Costumes for a pirate party. Pirate party costumes

At one time, the seas and oceans of our planet were plied by many pirate ships. The names of their captains, in connection with certain events, are recorded in the annals of history. different states. Blackbeard and One-Legged Joe, Simon Dancer and Balthazar Kossa. In our time, the most popular pirates (thanks to the excellent adaptation of Gore Verbinski and the acting of Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley) are Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Captain Barbosa and even the beautiful Elizabeth Swann.

Agree, there are plenty to choose from! Recently, a list with photos of the most famous pirates of past centuries was generally published. It included 100 of the most extraordinary corsairs and filibusters who plied the seas under black sails from ancient times to the present day. Look for a role model close to you personally! And I will try to describe for you the maximum options costumes in detail!



Costume and image of Jack Sparrow

The charismatic on-screen captain of the Black Pearl was distinguished by an unusual costume. The modest colors (brown, blue, gray) of the main dress (trousers, waistcoat, shirt) were complemented by many small details (beads, rings, a baldric for weapons, a compass and a belt).

When assembling a costume at home, you should take care to find white shirt with loose sleeve natural fabric(cotton or linen), long vest with buttons, classic pants and, of course, the famous pirate cocked hat. As for the camisole - you can miss it in the Sparrow costume, replacing it with a wide bright belt over the vest. And further. Don't forget high boots and a saber for Jack!

In order for the image of Jack Sparrow (in your performance) to be recognizable, you need to take care of the appropriate makeup, hairstyle and beard. Movie hero Johnny Depp wore long black hair (decorated with baubles), a mustache and a funny beard woven into two thin pigtails. Jack had hoop earrings in his ears, and a red bandana on his head (under a cocked hat). Feature- highlighted with a bright black pencil (in those days - soot) eyes. Don't forget to recreate these details, and feel free to proclaim, "I'm Jack Sparrow! Capt. Jack Sparrow! At your service ma'am..."

Will Turner costume

No less brave, noble and worthy female love the master of weapons, the son of a once famous pirate and the pirate himself later - Will Turner - also deserves to become a role model.

His costume almost does not differ (in fundamental details) from Jack's costume. The same linen shirt with a free-cut sleeve (though cherry-colored), leather Vest, narrow dark pants, wide belt And Wellingtons. It's just that Bloom's character looks more well-groomed: a short beard, a neatly trimmed mustache, a perfectly fitting suit. Keep this feature in mind when you are going to be reincarnated as Turner for a pirate holiday!

Captain Blackbeard Outfit

This brave conqueror of the Far Shores, who chose black with a Jolly Roger smile for his flag, is also a worthy image for reincarnation in honor of your holiday. Strong, cruel, principled, following pirate laws, the sea wolf - Captain Blackbeard - is exactly what strong-willed men need!

The peculiarity of Blackbeard's costume is the predominance of black. Black, long raincoat, black trousers and boots, black cocked hat. You can even pick up a black shirt (however, you can not linen, but silk, it will be more beautiful).

And, of course, the beard. Take care of a luxurious black beard for the captain. After all, this is its most important distinguishing feature!

Davy Jones costume (captain of the Flying Dutchman)

Serious and even a little scary image from "Pirates". Captain Jones was cursed in the film, which is probably why he looked so stunning.

As for his costume, the main hallmark This infamous bloody pirate has a face resembling the tentacles of an octopus. You are unlikely to be able to do something like this on your own, therefore - look for a mask in specialized stores that deal in theatrical props and fancy dress. Everything else at Jones (trousers, vest) is made of thin black leather, the shirt is linen or knitwear.

An interesting feature of the costume is the fishing net. Make it a cape for your captain and you will look very stylish at the party!

However, making such costumes will be easier than ever!

Sea corsair costume

A simple, and at the same time, very masculine image that can be created quickly from improvised modern materials. Main details: black trousers (even worn dark jeans fit well into the image), high boots with lacing, a black long shirt with ties on the chest and a wide leather belt, a black bandana (you can make it both from a square of black, red plain fabric, and from a fabric decorated with pirate stripes and skulls).

A feature of the sea corsair costume is wide leather armlets that are worn over the sleeves of the shirt and pistols.

All these costumes will help you look special, unique and very "pirate" at the holiday. But what to do if the invitation to the party fell into your hands too late, or - did you somehow (until the very last moment) take into account the issue of the dress code? The main thing is not to get upset! After all, you can make a pirate costume on hastily from improvised means!

Quick Pirate Costume

To create a costume you will need: half an hour of time, a pair of dark, old faded jeans, a striped t-shirt (under the vest), a medium-sized bright scarf, black cardboard, fishing elastic, a bandana and a parrot toy.

Have you collected everything? And now - we begin to create a pirate image!

Take old jeans and make holes in your knees, legs, and other places. Paint them with black paint (you can even draw skulls and bones, whatever your artistic talent is enough for has the right to be on your jeans).

An old stretched striped T-shirt will get new life in the form of a pirate costume! Take scissors and make a fringe along the edges of the T-shirt, cutting the bottom into strips approximately equal in width. Tie some of the strips with knots (through one to get a semblance of a grid).

Make a black eye patch out of cardboard and fishing gum. Decorate it with a skull and bones.

Draw a mustache and beard on the face with a black felt-tip pen. With the help of black cosmetic pencil depict large shadows around the eyes. You can also (if you like your own art) go further by drawing a scar or blood with a red marker.

Put on the whole suit and tie a scarf - a belt around the waist. Tie a bandana, red or black, over your head.

Attach with safety pin to the shoulder of a toy parrot.

Turn around in the mirror: are you satisfied with yourself? Then hurry up to the party! The time before the departure of the Black Pearl is inexorably running out!


In principle, according to pirate laws, women on board the ship had nothing to do. The sea wolves believed that this was, unfortunately, a pestilence of sailors and, in general, the wreck of the ship itself. But in "Pirates of the Caribbean" on board was charming woman- Elizabeth Swann (remember, big love first Turner, and then Sparrow himself?). A mysterious lady with hot blood and a thirst for adventure... You already want to transform into her image and feel the admiring glances of the two most desired men your holiday - Sparrow and Turner? No problem! The costume of Elizabeth and other no less outrageous characters is already ready for you!

The main details of the costume are a blouse (in the style of the medieval Renaissance), a wide skirt, a corset and a hat.

In the Middle Ages blouses usually sewn long, free cut, from white cotton, with wavy sleeves. Such a blouse was tied at the neck with a lace, which was very convenient (after all, with the help of such a tie, one could both quickly give oneself the appearance of puritanical innocence and coquettishly expose a shoulder). Although now (remember, after all, that we are only imitating that era, we are playing it!) A girl who wants to reincarnate as Miss Elizabeth can wear both a silk and lace white blouse with loose sleeves interesting cut.

Corset, beautifully emphasizing the waist and chest, was required attribute dress of a girl from the time of the Caribbean Pirates. But remember, such corsets were tightly tightened whalebone, and it was extremely difficult for the girls to breathe in them. In our time, we think, you should not go to extremes, and succumb to such cruel inconveniences. You can simply imitate a real corset by tying it under the chest with a bright ribbon.

Skirts girls in those days wore long, lush and, mostly, free cut. We advise you to choose a dark, solid color for the skirt: black, maroon, brown, rich green. Any material can be taken: from wool to cotton. But hemlines made of velor and velvet will look best (these fabrics correspond to the era as much as possible).

Elizabeth Swann costume accessories

Large hat with veil, or a small, felt cocked hat (decoration for hair) - it's up to you. But the hat is an essential part of Elizabeth Swann's costume, don't ignore it. It is this headdress that will give the costume femininity and charm!

The medallion is a pirate coin. Remember how the ghost ship appeared in the first episode of Pirates? He was called by a mysterious medallion that hung around Elizabeth's neck. When recreating this young lady's costume, don't forget to emphasize your own sweet neck with such an original decoration!

Ship captain lady costume

Do you remember the girl - the "beauty", from whom Jack Sparrow once took away the ship, and then took him to his team on the "Pearl"? So, God himself ordered you to manage the ship! Only for this you need to choose the appropriate costume for the role!

The captain's outfit for girls consists of a long skirt with jagged edges, or dark leggings tucked into high black boots, a white blouse, a corset (or a brocade jacket with copper buttons over a blouse with a lace jabot).

Suit of the port girl "ship maid"

Yes, there were some! Officially, their duty was to clean the captain's cabin when the ship entered the port city. Of course, the "maids" were engaged not only in cleaning ... Do you want to try on this ambiguous image? Try to make a stylized outfit!

The main details of the costume: a blouse with a frank, plunging neckline and long puffed sleeves, bodice in a contrasting color to the blouse, short fluffy skirt(or - long with a high slit on the side). Plus, a hat and a pair of high boots complete your glamorous look!

Costume Tia Dalma (fortune tellers)

Tia Dalma is another charismatic and controversial character in Pirates. She predicts fate, helps answer questions hidden deep in her soul, prepares potions and potions (including love spells).

Her costume is simple and not too revealing. It consists of a sundress middle length with a deep cut on the chest, blouses, belts and bandanas.

In addition to the costumes, a few more words must be said about the weapons of the pirates. After all, all historians are unanimous in their opinion: corsairs, filibusters, pirates have been armed to the teeth in all ages. So - pirate props!


Getting ready for the party pirate style needed in without fail take care of edged weapons: swords, sabers, swords, knives and daggers for your guests. Because entertainment suggests a real pirate battle, the guests should have something to “fight”. It is natural that not all of them, dressing up for you at a party, will remember such a mandatory attribute as a weapon.

I advise you to buy a plastic "cold weapon" (the easiest way is in a toy store) or use rubber inflatable swords at all.

As for firearms- pistols and cannons - you can take fake models and the same toy plastic.

Ruthless adventurers, brave and free, pirates have always been and remain the favorite heroes of children's games and fairy tales. But why shouldn't adults plunge into the world of dashing sea robbers by organizing a pirate-style party? In this article, we will tell you what you need for a successful holiday, and also talk about what to wear to a pirate party.

Pirate themed party

For a pirate-style party, in addition to costumes, a characteristic entourage is useful - flags with the image of a skull and crossbones, treasure chests or at least caskets filled with jewelry, piastres, fishing nets and rum. All this can be bought, or you can make your own.

As an entertainment, offer guests a treasure hunt quest. First draw an “old map”, write hint notes, each of which will indicate the path to the next one, think over intermediate prizes and tasks for each round. Prepare also a place for dice and cards. Men can arrange an arm wrestling competition.

Pirate Party - Costumes

For pirate party any outfit suitable for ship work will do. The captain of the ship must be in trousers, a vest and a white shirt, sailors can be in clothes of any color and style - from shirts and camisoles to. Male sailors can even be bare-chested.

Girls can be both in trousers and in a skirt. It is better to take skirts short or long in the back and opening the legs in front. Emphasize the waist with a corset.

If you want to pick up a dress for a pirate party, pay attention to models with slits or skirts that open the legs. This outfit fit for the image of a pirate's girlfriend, who is waiting for her lover on land. The costume for such an image should be bold, even defiant, because such girls, like pirates, did not recognize the laws of society and lived for their own pleasure.

Sailor girls are often used at a pirate party men's clothing: vests, camisoles.

When creating an image of a pirate, do not forget about makeup - the skin should be tanned, the hair should look disheveled. Large earrings (only in one ear) are also welcome. It is better to bring the eyes with a black pencil-kajal or eyeliner. Experienced sea wolves can wear a bandage over one eye - plain black or with a pattern.

The most popular outfit at a pirate party will be colored bandanas and cocked hats.

Of course, to complete the image, you will need weapons - sabers, swords, daggers or pistols, because a real pirate robber never parted with a weapon.

A pirate costume can be sewn or made from what is available. For this you need:

  • vest or T-shirt with horizontal stripes;
  • shorts or jeans;
  • red or black fabric.
With the first two items of clothing, everything is clear, and the fabric of the third is needed in order to sew a bandana. This headpiece is very easy to make. Lay the fabric at an angle to you, measure 2 identical segments from it, cut out the resulting triangle. Tuck the edges, delay. Tie a bandana around your head.

If you wish, cut from a piece of black leather or thick fabric eye patch. Then the pirate costume will be very authentic, and you can make one in just 30-40 minutes.

If this is a pirate party for adults, then you can modify women's suits. A little work with scissors, and that's what you get.

But first, stockpile an unwanted T-shirt or white and blue striped dress. Pirate day will be great if everyone is dressed appropriately. If you want your outfit to be the best, then you don't have to redo it. old thing rather sew a dress for the party.

For this you will need:
  • white fabric with blue or black stripes;
  • thin leather or black satin;
  • red fabric;
  • red satin ribbon;
  • 2 strong straight tubes for a cocktail;
  • metal loops;
  • thin rubber.
If you don't have striped fabric, sew blue or black ribbon onto the white, laying it horizontally.

To sew a pirate costume, or rather, a charming pirate woman, we first start measuring and cutting the bodice.

  1. With help measuring tape determine the volume of the body above and below the chest.
  2. Multiply each of the obtained values ​​​​by 1.5. This is necessary in order to pick up the bodice.
  3. If you are sewing a dress with sleeves, then determine the girth of the upper arm and also multiply this figure by 1.5.
  4. Stitch the bodice so that the seam is on the back. Draw an armhole on this part, cut it out.
  5. Sew the sleeves, attach them to the bodice, stitch them from below to its axillary parts (armhole).
  6. Hem the top of the bodice. Stepping back from here down 2 cm, sew the elastic from the inside out parallel to the top with a zigzag seam, stretching it. The elastic goes along the neckline - through the bodice and top of the sleeves. At the top you have a beautiful ruffle.
  7. Also trim the bottom of the sleeves with an elastic band.
If you have a corset, then the pirate costume for the lady will include it, if not, then cut a strip of 10 cm wide from the leather. This is the central part of the vest. Sidewalls need to be attached to it. In height, they should be 1.5 times greater than the desired height of the products. This is necessary in order to pick up the corset, as shown in the photo. In width, make this part with a small margin to tuck it on the right and left, stitch and insert a straw here.

Insert a small strip of leather into each metal ring. When stitching the sidewalls to the central part, immediately insert both ends of these strips of leather here. Pass the ribbon through the metal rings to then lace up the corset.

The skirt is sun flared, stitched to the bottom of the corset. If you want to sew a petticoat, use for it transparent fabric. Don't forget about pirate accessories for ladies: bracelets, earrings, a skull bandana.

If you have a corset, high boots, over the knee boots, then the pirate party outfit will be ready right away. Under the corset, put on a jacket with puffy sleeves, a cocked hat can be replaced with a scarf. tight pants, bright makeup complement the image of an insidious pirate.

We make outfits for children in a pirate style

Not just for a party theme day birth, such an outfit will come in handy. You can dress a child in a pirate costume for a matinee in a children's institution, on Halloween.

For the younger generation, you can also take a vest as a basis. In this case, the pirate costume is created very quickly.

This one consists of:
  • vests;
  • belt;
  • jeans;
  • striped golf;
  • bandanas.
You can buy a scarf with the image of a skull for a party or, if you have one at home, then take it, as well as a souvenir saber.

And here is another version of a pirate costume for boys.

  1. Modify a white shirt by sewing a frill collar and ruffles on the sleeves.
  2. To create pants, trousers that have become short for the child are suitable. Trim the bottom a little more, twist it 2 times, stitch, insert the elastic.
  3. You need to gird your pants with a red sash. It will be completely replaced by a scarf of this color.
  4. Striped leggings will help out a lot. If they are not, then it will not be difficult to buy. Moreover, all other things are converted from the old ones.
  5. To pirate costumes for parties were as authentic as possible, complement them with a cocked hat, cardboard spyglass. These attributes of the outfit will be discussed below.
In the meantime, look at what you can dress your child in if you are invited to a pirate birthday party.

Trim the sleeves of an old white turtleneck with a zigzag stitch. Do the same with the bottom of your trousers. From their pirate-themed fabrics, cut out a triangle for a bandana. Sew a sleeveless jacket from it, and a bag from the remnants of the linen. You can put personal belongings of a child or a gift for a birthday person in it.

Of course, girls will also be invited to the pirate birthday party. For them, you can complain about making such an outfit.

  1. To sew a dress without a pattern or, in this case, jacket and skirt, put on a t-shirt folded across the fabric, which is just right for a child, but not tight. If there is none, use a girl's blouse instead of such a pattern. If it has sleeves, fold them inward like a collar.
  2. Outline the sidewall, neck, armhole on the fabric. Cut out, adding 7 mm to the seams. Make sure the neckline is deep enough. Make it V-shaped, then it will be convenient for the girl to take off and put on the outfit.
  3. Stitch the jacket on the sides, process the neckline.
  4. Sew a white openwork braid onto the armholes, gathering it up so that the sleeves are puffy.
  5. For a skirt, you need a rectangle of fabric cut out with a margin, stitch it on the side, gather it on top with an elastic band.

How to make a hat, beautifully tie a scarf to a pirate?

To make the pirates look like real ones, do not forget to make the following costume attributes, these are:

  • hat;
  • headscarf for girls;
  • eye patch;
  • saber made of cardboard;
  • Spyglass.
You can also make a chest from cardboard box and fill it with gold coins that you can make yourself or buy in a gift shop. Here you put the beads from faux pearls, various women's jewelry.

To tie a scarf, first fold it diagonally. Attach to the head, bring 2 opposite corners back, tie a knot from them over the third. Then tie another one or two, and hook the ends of the scarf under them and pull them up.

Complements the costume with a pirate hat. It is easy to make from cardboard or thick paper. Here's what you need to have on hand for this:
  • white cardboard;
  • black velvet paper;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Then follow this plan:
  1. Enlarge the presented template, transfer it to cardboard, cut it out. Attach the template to the black velvet paper, outline, cut out 2 identical blanks.
  2. Measure the rounded part of the hat, multiply the resulting figure by 2. Cut a strip of white paper of this length. Its width is 3.5 cm. Fold the strip with an "accordion", but at the same time two paired folds go towards each other.
  3. Coat the bottom of each strip with glue and attach to the top of the hat.
  4. Draw a skull and bones on white paper, cut it out. Glue this pirate symbol on the front of the headdress.
  5. Glue 2 blanks of the cap together, leaving its bottom free. Through it, they put on a hat for a pirate party.

And here's how to quickly make a hat for a girl. For it are used:

  • cardboard;
  • black paper;
  • insulating tape;
  • long pencil or wooden stick;
  • White paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

The manufacturing instructions are as follows:
  1. On a sheet of cardboard, draw a pirate headdress with a rounded top and pointed brim. Cut out exactly the same blank from black paper. Stick it on cardboard.
  2. Cut out the bones and skull drawn on a white sheet, glue it to the center of the headdress.
  3. Using two strips of electrical tape, attach a wooden stick or pencil to the wrong side of the workpiece.
The pirate hat is ready. If you want to sew it, it's also not difficult. Only the fabric should be dense, you can take felt.

In order to get a solid and beautiful pirate hat, take:
  • black felt;
  • white cloth;
  • scissors;
  • black and white threads;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • graph paper or a regular school notebook in a box and a ruler.
If you are using a notebook, unfold a large sheet, glue another one to it. With a pen or pencil, draw horizontal and vertical lines at a distance of 10 squares from each other. They will help draw the details of the pirate hat. This:
  • fields;
  • crown.

As you can see, the bottom diameter is 18 cm. The dimensions of the other two parts are also given. Cut them out and attach to the fabric. Please note that the bottom is 1 piece, the crown is 2 with a fold, and for the fields you need 4 pieces with a fold.
  1. Stitch both ends of the crown. You will get the detail oval shape. Fold up upper edge crowns with a bottom, stitch these details on the wrong side.
  2. Sew both sides of the margins to give each of these blanks a closed shape.
  3. Skolite bottom edge crowns with fields, while the crown will be between two fields. Sew.
  4. Turn the pirate hat inside out, trim its brim with white braid or trim cut from fabric.
  5. Glue the pirate emblem cut out of a light canvas.
You can decorate the headdress in a different way. Sew ribbons, braids woven from threads, braid to the bottom of the cocked hat, then you will get a pirate hat, almost like the famous Jack Sparrow.

Spyglass, cardboard hook, over the knee boots for a pirate party

These are also integral attributes of a pirate costume. If you have bushings from toilet paper, don't throw it away. This cardboard packaging will excellent material for creativity.

To make a spyglass, you will need:
  • 3 toilet paper rolls;
  • roller for removing pellets from clothes;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
If you have artificial leather, then you can make a spyglass out of it - you will need pieces of red and black.

If available faux leather, cut out two rectangles from the red one. First big size 10x9 cm, the second is slightly smaller - 8x9 cm. Also made of black leather - 8x9 cm. Fold each rectangle into a tube, glue the edges.

For a small black and red tube, you need to cut out another small rectangle to roll each into a small tube, put it down each of these blanks, gluing it.

Now glue the rounded inserts with glue, put the first small one, which differs in color, into the large tube. Then to the second and third. Glue the leather over the roller left over from the hand tool designed to remove pellets from clothes. Insert the end of the three-piece tube into it, gluing it.

If there is no artificial leather, you can make a spyglass for a pirate party using cardboard sleeves. Cover them with colored paper. Cut out small inserts from cardboard, roll them up, glue the edges. Also put small tubes in large ones. Assemble the pipe in the manner just described.

Instead of bushings and a roller, you can use a sheet of cardboard. You need to cut it into 4 rectangular sections, roll each into a tube, put one into one, attaching the elements to each other with glue.

Thick paper will help to make another attribute of a pirate party - a hook. For it were used:

  • an empty cardboard cup;
  • foil;
  • wire;
  • black or red marker;
  • scissors.
Color the cup black or red with a marker. Put a piece of wire on a piece of foil, wrap it in it, leaving a small piece on the edge. It is needed in order to pierce the glass from the inside and wrap the wire here in the form of a loop to secure it in the container.

Bend the opposite end of the wire into a question mark. This is how cardboard packaging turned into an attribute of a formidable pirate.

And if you want to know how from nondescript rubber boots make him over the knee boots, then read about it right now.

For them you will need:
  • black rubber boots;
  • red braid;
  • 6 large artificial pearls or the same number of buttons on the leg;
  • wide black elastic band;
  • 2 buckles;
  • piece of dense fabric (fleece, drape);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • twine;
  • thread with a needle.
Making shoes for a pirate party begins. First, glue the tape around the edge of the boots. For the lapels of the boots, cut out two rectangles, glue twine around their perimeter. Attach these elements to the boots, glue them, and fasten them on the outside with decorative buttons, sewing them on.

Measure the ankle of the boots, cut a wide elastic band of this length. Thread a buckle through it. Sew both ends of the elastic.

Pattern of a vest, vest, trousers of a pirate

If you want to sew a pirate costume for a teenager, a slender person of the 42nd Russian size, then use the presented patterns. If your figure is 1-2 sizes larger, then add 1-1.5 cm at the fold for each half of the shelf, back of the vest and shirt.

Do not rush to transfer the pattern to the fabric, first try it on yourself, see if the details are small? If yes, then add a little more from the sides.

As you can see, the vest pattern consists of two parts: the front and the back, which is cut out with a fold. And for the vest you need to cut out:
  • 1 folded back piece;
  • 2 sleeves;
  • 2 folded front pieces.
If you do not want to sew a vest, use a loose white shirt. Then the pirate costume with a vest, trousers, shirt will be like this.

Now you have a complete set - a pirate party costume and accessories for it. It's time to start the holiday, holding competitions in the theme, inviting guests to the table, decorated in an appropriate way.

How to decorate a table for a pirate party?

In order not to spend a lot of time and money on this, see how to quickly decorate the dining area so that it looks spectacular.

Draw a skull and bones on a sheet of white cardboard or whatman paper, cut it out. Using this template, you can create several more of these elements that you can arrange on plates. Fold the napkins into small bags and insert them with a thin edge into the opening for the mouth. Place a chest in the center of the table, you can put spices, toothpicks in it.

Canapes, sandwiches are also easy to arrange based on the theme of the evening. On light rectangles of cardboard, draw or stick a skull with bones. If you use dark cardboard, then stick this pirate paraphernalia cut out of white paper on it.

Pierce the decorated cardboard rectangles in two places with the sharp edges of wooden skewers. Put flags on top of them. To do this, you need to cut out triangular parts from cardboard, draw stripes on them, glue them to the top of each skewer in pairs.

And, of course, what's a pirate birthday party without cake? Experienced cooks will be able to make one. The hull of the ship is made of baked cakes layered with cream. Its sides, as well as figurines of pirates, small parts made from mastic.

But even novice housewives will be able to bake such a cake and include it in the menu of a pirate party.

For it you will need two biscuit cakes. Lubricate them with chocolate butter cream outside and on the sides, decorate with colored dragees, put in the refrigerator until solidified.

Now take out part of the pulp from one cake with a spoon. Do not throw it away, but mix with the remaining chocolate cream, shape into circles, wrap them in gold foil. Let it be the wealth of the pirates.

Put it in the bottom cake with the pulp taken out, and on top of the candy beads, chocolate medals that will become money. Put the second cake on top, connect both cakes on one side with cream.

Put the cake back in the fridge and it's ready to serve.

Now you know how to arrange a table, make costumes, attributes for happy holiday. See how to make a pirate party costume to look like Jack Sparrow.

And if you want to make a vest for a pirate costume from old t-shirt in 5 minutes, then check out the following story.

It is best to use postcards to invite guests. self made with relevant text. For example: “Old man (name), I have the honor to take you on board my ship (date) this year to search for a treasure, followed by a feast. Sea wolf, schooner captain (name)." You can attach a pirate map with the designation of the gathering place to the invitation. Be sure to remind the pirates and their girlfriends that you need to arrive at the event in themed costumes. Postcards can be issued in the form of a twisted card, in the form of a black mark, a coin.

Location sea ​​party should be decorated with appropriate attributes. You can decorate the room in the form of a ship with a mast, steering wheel, barrels of rum, swords, rope ladders, black flags and sails.

If a pirate party takes place at home, then the corresponding names can be hung on the doors of the apartment: latrine (toilet), galley (kitchen), cabin (bedroom), wardroom (living room), captain's bridge (balcony)

On the table during pirate holiday fish, tropical fruits should be present. Guests can be treated to the "tongue of a chatty pirate", "kraken's liver", "black cuttlefish shell".

The traditional drink of such an evening is rum, but light multi-colored fruit cocktails are also perfect. They can be given the appropriate names: "Tear out the eye", "One-legged pirate", "Chatty parrot".

For musical arrangement events will suit jazz, blues, rock and roll. To accompany contests and games, you can use pirate songs from the films "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Captain Blood's Odyssey", "Master and Commander: At the End of the Earth", "Treasure Island".

To entertain guests, you can come up with a special quiz, the questions of which will be directly related to the life of pirates, hold pirate competitions for accuracy, speed, dexterity and imagination, arrange a treasure hunt throughout the apartment and beyond.

So, you can invite the invitees to divide into teams and shoot the enemy with cannon shells rolled out of paper. So that the apartment does not turn into a real battlefield, it is advisable to throw them into a pot or bucket. The team with the most hits wins.

Guests can practice building pirate ship from improvised materials. To prepare for the competition, you should use colored paper, threads or ropes, sticks, stapler, adhesive tape, glue, felt-tip pens. The winner is determined by the secret distribution of black marks.

To reveal the most dexterous pirate, you can use a bottle and beads. At the same time, they should be lowered into the vessel with only one hand. When the bead falls, the operation starts over.

Clothing for a pirate party and the image of a charming pirate

To create a pirate look, you can take the path of least resistance and buy a matching costume or rent one. However, it is much more interesting to do it yourself.

For a charming pirate, a vest will be an obligatory attribute. It can be made a little old, tied with a waist belt, on which a sword and a flask of rum will be attached. Skinny tight leggings and boots high heels will make the image stylish and bold. On top of the vest, you can put on a pirate vest or jacket.

A vest and leggings can be replaced with a lush short dress and tights in a bright mesh, worn under high black over the knee boots.

Traveling by ship on the seas and oceans, you will need a headdress. It can be a pirate hat, a cocked hat, a red or black bandana.

Particular attention should be paid to pirate accessories, there should be quite a lot of them. Can be used for the image of a pirate the following types jewelry: - a large gilded earring in the ear, - a black eye patch, - a leather belt with chains, - a toy parrot attached to the shoulder, - large beads made of pebbles, leather and coins and other bright things.

The basis of the pirate image should be unpredictability and the combination of the incompatible. This should be manifested not only in clothes and accessories, but also in makeup. Cosmetics should be used in cold shades. Dark shadows, black mascara, eyeliner are suitable for the eyes. Lips can be painted with bright red lipstick. However, in order for the image to still remain cute, you should not overdo it with war paint, just make a couple of bright accents on your face.

Are you planning to make an exciting pirate party for your friends? We are ready to help you organize the most interesting and fun party pirate style!

Let's start with what should be fully consistent with the style. Of course, you can send just such a small card.

How about a real black mark? Quite in an adult way and fully corresponds to the crazy temper of the sea wolves!

And even pirate party invitation text it is better to compose in the spirit of known to all catchphrases Captain Flint.

« Sea Wolf ____ invites you, old man, to the schooner Barracuda. Not only real rum awaits you here, thunder strike me, but also a sea of ​​\u200b\u200badventure. If we don't find the hidden treasures, you thousand devils, then the evening will be wasted!»

Are you planning a large number of guests? It will be convenient to purchase or make your own such a simple but convenient set for a pirate-style party, consisting of invitation cards, seating cards, dish cards and gift bags.

Pirate party decor

Of course, a pirate party is a decoration, which means you need to stock up on all the necessary attributes for this. Flags, sabers and balloons, images of ships and famous pirates, treasures and bottles of rum - all this should help to recreate the unique atmosphere of the holiday.

If the holiday takes place on outdoors, disguise the table as a ship :).

For a small room, a small stylized banquet will be ideal.

If the party is planned in an apartment or house, then it is better to make a buffet option when guests can move freely around the room. For such purposes ideal solution for adult and children's holidays is the candy-bar.

Pirate Party: DIY Costumes

A pirate costume, as you know, is loot dressed on oneself. Here are the aiguillettes of the dead officers and the silk shirts of the captains of the captured ships. Therefore, in order to look like a real pirate, it is enough to remember the combined image of Jack Sparrow with his pendants, sashes and boots.

Of course, the perfect sea robber costume for a party should look like this.

To do this, you will need a silk or chiffon blouse or shirt, neckerchief any length and color, a scarf to imitate a sash, a red jacket and loose trousers.

Here, as you can see, they perfectly beat the vest and the usual piece of red fabric tied at the waist.

And you can save a lot and put on shorts and a T-shirt, because sometimes pirates don’t have enough money for beautiful clothes :).

Women will suit an openwork blouse and long skirt, bright accessories and lacing will make you a real conqueror of all seas and oceans :).

And as you can see, costumes for the smallest guests also do not make complex combinations. Shirts and vests, soft suede boots, cocked hats made of cardboard - and your baby is the best!

How about something like this simple suit? 🙂

Looking for original ideas for a kids party? We are sure that you will find everything interesting.

Those who are interested original contests and entertainment for a pirate party, can find them.