What genes are inherited from mother to child. Genes: meaning, influence, transmission to descendants, genetic diseases

Genetics is a science not only interesting, but also convenient. Researches of scientists have proved that a lot of things in us do not depend on us, but are inherited. Genes, there's nothing you can do.

dominant and recessive

It's no secret that our appearance is made up of a number of traits that are determined by heredity. You can talk about the color of the skin, hair, eyes, height, physique, and so on.

Most genes have two or more variations, called alleles. They can be dominant and recessive.

Complete dominance of one allele is extremely rare, including due to the indirect influence of other genes. Also on appearance the baby is affected by multiple allelism observed in a number of genes.
Therefore, scientists talk only about a higher probability of occurrence in children external signs caused by the dominant alleles of the parents, but no more.

For example, dark color hair is dominant over light. If both parents are black or Brown hair, then the child will be dark-haired.

Exceptions are possible in rare cases if there were, for example, blonds in the family from both parents. If both parents are owners of blond hair, then the likelihood that the baby will be a brunette increases. Curly hair are more likely to be inherited because they are dominant. As for eye color, dark colors are also strong: black, brown, dark green.

Such features of appearance as dimples on the cheeks or chin dominate. In a union where at least one partner has dimples, they are likely to be passed on to the younger generation. Almost all prominent features of appearance are strong. It might be big a long nose or a hump on it, protruding ears, thick eyebrows, plump lips.

Will the girl be obedient?

Whether a daughter will become a neat girl who loves dolls, or will grow up like a boy, playing “Cossack robbers”, is largely determined by maternal instinct, which, as it turned out, depends on two genes.

Research conducted by the Human Genom Organization (HUGO) shocked the scientific community when they presented evidence that motherhood is transmitted exclusively through male line. That is why scientists argue that, according to the behavioral model, girls are more likely to be like paternal grandmothers than like birth mothers.

Inherited aggressiveness

Russian scientists in the Human Genome project were tasked with determining whether aggressiveness, irritability, activity and sociability are genetically inherited traits, or are formed in the process of upbringing. We studied the behavior of twin children aged 7 to 12 months and their genetic relationship with the type of behavior of their parents.

It turned out that the first three traits of temperament are hereditary in nature, but sociability is 90% formed in a social environment. For example, if one of the parents is prone to aggression, then with a probability of 94% this will happen again in the baby.

Alpine genes

Genetics can explain not only external signs, but even national characteristics different peoples. So, in the Sherpa genome there is an allele of the EPAS1 gene, which increases the presence of hemoglobin in the blood, which explains their adaptability to life in high mountain conditions. No other nation has this adaptation, but exactly the same allele was found in the genome of Denisovans - people who are neither Neanderthals nor Homo Sapiens. Probably, many millennia ago, Denisovans interbred with the common ancestors of the Chinese and Sherpas. Subsequently, the Chinese living on the plains lost this allele as unnecessary, while the Sherpas retained it.

Genes, sulfur and sweat

Genes are even responsible for how much a person sweats, and what kind of earwax he has. There are two versions of the ABCC11 gene that are common in the human population. Those of us who have at least one of two copies of the dominant version of the gene produce liquid earwax, while those of us who have two copies of the recessive version have solid earwax. Also, the ABCC11 gene is responsible for the production of proteins that remove sweat from the pores in the armpits. People with hard earwax don't sweat like that, so they don't have odor problems or need to wear deodorant all the time.

sleep gene

Dream ordinary person is 7-8 hours a day, however, if there is a mutation in the hDEC2 gene that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, the need for sleep can be reduced to 4 hours. Carriers of this mutation often achieve more in life and career due to extra time.

speech gene

The FOXP2 gene plays in humans important role in the formation of the speech apparatus. When this was found out, geneticists conducted an experiment to introduce the FOXP2 gene into chimpanzees, in the hope that the monkey would speak. But nothing of the kind happened - the zone responsible for the functions of speech in humans, in chimpanzees, regulates the vestibular apparatus. The ability to climb trees in the course of evolution for the monkey turned out to be much more important than the development of verbal communication skills.

happiness gene

For the past decade, genetics has been struggling with proof that for happy life appropriate genes are needed, or rather, the so-called 5-HTTLPR gene, which is responsible for the transport of serotonin (the “hormone of happiness”).

In the last century, this theory would have been considered crazy, but today, when the genes responsible for baldness, longevity or falling in love have already been discovered, nothing seems impossible anymore.

To prove their hypothesis, scientists at the London Medical School and School of Economics interviewed several thousand people. As a result, volunteers who had two copies of the happiness gene from both parents turned out to be optimistic and not prone to any kind of depression people. The results of the study were published by Jan-Emmanuel de Neve in the Journal of Human Genetics. At the same time, the scientist stressed that other “happy genes” could soon be found.

However, if for some reason you for a long time holding on Bad mood, you should not rely too much on your body and blame mother nature for "depriving you of happiness." Scientists argue that human happiness depends on many factors: “If you are unlucky, you lost your job or broke up with loved ones, then this will be a much stronger source of unhappiness, no matter how many genes you have,” said de Neve .

Genes and diseases

Genes also influence which diseases a person may be prone to. In total, about 3500 have been described to date, and for half of them a specific culprit gene has been established, its structure, types of disorders and mutations are known.


The longevity gene was discovered by scientists at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts back in 2001. The longevity gene is actually a sequence of 10 genes that may hold the secret to a long life.

During the implementation of the project, the genes of 137 100-year-old people, their brothers and sisters aged 91 to 109 were studied. All subjects found "chromosome 4", and scientists believe that it contains up to 10 genes that affect health and life expectancy.

These genes, scientists believe, allow their carriers to successfully fight cancer, heart disease and dementia, and some other diseases.

figure type

Genes are also responsible for the type of figure. Thus, a tendency to obesity often occurs in people who have a defect in the FTO gene. This gene disrupts the balance of the "hunger hormone" ghrelin, which leads to a violation of appetite and an innate desire to eat more than necessary. Understanding this process gives hope for the creation of a drug that reduces the concentration of ghrelin in the body.

eye color

It is traditionally believed that eye color is determined by heredity. Behind light eyes mutation in the OCA2 gene. For blue or green color the EYCL1 gene of chromosome 19 responds; for brown - EYCL2; for brown or blue - EYCL3 chromosome 15. In addition, the OCA2, SLC24A4, TYR genes are associated with eye color.

As early as the end of the 19th century, there was a hypothesis that human ancestors had exclusively dark eyes. Hans Eiberg, a contemporary Danish scientist at the University of Copenhagen, has carried out scientific studies confirming and developing this idea. According to research results, responsible for light shades eye gene OCA2, mutations of which disable the standard color, appeared only in the Mesolithic period (10000-6000 BC). Hans has been collecting evidence since 1996 and concluded that OCA2 regulates the production of melanin in the body, and any changes in the gene reduce this ability and disrupt its functioning, making the eyes blue.

The professor also claims that all the blue-eyed inhabitants of the Earth have common ancestors, tk. this gene is inherited. However different forms of the same gene, alleles, are always in a state competition, and the darker color always "wins", as a result of which parents with blue and brown eyes children will be brown-eyed, and only a blue-eyed couple can have a baby with eyes of cold shades.

Blood type

The blood type of the unborn baby is the most predictable of all hereditary traits. Everything is quite simple. Knowing the blood type of the parents, you can tell what it will be in the child. So, if both partners have 1 blood type, then their baby will have a similar one. With the interaction of 1 and 2, 2 and 2 blood groups, children can inherit one of these two options. Absolutely any blood type is possible in a child whose parents are 2 and 3 groups.

Will the daughter get her father's rare hair? To get answers to these questions, you can go to the soothsayer Baba Inga or look into coffee grounds. However, instead of engaging in shamanism, it is better to remember the school biology course.

While you exchanged notes with best friend or counting crows, looking out the window, the teacher patiently explained to you and your classmates what happens when the female and male reproductive cells unite. In the process of merging, light appears new life, which receives part of the paternal and maternal genes that carry a huge amount of information: they are responsible for appearance, health, mental capacity future child. Despite the fact that the baby receives all the signs from mom and dad, he is born a completely unique personality, whose exact portrait cannot be drawn by any scientist in the world: no one knows for sure how the genes will intertwine in a bizarre way. However, there are a number of features that can be predicted with a certain degree of probability: for example, what will be the color of the child's eyes, shade of hair, height, etc.

Exact copy?

Surely you have heard the popular belief more than once that girls are born like dads, and boys, on the contrary, become copies of their mothers. This theory is only partly true: it is believed that the genes responsible for the shape of the face, the shape of the cheekbones and eyebrows, smile, etc., for the most part, live on the X chromosome. At the same time, the boys receive it from their mother, and from their father they get the U sex chromosome, which is rather poor in external signs. Therefore, peanuts are really more often obtained by "mother's sons." As for girls, they inherit two X chromosomes from both parents at the same time. So it’s impossible to say who the little princess will look like: she has an equal chance of getting both mom’s and dad’s face.


In moments of the highest tenderness, the husband whispers with rapture in your ear: "Our daughter will have your blue eyes, like the spring sky." If at the same time your spouse has brown eyes, you will have to upset him: the probability of having a light-eyed baby is negligible. The fact is that genes are recessive or dominant. IN this case the dark color of the iris is strong, and blue, however, like gray and green, is weak, which surrenders under the powerful pressure of the first. Your chances of producing a blue-eyed girl are 25%, black-eyed beauty - 75%. But if your husband, like you, has a blue iris, you will never have a child with dark eyes. But two brown-eyed parents can expect a surprise: there is a 25% chance that the baby will hit mom and dad with an unexpected blue color eye.

Curly Sue

Light hair color, like Blue eyes, is considered a recessive trait. That is why some publications periodically publish articles on the topic that someday there will not be a single blond on planet Earth: they will be absorbed by stronger brunettes. However World Organization health care does not get tired of refuting this dubious information: recessive genes do not disappear without a trace, but are passed on from generation to generation in order to someday appear again. However, this does not mean that your wheat color hair will go to children, it is quite possible that it will appear in grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Here, as in the case of the eyes: a pair of "blonde plus brunette" has only one chance in four to give birth to goldilocks. The same applies to saffron milk caps: chestnut curls, alas, are recessive. But if you are a happy owner of a lush, curly mop of hair, with a high degree of probability you will get a baby whose head will be decorated with charming curls. Because curly curls- dominant, and direct - recessive.

Dimples and humps

On the first date with your faithful, you were smitten on the spot by his noble Roman profile - a hooked nose - and a sexy dimple on his chin. Keep in mind, your future son has every chance of becoming a sultry heartthrob: some scientists believe that the genes responsible for these traits are dominant. Unfortunately, these same experts believe that lop-earedness is very a strong sign inherited. So, if someone in your family boasts funny ears, the child will get them as a dowry.

Gulliver and Thumbelina

Some men are crazy about girls of model dimensions with a height of at least 175 cm, others prefer miniature Thumbelinas. Ladies, unfortunately, are more categorical: in modern society tall machos are valued (short Tom Cruise is an exception to the rule, after all, a too pretty face compensates for his short stature). Therefore, most likely, you dream of a giant son, whose charms no beauty can resist. Alas, predicting the growth of an unborn baby is a very difficult task. After all, it is influenced not only by the parameters of the parents, but also by lifestyle, nutrition, past illnesses. However, there is a great possibility that tall moms and dad's children will turn out to match them. However, parents with modest dimensions in the presence of tall grandparents can count on the fact that the child will outgrow them themselves.

By the way, if you have free time and you are ready to do simple calculations, you can try to calculate the growth of your future child using special formulas. A certain Czech researcher V. Karkus is sure that the height of a girl should be calculated according to the following scheme: multiply the parameters of the father by 0.923, add the height of the mother and divide by 2. For the dimensions of the boy, you will need a different formula: add the height of mom and dad, multiply by 1.08 , divide by 2. For example, if your partner is 185 cm and you are 170 cm, then, according to the Karkus formulas, your son will grow to approximately 192 cm, and your daughter will be your height.

mind for mind

You graduated from high school with a gold medal, college with honors, and your husband was saved from the army only by his family's personal acquaintance with the rector of the university. Fortunately, your children most likely will not follow the path of a slob father. According to the latest research, intellectual ability more transmitted from the mother than from the father. However, a brilliant man can also reward his offspring with a remarkable mind, but only if he gives birth to a girl and provides her with his X chromosome. Unfortunately, this does not apply to the game that the boy will receive.

Children to order

Who will be born to you, a boy or a girl, depends on which father's cell merged with mother's to give rise to a new life. One half of the paternal gametes contains the X chromosome, the other half contains the U. The fusion of the first with the mother's egg leads to the birth of a little princess, the second - a tomboy. However, this information became known to people relatively recently. Our ancestors were sure that other factors influence the sex of the child.

China: head north. The ancient Chinese believed that in order for an heir to be born, a woman during lovemaking should lie with her head to the north, to conceive a girl - to the south.

Germany: rain for girls. German great-great-grandmothers were sure that if you make love during the rain, then a girl will certainly be born, and dry weather contributes to the appearance of males.

Greece: love in the heat. The ancient Greek philosopher and physician Empedocles believed that hot weather much more likely to conceive a male baby, and in the cold season, respectively, female.

Tibet: even-odd. There was a belief in Tibet: if parents dream of an heir, they should conceive him on an even day. Those who dream of a girl should move their lovemaking to the odd one.

People of the future

Since people discovered the science called "genetics", they have been haunted by the thought of what the person of the future will look like. Researchers are divided into two camps: adherents of the first are sure that we will be reborn into gigantic beauties, representatives of the second are prophesying an ugly future for us.

Bold beauties. Medicine will be more and more improved, which means that human life expectancy will increase to 120 years. Wherein early aging will not: and at 80 we will look forty. Compared to past centuries, we have already grown significantly, this trend will continue, and the man of the future will eventually begin to look at the world from a height of two meters. Races will disappear: earthlings will all become swarthy and very beautiful. Facial features will be more symmetrical, bodies will be athletic, eyes will be large and clear.

Three-toed goblins. The habit of chewing lighter and lighter food will make a person's face childishly round, and his teeth rare and small. In the process of mutations (for several thousand years people have already lost three-quarters of their sense of smell), our nose will fall off, from which two small holes will remain. To make it easier to press the keys, the fingers will become long and thin. Over time, there will be three of them on each hand. The need to contain a huge amount of information will lead to the fact that the brain will grow to an incredible size, because of which the human head will become large and round. Under the influence of environmental factors, growth will decrease by almost half a meter, muscle mass will decrease, hair will disappear from our bodies, and the skin will coarsen. The abundance of dirt and dust in the air will make a person's eyes slanted and provide them with a protective dark film.

Stars about genes

Olga Budina:

There are children who become copies of their parents. I can’t say the same about my son: he doesn’t look like me like two drops of water. However, it is impossible not to notice some of my features, which were repeated in Naum with amazing accuracy.

Firstly, he has my facial expressions: he smiles, says, frowns, laughs exactly like a mother. Secondly, the son is amazingly musical. Thirdly, at the age of five he is already a perfectionist and very ambitious.


All musicians in my family. Grandparents, although they were not professional artists played the piano. My children inherited this trait: they have a penchant for music, but I do not see the desire for it in them. Although the eldest son studied piano and clarinet, the daughter plays the piano, the youngest went to music school. The teachers called him gifted and said that he was “their” child and needed to be developed.

What do children inherit from their parents?

    Yes, nothing but appearance, nationality and heritage.

    Sometimes there is an effect on temperament.

    And so each born person is a unique person.

    All people are different. Maybe someone inherited extrasensory abilities, talent in poetry, drawing ...

    Children inherit from parents

    1) lifestyle and habits,

    2) family life, ideas,

    3) genetics - there is nowhere to go,

    4) predisposition to problems and sores,

    5) and, if any, tangible property.

    Faith, character, disposition, skills, property, and even sins. For the latter, ask for forgiveness for the sins of your parents and you will save both yourself and your parents from them. After all, Paradise is at the feet of the mother.

    First of all, children inherit their genes from their parents.

    There is such a thing as heredity, the preservation, transmission, reproduction of information through DNA.

    When offspring are conceived, hereditary information is transmitted from parents to children. This is due to the fact that we are outwardly similar to our parents, one genotype, blood type, skin color, hair, eyes.

    By inheritance, we also get a predisposition to certain diseases. This can also be traced in every family, if you ask your parents what the grandfathers and great-grandfathers were sick with, then you can find out what kind of sores you should be afraid of (heart attack, stomach ulcer, allergy, cancer).

    We often inherit the character traits and habits of our parents. Sometimes, looking at some gesture or gait of her son, the mother says: The spitting image of the father!

    Interests, hobbies, abilities and talents are also inherited. Therefore, there are hereditary athletes, artists, doctors, psychics, healers, etc.

    Of course, if we are not satisfied with our appearance or character, then we can change something in ourselves! Do not be ignorant if the parents are not educated. Do not overeat and follow the figure if the family has a predisposition to be overweight. Religion the same person can change at a conscious age. But there is no escape from your genotype.

    material component. Children inherit both property and debts of their parents.

    Children copy the behavior of their parents. Imitation is the main property of a person in society. Without a model of behavior before your eyes, it is very difficult to form your own view on certain things, the features of our being in society. There should always be a role model. After some time, one person improves the copied behaviors, but the basis is still from childhood.

    Children inherit physical characteristics from their parents through genetic features.

    Children inherit the karma of the family. The severity of one's own existence will be very strongly connected with karmic debts for ancestral line. Although this will not be officially recognized, not everyone knows Einstein's theory of relativity, but it exists. So at least one and a half billion people in India and a billion Buddhists know about the existence of karma. And if someone knows nothing about karma, this does not mean that e does not exist. Rather, the lack of knowledge of karma exacerbates the situation. The process of knowing one's karmic knots already dates the beginning of liberation from not.

    Children from their parents inherit the Sun! Starting from external signs and common sores and ending with property rights. That is, the child will have the same hair and eye color as his ancestors. He will suffer the same diseases as mom and dad. And according to the legal line, the child will be the full heir of the second stage (after the spouses) on the property of the parents.

Often our children are like us as two drops of water. It is very funny to see in a child their gestures, habits, habits, external similarity and character traits. But, unfortunately, from parents to children can also be transmitted various problems with health. Therefore, if you know your weaknesses, it is easier for you to pay attention to the symptoms in a child and prevent diseases in the initial stage.

Allergy and asthma. These diseases are passed from mother to child. Although the scale of the problem can be completely different. For example, a woman with severe asthma may have a baby prone to food allergies. But, unfortunately, it also works in reverse side: the mother may have only a mild allergy to plant pollen or animal hair, and the child will be diagnosed with asthma.

Cardiovascular diseases. They are inherited not so often - in about 20% of cases. However, if the mother has had a heart attack or other heart problems, Special attention daughters also need to treat this organ with care.

Mental illness. predisposition to depressive states depends on the mother by 10-30%. This is due to the fact that there is a group of genes that is responsible for the production of the hormone of happiness in the body - serotonin. But schizophrenia, as experts say, is more often transmitted indirectly - from mother to son and from father to daughter.

Oncological diseases. Unfortunately, the likelihood of a child getting sick increases if the mother had cancer. This is due to the fact that cancer is associated with gene mutation. First of all, the children of those mothers who had cancer were diagnosed in early age.

Headaches and migraines. It turns out that there is a gene that provokes migraines. And if a mother suffers from headaches, with a probability of 70-80% this ailment will manifest itself in a child.

Early climax.It usually occurs after the age of 50, but there are cases when menopause comes immediately after 40. As many as 4 genes are responsible for this process, so if the mother had an early menopause, then in 70-80% the daughter expects the same. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to correct this process, since the number of eggs has been laid in us since birth.

Tendency to corpulence. Scientists say that heredity plays a big role in this case. If the parents are full, then the risk of getting better in the child increases by 70%. Moreover, this tendency is transmitted from father to son and from mother to daughter. But there is another opinion that in the family complete parents children are recruiting excess weight due to improper diet, as a result of which the metabolism of children is disturbed at an early age. In general, it is worth the whole family to switch to healthy food and it will be much easier to normalize weight.

Physical form. The ability to train the body and build muscle is also inherited. Most great athletes are born in sports families. Although it is also connected with lifestyle, nutrition, active leisure habits. Therefore, making your choice in favor of healthy lifestyle life, we provide an invaluable service not only to our children, but also to our grandchildren. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

In addition, we invite you to

All inheritance rights arise only after the death of the owner. The owner disposes of the property during his lifetime, and the receiver can only be potential. A person has the right to property regardless of where he lives. Only after his death does the question arise: “Who will inherit his property?”

Owner's rights

During the life of the owner of the property, his successor has no right to his wealth, and the owner can freely donate or sell his property.

If a situation arises in a family that an undesirable receiver for the owner can inherit by law or challenge the will, lawyers, as a rule, advise in another way to formalize the transfer of ownership to draw up a donation or sale agreement.

For example, a mother wants to leave the apartment of her daughter, who helps and looks after her, and does not want to transfer it to her son, who, due to a dissolute lifestyle, has become disabled. According to the law, even if there is a will, the obligatory part is received by a disabled child or a minor recognized as a dependent.

But if, during her lifetime, the mother gives her daughter her apartment or draws up a sale and purchase agreement, after her death, the remaining property will not have to be divided.

How to get property?

It is equally important to know the procedure for obtaining ownership. It can be inherited by will or by law. The will of the owner, expressed in a will, takes precedence, and inheritance by law occurs when there is no will. The owner can transfer his property to whomever he wishes, not necessarily relatives.

But there is a category of people who cannot be left without an inheritance, even in the absence of a will. This category includes minors or disabled persons who are recognized as dependents. By law, they must receive a part of the inheritance equal to at least half of the part that they could receive by law.

There are eight lines of succession by law.

  • The first is the spouse, children, parents;
  • The second is sisters and brothers, grandparents;
  • The third is aunts and uncles;
  • Fourth - great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers;
  • Fifth - cousin granddaughters, grandchildren, grandparents;
  • Sixth - great-great-grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles;
  • Seventh - stepdaughters, stepsons;
  • Eighth - disabled dependents.

Each subsequent queue enters the inheritance only if there is no representative of the previous queue. The circle of deputies that belong to the first stage is determined by Article 1142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it includes the spouse, children and parents of the deceased. By law, the first line of inheritance applies to children, including those adopted and born within three hundred days after the death of the owner. The origin of the offspring to be confirmed, according to the law, is specified in Article 47 of the RF IC.

Since the position of the child depends on the family in which he lived until the actual execution of the right to property. This is protected by law and the circle of persons-children who are receivers of the first stage is determined.

Features of receiving an inheritance by category

  • Children born in a marriage are entitled to property after each parent;
  • Children who were born to parents whose relationship is not registered have every reason to claim the mother's possessions, with the exception of foster children (their position is determined by Article 1147 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • A child born out of wedlock has the right to the property of his parents, if the rules specified in Chapter 10 of the RF IC establish the fact of paternity.

Children are the successors of their parents after their death. Determining the origin of a child from conditioned mothers and fathers is carried out in accordance with the rules of Art. 121-140 SC. For example, if the marriage between them was not registered, but they are listed as parents on the birth certificate, the child has the right to inherit the property after their death. In addition, offspring born in a marriage that has been declared invalid still have the right to receive the property of their parents after their death.

If the child is illegitimate and absent general statement parents about paternity, it is determined through the court. Then, according to his decision, if paternity is established, an entry is made in the registry office. Also, the offspring who were adopted are the heirs of the first priority (Article 1260 of the Civil Code). A child born before the publication of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 8, 1944, in an unregistered marriage from a person who was recorded by the father, is also a successor after his death.

Division of property between spouses

If the spouses were in a registered marriage, one of the spouses who survived the other becomes the receiver of the first priority. Marriage is confirmed by evidence. Marriage by religious rites, does not affect legal implications and does not create a prerequisite for receiving an inheritance.

In the event of a divorce before the disclosure of the inheritance, the right to it does not appear for the one who survived the other spouse. Marriage can be terminated by the registry office or the court, and it is considered as such after being recorded in the civil status act. If the divorce took place in judicial order and not yet registered in the registry office, the family is considered married, which means that the right to possession is preserved. The relationship between children and parents in the division of inheritance

Parents receive property after their dead children on the basis of legal connection with them, the proof of this is the entries in the books of civil acts. The exception is those who have been deprived of parental rights.

You can prove the family relationship of the receiver with the owner by a certificate from the registry office, an entry in the passport about the children, a copy of the court decision that has entered into force.

Acceptance and renunciation of inheritance

In accordance with Civil Code(Article 1175) the repayment of bank loans (and other debts) after the death of the borrower passes to the heir. True, the heir pays the debt within the limits of the received state. If the legacy totals more than the amount owed, the recipient receives the remainder. When there is more than one recipient, the debt is paid by all receivers in equal shares. You can renounce the debt, but then you must also renounce the inheritance.

The decision to refuse can be made within six months from the date of death of the owner of the property. After 6 months, the receiver will automatically inherit the property and receive a certificate, after which he will no longer be able to refuse either debts or inheritance. It is difficult to find out about debts before taking ownership. If there is such a suspicion, you can contact a notary who can make a request to the organization and find out if there is a debt. More often, a person receives possession six months later, and then the bank sends him a paper so that he repays the debt.

How to accept property?

If after the death of a relative you are entitled to a fortune, in order to fully own it, you need to accept it. The processes of accepting or refusing an inheritance are described in Article 1152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Main point- this is that the property must be accepted as a whole, it is impossible to refuse part of the heritage. Not only rights are inherited, but also duties (debts).

The terms of entry into the inheritance under the law and under the will are the same, six months from the date of death of the owner. During this time, you must contact a notary in the place of residence of the owner. After you write the appropriate application, the notary opens the case for taking possession.

The notary must provide the following documents:

  • A statement written in one's own hand;
  • Death certificate;
  • Extract from the house book of the deceased;
  • Documents that confirm that you are relatives;
  • Information about other heirs (if any);
  • Documents for inherited property;
  • title papers;
  • Documents from ZhEK, BTI.

Title papers are documents that confirm that the deceased was the owner of the property (contract of sale, rent, court decision). You need to take from the BTI a certificate of book value, a description and a plan of the property (apartment, house), and from the Housing Office you need an extract from the house book, a copy of your personal account. The collection of all documents is given six months from the date of death of the owner of the property.

An application can be made to:

It is advisable to apply the first method of filing documents for property. But there are cases when, due to certain circumstances, it is impossible to contact a notary in person. When contacting him through a proxy, there must be a notarized power of attorney to represent your interests. If the application and documents are sent by mail, all papers and the signature on the application must be certified by a notary.

The deadline for collecting documents for receiving an inheritance can only be extended if another recipient has refused or the inheritance has not been accepted.

In the first case, the period of entry into the inheritance is six months from the date of refusal, and in the second - three months from the date of expiration of the six-month period.