The correct shape of the child's head. The shape of the head of a newborn: the norm and deviations from it

Every organ in our body is very important. It is very difficult to live without arms, without legs, it is impossible to live without a heart. And who is in charge of our entire body? Of course, the head. Do you know the saying: "Bread is the head of everything"? From this proverb it is clear that the head is the most important thing.

The brain is located in the head, which is responsible for the work of our entire body. If there are any changes in the brain, this immediately affects the activity of the whole organism. The regulation of the body occurs with the help of nerve impulses (nerve endings of the brain) and with the help of special chemical substances(hypophysis) - humoral regulation.

Many animals within a few hours after birth are able to move independently and even look for food. Our children remain completely helpless for many months. Why is this happening? Everything is very simple: man is a highly organized, social animal. It means that human body in the process of life learns to perform a large volume various kinds activities: talking, getting food, walking and more. It is impossible to get all this knowledge at once, so a person learns from the example of other people how to survive in this world ( social factor). In addition to the social skills acquired by the child in the process of life, there is also an innate memory, experience previous generations. Such a memory protects us from death (self-preservation instinct). We instinctively fear fire, snakes, and bright red insects, even though no one has ever bitten us before. In addition to the instinct of self-preservation, the child inherits from his ancestors other reflexes and instincts. So, newborn children have a search reflex, they instinctively look for food. If a newborn baby is placed on the mother's stomach, he will crawl to the breast on his own and begin to suck milk.

Why shouldn't we be born already able to walk and talk? It's simple: for this, the child must be in the womb for too long. If the baby develops too long in the mother's womb, the bones will harden and the bones of the skull will lose their mobility. In this case, the child's skull loses its ability to change volume, which makes it difficult for the head to pass through the woman's pelvis, whose bones are tightly fused and do not move.

After birth, the child begins to develop rapidly. At the same time, doctors distinguish physical and mental development.

The size and circumference of the child's head


Physical development is understood as the intensity of the increase in height, weight of the child, head and chest circumference. These indicators are evaluated in combination. Head circumference at birth ranges from 29 to 34 cm. Head sizes for various congenital pathologies can change both up and down. In conditions such as microcephaly (small head), chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia (reduced oxygen supply through the placenta during pregnancy), chronic nicotine intoxication (conditions when the mother smoked too much during pregnancy), a decrease in head size is observed.

The extreme degree of such conditions is anencefoliya (absence of the head). It can be observed in the fetus with hereditary pathologies, viral infections(rubella, chicken pox) during pregnancy. To identify similar states, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the fetus on early stages its development.

At endocrine disorders by the mother ( diabetes, hyperthyroidism), there are changes in the size of the head in the direction of increase. An increase in the size of the head makes it difficult to give birth through natural ways because the baby's head cannot pass through the woman's pelvis. In such cases, a caesarean section is performed.

In the first year of life, the size of the head increases quite intensively. At no other time in a child's life is this rapid change indicators of height, weight, head and chest volumes. In the first six months, the size of the head increases by an average of 1.5 cm, after six months - by 0.5 cm per month. The intensity of changes in head size can vary in different months in different children. These can be both physiological and pathological changes.

At physiological changes head growth intensity head volume remains within centile values. Centile tables are the average value of indicators physical development children in different periods life. These tables reflect the compliance of the volume of the child's head with age norms: centile tables for boys, centile tables for girls.

When examining a child in a polyclinic, a pediatrician evaluates not only how much the child’s head size has increased, but also whether these sizes correspond age norm. If a child is born with a large head volume, then in the process of development he may experience a less intense increase in head size. If the child has a small head, then the increase in head volume in such children will be more intense. Normally, by the year, all children are aligned, and the head size is about 44 cm.

But nothing can be said only by the size of the head, the ratio of the size of the head and chest is important. At pathological changes the intensity of the growth of the head circumference can be observed as a pathological acceleration of the increase in the volume of the head compared to the volume of the chest, and a pathological slowdown.

Baby has a big head

An increase in the intensity of the growth of head circumference is very often observed in a condition such as hydrocephalus. This condition can develop in premature babies, children born in asphyxia, children with intrauterine hypoxia. In this case, the brain is damaged, and fluid begins to accumulate in the cranium. The accumulation of fluid leads to an increase in the volume of the intracranial box and, as a result, an increase in the size of the child's head. The fontanelles of the child do not grow well, they can bulge, pulsate, especially when the child cries. Since the edema is localized in the brain, the child's cerebral part of the skull predominates over the facial part. Another sign of hydrocephalus in a child is an increase in the volume of the head in relation to the volume of the chest. Normally, the intensity of the increase in the volume of the breast exceeds the intensity of the increase in the volume of the head. With hydrocephalus, the volume of the head can be equal to or greater than the volume of the chest. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to ultrasonography the brain, which reveals the accumulation of fluid in the brain, an increase in the chambers of the brain. Children with this condition should be seen by a neurologist. They are prescribed diuretic drugs (furasemide) and drugs to improve brain nutrition (piracetam, nootropil). Children are recommended general massage. After the treatment, children develop in the same way as their peers, long-term effects not visible. If left untreated, children lag behind their peers in mental development, late start talking, sitting, walking.

small baby head

Decrease in the intensity of head growth is most often observed with genetic diseases . In addition to head growth retardation, these children may experience other birth defects development: cleft upper lip, hard palate, soft palate, fused fingers or toes, six-fingered hands or feet, and others. In such conditions, consultation with a geneticist is mandatory. Treatment is carried out in accordance with the identified congenital anomalies. The prognosis is not always favorable and depends on the degree of brain damage.

Assessment of brain maturity

In addition to the physical development at the reception, the doctor also evaluates the mental development of the child. The mental development of the child characterizes the maturity of the child's brain and the child's adaptability to life in environment. Certain signs should appear or disappear in a child by specific dates. If the sign did not appear or disappear, then this indicates the immaturity of the brain.

So the child should smile by a month, by two - it’s good to keep his head in a position on his stomach, and by six months the child should completely disappear congenital reflexes(automatic walking, oral automatism and others).

If a child lags behind in mental development, it is necessary to exclude brain diseases. This requires a consultation with a neurologist and an ultrasound examination of the brain. To treat children with mental retardation, it is necessary to treat the condition that caused the brain damage. It is very important to use drugs that improve brain nutrition (piracetam, nootropil). In severe cases, when it is difficult to make a diagnosis, it is also necessary to consult a geneticist, since this condition very often accompanies hereditary diseases.

Head shape in children

In addition to changes in the size of the head, changes in its shape can be observed. Very often with rickets there is a flattening of the head or its one-sided deformation (on the side where the child lies most of all). In this condition, calcium is washed out of the bones, they soften and are more easily deformed. In this case, it is necessary to use vitamin D3 in a therapeutic dose (1500-3000 IU). To prevent rickets, a child should be given daily vitamin D3 in a prophylactic dose (500 IU) for up to two years, excluding the summer months (June, July and August).

The baby's head is sweating

Very often in endocrine diseases, especially with lesions thyroid gland, children may experience excessive sweating heads. In this case, you need to consult an endocrinologist, take a blood test for thyroid hormones. Sweating can also be observed with the deficiency of vitamin D described above.

Crusts on the child's head

At birth, on the baby's skin remain various substances that helped the baby develop inside the uterus. Because of this, a crust can form on the scalp. This crust can be either in the form of separate small formations or completely cover the entire head. This state is not a pathology and does not require special treatment. The only thing a child needs is hygiene care behind the scalp. All crusts must be greased vaseline oil, which softens them, and then gently remove with a cotton swab. This operation must be carried out daily for 5-7 days.

Pediatrician Litashov M.V.

Many young mothers are very worried if they notice that the head of the newborn is uneven. Lack of experience gives rise to fear and uncertainty: what if something is wrong with the child? However, experts are quick to reassure. In most cases uneven head the baby is normal. There are only a few cases where an uneven head reports irregularities. For example, a child may have a hematoma.

Not only the mother's body prepares for childbirth. The child is also internally prepared for such a process. The skull of a child remains soft until the very birth. This contributes to a more comfortable passage through the narrow birth canal of the mother. So it was intended by nature. That is why the babies, whom mothers gave birth to themselves, have a slightly uneven or large head.

The reason is a slight deformation of the skull: at birth flat head stretches out, takes uneven elongated shape. There is no pathology in this, so you can calm down. There are no special rules here.

The skull of a baby at birth is always slightly deformed: even if it wasn’t like that right away, changes may appear after. However, after some time, the skull will acquire a normal shape, the asymmetry will be restored, and changes in the circumference will no longer be noticeable. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about this.

The head does not take its final form immediately. Some features of the circumference of the head are formed only by school age.

Usually the skull becomes round and even by one year or a little later.


However, sometimes a flat head takes on a completely unnatural shape. Sometimes the cause of this is a hematoma, but the position of the child also matters. For example, the back of the head is strongly beveled in a child. It happens not at birth, but after childbirth: the head becomes flattened, uneven, large, sometimes its girth does not correspond to the norm.

If the back of the head is strongly elongated or beveled in a baby, the cause is most often wrong position child. He can stay in lying position, which leads to such changes. Usually in such cases, children turn and tilt their head to one side.

It is dangerous to constantly lay the baby on the back. This position is not always harmless, because the baby can spit up and choke, sometimes even choke. What to do? It is recommended to lay babies on their side, while the sides need to be changed. This will help to avoid changes and deformations of the skull.

Children always turn their heads in the direction of the interesting: there may be a mother or a rattle. If the crib is against a wall, the baby will only have to turn in one direction. This can also cause disturbances and deformation of the skull. A slanted nape may also appear.

The bones of the skull in the first months of life remain soft: this protects it from injury and helps brain development.

Special areas - fontanelles - represent a soft tissue, the cells of which are very elastic. While the fontanelles are open, the shape of the head can change. For example, it may become flat, or the back of the head may become lopsided to one side. This means that the child for a long time lay on his back.


Many young mothers worry when they notice irregularities and irregularities in the girth of the baby's head. But pediatricians and doctors reassure: as soon as the child stops lying down and starts to sit down, the situation will change. This usually happens when the baby spends more time in an upright position. Already in 2-3 months, the skull begins to straighten, changes in circumference disappear.

However, sometimes the deformation of the circle is a sign that the asymmetry is broken. This happens for various reasons: the baby lacks vitamins, diseases appear and begin to manifest themselves. For example, this is how rickets often manifests itself, which is common in children.

If a baby has rickets, his bones are not strengthened due to a lack of calcium, they develop poorly, grow weakly. The fontanels do not overgrow, so the child's head remains soft for a long time, and the skull is subject to changes. Usually in such situations, doctors advise to be with the baby more often. fresh air and also give him vitamin D and calcium.

If the baby began to turn his head only in one direction, he may have a curved neck. It does not matter whether the child lies or is in her arms. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

A doctor's consultation will also be required in another case: if the fontanelles quickly overgrown. Intracranial pressure may occur, leading to serious problems.

What to do in this case? An experienced doctor will immediately determine violations of the circumference and girth of the head. But it is better to conduct scheduled examinations with a neurologist and a surgeon. This will identify problems in the first stage.

Hematoma deserves special attention. It is a collection of blood or fluid where cells have ruptured. soft tissue. It usually happens right under the skin or near the skull. Why does a hematoma occur? If the child was large and walked hard, he had to “pave” his way. From this, damage such as a hematoma is formed.

A hematoma can also appear in another case: if the mother had a caesarean section. The kid gets from one environment to another, and this happens abruptly. Tissue cells cannot immediately adapt to a new environment, and a hematoma is formed from this. For a child, this phenomenon is stress. If the hematoma becomes larger than normal, this is a bad sign.

Hematoma often appears in premature babies. Sometimes it is the cause of the curvature of the circumference and the wrong girth of the skull. The hematoma can resolve itself, but medical intervention may also be required. In any case, you must first diagnose and identify the type of hematoma, especially if it is large. This is out of the norm.

How to align your head

A sloping and irregular nape, a flat head, a bulging forehead, irregular asymmetry - all these situations are not always a reason for excitement. But only a doctor can determine the cause. If the case is dangerous, they may prescribe an additional examination, collect tests. In any case, you should first consult a doctor to eliminate your own fears.

There are a few things parents can do:

  • a beautiful even skull can be formed by alternating the sides of the bed. For example, first the headboard is on one side, then on the other. Breast, a container with milk crumbs should also be served from different sides. You can put the child in every time different sides, change position. The rules will be followed;
  • need to hold the baby more often. For the same reason, it is recommended to turn the crumbs on the tummy more often. In this position, his head will not be able to bend, asymmetry will be excluded, the back of the head will acquire the desired shape.

The above recommendations are sufficient if the situation is not critical. But some mothers think that their baby's head is crooked and try to fix it with everyone. accessible ways. Do not try everything in a row: the most effective method is a massage. But influence delicate skin and the soft bones of the newborn should be taken with extreme caution. This is not a massage. You just need to carefully give the skull and head the desired shape.

You can contact an orthopedist and consult with him about the use orthopedic pillow: sometimes such a thing is very useful, this is confirmed by numerous reviews.

If you are a young mother, then imagine a newborn as a plump and smiling creature with cute folds on the arms and legs. Know that life is not like that! Here mother takes a first look at newborn baby, and it seems to her that something is wrong with the baby: a big head, a tiny body, crooked legs and arms, skin in spots.

Don't be upset if newborn baby Doesn't look like the baby in the picture at all. Babies are rarely born pink, plump and smooth. Usually, newborns have some features of appearance that disappear after some time after birth. And in order to dispel doubts and fears, you just need to talk about it with the doctor in the hospital.

newborn baby head shape

Often a mother is frightened at the sight of the non-standard shape of her head. newborn baby- flattened, elongated to the top and, in general, more like an egg than a round head.

  • The baby's head is egg-shaped because during childbirth, the bones of his skull adjust to the mother's birth canal. And since this passage is narrow, the head takes on an oblong shape. Literally within a few days, the head of the newborn will become the usual round shape.
  • Do you think your baby's head is too big? This can be both an optical illusion and a hereditary trait (if your family has large-headed relatives).
  • It happens that mothers get upset when a child is born completely bald, without a single hair on his head. But that doesn't mean it will stay that way. Hair can appear only by 7-8 months of life. However, the first hair usually falls out. And by the year the baby will definitely acquire permanent hair.
  • Stroking head newborn baby, mom gropes for soft depressions, tightened with thin pulsating membranes. This fontanelles- places on the bones of the skull that have not yet closed. Usually, fontanelles are delayed by a year, but if this happened earlier, then it means that idiosyncrasy baby's body.

In general, according to observations of obstetricians and neonatologists, in Lately babies are more likely to be born small fontanel. Fine fontanel approximately 1-3 cm, but sometimes less. Many doctors believe that this is caused by a slightly higher dose of vitamins that pregnant women receive during gestation. But even if fontanel inhaled early, continue to give your child vitamin D.

Well, and, perhaps, the funniest thing that amazes mom newborn baby, is a snake tongue! The tip of the baby's tongue seems to be slightly forked, because the tongue seems to have grown together with the bottom oral cavity and it is still difficult for him to stretch forward. Do not hesitate: he will definitely do this within the first year of life.

Eyes in newborns

Often, though not always, looking at the baby's eyes, the surprised mother asks herself: why are they so blue, like the surface of the sea? Really, many babies are born with eyes blue color, but by 6 months, the color of the eyes will change to its own. And then mom will understand exactly who the charming eyes are.

Sometimes it happens that you can't see it at all. newborn eye color because... he can't open them. This is due to postpartum edema, if the head “stood” for some time in the birth canal. Don't worry, the swelling will go away on its own.

Sometimes the edema causes an infection of the eyes, but in this case it is always accompanied by mucous or purulent-mucous discharge from the eye. This is treated even in the hospital, and the swelling goes away without consequences.

What else can a baby surprise mommy with is strabismus. Which is not uncommon for newborns. Doctors attribute strabismus to weakness in the abductor muscle of the eye. By six months, this condition goes away on its own.

It also happens that newborn eyes are bright red. For example, in the case of a hemorrhage caused by a lack of oxygen during pregnancy or the fact that the child had a difficult birth. The vessels suffer greatly with a lack of oxygen, but then everything passes without a trace.

Hypertonicity in a newborn

No matter how much mom tried to say hello to the baby, taking him by the fingers. So far, she is unlikely to succeed because of tightly clenched fists newborn. The pose, when the arms are pressed to the body, and the legs are twisted and tucked up to the stomach, is sublimely called the pose of the Buddha by doctors. All newborns are in this position, which is caused increased tone flexor muscles in arms and legs.

Moms should not have worries about this until 3-4 months. Up to this age, increased muscle tone- the norm. By 3 months, the child should begin to unclench and clench his fists, and try to grab the toy with his fingers. If this does not happen, then the problem will have to be solved with the help of a neurologist who will prescribe massage, swimming, and gymnastics.

  • Look at the legs and arms newborn, mothers sometimes notice a cyanotic tint of the feet and cams. This is due to the fact that his blood circulation has not yet improved, and as soon as he moves more energetically, his feet and fists will immediately turn pink.
  • Mom worries that the baby's feet are strongly wrapped inward or outward. Both that, and another is explained by weakness of muscles in an ankle joint. Such phenomena are caused by hypoxia (lack of oxygen) during pregnancy. However, you should not worry about this, because such defects are very well corrected with the help of massage.
  • Sometimes milk comes out of swollen nipples. It turns out that this is quite normal phenomenon- as for newborns boys as well as for girls. It's a hormonal crisis newborn. It is caused by the mother's hormones getting into the baby's blood. Everything will pass by itself. But in no case should you squeeze milk out of the nipples! It is enough to put dry heat on them. Allocations appear on the 3-5th day of the baby's life, last a week and pass.
  • Some young mothers looking at their newborns boys, do not find their testicles in a natural place. If this happens, then it means that the testicle did not have time to descend into the groin before birth and got stuck in the canal. Up to a year there is no need to be nervous. If the situation has not changed, then the testicles are "brought out" surgically, since they should not be in abdominal cavity. There is also a reverse situation, the baby is born with large swollen testicles. It is caused by swelling of the testicular lining. He is not treated and passes by itself, but the surgeon observes the baby.
  • Real panic is sometimes caused bloody issues from the vagina in girls, although there is nothing wrong with that. This is the same hormonal crisis that causes milk to come out of the nipples, and it also passes.
  • And one more "thing" causes bewilderment of mothers - navels. The stump of the umbilical cord turned outward looks unaesthetic, but this is not for long. After 10 days, it falls off, and the navel takes on a beautiful ornate shape of a sleeping snail.

Fluff on the skin of a newborn

Leather newborn baby does not immediately become beautiful: tender, smooth and pink. At first, it can be frustrating. Red spots, fluff, peeling, protruding vessels, birthmarks. Let's figure it out What should be a concern and what shouldn't?

  • Sometimes a baby is born with a bright pink skin color, fluff and a very large amount of birth lubricant. All this is caused by the immaturity of the skin. newborn baby and disappears as it grows.
  • Moms don't have to worry about flaky skin either. newborn. It turns out that after several baths, the entire old epidermis peels off, and the baby's skin is renewed.
  • Red spots with jagged edges should also not cause fear in parents. Sometimes this is a manifestation of an allergy caused by a maternal malnutrition, and sometimes allergic reaction on the waste products of microbes that inhabit the sterile skin of the baby. In this case, you just need to drink well newborn, and the allergen itself will be excreted from the body.
  • Some babies are born with red vascular webs. These so-called vascular nevi, although not terrible for the baby, do not go away with age, like brown birthmarks. With wine and Mongoloid birthmarks, children also remain for life. Wine birthmarks of red color occur in children of all nationalities. But Mongoloid blue spots, as a rule, appear in children of southern nations or Asians.
  • On the 3rd day of life, the skin newborns acquires an icteric color. If mom has negative Rh factor, and the child has a positive or the mother has I blood group, and the child has a different and jaundice appears on the 1st day of life, then additional blood tests are needed.

Love for a newborn

After giving birth, mommy experiences feelings of great happiness. This also has physiological cause- change hormonal background. She immediately falls in love with her baby without looking back. If the mother, immediately after birth, did not splash happiness on the baby later, then this is due to different reasons but not the view newborn.

This often happens if newborn baby immediately taken away from my mother. Then this joy passes to the medical staff, the surrounding doctors - how wonderful everyone is around! Sometimes the connection begins to break down even during pregnancy: if the beloved left the mother or she is immersed in some other problems with her head.

In this case, it is desirable that the mother in postpartum ward was with newborn baby. But if it is completely unpleasant for her to take care of the baby, then for him it is very bad. Because from her hands the child "reads" the attitude towards himself. Then it's better for mom to help someone else. Meanwhile, she herself slowly and gradually entered into this process.

Even newborn not quite attractive, for mom he is super handsome. In schools for pregnant women, many mothers, watching educational films, are horrified by their appearance. newborns. But as soon as their own baby is born, their point of view changes dramatically. Mine child becomes the most charming, despite all the features newborns.

Moms are just not capable of critically approaching newborn baby. They love him the way he is. However, a few hours after the birth, the mother may have anxiety. Why is the baby's head shape different? Why is his skin peeling? Where are the red spots from? mommy reviews newborn and worries. But not because he is not handsome, but because she wants to help him. She loves him already!

“He is so pretty, so small, so fragile,” says the mother and seeks support from doctors. And this is understandable: she is already driven by the most powerful love in the world - maternal.

If a woman is giving birth for the first time, then she may be surprised that her baby will be born with a slightly elongated head. This is because during the passage through the birth canal, the soft bones of the skull are still slightly shifted, which makes it easier for the baby to be born.

In just a few days, the outlines of the head will become normal. Normally, by 40 weeks of pregnancy, the intercranial sutures should grow together and this will determine the further shape, which can only slightly change when passing through the birth canal.

Skull shape - what is the norm?

Each parent noticed that newborns have slightly different head shapes.

This characteristic is influenced by several points:

  • the original shape of the head;
  • Are there any corrective actions being taken?
  • do parents make sure that the baby does not constantly lie on one side, as this leads to deformation.

From birth, the shape of the head may be as follows:

  • dolichocephalic. In this case, the head is slightly elongated from the chin towards the back of the head. When viewed diagonally, it will be somewhat oblong. It occurs in babies who were born head first;
  • brachycephalic. Here the traction is already going from the forehead to the back of the head, because of which the skull seems a little flattened. Most often, such outlines are found in the breech presentation of the fetus. At the same time, in most cases, women in labor are recommended a caesarean section.

But there are a number of situations when a pathology develops in babies, and it accordingly distorts the appearance of the head.

  1. Plagiocephaly. If you look at the baby, you can see that his skull is asymmetrical, with oblique outlines. There are 2 forms - frontal and occipital.
  2. Acrocephaly. Here the shape of the head of the newborn will be elongated, resembling a cone. Such a skull is also called a tower. The main reason for the development of such a pathology is the fusion of intercranial sutures ahead of time.
  3. Scaphocephaly. This pathology is one of the most common forms of craniostenosis, when the bones of the skull ossify too quickly. Because of this, the baby's head takes the form of a boat, where the protruding points will be the frontal or occipital areas. Whether such a pathology will harm the development of the child's intellect will depend on the speed of the ossification process.

Often not correct form heads can be seen on ultrasound. Thanks to the development of technology at the time of such a procedure, the doctor has the opportunity to take measurements from the baby's body. After that, it is already possible to judge whether the fetus is developing correctly.

What should be the circumference of the baby's head?

After the birth of the newborn, the obstetrician takes measurements of his head. To do this, using a centimeter, the protruding parts of the skull are measured - the eyebrow lines and the occipital protuberance. The result is a circumference value, which on average should vary between 32-38 cm. Thus, the doctor can designate a brachycephalic or dolichocephalic head shape.

If the baby was born ahead of time, then its circumference will be slightly larger in relation to the whole body. In the future, as he gains mass, everything will even out, unless there are any diseases. Normally, it is believed that the head circumference of newborns should be 2 cm larger than the chest indicator. By four months, the chest and head will be equal in size, but by the year rib cage becomes 2 cm larger than the head. This value is largely dependent on genetic heredity.

For example, some races have the shape of a skull, somewhat enlarged in comparison with the Slavs. Accordingly, if one of the parents has such a shape, and the other is smaller, then the dominant trait will play a decisive role here.

Head size can be affected by intrauterine development. If the mother suffered during pregnancy infection or was injured in the abdomen, this can adversely affect the formation and development of the fetus. And here the matter concerns not only the appearance, but also the psychological and mental development. The same problem is provoked by genetic heredity to diseases. Especially if someone in the family had problems with it. The newborn may also have problems due to the fact that the mother was careless about her pregnancy - she drank, smoked, dressed inappropriately for the weather.

Due to the fact that due to modern look life, many children are born with any diseases, doctors strongly recommend planning a pregnancy. That is, the couple needs to pass a series of tests that will reveal potential dangerous moments. Indeed, if a child is born with a pathology, then it is almost impossible to correct such a head shape in a baby. Only dolichocephalic and brachycephalic head shapes can be corrected.

That is why a mother should control her baby, especially if at birth his head was “wrong”.

Children's pathology

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own norms for the development of the fetus. Therefore, the expectant mother is forced to walk and take tests, undergo examinations so much. One of these control points is an ultrasound examination.

Pathology is determined by the size of the head, which should have its own standards for each month of life. Normally, the baby adds 1.5 - 2 cm monthly.

In the opposite case, the following diagnoses are made in newborns:

  • microcephaly. The skull is smaller in proportion to the child's body. Such a pathology occurs against the background of disorders in the brain, which lead to inhibition or complete cessation of its growth. This can occur against the background of heredity, complications during pregnancy, due to violations in endocrine system at future mother. The result is dementia and neurological disorders;
  • macrocephaly. In this case, the newborn has cerebral hypertrophy, but dropsy is absent. Such a problem can be observed even in the womb, and can manifest itself up to 2 years. But here the child does not suffer from dementia and often develops on a level with his peers. In such a baby, the head is no different from the rest, the only difference is that the fontanel will grow later than in other babies. But these kids tend to intracranial pressure, frequent headaches and convulsions;
  • hydrocephalus. Such a diagnosis is made if there are problems with the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid. In this case, there is constant pressure on the brain, and, since the bones of the skull have not yet fused, they begin to diverge to the sides in order to weaken it. Thus, there will be an increase in the size of the head, mainly the frontal and occipital parts.

In newborns, the outline of the head may change due to birth trauma. Normally, it should be slightly elongated, especially if the baby was born naturally without caesarean section. But, if the baby has a birth tumor or cephalohematoma, then this can significantly affect appearance child.

20.12.2017 4207 0

Asymmetrical shape of the head of a newborn common cause parental concerns. To facilitate passage through the birth canal, the bones of the parietal region shift slightly, and the baby's skull takes on a not quite correct shape. Should the wrong shape of the head in a newborn be a reason for a visit to the doctor?

Immediately after childbirth, talk about possible pathology early. As the baby grows, some asymmetry may gradually disappear. The bones of the infant skull up to a year are quite pliable, and if the child received a head deformity during childbirth, there is a chance to correct the defect naturally great.

What is the norm and what is a violation?

All babies are born with some head asymmetry. What head shape should a newborn have, and what kind of distortion can be considered the norm? Changes in the skull of a child during childbirth can be divided into two types:

  1. dolichocephalic is expressed by elongation from the chin towards the back of the baby's head. Most often observed during routine natural childbirth;
  2. brachycephalic when the shape of the head in newborns is elongated from the back of the head to the forehead. It is believed that this form is caused breech presentation fetus.

Such types of asymmetry of the head are considered normotypical and do not require special treatment. Another situation arises if the baby was born with congenital anomalies that require the intervention of specialists. These include:

  1. plagiocephaly - asymmetric head with unevenly sloping outlines;
  2. scaphocephaly when the bones of the skull harden too quickly, the frontal areas or the back of the head become protruding areas;
  3. acrocephaly with a cone-shaped head in a baby.

It will not be possible to get rid of such developmental deviations without the help of doctors. Serious pathologies of the brain microcephaly or hydrocephalus are diagnosed even at the prenatal stage.

If parents are concerned about the shape of the head in newborns, the norm or deviation is, in each specific case must be determined by a specialist.

Causes of the asymmetry of the shape of the skull

A newborn baby, whose head shape seems asymmetrical, receives such a defect, as a rule, during natural childbirth. At this point, the bones of the baby's skull are slightly deformed due to increased compression, but subsequently, with proper care get into place. In children born by caesarean section, such changes in the head are less common.

Cause irregular shape skulls may be illiterate care of the baby. If the mother pays little attention to the fact that the child is in the crib in one position, his head takes on a flattened shape due to the ungrown fontanel and the relative softness of the cranial vault.

The causes of changes in the cranial vault associated with developmental pathologies may be different. Most often, earlier ossification of bones and infectious diseases transferred by the mother during pregnancy are noted.

How can you straighten a baby's head?

When the shape of the head in newborns is incorrect due to natural causes, competent care will help restore symmetry. In order for the baby's head to take on a normal shape, mom needs:

  1. periodically turn the child in the crib and change the position of his head;
  2. take the baby in your arms more often during wakefulness;
  3. lay the baby on the tummy;
  4. change the position of the cradle or crib so that the child can turn the head in different directions.

If the asymmetry of the skull cannot be corrected by home methods, doctors recommend using a special helmet-bandage. It is selected for each child individually and is worn around the clock, with a short break for hygiene procedures. Best effect achieved between 4 and 6 months of age.

With congenital pathologies, the help of a doctor will be required. Such asymmetry of the skull is not caused by childbirth, but by accelerated fusion and hardening of the bones of the skull. In these cases, surgery is needed to correct the shape of the baby's head and relieve pressure on the baby's brain.