and hands.

How to remove grout that covers blemishes:

  1. For hands: dilute ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:4. Take a cotton swab, soak it in the solution and wipe off the dirt.
  2. For things: dilute an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide in a 1:2 ratio with distilled water. Cotton swab Dip into the solution and gently work the stain. Distribute the composition over the entire surface, note the time - 15 minutes. During this time, the ammonia will dissolve the putty. Then remove the residue using gentle movements, from the edges of the stain to the center.
  3. For plastic: to remove the corrector, use an undiluted aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide or mix it with acetone. Be careful if the surface is painted. In this case, use only ammonia.

An aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide perfectly wipes paint off the table. But in this case, even a soap solution will do; you just have to put in a little effort and rub the contaminated area more actively.

Before you wash the concealer off your clothes with kerosene, test it on the inside seam of your blouse.

Gasoline and kerosene are really good cleaning compounds. They will rid the clothes of correction products, but will leave a lot of stains, which can only be gotten rid of after the fifth wash.

How to remove a stain?

When cleaning up dirt, wear gloves to prevent your hands from stinking later. Remove any remaining dried putty with a blunt object. Then treat the area with kerosene. Refined gasoline will also work.

Apply a few drops from the dropper. Note the time. It takes 10 minutes for the product to take effect.

When washing off kerosene or gasoline, do not remove your gloves. Then wash the item in an automatic washing machine.


Knowledge of how to remove stains from clothes will be useful if there are schoolchildren in the family.

How to wipe off the putty?

For these purposes, they use such products as Antitrich, facial tonic and nail file. It is advisable to immediately remove concealer stains from clothes while they are still fresh.


The mechanical cleansing method is suitable if you are at work or school, and only have a nail file at hand.

This is probably the easiest way. Wait until the corrector dries well. Take a nail file and scrape off the putty.

The main part will be erased, but White spot may stay. When you get home, put the item in the wash.

After this manipulation, the clothes will be easy to wash. After all, most of the stroke was removed mechanically.


This kind of putty needs to be wiped off from things as soon as possible. It is easier to clean a fresh stain, but removing a dried stain will take more time, effort and nerves.

Remove fresh stains with special means"Antistrich." Follow the instructions and then wash your clothes. in the usual way in the washing machine.

Removing putty from clothes using Antistrich is not at all problematic. Therefore, for an adult schoolchild, put this product in your briefcase.

Face tonic

Use a regular toner to wash your face. Every girl probably has such a product, and if not, you can buy it at any cosmetics store.

You don’t have to buy the most expensive thing; a facial tonic from the Domashny Doktor company is also suitable.

How to wash it from clothes?

To remove putty from clothes, simply soak a cloth or cotton swab in tonic and apply to the dry area for a couple of minutes. Repeat this procedure until the stain completely disappears.

Place the cleaned material in the machine or wash the blouse by hand.

Solvent based

This type of liquid can also be cleaned from things. For this purpose they are used household chemicals, folk remedies will not work.

How to remove the stroke?

Use acetone-based or non-acetone nail polish remover, any product will do. Any oxygen-containing stain remover or any other, but not chlorine-based, will also perfectly remove stains.

Nail polish remover or paint thinner will do a great job of solving this problem.

How to remove a stain?

Treat the stain with one compound. Leave it for a while and wash it.

Both compositions perfectly corrode the concealer.

White spirit and nail polish remover work well with correctors on any base. Just use it carefully and do not use it on delicate fabrics.


If you don’t know how to clean off concealer, buy this industrial product, like Pyatnol. It comes in liquid and powder form, but both types do the job well.

How to remove dirt:

  1. First, the clothes need to be placed in a basin and poured warm water. Soaking lasts 30 minutes.
  2. Then add one scoop of stain remover to the water. IN in this case- This is Persol.
  3. Clothes are washed by hand, without other powders, only with stain remover. Remember to wear gloves to protect your hands from harmful effects substances included in its composition.
  4. Then rinse the product, move the basin to the side and take ammonia.
  5. Treat the stain with an ammonia solution to ensure that the problem is eliminated.
  6. After 10 minutes, rinse the items again.
  7. You can put your clothes in the machine and turn on the desired wash cycle.

Vanish, Oxy and other oxygen compounds that are safe for humans are also used as stain removers.

Now every mother, office worker and schoolchild knows what to remove and how to clean clothes from corrector. At home, you can remove any difficult stain; the main thing is not to put it off, but to begin the process of removing the stain immediately.