What to play with a 6 year old child. Games that improve fine motor skills. Letters on the back

Children at the age of 5 years are developing rapidly and communicate more and more with new people. They attend kindergarten sport sections, circles, and their communication with their parents is gradually reduced to a minimum. It is at this age that the baby develops a fear of losing the love and attention of adults. Therefore, it will be great after busy everyday life to plunge with the baby into his world of play and fantasy.

1. "Edible - inedible"

This is perhaps the most famous and popular game among children. The host alternately throws the ball to the players, while naming objects. If an “edible” word is pronounced, the ball must be caught, if “inedible” - discarded. The kids usually laugh to the point of colic when the enemy, for example, "eats" the closet.

The essence of the game is not just in throwing the ball to each other, but also in highlighting the essential features of objects. Having mastered classic version games, you can dream up with your child and turn it into “living - inanimate” or “useful - not useful”.

2. "Understand me"

The meaning of the game is as follows:
The kid must give an oral definition of the subject, but it is forbidden to point to the object itself, which must be guessed. For example, a child thinks of the word "box" and now must describe to an adult the features of this object.

Usually it happens like this: "Well, you have such a red one in your room on the top shelf." The task of parents is not only to correctly guess the answer, but also to teach the child to ask clarifying questions in order to gradually replace vague descriptions of objects with more specific ones. In the case of a box, you can ask the question: “Is this a container for storing things?”. Change roles in turn so that the child tries both to give the task and to guess it.

3. "Crocodile"

Unlike the previous game, in this one, on the contrary, you need to show, not tell. The host, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, depicts the intended word, and the player, asking leading questions, guesses what he has thought of. Leading questions help the child direct their thinking in right direction. For example, he asks: “Is it alive?” and, having received an affirmative answer, he begins to remember all the animals known to him. As the game progresses, he will have a lot of similar questions until this chain leads him to the correct answer. So the baby's way of thinking develops the skills of the algorithm.
This game can be diversified with no less popular fun - "the sea worries once."

Participants move under the counter:
The sea is worried - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three,
In place, figure, freeze!

On last phrase players freeze. The driver touches and "revives" the figure he likes. The "revived" player shows with facial expressions and gestures the figure that he conceived (for example, an animal). The driver must guess it.

4. "I can't see anything"

Games with eyes closed help children develop concentration, attention, coordination of movements and the ability to navigate in space. For starters, you can practice on simple tasks. For example, have the child, with their eyes closed, change into prepared clothes or find the right thing among others in a box. Here are a few more games that are useful and interesting to play with your baby at home.
This game is familiar to every adult since childhood. Why not teach your child to play it now? It will be more fun if both parents take part in the game. The rules are simple: the action takes place within a limited area. One player is chosen by blind man. They blindfold him, put him in the middle of the carpet and turn him around several times.

The rest run away. Blindfold begins to catch them. You can squat, crawl on all fours, but do not leave the room. To protect the blind man's blind man from colliding with dangerous objects, you should warn him with the word "Fire". The blind man's blind man who is caught must be identified by touch. If he succeeds, the participant becomes the new blind man's blind man.
This game requires bowls, plates with different contents (buckwheat, sand, millet, rice), as well as small toys(it can be buttons, sweets, coins, toys from chocolate eggs). The child is blindfolded and bowls are alternately substituted. He must tell what he feels with his hands. Gradually, the task becomes more difficult. Now you can offer to find 5 coins, 2 candies. At the end of the game, it is advisable to leave the kid at least one find.
"Treasure hunter"
Purpose of the game: with eyes closed, collect all parts of the designer, puzzle, parts of collapsible toys, following the instructions of the host. For example: “One step forward, two steps to the left, stand on your toes, open the locker, take a toy ...” When the baby finds all the details, the bandage is removed and you can start assembling all the parts into a single whole.

5. "Drawing on the back"

adult draws index finger on the child's back is a sign, a letter, a number. Everything feels good through clothes, but you can “write” on a bare back as well. The kid must guess what is depicted on it. Over time, you can move on to more complex drawings or draw with several fingers. The movements should be smooth so that the baby can decipher them.

6. "Will you go to the ball?"

The main rule of this game is: “Do not wear black and white, do not say yes and no!”. If a player says at least one forbidden word, he loses. The facilitator asks the child questions about the intended ball gown, carriage, guests. The kid should dream up on this topic, but do not forget the main rule. In the case of boys, this may be a jousting tournament or pirate Party. This game will teach the baby to control his speech, create stories and follow the train of thought.

7. "Comics"

The game consists in drawing a story in pictures. This teaches the child to understand cause-and-effect relationships and make logical chains. Suppose you can draw a chicken sitting in a nest in the first picture, an egg in the second, an egg with a crack in the third, a chicken in the fourth, and a chicken with a chicken in the fifth.

The same can be done with a variety of event options. Comics will help to visually explain to the child the various phenomena occurring in environment. You can complicate the task. Draw only the first and final pictures and invite the child to guess the course of events that take place between them.

8. "Who is hiding here?"

This is a board game for the development of semantic memorization and recall in children. For the game, subject pictures are needed, which depict animals, dishes, clothes, fruits, toys, as well as people. Next, the adult makes several sets of pictures from objects united by a common meaning, and their owner. For example: a stove, a saucepan, a frying pan, a cup and a woman (hostess); machine, soldier, ball and boy (master of toys). Each set must contain at least 6 items.

Now everyone receives one set of pictures and determines the semantic connection between them. Let the child arrange the pictures in the order that he thinks is preferable. It is better to pronounce your actions, this contributes to a better memorization of the content of the pictures and their location.

For example: “Here we have a girl, next to her I will put a ball, in the middle - a doll, next to the doll - a stroller to roll it in it ...”. After that, all the pictures are turned over, i.e. "hidden". An adult takes a pencil and taps near any picture of the baby with the words: “Knock - knock, who is hiding here?”. After the child answers, the adult turns the picture over. If the answer is correct, the guessed picture is removed, and the move goes to the kid. So they play until there is not a single unguessed picture left.

9. "Memory"

Another worthy game for the development of memory and mindfulness of the child. It consists of a set of paired cards with pictures. You can make them yourself, or buy ready-made ones in a toy store. For 5 - summer child A set of 72 cards will do.

Purpose of the game: collect the largest number pair cards.
The rules are simple: the cards are thoroughly mixed and laid out in random order with pictures down. Each player can open any 2 cards in one move. If a pair has opened, then you can pick up the cards for yourself and make the next move. If the pair does not match, the cards are put back, and the right to move is given to another player. The winner is the one who collects more paired cards.

10. "Artists"

Drawing, the child creates his own world. You should not limit it to popular felt-tip pens, because paints, pencils and crayons can create a unique palette of colors.

There is such entertaining game in which you need to paint a picture together. But the difficulty is that you need to draw in turn: one draws the head, the second - the neck, then again in turn - the torso, legs, etc. It is at 5 - summer age the child speaks out his fantasies or plays them out. Therefore, whole stories can be created on a piece of paper.

These games can be played both together with a child, and a large children's company. In addition to them, there are many more exciting activities for leisure with the baby.

With a child of this age, you must:
- read: listening to the reading of an adult, the baby worries about the characters.
- tell fairy tales: you can tell a fairy tale together with your child - the parent starts, the kid develops the plot.
- transform: play in the storyline - role-playing games, arrange mini - performances, improvise.
- answer questions: do not leave the child's questions unanswered.
- solve riddles.
- choose rhymes.

A game for a child is a way of knowing the world. It is the closest people in his life - his parents - who should help him master this science effortlessly.

What educational games can be played with a preschooler? Preparation for school and games for the whole family.

The sweetest dreams are in childhood. The most delicious grandmother's pies - in childhood. The most interesting games are in childhood. Games for the baby can be not only interesting, but also educational at the same time.

Playing logic educational games with the whole family is fun

Didactic games for preschool children

Play with your kids and do math from the comfort of your own kitchen. Indeed, among the products there will always be 2-3 apples or tomatoes. It remains to give them to your baby and count fruits or vegetables aloud. The task can be complicated if you tell a preschooler that he has three apples, and dad ate one apple. How many apples are left? The answer is in the hands of your child.

The most ordinary plates or cups can also become a help for practicing in the kitchen. Ask your child which cup is smaller and which is larger? Or count how many plates you need for dinner today, if the whole family has gathered at home?

And how many do you need if guests come to the house? And to develop logical thinking it is possible if mom sets a more difficult task and asks to put two plates with three spoons. How many cutlery will you end up with?

Cooking and setting the table are both useful activity, and an interesting educational game

In toy stores today you can buy just a huge amount of board educational games. What can you learn by playing? Learn letters and learn how to put them into syllables and words. Bright pictures will help remember the letters.

Learn numbers and learn how to solve problems easily by playing math lotto. It can be difficult for a child to get used to counting. Here pictures will come to the rescue, which you can pick up one by one and slowly count them.

The games “Meditate”, “Fold the pattern”, “Pick up words for the story” will help develop logical thinking. Here it will be necessary not only to read or count, but also to learn to think.

If several children play a board game at once, then along with learning letters or counting, the art of communication is also taught. The desire to be better, to know more and to be a leader will probably start at the table to play.

Board games for preschoolers

Chess is a game that is interesting for both adults and children.
  • For playing at home, not only educational games are suitable, but also those in which the child will simply be interested in playing with peers or parents. No need to discount such time-tested games as dominoes, checkers, chess and backgammon
  • Some may think that children preschool age too small to start playing such games. Well, then you can remember that Anatoly Karpov's father taught him to play chess when he was 5 years old. Who knows, maybe your child will become a great chess player in the future.
  • Dominoes for children can be in traditional performance or with images of animals, vegetables or fruits on the bones. Choose for the game the option that will be more interesting for children

Role-playing game for children 4 - 6 years old

Playing role-playing games, the child “tryes on” different situations and learn to respond appropriately. Parents can come up with a plot for the game and distribute roles, but it is better if the child himself is the director of the game. Themes for such games can be taken by losing life situations- cooking in the kitchen, receiving guests, washing and ironing things, professions.

To play with dolls, it would be nice to buy or make your own doll beds, tables and cabinets.

Moms who know how to sew can make bedding for the cribs and new outfits for the dolls. You can try to teach girls how to cut and sew simple clothes for dolls.

Children love to play "in the house" by copying the behavior of their parents. And often parents are surprised to see how a child screams at his toys, puts them in a corner, makes him eat everything from toy plates.

Therefore, parents should try not to take it out on their children because of bad mood or trouble at work.

Playing puppet theater

Children love to go to puppet theaters for presentations. And what if you make such a theater at home? You can buy special puppets for such a theater that are worn on the hand. If there are no such toys, it will be possible to organize a performance with ordinary toys.

Make a small screen, come up with a plot for a performance with your child, or take a fairy tale that you read and boldly create in your mini-theater. If friends of your child are participating in the performance, invite the parents of these children to the premiere of the performance.

Well, you can go further and make not a puppet show, but a real show at home. Your children can be actors, screenwriters and directors of such a performance. Entrust them with the preparation of replicas, costumes and scenery, directing will help develop the imagination.

Let the scenarios be not ideal, but invented by your child on their own. Speaking at home in front of trusted parents, they learn the art of public speaking, and even the most shy will find it easy to perform at such performances in kindergarten or at school.

Children need outdoor games like air. You need to pour out the accumulated energy somewhere. It is good if there is a spacious children's room, even better if the parents have installed the simplest sports equipment in such a room in the form of a gymnastic wall, a rope or a ladder. In this case, the child himself will find a mobile activity for himself.

If there is not enough space, jumping balls can save the situation. And playpens-trampolines will simply become a lifesaver for parents. In such an arena, children can jump in plenty and even compete "who will jump higher."

Of course, such an arena must be stable and well fixed on the floor. The games combined with movement include the execution exercise and dancing to the music.

You can even hold a family dancesport competition inside. Who sleeps better? Mom, dad, grandparents or baby? The winner can be rewarded with a chocolate medal, toy or candy.

As a result, the reward for parents after such classes will be a child who can read well, count, think logically, and not be afraid of public speaking. Therefore, plunging into everyday worries - set aside time to play with children. Do not dismiss the requests “Mom, read!” or "Mom play with me!". After all, nothing in the world is more important than children.

Video: Dad and daughter play the game "Thumbelina"

And what can you play with your child at home when it's cold or raining outside?

Read our fun selection of the 5 best home games!

1. Running with "eggs"

What?!! What eggs?! - I can hear the exclamations of shocked moms and dads, who immediately vividly imagined scrambled eggs on the floor and ruined carpets. I also exclaimed so, but my son reassured me by letting me read the terms of the game:

We put a ping-pong ball in spoons and run with them throughout the apartment, trying not to miss the ball.

Oh, the balls are a completely different matter!

We didn’t have any for ping-pong, but we did find bouncy balls, balls and apples. Here with them in turn we arranged a "run". It's a lot of fun, try it! Involuntarily you start laughing, and immediately the mood takes off! And how delighted the children are, you can imagine!

When you practice running with something round in a tablespoon, you can complicate the task: take teaspoons or carry a spoon not in your hand, but in ... your teeth!

We first ran with balls, then we took the same eggs (do not be afraid, they were hard-boiled!) - we all brought it to the finish line! And then the fantasy broke out, and the third stage of the competition was no longer running with balls in spoons, but with ... oranges in scoops. The game is super, simple and incendiary! Just what you need when you can’t go out into the street, but you need to put your energy somewhere.

2. Associations

After active games need to calm down. "Play quiet games with them!" For example, in an association. The first participant calls any word, and the second quickly answers what came to his mind in connection with this word.

The game is simple, but great develops imagination and ingenuity, logic, replenishes lexicon. After all, everyone has their own associations! For example, I have a rainbow associated with the word “stripe”, and a child has a cat! What about you?

3. "Guess the sound"

Another variant of a more or less calm, moderately noisy game. How more people plays, the more interesting! The principle is this: the host closes his eyes, and one of the participants laughs, or snores, or grunts ... The task of the host is to guess whose voice it is.

4. Laughing is prohibited! 😀

Very fun game! The essence is simple and ingenious: one participant tells all the funniest thing he can remember, while the others must refrain from laughing. Who smiled, giggled or laughed - hit, now it's his turn to tell!

5. Word game

Come on, it's time to rest! The old one will help you tune in to a calm mood. good game in words - well, who does not remember her! We name any word - a noun, the next player names a word that begins with the last letter of the named word, and so on, until the vocabulary is exhausted or someone names a word that ends with a soft sign.

We chose these games from a chic, rich selection of "70 fun games" found in the VK group for moms, and an equally chic book "We play all year round."

So there are many more the most interesting games for home! Subscribe to the news of the Children's Site and stay in touch!

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The game begins with the leader's words:
- Simon says, "Put your hands up!"
The leader raises his hands. The child must also repeat this movement. Further, any commands are given according to the same model, for example, touch your fingertips, sit down and stretch your arms forward, bend over, etc. However, from time to time the facilitator forgets to say the beginning of the phrase "Simon says" and then the child should not follow the command. The game develops attention and the ability to follow instructions. If the child cannot immediately catch the phrase, start simply with a set of commands. Let your child try to be the leader as well.


Cut out two circles from cardboard and fasten them on a stick (a juice tube, a sushi stick, etc.) We play like this: we stand on a red light, on a green one we move towards the goal. Task: to pass the specified distance without making a mistake. The game not only develops attention, but, no less important, helps to learn the rule of crossing the road.


Draw any icons on a white piece of paper and ask your child to stick them with stickers. Develops fine motor skills, perseverance, attention. Depending on the theme of the stickers, the task can be played in different ways: feed the fish, plant flowers, etc.


Make cards with paired images. Put several pairs of pictures face down (it's better to start with 4-6 cards). The child opens any picture he likes, looks and remembers what is drawn on it, and looks for exactly the same picture. Only 2 cards can be opened at the same time, and if it is a pair, the cards remain open. In case of failure, both open cards are turned over and the pair must be searched again. The game develops visual memory.


A game to practice long breathing. For the formation of the correct and beautiful speech It is very important to develop long breathing in a child. To do this, you can inflate bubble, blow on candles, try to keep pieces in the air paper napkins and finally come up with a game with cotton balls. For example, passing through a maze.


Tennis with balloon. Game for the development of coordination of movement. For rackets use plastic plates on sticks.


At the age of three, the child no longer only needs to know basic colors, but also be able to sort toys and other objects by color. It is good to use plastic bowls from IKEA and toys from kinder surprises for this game.


Ask your child to style the colander by sticking it through the holes fluffy wire. Good game for the development of fine motor skills.


A game for the development of hearing, the ability to improvise with rhythm and just for Have a good mood. We build a home drum kit from improvised materials. We arm ourselves with drumsticks - cardboard tubes from food film or foil - and we make fun noise. Draw your child's attention to what sounds are being played. miscellaneous items, how the same object can produce several sounds depending on the place of impact. Try tapping familiar tunes.


Winter lesson for a child on the development of observation. Tell us about the animals winter forest and demonstrate on toys that different animals have different traces. Make a path from the tracks of some animal and ask the child to guess who ran. See below for instructions on how to prepare the "winter" dough.
For test:
Flour - 2.5 cups
Salt - 0.5 cups
Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
Soda - 1 tbsp
Boiling water - 2 cups
Mix the ingredients and let the dough cool down a bit. If the dough sticks to your hands, add more oil. If it's too oily, add flour. But be careful, if you overdo it with flour, the dough will harden quickly.


Take any small handbags, pockets, jars, boxes. Hide a small toy or any other “treasure” in them and ask your child to look for it. Thus, we train fine motor skills and learn everyday skills to “open” and “close” different gizmos. Next time, ask your child, on the contrary, to hide the treasure.


We make three holes in the lid of the shoe box (one above the other). We glue the lid to the base of the box vertically, take a large pack of felt-tip pens, divide them equally, sit down on different sides our "mail" and start playing. First player:
- Send me, please, a red felt-tip pen through the top window.
- Send me, please, a purple felt-tip pen through the middle window.
And so on. Task: to learn the concepts of "upper", "lower", "middle", as well as shades of basic colors.


A fun game on the topic "Who eats what?" Take pictures of animals or figurines. Arrange carrots, apples, nuts, banana, seeds in bowls, you can also pour milk in a saucer. Ask the child to arrange the animals correctly. Well, then, look at everyone for a visit))


Throw away the shoes of your family members. Set out boxes or plastic baskets (according to the number of people) and have the child bring, for example, dad's sneakers. Then tell me which basket you want to put it in. Then ask him to find a mate for him. In this game, we teach the child: firstly, to pay attention to the details (daddy's shoe is big, mother's is smaller, mother's shoe with a heel), secondly, to find a pair, thirdly, to hear the instructions and follow them clearly, fourthly, put things in their place.


Play while walking.

Do you know how to turn a walk with a child into exciting game? So, so that the road to the garden, school, shop is fun, let's be spies. Start the game like this:

You: I see something of blue color what you can't see!

Child: Machine.

Child: Urn.

Child: Signboard.

We switch roles: now the child is spying. You can describe the hidden object not only with the help of color, but with any other adjective - round, prickly, glassy, ​​etc. The game perfectly develops observation and vocabulary!


At the age of three, children already love and can reproduce scenarios of their favorite fairy tales. The heroes of fairy tales can be ready-made toys from the baby's arsenal or made with mother's help, drawn, cut out, painted.


Development game tactile sensations for babies. Take the package balloons of the same color and use a funnel to fill them with a wide variety of contents. Rice, flour, sugar, small pasta, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, lentils and any other cereal are perfect. Do this with your child, he will like to help you in such a responsible matter. In addition, he will probably be able to remember some new words.
So, make 2 balls with each type of filler and start the game. First, ask the child to find 2 balloons with the same content by touch, and then try together to determine what is inside.


Creative fantasies in the kitchen. Kids love creativity and kids love sweets. Well, "sweet creativity" is a doubly joy!

You will need: white chocolate, bread sticks or straws, gelatins, dragees, confectionery sprinkles. Melt the chocolate and lay out your picture with candies. We cool the finished masterpiece for 10 minutes in the freezer. And then at will - put in a prominent place, give close person or eat together with the whole family :)

Upbringing active child This is the joy and, at the same time, the grief of parents. How to direct all this energy in a peaceful direction? Especially now, when good weather is far away and you have to spend most of the day at home? Do not despair! Galka-Igrochka offers you 20 ideas fun activities and outdoor games at home for children from 1 year and older. They will help the kid throw out energy and have a great time with the whole family!

1. Children's room design

Turn on your imagination and get the whole family involved in redecorating the interior of the children's room. Make your design project, freshen up some part of the room, like bedding, or build fun furniture. And the kids will be in business, and the room will be updated.

2. Elephant run

Take empty cans and make these elephant legs-walkers. If you have several at once active children, you can organize a slow elephant cross around the apartment. Just don’t arrange a speed competition (remember safety!) It’s better to invite the kids to depict how elephants walk, and you can show ears and trunk with your hands. The most similar "elephant" becomes the winner.

3. Party of painted stones

Many kids love to collect pebbles and carefully store their jewelry. But now your valuable collection will no longer gather dust idle! Color each stone, make an exhibition and invite loved ones to the opening.

4. Dolls from paper bags

5. Mega doll

Your baby loves to play with paper dolls, endlessly dressing them in cut-out skirts and blouses? Move on to more (in every sense of the word :))! Make a paper doll the size of a child! You can attach a photo of your child in place of the face. He will certainly enjoy dressing up his life-size copy.

6. Hide and Seek

7. Foam party

Fill the sink with suds and quietly watch your child's enthusiastic reaction. Or even better - give him some plastic cups, spoons, cups so that he can play with bubbles. The kid will be delighted!

8. Masterpieces in the bathroom

Fun to make, fun to play and easy to clean up! You only need rubbed soap with water or shaving cream and food colorings. Such paint will allow your young Picasso to create his masterpieces right in the bathroom without endangering the surrounding objects. And cupcake molds will serve as just the perfect palette.

9. Disco!

Dancing is one of the favorite activities of active children. This is a great way to cheer up, learn to feel the rhythm, express yourself! Put your baby's favorite melodies - and go!

10. Hiking... without leaving home

Set up a tent in the center of a room (or even two) and play camping right at home. Do not forget to grab canned food (if you have made a halt not in the kitchen), fishing rods and other camping paraphernalia. Just don't light the fire :)

11. Declutter

Sort out old toys that your child no longer plays with and invite your toddler to give them to someone who needs them more. For example, to a charitable organization or less wealthy acquaintances. You will put things in order in the nursery, and the child will receive an excellent lesson in kindness.

12. Tape Roads

No store-bought parking lot or track compares to a homemade map of an entire city! Use several types of decorative adhesive tape to recreate houses, streets, interchanges and parking lots on the floor. This is a wonderful outdoor game not only for children, but also for parents: while the young racer conquers the city roads, you can enjoy a couple of hours of peace.

13. Modeling from dough

Making your own dough for modeling is very simple. The Internet is full of recipes. One of them can find in group Jackdaws-Players in Vkontakte (by the way, there are a lot of other interesting ideas). All the main ingredients can be found in any kitchen, and the time will take a maximum of 10 minutes. It turns out a pleasant, very pliable mass. And you can not be afraid that the baby suddenly decides to try his work by heart.

14. Garden on the windowsill

Many kids love to mess with the watering can and water something. If your child is one of them, try making a special garden for him on the windowsill. You will need a colorized different colors rice, sandbox, artificial flowers and a tool kit for the little gardener. A few games - and by the summer season you will have a professional assistant.

15. Home swim

Who said you can't swim without a pool in winter? Put on glasses, swimsuits for the children and let them splash around in the bath. This is not just a fun activity: an enjoyable side effect will become an incredibly clean child.