The most unexpected parting stars. A blow in the stomach: how the stars managed to survive the betrayal of their loved ones

Most of the couples that made our list looked almost perfect from the outside, despite the fact that there were reports of their breakup in the press every now and then. But now it has become obvious - there is no smoke without fire, and many celebrities really experienced a crisis in relationships, which ultimately led to a break. ELLE has collected the most high-profile celebrity breakup stories.

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What fans of the star couple have feared for the past few years happened on September 20th. It was on this day that it became known that Angelina filed for divorce and, having taken the children, left in an unknown direction. Brad, however, like all friends and relatives, learned about what happened from the media. Jolie accused her ex-husband of child abuse (adding a story about the incident on the plane to the statement) in order to deprive him of his father's rights. The actress threatened to destroy her ex-lover and even hired a whole team of PR people. Ultimately, the actor was allowed to see the children, but only in the presence of guardianship representatives. Pitt gave up fighting for the kids. At the moment he is in the deepest depression, refuses to participate in filming and public speaking. Whereas Jolie aims to start a political career.

When Australian billionaire James Packer proposed to his beloved Mariah Carey in winter, the singer's fans rejoiced. Has the performer finally met worthy man after so many painful years with her previous husband Nick Cannon, who, by the way, lived off his popular wife! After this event, the couple began to hastily prepare for the wedding. They promised a truly gigantic scale. But the other day, the American media reported that, it turns out, Mr. Billionaire was a little unprepared for the appetites of his bride. Accusing Carey of "exorbitant spending", Packer broke off the engagement. But, as it turned out, not only the excessive extravagance of the star did not please the Australian. According to insiders, Mariah was not entirely faithful to her lover. Rumor has it that the performer had an affair with one of the dancers of her team. Which became known to the unlucky groom. The fate of the singer's engagement ring, which is adorned with a 35-carat diamond, remains in question: did Meraya have to return it to her failed husband, or did she decide to leave it as a reminder of her ex-boyfriend.

Discord in the Beckinsale-Wiseman family began a year ago when the actress began to suspect her husband, the director of the film Underworld, in connection with 24-year-old model CJ Franco. But Kate decided not to rush into a divorce and see if she could save the marriage, because the couple had lived together for 11 years. But, unfortunately, the attempts of the actress were in vain - the other day the couple officially filed for divorce.

Strong marriages in the world of show business are a rarity. Almost no one can, although there are exceptions. On the contrary, no one expects separation from some couples - they seem so perfect. These are the ones we remember today.

Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom

As rarely happens, Miranda and Orlando parted on a friendly basis, without scandals and dirt.

After 3 years happy marriage young people still broke up. This event was discussed for a very long time, and no one wanted to believe it until the very end. They started dating in 2007, got married in 2010, and had a son, Flynn, in 2011. As rarely happens, Miranda and Orlando parted on a friendly basis, without scandals and dirt. Miranda doesn't stop ex-husband participate in the upbringing of their son, so they are often seen together on walks.

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise

The Hollywood couple's six-year marriage ended in 2012. The initiator of the divorce was Katie, who demanded money from her husband for maintenance and alimony for their daughter Suri. It is believed that the reason for the divorce was the contradictions in the upbringing of her daughter, as well as Tom's suppression of Katie's individuality. After the divorce, Holmes received 3 million for each year of her marriage to Tom and a mansion in California. Now the actress is happy, actively manifests herself and acts in films.

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis

According to some reports, after the breakup, Depp paid the ex-girlfriend compensation in the amount of $ 157 million.

The breakup of this couple was a real shock not only for fans, but also for the press. The relationship, which lasted 13 years, exhausted itself in 2012. Despite the fact that the couple did not officially formalize their relationship, Vanessa gave birth to Johnny two children: Jack and Lily-Rose. According to some reports, after the breakup, Depp paid the ex-girlfriend compensation in the amount of $ 157 million so that she would ensure a comfortable existence for herself and the children.

Vincent Cassel and MONICA BELLUCCI

One of the most beautiful and happy couples foreign cinema divorced after 17 years of marriage. No one could have thought that Monica and Vincent would ever part. There was no dirt in this divorce, everything happened by mutual consent and love. During the marriage, the couple had two beautiful daughters: Deva and Leoni. According to official figures, Monica and Vincent divorced because of their lifestyle: they spent little time together.

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore

After the divorce, the actress experienced a serious depression.

Demi and Ashton lived together for 7 years (from 2005 to 2011). Despite big difference at the age, it seemed that the couple was infinitely happy, but something did not work out. The process of filing a divorce was long and painful, not without scandals. Demi accused her husband of constant betrayal and demanded serious compensation from Ashton ($300 million). After the divorce, the actress experienced a serious depression, but Ashton was almost immediately noticed in the company of Mila Kunis, with whom he did not officially confirm the relationship, but did not hide it either.

Guy Ritchie and Madonna

The famous pop singer and actor have been married for 7 years. According to Madonna, their marriage ended because romance died in the relationship, and she began to doubt the existence of love. As for Richie, he offered another option - their marriage fell apart due to constant scandals and mutual claims. Anyway, the couple divorced in 2008. In the marriage of Madonna and Guy, the son of Rocco was born, besides, they adopted another one, David.

Sam Mendes and Kate Winslet

Perhaps the marriage fell apart due to Sam's close relationship with the young actress Rebecca Mendes.

Seven year old star marriage was destroyed by mutual consent. The official reason for the divorce of Kate and Sam is not known for certain, it is only known that the couple decided to divorce peacefully and remained friends. Perhaps the marriage fell apart due to Sam's close relationship with the young actress Rebecca Mendes.

The divorce of the actress and director took place in 2010. Their common child- Joe Alfie's son - stayed with his mother.

Vladislav Doronin and Naomi Campbell

The parting of the "black panther" and the Russian oligarch was a real surprise for the fans of the couple. The official reason for the breakup was that they couldn't figure out their work schedules. According to other sources, the reason for the end of the five-year romance was constant quarrels, cooling of relations and different styles life. What actually caused the separation of the colorful couple is still a mystery.

Andrey Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya

Julia regretted that she and Andrei did not officially register their relationship.

First breakup rumors famous football player and his beloved appeared in the fall of 2012. Some sources claim that Andrei left Yulia when she was expecting her third child. The girl could not believe that her fairy tale would end so quickly. Julia regretted that she and Andrei did not officially register their relationship. This complicated the post-breakup litigation that is still ongoing. Julia demands considerable sums from her ex-husband for the maintenance of children (the couple has three of them), while he is still protesting her requests.

Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman

The news about the divorce of the supermodel and the English aristocrat shocked the whole world, because their story was like a real fairy tale. Natalia and Justin lived together for 10 years, they had three children. Discord in the family occurred after the birth of the third child and because of financial problems. According to some reports, Justin lived at the expense of his wife, lost money in the casino and just relaxed. Natalya was not ready for this turn of events and filed for divorce. Now she lives with billionaire Antoine Arnault, from whom she gave birth to a son, Maxim, on May 1, 2014.

What celebrity breakups shocked you? And which of the stars, in your opinion, will soon part with their soul mate?

Betrayal associated with love relationships is always perceived more painfully and more tangibly for the heart. Today we will talk about Russian stars who survived these events and gained new love. They waited for their daylight hours to once again see how it is necessary to treat this lofty and fragile feeling with care.

Nikita Panfilov

It all started very romantically: for a long time, one might say, he gracefully looked after her, gave flowers and was ready to fulfill any of her requests. And she, subdued by such attention, answered him in return. And how could the star of the popular TV series not succumb to the male charms? Sweet life Nikita Panfilov, for whom more than one girl's soul dried up. And it so happened that the charming brunette Lada, the manager of the Army Store program, became his wife.

// Photo: Elizaveta Klementieva / TASS

The marriage turned out to be happy, and there was a feeling that the young would live in love and harmony until old age. The sweet life, not on screen, but real, lasted for Nikita Panfilov for six years. During this time, married couple son Dobrynya was born, adding joy to his father. In addition, the golden days came in the actor's work, when directors vied with each other to invite him to their films. Perhaps the fame and talent of Nikita Panfilov somehow influenced family affairs in the future. Perhaps Lada was too jealous of her husband's creative achievements, but thunderclouds hung over the cozy and happy nest.

Family affairs suddenly went wrong, in the relationship between Nikita and Lada there was no sense of old love, mutual understanding. And it soon became clear that the couple were getting divorced.

“I don’t want to go into the details of the situation, I can only say that Lada committed such an act for which men usually do not forgive women. It’s hard for me to remember this, let alone talk about it. But at that moment I decided to step over myself and try to save my family. I thought about the fact that Lada and I are married, we are married, we have a child ... I had to give up either my family or my pride. I chose the second and tried to forgive. But this did not help: from that very moment everything began to crumble, crumble. After all, relationships are the work of two people, and it was as if I were playing with one goal, ”the artist admitted in an interview with Hello! magazine.

According to the actor, at the moment he is most concerned about the issue of raising his son, whom he loves immensely. According to Nikita, his ex-wife, having obtained from him a monthly alimony of 180 thousand rubles and other property, clearly prevents him from meeting with the heir. The fight for Dobrynya takes a lot from the actor mental strength. And, according to his confession, he would not have endured such stress if the girl Xenia had not appeared in his life.

There is always a share of guile in love, and Cupid weaves his nets anywhere to prove this truth. Charming Anna Sedokova and the famous Ukrainian football player Valentin Belkevich visited the same hairdresser more than once in Kyiv. This circumstance excited Valentine so much that six months later, by hook or by crook, he got hold of the beauty's phone and invited her to bowling.

Anna recklessly fell in love with Valentine: it seems that the star footballer experienced similar feelings. However, on the third day after the wedding, on the eve honeymoon there was a big quarrel between the young people. Oddly enough, Valentine was the instigator.

Something annoyed, he did not even help his pregnant wife at the Boryspil airport. Poor Anna dragged heavy suitcases without a word of reproach to her husband. She was like in a fog of love, she really wanted a strong family happiness. For the sake of this goal, Anna abandoned her creative career - she left the Via Gra group. But the sacrifices were in vain: the first cracks appeared in relations with Valentine. And then, against the background of the alleged family happiness, Lesya appeared - ex-lover And civil wife Belkevich.

The birth of Alina's daughter did not in the least affect Valentine's behavior. He darted between two fires, trying to give preference to one of them. Divorce was inevitable - and it had a very hard effect on Anna Sedokova. Destroyed love, career, unenviable financial situation - that's what she inherited from former marriage.

“I married a man who had already cheated on me. God, it's good that I learned this now, and not then at the age of 19. Why did he get married then? If you are happy with another person, why are you getting married? Why spoil life? - Anna Sedokova said with bitterness in her voice on the air of the Secret for a Million program.

And the reason for this cry of the soul of the singer will be the video shown by the host Leroy Kudryavtseva with the participation of Lesya. “All the time that he lived with Sedokova, he almost always spent the night with me. He was with me even before the wedding with Anna. He begged me to understand him and forgive him,” Belkevich’s former lover admits with some self-satisfaction.

The news of the death of Valentin Belkevich shocked Anna, she did not want to believe in what had happened. Upon learning of the death of her daughter's father, she wrote in a microblog that many respected, loved Valentine - and "especially one little girl."

Adeline Sotnikova

// Photo: Yana Yavorskaya /

It was a short but stormy romance. The love story of an Olympic champion in figure skating Adelina Sotnikova and the host of the show "Magazzinno" Alexander Molochko lasted no more than a month. During this time, Alexander turned the girl's head so much that she believed in a happy future and strong relationship. However, the windy presenter, who claimed that it was love at first sight and almost fate, suddenly cheated on Adeline. For the Olympic champion, this news was tantamount to falling on ice during important competitions.

Shocked by the betrayal of a loved one, she fell into depression. This event clearly unsettled Adeline. And the traitor himself in an interview with StarHit justified himself: “It was an accidental connection.” Alexander Molochko admitted that he now has a new darling, for whom he has unprecedented love feelings. He wished Adeline all the best. And Alexander sincerely hopes that after the hype associated with his betrayal, he will be able to improve relations with her. At least friendly.

One of the most talented actresses in Russian cinema, Elena Lyadova, has experienced both passionate love and betrayal in her life. She always wanted serious and deep feelings, and received betrayal in return. First love with a third-year student Ilya Isaev seemed to her a gift of fate. Ilya courted Lena for a long time, considered her special. But the relationship ended abruptly after Isaev began working in the theater. Elena, in love, met him after the performances, full of bright hopes. And two months later, the romantic idyll ended: Ilya found another girl in the theater, with whom, as he believed, they would be happier.

Elena stoically endured the betrayal, but withdrew into herself. And only hard study saved her from mental trauma. She had a secret admirer in her life - classmate Mikhail Borisov, who simply adored her. He beautifully looked after Elena, gave flowers. Boris looked at her as a goddess, inaccessible and beautiful. But Elena, wise by bitter experience, did not give him any chance of reciprocity. And yet one day the girl's heart shuddered from a surge of love. This happened after a meeting with actor Alexander Yatsenko, whom she met on the set of the film "Soldier's Decameron". They lived in civil marriage seven years, and every year Elena hoped that someday the man she loved would make her an official proposal. This, alas, did not happen. Moreover, Elena again had to face betrayal. Alexander went to another woman, with difficulty picking up an explanation for his act.

“The fact that they broke up because of Vladimir Vdovichenkov is not true,” Yatsenko’s friend Fedor Lukyanov shared with StarHit. - On the set of one of the projects, Sanya met a pretty young make-up artist. They quickly found mutual language, and the working relationship developed into a hot romance. She was like a sip to him fresh air. When it became impossible to hide the affair, Sasha confessed everything to Lena, packed up and left.

Another parting with a once beloved person had a hard effect on Elena. She vowed never to have serious and deep relationships with men. However, the meeting with Vladimir Vdovichenkov changed her plans.

Aliana Gobozova

In order to love relationship have become stronger than granite, apparently, sometimes you need to play two weddings - one more beautiful and more magnificent than the other. Passionate love, marriage, betrayal, divorce, then everything in the same order - only without the last two - this is how family history former participants of the Dom-2 project Aliana and Alexander Gobozov. I remember that the first appearance in this show of Aliana immediately won the heart of Alexander. The relationship of lovers led to marriage. The whole "Dom-2" buzzed, celebrating this event. Soon, a son, Robert, was born in the Gobozov family. However, the appearance of the baby did not save young parents from the crisis.

The trip of Alexander Gobozov, where he met a certain girl Victoria, led to family scandal. Aliana, figuratively speaking, was quick to reprisal: in broken feelings, outraged by her husband's betrayal, she filed for divorce and took her son with her. However, even very explosive female heart sometimes outrageous. We do not know what key Alexander picked up for him, but Aliana forgave the former prodigal husband. And they hastily and amicably ran for the second time to the same Kutuzovsky registry office of the capital.

“When we played a wedding for the first time, everything was very fast and thoughtless,” Aliana later admits to StarHit. “You could even say that we did it in the heat of the moment. There was only passion, love, emotions. Now this step is more than balanced, we made a decision with cold head, we are really ripe for it. I am sure that it will be only the beginning of our life together despite the fact that we already have a baby. This wedding is forever.

Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova

So much attention has been paid to this couple that it seems that all verbal resources have ended. Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko became regular figures in newspaper and magazine publications, their images flashed on the screens of various TV channels. With incredible interest, not always healthy, the divorce of actors beloved by the people was discussed. Who was right and who was wrong, - could only guess. They say that the reason for the break family relations served as Catherine's kiss with the former soloist of the Chelsea group Roman Arkhipov, captured in a paparazzi picture. Ekaterina Klimova claims the opposite: the quick-tempered, sometimes unbearable character of Igor was to blame. She also mentioned his addiction to alcohol.

Nevertheless, the divorce favorably affected the future fate former spouses. Ekaterina Klimova married actor Gela Meskhi, gave birth to his daughter Bella. She is very happily married and does not hide it at all. Igor Petrenko has also changed. His new lover - actress Christina Brodskaya turned out to be a real gift of fate. She brought peace and confidence into his life. tomorrow. And on the eve of the New Year, Christina gave birth to his daughter Sophia-Carolina. And many noticed that Igor became somehow softer, more responsible. By the way, soon Brodskaya will give her beloved a second baby.

Stepan Menshchikov

“You obviously won’t get bored with him,” the girls said about the brightest participant in the Dom-2 project, Stepan Menshchikov. By the way, the famous destroyer of ladies' hearts returned to this project twice. And always with success. It is unlikely that Stepan's common-law wife, the spectacular beauty Yevgenia Shamaeva, liked this circumstance. Letters from viewers, rumors, talk about the wild life of Menshchikov more and more convinced the young woman that he was unfaithful to her.

He was not even deterred by the fact that he is the father of little Vanya. Quarrels and scandals soon made life together a living hell. Young even had to seek help from a psychologist. Evgenia and Stepan decided to leave, but continued to live under the same roof. Ultimately, the young parents managed to restore relations. What a big surprise for the fans of the couple was the message that the lovers are expecting a second baby. And then came the news about the imminent wedding - this time the official one.

“We already had a wedding, so we approached this event with calm emotions. We decided in honor of the soon birth of the second baby to legalize the marriage. In general, we are happy! Although there is a little excitement all the same, ”Evgenia Shamaeva joyfully admitted to StarHit. In unison, Stepan Menshchikov echoed her: “I feel strong man who has a loving and beloved woman.

Alesya Kafelnikova

They were like Romeo and Juliet: she is only 16, he, unlike Shakespeare's hero, is two years older than her. Model Alesya Kafelnikova - the daughter of a famous tennis player and Nikita Novikov - the son of a famous restaurateur - were a gentle inseparable couple. Sometimes Alesya even called him her husband. It seems that the parents also believed in the seriousness of the feelings of young lovers. Alesya herself had certain hopes. But Nikita, apparently, did not think about it. He lived in London, she lived in Moscow, and who will check his intrigues with others pretty girls? Alesya knew absolutely nothing about this side of the character of her beloved. Therefore, for her, the news of Nikita's betrayal with Masha Morozova was a real blow. The rupture of relations was inevitable.

“There was a lot of gossip around our breakup, including cheating, but in fact we just cooled off towards each other. He studies in Boston - we rarely saw each other, did not understand and did not feel each other. Therefore, the decision that I would pursue a career, and he would study, was made jointly. Now we don’t communicate - it would be too hard, ”Lesya later admitted.

Larisa Kopenkina

This marriage caused a real stir in society: the love relationship of Larisa Kopenkina and Prokhor Chaliapin was not discussed unless the lazy one. A successful business woman and a graduate of the "Star Factory" overnight became the most famous people. Whether this story was a surge of true passions, or whether there was a certain calculation in all the events, it is difficult to judge now. However, the happiness on Larisa's face seemed genuine.

Some time passed and the audience was stirred up again by the event - Prokhor Chaliapin loudly slammed the door of the “nice hut”, announced a divorce and left for another woman. His chosen one at that time was the model Anna Kalashnikova. True, the artist did not have a relationship with a charming brunette - now he spends his evenings alone, while his ex-wife began an affair with a young businessman.

Julia Baranovskaya

T The topic of the divorce of the Russian football star Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya, perhaps, has been exhausted to the end. After the breakup of the family, Julia turned from a housewife into a television star and even wrote a book about former relationship with husband. And Arshavin officially married his new lover, journalist Alisa Kazmina. Although we remember that all these events were preceded by a series of scandals in the press, numerous TV shows, which were always noisy, with shocking details. Some blamed Andrei Arshavin for everything, who “left to the mercy of fate” three of his own children, leaving the family without a penny of money. Others condemned Yulia Baranovskaya, who drew attention to her person and tried to look like a victim of an unlucky husband.

Once Arshavin's wife Alisa Kazmina expressed her own opinion to StarHit. “I don’t understand Yulia Gennadievna ( ex-wife Andrew. - Approx. "StarHit"), which wants to flaunt everything. If the time will come, then this story, which she tells right and left, will appear in a completely different guise - as it was and is in reality. I have a 10 year marriage behind me and two children. I do not like publicity and attention. I'm pretty humble. If almost 4 years have passed, but only one side is heard.

Roman Kostomarov

The ice age in the relationship between Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina is long over. The "runaway" wife returned to her native family land. And the "razluchnik" - the famous actor Vladimir Yaglych - did not interfere with this at all. The short love story of Yaglych and Domnina began during the famous Ice Age show. So, in the dance, before the eyes of the jury and viewers, the first high feelings arose between the partners.

Of course, Roman Kostomarov was not very pleased to see how his common-law wife was gently hugged. But where to go: this is the genre of ice art. And soon Vladimir Yaglych confessed to StarHit: “This is serious and, I hope, for a long time.” And Oksana, deeply in love, echoed him: “We have love at first sight.” Maybe, mutual feelings played their part: the dancing couple won the Ice Age show with brilliance. But love is a complicated thing - the romance of relationships has lost its ardor over time. Oksana Domnina decided to return to her family. “Oksana and Roman are doing well, they are now living together,” the figure skater’s stepfather informed Starhit. “But she left Yaglych, but they really weren’t a family.”

Then the parents of the charming little girl got married, and after a while another family member appeared in their family - in January of this year they had a son.

The winner of "Star Factory 5" Victoria Daineko was the heroine of many love stories. beautiful, smart and bright girl it was impossible not to notice. With no shortage of admirers, Victoria patiently waited for her prince. But to achieve this, she had to endure many personal upheavals. Once she bitterly admitted to fans that she had gone through such a serious test as the betrayal of a loved one more than once.

“They betrayed me regularly. From the early childhood I learned what betrayal is. But I didn't stop believing in people. God is the judge of those who behave dishonestly, but I cannot be insincere.

She still remembers the story of how she forgave her beloved betrayal by catching him, in the truest sense of the word, in bed with another girl. But today charming Victoria can consider herself truly happy woman: she is married to her beloved - drummer Dmitry Kleiman, in whom she raises a lovely daughter.

Life of the Stars


28.06.14 12:14

Once the tabloids vying with each other "sucked" the details of Brad Pitt's betrayal and felt sorry for Jennifer Aniston, whom the macho traded for a stunning partner on the set, Jolie. This story is a thing of the past, but others have surfaced, no less high-profile breakups celebrities.

They still change horses at the crossing

They say that the great actress Nicole Kidman was going through a divorce with Tom Cruise very hard. But when the news came about the breakup of Cruise and his third wife Katie Holmes, the public was shocked. After all, the couple had been together for more than five years, seemed perfect. Husband and wife raised their lovely daughter Suri. However, this marriage of the star of the Mission: Impossible franchise broke up.

The union of the legendary singer and actress Madonna and Briton Guy Ritchie lasted 7 years. At the end of 2008, rumors about their separation found real ground, the children, according to a court decision, stayed with their mother.

Madonna was a little older than her next husband, but the age difference of 15 years between the Hollywood diva Demi Moore and the handsome actor Ashton Kutcher called into question their tender affection for each other. Contrary to gossip, the couple lived together from 2005 to 2011, and then Demi again became a "divorcee". Ashton is quite happy with the young and talented Mila Kunis. An American of Ukrainian origin is expecting a beloved child.

Cargo that sank "love boats"

The wedding of the British Kate Winslet and director Sam Mendes was very romantic - it took place in the Caribbean. It was in the spring of 2003. But less than seven years later, the media announced: the actress and director are no longer husband and wife.

The reasons for the separation of the duet were called different, but the leading version was that Winslet had to take the lion's share taking care of the family on himself, it was too tired for the star of the Titanic.

Too busy filming prevented the happiness of Jude Law and his wife Sadie Frost. The Briton paid very little attention to his soulmate and the children of Iris and Rafferty. When Sadie gave birth to another son, Jude came home only for a few days. His recklessness and her depression were the last straws, the marriage fell apart.

After long and cloudless years

Right after wonderful anniversary life together - silver wedding- interrupted the chronicle of the couple of Arnold Schwarzenegger and a close relative of Kennedy, Maria Shriver. By that time, the Terminator had completed his term as governor, and the general public became aware of the long-term romance of Iron Arnie and the puffy housekeeper and governess. The lady is raising her son from Schwarzenegger. Maria did not forgive, and the four children of the ex-governor were also shocked. 25 years of life gone to dust.

Frenchwoman Vanessa Paradis and American movie star Johnny Depp were never going to formalize their relationship. They argued that this did not in the least prevent them from loving each other faithfully and raising their daughter and son.

Therefore, everyone was so struck by the news that the couple was breaking up. However, everything went peacefully, the two remained friends (in their own words). And Depp, according to the media, paid the “injured party” a fantastic amount of 100 million pounds. After all, it was he who, on the set of The Rum Diary, plunged into a whirlpool of passions, falling in love with Amber Heard. Used to be a girl(which is significantly younger groom) admitted to her bisexuality, but it seems that marriage to Depp will make her heterosexual.

The marriage of the iconic Friends star Courteney Cox and actor David Arquette lasted 12 years, but their temporary separation (to test feelings) turned into a real divorce.

A surprise for many was the breakup of the sultry beauty Monica Bellucci and the charismatic Vincent Cassel, the model with many children Natalia Vodianova and the Briton Justin Portman.

Maybe it's because the "media" personalities are too busy, or their indefatigable temperament is to blame?..

After a painful breakup long relationship many women believe that personal life you can cross. And they turn out to be wrong! As the example of the stars shows, new happiness can be found almost immediately after parting ...


Until recently, Yulia Baranovskaya was sure that after breaking up with Andrei Arshavin, she would never marry again and devote herself to raising three children.

Julia was with Andrei for nine whole years and managed to give birth to three children for him, but the matter never reached the registry office. Although their romance developed rapidly: young people began to live together a month after they met, two years later the couple had their first child, Artem, and three years later, their daughter Yana. In February 2009, Arshavin signed a contract with English club Arsenal, and the whole family had to move to London. Three years later, news came from the British capital: the football player left his wife and children shortly before the birth of Arseny - younger son Julia and Andrey! At first, Baranovskaya hoped that her husband would "go crazy", but after returning to St. Petersburg it became clear that the relationship could not be restored. Arshavin, who was again invited to play Zenit, stopped hiding his new lover: at the screening of the film Stalingrad, he appeared arm in arm with the dark-haired beauty Alisa Kazmina, a graduate of St. Petersburg State University.

Photo: FAMEFLYNET/DailyPicture

And Julia, having recovered from the breakup, began dating Andrei Chadov, and it seems that the actor for her is by no means just a “light hobby”. Recently, the couple was vacationing in Italy in the company of Nastya Zadorozhnaya and Sergey Slavnov, and in the photos that Nastya published in her microblog, Yulia and Andrey hugging look very happy.


Before meeting with Yulia Baranovskaya, Andrei Chadov himself experienced a painful break: for five years he met with the singer Svetlana Svetikova, and all this time the artists - emotional and temperamental natures - lived like on a volcano.

Serious passions were in full swing: young people quarreled endlessly and scattered in different sides, and then violently reconciled and continued to torment each other. “We were madly in love,” recalls Svetikova, “but sometimes it seemed that we were strangling each other with our love. In addition, outsiders, who obviously did not want us well, constantly interfered in the relationship: they quarreled, made us jealous. Sveta understood that such unstable relationships had no future, but she tried to save them, because she could not imagine life without Andrey. But one day, when relations with Chadov again reached an impasse, an acrobat figure skater Alexei Polishchuk turned out to be nearby. She and Sveta became friends on tour of the ice show “Lights big city", and at first Svetikova simply poured out young man soul, talking about problems with Chadov, and Alexey tried to support him as best he could.

Photo: KOTA Producer Center