How to sign a book as a gift? Sample book signature. Gift inscription and wishes on the book as a gift

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The book has always been considered a good gift, especially if it is an interesting book, is given to a person who loves books, knows a lot about them.

Especially valuable as a gift, a colorful book for a child, this gift will bring a lot of impressions, perhaps it will become a favorite book and determine the interests of the child, as has happened more than once.

I have already written in success stories how books turned the minds of quite adult, accomplished people, radically changed their lives.

One of these stories, about my friend, mentor, a very good person, tells how one day, a book about "vision" changed his fate, and made him what he is now, successful, rich and happy.

So those who think that a book is not a gift are laughing in vain! The main thing is to choose the right book, and not just "just to give something."

It's ridiculous to give a cookbook to a football fan, or even to a woman who can't stand "cooking."

One of my friends does not like to cook at all, but her husband does an excellent job with this matter.

But, a properly selected book is half the battle, you need to know how to sign a book as a gift. That's what we'll talk about today.

How to sign a book as a gift signature sample

According to the rules of etiquette, only its author has the right to sign a book. Signing someone else's book is bad form.

You will say that a postcard can be lost, a book without a signature will become an ordinary book, it will soon be forgotten where it came from, who gave it.

Of course, you are right, so let's do the following: on a small drop of glue, glue a signed card with wishes. The book is clean, the reminder will not be lost.

You need to sign a wish neatly, evenly, beautifully. If your handwriting is not very good, ask someone from your friends or relatives to do it.

But, even with a "clumsy" underline, you can write good text from the heart. You can lightly line the sheet so that the lines do not jump on each other.

We approached the question of how to write a congratulation. Prepare a pen (or pen) with blue or black ink, make sure it writes easily, doesn't smear, doesn't run, but doesn't skip. In a word, to write "like clockwork."

How to sign a book as a gift, a sample for a gift to friends, girlfriends

First of all, let's look at how to sign books as a gift to friends, girlfriends. The text of congratulations should take into account the degree of closeness with the person to whom the book is given.

It is desirable to associate wishes with the subject of the book. The text should begin with the name of the person to whom the gift is given, in honor of which the present was made, at the end of the wishes, do not forget to indicate the date, put your signature.

By choosing this particular book, you somehow associated it with the person you decided to congratulate, try to express this relationship in words.


Dear (Beloved) Tatyana, I congratulate you on the International Women's Day March 8, I give you a collection of delicious oriental dishes, with the hope that you will invite me to their tasting.

Your friend Ilya, (date and signature).

Write from the heart what you want to wish a person, so that the words come from the heart. You can write a congratulation in verse, borrow aphorisms of famous people.

Show originality, you can season it with a little humor, but without sarcasm and banter. Good book as a gift - nice, but when attached to the book original signature- doubly nice!

Your signature shows that this gift is from the heart that you gave Special attention, diligence. If it is difficult for you to find words, you are not sure how the congratulations will be perceived, then you can get by with indicating to whom, from whom, in honor of what, the date.

Or you can write a short letter containing parting words, wishes, instructions, just something that will be read with interest now, or in many years.

Such a message will return at the moment when the gift was made. Your grandchildren will read it with interest when the book falls into their hands.

Expressions not desirable in book captions

There are expressions that it is advisable not to write when making a gift. Many are too banal and beaten, others have a "double meaning".

The expression "on long memory» is more appropriate as a tombstone than for congratulations. And the "originality" of this "text" will not cause delight.

The expression "from the whole team, and from me personally" speaks of the excessive "modesty" of the donor. Leave the first part of the message, and give a separate gift from yourself.

Don't hint at age physical handicaps and other features. For example, “my sweet bun (dumpling, donut, pie, and so on)”, “beloved nerd”, “despite the fact that you are already over ..., you are still dear to me” and other “pearls”.

If the book is given in honor of a holiday that is not related to professional activities, then you should not sign " the best teacher(driver, plumber, gynecologist).

Giving a book to your dear woman, you do not need to list her status as "beloved wife, cook, mother." If you finish the message with the words "from the husband and children", then you get a complete epitaph for the monument.

Congratulations for the boss

Congratulations for the boss should be written in observance of subordination. You need to address you, avoid familiarity, excessive flattery. The expression, "For the beloved boss" sounds ambiguous, replace the word "beloved" with "respected", (fair, best, and so on).

Congratulations for children

When signing a book for children, express the hope that thanks to the gift, he will learn a lot of interesting things, discover new horizons for himself.

Baby better pick poetic congratulations, because in general, children like poetry more than prose.

I think you have figured out how to sign a book as a gift, and you can do this task without difficulty. Now take a few minutes to read the following articles:

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Here are examples of ready-made texts for a dedicatory inscription on a book. Most texts include wishes, they are quite universal and can be addressed to both a man and a woman, as well as a colleague, girlfriend (friend), boss, etc. All names are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

If you want to add even more wishes to the text, you can select them from.

  1. With love and faith in you, your abilities, your talents and your bright mind.
  2. Dear Sidor Sidorovich Sidorov, in memory of the joint project to strengthen social ties between representatives various groups. Best wishes.
  3. To a person with capital letter, dear friend and associate Kharitonov Khariton Kharitonovich. With wishes of longevity, success and happiness.
  4. To the precious Alla Semyonovna from Irina and her family, as a token of great respect and friendship.
  5. From the creative team, accept this wonderful chronicle about the history of the Volga region as a gift. And let it inspire you to new noble deeds, inspire confidence in your strengths, because the land with such a history really deserves a wonderful future.
  6. WITH sincere wishes personal growth, development and new victories.
  7. To the esteemed chief from the staff of the 3rd department with sincere gratitude for optimism, determination, humanity and high ethical principles.
  8. This book is a sign of my admiration for your attitude to life, work and the world around you ... Always remain the same thinking, sincere and inquisitive. And let your deeds speak better than you about your virtues.
  9. May you always have the determination to change your life. With love, your friends.
  10. Don't count the years you've lived, it's better to re-read this book... and just go forward without looking back.
  11. This book will make your evenings even more comfortable, and your inner world- even deeper.
  12. I want your path to success to be easy and therefore I present this book. It will help clarify some things that will help you realize your dream.
  13. Let all the doors you need always open before you, just as this book opens - easily and on demand.
  14. Let this book help you find your place in the sun and take it forever.
  15. This gift is a sign that I always remember the day you were born and consider this day to be my personal, great holiday.
  16. Dear Petr Petrovich! I admire your erudition and fantastic diligence. Sincerely and good wishes, Maria Ivanovna Sidorenkova.
  17. For outstanding academic achievement and exemplary behavior. May all your dreams come true. With love, mom.
  18. In good memory of happy days spent together, in which there was time for everything.
  19. Please accept my sincere admiration for your culinary skills and this book so that your talents develop further.
  20. Accept this gift to your magnificent brain so that it will always have food.
  21. Dear Ivan Ivanovich, with gratitude for your constant support.
  22. Alyonochka, with gratitude for the beauty, warmth and joy of communication.
  23. Svetlanochka! This book is a gift from someone who loves you. I sincerely hope that you will like it and help you realize your dreams. I put my soul and love into this gift... Accept them, don't refuse. Live happily. Your faithful friend.
  24. May your life be like this wonderful fairy tale. Loving you mom and dad.
  25. Dear Vika! We wish that the wizards that you will meet on the pages of this book will teach you how to work miracles. With love, mom and dad.
  26. Thanks for the friendship and interesting communication. Everything will work out!
  27. Son Nikita from his father, in memory of Kamchatka.
  28. A cheeky, independent and stunning friend who became my sister. With the most warm regards happiness.
  29. To the best friend, inspirer and mentor with gratitude to fate for our meeting.
  30. So that in your life there will never be a burden heavier than this book.
  31. To a unique person, with gratitude for the good done, which I will never forget.
  32. I want your clear mind, broad learning and unerring taste to be the judge of this book.
  33. The generosity of spirit shown by you has given me great support. This gift is a small part of my gratitude to you.
  34. “Let the thoughts contained in the book be your capital, and let the thoughts that arise in you after reading be a percentage of it” (quote: Thomas Aquinas).
  35. I give you this book because I want your mind food to be not only delicious, but also healthy.
  36. The book in front of your eyes is a guarantee that the brain will not dry out and grow old. I wish you eternal health and longevity to your sharp mind.
  37. Perhaps this book will become for you that shoulder that will help you realize yourself in the profession.
  38. My dear friend! Thank you for the long memory of spiritual beauty and kindness.
  39. Accept the gift of this source of priceless emotional space and may it bring only happy minutes. Enjoy reading!
  40. The stories in this book are amazing... But I wish you that your own story, in brightness and beauty, surpasses anything ever written in books.
  41. I give you this book so that you always have something to replace communication with an empty person.
  42. You may not find anything new in this book, but know that in the book of my life, all the best chapters are about you.
  43. Thanks for the unforgettable experience, wise thoughts, grandiose plans, dreams of long journeys, for ingenious reasoning, magical moments and funny incidents. I wish that all of the above never leaves your life.
  44. I give this book to the rarest person, meeting with whom I consider the most generous gift of fate.
  45. Reading is not harmful, it is harmful not to read (Russian proverb)
  46. If this book does not teach you anything new, then it will help you better see what is already inside you ... I wish you to be pleased with what you see.
  47. You will lead with a book - you will gain your mind (Russian proverb).
  48. This is not just a book, but a magical tool for planting wisdom. Use for health.
  49. I wish you not only to read this book, but also to chew it, and then digest it ... She deserves it.
  50. “... A house in which there are no books is like a body in which there is no soul” (quote from Mark Cicero). Start small and embrace this book, which will hopefully be the start of a large home collection.
  51. When you read an author who writes well, you will get used to speaking well...
  52. This book is ready to open to you new era your life.
  53. Knowledge is formed from grains of what has been read, just as molecules are made of atoms, and a ruble is made of kopecks.
  54. The books you read adorn a person... I contribute and give you this injection so that your beauty becomes brighter and brighter.
  55. Scientific literature saves from ignorance, and elegant literature from rudeness and vulgarity (quoted by N. G. Chernyshevsky).
  56. This book will always give you good and unselfish advice.
  57. This collection of Asian cuisine recipes made me dream that you would turn them into reality and invite me to a tasting.
  58. This book, like any good literature, sharpens the mind, enlightens, strengthens the soul and dispels confusion in thoughts.
  59. In the book you will find what others have found with great difficulty in everyday experience. She will help you understand everything.
  60. This book will take you behind the scenes of the life that interests you.
  61. I give you this storehouse of wisdom. I wish to squeeze all the juice out of it, skim off all the cream and make a fat profit for my inner “I”.
  62. This gift is a token of my affection.
  63. This book is my compliment to your intelligence.
  64. One smart scientist said that only the Universe and human stupidity are endless ... and I would add an endless path of self-improvement to his list. This book will help you on the path of inner transformation and make you even closer to the ideal.
  65. They say the book chosen by man the right way understand his mind and character. Both are beautiful in you and the other ... Therefore, I am contributing to your collection and will leave a memory of myself in the form of this unusually interesting tome. I want you to become good friends with him.
  66. Not every experience must be acquired at the cost of one's mistakes. Life is learned from books and objects of art perhaps more than from life itself... Use this chance, accept this book. She will explain a lot to you.
  67. This book deserves to be a life companion of the heart.
  68. When you read this book for the first time, you will realize that you have found a new friend. And when you read it again, you will see that you met with an old friend. May your every meeting be joyful and bring you new impressions.
  69. I give you not just a book, but - an amusing trip... And most importantly, you can go to it without getting up from the couch ... and return to your favorite places again and again, at any time you wish.
  70. With the help of this book, you will be able to talk with the best person of the past time, and at the same time he will tell you only his best thoughts.
  71. This book is a real lifesaver. She will console you at all times if necessary, save you from boredom, save you from unpleasant communication, help you forget unpleasant people and laugh at them. But, most importantly, it will slightly open the door to a wonderful world.
  72. The merit of this book lies in the subtlety of observations of the nature of man and things. No matter how many times you read it, you will always discover something new.
  73. This book has perpetuated a lot of wisdom. I want her to share this valuable treasure with you, because it is important for me to know what you think about everything that is written in it.
  74. People who read books will always control those who watch TV... And so I wish you to belong to those who read.
  75. This book is your guide. He is beautiful:
  • always silent;
  • always ready to answer questions on his topic;
  • “Silences” as soon as you stop needing it;
  • lies quietly on the sidelines, not demanding attention and waiting to be remembered.

He is without lectures, without complaints, with him you will not feel guilty if you forget about him, and most importantly, you will not get into trouble with him, but he will definitely bring benefits. I give it to you with the warmest wishes of happiness, love and success.

  • When signing a book, in addition to wishes, you can enter words of parting words, congratulations on the holiday (if the gift is dedicated to any holiday), words of gratitude, something that will be interesting to read after many years.
  • You can use the texts from the collection not only to sign the book, but also as oral accompaniment when presenting a gift.
  • At the end of each inscription it is customary to put the date and signature. It is allowed to reduce the date, leaving only the month and year of the gift, or only the year. However, if the gift was made on a birthday, then the date is not reduced, they are written in full (day, month, year of delivery).
  • When signing a book with your hand, try to make the text legible (better - block letters) ... It would be a shame if the memorable text turns out to be unreadable for the one to whom it is addressed.
  • When creating your own text, use it, it will help you choose the right characteristic for your book.
  • If you did not find what you need on this page, use the collection.
  • If you sign a gift for a leader (boss), you must observe subordination, avoid familiarity. Refer to "You" and do not use the word "beloved", replacing it with "respected". Don't be overly flattering.
  • Before writing a message on a book, check again and make sure that the text is not ambiguous for a particular person.

Three cheerful squiggles can persuade even the most emotionally restrained person to leave a mini-postcard with the caption: “For the best!” as a keepsake. And, if the date and signature of the person who gave the gift are added on this non-binding piece, then the “relic” will most likely be left for future descendants. And then the question arises - how to sign a gift in an original way, so that the younger generation would be interested in re-reading grandparents' gift cards?

Signatures on gifts

Like the gift itself, its signature must be appropriate and ... with a certain meaning. Let's deal with the place and submission of the missing "zest" - signature.

It's simple if the gift is hidden in paper bag. They often have such a treasured little postcard on their pens. That's where it's worth writing a few wonderful words to the birthday man or just good man receiving the gift. If flowers are to be given, then a mini-congratulation is hidden directly in the bouquet itself. And how to sign a gift if it is wrapped in beautiful paper? Here you can experiment. One of the non-trivial options is to tie a gift to a luxurious bow-keeper of the mystery of a gift. balloon. The congratulation-wish itself can be written directly on it. For example, like this: “Fair wind in all endeavors!”. If the proposal with the balloon seems too frivolous, it will show itself in another idea. Try the variant with attached tissue paper, on which you will need to embroider the date and a small wish text, for example, this: "Everything for you." The most important thing to consider when signing a gift is age, social status and the level of relationship between you and the person to whom the surprise is addressed.

book as a gift

And if a tome is prepared as a gift? How to sign a book as a gift? Most often, when choosing a book, people are guided by the preferences of the one to whom it will be addressed. For example, a recipe book can be signed like this: "For the best cook, an unusual assistant as a gift." A book with a fantasy story can be embellished with the words: "For you - a person with an indefatigable imagination." For an adventure novel, such a caption would be good: “Forward, virtual adventures are waiting for you!”. A collection of jokes is quite appropriate to sign in this way: "A book to cheer up." When signing a book, do not forget to mention the date of the event and the name of the donor. A signed book will definitely take pride of place on the shelf.

The signature on a book, a gift always emphasizes that the person who presented the gift is attentive and caring. And the gift itself is chosen with soul. Remember this!

For a long time, the book has been the most the best gift. It remains so to this day. And even in the century electronic technology when people read books on their phone, tablet, and even on special e-books, paper books are still being printed and bought. If you decide to donate paper book as a gift, then you need to sign it beautifully and correctly. But how to sign a book as a gift to a child or a friend, on February 23 or March 8? Let's talk about everything in order.

And so, in most cases, the book is signed on the flyleaf. But the signature itself is put in several versions. First, the signature can be made direct. And secondly, the signature can be put at an angle. And it will look beautiful anyway. The main thing is that there should be a beautiful underline, and everything should be clear.
However, we recommend that you sign at an angle. After all, to read it, you need to turn the book. And they will only do this if they really want to read what you wrote.

When you have decided at what angle to sign and what to write, you need to compose the text.
First, at the beginning of the signature is the name of the person to whom you are signing the book. Next, put the name of who the book is from.
Now you can write on what occasion you signed and gave the book as a gift. If this is some significant date then be sure to include it. And do not forget to put the real date when you give the book. So the one to whom you give the book will be able to remember at any time who, when and why gave it to him.
To prevent your signature from disappearing over the years and being erased, use pens, not pencils. And you do not need to write everything with multi-colored pens. Use standard colors: blue or black.

We looked at how to sign a book correctly if you bought it or wrote it yourself and give it to people you don't know very well. Now let's look at how to sign a book for a person who is close to you.
Everything is a little different here.
Firstly, at the very beginning of the signature there should be a small congratulatory text. If the book is a birthday present, then the text is something like this:

“Dear Ivan Evgenievich!
Congratulations on your birthday! I give you this book for a reason. After all, it contains the history of your native land, the story of your childhood. Reading the book, you will be able to “plunge” into your childhood again, and remember how as a boy you ran through the meadows, fields and forests of Altai. Read a book and don't forget the wonderful place where you grew up. Don't forget your homeland!
Sincerely, Egor Alexandrovich!

Or you can sign it like this:

This book is about two wonderful people. The book tells about friends who were inseparable and always helped each other in any, even the most difficult moments. Read this book, because it is about us, about you and about me.
You and I have been friends since childhood, and I really value our friendship!
Happy birthday to you, my friend Alexander!
Your friend is Petka!

That's about how you can sign a book.
there is nothing complicated here. Just think about how you relate to the person to whom you give the book. What relationship do you have with him? Also choose the right book. After all, if a person is fond of airplanes, then giving him a book about breeding chickens is ridiculous!
So go to the store. Choose the right book and sign it correctly.

Probably, each of us received as a gift some thing or a book with a dedicatory inscription. I received it and rejoiced: there will be a gift for a long memory!

The dedicatory inscription is powerful energy force. And it can be both with a plus sign and with a minus sign.

We somehow forgot that all modern alphabets were formed from ancient signs, be it runes or hieroglyphs, full sacred meaning. Even modern esotericists believe that an inscription, especially made by hand, attracts various energies, invisible, but real in their action.

And if, for example, a simple village boy gives the same simple girl a ring with the inscription: “Wear, Masha, to your health,” then he performs a mystical act. If the gift is made with love, from the bottom of the heart, then the inscription will attract good spatial energies to the owner of the ring. And they will have a beneficial effect on the health of Masha or some other girl who received a similar gift.

But if the boyfriend is angry at the object of his adoration for not finding the desired reciprocity, then the ring can significantly complicate the girl's life. And she needs to clearly imagine how sincerely Vanya treats Masha, otherwise the letters will become shifters. It's like inverted runes that give negative energy instead of a positive charge.

So it is worth firmly remembering that all letters, and, therefore, all wishes are sacred. And any gift inscription binds a person to the donor.

What exactly is good

This is when you are given a thing from the management, such as in the cult Soviet film " White sun desert." Remember: "Red Army soldier Sukhov for good service"? Award weapons, watches, vases, bracelets, and everything that is given to you by your satisfied bosses is a plus. And if here we can talk about some kind of binding, then, rather, about binding to a future career. If you left the service where you received such personalized gift, then he still attracts to you positive energies giving a charge of vivacity, health and good mood.

This equally applies to all commendable letters, honorary diplomas, addresses, and everything that, one way or another, is connected with your glorification. Therefore, take care and keep the signs of high attention.

What is doubtful

Any item that has a gift inscription from a person or group of people whose sincerity you doubt. Even if a person did not try to make an inscription specifically to harm you, he could simply think badly of you. And this instantly took its form in the form of letters that appeared on his gift. Even if the words are very good, and the wishes are wonderful! All the same, all these letters were saturated with the energy of hostility.

It is highly discouraged to buy antiques with dedicatory inscriptions that are not addressed to you at all. Yes, of course, it is tempting and romantic to buy for yourself or, even better, to receive as a gift from someone an old watch with a dedicatory inscription to a well-born aristocrat. But these are her energies. They may not love you either! And then the daily, slow work of destroying your body will begin.

Do not take home old secondhand books, where someone also wishes someone joy and happiness. Doesn't want you!

Attention: books

And here we come to the question of books. It is about books with dedicatory inscriptions. How often we gave in childhood a book of some classic, ruining the first page with our wishes! Have we written this book?

I must say that in esotericism books are given special importance. Even one of the Teachers of the East said that reading is not so much an earthly act as a supermundane action. And I can confirm from own experience that the letters in the texts of books sometimes glow. Suddenly, one amazing light flashes, a second, a third ...

So do not write your own on someone else's book! If you want to wish something related specifically to this book, then it is better to put a postcard inside the gift. And explain in it better feelings to the one who receives this book.

And it is absolutely undesirable to receive as a gift a book imposed on you, which you have never heard of, but which you were literally given somewhere at a literary evening with a dedication not from the author! The giver (most likely unwittingly!) binds you energetically to himself. But this is completely useless to you.

On the other hand, if the author himself gives the book with his own inscription, and you also like the author, then this wonderful gift! Better than yourself expensive ring. Be sure to put this book in a place of honor next to you, do not shove it far away, do not wrinkle. After all, she is your energy donor!

Where to put inappropriate

And if your book was presented by a person whose work, as well as himself, you do not like? Or have you received as a gift any other item with a dedicatory inscription from someone who is unlikely to sincerely wish you well? No need to break it, burn it, chop it with an ax! And in general, less emotions. Every extra emotion about this will take away some of your good energy from you.

It is best to take this book and leave it somewhere in a deserted place. Most likely, the janitor will remove it, or someone will take it for waste paper. This is not an old dedicatory inscription addressed to a countess or princess, so it has not yet "stuck" to its owner. So you will not cause energy damage.

Another thing, a jewel with a dedicatory inscription from unpleasant face. It's a pity to quit! Although it's still better to quit, throw somewhere far away. But if it's so pathetic, then at least sell it for a buyout, or something! Most importantly, do not store at home.

In any case, let's remember that inscript is power! And that means that accepting a gift with a dedicatory inscription, and even more so making it, is a karmic responsibility. Responsibility to yourself.