Summary of a modeling lesson on the theme of autumn in the senior group. Summary of GCD: Modeling Topic: “Rowan autumn leaf

Elena Martynyuk


“Modeling an autumn tree from plasticine” (5-6 years)

Lesson objectives:

1. Teach children how to make balls, rollers, and cakes;

2. To develop the ability to compose a composition based on observations;

3. Develop attention and observation;

4. Cultivate interest in surrounding objects, in changes in the surrounding nature with the change of season.

5. Develop fine motor skills and coordination.

Equipment and material.

1. Plasticine.

2. Plastic knives (stacks)

3. Cardboard.

5. Oilcloth.

Preparing for the lesson. The teacher in advance for each workplace puts oilcloth, plasticine, stacks, a sheet of cardboard.

Lesson plan:

1. Observations on the first autumn changes.

2. Repetition of the rules for working with plasticine.

3. Study of the technological map.

4. Independent work.

1. Observations on the first autumn changes

[Teacher - Guys, let's go to the window and look at the trees. Look how beautiful the trees are. Why do you think trees are so beautiful?

Children - Their leaves are multi-colored: red, yellow, orange and very few green.

Educator - Why do you guys think?

Children - Fall has come.

Educator- What seasons do you know?

Children - Autumn winter spring Summer?

Educator - How does a tree change depending on the time of year?

Children - In winter there is no foliage, in spring green leaves appear on the tree, in summer the tree is green, in autumn the leaves change color and the tree begins to prepare for winter - shedding its leaves.

2. Repetition of the rules for working with plasticine.

1. Carry out modeling on a backing board, do not put plasticine on the table or desk.

2. Before work, warm up the plasticine well in your hands.

3. Do not throw leftover plasticine on the floor.

4. Store plasticine in a box separately from notebooks and books.

5. After work, dry your hands with a cloth and wash them warm water with soap.

3. Study of the technological map.

3. Physical education. just a minute.

Exercises for arm muscles.

1) "My family"

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

That's my whole family!

(Alternate bending of fingers, starting with the thumb.)

2) "Cabbage"

We chop and chop the cabbage,

We salt and salt the cabbage,

We are three or three cabbage,

We squeeze and squeeze cabbage.

(Move your palms up and down, alternately stroking your fingertips, rub your fist against your fist. Clench and unclench your fists.)

3)"Friendly family"

We intertwined our fingers

And they stretched out their arms.

Well, now we are from the Earth

We push the clouds away."

(The exercise is performed while standing. Children interlace their fingers, stretch their arms with their palms forward, and then raise them up and stretch as high as possible.)

Exercise for the spine

Children stand near the tables. First they perform a tilt in right side and at the same time wink with their right eye, then they tilt in left side and wink with their left eye.

[i]Eye exercises

1. Sitting at the table, relax and slowly move your eyes from left to right. Then from right to left. Repeat 3 times in each direction.

2. Slowly move your gaze up and down, then vice versa. Promotes the expansion of visual and motor activity.

4. Independent work.

5. Exhibition and analysis of student work.

And this is what we got.

Tatiana Karelina

Sculpting lesson notes: « Autumn tree » Preparatory group

Karelina T. N. teacher of MKOU "Secondary school No. 1, Pudozh" RK

Target: improve technique modeling from plasticine, develop fine motor skills, a sense of color, proportions and shapes, learn to create an image tree, leaves, grass from plasticine, using different method sculpting(twisting, flagella, plastering); contribute to the enrichment and activation of children’s vocabulary and ability to work in pairs; bring up careful attitude and love for nature.

Equipment: plasticine, cardboard, boards for sculpting, stacks, example of a pedagogical product. Illustration autumn landscape , poem by I. Bunin "Leaf Fall", musical accompaniment» P. Tchaikovsky. « Autumn Song»

Preliminary Preparation: observing changes occurring in nature, looking at illustrations, memorizing a poem by A. S. Pushkin "It's a sad time!"

Progress of the lesson:

1. Creating motivation.

Illustrations with autumn landscapes.

Reading a poem:

"Falling Leaves" I. Bunin

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

Birch trees with yellow carving

Glisten in the blue azure,

Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there through the foliage

Clearances in the sky, like a window.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

Over the summer it dried out from the sun,

AND Autumn is a quiet widow

Enters his motley mansion...

Remind your children about the main signs autumn, say that trees differ not only in the color of the leaves, but also have different shapes crowns, and in autumn how beautiful they become.

Consideration autumn illustrations paying attention to colors autumn. Remember the structure tree(trunk, crown, thin branches, leaves).

Physical education minute:

The wind is blowing in our faces.

Loaded tree.

The wind is getting quieter and quieter.

The tree is getting higher, higher.

2. Demonstration of techniques sculpting and reviewing a sample of the work to be done.

During the explanation, the teacher shows techniques for making leaves from twisted flagella.

3. Practical work.

Doing work in pairs. In case of difficulty, help from a teacher.

4. Summary classes.

Consideration finished works And discussion:

Reading a poem by A. S. Pushkin

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold...

Exhibition decoration!

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues! I would like to offer you the “Easter tree” work Program content: Continue introducing children to the test.

Summary of a finger painting lesson in the first junior group “Autumn Tree” Finger painting lesson notes in I younger group“Autumn Tree” Purpose: - to teach children to draw using the “Finger Drawing” technique.

I APPROVED manager MDOU for children kindergarten No. 89 “Firefly” ___Makeeva M. S. Lesson notes on application, first junior.

Progress of the lesson: - Children, today we will say hello to the beauty in the fall. Listen carefully to the poem I am about to read to you.

Summary of a lesson on visual arts in the junior group “Autumn Tree”. Goal: To create conditions for children for the fullest and freest development of their creative abilities using non-traditional means.

Summary of the lesson on modeling “Autumn Tree” in the first junior group GCD theme: “Autumn Tree” Purpose: to teach children to empathize with game characters, pinch off small ones from a large piece of plasticine, and roll them up.

MBDOU Alekseevsky kindergarten No. 6 “Bee”
Alekseevsky municipal district RT
Abstract open class in the direction of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” - modeling in the second group early age“Kapitoshki” on the theme “Kolobok - ruddy side”
Author of the abstract: Valeeva F.R.
village Alekseevskoe, 2016
Abstract of GCD in the direction of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” - modeling in the second group of early age “Kapitoshki” on the topic
“Kolobok - ruddy side”
Educator: Valeeva F.R.
Goal: development of creative abilities through oral folk art.
- continue to teach children the skills of working with plastic materials: rolling a ball out of salt dough.
- develop fine motor skills of the hands;
- develop speech;
- develop creative imagination.
- cultivate responsiveness and a desire to help the fairy-tale hero;
- to cultivate children's interest in modeling.
Materials and equipment: fairy tale character“grandmother”, ball, multi-colored balls, dough, napkins, modeling board, plate. Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Looking at illustrations for a fairy tale. Theatrical games based on fairy tales. Learning the song "Kolobok".
NRK: Isanmesez, әbi, kumәch, sau bulygyz.
Content organized activities children
Organizing time.
Educator: Guys, guests came to us today. Say hello to them.
Children: Hello! Isanmesez!
(The scenery is arranged throughout the group: house, trees, bushes)
Educator: Guys, look what beautiful house. Let's knock and find out who lives there.
(Children together with the teacher come up to the house and knock)
(The voice of a crying grandmother is heard)
- Guys, who is this crying? (Children's answers). Let's see who it is? Guys, grandma lives here. (Greetings from grandmother and children). She's crying. Grandma, what happened? Why are you crying?
Grandmother: I baked Kolobok, put it on the window to cool, and he ran into the forest, I can’t find him. Maybe you can help me find the bun?
Educator: Guys, can we help you find Kolobok? (Children's answers). Grandma, for now, sit down here on the chair, and we’ll go and look for the bun. Fine?
Grandma: Oh, thank you. Guys, my bun was round and smooth. Do not forget.
Educator: Okay, grandma, let's not forget. Guys, let's all follow me into the forest.
Main part.


(Stop near a bush)
Educator: Now we have reached the forest. Guys, grandma said that her bun was round. Let's take a look under this bush. (We find the ball). What is this? Guys, does this ball look like a kolobok? (Children's answers). That's right, the ball is round, can roll, and looks like a bun. Let's show grandma.
Educator: Well, grandma, did we find your Kolobok? Round and rolling.
Grandmother: No, children, the bun was yellow, but your ball was not yellow color. I need a yellow bun.
Educator: Well, guys, we didn’t find the bun. Let's go look some more.
(The children follow the teacher into the forest)
The sun has come out and is shining high
It’s easy for us to walk along the path with the sun.
(Stop near another bush)
Let's take a look under this bush.
Physical education minute
(Balls are scattered on the floor different colors, you need to collect them by color in baskets). Guys, are there any yellow balls here? (Children's answers) Let's collect them in a basket and show them to grandma.
Children take turns putting one yellow ball into the basket.
Educator: Well done! Let's ask grandma if she likes these koloboks. Grandma, we found koloboks. Look?
Grandma: Well done, guys. Thank you very much. Oh, oh... guys. My Kolobok was warm. And this one is cold. I kneaded the dough, then rolled it and rolled it in my hands, and so it turned out to be Kolobok. Do you know how to roll balls? (We can.)
Educator: Guys, let’s better make some koloboks for our grandmother. Everyone come to the table.
III. Modeling.
The children come to the table.
Educator: Guys, tell me, what is this? (Children's answers). That's right guys, this is dough. Look at me. First, let's knead our dough so that it becomes soft. Now we take the dough, and with the other palm in a circular motion Let's roll a ball, just like that, look. Now I will pinch off a piece of dough for each of you, and we will roll the ball. Now make koloboks for grandma.
The children begin to sculpt. During the modeling process, the teacher helps children who have difficulty completing the task.
IV. Reflection.
The molded koloboks are laid out on a plate standing in front of Grandmother.
Educator: Well done, guys! Grandma, look. Do you like our koloboks?
Grandma: Yes, I like it very much. Now, guys, I’ll go home and put your koloboks in the oven. So that they are rosy and tasty. And I invite you to my place for tea. Will you come visit me? (Children's answers) For Good work I leave you a gift.
Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to grandma.
Children: Goodbye, grandma!
Guys, who came to visit us today?
Why was she crying?
What did we sculpt?
Guys, you did great today. Let's see what grandma gave us? (They open the box, and there are gifts there). Now let’s go to the other kids and treat them to some goodies too. And we will say “Goodbye” to our guests.

Theme: "Autumn"
Summary of GCD for modeling in the middle group

"Mushrooms for Squirrel"

Integration educational areas: Artistic creativity, Communication, Cognition, Reading fiction.
Tasks: teach children to sculpt mushrooms from two parts (cap, stem), clarify children’s understanding of the structure of a mushroom to more accurately convey the proportions of the parts. Cultivate an interest in learning about nature and reflecting impressions in different types visual activities.
Program content: develop Creative skills; call emotional response in children - a desire to help the squirrel; teach children to sculpt familiar objects using previously learned techniques: develop the ability to roll out a ball, flatten it, the ability to pinch with light pulling all the edges of a flattened ball, smooth the surface of a sculpted object with your fingers; rolling out the cylinder-leg; connection of parts.

Vocabulary work:

Active Dictionary- September October November.
Passive dictionary- leaf fall, Golden autumn, crust of ice, cloudy.
Material: plasticine, stacks, modeling board, napkins, fake mushrooms, squirrel toy, wicker basket.
Preliminary work: conversation about the forest and its inhabitants, looking at illustrations depicting mushrooms; drawing mushrooms, looking at models of mushrooms, talking about beneficial and poisonous mushrooms, observing while walking.

Reading the poem by G. Lagzdyn “The Mushroom Picker’s Story”

Under the aspens, under the oaks,
Nowadays mushrooms are hiding,
Under birches and fir trees
Under the leaves and needles,
White-legged and handsome,
They look so much alike
As if in a hurry, in a terrible hurry
The russulas fled.
And in the sedge there are barnacles
Boletus mushrooms are thrilled
They drink aspen juices,
They stretch upward and lose weight
And solyushki, and solyushki,
Cheerful girlfriends
Round dances lead together,
Although they are standing, they are apparently walking!
Who's there with the red head?
Did you say hello to me?
Boletus. I see.
Get into the cart. I won't offend you!
On a stump, on a stump!
In the heat and in the shade!
Hat pressed against hat,
Honey mushrooms are growing together.
Sisters dance around
Yellow-red chanterelles
The sun is shining in the clearing!
If a mushroom picker doesn't pass by, he'll notice!!
Breast your thick visor
Pulls along and across!!
Among the twigs and cones
The juicy saffron milk cap is hiding!
In a concave hat, like in a cup,
Two insects are swimming.
Thick-legged boletus
I'm used to joyful screams,
like a gnome under a white spruce,
even in the shade, but tanned!!
He pulled his hat down
Mushroom picker tortured...

I. Progress of direct educational activities:

Educator:- Guys, I want to tell you a riddle, and you try to guess:
-Small, remote,
Passed through the earth
I found Little Red Riding Hood!!
(children's answers)
The teacher invites the children to remember their trips to the forest with their parents, and what they saw in the forest.
Educator:-What kind of mushrooms are these? (Boletus, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, boletus, fly agaric, etc.)
-Guys, look, I also have a mushroom (takes out a mushroom made of plasticine). Let's look at it. What parts does a mushroom consist of (cap and stem);
-Right. What shape does the hat resemble? (damn, plate);
-Right, (asks 3-4 children to name the form to be secured);
- Guys, what shape does the leg look like? (roller, cylinder);
-Right, (survey of 3-4 children to consolidate the form).


Educator:- Guys, someone is knocking on our door. Look, Squirrel came to visit us! Let's say hello to her. - Hello, Squirrel!
(The teacher looks at the squirrel toy together with the children).
Educator:-Quiet, guys! The squirrel wants to tell us something (brings the squirrel to his ear)
-Guys, Squirrel asks us to help her. In the forest she had baby squirrels left in a hollow. She prepared nuts and apples for the squirrels for the winter, but did not have time to collect mushrooms. Let's help her (children's answers);
-Don’t be upset, Squirrel. Look how many guys we have in the group. They are all kind and love animals very much. We will help you, and your squirrels will not cold winter starve. We will make a lot of mushrooms for you.
-Before we start work, we’ll do finger exercises with you:
-One two three four five!!! (count fingers, bending),
-We will collect leaves, (bend, extend fingers),
-Birch leaves, rowan leaves, (bend our fingers)
- Poplar leaves, aspen leaves, (bend and straighten fingers)
-We will collect oak leaves, (bend, extend fingers),
-To Mom autumn bouquet let's collect!! (we spread our arms to the sides).

II. The teacher shows the sequence of work.

1. Leg: take a piece of white (yellow, gray) plasticine and make a mushroom stem - roll out a roller (cylinder);
2. Hat: take red (orange, brown) plasticine and make a hat - roll out the ball, flatten it and bend it to make a bowl; if we are making a small mushroom, you can leave the cap in the form of a ball; if it is a large mushroom, then we bend the cap with the edges inward (outward), or make it flat, like a plate. Be sure to make a recess in the middle of the cap for the stem.
3. Connecting: two parts, a cap and a stem - the mushroom is ready!!!
The teacher invites the children to choose plasticine (color) for their work.
Independent activity of children (help from a teacher if necessary). While the children are working, the music of Vivaldi’s “Autumn” is played.

III. At the end of the work, Squirrel thanks the children for their help.

She is very glad that she met such kind and sensitive children. Now her baby squirrels will feast on mushrooms all winter and remember the boys. Children put mushrooms in Squirrel's basket. She thanks them again and says goodbye to the children.
Cleaning the workplace for children (wiping boards and desks from plasticine, washing hands, etc.).
Used Books:
1. Komarova T.S. - Visual activities V kindergarten. Middle group. For classes with children 5-6 years old. /M: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008. – 128 p.
2. Lykova I.A. - Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, guidelines. Middle group. / M.: “Karapuz”, 2009. - 144 p.

Program content:

1. Strengthen the idea of seasonal changes nature.

2. Strengthen children’s ability to use familiar modeling techniques in their work:

The ability to pinch off small pieces from a large piece of plasticine;

Roll out small balls with your fingers or between your palms;

Press down on the plasticine balls with your fingers;

Smear plasticine balls onto the cardboard.

3. Develop independence and creativity. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Preliminary work: reading and memorizing poems about autumn, guessing riddles. looking at paintings and illustrations on the theme “Autumn”, looking at autumn leaves while walking.

Demonstration equipment: picture of autumn forest I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, a sample of work, a sheet of Whatman paper (a clearing is drawn), on which the children will place their works.

Handout: colored cardboard, cardboard silhouettes of trees (basis for plasticine), plasticine, boards, napkins.

The role of Lesovich is played by the teacher.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

Educator. Guys, let's play with you.

(The poem is accompanied by movements.)


We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew.

(Hands to the side)

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

(Sit down.)

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

(Smoothly swing your arms above your head.)

Spun and flew

And they sat down on the ground again.

(Sit down.)

There's a knock on the door.

Educator. Guys, someone came to us. (Opens the door, Lesovichok comes into the group.) Lesovichok came to visit us today.

(Lesovichok comes in and greets the children.)

Main part.

Lesovichok. I came to you from a fairy forest. (Lesovichok with the children approaches the painting “Golden Autumn” depicting an autumn forest by I.I. Levitan.)

Lesovichok. Look how beautiful my forest has become.

What happened to the forest? (Children's answers.)

Why did the leaves turn different colors? (Children's answers.)

I'll tell you a riddle now. Listen carefully and try to guess it.

Came without paints and without a brush,

Did you repaint all the leaves? (Autumn.)

What a great fellow you are! You guessed my riddle. That's right, it's Autumn. Autumn is a magician, she paints all the leaves in bright, beautiful colors.

And what colors does the Sorceress – Autumn – repaint the leaves in? (Children's answers.)

Let us, like Autumn, turn into artists and paint

our trees.

(The forester, together with the teacher, distributes tree blanks to the children.

Children sit down to do work.)

Lesovichok. Guys, first let's remember how to work with plasticine correctly.

We place the plasticine only on the board.

You need to work with plasticine carefully so as not to get dirty.

After sculpting, wipe your hands with a napkin.

Lesovichok. Guys, now I’ll show you how we will decorate our trees with colorful leaves. Pinch off a small piece from a large piece of plasticine, roll out small balls with your fingers or between your palms. We apply the balls to the tree branches and press the plasticine balls with our fingers from above, slightly flattening them. We pull out the leaves with our fingers, sharpening the tips, and glue them to the background. (Children do work using the plasticine technique.)

Lesovichok monitors the progress of the work, helps in case of difficulty, and praises the children.

Lesovichok. Well done guys, how did you turn out? beautiful work. Let's gather all our trees in the clearing.

Children, together with the teacher and Lesovich, paste the work onto whatman paper.

Look what a beautiful, colorful forest we have created. Everyone looks at the work together.

Now let's play in our clearing.

Physical education lesson: “Leaf fall”

The clouds are spinning in the sky,

(Children sway smoothly from foot to foot, arms up.)

Every step is a puddle.

(Walk in place.)

The autumn day is gloomy,

Leaf fall on the street.

(Hands on the belt - turns left to right)

creeps along the road

Yellow blizzard.

(Swaying smoothly, lowering their hands down, they sit down.)

And now it’s time for me to return to my forest kingdom. Goodbye, see you again in the forest. (Lesovichok says goodbye and leaves.)

Final part.

Educator. So Lesovichok went to his fairy forest, but we will wait for him in next year again.

Used Books:

Kovalko V.I. The ABC of physical education for preschoolers: Secondary, senior, preparatory group. – M.: VAKO, 2008. – 176 p. – (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate).